Friday, 6 May 2022

Rabbis have a vested interest in preventing Jews from converting to Islam

Rabbis have a vested interest in keeping Jews from converting to Islam, but they have no answer to my questions:

1) Why wouldn't believing Jews who convert to Islam still be in good standing with God if He did indeed reveal the Koran and the Torah?

2) Where does it say in the Torah that God would not make a later and better revelation for humanity?

3) Wouldn't Jews who incur any of the 36 capital offences in Judaism be subject to them in the afterlife if they are not punished for them in this life?

4) If ir nidachat is the death penalty any Jew who is a citizen of Christendom incurs, isn't the only way out of it to convert to Islam in this life?

New Testament ignites and fuels anti-Semitism, explains Rabbi Tovia Singer

So why doesn't @toviasinger mention that the Koran lets Jews off the hook by saying Jesus did not die on the cross?

Could it be that rabbis feared to acknowledge that Islam must be the Goldilocks choice of the Abrahamic faiths because of the historical bargain Jews living in the Christian West have made with their Christian overlords? Did God make them His Chosen People to make this bargain?

If Islam is Judaism Lite, believing Jews wanting a less restrictive life and a more attractive afterlife while still being in good standing with God would convert to Islam in numbers rabbis might find dismaying. Rabbis have a vested interest in keeping Jews away from Islam.

Would God punish Jews for converting to Islam because it is Judaism Lite and give them a less restrictive life and a more attractive afterlife? It is the only way for them to safely "go native". The answer must be no, if God did indeed reveal both the Torah and the Koran.

What would be the effect of Jews converting to Islam en masse in currently non-Muslim Western countries as part of their tikkun olam and their teshuvah for their ir nidachat? They would be light unto nations as God made them His Chosen People to be. Neat, huh?  

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