Friday, 19 November 2021

Is the decline of the West caused by conspiracies or its inability to use Truth, Logic and Morality?

3:00  Reality
4:00  Ralph's morality is as yet undefined. 
5:00  Western men suffering neurosis and dementia 
6:00  Intellectuals and nationalists not fit for purpose
7:00  Rehabilitating and universalising the reputation of nationalism
8:00  Brittany of Politically Provoked with the bosom will not be platforming Secular Koranism.
9:00  Secular Koranism
10:00  Commitment-phobic Christian men
11:00  Jay Dyer
12:00  The shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.

13:00  Preserving the purity of the entity of the Abrahamic God and preventing its contamination by the corpse of a dead blasphemous Jew

14:00  Principles and principles

15:00  The purpose of Jews is to remind gentiles of the importance of principles. It was by adhering to the principles of Judaism that allowed them to remain in existence and apart from others. 

16:00  The Organised Religion of the Abrahamic Faiths v Idolatry 
17:00  Chinese ancestor worship
19:00  Worshiped Ancestor > Hungry Ghosts
20:00  Mao and his one child policy meant the defenestration of the other half of the practice of ancestor worship.
21:00  Cannon fodder and labourers produced by the patriarchy. 
23:00  How China maintained its patriarchy
24:00  Azeem Rafiq
28:00  Why women keep voting for pro-immigration parties
29:00  Men suffering from feminine neurosis losing the ability for abstract thought such as adherence to principle
30:00  Idolatry schmidolatry
31:00  Shannon Nuszen weakly protesting against her former fellow Christians who will not cease and desist from converting vulnerable Jews to Christianity

32:00  Jews are now decommissioning themselves before they have done what they were supposed to do.
34:00  Christians operating by crypsis in Jewish communities converting them to Christianity

35:00  Jews are not sufficiently vaccinated against the idolatry and blasphemy Christianity.  

36:00  Orthodox rabbis too frightened to publish their ranking of gentile religions ranked according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

37:00  Jews clearly fear Christians more than they fear God.
38:00  The New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an absurdity.
39:00  Islamophobia
41:00  Jews and Muslims too frightened of their Christian overlords to question Christianity

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