THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Thursday, 26 May 2022
White Muslim Woman meets gay married man Vincent Bruno and Sam Samuels from Israel
Tuesday, 24 May 2022
There is a cloud in every sliver lining, and a silver lining in every cloud
Thursday, 19 May 2022
How Jews must make good their omission to teach the Noahide laws to Christians as soon as possible
Only Muslims and Jews jointly asking the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy and how and why Jesus is God in a formal public and official manner would shame these idolaters and blasphemers.
Christians are in fact virtually extinct since hardly any Westerner is a confirmed Christian these days, and even those who have been confirmed do not really understand it nor are they explicitly told that the Trinity in fact means the absurdity of having to believe that Jesus created the Universe and impregnated his own mother to give birth to himself to save humanity from himself
There are probably more Muslims in the West now than there are actual confirmed Christians. Only those who have been confirmed have the right to call themselves Christians and even those who have been confirmed cannot defend the morally and intellectually indefensible Trinity since idolatry and blasphemy are specifically and explicitly forbidden by God in His Commandments.
At the very least, believing Jews must discuss the Noahide laws with at least one confirmed Christian to discharge this long neglected duty.
The conversation should begin this way, mutatis mutandis:
- Would you say you agree with the Noahide laws?
- Are you aware that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy since Christians worship an executed blasphemer?
- Jesus was an executed blasphemer according to the Christian narrative, wasn't he? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanhedrin_trial_of_Jesus
- Trinitarian Christianity began as the religion of Imperial Rome in 380 when the Edict of Thessalonica was issued, wasn't it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict_of_Thessalonica
- Do you find it shocking that Christians have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for 1642 years? (2022 - 380 = 1642)
- The most powerful churches in the world are the Catholic and Anglican Church, aren't they?
- Both the Catholic and Anglican Churches believe in the Trinity, don't they?
- The Trinity requires that Christians worship Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, doesn't it?
- The Athanasian Creed requires Christians to believe that Jesus is co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal with the Abrahamic God, doesn't it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athanasian_Creed
- For Jesus to be co-substantial with God means that God is also co-substantial with Jesus, doesn't it?
- For God to be co-substantial with Jesus must mean that God shares the same substance as a dead Jew on a stick, doesn't it?
- To believe that the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is the same substance as a dead Jew on a stick is idolatry and blasphemy, isn't it?
- For Jesus to be co-eternal with God means that Jesus existed before the Universe was created, doesn't it?
- To believe that Jesus existed at the same time as God and was God who created the Universe is absurd, isn't it?
- For Jesus to be co-eternal, co-substantial and co-equal with God means Christians have to believe that Jesus created the Universe with God, doesn't it?
- Did you know if you put these points to a priest when blasphemy was still a capital crime, you would have burned at the stake?
- Do you now reject the Trinity and God?
- If you only reject the Trinity but not God, you are closer to being Muslim than Christian, aren't you?
- If you believe in God but won't convert to Islam, is it because you are an Islamophobe?
Choosing rabbinically guided Noahidism when you could choose to be guided by the Koran is evidence of Islamophobia
Gentiles who reject the Koran which is divine revelation for humanity preferring rabbinically guided Noahidism are being irrational and Islamophobic. Why follow the guidance of Jews creating a religion for gentiles when God had already revealed the Koran for them? Why follow the guidance of a people who have refused to do what God made them His Chosen People to do? The fact that the last three global empires have been Christian is conclusive evidence that Jews never performed their religious obligation to gentiles. Preferring rabbinically guided Noahidism to the Koran is conclusive evidence of Islamophobia. To suffer from a phobia is to have an irrational hatred and fear of something. The less rational person loses the argument.
Allowing humanity freewill means allowing Satan
Satan is necessary to separate the sheep from the goats
Satan is necessary to test humanity on its ability to understand and follow God's laws and also to test individuals for their fitness to enter heaven. Satan is a wheel in the system and operation of ethical monotheism to separate the goats of hell from the sheep of heaven.
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
Talking to Snorkelblog about stiff necked Jews and gentiles and the tragedy of the spies
Monday, 16 May 2022
I ask a rabbi about Islam
Sunday, 15 May 2022
Saturday, 14 May 2022
What Is Best for the World, Islam or atheism? | Randolf Vs Muslim Apologist
Because we think independently, because we are of our own minds, and because each of us is intrinsically unique, it is unnatural to become who or what others envision including those in the distant past, real or imagined with whom we have had no direct interactions.From the ongoing expansions of our own life experiences, we can build a wonderful foundation of greater living through love, compassion, creativity, non-conformity and personal interactions, particularly when this is freely and genuinely of our own making, choosing our own paths as the overall theme and atheism which never interferes with the free nature of consciousness enhanced by memory is logically natural. And if a fundamental purpose were to be ascribed to life perhaps making our own path might be the best option since consciousness is so deeply and interactively intertwined. Equally embracing discomfort and fear draw from doubt as a helpful ally and strive to embark on the practice of freely thinking for yourself.so that you may enjoy a higher quality of existence that naturally awaits as you bask on the horizon of a whirlwind of personal sovereignty, for your own self mastery is always there for the taking along with a love for life and diversity in all its cosmic splendour.While Islam imposes restrictions on our freedoms that are contrary to human nature or at least it seeks to do this, atheism is compatible with all my aforementioned points.
The economic action is the expression of Islam's spirituality.
World order and brotherhood
Medina Charter
Pax Islamica
Islamic aesthetics and art
15:00 Divorce
18:00 Equality is not necessarily justice.
26:00 Polygamy
35:00 Changing the Koran
39:00 Usury
47:00 Islamic principles of warfare preceded the Geneva Convention.
53:00 Indonesian constitution
56:00 Liberalism should be compared to Communism, Fascism and Nazism.
59:00 Thoughtcrimes
1:04:00 Drawing the prophets of God
1:07:00 Portraying Hitler in flattering terms
Islam misogynist and sexist.
Woman can only have one husband.
Diversity, freedom for women
Pax Islamica and sharia
1:24:00 Gender justice
1:26:00 Islamic art v degenerate art
1:41:00 Apostasy
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Talking to Sam Samuels about transport in Israel
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
On the arrival of the Messiah
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
My plans for the global domination of Secular Koranism
Monday, 9 May 2022
The status of my guests
Sam Samuels response to Rabbi David Bar Hayim's message of Machon Shilo that Mashiach is not coming
Rational and moral individuals would choose to be identified by the moral principles they claim to adhere to
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Talking to Vincent Bruno about sharia
Saturday, 7 May 2022
The West is suffering from a moral motor neurone disease
Friday, 6 May 2022
Self-preservation requires that the failure of Christianity is pointed out
Out of a sense of self-preservation I have to point out that Christianity is incapable of reformation and that the American, French and Russian Revolutions have been rejections of Christianity and monarchy which so far Westerners refuse to see.
I wonder why so many Christians who incorporated the scripture of Judaism setting out the Ten Commandments think the prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy do not apply to them. Force of habit after 1642 years of idolatry and blasphemy, I suppose.
Rabbis have a vested interest in preventing Jews from converting to Islam
Rabbis have a vested interest in keeping Jews from converting to Islam, but they have no answer to my questions:
1) Why wouldn't believing Jews who convert to Islam still be in good standing with God if He did indeed reveal the Koran and the Torah?
2) Where does it say in the Torah that God would not make a later and better revelation for humanity?
3) Wouldn't Jews who incur any of the 36 capital offences in Judaism be subject to them in the afterlife if they are not punished for them in this life?
4) If ir nidachat is the death penalty any Jew who is a citizen of Christendom incurs, isn't the only way out of it to convert to Islam in this life?
New Testament ignites and fuels anti-Semitism, explains Rabbi Tovia Singer
So why doesn't @toviasinger mention that the Koran lets Jews off the hook by saying Jesus did not die on the cross?
Could it be that rabbis feared to acknowledge that Islam must be the Goldilocks choice of the Abrahamic faiths because of the historical bargain Jews living in the Christian West have made with their Christian overlords? Did God make them His Chosen People to make this bargain?
If Islam is Judaism Lite, believing Jews wanting a less restrictive life and a more attractive afterlife while still being in good standing with God would convert to Islam in numbers rabbis might find dismaying. Rabbis have a vested interest in keeping Jews away from Islam.
Would God punish Jews for converting to Islam because it is Judaism Lite and give them a less restrictive life and a more attractive afterlife? It is the only way for them to safely "go native". The answer must be no, if God did indeed reveal both the Torah and the Koran.
What would be the effect of Jews converting to Islam en masse in currently non-Muslim Western countries as part of their tikkun olam and their teshuvah for their ir nidachat? They would be light unto nations as God made them His Chosen People to be. Neat, huh?
Sam Samuels on Independence Day in Israel 2022
As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport. Gloucester speaks these words as he wanders on the heath after being blinded by Cornwall and Regan (4.1. 37–38).
31:00 Christopher Marlowe
32:00 1600s
38:00 Will Shake Spear
39:00 Hamlet
40:00 Othello
47:00 The Emperor's New Clothes and Boy Who Cried Wolf
48:00 Yuval Noah Harari
49:00 The Matrix
50:00 WW3
51:00 Ralph Ellis
58:00 Joseph Atwill
59:00 The nature and purpose of Christianity
1:00:00 Literacy is encouraged by Islam, but discouraged by Christianity.
1:01:00 William Tyndale
1:02:00 Divine right of kings
Secular Humanism and Nietzsche
1:03:00 Because our ruling classes can no longer keep a lid on the truth, they have decided to warehouse us for extinction, according to Sam.
1:06:00 Vincent Bruno wants to leave a legacy.
1:08:00 Noahide laws
1:12:00 Gog and Magog
1:14:00 Putin
Discussing the Trinity with Jacob Faturechi
Israel means wrestling with God.To live rational and moral lives, we as humans are to develop a conscience and then wrestle with it.
If God does not exist, then atheists wrestling with their consciences means their better selves wresting with their worse selves.
1:34:00 Messianic Jew
1:35:00 Revelation
1:37:00 Why don't I leave the West?
1:38:00 What's wrong with the West?
1:39:00 Westerners are suffering from amnesia and dementia.
We have to use reason to solve problems.
1:40:00 There is no justice without truth.
1:44:00 Principles
1:45:00 Noahide laws
1:46:00 SCOTUS
1:47:00 Repent
1:48:00 You are an idolater if you are not Jewish believing in Judaism or Muslim believing in Islam.
1:49:00 The opportunity cost of being an idolater is that of not being rightly-guided by the Koran.
I promote a theocracy.
1:50:00 I am just a new School of Sharia.
1:51:00 Christianity produced Christmas.
1:52:00 If something should be done, it should be done as soon as possible.
Augustine of Hippo: "Make me chaste but not yet."
What Israel means
Israel means wrestling with God.
To live rational and moral lives, we as humans are to develop a conscience and then wrestle with it.
If God does not exist, then atheists wrestling with their consciences means their better selves wresting with their worse selves.
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Two Jews and a shiksa
If you believe in God, you would have to obey His laws. If God exists, you should follow His laws.
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
The concept of authority
Legitimate authority is ultimately divine authority whether or not we believe in God
The established churches of European monarchies are making the same mistake as the Hasmonean Dynasty
Monday, 2 May 2022
Discussing Christian apologetics, the Wars of the Reformation and atheist emotionalism with MENJ
Sunday, 1 May 2022
Discussing Jesus 888, gematria, the Mandate of Heaven and Socrates with Niels Jørgen Lindtner
Secular Koranism on a one year grace period on the whipping of unmarried parents
Secular Koranism: Secular Koranism on a one year grace period on the... : TABLE OF CONTENTS Below is a detailed party pamphlet for the...
The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...