Monday, 16 November 2020

The cure exists before the disease

Morality is a system of rules designed the keep your group together and apart from others. Judaism is the most successful example of this because it cannot be denied that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe or that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. There are two ways to worship the Abrahamic God if you wish to remain a gentile, but Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, and Muslims are commanded to admonish those who claim that God has begotten a son by

Since the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human and there is a culture war raging across the West on whether Westerners want to be liberal or nationalist, Christianity has clearly failed. Since no society can continue to remain in existence without a religion, there seems only one rational and moral choice left for the West. While Islamophobes, atheists and nihilists insist on calling Islam alien, it cannot be more alien than Hinduism and Buddhism, can it? At least it comes with an instruction manual and the rule of law, unlike Hinduism and Buddhism. 

Judaism has the idea that the cure exists before the disease, even if sin prevents us from availing ourselves of the obvious solution to our problems.

Rabbi  Sacks:

There is an important principle in Judaism, a source of hope and also one of the structuring principles of the Torah. It is the principle that G-d creates the cure before the disease. Bad things may happen but G-d has already given us the remedy if we know where to look for it.


  1. What? Jews are pretty powerful, but to say that they are the most ancient tribe is very far-fetched. They took their ideas which are in the Bible from Egypt and Mesopotamia ,both full of at least as ancient cultures as that of the Jews .

    And the so called Hinduism and Buddhism are more attractive to many of us not only because they are not selfish anthropocentric systems , but also because they leave more space to independent thinking. BTW ,India and China are also ancient cultures.

  2. You can't think of a tribe more ancient than Jews that is also as powerful, can you? It has been said that Jews are evidence of God's existence, because they are few in number and have the most restrictive religion as well as being hated. All things being equal, you would expect them to be extinct by now, but they are not.

    Liberals find Hinduism and Buddhism more attractive because they are less restrictive than the rule of law that comes with the Abrahamic faiths, forgetting that India is a fallen civilisation and Tibet has been incorporated into China.

    China has had an ancient tradition of keeping itself in existence through statecraft operating through the rule of law.

  3. But you can't say that this is because their god takes care of them.

  4. Jews would be extinct but for Judaism which enough of them follow to keep Jewish identity evolving. All religions are moral systems designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others and Judaism is the most ancient Abrahamic faith from which Christianity and Islam are derived. Judaism is also the source of the Ten Commandments which forbids amongst other things idolatry and blasphemy. The Noahide laws of the Talmud also forbid idolatry and blasphemy. Thanks to Judaism, we know that Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy. The Culture War raging across the West is conclusive evidence that the moral system of Christianity has already failed. Not only has Christianity failed, so has democracy and liberalism. President Putin pronounced liberalism "obsolete" in 2019. Fortunately, Islam is waiting in the wings!

    Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same Abrahamic God. The Torah is God's laws for Jews and the Koran is law for gentiles. The New Testament was written by mortal and fallible men which not even Christians claim Jesus wrote, let alone God.

  5. es,Christians claim that the Bible is their god's word , just like Jews and of course, both claims are equally absurd. Authors of religious texts can be inspired , but no god writes books for humans.

  6. We know that the penalty for Jews convicted of idolatry and blasphemy is death.

    We know that Jesus was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin.

    We know that the Doctrine of the Trinity requires Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

    "In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons (each corresponding to its own hypostasis), but is one being, having a single divine nature. The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will. As stated in the Athanasian Creed, the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal without beginning. "The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" are not names for different parts of God, but one name for God because three persons exist in God as one entity. They cannot be separate from one another. Each person is understood as having the identical essence or nature, not merely similar natures."

    Are you saying Judaism is idolatry and blasphemy?

  7. This was because of their intolerance. And he said that the word kills, the spirit gives life ,or something similar. He was spiritual, orthodox Jews were rigid and intolerant.

  8. Would you agree that idolatry is the worship of anything that is not God?

  9. See what I said about intolerance. I don't believe in idolatry and blasphemy.

  10. The concept of idolatry and blasphemy exists even if you don't agree with forbidding idolatry and blasphemy.

    If you worship anything that is not God ie Jesus who was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin and crucified for it, and have been worshipping him as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe for 2000 years, is that not blasphemy?

    Not even Christians claim that the New Testament was written by Jesus, let alone God. The New Testament was written by mortal and fallible men while the Torah is believed by Jews to have been given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai and the Koran is believed by Muslims to have been revealed by Muhammad, the last prophet to humanity.

  11. How on earth would Christianity be idolatry and blasphemy more than Judaism itself?

    Yes,Christians claim that the Bible is their god's word , just like Jews and of course, both claims are equally absurd. Authors of religious texts can be inspired , but no god writes books for humans.

  12. If you worship anything that is not God ie Jesus who was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin and crucified for it, and have been worshipping him as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe for 2000 years, is that not blasphemy?

    Not even Christians claim that the New Testament was written by Jesus, let alone God. The New Testament was written by mortal and fallible men while the Torah is believed by Jews to have been given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai and the Koran is believed by Muslims to have been revealed by Muhammad, the last prophet to humanity.

  13. No, this is not blasphemy , this is lack of belief in that system. BTW. Are you Jewish or of the Last days Church,or Jehovah's witness?

  14. Even if you don't believe that God exists or made laws for humanity, I think you would have to admit that the scripture of Jews and Muslims have divine authority because the narrative - whether you accept it or not - is that they came from God, while the New Testament is admitted even by Christians to have been written by mortal and fallible men.

    Even if you think they are all lies, you would have to admit that the lies of Judaism and Islam are more authoritatively and better constructed with better stories and laws because their scripture actually contains laws with the voice of God, while the New Testament is only a mishmash of vague extremist statements which have caused much bloodshed among Christians, let alone the non-Christians that Christians killed.

    I am not sure what you are saying is not blasphemy. I am neither Jewish nor a Jehovah;s Witness who would be considered a Arian heretic by the Trinitarians of the Catholic and Anglican Church. I am an agnostic who sees benefits to living under a theocracy.

    If Jesus was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin, then it would be all the more blasphemous for Christians to worship a man convicted of blasphemy for 2000 years, wouldn't it?

    The concept of idolatry and blasphemy exists even if you don't agree with forbidding idolatry and blasphemy.

  15. It's scary what you say, Claire. You seem to be in favour of authoritarian tyrannical social systems. This is what I reject and this is what MUST be rejected. To have free discussions and exchange of ideas , freedom, not authoritative regimes are necessary. Regimes that don't do with mavericks and freethinkers what the Jewish authority did to Jesus. The claim that their laws came from God , is ridiculous. Their laws were written by them , more than fallible , actually intolerant tyrannical humans.

  16. All laws are authoritarian, aren't they? The First Amendment is based on If you believe in the Abrahamic God, you are more likely to follow His laws in the Torah for Jews and His laws in the Koran for gentiles. If you are an atheist, you are more likely to make the rules up as you go along and try to get away with whatever you are trying to get away with by breaking and changing the rules, which is what Trump's enemies are doing now. We do already live in frightening times when politicians are actively changing the meaning of words and making up the rules as they go along. The benefits of a theocracy are that the rules do not keep changing. If you want to steady the helm, nothing would do it netter than following the eternal and universal laws of God. You are an atheist, are you?

    Have you noticed that religions last significantly longer than secular political ideologies?

    Have you noticed that all societies need a religion to remain in existence?

    Have you noticed that liberalism is largely discredited because it is now obviously failing?

    Have you not noticed media censorship under liberalism or heard people complaining about it or the media manipulating the perception of Trump?

    Do you ever wonder why Hungary and Poland have stood up better to transnational progressivism and open borders than other Western nations?

    Do you accept that liberalism has failed and if you don't, do you deny it simply because you don't want to admit that liberalism is not enough to maintain a civilisation or that a fraud has been perpetrated on you by liberals claiming to be promoting liberalism?

    Is liberalism your religion that you have put your faith in?

    You seem to be saying people who believe in God and follow His laws are deluded, but wouldn't you say submitting to liberalism as your deity would attract the same charge? At least Jews and Muslims following their Torah and Koran are following their scripture for rules while those claiming to be liberal can agree on no principles and follow no rules. Jews remaining in existence could be used as evidence of God's existence and there are sharia theocracies in operation now. We know liberalism is imploding by the sheer amount of lies and propaganda required to keep it going. Who is more deluded: Jews and Muslims who continue to believe in God and continue to practise marriage and family values or atheist liberals more interested in enjoying sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting?

    Do you think Jews and Muslims will remain in existence long after liberalism is dead and buried?

    Do you find rules scary? Isn't living under the law of the jungle much scarier?

  17. Liberal ways are not the rules of the jungle. To torture and in terrible pain kill mavericks is much more barbarian.

  18. I have not proposed torturing and murdering people, have I? You may have heard of Extraordinary Rendition, a liberal term for torture.

  19. Calm down Claire. I have no time to answer all these questions you raised in a series of commnts. Complicated issues , but yes , the regime you promote,is totalitarian and kills those who dissent. And this is what the NWO will also be, so if you want this, you can be satisfied with it. Real liberalism means that every opinion is free precisely the intolerant torture and killing of others is the only limit.

  20. Who promotes "real liberalism" now? It will soon be a failed ideology, like Nazism, Fascism and Communism.

    Liberalism come from the French Revolution, when the French Revolutionaries were chanting the slogans "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!"

    Is this wishlist of the French revolutionaries enough to run your civilisation on?

    Was there not The Terror under the French Revolution?

    My questions only required yes/no answers, if you are going to answer them. I was not asking you to write an essay on each question!

  21. You confuse liberal way of thinking with the guys who call themselves liberal just to cause chaos. They have successfully confused many people and you seem to be one of them.I didn't know what extraordinary rendition is , now I checked . Brrr. It was Clinton who introduced it. The Clinton couple, just like Obama and the magnates behind them ,are not liberal . They are tyrants.

  22. Please define "the liberal way of thinking".

    Liberalism is the current political orthodoxy so people who want to be mainstream and in the political establishment would want to go along with it, including Soros and others who would need to work within the current Western political establishment to their agenda implemented. Are you saying that I confuse people?

  23. I said it before quoting Mills and now talking about tolerant Hinduism. Tolerance is one of its main characteristics.

    I am saying that they have confused you.


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