Saturday, 28 March 2020

The religious explanation for antisemitism is more satisfying than the non-religious one

6:00  Irrational
7:00  The more irrational your Jewish conspiracy theory, the more antisemitic you are.
8:00  Education
9:00  Melanie Phillips is probably atheist.
10:00  Reform Judaism

12:00  French Revolution, Cult of Reason, Cult of the Supreme Being
13:00  Jewish Emancipation

15:00  Register of Jews

16:00  The link between antisemitism and the failure of Jews to promote the Noahide laws
17:00  Noahide laws
18:00  Time to take democracy out with the trash and bury its stinking rotten corpse. 
20:00  Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.
21:00  Tikkun olam
22:00  A Noahide religion for gentiles being created by Chabad rabbis
23:00  Rejection of all the Abrahamic faiths by traumatised white non-Muslim Western gentiles who rush headlong into paganism and Hinduism
24:00  Chabad
25:00  Maimonides
26:00  Greater Israel
27:00  The quickest way of Jews to Noahidise the world
28:00  Noahide-observant religion for gentiles
30:00  Christ was punished because of his blasphemy.
31:00  The Trinity is idolatrous blasphemy.
32:00  God revealed the Torah first for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.
33:00  God > Koran > Maimonides
34:00  Rabbis should declare Islam more Noahide than idolatrous Christianity. 
35:00  Rabbi Sacks
36:00  The divine explanation for antisemitism

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Doctrinal disputes of the Abrahamic faiths in the context of Covid-19 with Kashif Shahzada

Domestic violence/accidents
Muslim retreats
Sin in the Islamic sense

'Muslim religious scholars taught that the plague was a “martyrdom and mercy” from God, assuring the believer's place in paradise. For non-believers, it was a punishment. Some Muslim doctors cautioned against trying to prevent or treat a disease sent by God. Others adopted many of the same preventive measures and treatments for the plague used by the Europeans.'

The difference between Emunah and Bitachon
When Job's wife said "Curse God and die," she was displaying emunah but not bitachon.
Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

The crucifixion verse

Why was the swordsman of Calais chosen as Anne Boleyn's executioner?

Saudi executioner tells all
"When the Torah specifies the death penalty of stoning, the Talmud explains it meant the offender was hurled down from a high place – rather than pelted with stones."


The Koran accepts all the prophets of Jews and Christians and some but not all of their beliefs.

Noahide laws
Islamic supersessionism

Should Israel be a liberal democracy and be a theocracy instead?

Greater Israel
The Jewish people in 2050: 2 very different scenarios,7340,L-4702945,00.html

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

Greater Israel would only come about peacefully through Secular Koranism

Al Aqsa Mosque sits on the site the Third Temple.
A corruptible and corrupt priesthood is a parasitic class.
The judiciary interpreting and applying God's laws should be this quasi-priesthood.

The purpose of the Noahide laws
Noahide ranking of the other four world religions

Islam and Noahide law

"Jews had to determine whether the prevailing religious cultures in which they lived were idolatrous. Since Islam is strictly monotheistic, Muslims have always been considered Noahides. Since the later Middle Ages, Jews have acknowledged that the Christian doctrine of the Trinity was not the same as idolatry, and they were also recognized as Noahides."

Islam is Monotheism III ie the latest and most advanced version.

Capital and corporal punishment in Judaism

Secular Koranism is the Goldilocks Version of Islam.

Islam would abolish usury and allow governments and individuals all over the world to default on their debts collectively and simultaneously.

After that, they can all start again and rebase their currencies.

The First Amendment was derived from the Koran

Any questions? Ask them at

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Is theocracy the answer to the plague that is Covid-19?

It cannot be denied that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe nor that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. Since Christianity is kaput, we can only conclude that Islam is the only remaining moral choice. After all, Hinduism and Buddhism are even more alien to Western culture and traditions than Islam. For us to all become Jews would be a terrible example of cultural appropriation, taking away the identity of Jews as God's Chosen People. Since God if He exists divided humanity into Jews and gentiles and give humanity only two divine revelations ie the Torah and the Koran, the writing is on the wall and the answer is clear. The Torah is for Jews and the Koran is for gentiles. Even Christians do not claim that the New Testament was written by Jesus, let alone God, while Jews and Muslims believe their scripture to be from God Himself.

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam is divine civic nationalism.

If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy. Israel of all places in the world should be a theocracy. Let Israel be the site of the pilot scheme for this divine project and be what God intended it to be: the light unto nations.

After all, Secular Koranism is more Noahide than Christianity because it is neither blasphemous nor idolatrous. What could be more idolatrous and blasphemous than to say that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

Let us hope Christians - if any believing Christians can be found at all outside the corrupt priesthood - will repent and wear sackcloth and ashes as a sign of their repentance for 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy.

Which clothes retailer will sell us our sackcloth to go with the ashes?

Perhaps only then will Covid-19 abate.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Church of Entropy asks me for names of role models in Judaism and Islam [from 2:51] from 2:06:00 

6:00  A list of 13 non-kosher rabbis to avoid
The possibility of a 14th rabbi being added to the list of 13 non-kosher rabbis

9:00  Deductive reasoning
Rabbi Gavriel Krausz
Ollie Anisfeld

16:00  How does Judaism view Christianity & Islam?

20:00  Rabbi Gavriel Krausz
Rabbi Mizrachi
Ollie Anisfeld

21:00  Zakir Naik
Jonathan Brown
24:00  Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad
Mona Siddiqui
25:00  Mishal Husain, Sara Khan
28:00  Claire Khaw, honest broker to Jews and Muslims, antisemites and Islamophobes
29:00  The alt-right are not attractive employees
30:00  Church of Entropy
32:00  Jules Gomes
Church of England’s Synod may abolish Holy Trinity to include Muslims


36:00  Peter Hitchens
37:00  Millennial Woes, Mark Collett, Richard Spencer

My advice to Millennial Woes and anyone else who gets Secular Koranism but refuses to discuss it

2:00  Aaron Amihud wants Westerners to stick to idolatrous Christianity to keep them stupidly  idolatrous even though he is a Jew who is supposed to be promoting the Noahide laws which forbid idolatry and blasphemy. He is not even a good Jew who understands his own religious obligations to the gentile. He wants to them to continue feeding on toxic blasphemous and idolatrous Christianity that he already Jews are under a religious duty to oppose.

3:00 tells Muslims to admonish Trinitarians.

5:00  Jewish deicide

7:00  Vatican II

9:00  Even Jews are afraid of Secular Koranism. Aaron Amihud adopts the same tactics as Church of Entropy: censorship and refusing to admit that they have lost the argument.

What were Jews chosen by God to do?

10:00  The idolatry of Christianity that Aaron Amihud condones.
11:00  Aaron Amihud is bipolar. is a playlist of the five Jew and Gentile Shows Aaron and I did together.
13:00  Men have now turned into women in denial.
15:00  Millennial Woes and the crisis of masculinity in the West

18:00  Beta males
19:00  Judaism is for Jews, Islam is for gentiles. There are only two revealed scripture from the Abrahamic God who has divided humanity between Jews and gentiles.
20:00  Jews are not supposed to promote idolatrous and blasphemous Christianity which is the antithesis of the Noahide laws which Aaron rejects.
21:00  Millennial Woes
22:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes
23:00  The world's most ancient and powerful tribe are Jews. The last two world empires have been WASP-led. Ergo the remaining religion under the Goldilocks principle is Secular Koranism.
24:00  How we know Christianity is kaput

25:00  Christianity is failing to maintain even the minimum moral standard of ensuring that most parents in Western societies are married parents. The majority of children in the West are being reared in sub-optimum conditions which means most of them will be the criminals, sociopaths, psychopaths and under-achievers of the future. Meanwhile, their governments won't even talk about it because they are afraid of upsetting the apple cart of feminism and democracy which are now the sacred cows of the West. Instead of worshiping the most powerful God conceivable, Western Man is worshiping the god of their appetites: the immoral unmarried mother who casually conceived and causally parented her illegitimate offspring. The average age of the West is 40. This means that the national character of the West is that of the 40 year old single mother who hates men for pumping and dumping her and not living up to her expectations. Western men should expect more Harvey Weinstein trials. Men who are so afraid of this archetype that they will not criticise her do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation. Very soon they will not. 

26:00  Vincent Bruno and the Noahide laws

27:00  The two streams of mine that attracted strikes featured Vincent. For some reason, the other much bigger channels he has appeared on did not get strikes. Is it because my more powerful ideas and radical solutions are being targeted by the alt-right and/or by the Deep State?

28:00  Ed Dutton and Richard Spencer
29:00  The enemy within
30:00  Church of Entropy asked a very good question at
31:00  My distinct identity is preserved by sticking to my principles and avoiding idolatry the way observant Jews do.  Ollie Anisfeld, the religious and political activist who is an Orthodox Jew at He is an excellent role model, Church of Entropy.
33:00  The mind of the White Man is a mass of repressed memories and no go zones.
36:00  Talmud
36:30  Muslims
37:00  Christianity is kaput.
40:00  Koranists
40:30  Jon Vance
41:00  Millennial Wes
42:00  Effeminate men in denial
43:00  The purpose of political activism
44:00  The ad populum fallacy of the alt-right in their echo chambers
45:00  Jon Vance
47:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
52:00  Christianity
54:00  Henry VIII, the role of cardinals and later Archbishops of Canterbury in advising British monarchs
56:00  The traumatisation of White People after being forcibly converted into Christianity by their European monarch and intimidated into remaining Christian until the blasphemy laws were repealed.
58:00  The concept of God undeniably exists.
59:00  Those who wish to enjoy Free Love would reject God's laws.
1:00:00  Hippies
1:02:00  Groupthink
1:03:00  The alt-right prefer to focus on their hatred of Jews/Muslims/non-whites rather than solve the problem because their hatred has become their religion and their hatred of these groups is all they can agree on now.
1:04:00  Luke Ford
1:06:00  Cotto-Gottfried
1:07:00  Mark Collett and Millennial Woes
1:08:00  Secular Koranism
1:09:00  Cotto-Gottfried won't be talking about Secular Koranism with me because they are cowards and hypocrites more interested in posturing than solving problems or considering solutions.
1:10:00  Halsey and Aaron Amihud who conspire to suppress my ideas even though they have nothing better to offer
1:11:00  Secular Koranism is not a belief system, but a legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polythists while guaranteeing freedom of belief with and establishing/protecting/restoring the patriarchy.
1:12:00  Conops and his consistent Islamophobia. Church of Entropy knows that her oral tradition is inferior to my written tradition based on the Koran. The rule of law can only be based on what is written and she doesn't want to create hostages to fortune by declaring her principles.
1:13:00  I can expect no help from Muslims who will be either too cowardly to support me or who will refuse to support me unless I do everything their way.
1:14:00  The world is divided between Jews and gentiles.
1:16:00  How long did it take each Abrahamic faith to establish itself?
1:19:00  The Supreme Arbitrator would the Hypothetical Supreme Being.
1:20:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
1:21:00  Zakir Naik
1:22:00  What is the point of having an Archbishop of Canterbury who is not even Christian?
1:24:00  Why would anyone pretend to believe to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God unless they just wanted to join the corrupt priesthood to derive status and income from it?
1:26:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:26:00  Secular Koranism guarantees your right to hate any group at all under and even defends your right to say why you hate these individuals and groups. There will be a regulated official forum where controversial matters can be discussed under controlled conditions.
1:29:00  My creative solutions
1:30:00  Questions to ask Mark Collett and Millennial Woes
1:32:00  Morally rotten men who deny Truth, Logic and Morality whose positions are intellectually and morally indefensible.
1:33:00  Sackcloth and ashes for Western governments is Secular Koranism.
1:34:00  I am a one-woman think tank.

We need an official handbook for our moral system and the Koran will do very nicely [start listening from 6:40]

7:00  BBC seems to be wanting us to panic.
8:00  M&S
9:00  Government only confuses people with its "Panic, wait, Don't Panic, no, Panic, but Don't Panic" message and people will eventually stop listening anyway.
10:00  Even if it is the bubonic plague, life would have to go back to normal anyway.
13:00  Virtue-signalling overreaction from governments in China and the West
15:00  Mixed messages from a confused matriarchal government
17:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
18:00  Claire Khaw, Queen of Communication
19:00  My Facebook profile pic
20:00  Feminine overreaction as a way of showing they care
21:00  Memento mori
22:00  Nadine Dorries, Tom Hanks
24:00  jon Vance III commented: "Lol 100 million people will die if 60 percent of the global population gets infected. People will lose jobs and supplies will be short in the next coming months because of this."
27:00  Opportunistic malingering
30:00  Trump
32:00  Antisemitism
33:00  The Deadly Sin of Envy
33:30  Regulated expressions of antisemitism
37:00  The logic and necessity of a hypothetical supreme being
37:30  Definition of antisemitism
39:00  Conspiracy theory
41:00  Biological weapons like nuclear weapons.
44:00  Church of Entropy appears in the chat.
51:00  The passive-aggressiveness of Church of Entropy
53:00  Claire Khaw, Coronavirus Czar
57:00  Live viewers
59:00  Richard Spencer on Islam

1:02:00  CONOPS joins
1:03:00  Government policy will make us suffer the worst of all possible worlds by its overreaction.

1:05:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins all guns blazing at me and then attacks Conops.

1:10:00  Conops talks about OV.
1:13:00  Church of Entropy's ideological framework
1:16:00  Doooovid
1:17:00  My conversation with Spacepan
1:18:00  Patrick Bateman
1:20:00  Indo-Aryans
1:21:00  Conops is appealed to by Church of Entropy
1:22:00  Conops says I genuinely like Church of Entropy.
1:24:00  Spacepan and Vincent Bruno
1:25:00  Zachary Miller
1:26:00  Secular Koranist
1:27:00  Idolatry
1:28:00  Syria
1:31:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims don't follow their own religious principles.
1:35:00  Following the rules
1:37:00  Do you know the way to San Jose?
1:38:00  Closing the gate of interpretation
1:39:00  Hanbali
1:40:00  Do Americans never flout their constitution?
Do Europeans always adhere firmly to the European Convention of Human Rights?
1:42:00  Schism and division and authoritative leadership
1:43:00  Talmud
1:44:00  ADHD
1:44:30  Who is to blame if you were given the correct instructions/directions but you ended up lost because you did not follow them properly?
1:45:00  What is worse than having to follow rules? Not even knowing you have to follow the rules.
1:48:00  The European Wars of Religion and Christian on Christian persecution in the New World after the Pilgrim Fathers left the Old World as a result of Christian on Christian religious persecution
1:48:30  Jefferson Bible
1:49:00  Khavian Koranism
1:50:00  Hidden idolatry
1:52:00  Secular Koranism on alcohol
1:55:00  Retreating into isolationism is bad for your country
1:56:00  There is no Official Handbook of Liberalism.
1:58:00  The marriage contract
1:59:00  Conops is a vandal.
2:00:00  The idolatry of Chabad
2:04:00  The purpose of rules
2:05:00  The 10 Commandments/7 Noahide laws
2:06:00  Exemplars of Judaism/Christian/Islam
2:09:00  Islamophobia
2:12:00  Principles
2:17:00  The age of consent
2:20:00  18 would be the earliest marriageable.
2:23:00  Church of Entropy is being very helpful.
2:24:00  Secular Koranism
2:25:00  Western governments to adopt Secular Koranism under a one party theocracy.
2:26:00  4% of the population are Muslims in the Netherlands.
5% of the population are Muslims in the UK.
Calling Muhammad paedophile ‘not protected by free speech’
Case before European Court of Human Rights upholds Austrian blasphemy decision

Thursday, 12 March 2020

The Khavian Argument for Theocracy and God's existence

The concept of God undeniably exists. God was either created for a purpose by Man or He actually exists. Either way, He has made laws for us to follow and whether we choose to follow them or not is a matter of morality, politics and lifestyle choice. If see the wisdom of His laws, we should follow them, whatever our view of God's existence. Once we have chosen to obey God's laws, we incline to belief. If we choose not to obey His laws, we would incline to disbelief. Our beliefs affect our actions and lifestyle choice.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Questions I have asked Dr Abdul Wahid of Hizb-ut Tahrir about Greater Israel

Even if the coronavirus were the bubonic plague, we would still have to take it on the chin

6:00  Vincent Bruno
7:00  Church of Entropy
8:00  My
9:00  Vincent Bruno's
10:00  Antisemitism
13:00  Kol Nidre
15:00 The Jew/Gentile relationship
16:00  Intellectually and morally deficient degenerates
17:00  Bad parenting
18:00  Inability to see Truth, Logic and Morality
18:30  Muhammad
19:00  The evidence for/against God will always be 50/50
20:00  Faith is always a lifestyle, moral and political choice.
23:00  The lie of egalitarianism
24:00  The link between bad government and voting
25:00  The archetype of Western Woman is Church of Entropy.
26:00  Post Modernism
28:00  Free Love
32:00  The Koran and extramarital sex
33:00  Herbert Spencer
34:00  "Complex marriage" and spiritualism
36:00  Coronavirus
37:00  Opportunistic malingering
38:00  China should apologise for overreacting.
39:00  Women show they care by a display of overreacting.
41:00  Bubonic plague
42:00  Keep calm and carry on with coronavirus sales, dinners and lunches
43:00  The life of samurai is not measured by its length.
44:00  Different male and female reaction to coronavirus

45:00  ERIKA joins.
46:00  Not much fuss about the coronavirus in nursing.
47:00  Next flu season will be worse
48:00  Elderly and very young blah blah
49:00  Wild animals in wet markets
50:00  Wangfujing Street in Beijing
54:00  Luke Ford's streams of consciousness
56:00  Cotto-Gottfried
58:00  Mr Metokur
1:00:00  Sticking to my principles
1:01:00  BNP and Mark Collett
1:02:00  Mark Collett on civic nationalism
1:05:00  Richard Spencer on Islam
1:07:00  Vincent Bruno, Adam Green, Israeli News Live
1:10:00  Monopolies
1:11:00  Weak character and corruption
1:13:00  Morale
1:14:00  Religious and politics
1:15:00  Box Rebellion
1:16:00  Poland was Germany's backyard.
1:18:00  Britain's Thucydides Trap
1:19:00  Feder and the proposed abolition of usury that was put on the backburner because Hitler needed usury to finance his wars
1:22:00  The Federal Reserve
1:23:00  CIA and their Colour Revolutions
1:24:00  The Praetorian Guard
1:25:00  How Jews, Christians and Muslims learn their religion
1:26:00  Asghar Bukhari
1:27:00  New Testament
1:27:30  A Beautiful Talmudic Mind
1:29:00  Karaite Jews
1:30:00  Most Jews are liberals in the same way as most gentiles in the West are liberal.
1:31:00  "the power of the rabbi"
1:35:00  Anger and denial when their beliefs are challenged
1:37:00  Catholic views on a liberal Pope
1:38:00  Establishment men like Chief Rabbi Mirvis
1:39:00  Israeli Charedi leader accuses Chief Rabbi Mirvis of ‘blasphemy’ over LGBT guide
Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch claims the British Orthodox Jewish leader was “encouraging” homosexuality by releasing guidance against bullying
1:39:30  Ofsted Chief Amanda Spielman: we don’t want to make life difficult for Charedi community
Head of Ofsted defends the inspection service's policy which has posed problems for Strictly Orthodox schools
Rabbi: Jews Should Choose Death Over Allowing LGBTQ Lessons in School
Naomi Seibt: 'anti-Greta' activist called white nationalist an inspiration
German teenager spoke at an event at US right-wing conference CPAC
Popular YouTuber Banned From Site After Hate Speech
Candace Owens
1:44:00  Jews not allowed to drive synagogue.
1:45:00  Church of England’s Synod may abolish Holy Trinity to include Muslims
1:47:00  BDS, Texas, hurricane funds
1:48:00  The problem with representative democracy
1:50:00  Truth, Logic and Morality and the modern Western politician
1:51:00  Confusing fact and opinion
1:52:00  The indifference of Church of Entropy, the archetype of Western Woman who is white, middle class and college-educated to the dictates of Truth, Logic and Morality

Monday, 9 March 2020

Noahide law is Natural Law

18:00  Antisemites are so blinded by their hatred and suspicion of Jews that they cannot accept that the Noahide laws are motherhood and apple pie ie fair enough.

If you accept the necessity of ordering your thoughts, speech and actions in order to obey the laws of a supreme being, then you would see that it does not make sense to blaspheme or worship idols.

  1. If you already worship a supreme being, you would not want to worship idols. Why would you want to worship idols if you already see the point of submitting to the authority of a supreme being whose laws you already agree with?   
  2. If you do not accept God's law forbidding murder, are you a murderer?
  3. If you do not accept God's law forbidding theft, are you a thief?
  4. If you do not accept God's law forbidding sexual offences, are you a sex offender?
  5. If you do not accept God's law forbidding the eating of a part of an animal while it is still alive, are you someone who enjoys being cruel to animals?
  6. If you do not see the point of having a court and legal system to enforce laws, are you a criminal in favour of lawlessness? 
  7. Which deity other than the Abrahamic God has given mankind - both Jew and gentile - divine scripture containing His laws?  
  8. Why would you wish to worship any deity inferior to the Abrahamic God?  
  9. What is your problem with Jews and Muslims other than racial and religious hatred?  
  10. Why do you think your laws are better than the Noahide laws when they have already failed you?
  11. Why do you think your religion is better than Islam when Christianity has already failed you?
  12. Why do you think your political system is better when it has already failed. you?
  13. Isn't it obvious that not following what are believed to be God's laws is actually irrational when you are always complaining about Jews and Muslims who try to follow God's laws who do have a religion who have risen in status above you in your own country?
  14. Isn't submitting to Natural Law submitting to what is obviously true and logical?
  15. Isn't it obviously true that the Ten Commandments come from the Torah?
  16. Isn't it obvious that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe?
  17. Isn't it obviously true that Jews worship the most powerful deity conceivable?
  18. Isn't it obviously true that Christianity is kaput?
  19. Isn't it obviously true that an executed revolutionary is not the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?
  20. Isn't it obviously true that Christianity is both idolatrous and blasphemous with scripture that is not even divine?
  21. Isn't it obviously true that the scripture of Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism is not even claimed by Christians, Hindus or Buddhists to come from a divine source? 
  22. Isn't it obviously true that the Koran is the only scripture that guarantees freedom of belief with and for this reason is superior to all the others if you care about freedom of belief?
  23. If you don't care about freedom of belief, does that mean you want to repeal the First Amendment?
  24. If you want to repeal the First Amendment, you are clearly someone who does not believe in free speech and freedom of belief, aren't you?
  25. Isn't it obviously true that no society can do without a religion effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie effective at ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents?
  26. If you refuse to answer any of the above questions honestly, is it because you are morally compromised in some way and/or refuse to make the sacrifices required to restore the patriarchy?
  27. Is the reason why you refuse to support restoring the patriarchy because you are unlikely to become a married father?
  28. Is the reason why you refuse to support restoring the patriarchy because you know that even if you wanted to become a married father, you have little or no prospect of doing so and have in fact given up?
  29. Is the reason why you refuse to support measures necessary to restore the patriarchy because you cannot see how it would benefit you because you are in fact unmarriageable?
  30. Is the reason why you refuse to support restoring the patriarchy fear of upsetting your associates who are morally compromised men who regularly have sex with someone not their spouse and/or have no prospect of becoming a married father?
  31. Is the reason why you reject the idea of obeying God's laws because you are both an atheist and a nihilist who does not care what happens to his society after he is dead?  

19:00  Idolatry is at least the worship of idols.

20:00  I have never expressed an opinion either for or against Church of Entropy's moon theory. However, I do wonder why she introduces these topics when we are discussing political matters. Presumably this is to draw attention to the fact that she knows more physics than the the rest of us, but how does this relate to the validity of her political views? She repeatedly refuses to engage on her definition of morality which she defines as minimising suffering. It is my contention that morality is more than just an analgesic. 

2:26:00  Philosophy

What exactly is Church of Entropy referring to about how Conops and I went wrong at She does not say.

2:29:00  The truth can be expressed as an equation.


2:50:00  Looking forward to the monologue of the e-personalty of Church of Entropy!

2:51:00  Ooh! Jen now says she wants a one-on-one conversation so it looks like we will have a one on one conversation soon!


3:03:00  Does Church of Entropy want to examine my personality particle?

5:38:00  Nobody knows what the hell they are talking about. Even Gandalf who likes word salads dropped out. 

Is increasing censorship linked to the increasing insecurity and neurosis of the matriarchy?

4:00  A sense of justice and fair play
5:00  Atheists hold their own views and beliefs sacred.
6:00  Week In Review
7:00  Morality, religion, integrity, correction
8:00  The purpose of morality
8:30  Church of Entropy's definition of morality which she refuses to discuss with me
9:00  The teleology of morality
10:00  Was the Abrahamic God a creation of Man?
10:30  Blasphemy laws in Christian Europe of the Middle Ages
11:00  How religion deals with changes
12:00  The law of the jungle
13:00  The morality of politics and law
14:00  The five world religions support patriarchy
15:00  Comparing idolatrous with non-idolatrous nations
16:00  The odd idolatrous one out of the Abrahamic faiths
17:00  The prohibition against idolatry is Semitic. Arabs are Semites too.
18:00  Jews would be victims of cultural appropriation if we all became Jews. 
19:00  Judaism is an exclusive club, Islam a political party in a one party state.
21:00  The censoriousness of Church of Entropy
24:00  Church of Entropy and her lack of a sense of honour

25:00  It seems to be a law of nature that antisemitism rises in proportion to how misgoverned the gentile feels. Jews therefore have no business trying to be good liberals when liberalism is now so discredited and hated by gentiles. It is actually dangerous for Jews to compete with gentiles in being liberal. Rather, responsible and wise Jews should be encouraging  gentiles to adopt Secular Koranism in a one party theocracy and light the way for gentiles globally towards that destination by adopting it in Israel by subjecting themselves to the pilot scheme of Secular Koranism in Israel first. This is in fact their divine mission which I feel I must light their way towards even if I have to incentivise rabbis with large cash prizes donated by Muslims to write essays about the idolatry of kaput Christianity, the Noahide-observance of Secular Koranism and how Secular Koranism would eventually light the way towards Israel peacefully becoming Greater Israel.

26:00 The draconian censorship of the matriarchy is the draconian censorship of Church of Entropy who has hidden me in her chat, born of intellectual insecurity and increasing neurosis.

Quantum Entanglement
​Yes Jen has banned me on all accounts categorically, without any clear reasoning, although not obligated to provide, it still stands as an unclear mystery...

27:00  The polarisation of political opinion. I fall between two stools.
29:00  The alt-right want to have their cake and eat it. 
32:00  Coronavirus and the bubonic plague
33:00  My soothing message about the coronavirus
34:00  Every cloud has a silver lining

36:00  Professor June Andrews on bedblockers being cleared out by the coronavirus

37:00  Looking on the bright side of the world coming to an end
38:00  A trick God could be playing on us
44:00  The causes of antisemitism
45:00  Should we be suspicious of people who are cleverer, higher status  and have more money than us? 

46:00  The failure of Christianity has resulted in ever greater sexual liberation which has dysgenic consequences.

48:00  People should be allowed to express hatred of things, individuals and groups as long as they are prepared to defend their views and engage in rational discussion. 

50:00  Why the rule of law is breaking down
51:00  Like most gentiles, most Jews are liberal.
55:00  Forbidding people to hate certain individuals or groups will only cause them to be hated more. 

Sunday, 8 March 2020

The link between physical and moral laws

22:00  Jew and gentile
26:00  Balance and moderation
27:00  Aristocracy and peasantry, male and female, patriarchy and matrriarchy
28:00  Marriage
29:00  Politics, religion and morality
30:00  War and revolution
31:00  Natural law and human nature
32:00  Predictability of outcome
33:00  Casual sex and unwanted pregnancy
34:00  Consequences of dealing with unwanted pregnancy
35:00  The morals and intelligence of women who have the wrong kind of sex
37:00  Tolstoy
38:00  The fall of empires
39:00  The Seven Deadly Sins
40:00  Being mad, sad and bad
41:00  Pyramid Patriarchy v Matriarchy with an unstable inverted pyramid
42:00  Matriarchies are degenerate and steeped in sin.
44:00  Church of Entropy is the archetype of Western Woman
46:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic faiths
47:00  Divine revelations in the Torah and Koran
48:00  Which verse in the Koran goes against the Noahide laws?
49:00  Rabbi-only writing competition
53:00  Maimonides
55:00  Cause and effect
56:00  Morality
57:00  British Empire unconsciously Muslim for a while.
59:00  The cowardice of Western Man and the intransigence of Jen Scharf

Just as the link between illegitimacy and criminality is well-established, the link between how good Jews are about promoting Noahidism amongst gentiles is linked to levels of antisemitism. The more gentiles feel misgoverned by their governments, the more they will blame Jews for not promoting the Noahide laws sufficiently to give them better government.

Rational people who use reason to solve and avoid problems will hate a government that punishes them for pointing out the obvious and inverts the social hierarchy of the patriarchy because their society is now a matriarchy where most of the government is perceived as cowardly, hypocritical, corrupt, incompetent indifferent to the long term national interest. 

Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...