Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Capitalism and Christianity

Just as you cannot be a capitalist without practising usury, you cannot be a nihilist without being an atheist. Because atheists deny God's existence, they disobey His laws and make up their own. Because such men are mortal and fallible, they fight each other for supremacy, making the rules up as they go along, suffering error and disaster as they go in their practice of whatever erroneous ideology they have cooked up, be it Nazism, Fascism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Communism etc.

If God exists, there was a reason why He allowed three global Christian empires to rise and fall. He made Jews His Chosen People to promote the Noahide laws enabling Jews to set standards of behaviour. Having set them, they must uphold them by ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws with Islam the most Noahide and Christianity the least because of its blasphemy and idolatry. Jews are too shy to point out to Christians that they have been worshipping for 2000 years an executed revolutionary executed for blasphemy. If Christians knew their Ten Commandments, they would know that idolatry and blasphemy have been forbidden by God.

In any case, confirmed Christians are vanishingly rare and it is to be doubted that even the Pope or Archbishop believes Jesus is God.

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