Thursday, 26 May 2022

White Muslim Woman meets gay married man Vincent Bruno and Sam Samuels from Israel

3:00  A higher class of hate-watchers
4:00  Talking to lunatics
5:00  Straight men talking about their homophobia
6:00  Gay sex is cheaper and safer if you don't want a paternity suit.
9:00  Odysee and John Gischala
James the Idol Smasher, the Noahide
11:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
The Rainbow Covenant by Michael Dallan
13:00  Rabbi Schneerson
14:00  Shituf
15:00  Trinity
17:00  Christian blasphemy
18:00  Jews
19:00  Speakers Corner discussing Christianity v Islam
21:00  Union Square in New York City
22:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism
23:00  Edict of Thessalonica in 380
24:00  Constantinian Shift
26:00  Arianism is more believable. 
29:00  The American Revolution
30:00  The French and Russian Revolution
31:00  Secular political ideologies
32:00  Russia and China
George Washington disapproved of political parties.
33:00  Shifting factions
34:00  Chinese consultation


50:00  Dugin
52:00  WW3 over gay rights
53:00  Iain Dale complaining about working class Britons admiring Putin.

56:00  WHITE MUSLIM WOMAN joins.
57:00  Idolatry
58:00  Blasphemy
59:00  Building a better America with Islam
1:00:00  Old Christianity
1:01:00  Islam promotes patriarchal moral values. 
1:02:00  Enforced monogamy
1:05:00  Polygamy
1:06:00  Husbands are more than sperm donors.
"My mother was an insane religious woman."
1:07:00  Vincent's parents
1:08:00  Not a homophobe
1:09:00  Gay marriage is a marriage substitute.
1:10:00  "The fact that you're Muslim means you are a very backwards person."
1:11:00   Social conservatism
1:12:00  Child sexuality
1:13:00  Options to traditional marriage
1:14:00  Family stability
1:18:00  Polyamory
1:19:00  Teased for being gay in 4th or 5th grade
1:23:00  Trauma
1:24:00  Catholicism
1:26:00  Sexual reproduction without heterosexuality
1:27:00  Cattle
1:29:00  Haphazard random breeding
1:32:00  Polyamory in a kibbutz
1:33:00  Replacing the extended family with extended networks
1:36:00  Monogamy
1:37:00  Sex Revolution and unstable youth
1:40:00  Faking photos with a hooker to get a divorce
1:42:00  38 and 65
1:43:00  Gay agenda
1:44:00  Islamic values 
1:47:00  Two mums and two dads
1:49:00  An insane discipline system
1:51:00  Sex education class
1:52:00  Birth control
1:53:00  Serial monogamy is the new norm. 
1:56:00  Parental authority

1:57:00  Domestic violence
1:59:00  Polyamory
2:00:00  Reactive Attachment Disorder destroying the psyche of the next generation
2:01:00  Criminals suffer from Reactive Attachment Disorder.
2:07:00  "Nobody wants a mother who is polyamorous slut-bag."
2:11:00  Violent man at the car wash
2:15:00  Does the government know what is good for itself?
2:16:00  Biden
2:18:00  Political parties
2:19:00  Government should support married parents.
2:20:00  The welfare state
2:21:00  Debt in Islam
2:22:00  Lien on your house
2:23:00  A welfare class


2:25:00  White Muslim Woman and Sam Samuels have met before at
2:26:00  Social mobility, Bill Clinton and China
2:27:00  Patriot Act and 9/11
2:28:00  A cabdriver
2:30:00  Vietnam War, JFK
2:31:00  Cold War, Reserve Currency
2:32:00  Handouts
2:33:00  US military
2:34:00  Vietnam War
2:45:00  Not biting the hand that feeds you
2:41:00  Alex Jones
2:42:00  I am complimented!  
2:43:00  Israeli are marrying later.
2:44:00  70s and 80s music and youthful yearning for a golden age
2:45:00  Time flies
Anglo-American Empire
2:47:00  Dugin and the Duran
2:48:00  Running margin
2:49:00  Global collapse
2:50:00  Dumping the dollar
2:51:00  If the US invades Taiwan
2:54:00  Turkey provoking a war over Greece.
2:56:00  British naval base
2:59:00  Biden
3:00:00  The structure of the patriarchy
3:01:00  Presidents and Prime Minister
3:02:00  Second Lebanon War 2006
3:05:00  Live snakes killed horribly
3:09:00  Joseph Atwill
3:10:00  Grievance
3:13:00  Sam's rabbi
3:15:00  Arab and Asian spirituality
3:18:00  Divine process
3:22:00  End Times
3:26:00  Joseph Atwill
The Injil
3:27:00  The Taurat
3:38:00  The Roman Provenance Theory
3:29:00  "Jesus is horseshit."
3:31:00  Dearborn
3:39:00  At your own risk
3:41:00  Iran

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

There is a cloud in every sliver lining, and a silver lining in every cloud

7:00   A zero sum game of identity
8:00  Secular Koranism
10:00  The vice trade
11:00  White Muslim Woman
12:00  Asking the right questions
14:00  Shy of asking questions
15:00  Secular Koranism
17:00  Beta male thinking
18:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobes
19:00  Abstract thinking
20:00  My moral machinery of Secular Koranism
21:00  Stupidity or neurosis or mental health issues?
23:00  The moral imperative
25:00  The Theory of Everything that is the Abrahamic God
26:00  The corrupting bargain of Christianity
27:00  People who pretend to believe Jesus is God
28:00  The Wars of the Reformation
29:00  The American Revolution 
30:00  Rejecting the monarch's right to compel belief in his subjects
31:00  The French Revolution
32:00  Vomiting
33:00  Russians consider themselves Christian.
34:00  WW3
35:00  Not jumping till pushed.
36:00  Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism.
37:00  Arguments for Muslims to defeat Jews and Christians
39:00  The Book of Jeremiah
41:00  Israel
42:00  Democracy
43:00  How to measure good government and fun
44:00  Duration of the Roman Empire
47:00  Judgement of Paris
48:00  Acknowledging the failure of Christianity and repenting of idolatry and blasphemy

Thursday, 19 May 2022

How Jews must make good their omission to teach the Noahide laws to Christians as soon as possible

Only Muslims and Jews jointly asking the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy and how and why Jesus is God in a formal public and official manner would shame these idolaters and blasphemers.

Christians are in fact virtually extinct since hardly any Westerner is a confirmed Christian these days, and even those who have been confirmed do not really understand it nor are they explicitly told that the Trinity in fact means the absurdity of having to believe that Jesus created the Universe and impregnated his own mother to give birth to himself to save humanity from himself

There are probably more Muslims in the West now than there are actual confirmed Christians. Only those who have been confirmed have the right to call themselves Christians and even those who have been confirmed cannot defend the morally and intellectually indefensible Trinity since idolatry and blasphemy are specifically and explicitly forbidden by God in His Commandments.

At the very least, believing Jews must discuss the Noahide laws with at least one confirmed Christian to discharge this long neglected duty.  

The conversation should begin this way, mutatis mutandis:

  1. Would you say you agree with the Noahide laws?
  2. Are you aware that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy since Christians worship an executed blasphemer?
  3. Jesus was an executed blasphemer according to the Christian narrative, wasn't he?
  4. Trinitarian Christianity began as the religion of Imperial Rome in 380 when the Edict of Thessalonica was issued, wasn't it?
  5. Do you find it shocking that Christians have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for 1642 years? (2022 - 380 = 1642)
  6. The most powerful churches in the world are the Catholic and Anglican Church, aren't they?
  7. Both the Catholic and Anglican Churches believe in the Trinity, don't they?
  8. The Trinity requires that Christians worship Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, doesn't it?
  9. The Athanasian Creed requires Christians to believe that Jesus is co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal with the Abrahamic God, doesn't it?
  10. For Jesus to be co-substantial with God means that God is also co-substantial with Jesus, doesn't it?
  11. For God to be co-substantial with Jesus must mean that God shares the same substance as a dead Jew on a stick, doesn't it? 
  12. To believe that the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is the same substance as a dead Jew on a stick is idolatry and blasphemy, isn't it? 
  13. For Jesus to be co-eternal with God means that Jesus existed before the Universe was created, doesn't it?
  14. To believe that Jesus existed at the same time as God and was God who created the Universe is absurd, isn't it?
  15. For Jesus to be co-eternal, co-substantial and co-equal with God means Christians have to believe that Jesus created the Universe with God, doesn't it?
  16. Did you know if you put these points to a priest when blasphemy was still a capital crime, you would have burned at the stake?
  17. Do you now reject the Trinity and God?
  18. If you only reject the Trinity but not God, you are closer to being Muslim than Christian, aren't you?
  19. If you believe in God but won't convert to Islam, is it because you are an Islamophobe?

Choosing rabbinically guided Noahidism when you could choose to be guided by the Koran is evidence of Islamophobia

Gentiles who reject the Koran which is divine revelation for humanity preferring rabbinically guided Noahidism are being irrational and Islamophobic. Why follow the guidance of Jews creating a religion for gentiles when God had already revealed the Koran for them? Why follow the guidance of a people who have refused to do what God made them His Chosen People to do? The fact that the last three global empires have been Christian is conclusive evidence that Jews never performed their religious obligation to gentiles. Preferring rabbinically guided Noahidism to the Koran is conclusive evidence of Islamophobia. To suffer from a phobia is to have an irrational hatred and fear of something. The less rational person loses the argument.

Allowing humanity freewill means allowing Satan

Ethical monotheism is the Abrahamic God being in perfect control of the Universe He created giving us laws to follow but also giving us the rope we need to hang ourselves when we are guided by our emotions and evil inclination. Allowing humanity freewill means allowing Satan.

Satan is necessary to separate the sheep from the goats

Satan is necessary to test humanity on its ability to understand and follow God's laws and also to test individuals for their fitness to enter heaven. Satan is a wheel in the system and operation of ethical monotheism to separate the goats of hell from the sheep of heaven.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Talking to Snorkelblog about stiff necked Jews and gentiles and the tragedy of the spies

4:00  Self-doxing
5:00  Dawn raid
6:00  Valuable police resources
7:00  Intersectionality
9:00  Jews
10:00  Catch 22
11:00  People who keep changing their identity
12:00  White Muslim Woman
15:00  War is an institution.
16:00  Degeneracy
17:00  The Strawberry Generation is the Taiwanese version of snowflake.
18:00  Stupider and weaker
19:00  Living for the moment
20:00  Nihilism, atheism and solipsism
23:00  Millennials, Zoomers and Boomers
24:00  Helicopter parenting
25:00  Plastics, commentary as news
Boomers are the original snowflakes.
26:00  Blonde in the Belly of the Beast

27:00  Christianity is kaput. 
28:00  Sacred ideas is blasphemy. 
29:00  The ideas of the French Revolution
30:00  Changing the calendar is a revolutionary act. 
31:00  Neurotics who can't stick to their word
32:00  Blonde is supposedly Catholic.

34:00  The public and private purpose of religion
36:00  Hell
37:00  On a cloud playing a harp
39:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
41:00  If God revealed both the Torah and the Koran, He must have meant the later revelation to supersede the earlier revelation. 
42:00 Ir nidachat
44:00  Jews ignoring my arguments
47:00  The Believer
52:00  Jews need a Pope but don't want that or a theocracy to end the situation of there being two Jews and three opinions. 
Book of Judges
54:00  When Jews asked God for a king
55:00  Gentiles have also had enough of kings.
56:00  Kings or Caliphs?
57:00  A republic has a bigger pool of political talent than the male relations of the current king.
Dynasty dumped in China
58:00  Communism and Judaism
59:00  Secular political ideologies of Liberalism and Communism have both failed. 
1:00:00  Clintons
1:02:00  Divide and rule
1:03:00  40 years of wandering
1:06:00  Noahide laws
1:07:00  Jews and Muslims
1:08:00  Cultural inertia
1:09:00  Jon Vance of the Canadian Nationalist Party
1:10:00  Secular Koranism
1:11:00  Posterity
1:12:00  People who cannot support the tradition of marriage
1:13:00  Loss of skills and carpentry
Starving and farming
1:14:00  Seeds
Built in obsolescence
1:15:00  Onions
1:16:00  Graduates without practical skills
1:17:00  Land acquisition firm
1:19:00  Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.
1:21:00  Owen Benjamin and white flight
1:23:00  Abrahamic God
1:24:00  Foreigner
1:27:00  Shunned by our children for our politically incorrect views
Stiff-necked people
1:28:00  Parents' views
1:29:00  Christianity and liberalism
1:30:00  Intellectual dishonesty
1:31:00  The Theory of Everything that is the Abrahamic God
1:32:00  Even if God doesn't really exist, we should behave as if we believed in Him and obey His laws.
1:33:00  The Gods Must Be Crazy
Jacob Faturechi mentioned.
1:36:00  Farming
1:38:00  It's not a free country.
1:39:00  Homeschooling
1:41:00  Having the answers
Liberalism and Communism
1:42:00  Global domination
1:43:00  The Vikings
1:44:00  The Jews, the Jews!
1:45:00  God is the ultimate arbitrator. 
1:46:00  Winning the argument
1:47:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
1:48:00  In the best of all possible worlds, in an ideal situation ...
Objective truth, perfect justice
1:50:00  Library of Alexandria
1:51:00  China's Mandate of Heaven
1:54:00  Survive the Jive
1:55:00  Viking deities
1:57:00  Feelings

1:59:00  Choosing the best system
2:00:00  PTSD
2:01:00  Christianity failed a long time ago.
2:02:00  Restore the patriarchy.
2:03:00  Extramarital sex
Gay stuff
2:04:00  Gay soldiers
2:05:00  Pederasty
2:06:00  Sex with another consenting adult is regarded as a human right.
2:07:00  Feudalism
2:08:00  Science, philosophy and religion
2:10:00  Christianity
2:12:00  Feelings
2:14:00  Carpentry

Monday, 16 May 2022

I ask a rabbi about Islam

1.  Is it true that there are 36 capital offences in Judaism?

2.  Have any of the 36 capital offences of Judaism at any time been rescinded by God?

3.  Is it supposed by believing Jews that Jews guilty of any of the 36 capital offences will be punished in the afterlife if they are not punished in their Jewish lifetimes and be faced with four possible methods of execution (strangulation, beheading, stoning and death by fire) in their olam haba? 

4.  Would Jews converting to Islam gain them a potentially better afterlife assuming they are guilty of all 36 but sincerely repented?

Saturday, 14 May 2022

What Is Best for the World, Islam or atheism? | Randolf Vs Muslim Apologist

6:00  Randolph's Opening Speech

Because we think independently, because we are of our own minds, and because each of us is intrinsically unique, it is unnatural to become who or what others envision including those in the distant past, real or imagined with whom we have had no direct interactions. 

From the ongoing expansions of our own life experiences, we can build a wonderful foundation of greater living through love, compassion, creativity, non-conformity and personal interactions, particularly when this is freely and  genuinely of our own making, choosing our own paths as the overall theme and atheism which never interferes with the free nature of consciousness enhanced by memory is logically natural. And if a fundamental purpose were to be ascribed to life perhaps making our own path might be the best option since consciousness is so deeply and interactively intertwined. Equally embracing discomfort and fear draw from doubt as a helpful ally and strive to embark on the practice of freely thinking for that you may enjoy a higher quality of existence that naturally awaits as you bask on the horizon of a whirlwind of personal sovereignty, for your own self mastery is always there for the taking along with a love for life and diversity in all its cosmic splendour.

While Islam imposes restrictions on our freedoms that are contrary to human nature or at least it seeks to do this, atheism is compatible with all my aforementioned points. 

9:00  MENJ's opening speech

There are many Islamic principles helpful to human civilisation.

1.  Family and gender identity
2.  Marriage and divorce
3.  The family is the building block of society
4.  Social and political order
5.  Caliphate and Ummah
6.  Consensus to fulfill the divine will for social cohesion
7.  Economic order

Pakistani philosopher Dr Muhmmad Iqbal:

The economic action is the expression of Islam's spirituality.

World order and brotherhood

Medina Charter

Pax Islamica

Islamic aesthetics and art

15:00  Divorce

18:00  Equality is not necessarily justice. 

26:00  Polygamy

35:00  Changing the Koran

39:00  Usury

47:00  Islamic principles of warfare preceded the Geneva Convention.

53:00  Indonesian constitution

56:00  Liberalism should be compared to Communism, Fascism and Nazism.

59:00  Thoughtcrimes

1:04:00  Drawing the prophets of God

1:07:00  Portraying Hitler in flattering terms


Islam misogynist and sexist.

Woman can only have one husband.


Diversity, freedom for women


Pax Islamica and sharia

1:24:00  Gender justice

1:26:00  Islamic art v degenerate art

1:41:00  Apostasy

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Talking to Sam Samuels about transport in Israel

Transport in Israel
5:00  Siemens trains
6:00  Romance

11:00  "You're too pretty to be on your own."
13:00  Italian
15:00  Dostoevsky
16:00  Tolstoy's War and Peace
17:00  Alexander Mercouris
18:00  Sweden and Finland
20:00  Israeli men
21:00  Casanova
23:00  Why women sit at the back
28:00  Russia
29:00  Sri Lanka
30:00  Tunisia
31:00  Orban
37:00  Consultation
38:00  Corruption in Israeli politics
39:00  Messiah
43:00  Rabbi Sir Ben Artzi
46:00  Fukishima
1:43:00  Marjorie Taylor Green
1:44:00  Tulsi Gabbard
1:45:00  Usury
1:52:00  Muslim suicide bombers
1:55:00  Reading the Koran

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

On the arrival of the Messiah

3:00  The Messiah would have a summer birthday in the month of Tisha B'Av
5:00  I could in theory be descended from the Davidic line. 
8:00  Wouldn't Britain like to be represented by the Messiah?
9:00  Being Grand Inquisitor of Messianic Candidates
10:00  Ingathering of Jews from the diaspora
12:00  The ideal Messianic Candidate
13:00  A Messianic Message
14:00  Should the Messiah have prophetic qualities?
15:00  What did Abraham represent?
16:00  Adam
17:00  Prophets of Judaism
19:00  Balaam
22:00  Has Britain Got Messiah?
23:00  Sri Lanka
30:00  Science and philosophy
Empiricism and Rationalism
Induction and Deduction
32:00  Antisemite
33:00  Is or is not/can or cannot and should/should not
34:00  Jewish omission
35:00  It is doubtful that the Abrahamic God accepts that He is also the crucified Christ and that His mum is Mary.
36:00   Suppressed memories of abuse
37:00   Acknowledging mistakes
38:00  Food unfit for human consumption
38:00  The Messiah must denounce the Trinity.
40:00  Sam Samuels
41:00  Sam's rabbi

49:00  Joel Davis and Richard Spencer

52:00  Debating Secular Koranism with Rob Dufour of Islam4Europeans

53:00  Messianic Welcoming Committee
54:00  Tovia Singer
59:00  Isn't Israel already Christian?
1:00:00  Education and Sharing Day on Rabbi Schneerson's April birthday
1:21:00  Messiah
1:24:00  Noahide laws

1:32:00  CONOPS joins.
1:37:00  Halsey
1:38:00  Cognitive dissonance
1:39:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz liked Sam Samuels.
1:40:00  Aristocracy of humanity
Sigma male
1:41:00  The mentally ill
1:44:00  Rabbinical competition
Aaron Amihud
1:46:00  Converting to Judaism
1:48:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:49:00  Cancelled conversions
1:50:00  Inter-Israeli hatred
1:51:00  Religious Jews maintain Jewish identity.
1:52:00  Culture is fluid, religion keeps your identity solid. 
1:54:00  Indonesia
1:55:00  Churches already being closed down.
1:57:00  Zakir Naik
1:58:00  Mega-mosques in Lombok
1:59:00  Local and national identity
2:00:00  Peking opera
2:01:00  Cities of tall buildings and glass
2:02:00  It's a small world.

2:04:00  The global American empire has the effect of homogenising global culture.
2:05:00  Continental Europeans speaking English better than they do their own European language.
2:06:00  British working classes aspire to be American rather than British middle class.
Alexis de Tocqueville
2:09:00  The Americanised version of the Little Mermaid
2:10:00  Good looking actors and actresses in TV and film came from America
2:11:00  Infantilised Westerners
The Deer Hunter and Apocalypse Now
2:12:00  Europe is an occupied country.
2:13:00  Ukraine
2:14:00  European Islamic Union 
2:15:00  The Eastern Question
2:16:00  The Crimean War
2:17:00  Religious and ethnic solidarity
2:18:00  Apartheid
White people are treacherous to each other. 
2:19:00  Imperial propaganda
2:20:00  Polls
2:21:00  Statistics, lies and statistics
2:22:00  History is written by victor. 
2:23:00  Alexander the Great
2:24:00  Napoleon and Hitler
2:26:00  Clovis
2:27:00  Alfred the Great
2:28:00  Arianism
2:29:00  Holy Roman Empire
Byzantine Empire
2:30:00  OV
2:31:00  StreamYard
2:32:00  House of Comments
2:33:00  Conops is not a righteous gentile.
2:34:00  Sam Samuels and Judas
2:35:00  Register of Jews
2:36:00  Synagogues and the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths
2:37:00  Rabbi Mizrachi was accused of Holocaust Denial.
2:38:00  Vincent Bruno the sodomite wants to be a father.
2:39:00  Eugenic
2:40:00  The optics
2:41:00  My role as an intercessor
2:43:00  Organising shit shows
OV's Discord relationships
2:46:00  Paedophiles and hebephiles
2:47:00  Gillick Competence
2:49:00  "Grooming"
2:50:00  Germans
2:51:00  Men prefer easily impressed females.
2:54:00  Teacher
2:56:00  Underage sex
2:57:00  Romeo (16) and Juliet (13)

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

My plans for the global domination of Secular Koranism

Countries most read for Secular Koranism

1:00  Intersectionality is furthest away from Secular Koranism.
2:00  Iran is the nation closest to Secular Koranism, then China then Russia. 
Dugin is implacably opposed to liberalism. 
3:00  Dugin continues to base Russian identity on Christianity. 
4:00  Clearly, Christianity is kaput and incapable of reformation. 
5:00  Antisemites who are least capable of thinking in the abstract hate Jews who are very good at thinking in the abstract because they have to think their way through the rules of Judaism. 
6:00  Christianity is stupid and makes Christians stupid and corrupt. 
8:00  Christian on Christian religious persecution
Why dissident Americans admire and envy Russians
9:00  Americans regard the US government as incompetent, mad or evil.
10:00  America currently has no functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of morality ensuring most voters in America are married parents who are social conservatives.
11:00  Americans neither know nor understand Western history and cling to kaput Christianity which is doing them more harm than good. 

Anglo Saxons are a victim of their own success. Their success made them decadent which explains why Western men are now feminised, infantilised, sexually incontinent suffering from gender dysphoria.  

12:00  Joseph Ford Cotto

13:00  Paul Gottfried is too afraid of Christians to tell them Christianity is kaput. 

14:00  Post-Christian Western gentiles who are invariably atheists are conflicted because they don't believe Jesus is God and are Islamophobes. They know deep down that the next religion for Western nations is Islam but want to remain in denial. 

16:00  The Dissident Right want to tell lies about me because they prefer to believe that I am not a towering giant amongst cowardly intellectual pygmies incapable of facing the reality that Christianity is kaput and must be replaced by something better as soon as possible. 

17:00  Corruption is ignoring and denying the truth. Feminised and infantilised Western men now collectively indulge in the feminine vice of denial.

The Dissident Right cannot convincingly deny my accusations that they are mostly racists, antisemites and Islamophobes who cannot face that the fact that their conceptual idols of racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia based only on hate and fear are obviously unviable. 

18:00  Islamophobes who run on hate and fear need to believe lies about Muslims in order to stoke their furnace of hate and fear to generate the emotional energy required to maintain their identity. But what a sad low status identity! 

19:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia have become the identity of these hate- and fear-filled antisemites and Islamophobes who actually prefer their low status identity because they hate their already rejected unofficial Western religion of liberalism even more.

20:00   Neo-paganism is the only retreat for the Post-Christian antisemite and Islamophobe. After they expel Jews, Muslims and non-whites, they would have to fight an American Wars of Religion to decide which pagan pantheon to worship. Stupidity and stubbornness is their identity.

22:00  Secular Koranism will be the future basis of Western national identity when the ruling classes regain their senses and their consciences. 

24:00  Russia and China can win the propaganda war against the West just by discussing Secular Koranism.

If you're already a one-party state like China, adopting Secular Koranism would just be like a someone fully dressed putting on a hat.  

If you're still a representative democracy like Russia, becoming a one-party state would be a move towards Secular Koranism.  

26:00  Consultation and shura

26:00  When Western nations are in harmony with Islamic principles

27:00  The ideological war is eminently and imminently winnable.

28:00  Richard Spencer v Joel Davis
Adam Green v E Michael Jones

29:00  Rob Dufour
Daniel Haqiqatjou should keep asking Mark Collett if he has read the Koran yet. 

31:00  Paternal and parental authority

32:00  Raising standards of sexual morality with Secular Koran to regenerate a degenerate society

33:00  RT and CGTN should both discussing Secular Koranism. 

Ed Dutton, Millennial Woes, Academic Agent, Mark Collett

34:00  Gay man wants Millennial Woes to engage with me on Millenniyule.

36:00  Ed Dutton has a degree in theology and anthropology.

37:00  Nick Griffin panders to low status people. 

38:00  I have the advantage of clarity and principle.    

39:00  Nationalists who cannot be moved by Truth, Logic and Morality.

Evidence of corruption and intellectual dishonesty as well as being uneducated is the conspiracy to suppress Secular Koranism amongst the Dissident Right.

40:00  The role of CGTN and RT in launching Secular Koranism

43:00  The Great Disappointment

46:00  Western Secular Koranism in 25 years' time?

Sam Samuels

Monday, 9 May 2022

The status of my guests

2:00  Conops and Sam Samuels did not get on.
3:00  Conops is a liberal and an Islamophobe.
4:00  Game theory
6:00  High status guests
7:00  Sam Samuels genuinely believes in the arrival of the Messiah. 
9:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
10:00  Discriminating against atheists
11:00  Safe spaces for people of different racial groups
12:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
14:00  Abrahamic God
15:00  Doooovid the Hinjew
16:00  Jewish identity
17:00  Woody Allen
18:00  Christianity is killing the West.
19:00  1642 years of Christianity
20:00  Western identity depends on the next Western religion.
23:00  Jews excel in abstract thinking
24:00  Abrahamic God
25:00  Michael Servetus was burned at the stake at the behest of John Calvin.
26:00  Scheherazade
27:00  Questioning
28:00  Dialogue
29:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
30:00  Mark Collett and Simon Webb
Richard Spencer and Joel Davis
Adam Green and E Michael Jones
31:00  Ethical foreign policy
32:00  George Washington's farewell speech
Dale Martin accused me of being an idolater and a fascist.
33:00  Truth, Logic and |Morality
34:00  Marriage is the modus vivendi.
35:00  The problem of men not having a stake in society.
36:00  "You will own nothing and be happy."
37:00  Fornication is the gateway sexual offence. 
39:00  Status is order, order is progress.

Sam Samuels response to Rabbi David Bar Hayim's message of Machon Shilo that Mashiach is not coming

18:00  Rabbis will be out of a job when Temple Judaism is restored. 
22:00  Natural disasters
26:00  Yaron Reuven

32:00  Jews scrutinising each other for kosher compliance
39:00  God has left the West.
48:00  Two suns
59:00  Hopi Indians

1:19:00  An encounter with Christian missionaries
1:26:00  Burned at the stake
1:36:00  Forcing people to believe in God doesn't work.
1:38:00  Rabbi Singer
1:39:00  CONOPS joins.

Rational and moral individuals would choose to be identified by the moral principles they claim to adhere to

If we are moral and rational beings, we must allow ourselves to be defined by the moral system we claim to subscribe to. Even nationalists must agree that what determines what is permissible to do for the purpose of promoting the national interest must be defined by morality.

It was Washington who said "Morality and religion enjoin good faith to all nations" and that "we must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." The New Testament is silent on this but the Koran has plenty to say on these subjects.

This is the only way the world can have nations convincingly claiming to have an ethical foreign policy which is  only way of avoiding war. If there is no justice, there will be no peace. 

Religion is intended to transcend race and nation. If we want to join a group, the religious group is going to be bigger than the nation in terms of numbers.

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Talking to Vincent Bruno about sharia

52:00  I join. 
53:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz, Ed Dutton, Millennial Woes, House of Comments
55:00  Christianity and Liberalism
There is no alternative. 
56:00  Anjem Choudary
57:00  The death penalty
58:00  Capital offences in Judaism
Dr Brown on the Noahide laws
1:00:00  Messianic Age
1:04:00  Vincent and I are very tolerant of each other's intolerance.
1:06:00  Marriage is the most expensive form of sex.
Red Light District
1:07:00  Fornicatresses who are not prostitutes
1:09:00  Contraception
1:10:00  Hoops for people to jump through
1:11:00  Why Jews are cleverer
1:13:00  Working out the rules
1:14:00  Domestic violence in non-traditional households
1:15:00  White culture
1:16:00  Individualism
1:18:00  I don't hate white people.
1:19:00  Noahidism
1:20:00  Capital offences
1:21:00  Would Noahide laws be harsher than Secular Koranism?
1:23:00  Sexual offences
1:25:00  Marrying one's rapist
1:25:00  Capital offences of Judaism
1:29:00  Married men
Frivolity is a sign of decadence.
1:34:00  Freemasons are Noahides.
1:35:00  The purpose of freemasons is to promote Noahidism.
1:37:00  Islam would abolish usury.
1:38:00  Defaulting on debts
1:39:00  Usury
John Calvin
1:40:00  Negative interest rates
1:41:00  Hitler wanted to ban usury. 
1:43:00  Sharia
1:44:00  Unusual homosexual
1:45:00  Yuval Harari
1:45:00  Secular Koranism on a page
1:47:00  Writing a book on Secular Koranism
1:51:00  Sam Samuels
1:54:00  Naziness
1:55:00  Jewminati
The Mossad
1:56:00  House of Comments
1:57:00  Kyle Rowland
2:02:00  Slut-shaming Secular Koranism
2:03:00  Vincent is a caricature of degeneracy.

Saturday, 7 May 2022

The West is suffering from a moral motor neurone disease


2:00  Stephen Hawking
Motor Neurone Disease
6:00  The degeneracy of intellectual and moral cowardice
7:00  Corruption is ignoring and denying truth. 
8:00  Those who have not made a biological investment in the next generation
9:00  Ralph Masilamani
11:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
12:00  Not married fathers
13:00  Antisemites who are not Christian
14:00  Whingeing is not political activism.

15:00  Alt-right YouTubers eg Ed Dutton, Millennial Woes, Academic Agent with bigger channels fear the disapproval of even more unmarriageable men who will withdraw their funding if they are told unpalatable truths about Islamophobes like themselves.

17:00  Israel of all places should be a theocracy if Jews want to be in good standing with God.  

Are there really no men with enquiring minds who want to solve their social, economic and political problems?

18:00  The cure exists before the disease.
19:00  Faking it until you make it
20:00  Right thought, right speech, right action

21:00  Having a civilisation just means having the human organisation capable of sustaining city life. Western civilisation in some form will continue to exist, even if Christianity, liberalism and democracy are officially dumped. 


22:00  Shakespeare's Secret Messiah
23:00  "Stupid invented God"
24:00  Shakespeare and Aristotle

27:00  Moral Motor Neuron Disease of the matriarchy because Christianity is kaput.
28:00  My status
31:00  Aaron Amihud

37:00  Lineage of the European aristocracy
38:00  Imperial propaganda
39:00  The holes in the Christian narrative
41:00  Imperial religion
God meant Christianity to happen. 
42:00  Romans confiscated the gods and religions of the people they conquered.
43:00  Homer's Iliad and Odyssey
44:00  Shakespeare's Secret Messiah 
45:00  Christians and Jews in the West
47:00  Reincarnation
48:00  Israel
49:00  Hellenised Jews
50:00  Jacob Faturechi sucking up to Christians.
51:00  Reform Jews
52:00  Sabateur
56:00  Russia is a technically a liberal democracy.
57:00  Secular Koranism
58:00  Sam Samuel's beliefs
59:00  Left USA in 2005.
Shelling from Lebanon in Haifa
1:00:00  Test of faith
1:02:00  Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
1:03:00  Telepathy
1:04:00  End of Days
1:06:00  Jacob Faturechi about to become a Messianic Jew?
1:08:00  Syncretism
1:09:00  Trinities common
1:11:00  Jews submit to the Christian order.
1:12:00  Azkhenazi Jews would be more corrupted by Christianity than Sephardic Jews.
1:13:00  Israel
1:14:00  Babylonian exile
1:15:00  Gay pride in Jerusalem
1:17:00  Chillul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem
1:18:00  Culture War between Patriarchy v Matriarchy
1:22:00  Eating babies
1:21:00  Alex Jones video
1:25:00  George Soros
1:30:00  Gay orchestra
1:34:00  Hitler Youth
1:35:00  Culture War is between Patriarchy v Matriarchy
1:36:00  Right thought, right speech, right action
1:37:00  AA meetings
1:38:00  Making your mind up

Friday, 6 May 2022

Self-preservation requires that the failure of Christianity is pointed out

Out of a sense of self-preservation I have to point out that Christianity is incapable of reformation and that the American, French and Russian Revolutions have been rejections of Christianity and monarchy which so far Westerners refuse to see.

I wonder why so many Christians who incorporated the scripture of Judaism setting out the Ten Commandments think the prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy do not apply to them. Force of habit after 1642 years of idolatry and blasphemy, I suppose.

Rabbis have a vested interest in preventing Jews from converting to Islam

Rabbis have a vested interest in keeping Jews from converting to Islam, but they have no answer to my questions:

1) Why wouldn't believing Jews who convert to Islam still be in good standing with God if He did indeed reveal the Koran and the Torah?

2) Where does it say in the Torah that God would not make a later and better revelation for humanity?

3) Wouldn't Jews who incur any of the 36 capital offences in Judaism be subject to them in the afterlife if they are not punished for them in this life?

4) If ir nidachat is the death penalty any Jew who is a citizen of Christendom incurs, isn't the only way out of it to convert to Islam in this life?

New Testament ignites and fuels anti-Semitism, explains Rabbi Tovia Singer

So why doesn't @toviasinger mention that the Koran lets Jews off the hook by saying Jesus did not die on the cross?

Could it be that rabbis feared to acknowledge that Islam must be the Goldilocks choice of the Abrahamic faiths because of the historical bargain Jews living in the Christian West have made with their Christian overlords? Did God make them His Chosen People to make this bargain?

If Islam is Judaism Lite, believing Jews wanting a less restrictive life and a more attractive afterlife while still being in good standing with God would convert to Islam in numbers rabbis might find dismaying. Rabbis have a vested interest in keeping Jews away from Islam.

Would God punish Jews for converting to Islam because it is Judaism Lite and give them a less restrictive life and a more attractive afterlife? It is the only way for them to safely "go native". The answer must be no, if God did indeed reveal both the Torah and the Koran.

What would be the effect of Jews converting to Islam en masse in currently non-Muslim Western countries as part of their tikkun olam and their teshuvah for their ir nidachat? They would be light unto nations as God made them His Chosen People to be. Neat, huh?  

Sam Samuels on Independence Day in Israel 2022

Independence Day
2:00  Jacob Faturechi
3:00  Christian atheists and pagan atheists are the same.  
4:00  Is there a difference between abortion and difference? 
5:00  The sin of spilling seed
6:00  Demons and evil spirits is the consequence of the sin of spilling seed.
7:00  Women who cause men to spill seed also attract demons
9:00  Jewish mating practicalities
10:00  Materialistic considerations
11:00  Demeaning for men
12:00  Immodest Israeli women
13:00  Jewish grandparents aghast at Israeli beaches like Brazilian beaches.
14:00  "The women will be naked."
15:00  Rotten Western culture is consuming the entire world. 
16:00  No one will be told.
17:00  Moral hierarchy
18:00  The indispensability of God even for atheists
19:00  Royalty don't have freedom of belief.
20:00  Monarchists and royalists
21:00  Joseph Atwill
23:00  Shakespeare's Messiah

29:00  Domitian 

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport. Gloucester speaks these words as he wanders on the heath after being blinded by Cornwall and Regan (4.1. 37–38).

31:00  Christopher Marlowe 

32:00  1600s

38:00  Will Shake Spear

39:00  Hamlet

40:00  Othello

47:00  The Emperor's New Clothes and Boy Who Cried Wolf

48:00  Yuval Noah Harari

49:00  The Matrix

50:00  WW3

51:00  Ralph Ellis

58:00  Joseph Atwill

59:00  The nature and purpose of Christianity

1:00:00  Literacy is encouraged by Islam, but discouraged by Christianity.

1:01:00  William Tyndale

1:02:00  Divine right of kings

Secular Humanism and Nietzsche

1:03:00  Because our ruling classes can no longer keep a lid on the truth, they have decided to warehouse us for extinction, according to Sam.

1:06:00  Vincent Bruno wants to leave a legacy.

1:08:00  Noahide laws

1:12:00  Gog and Magog

1:14:00  Putin


Discussing the Trinity with Jacob Faturechi

2:00  I am praised.
3:00  The Chillul Hashem of consorting with Catholics
5:00  Nicene Creed
6:00  John Calvin and Constantine
7:00  Catholicism is idolatry and blasphemy.

8:00  "The Monarchical Trinity" is Arianism.

20:00  Noahide laws

21:00  Shituf is worse than avodah zarah.

Jews and Muslims worship the same Abrahamic God.

Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God. 

22:00  Faturechi says Muslims are murderers. Christians is a minority pursuit in the West and hardly any Westerners are confirmed Christians with the right to call themselves Christian. The question to ask is if Christianity is kaput rather than whether Muslims are terrorists since Muslims have never pretended that Muslims are never murderers.  

23:00  "The Egalitarian Trinity"

24:00  "Calvinist Judaism"

26:00  The Catholic Church would burn the proponents of the Monarchical Trinity at the stake, if it could.  

27:00  Christians need to give up their idolatry as soon as possible. 

28:00  Faturechi is too afraid to point out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity to his Christian overlords.

29:00  Westerners only pretend to be Christians because they hate Jews and Muslims.
30:00  Socinian heresy 
31:00  Hypostasis and tri-unity

32:00  Build back better with Islam.

33:00  Cold turkey
34:00  Church
35:00  Beliefs influence actions.
36:00  God will tell Christians they are idolaters.

The Trinity was cooked up by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian. 

37:00  Christians must go cold turkey about the Trinity. 

38:00  Half a century of not supporting marriage and family values in the West has caused general atheism. 

39:00  Christianity is indeed a stepping stone towards Islam.  

40:00  Regulating the morals of the ruling classes

"Christianity is false."

41:00  Nietzsche said God is dead and we have killed him. 

42:00  Christian and pagan atheism


43:00  Fudging the issue

We have to be cruel to be kind. 

44:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. 

Western civilisation is based on Christianity. 

Would Westerners like to move on from Christianity before or after WW3?

45:00  Apocalypticism

46:00  My alleged postmodern agenda

47:00  I am accused of being postmodernist again. 

49:00  Modern Western philosophy is stupid.

50:00   Secular Koranism

51:00  Snorkelblog

52:00  I passed my Bar Exams.

53:00  "Secular Koranism is performative critical race theory."

54:00  I have destroyed the right by humiliating E Michael Jones, apparently.

55:00  Justice

56:00  Condemning Christianity

57:00  I am a postmodern neo-Marxist, apparently.

58:00  Nick Land and Sadie

59:00  Cognitive distortions, James Lindsay, Jonathan Haidt

1:00:00  Mental illness

1:01:00  Nuance = fudging the issue

1:02:00  Splitting, black and white thinking

1:03:00  I would never destroy Millennial Woes.

1:04:00  I can't get on Millenniyule.

1:05:00  My organisation and agency

1:06:00  Liberal democracy was failing since Weimar Germany.

The General Election of 1915 was cancelled. 

1:07:00  Cognitive distortion and splitting

1:08:00  Jacob's mental health issues

1:09:00  Mental illness may probably caused by the desire to remain Jewish yet wanting to fit in with gentiles.

1:10:00  Robots exploding when they cannot resolve conflicting orders

1:12:00  I deny that I am of the left.

1:13:00  Catastrophising

1:14:00  Preventing the West from being a failed state

1:16:00  Saying what I believe to be the truth

1:17:00  The obvious solution is Secular Koranism.

1:18:00  Secular Koranism is again called Performative Critical Race Theory. 

1:19:00  E Michael Jones

1:20:00  Controlled opposition
Being cruel to Doooovid
Punching down

1:21:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
Doooovid is a liberal. 

1:23:00  Is Dooovid above or below me?

1:25:00  Critical Race Theory

1:26:00  Formulating counter-arguments

1:27:00  The patient has to admit he is ill. 

1:28:00  Anthony Trollope


1:29:00  Crime and Punishment

1:33:00  The essence of Judaism

Israel means wrestling with God. 

To live rational and moral lives, we as humans are to develop a conscience and then wrestle with it. 

If God does not exist, then atheists wrestling with their consciences means their better selves wresting with their worse selves.

1:34:00  Messianic Jew

1:35:00  Revelation

1:37:00  Why don't I leave the West?

1:38:00  What's wrong with the West?

1:39:00  Westerners are suffering from amnesia and dementia.

We have to use reason to solve problems. 

1:40:00  There is no justice without truth. 

1:44:00  Principles

1:45:00  Noahide laws

1:46:00  SCOTUS

1:47:00  Repent

1:48:00  You are an idolater if you are not Jewish believing in Judaism or Muslim believing in Islam. 

1:49:00  The opportunity cost of being an idolater is that of not being rightly-guided by the Koran. 

I promote a theocracy. 

1:50:00  I am just a new School of Sharia. 

1:51:00  Christianity produced Christmas.

1:52:00  If something should be done, it should be done as soon as possible.  

Augustine of Hippo: "Make me chaste but not yet."


What Israel means

Israel means wrestling with God. 

To live rational and moral lives, we as humans are to develop a conscience and then wrestle with it. 

If God does not exist, then atheists wrestling with their consciences means their better selves wresting with their worse selves.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Two Jews and a shiksa

6:00  Polly Boiko of RT
12:00  Social media platforms
14:00  Antisemitism is a religious practice of posting antisemitic comments online.
15:00  Sick minds
16:00  Tovia Singer
16:00  Secular Koranism
17:00  "Secular Christianity"
18:00  Oxymoronic branding
20:00  Peaceful or violent resolution
21:00  Liberal Jews never taking a stand about anything.
23:00  Post birth abortions
24:00  Paleoconservatism
27:00  Interest rates
28:00  Bond market
29:00  Sabre-rattling
31:00  Nasty people
32:00  Putin
33:00  Suicide by cop
34:00  Echo chambers
35:00  Choosing a hill to die on
39:00  Yaron Reuven and Rabbi Mizrachi
40:00  How things will be when Mashiach arrives

If you believe in God, you would have to obey His laws. If God exists, you should follow His laws.

2:00  Matriarchy is a society of men with daddy issues ie problems without authority.
3:00  No beta male will accept the authority of another beta male. 
4:00  Nietzsche
5:00  British nationalists lack masculinity and leadership qualities.
6:00  British nationalists lack moral and intellectual integrity and therefore lack moral and intellectual authority.
8:00  Most British nationalists are not married fathers.

A higher percentage of British nationalists are unmarriageable than liberal mainstream Britons.

Nationalists tend not to be marriageable because of their low social and economic status and even if they were of high social and economic status, the Fourth Estate would lower their status by calling them racists, misogynists, fascists, Nazis, antisemites and Islamophobes.  

9:00  Unmarriageable men would be unable to support the institution of marriage because they would harbour the dread of having it pointed out to them that no one would want to marry them anyway. Low status neurotic men like the antifeminist Mike Buchanan would be the perfect example. 
10:00  Sexually inactive males who would not be in fear of losing sexual access to potential female sex partners are terrified if alienating their fellow nationalists whose female sex partners are mostly unmarried mothers or who have been brought up by an unmarried mother in a fatherless home. The men above them also fear to alienate their wives and children who have spent their entire lives thinking that sex with another consenting adult is their human right. 

12:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority over and above over any mortal and fallible man, dead or alive

13:00  The social and moral disease is suffered by the Prime Ministers of Britain and New Zealand. 

14:00  The Fourth Estate refuses to support marriage and persists in supporting the matriarchy. 

15:00  Deriving an ought from an is.  

16:00  Category error

17:00  David Hume

18:00  Is is not should, should is not is. 

19:00  Hypocrites are cowards. I am morally and intellectually superior to hypocrites and cowards who pretend not to understand what I am saying. 

20:00  Jews more afraid of their Christian overlords than God. 

21:00  The logic of believing in God would be to obey His laws.

22:00  The practice of having a global empire

23:00  Internal passports

24:00  Peasants moving to the city

26:00  Cognitive dissonance

27:00  Homicide is most common in families.

28:00  Promoting a theocracy

29:00  Secular Koranism is being suppressed.  

30:00  God is an entity.  

31:00  Morally and intellectually compromised men

32:00  Secular Koranism is the middle way.

33:00  Blamers of Jews and Muslims not interested in solutions. 

34:00  Christianity had to be imposed from above. 

35:00  European Man has been traumatised by Christianity and Islam. 

36:00  Joel Davis, Curtis Yarvin, Warren Balogh, Daniel Sienkiewicz  

37:00  Follow the rules!

38:00  Second Order belief

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

The concept of authority

2:00  Different kinds of authority eg lawful authority, parental authority, senior authority, divine authority, supreme authority.
3:00  Ranking people according to their authority

Authority is considered.

4:00  Ancient laws and new laws
5:00  The rule against "misgendering" someone
6:00  Pupil, prefer, teacher, headteacher
7:00  The ranking of authority
8:00  Going through the appeals process to a legal action
9:00  Hasmonean Dynasty fusing priest and king deprived both of legitimate authority.
10:00  Reading the signs
12:00  Priestly advice and warnings
13:00  Executing the priest is a high risk strategy.
14:00  The rules in scripture
15:00  Torturing and executing the high priest would create an atmosphere of unease.
16:00  God's Chosen People
17:00  Jews are the constant and gentiles the variable
18:00  The Torah and Koran
19:00  A hierarchy of groups and authorities
20:00  Fewer wars under global Secular Koranism.
22:00  My authority
24:00  Could I be prophetic?
26:00  Moral apathy
27:00  Livy
28:00  Nihilism is a product of atheism.

Legitimate authority is ultimately divine authority whether or not we believe in God

3:00  The ancien regime and the Estates of the Realm
4:00  The Hindu caste system
5:00  The divine right of kings to rule
6:00  The emperors of China were not always Chinese.
7:00  King Solomon
8:00  Legitimate authority
9:00  Ancient historical materialism
10:00  Cardinal Wolsey and Thomas Beckett
11:00  Separation of powers and the second highest authority in the land
12:00  Papal power was usurped by the monarch through the established church.
13:00  Invoking a higher power
14:00  Separation of powers
15:00  Independent judiciary
Wroe v Wade
16:00  The price of being mainstream
17:00  The role and status of God's Chosen People
18:00  The powers and attributes of the Abrahamic God and martyrdom
Jews, Christians and Muslims only pretending to believe in God.
21:00  Divine authority
22:00  Free will
Jews and Chinese
23:00  Population of China and India
25:00  The Mandate of Heaven acknowledges the Abrahamic God.
27:00  Legitimate authority comes from divine authority.
28:00  Mandate of Heaven > Christianity
29:00  Christianity is an anachronism.
30:00  A functioning moral system at the least is enforceable laws.
31:00  Natural law and the rules of natural justice
32:00  Trust and confidence in the state and the justice of its laws
33:00  A harmonious household and nation
34:00  Feminism has undermined the integrity of marriage and the family
35:00  Correction is submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

The established churches of European monarchies are making the same mistake as the Hasmonean Dynasty

3:00  Karl Marx
4:00  History is written by victor.
5:00  Tell us a story about rules.
6:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
7:00  The Hasmoneans
8:00  Percentage of Jews supporting the Democrats
10:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
12:00  The Western ruling classes are mad, stupid and evil.
13:00  NATO spending on military aggression
14:00  Did we choose our moral system in our democracy? 
15:00  Warren Balogh of the National Justice Party blaming Jews
16:00  A moral system that cannot regulate the morals of the ruling classes
17:00  Non-Christians and non-liberals don't care that Christianity and liberalism are kaput. 
18:00  The solution to a broken moral system is to repair it or get a new one.
Corruption is ignoring and denying the truth. 
19:00  No signs of intelligent life in the chat.
21:00  Why be a member of a gang known to be idolaters and blasphemers?
22:00  Ralph wants to identify himself with Western Man but has nothing to offer.
23:00  Joe
24:00  Nietzsche cannot help infantilised and emasculated Western Man.
25:00  Christian larpers
26:00  Why the Traditional Britain Group flee from me
27:00  Pre-Christian deities of Britain
28:00  Druids

Henry VIII committed the same error as the Hasmonean Dynasty when he made the monarch his own Pope.

31:00  The Church of England was established to be a Creature of the Estate.
32:00  The British monarch has fewer rights than his or her subjects. 
34:00  Islamophobia is morally and intellectually crippling. 
35:00  Mamzerim
37:00  The people who claim to believe in God
38:00  The North Star
39:00  Antisemitism is condemned by God and atheists. 
41:00  The power and glory of Secular Koranism

Monday, 2 May 2022

Discussing Christian apologetics, the Wars of the Reformation and atheist emotionalism with MENJ

1:00  Apologetics: Christians should apologise for their idolatry and blasphemy. 
2:00  We live in an uncreated Universe could be claimed by atheists, pantheists and panentheists.
3:00  Atheism in Muslims
4:00  Ex-Muslim Harris Sultan debating Daniel Haqiqatjou

6:00  Atheist arguments are based on emotionalism.
7:00  Following the highway code is for our own safety. 
8:00  Atheists who become narcissists worship their own emotions and opinions.
9:00  TJump, poster boy for atheism

10:00  TJump has a catechism for atheism.
11:00  Islamophobes in Britain 
12:00  Islamophobie in Sweden
13:00  Neoconservatism supports neoliberalism.
14:00  Immigration
15:00  Leading figures of Conservatism and nationalism dare not point out to their supporters complaining about immigration that they have to have to marry younger and have more children to prevent the labour shortages that create an irresistible demand for mass immigration.
16:00  The lack of good parenting and the inability to raise educational standards
17:00  The intellectual dishonesty of anti-immigration parties
18:00  Ukrainian refugees
19:00  Changes in the racial composition of their society
20:00  Christianity is now incapable of regulating the morals of the Western ruling classes.
21:00  Catholicism v Celtic Christianity
22:00  If Henry VIII had been Muslim, there would have been no need for the English Reformation.
23:00  Anne Boleyn and Henry II
24:00  Thomas Becket
25:00  Interdict
26:00  Cuius regio, eius religio.
28:00  The penalty for blasphemy is death in Judaism and Christianity.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Discussing Jesus 888, gematria, the Mandate of Heaven and Socrates with Niels Jørgen Lindtner

Christian Lindtner
3:00  Geoff Roberts
5:00  Nicene Creed
7:00  Philologist
9:00  Plato and the hoi polloi
10:00  Zeus
12:00  The Abrahamic God
13:00  Worshiping Jesus is irrational.
14:00  Theosophy
16:00  God is the final arbiter.
17:00  It is religion that transcends religion and race. 
18:00  Self-improvement and national improvement through God and His laws
19:00  Geoff Roberts
20:00  A common narrative
21:00  Nicene Creed
22:00  Taking things literally
22:00  Church of Denmark
23:00  Confirmation ceremony
24:00  Confirmation ceremonies in May
25:00  Being Danish
26:00  Nation-building
27:00  Truth and logic
28:00  We don't want to be Aztecs.
29:00  Historical materialism
30:00  European Christianity 
31:00  Nietzsche said "God is dead and we have killed him."
32:00  Idolatry
33:00  God is the policeman in our minds.
Mora education
34:00  Corrupt and incompetent politicians who keep changing the laws for no good reason
35:00  The Christian narrative
36:00  Changing our religion
37:00  Constantine the Great
The Year of the Five Emperors
39:00  The Reformation
41:00  Rarely rational people in church
42:00  Gematria
46:00  Cultivating wisdom and Plato
47:00  Empiricism
49:00  Number of the Beast
51:00  Euclid
52:00  Egyptian deity 365
56:00  Calendars
57:00  Necromancy, sorcery or numerology?
1:00:00  I Ching
1:01:00  Prophethood
1:02:00  Militant atheists
1:03:00  Denying the existence of God and His prophets
1:04:00  Is Islam rational?
1:06:00  The Trinity is a Christian postulate. 
1:07:00  Buddhism
1:08:00  Irrationality
1:09:00  Emotion v Reason
1:10:00  Copernicus and Galileo
1:11:00  The Good Life
1:12:00  Truth, Reason and Justice
1:13:00  The problem with Christianity
1:14:00  The Will to Power, Man and Superman
1:15:00  The divine spark
1:16:00  Gematria
1:18:00  Freemasons, 33 degrees, Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code
1:19:00  Science
1:20:00  Plato
1:21:00  Mental arithmetic
1:22:00  Danish clergy inviting Islam into Denmark.
1:23:00  The established church is only a creature of the state.
1:24:00  Keeping people stupid
Mandate of Heaven
1:26:00  Divine right of kings
1:27:00  The Pope's authority rejected by European monarchs
1:28:00  People who pretend to believe the official version
1:29:00  The Fourth Estate is the First Estate.
1:30:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions
1:31:00  Voltaire and Dr Pangloss
1:32:00  Noahide laws
1:34:00  Plato and Socrates
1:35:00  Socrates and Jesus were martyrs.
1:36:00  The Republic by Plato
1:38:00  Socratic dialogue
1:39:00  Scientific Knowledge and Wisdom
1:40:00  Greek and Latin
1:41:00  The Ministrix of Education in Denmark
William Tyndale
1:42:00  The traumatised European
1:43:00  Stupider, worse and weaker
1:44:00  The Egyptians were fooled for a long time.

Secular Koranism on a one year grace period on the whipping of unmarried parents

Secular Koranism: Secular Koranism on a one year grace period on the... :    TABLE OF CONTENTS   Below is a detailed party pamphlet for the...