Tuesday, 30 November 2021

How Zemmour exploits his Jewishness by Simon Epstein

3:00  Our composite identity
4:00  According to Kant, we must treat others as a means to an end.
5:00  Moral and political principles
11:00  Balzac and Flaubert
24:00  Simon Epstein
26:00  Left-wing Jew v Right-wing Jew
27:00  Civic nationalism is the most commonsensical view for both Jews and gentiles.
28:00  A satisfactory arrangement between labour and capital
29:00  Moral education of citizens
30:00  Plebs and patricians
31:00  China is the workshop of the world.
General Strike 1925
32:00  Moses leaving Egypt with his people to protest against the working conditions of the Pharaoh. 
33.00  Plebs leaving Rome to protest against their working conditions.
34:00  Capitalism and Communism are both materialist ideologies. 
35:00  Islam caters for the spiritual and material needs of individuals and society.
36:00  Far Left and Far Right are antisemitic for different reasons. 
38:00  Israel
39:00  The Noahide laws forbidding sexual morality protect the institutions of marriage and the family.
40:00  My unique interpretation of events. 
41:00  Europeans moving away from Christianity and monarchy
42:00  Jay Dyer
43:00  Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Washington
45:00  Yoram Hazony on National Conservatism
47:00  Christianity is a minority pursuit in the West.
Unitarian Christianity
48:00  Christian Americans and Christian Europeans
49:00  Corrupt and incompetent Western politicians will keep changing the laws that will be detrimental to the national interest.
50:00  Napoleon said the shahada and the Napoleonic Code is based on sharia. 
51:00  Religion is not merely an ornamental heirloom but a working boiler.
52:00  Organised Abrahamic religions v Non-organised Eastern religions
53:00  China relied on statecraft to keep its empire going.
55:00  China is a people's democratic dictatorship.
56:00  The Three Supremes
57:00  Succession and the orderly transfer of power.
58:00  Jewish conspiracies and the Deep State
1:00:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
1:01:00  Five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

Friday, 26 November 2021

Orthodox Jew Yoram Hazony defers to two gay men and a Catholic

8:00  Douglas Murray on shapeshifting liberalism
9:00  Murray on religion
11:00  Freedom
13:00  Dave Rubin is also gay.
29:00  A gay man on parenting
39:00  Rubin mentions that there are two gay men on the panel. 
43:00  Two versions of liberalism
51:00  Jews in America
57:00  The foundations of liberalism are shallow.
58:00  Rinos
59:00  Separation of Church and State
1:02:00  "The public culture of Christianity"
1:07:00  Theocracy
1:10:00  Jews
1:11:00  Circumcision now illegal in many countries.
1:12:00  Christians
1:14:00  CIA
1:15:00  Russia
1:16:00  Douglas Murray: "Conservatism is different in different places."
1:19:00  Abortion
1:20:00  Critical Race Theory
1:21:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:23:00  Gay marriage
1:25:00  The soul of America
1:29:00  Redefining female
1:30:00  The left
1:33:00  Reason
1:38:00  Trump
1:40:00  Religious education

Yoram Hazony submits to the culture while claiming to want to correct it

1:00  Nationalism and Woodrow Wilson
2:00  Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Hitler
3:00  The principle of national self-determination
4:00  Hitler asserting the principle of self-determination
5:00  Nationalism defined as government in the national interest
6:00  Military adventures of Hitler and Mussolini
7:00  Franco and Salazar
8:00  National Conservatism = Nationalism
9:00  Dave Rubin and Douglas Murray
10:00  Secular Koranism
11:00  Sohrab Ahmari
12:00  Rabbi Kahane

13:00  Christianity and the New Testament
14:00  The American Republic has Islamic roots. 
15:00  Douglas Murray is the gatekeeper to Conservatism.
16:00  Varieties of Conservatism and Liberalism
17:00  Hazony is obviously an Islamophobe.
18:00  Hazony hates Islam so much he would rather submit to gay gatekeepers than propose that Post-Christian Westerners adopt a religion better than idolatrous blasphemous Christianity.
20:00  Christianity is kaput. 
23:00  Conservatism is the junior partner to Liberalism.
21st century liberalism is moral sewage.
24:00  The most useful thing Douglas Murray said about Liberalism and Conservatism.
25:00  Conservatism was a defensive ideology against the ideas of the French Revolution. 
26:00  Evidence that Christianity has failed: the American, French and Russian Revolutions.
27:00  The cure exists before the disease. 
28:00  Western Man has no principles because he has no religion. 
33:00  Ancient Rome
34:00  Constantine the Great would have chosen Islam if it had been an option.
37:00  The Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake
38:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson.
42:00  The right kind of free speech
43:00  The First Amendment is an Islamic achievement.
44:00  Degenerates cannot discuss abstract ideas.
45:00  Degenerates cannot discuss metaphysics. 
46:00  Slavery
47:00  Having laws against blasphemy would be better than having hate speech laws protecting certain groups only. 
50:00  The timidity of Yoram Hazony
51:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
52:00  The colossal and cosmic fraud
53:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
54:00  Why Western Woman hates Western Man
55:00  The moral lesson Jesus was meant to teach humanity
57:00  The Islamophobia of Hazony and his associates

If Eric Zemmour runs for President in 2022, should French nationalists support this Islamophobe?

2:00  The EU
3:00  Immigration
4:00  Pan-Europeanism
5:00  American instability and geopolitics
6:00  Renegotiating the labour contract nationally
7:00  The Islamic European Union
8:00  Poland and Hungary

9:00  Le Pen or Zemmour?

10:00  The reintroduction of slavery as well as capital and corporal punishment to ease the labour market while controlling immigration
11:00  Liberalism v Islam - a clash of Matriarchy v Patriarchy
12:00  Does Zemmour really think Liberalism is going to outlast Islam? If so, why?

13:00  Why is the secular French national religion - Liberalism - automatically assumed to be superior to Islam which has been around for 1400 years when Liberalism is clearly failing in the West and is nothing more than a laundry list of three items without even an official handbook?

Napoleon said the shahada.

14:00  Nationalist leaders are like buses: you wait for ages, and then two come at once.  

15:00  Does Zemmour have staying power and is his analysis of French history really that sophisticated? The broad sweep of Western history is a rejection of Christianity and monarchy evidenced in the American, French and Russian Revolutions. It is time to finally understand the writing on the wall written as long ago as the late 1700s when America started the ball of republicanism rolling without Christianity  towards an Islamic Republic.

MY ADVICE TO MARINE LE PEN: propose a one-party theocracy governed by Secular Koranism with French Characteristics ie divine civic nationalism which has something in it for everyone: men and women, rich and poor, old and young, majority and minority.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Further thoughts on Eric Zemmour

4:00  Feminism
6:00  The sexual morality of matriarchy

10:00  Slavery
11:00  Workfare
14:00  Morally compromised

18:00  Presupposition that God's Chosen People are to blame for whatever
19:00  Confirmation bias
20:00  Liberalism is to blame because it is failing.
22:00  Language
23:00  Being Western
24:00  Pre-revolutionary stage
25:00  Christianity and Liberalism are both kaput.
27:00  Shortening the period of chaos between matriarchy and theocracy
28:00  Eric Zemmour
29:00  Antisemitism
30:00  Muslims are the party poopers of liberalism, according to Eric Zemmour.
31:00  Americans being unAmerican eg Jay Dyer wanting an absolute Orthodox monarchy in the Kingdom of America
32:00  America is the world's first modern proposition nation.
33:00  Napoleon said the shahada.
34:00  Napoleon having the last rites as a Catholic

36:00  Le Pen or Zemmour
39:00  Chauvinism
40:00  Feminism
41:00  Unacknowledged power of women
42:00  Hierarchy
45:00  Supporting Zemmour means one wouldn't be accused of antisemitism.
49:00  Taboos

50:00  Bishop Williamson and Ed Dutton
7:00  French Revolution cancelled Christianity.
8:00  Kyle Rittenhouse
9:00  The Fourth Estate
10:00  Sin
11:00  Two snowballs in the petrol tank do not make your care work better neither is it more economical. 
13:00  Muslims
14:00  Luther
15:00  Anglicanism assisted Catholicism with the British Empire.
27:00  Dormitory town
31:00  Mary and neo-paganism
32:00  Wagner
33:00  Mary was a virgin before and after the birth of Jesus forever?
35:00  Industrial Revolution and smartphone
38:00  Vatican II
39:00  Wasn't Protestantism an inevitable expression of national independence from Papal control?
49:00  Liberalism
49:00  Liberalism which replaced Christianity is also a failure, so it is time for Islam.
53:00  Jews and their punishment
56:00  Kevin MacDonald is described as a white supremacist.
57:0  A topsy turvy world
58:00  Feminism
59:00  Female Swedish Prime Minister resigned in hours.
1:01:00  Mel Gibson
1:03:00  Hate speech laws would be considered unIslamic by https://quran.com/2/256
1:07:00  Suffering has meaning.
1:08:00  Theresa May
1:09:00  Many husbands today are not fit to be obeyed.
1:13:00  Performing exorcisms
1:14:00  Christian civilisation is breaking down.
1:17:00  Near death experiences
1:18:00  Wagner
1:19:00  Religion substitutes in the modern world
1:20:00  The soul
1:21:00  The Pope's tiara
1:23:00  The Catholic priesthood
1:24:00  Caesar
1:25:00  Metaphysics
1:27:00  The Orthodox Church rejected the Papacy.
1:28:00  The Russians may invade Western Europe to save it.
1:30:00 Young men thinking of going into the Catholic Church are faced with a lifetime of celibacy or discreet sodomy.
1:32:00  Sedevacantism and the Revised Standard Version
Won't God disapprove of the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity?
1:33:00  Hitler lost the war because he was a pagan.
1:34:00  Franco was protected by God.
1:35:00  Malachi Martin
1:39:00  Metaphysics
1:40:00  Liberty and libertarians
1:41:00  The big questions
1:42:00  How to become Catholic
1:47:00  My intellect is greater than Ed's
1:512:00  Anti-Pope

53:00  The failure of morality in the West
55:00  Our binary choice of Jew or gentile
56:00  Political discussion in real life 
57:00  George Washington's Farewell Speech
58:00  Paul Williams made the Trinity unnecessarily complicated. 
59:00  The gay gatekeeper of British Islam
1:00:00  When will Paul Williams discuss quran.com/18/4?
1:01:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by quran.com/24/2
1:02:00  Which MSM will be the first to give me a platform?
1:04:00  Speakers Corner
1:06:00  Eric Zemmour provoking more antisemitism if he stood for President and split the vote.
1:08:00  Beneficiaries of patriarchy
1:09:00  Denying the reality of class and sex distorts our political judgement
1:10:00  A one-party theocracy even for those who don't believe in God
1:11:00  Giving a show of governing in the national interest
1:12:00  No prospect of or significant demand for a Christian revival

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

The neurosis of Western men manifests in their excessive talking disorder proposing nothing at all

26:00  "The Mossad"
28:00  Alison Chabloz
32:00  Nationalism
33:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
34:00  Corrupt Western governments who do not govern in the national interest

40:00  Jews no longer fit for the purpose God chose them.
42:00  Secular Koranism
44:00  Israel a Western colonial outpost
45:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
46:00  Arab hatred expressed through rockets launched at Israel

47:00  THE MOSSAD joins.
48:00  Jews have no freedom of belief. 
49:00  There are only two religions acceptable to the Abrahamic God.
50:00  The Word of God must trump the word of mortal and fallible men.
51:00  George Washington's Farewell Speech
52:00  George Washington envisaged a one-party state.
54:00  Political factions within one party
56:00  China
57:00  Huawei
58:00  Democracy
1:00:00  Assad
1:01:00  Syria
1:04:00  The Mossad doesn't believe in God.
1:54:00  Fascism and Communism
1:57:00  OV joins.
2:00:00  Nazi Orgasmatron

2:01:00  DOMINGO joins.
2:08:00  Music
2:15:00  Jew v Jew

2:18:00  BORN AGAIN LIBERAL joins.
2:19:00  The Mossad speaks again.
2:20:00  Mel Brooks
2:22:00  Mixed marriages and democracy
2:34:00  White Nationalist sympathiser
2:37:00  Eric Zemmour
2:45:00  Cheap labour

2:51:00  TIFFANY joins to discuss voter fraud.
2:58:00  Spanish
2:59:00  Decline of our value system
3:00:00  Decline of the family and the Republican Party in California
3:02:00  Illegal immigration
3:05:00  Agricultural labour
3:06:00  Culture is downstream from religion and law. 
3:08:00  Minimum wage
3:10:00  Tijuana
3:11:00  Economic zones
3:13:00  The matriarchy is criminal.
3:14:00  Aristotle - charity begins at home
3:15:00  Hart Cellar Act and Trojan horse
3:16:00  White people
3:17:00  White culture


Failure of Christianity = replacement by Liberalism
Replacement of Christianity by Liberalism = No religion
No religion = feminism
Feminism = Matriarchy
Matriarchy = Morbidity
Feminism is death of patriarchy. 
Death of patriarchy = Decline and fall of your civilisation

3:19:00  Ethno-nationalism under patriarchy in the 1940s
3:21:00  Hindu nationalism and Indian nationalism
3:22:00  Caste system genetics
3:25:00  Hitler
3:26:00  Korans with swastikas
3:28:00  Hesse
3:29:00  Danzig
3:26:00  Operation Barbarossa
3:39:00  David Irving
3:43:00  Goering
3:56:00  Britain's role in two World Wars
3:57:00  Cecil Rhodes
3:58:00  George Lucas
3:59:00  Blood on the hands of the British operating their global empire
4:00:00  Thucydides Trap
4:01:00  Poland and Russia
4:02:00  Russo-Japanese War
4:05:00  The failure of British foreign policy
4:06:00  War finance
4:07:00  Usury
4:08:00  Hitler wanted to ban usury but wanted to finance his wars.
4:09:00  Usury would only be banned with Islam. 
4:12:00  Orgasmatron chair
4:13:00  Aaron Amihud

4:14:00  DOOOOVID joins.
4:21:00  ADL
4:23:00  Jewish criminal activity
4:24:00  Doooovid preventing Domingo from joining Week In Review
4:29:00  Pangolin
4:32:00  Giving up weed
4:33:00  Jeffrey Epstein
4:34:00  Doooovid thinks Mossad is dumb.
4:34:00  Hare Krishna movement had positive things to say about Hitler.
4:37:00  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
4:41:00  Reviving near frozen people with womanly warmth and the prospect of sex
4:48:00  "Countering the effects of hypothermia by way of rape"
4:49:00  Women used for rewarming
4:50:00  Animal heat
4:51:00  Better to warm a man with just one woman than with two women.
4:58:00  Soap and lampshades
5:34:00  Do I suffer for white people?

5:39:00  Ed Dutton

5:41:00  Jews popular in America?

5:43:00  Discussing with Doooovid how Jewishness is defined. My view is that how Jews should be must be defined by the Torah, Doooovid's view is that Jewishness is whatever the majority of Jews are like.

5:52:00  TJump and Church of Entropy

6:05:00  I, the creator of Secular Koranism, the only holistic solution being proposed for the comprehensive renewal and regeneration of the degenerate West, am apparently not big enough to be interviewed by Politically Provoked.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Is the decline of the West caused by conspiracies or its inability to use Truth, Logic and Morality?

3:00  Reality
4:00  Ralph's morality is as yet undefined. 
5:00  Western men suffering neurosis and dementia 
6:00  Intellectuals and nationalists not fit for purpose
7:00  Rehabilitating and universalising the reputation of nationalism
8:00  Brittany of Politically Provoked with the bosom will not be platforming Secular Koranism.
9:00  Secular Koranism
10:00  Commitment-phobic Christian men
11:00  Jay Dyer
12:00  The shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.

13:00  Preserving the purity of the entity of the Abrahamic God and preventing its contamination by the corpse of a dead blasphemous Jew

14:00  Principles and principles

15:00  The purpose of Jews is to remind gentiles of the importance of principles. It was by adhering to the principles of Judaism that allowed them to remain in existence and apart from others. 

16:00  The Organised Religion of the Abrahamic Faiths v Idolatry 
17:00  Chinese ancestor worship
19:00  Worshiped Ancestor > Hungry Ghosts
20:00  Mao and his one child policy meant the defenestration of the other half of the practice of ancestor worship.
21:00  Cannon fodder and labourers produced by the patriarchy. 
23:00  How China maintained its patriarchy
24:00  Azeem Rafiq
28:00  Why women keep voting for pro-immigration parties
29:00  Men suffering from feminine neurosis losing the ability for abstract thought such as adherence to principle
30:00  Idolatry schmidolatry
31:00  Shannon Nuszen weakly protesting against her former fellow Christians who will not cease and desist from converting vulnerable Jews to Christianity

32:00  Jews are now decommissioning themselves before they have done what they were supposed to do.
34:00  Christians operating by crypsis in Jewish communities converting them to Christianity

35:00  Jews are not sufficiently vaccinated against the idolatry and blasphemy Christianity.  

36:00  Orthodox rabbis too frightened to publish their ranking of gentile religions ranked according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

37:00  Jews clearly fear Christians more than they fear God.
38:00  The New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an absurdity.
39:00  Islamophobia
40:00  quran.com/18/4  
41:00  Jews and Muslims too frightened of their Christian overlords to question Christianity

Jay Dyer, aspiring Orthodox Christian Monarch of the Kingdom of America

2:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.  

3:00  Shannon Nuszen weak weekly remonstrations against her former fellow Christians instead of giving it to them with both barrels that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy will fail to make any Christian cease or desist from converting vulnerable Jews to Christianity. Instead of demanding that Orthodox rabbis rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws declaring Christianity least and Islam most Noahide so that the penny finally drops with Christians, she merely asks for mutual respect. Instead of acknowledging the enormity and duration of the Jewish sin of omission in 2000 years of Christian history in failing to teach the Noahide laws to Christians, she does not allude to it at all. 

4:00  Orthodox Jews have decided to trust a former Christian Texan to represent their interests and she is clearly too compromised and conflicted to properly denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. Not only do Orthodox Jews no longer care if they are to be subverted by the crypsis of Christians masquerading as Jews, they are prepared to actually let a former Christian female represent their interests because no male Orthodox Jew feels equal to the task of facing down their Christian overlords. Not only are gentile men feminised and infantilised, so are Orthodox Jews. 

Clearly, these Orthodox Jews fear their Christian overlords more than they fear the God of Israel. 

If that is so, we must deduce that these Orthodox Jews must also be atheists pretending to believe in God. We know they must only be pretending to believe in God because if they really did have the beginning of wisdom to fear the Lord, they would know how to deal with Christians swooping into Israel like vultures to prey on vulnerable Jewish souls harvesting them to trigger the second coming of Jesus whom Jews 2000 years ago executed for blasphemy.    

If God exists, then He would be punishing Orthodox Jews who only pretend to believe in Him and do not fear Him more than they fear their idolatrous and blasphemous Christian overlords. 

6:00  Jay Dyer is being unAmerican, but most Americans are now so unAmerican that they no longer know what it is to be American or recognise immediately that for an American to call for an Orthodox Christian monarchy goes against the founding principles of the American Republic.  

7:00  Men are now using feminine stratagems to acquire status at the expense of each other. 

8:00  Muslim cricketer using his victimhood status to acquire status against white men ends up apologising to Jews. 
11:00  Jay Dyer, Orthodox Monarch of the Kingdom of America? 

Thursday, 18 November 2021

People who turn against you for ignoble unprincipled and self-serving reasons

1:00  Anyone can promote Secular Koranism if they want to restore the patriarchy with it. 
3:00  Religion is control.
4:00  The Ten Commandments make sense. 
5:00  Ralph's hostility
Moral Foundations Theory is a study of private morality. 
6:00  Jonathan Haidt, atheist Jew
8:00  Secular Koranism
9:00  Censorship of my ideas

11:00  Alison Chabloz
13:00  Nationalism
19:00  Equality Act 2010
20:00  Maternity Pay

24:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
25:00  Opportunity cost of being idolaters and blasphemers
26:00  Organised religion
27:00  Christian militarism
28:00  Universal appeal of European music
29:00  Bach
30:00  Continuing narrative of human history
31:00  Empires are an objective measure of human achievement. 
32:00  The power and glory of Secular Koranism
36:00  Disestablishing the Church of England
39:00  The tribe
41:00  Atheists benefit from theocracy too.

The only way Jews can make Christians cease and desist

The only pushback now is to ask Christians how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy.

When they claim that it s not idolatry and blasphemy for Christians to worship a deceased Jew as the co-equal of Hashem and Allah if he is indeed the co-equal of Hashem and Allah, Jews and Muslims should ask the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church how and why Jesus is God.


Are Jews in a state of Chillul Hashem by decommissioning themselves ie allowing Christians to convert them in their own homeland to Christianity, before they have accomplished their mission?

Is it not their divine mission to teach properly the Noahide laws to gentiles? 

Have Jews at any time during the last 2000 years of Christian history asked any Christian leader how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy?

How can be Jews be said to have taught the Noahide laws properly if the last three global empires have been Christian?

Is the only way Jews have of redeeming themselves for their omission for 2000 years to now declare Islam to be the most and Christianity the least Noahide of all gentile religions?

Is the shituf of Christianity worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

Is there no senior and influential rabbi prepared to answer this question publicly?

If not, what are we to conclude about the fitness of Jews to do what God made them His Chosen People to do?

If it is their intention NEVER to perform their religious obligation to gentiles, shouldn't they at least work out their notice after handing it in, instead of deciding never to turn up for work again? 

Wouldn't that be more respectful and avoid their being in a state of Chillul Hashem?

If they are all really atheists pretending to be Jews because they clearly fear the wrath of their gentile Christian overlords more than they fear the God of Israel, then God if He exists would be even more angry with them.

How an agnostic might be said to have a relationship with God

You can be said to have a relationship with God if you have an internal dialogue with Him. At the very least it is asking Him for stuff in the form of prayer.  

This relationship which is in essence a relationship of bargaining would be improved if we remember to make prayers of thanks when our prayers are answered.  

What I will say about my relationship with God is that my prayers are drafted like contractual terms.

Even if God does not exist, the act of asking for specific things and going through why you ought to have your prayers answered concentrates the mind. 

Are Christians really unacknowledged antisemites and Islamophobes?

Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God and not including in this entity a deceased Jew. Christians insist on worshiping a deceased Jew as the co-equal of the God of Israel and Allah. In my view these people claiming to be Christian do not really believe in their nonsense at all, but only claim to be Christian to cloak their antisemitism and Islamophobia.

Why would any rational gentle who actually fears God worship a deceased Jew believing this dead Jew to be the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?

Anyone who is still Christian in this day is invariably an Islamophobe or has not thought the whole thing through, wants to derive a living from the church or only pretends to be Christian because he prefers the company of others claiming to be Christian to the Muslims he hates and fears.

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Invited to participate in a discussion about Christianity but forbidden to discuss Judaism and Islam

3:00  Christianity is the boat that the West has used to travel thus far is now no longer good for its further land journey. 

4:00  Christianity only worked when Christians practised burning heretics at the stake.

6:00  Freedom of belief guaranteed by the First Amendment is based on quran.com/2/256

7:00  The Abrahamic God has the narrative of giving Moses the Ten Commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy. Antisemitic and Islamophobic Christians can never bring themselves to discuss properly the definition of idolatry and blasphemy presumably because they know that they are the odd one out in the Abrahamic faiths. While Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God, Christians believe in the absurdity of the Trinity requiring them to believe that God became Jesus to save humanity from Himself. The repellent stupidity of this idea is nauseating. 

9:00  Jay claims he enters the kingdom of heaven often in this life. 

11:00  Mormonism

13:00  Christianity has inferior scripture. 

14:00  Choosing a religion for your country

15:00  Choosing an ice cream for the nation is like choosing a religion for the nation.

16:00  Secular Koranism accommodates atheists to polytheists. 

20:00  The radicalism of restoring the patriarchy in a matriarchy

21:00  The moral imperative of supporting the patriarchy

22:00  Christianity is needed to dignify antisemites and Islamophobes. 

23:00  Narcissism is suffered by many Westerners. 

24:00  An incorrigible Islamophobe

25:00  European music was sponsored by the church who paid musicians to get the punters into church.

28:00  Monteverdi

29:00  Religion is a working boiler, not an ornament. 

30:00  The role of marriage in giving Europeans their Christian identity

31:00  The world is in fact moving towards Islam.

32:00  Patriarchy > Matriarchy

38:00  Is the shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

41:00  Western Man's rejection of Christianity 

42:00  Christian on Christian persecution

45:00  Why Islam failed

53:00  Buddhism has no rule of law. 

54:00  I meant to say "The Kabbah is not God if people bowing before it don't think it is God." 

55:00  Rationally choosing a religion for your people

1:00:00  The inferior non-Abrahamic religions

1:06:00  The prize of a successful religion is an independent nation or empire.

1:09:00  JEN WALLIS joins.

1:10:00  People have been fighting wars since before Abraham was born.

1:14:00  All religion is about law and war. 

1:15:00  Islam is an imperial religion that guarantees freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256

1:17:00  Defensive wars only allowed.  

1:19:00  Senile old men in charge of the American empire

1:23:00  Abrahamic God

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Panderer panders to Islamophobes pretending to be offended on behalf of Muslims

2:00  Ralph
3:00  Simon Roberts
7:00  Moral Foundations Theory
8:00  Jonathan Haidt
12:00  Leadership
13:00  Wisdom
14:00  Nationalism and the National Interest 
15:00  Posterity is the National Interest.
18:00  The definition of nationalism
19:00  Cooking up conspiracy theories to explain failure
20:00  Moral Foundations Theory
22:00  James Delingpole

27:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
30:00  Judaism
32:00  Caste system
33:00  The Estates of the Realm
36:00  Meritocracy
37:00  Islamic inheritance rules
39:00  Progressive revelation
40:00  New Testament
41:00  Cuius regio,eius religio
Henry II and King John both threatened to convert to Islam.
43:00  Only three rabbis
44:00  Jews and Muslims
45:00  The Great Replacement of the Haredim of Israel
47:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
48:00  Christian missionaries allowed in by the secular Israeli government.
49:00  Messianic Jews who don't even know they are Christians who are idolaters and blasphemers
51:00  Jews are litmus paper.
52:00  European Convention of Human Rights
53:00  Rabbi Pope
56:00  Islamophobia
1:02:00  Lowering IQ of the West
1:05:00  Are we the slaves of God?
1:06:00  Is it better to be people who know we are the slaves of God or be those who do not?
1:08:00  Is it a law of human nature that Jews are always blamed by gentiles if they suffer bad government?
1:09:00  Chief rabbi
1:13:00  Napoleon
1:17:00  Nationalism
1:20:00  Moral thinking and moral advancement

Ralph Masilamani questions my moral right to promote Secular Koranism


29:00  "Secular Clairism"
30:00  Ralph accuses me of following him around but we would move in the same circles anyway because of our political views.
31:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
32:00  When will I give up on Secular Koranism?
33:00  Ralph questions my moral authority to promote Secular Koranism and I say I rely on the moral authority of the Koran. 
34:00  What do non-Western nations think of Western nations? 
35:00  What do Muslims in the West think of their matriarchy?
36:00  How is Secular Koranism "heresy"?
37:00  Ralph's snooty banker Muslim friend is not a higher authority than me.
38:00  The primacy of Corporate America
39:00  I claim the moral authority of the Koran. 
40:00  My agnosticism is to emphasise the fact that you can arrive at Islam using reason alone. 
42:00  The Koran belongs to all of humanity. 
43:00  Ralph accuses me of being a liberal. 
45:00  Ralph panders to Islamophobes.
46:00  Christianity is kaput. 
48:00  I am selling Secular Koranism to the government. 
49:00  Revolution from the top or bottom?
50:00  I am not selling Islam, but my interpretation of the Koran. 
52:00  I would have to disestablish the Church of England. 
53:00  Charles would be king even if he converted to Islam, if I had my way. 
54:00  Freedom of belief is a human right in the First Amendment and the European Convention of Human Rights as well as quran.com/2/256
56:00  A prophet is a kind of advocate, and I do indeed advocate Secular Koranism.
57:00  We should trust in the rule of law of the Koran than our corrupt and incompetent politicians to govern us well under the rule of their constantly changing laws.
58:00  Morality
1:00:00  Neither the Bible nor the Koran forbid abortion. 
1:01:00  An attempt is made to make me say the shahada.
1:02:00  I have not published any papers on Secular Koranism. 
1:03:00  Secular Koranism requires the endorsement of someone with moral and intellectual authority, ideally a Muslim scholar who is also a lawyer. 
1:04:00  Al Fatiha
1:05:00  Moses brought the law in the Torah. 
1:07:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:08:00  I make my point about Christianity only working when Christians practised the burning of heretics at the stake. 
1:10:00  Academically, I make perfect sense, K Balla concedes. 
1:11:00  Do I suffer from the sin of pride?
1:13:00  Shabir Yusuf - would he be better than me at promoting Secular Koranism?
1:15:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom which subsequently became the First Amendment.
1:16:00  I am agnostic as to the afterlife. 
1:19:00  My unmet need to have Secular Koranism adopted by the West. 
1:20:00  The problem is the matriarchy.
1:21:00  Ralph has been spreading rumours about me. 
1:22:00  K Balla Khan says things are OK for Muslims in the UK. 
1:27:00  Who are more successful in the UK - Jews or Muslims?
1:30:00  My plan to get rabbis to endorse Islam as the most Noahide gentile religion
1:32:00  Idolatry
1:33:00  The God of Israel is Allah. 
1:34:00  The Golden Calf
1:35:00  Ralph still wants to fight elections. 
1:36:00  What is a liberal? 
1:37:00  Liberalism and Modernism
1:38:00  Objectivism and Ayn Rand
1:43:00  Jonathan Haidt whose philosophy Ralph relies on is an atheist and a Jew. 
I define morality as a system of rules designed to keep a group in existence and apart from others. 
1:47:00  Waffle from Ralph on morality
1:48:00  Judaism is the most successful moral system. 
1:54:00  Ralph panders to Islamophobes.
1:55:00  Ralph refers to a trick I used on Charles Moscowitz but I am not sure what he means.
1:56:00  Christians and Muslims reject the Noahide laws because they are antisemites. 
1:59:00  The unquestionable chain of command that only exists in a patriarchy
2:00:00  Patriarchy is like the military with a hierarchical structure in which females derive their status from their fathers and husbands where beta males choose an alpha male to represent their interests. 
2:02:00  Men in denial that they are afraid of their wives and daughters
2:03:00  The West is a matriarchy.
2:06:00  Ralph is offended on behalf of Muslims.  
2:10:00  No bedroom police under Secular Koranism.
2:12:00  Humility
2:17:00  Ralph has failed as a woman but I have not failed as a man. 
2:18:00  I possess masculine virtues. 
2:19:00  Denial is a feminine vice. 
2:21:00  I step into the breach. 
2:22:00  I am not morally perfect.
2:24:00  My proposed publicity stunt in Aceh Province
2:26:00  quran.com/60/1
2:29:00  Why should I know or care what an atheist philosopher thinks of morality?
2:30:00  I define patriarchy and matriarchy.
2:32:00  Ralph is offended on behalf Muslim women and is inciting hatred against me. 
2:37:00  Discord policies on hate speech
2:41:00  Speakers Corner
2:44:00  Not written a paper on Secular Koranism
2:45:00  Think Tank
2:46:00  The Spectator
Alison Chabloz
2:47:00  Speakers Corner

2:50:00  Joseph Cohen
2:51:00  Tommy Robinson
2:53:00  Holocaust Denial
2:54:00  Malicious Communications and the Communications Act

5:44:00  Noahide Movement
Aaron immediately agrees that Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion and the proposal that Jews should support it. 

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Claire Khaw on Charles Moscowitz with Doooovid to discuss David Irving and nationalism

1:00  Introduction
2:00  David Irving
3:00  Deborah Lipstadt
4:00  Secular Koranism
5:00  Noahide laws
6:00  Mitford Sisters
7:00  Not all antisemites are Nazis.
8:00  The British government wants to portray Hitler in the worst possible light to take the focus off British foreign policy for losing its global empire in two fratricidal World Wars.
10:00  WW1 and WW2 has been described as the Second Thirty Years War
11:00  National Socialism
12:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
13:00  A more perfect union = a unitary state
14:00  European nationalist movements
16:00  The nation state
18:00  The European Union and Brexit
19:00  The demand for cheap immigrant labour
20:00  Control of national borders
21:00  Putting immigrants on welfare
Political prisoners
22:00  Haredim in Israel
24:00  David Irving and Deborah Lipstadt
25:00  Free speech
26:00  Social media platforms and China
27:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
28:00  Caleb Maupin
29:00  The political establishment is fighting each other. 
Secular Koranism
30:00  BNP
32:00  Aceh Province in Indonesia
33:00  "Extreme family values"and "the Far Right"
34:00  Patriarchy
35:00  Alfred Kinsey
36:00  The Talmud requires sodomites to be thrown off tall buildings. 
39:00  Beating children and wives
40:00  Crime rates in China and America
44:00  George Washington
45:00  The First Amendment
46:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
47:00  Christianity
48:00  Christianity is kaput. 
49:00  Marrying before having children
50:00  Polygamy
52:00  King Solomon
55:00  Praise for me!
58:00  Cultured Thug and Third Positionism
1:01:00  The Chinese Right

Monday, 8 November 2021

The benefits of a universal God is that it is the most powerful

2:00  The grass is always greener on the other side. 
3:00  All change, all change! 
4:00  A Universal God
5:00  The Universal God is the most powerful deity. 
6:00  Jews
7:00  No freedom of belief for Jews.
8:00  The aristocracy of humanity
9:00  Chosen to be scapegoat of humanity's sin
10:00  The greater restrictions of Judaism logically leads Jews to Islam.
11:00  The reward of Judaism for Jews is to eventually become Muslim. 
12:00  A Torah theocracy in Israel?
13:00  The number of capital offences Paul has clocked up
14:00  Capital punishments in Judaism
20:00  A particular and universal God
21:00  Scripture from the Abrahamic God
22:00  A numinous God who created the Universe
23:00  A spiritual experience
24:00  The principle of the thing
25:00  What Jews should do for gentiles
28:00  Noahide laws

The rot in Western culture making it dangerously weak

2:00  Who I want to be compared to - thinker Wang Huning
3:00  Growing nihilism of Americans
4:00  Gender Affirmation Officer
6:00  Genocide
7:00  The degenerate matriarchal practice of acquiring status through victimhood
8:00  A failure of masculinity
9:00  Diagnose the disease!
10:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz 
11:00  Neo-Paganism
12:00  The matriarchy is divorced from Truth, Logic and Morality. 
14:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz is the mangy fox cub standing on a pizza box trying to get at its contents. 
16:00  The cure exists before the disease.
17:00  Christianity was not always meek and mild. 
18:00  Confucianism has outlasted Christianity. 

19:00  Rules eg Confucianism > Narratives eg Trinity

20:00  Jews are always punished more severely than gentiles by God. 
21:00  Jews are expected to adhere to a far higher standard of behaviour than gentiles. 
22:00  Lashon hara ie evil speech
23:00  Jewish emancipation
24:00  The Code Napoleon is based on the Koran. 
25:00  The New Testament is obviously inferior to the Koran.  
26:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

27:00  Paul would be sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin for instigating so many communities to practise idolatry.

  1. Romans
  2. Corinthians
  3. Galatians
  4. Ephesians
  5. Philippians
  6. Colossians
  7. Thessalonians
Paul the heretical Jew clocked up seven death sentences. 

28:00  Three global Christian empires

35:00  No one will discuss the meaning of a functioning moral system with me. 
37:00  In a matriarchy, nothing is fit for purpose.  

39:00  The consequences of refusing to discuss ideas as Thomas Baden-Riess refuses to do because he is like a girl and is so easily triggered he can't cope with anyone disagreeing with him without becoming hysterical is the decline and fall of your civilisation. Watch how he is always swiftly moving on to the next subject so nothing is ever discussed properly in case any discussion angers and upsets his low IQ subscribers. See how I trigger him from 1:42:00

40:00  Simon Roberts
41:00  Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer
42:00  Ed Dutton
43:00  Andrew Bolt
46:00  Status and pride
47:00  Protected characteristics Jews and Muslims enjoy
48:00  Ralph
51:00  Summary

52:00  We are chickens in a cage awaiting slaughter fighting each other to be higher on the pecking order in our metastasising matriarchy. 

53:00  Confucius was a political scientist and a moral philosopher. Compare what Confucius said with Sermon on the Mount. There is no comparison between what Confucius said and the nonsense Christ was spouting. No wonder William Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. The Catholic priesthood was clearly terrified of being made to explain that nonsense, and we know it is impossible to explain nonsense. 

Does the Abrahamic God prefer Jews to gentiles?

2:00  Agnostic
3:00  Why worship any deity that is less powerful than the Abrahamic God?
4:00  Reluctance to follow the laws of the Abrahamic God
5:00  The protective and dignifying aspects of religion
7:00  Choosing our gang
8:00  Badges of identity
9:00  Making rational decisions
10:00  Christianity
11:00  Catholicism
12:00  Envy
13:00  A blood religion
14:00  Judaism is an ethno-religion.
16:00  No time to create a new religion
17:00  The priestly class
18:00  Secular Koranism in different US states
19:00  Christianity took over 300 years to be adopted by the Roman Empire.
20:00  Constantine would have chosen Islam if it had been available in preference to Christianity.
21:00  E Michael Jones
The First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256
22:00  The double whammy of a failed moral and political system
23:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

24:00  The greatest civilisation of the Orient - China - has also rejected monarchy.  

25:00  Fairy tales
26:00  Caliph
27:00  A republic represents a bigger pool of political talent than a monarchy.

28:00  A monarch is now so lowered in status he no longer has freedom of belief, a basic human right!

29:00  Christians are now extinct.  
30:00  Hierarchy

31:00  Israel being supposedly a kingdom of priests makes Jews the intercessors between gentiles and God.

32:00  Matriarchy is the global moral disease. 

33:00  Ben Klassen's Church of Creativity
34:00  Status and class
Nietzsche on interpretation
35:00  Rules of legal interpretation: the golden rule, the literal rule, the mischief rule
37:00  Secular political ideologies do not last as long as religions.
39:00  The Koran is the ultimate Art of the Deal: The bargain of the jizya
41:00  We live in interesting times.
42:00  "Spiritual cuckoldry"
43:00  The Koran > The New Testament

45:00  Road Map Politics > Wish List Politics 
47:00  Squabbling among pagans about which pagan deity to worship
48:00  Nations that change their religion

49:00  The existence of the Abrahamic God is assumed in the US Declaration of Independence. 

50:00  A universal faith has the most powerful deity.
51:00  Hinduism
54:00  The Koran > The Torah
56:00  Jews were chosen to be the eternal scapegoat of humanity. 

Saturday, 6 November 2021

The causes and varieties of antisemitism

Antisemitism is a state of mind that is common in Western nations, antisemitism being a feature of Christianity.  

Christianity is the peculiar religion of antisemites who worship a Jew. 

The narrative of Christianity is that Jews had Jesus killed after he was found guilty of blasphemy when he said his papa was God.  

Once this narrative is accepted Jews became the "synagogue of Satan" and known as killers of Christ who is also worshipped by Christians as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God. 

It is possible that this absurd belief causes Christians to occasionally wonder what Jews and Muslims really think of Christianity, and, suspecting the worst, makes them hate Jews and Muslims all the more for not believing in the Christianity that Christians are supposed to believe in. 

Jews in Europe were allowed to practise Judaism being the senior branch of the Abrahamic faith while gentiles in European nations were deemed to share the religion of their monarch under the principle of cuius regio, eius religio, whether they wanted to or not, on pain of being burned at the stake for blasphemy. Denying the divinity of Jesus and his co-equal status with God and the Holy Spirit would be blasphemy for Christians. However, Jews and Muslims would in turn regard Christian beliefs as also blasphemy and idolatry as far as they are concerned.

While Jews were historically persecuted in Europe, one can imagine that they would be envied the fact that they were allowed to have a different religion by Christians who had no choice but pay lip service to the beliefs of Christianity because it was the religion of their monarch. 

There are three kinds of antisemitism in gentiles: 

  1. The Christian Antisemite
  2. The Muslim Antisemite
  3. The Atheist Antisemite. 
  4. The Neo-Pagan/Pantheist Antisemite

I do not deal with Hindu, Buddhist or Chinese antisemites because these groups are insignificant since  they do not have a competing religious narrative to hate Jews for ideological reasons nor they do they have any reason to hate them for social reasons because there is very little contact.  

The Christian Antisemite
The Christian Antisemite would hate Jews for being Christ-killers and for refusing to convert to Christianity. However, even if some Jews did convert to Christianity, there would be the lingering suspicion that they didn't really believe in the absurdity that Christians were supposed to believe in and every now and then there would be Inquisitions to see if they really believed what they were supposed to believe as Christians.  

The Muslim Antisemite
This is caused by the territorial dispute over Palestine and an Ummah-uniting grievance against Jews, particularly by Muslim victims of Western foreign policy which it is supposed that Jews control.  

The Atheist Antisemite
The Atheist Antisemite would have a presupposition that all the ills he suffers from his government has been caused by Jews in some way because Jews have more legal protections than he does and also more wealth and status, especially that of being God's Chosen People, which is enormously resented.

The Atheist Antisemite is typically proletarian with a chip on his shoulder about anyone above him and this would include Jews.  

It being a presupposition that Jews are responsible for all the ills his life, government and society, he easily finds confirmation bias to support this impression.

The Neo-Pagan/Pantheist Antisemite
Discovering the enormity of the fraud of Christianity on his ancestors but being an Islamophobe, the Neo-Pagan/Antisemite utterly rejects the Abrahamic God rushing headlong into Hinduism, the Neo-Paganism of worshiping Wotan and other pre-Christian European deities or embracing the pantheism of Spinoza, Europe's first secular Jew. 

As a result of Jewish emancipation, many Jews do dominate academia, politics, the professions and many walks of life in the West, confirmation bias would be easy to find for this kind of antisemite.  

Coupled with the fact that many Jews marry out, there will be many gentile ex-spouses and ex-partners who will attribute the failure of their relationship with the Jew concerned with some disliked feature of Jewishness proving fatal to their relationship. The fact that many of them become step-parents to gentile step-children will increase the likelihood of even more antisemitism.  

The Theological Causes of Antisemitism
If all good and evil come from God, and antisemitism is an evil, then God created antisemitism to punish Jews for disobeying His laws. 

Friday, 5 November 2021

Jew schools the far-right

4:00  The Far Right are consumed by hatred and disgraced by their stupidity. 
5:00  The Left are motivated by their desire to help others.
6:00  The Right are about self-preservation. 
7:00  Jewish wisdom

Why the law is above us and God if He exists would be above the law in our hierarchical universe

1:00  The pyramid
2:00  The elite
3:00  Of Mice and Men
Hindu caste system
4:00  The welfare state should be replaced by humane slavery.
5:00  The weakest link in an unquestionable chain of command
6:00  The benefits of patriarchy for women
7:00  Matriarchy is an inverted pyramid spinning on its apex.
12:00  Seven Deadly Sins
13:00  In a rational world
14:00  Build back better
15:00  Secular Koranism
Rabbis ranking gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
16:00  God's Chosen People
17:00  The rule of law
18:00  The concept of authority
19:00  Going through the proper channels
20:00  Liberalism has corrupted Jews and gentiles.
22:00  The decision of an individual
27:00  The Fourth Estate
29:00  Appealing to the Hypothetical Supreme Authority
30:00  Intellectual osmosis
31:00  Ralph and Thomas Baden-Riess
34:00  Censoring Secular Koranism
35:00  Feminists
36:00  Antisemitism
38:00  Jews are the scapegoat of humanity's sins.
41:00  Respecting one's elders
42:00  Prioritising what we ought to prioritise
43:00  Why I am sad
45:00  Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy
46:00  Our ascension towards the Hypothetical Supreme Authority
49:00  Our spiritual needs
50:00  Institutions not fit for purpose

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Putting the world to rights with Secular Koranism and the help of Jews and Muslims

1:34:00  I complain about Jordan's involuntary groan when I joined the stream.  
1:35:00  Secular Koranism
1:36:00  Christianity
1:37:00  Stoning adulterers is only in the Hadith
1:41:00  The option of mercy is extended to thieves
1:44:00  Prayer
1:45:00  Freedom of belief guaranteed by quran.com/2/256
1:47:00  Shirk
1:48:00  Hadith
1:49:00  The Ottoman Empire collapsed.
1:50:00  The number one superpower in the world
1:51:00  Feminine modesty and America being founded on Islamic principles
1:54:00  quran.com/24/2
1:55:00  Islamic finance
1:56:00  Donald Trump
1:57:00  Sharia
2:00:00  Jurisprudence and Maddhab
2:03:00  My avatar promoting Secular Koranism
2:04:00  The Noahide laws
2:06:00  Why Jews are part of the solution
2:08:00  Christianity and liberalism are both kaput.
2:09:00  The Torah has 36 capital offences. 
2:10:00  The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
2:11:00  The purpose for which God made Jews His Chosen People
2:12:00  Most rabbis will acknowledge that Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions.
2:13:00  Orthodox rabbis only
2:14:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
2:15:00  Sikhism and Hinduism
2:16:00  Rule of law and Jews having the casting vote on which gentile religion gentiles ought to adopt
2:17:00  Even Islamophobes cannot agree on a better available guide to humanity than the Koran.
2:18:00  TJump intimidated by me! 

2:20:00  My principled agnosticism
2:21:00  Jews and Judaism
2:22:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God making two revelations: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles
2:23:00  The concept of God definitely exists.
2:24:00  The purpose of our lives
2:25:00  Agnosticism
2:26:00  Being Jewish and the reward for being Jewish
2:27:00  Heaven
2:28:00  Hell
2:29:00  Behaving as if we believed
2:30:00  Who created the rules?
Who wrote the Torah and the Koran?
2:31:00  The laws of nature
Our sense of right and wrong
2:32:00  The seasons
2:33:00  We must obey the law.
2:34:00  My dawah
2:35:00  Secular Koranism and the Noahide laws
2:36:00  Jews have been chosen to do something by God.
2:37:00  For the good of your society, follow what are believed to be God's laws.
2:38:00  Ralph

2:46:00  China

2:50:00  Alex Woodrow
2:51:00  Nigel Farage
2:52:00  Jews should be OK under sharia.
2:53:00  Islam was right about women. 
2:54:00  Flat rate income tax of 20%
2:55:00  Jizya and zakat

Monday, 1 November 2021

An analysis of Ben Klassen and the Church of Creativity

4:00  Secular Koranism
5:00  Christianity and antisemitism
6:00  Ten Commandments and the Deadly Sin of Envy
8:00  Status of perpetrator and victim
9:00  Theological explanation of antisemitism
10:00  Non-theological explanation of antisemitism
11:00  Pandora's Box, Lot's Wife, Orpheus, Adam and Eve
14:00  The Germans in Fawlty Towers
15:00  Alison Chabloz
18:00  Times of Israel
22:00  Jen Scharf's views on Jews and Judaism that they are to blame for Christianity and Islam
25:00  RaHoWa
34:00  Klassen blamed the French Revolution on Jews
36:00  Commandments

41:00  The rules of religion
42:00  Jesus
43:00  Mortal and fallible prophets
44:00  2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy
47:00  Statements of belief 
51:00  Latin
52:00  The concept of the Abrahamic God
53:00  Jews
54:00  Secession of the plebs
55:00  Moses
57:00  Religious groups
58:00  Choosing the best religion for your people
1:00:00  The Torah
1:01:00  Competing concepts of God
1:02:00  Scripture
1:03:00  Rule of law and converting to Judaism
1:04:00  Divine Ethno-Nationalism v Divine Civic Nationalism
1:05:00  Failure of Christianity
1:06:00  The oneness of God v The Trinity
1:08:00  Friend or foe?

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...