Saturday, 6 November 2021

The causes and varieties of antisemitism

Antisemitism is a state of mind that is common in Western nations, antisemitism being a feature of Christianity.  

Christianity is the peculiar religion of antisemites who worship a Jew. 

The narrative of Christianity is that Jews had Jesus killed after he was found guilty of blasphemy when he said his papa was God.  

Once this narrative is accepted Jews became the "synagogue of Satan" and known as killers of Christ who is also worshipped by Christians as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God. 

It is possible that this absurd belief causes Christians to occasionally wonder what Jews and Muslims really think of Christianity, and, suspecting the worst, makes them hate Jews and Muslims all the more for not believing in the Christianity that Christians are supposed to believe in. 

Jews in Europe were allowed to practise Judaism being the senior branch of the Abrahamic faith while gentiles in European nations were deemed to share the religion of their monarch under the principle of cuius regio, eius religio, whether they wanted to or not, on pain of being burned at the stake for blasphemy. Denying the divinity of Jesus and his co-equal status with God and the Holy Spirit would be blasphemy for Christians. However, Jews and Muslims would in turn regard Christian beliefs as also blasphemy and idolatry as far as they are concerned.

While Jews were historically persecuted in Europe, one can imagine that they would be envied the fact that they were allowed to have a different religion by Christians who had no choice but pay lip service to the beliefs of Christianity because it was the religion of their monarch. 

There are three kinds of antisemitism in gentiles: 

  1. The Christian Antisemite
  2. The Muslim Antisemite
  3. The Atheist Antisemite. 
  4. The Neo-Pagan/Pantheist Antisemite

I do not deal with Hindu, Buddhist or Chinese antisemites because these groups are insignificant since  they do not have a competing religious narrative to hate Jews for ideological reasons nor they do they have any reason to hate them for social reasons because there is very little contact.  

The Christian Antisemite
The Christian Antisemite would hate Jews for being Christ-killers and for refusing to convert to Christianity. However, even if some Jews did convert to Christianity, there would be the lingering suspicion that they didn't really believe in the absurdity that Christians were supposed to believe in and every now and then there would be Inquisitions to see if they really believed what they were supposed to believe as Christians.  

The Muslim Antisemite
This is caused by the territorial dispute over Palestine and an Ummah-uniting grievance against Jews, particularly by Muslim victims of Western foreign policy which it is supposed that Jews control.  

The Atheist Antisemite
The Atheist Antisemite would have a presupposition that all the ills he suffers from his government has been caused by Jews in some way because Jews have more legal protections than he does and also more wealth and status, especially that of being God's Chosen People, which is enormously resented.

The Atheist Antisemite is typically proletarian with a chip on his shoulder about anyone above him and this would include Jews.  

It being a presupposition that Jews are responsible for all the ills his life, government and society, he easily finds confirmation bias to support this impression.

The Neo-Pagan/Pantheist Antisemite
Discovering the enormity of the fraud of Christianity on his ancestors but being an Islamophobe, the Neo-Pagan/Antisemite utterly rejects the Abrahamic God rushing headlong into Hinduism, the Neo-Paganism of worshiping Wotan and other pre-Christian European deities or embracing the pantheism of Spinoza, Europe's first secular Jew. 

As a result of Jewish emancipation, many Jews do dominate academia, politics, the professions and many walks of life in the West, confirmation bias would be easy to find for this kind of antisemite.  

Coupled with the fact that many Jews marry out, there will be many gentile ex-spouses and ex-partners who will attribute the failure of their relationship with the Jew concerned with some disliked feature of Jewishness proving fatal to their relationship. The fact that many of them become step-parents to gentile step-children will increase the likelihood of even more antisemitism.  

The Theological Causes of Antisemitism
If all good and evil come from God, and antisemitism is an evil, then God created antisemitism to punish Jews for disobeying His laws. 

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