Tuesday, 10 May 2022

My plans for the global domination of Secular Koranism

Countries most read for Secular Koranism

1:00  Intersectionality is furthest away from Secular Koranism.
2:00  Iran is the nation closest to Secular Koranism, then China then Russia. 
Dugin is implacably opposed to liberalism. 
3:00  Dugin continues to base Russian identity on Christianity. 
4:00  Clearly, Christianity is kaput and incapable of reformation. 
5:00  Antisemites who are least capable of thinking in the abstract hate Jews who are very good at thinking in the abstract because they have to think their way through the rules of Judaism. 
6:00  Christianity is stupid and makes Christians stupid and corrupt. 
8:00  Christian on Christian religious persecution
Why dissident Americans admire and envy Russians
9:00  Americans regard the US government as incompetent, mad or evil.
10:00  America currently has no functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of morality ensuring most voters in America are married parents who are social conservatives.
11:00  Americans neither know nor understand Western history and cling to kaput Christianity which is doing them more harm than good. 

Anglo Saxons are a victim of their own success. Their success made them decadent which explains why Western men are now feminised, infantilised, sexually incontinent suffering from gender dysphoria.  

12:00  Joseph Ford Cotto

13:00  Paul Gottfried is too afraid of Christians to tell them Christianity is kaput. 

14:00  Post-Christian Western gentiles who are invariably atheists are conflicted because they don't believe Jesus is God and are Islamophobes. They know deep down that the next religion for Western nations is Islam but want to remain in denial. 

16:00  The Dissident Right want to tell lies about me because they prefer to believe that I am not a towering giant amongst cowardly intellectual pygmies incapable of facing the reality that Christianity is kaput and must be replaced by something better as soon as possible. 

17:00  Corruption is ignoring and denying the truth. Feminised and infantilised Western men now collectively indulge in the feminine vice of denial.

The Dissident Right cannot convincingly deny my accusations that they are mostly racists, antisemites and Islamophobes who cannot face that the fact that their conceptual idols of racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia based only on hate and fear are obviously unviable. 

18:00  Islamophobes who run on hate and fear need to believe lies about Muslims in order to stoke their furnace of hate and fear to generate the emotional energy required to maintain their identity. But what a sad low status identity! 

19:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia have become the identity of these hate- and fear-filled antisemites and Islamophobes who actually prefer their low status identity because they hate their already rejected unofficial Western religion of liberalism even more.

20:00   Neo-paganism is the only retreat for the Post-Christian antisemite and Islamophobe. After they expel Jews, Muslims and non-whites, they would have to fight an American Wars of Religion to decide which pagan pantheon to worship. Stupidity and stubbornness is their identity.

22:00  Secular Koranism will be the future basis of Western national identity when the ruling classes regain their senses and their consciences. 

24:00  Russia and China can win the propaganda war against the West just by discussing Secular Koranism.

If you're already a one-party state like China, adopting Secular Koranism would just be like a someone fully dressed putting on a hat.  

If you're still a representative democracy like Russia, becoming a one-party state would be a move towards Secular Koranism.  

26:00  Consultation and shura

26:00  When Western nations are in harmony with Islamic principles

27:00  The ideological war is eminently and imminently winnable.

28:00  Richard Spencer v Joel Davis
Adam Green v E Michael Jones

29:00  Rob Dufour
Daniel Haqiqatjou should keep asking Mark Collett if he has read the Koran yet. 

31:00  Paternal and parental authority

32:00  Raising standards of sexual morality with Secular Koran to regenerate a degenerate society

33:00  RT and CGTN should both discussing Secular Koranism. 

Ed Dutton, Millennial Woes, Academic Agent, Mark Collett

34:00  Gay man wants Millennial Woes to engage with me on Millenniyule.

36:00  Ed Dutton has a degree in theology and anthropology.

37:00  Nick Griffin panders to low status people. 

38:00  I have the advantage of clarity and principle.    

39:00  Nationalists who cannot be moved by Truth, Logic and Morality.

Evidence of corruption and intellectual dishonesty as well as being uneducated is the conspiracy to suppress Secular Koranism amongst the Dissident Right.

40:00  The role of CGTN and RT in launching Secular Koranism

43:00  The Great Disappointment

46:00  Western Secular Koranism in 25 years' time?

Sam Samuels

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