Thursday, 30 June 2022

Christianity is Idolatry with Judas Fly, Claire Khaw and Sam Samuels

3:00  Idolatry
4:00  Unitarian Christianity
48:00  Trinity like a three-leaf clover
56:00  When Jehovah's Witnesses tried to convert Judas
59:00  Tovia Singer
1:00:00  Meat loaf
1:01:00  Gregarious Jehovah's Witnesses
1:32:00  Epikoros is someone who has a problem with the message of God.
1:39:00  Shituf or avodah zarah is worse?
1:51:00  Disputation of Paris
1:56:00  Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill
1:59:00  Pandera is the name of the father of Jesus?
2:01:00  Secular Koranism not scary enough.
2:03:00  s 4 of the Public Order Act 1986 contains blasphemy.
2:04:00  Pakistan has blasphemy laws from British colonial rule.
2:05:00  Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions.
2:06:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.
2:08:00  Kiddush Hashem

2:12:00  SAM SAMUELS joins.
2:14:00  Talmudic study
2:18:00  Vatican
2:21:00  Law tutorial
2:29:00  Adam Green
2:33:00  Victoria Nuland
2:34:00  Ginsberg and 5th Wave Feminism
2:35:00  Noahide laws
2:36:00  Ruining antisemitism
2:37:00  Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
2:40:00  Christian Revival
2:43:00  Adam Schiff
2:48:00  Antifa Jews
2:52:00  Rabbi David Bar Hayim
3:04:00  Unitarian Christianity
3:06:00  Suetonius and Tacitus
3:07:00  Noahidism
3:08:00  Trinity and three-leaf clover
3:09:00  Associating partners with God
3:15:00  Pontifex Maximus = Pope
3:23:00  Shituf = associating partners with God
3:27:00  Rabbi Schneerson
3:58:00  Left wing Jews
3:59:00  Noahide laws
4:02:00  Ghostbusters
4:08:00  Antichrist

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Vincent Bruno and I talk about getting married and divorced before Sam Samuels makes his Messianic prediction

7:00  Entertaining insulting comments
8:00  John Gischala
9:00  Noahide laws
10:00  Fornication means forced marriage in Judaism.
11:00  Ghet
12:00  Triple talak: petition, decree nisi, decree absolute
13:00  Chained women
15:00  No fault divorce
16:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
20:00  Legal and marital limbo
21:00  Getting a ghet
22:00  Reasons for divorcing your Jewish wife
24:00  Henry VIII and Ann of Cleeves
26:00  Muslim marriage contracts
27:00  Divorce in the UK 
29:00  Marriage licence
31:00  Fraudulent misrepresentation in marriage
32:00  Mistaken identity
34:00  Ugly Chinese wife
36:00  Mark Lester
40:00  Man sues wife for misrepresentation
43:00  Divorce under Secular Koranism
44:00  Due diligence
45:00  Charles and Camilla
46:00  Chinese couple
47:00  The divorce of Henry VIII
49:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
54:00  Hidden idolatry
55:00  Idolatry is thoughtcrime detectable by the Abrahamic God.
56:00  Islam is an imperial religion.
57:00  Cathedrals and churches
58:00  Americanism was the religion of America.
59:00  Noahidism
1:00:00  Christian idolatry
1:01:00  Trinitarianism v Arianism
1:05:00  Roe v Wade
1:06:00  Clarence Thomas
1:08:00  Gay marriage is dysgenic.
1:09:00  Abortion is not your human race. 
1:10:00  Black babies
1:11:00  Harder for a woman to get a man to marry her than it is for her to have sex with her.
1:13:00  Marriageability is the heritable trait we want our offspring to inherit. 

1:14:00  SAM SAMUELS joins. 
1:23:00  Haaretz
1:25:00  Why people hate Jews
1:26:00  Paedophilia in the Talmud
1:29:00  Tovia Singer
1:43:00  Saudi Arabia
1:44:00  Israel should be more like Saudi Arabia. 
1:45:00  No more gays when Mashiach arrives. 
1:54:00  The joke is on Christians.
1:58:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
2:01:00  Children within wedlock
2:04:00  Wannsee Protocols
2:06:00  Jews went native.

"Jews brought it on themselves."

2:09:00  You're an atheist if you don't think the Holocaust was anything to do with God.

2:11:00  Jews playing the victim card
2:12:00  Antisemitism and Adam Green

2:14:00  How to avoid suffering
2:15:00  Jewish libtards
2:16:00  Jews are like Jonah on the storm-battered ship.
2:19:00  Ninevites
2:21:00  Adam Green
2:24:00  Jews of mixed parentage should not attempt to come to Israel or they will die on the way.
2:27:00  Sam is a herald for the Messiah.
2:33:00  Adam Green

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Talking to Sam Samuels about Joel Davis, the Tavistock Institute and the British monarchy

Children at gay parades
3:00  Underage sex
4:00  Underage boys
5:00  Milo and Emmanuel Macron
7:00  Gay politics
8:00  Vincent Bruno
10:00  The next step of madness
11:00  Tavistock Institute
12:00  Black Rock

17:00  The Fourth Estate
22:00  The unregulated morals of our ruling classes
24:00  Caleb Maupin
25:00  Reset
26:00  Sabotage
27:00  Immigration to the West
29:00  Westerners don't have a functioning moral system.
30:00  Porn stars desecrating the cross 
31:00  Married parents and non-parents
33:00  Marginalising unrepentant idolaters and non-parents 
35:00  Environmentalism and Feminism
36:00  The madness of allowing men to compete in women's sports

The moral apathy of non-parent men whose ambition is to die before correction of Secular Koranism

37:00  Nationalists not even fit for the purpose of promoting nationalism
38:00  Joel Davis
39:00  The role of the British monarchy in enabling the American Empire
40:00  Prince Charles
41:00  Skipping a generation
43:00  The monarchy is an anachronism.
45:00  No need for a monarch now.
46:00  Kings and queens, princes and princes populate our childhood memory of fairy tales
47:00  Jay Dyer
48:00  Joseph Atwill and Alex Jones
50:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
52:00  One-party state v Mashiach

56:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz, white nationalist, does not think the American Empire is in the interests of Americans or white people.

Al Aqsa is the Third Temple already built by Muslims

In my view, Al Aqsa is already the Third Temple. 

If Jews rebuild the Third Temple, they would have to restore the Sanhedrin. 

If the Sanhedrin is restored in Israel, Israel would be a Torah theocracy.

A Torah theocracy would have 36 capital offences.  

The Sanhedrin would presumably consist of rabbis. Can you imagine what the competing rabbis would do to each other vying for the position of Chief Rabbi in accusing each other of capital crimes?

Even rabbis shudder at the thought of an Israel ruled by rabbis!

There is always the option of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics though!

If both the Torah and the Koran come from God and Islam is a Noahide religion, then God if He exists would be perfectly fine with Jews living in Israel under the rules of a Koranic theocracy such as Secular Koranism, which would make their territorial disputes with Muslims disappear like a snowflake in the summer sun.


The inspiration for this post is from a question by

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Sam Samuels discusses Judaism and the Noahide laws with Vincent Bruno

Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill

15:00  Secular Koranism not hard enough, according to Vincent Bruno.

19:00  Pederasty

20:00  Noahide laws

25:00  Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi

38:00  John Gischala

47:00  Adam Green

53:00  Third Temple

1:07:00  The punishment for sodomites

Sam Samuels and I drop in on the Muslims

6:16:00  I join. 
6:28:00  Beards
6:30:00  Hobos have beards.
6:31:00  Should a man with long hair wear a hijab?
6:32:00  Burkhini
6:33:00  French swimwear
6:34:00  The narrative of the Muhammad
6:35:00  The Hadith
6:36:00  Stoning adulterers
6:38:00  Secular Koranism is not invested in the narrative of Islam.
6:41:00  Selling Secular Koranism to the ruling classes
6:42:00  Once mainstream media co-operate with selling Secular Koranism, it is as good as adopted.
6:43:00  Islamophobes are a bigger group than Secular Koranists.
6:45:00  A committee of wise men could have written the Koran if it wasn't God or Muhammad.
6:46:00  I am more focused on selling Secular Koranisn in my lifetime than getting to heaven.
6:47:00  I must respect the fact that most Westerners are not theists.
6:48:00  The Black Hole of Western degeneracy sucks in non-white DNA.
I am a saleswoman of Secular Koranism.
I first posted about Secular Koranism in 2009.
6:49:00  I became a Secular Koranist when I realised the Koran supported my solutions to Western social and political problems. 
6:50:00  Claria Law
6:51:00  The confusion and neurosis of Western Man
The unofficial religion of the alt-right is Islamophobia and antisemitism

6:52:00  SAM SAMUELS joins.
6:56:00  Intersectionality
6:57:00  Catamites
6:58:00  White Nationalists
6:59:00  Tetragrammaton
7:02:00  Dysgenic and degenerate
7:03:00  Men should be at least capable of defending a principle or fighting a successful defensive war.
7:04:00  Men are mere sperm donors.
7:05:00  We are about to become a bee colony or a chicken farm where the male chicks are put into the grinder.
Vincent Bruno's Facebook post about Jews using Islam to Noahidise the Europe.
7:07:00  Islam and its strengths
7:08:00  Christianity
7:11:00  Globohomo is taking over in Israel.
7:12:00  Gay pride parade in Tel Aviv
7:13:00  Gay pride parade in Jerusalem
7:15:00  Coup attempt by the unmarriageable on the marriageable
7:17:00  Child sex predators
7:23:00  Punishment in the afterlife
7:28:00  Christianity infected Jews with its idolatry. 
7:30:00  Napoleon emancipated the Jews
7:31:00  Moses Mendelssohn 
7:34:00  Star of David on rainbow and Ukrainian flags  
7:36:00  Two Jews, three opinions
7:37:00  Jay Walker
7:38:00  The Western Judeo-Christian heritage no longer operates on Western minds.
7:40:00  Jews are evidence of God.
7:42:00  The enemy within
7:43:00  Reincarnation
7:45:00  Pinchas
7:46:00  The Torah being called the Old Testament
7:50:00  Jesus
7:52:00  Khadija's uncle
7:54:00  Islam adopted some Christian beliefs eg Virgin Birth.
7:59:00  Common ground between Judaism and Islam
8:04:00  Sam's Sephardic lineage
8:0-9:00 Tovia Singer and the Trinity
8:13:00  Islam > Christianity
8:16:00  Sages
8:17:00  Intermediary
8:27:00  Moses
8:29:00  Idolatry
8:32:00  Caesar's Messiah

8:33:00  Islam Pill is triggered.
8:39:00  Jesus was a Graeco-Roman creation.

8:48:00  I am mentioned.

Thursday, 16 June 2022


Eugenics is the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable.

What characteristics are regarded as desirable?

Marriage is a eugenic practice because if most Western men were married fathers, children of the West would be less vulnerable to thinking it is an acceptable lifestyle choice to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex.

If most men were married fathers, they would have more incentive to abolish no fault divorce. 

Most of the sex that takes place in the West is extramarital sex. 

We know this because most parents in the West are not married parents, which means most children born have both parents who would be considered sex offenders by quran.copm/24/2 

Transgenderism is being so easily pushed on primary schoolchildren because most men are not married fathers and most children are illegitimate growing up in fatherless homes.

In these fatherless homes, mothers probably secretly resent the men who impregnated and abandoned them and wreak revenge on their progeny by causing them to be sterilised, making them more prone to suicide after a life of dysfunctional relationships.

While it is not unknown for married fathers to submit to the transgender agenda, the ability of boys to retain the sex organs they were born with is increased if they are living with their married father in control of his household.  

What is the most desirable heritable characteristic you would have your children to inherit? That of being marriageable, of course. 

To be marriageable, you must first want to be a married parent.

If you do not want to be a married parent, then it does not matter how much anyone wants to marry you, because you would be unfit for marriage. 

The test of how eugenic marriage is can be objectively measured. 

Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.

The past three global empires have been Christian but the third global Christian empire is now in decline. 

The West is in decline because the government has for the past half century not been supporting marriage and instead undermining the institution of marriage by providing increasing varieties of extramarital sex including legalising gay marriage to equalise the status of married parents bringing up their children and two childless sodomites living together calling each other husband.

By lowering the status of traditional marriage, the government has in fact discouraged those who might otherwise have taken it up.  

By allowing increasing varieties of extramarital sex, the government has made most of the populace unmarriageable. 

Because most men are not married fathers, no man will defend a principle, not even the principle of protecting the next generation from being sterilised and made unmarriageable. If the men in question do not have any biological investment in the next generation and are no longer living with their offspring, they would not be strenuously protecting the fertility of their offspring.

Fornication is the gateway sexual offence leading to the degeneracy all empires die of.

In short, marriage is eugenic because it would have the effect of making most members of society marriageable if supported by the state. 

Illegitimacy is dysgenic because it would have the effect of perpetuating itself and increasing in number the social and political parasites that will eventually destroy your society and civilisation.

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Sam Samuels says Rabbi David Bar Hayim has gravitas but is hoity toity about the imminent arrival of Mashiach

Jews now unable to formulate arguments.
9:00  Israeli coalition
22:00  Trouble-making Jews
23:00  No more Prime Ministers in Israel.
35:00  Belief in God
39:00  700 wives and 300 concubines of King Solomon
41:00  Spiritual impurity
44;00  Alex Jones
46:00  Davie Bowie
47:00  Gravitas
49:00  Russell Brand
50:00  Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are men with gravitas.
52:00  Western neurosis over the failure of Christianity
54:00  Alex Jones from a family of missionaries
55:00  Alex Jones and Sam Samuels were born within a month of each other..
56:00  Harrison Smith
59:00  Alex Jones and underage sex
1:02:00  Spiritual contamination of children taken by parents to gay parades and tranny shows
1:03:00  A negation of the Noahide laws
1:04:00  Freewill
1:09:00  Tsunami of shit
1:10:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality as represented by God
1:14:00  Halsey Network News
1:16:00  Yaron Reuven
1:17:00  Rabbi David Bar Hayim is hoity toity.  
1:19:00  Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky
1:23:00  Rabbi David Bar Hayim

1:25:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:26:00  Shiksa no understand how Jews feel about Mashiach.
1:38:00  "I'm not wrong."
1:39:00  My rabbi read my mind.
1:41:00  Degenerates
1:43:00   "It has been in my bones for over ten years."
1:46:00  Like Noah before the flood

Monday, 13 June 2022

Sam Samuels and I talk about narcissistic atheists who worship their own dumb opinions

Social media
5:00  When will parents fight back for the sake of their children, grandchildren and descendants?
7:00  The rules
8:00  God to humanity: "You don't like my rules, let's see how you like the rules of your corrupt and incompetent politicians!"
11:00  A gender balanced society in which there is gender justice
12:00  Feminism corrupts the morals of the women.
14:00  All creatures have the desire to perpetuate the ideas that they feel has served them.
15:00  Our Age of Cheap Sex
16:00  Americans always cast English people as villains.
17:00  We are all to blame. 
18:00  The English think they have a religion.
19:00  Losing your innocence
20:00  Fornication was the gateway sexual offence.  
21:00  Extramarital sex is the opium of the people.
22:00  Ancient civilisations
24:00  Sex Revolution
25:00  Sin is a universal temptation.
Pederasty in the Roman Empire
26:00  Mary Whitehouse
33:00  Degeneracy
34:00  Sex and drugs and rock and roll, Swinging Sixties, the Sex Revolution and Boomers
38:00  Simps

41:00  The economy of a patriarchy
42:00  Division of labour in families
43:00  The abolition of no fault divorce

No commercial partnership would ever be made using the rules of no fault divorce.

44:00  "Normal relationships between men and women"
45:00  Women can't make up their minds what they want from men.
46:00  Godlessness
47:00  Simp
51:00  How women should be
55:00  How to keep your civilisation in existence
56:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
58:00  Vanguard and Black Rock are the American equivalent of the British East India Company.
Eugenics and Malthusianism
59:00  Prince Philip wanting to return as a virus to kill people.
1:01:00  I believed in overpopulation. 
1:03:00  John Lennon
1:07:00  How to control the birth rate
1:08:00  The moral imperative
1:09:00  The real divide
1:10:00  Prince Harry and Princess Diana
1:11:00  British Dominions
1:12:00  China's gender imbalance
1:13:00  Why Judaism forbids men and women from wearing each other's clothes
1:15:00  When the Messiah finally gets here
1:16:00  Marriage licence
1:18:00  God only helps those who help themselves.
1:19:00  Laws cannot exist without the written word.
Sodom and Gomorrah
1:23:00  We must fight back.
1:24:00  When law and order breaks down
1:25:00  Before the disease, the cure exists. 
1:26:00  Solipsism is narcissism.
1:27:00  The Koran is the second and final revelation from the Abrahamic God to humanity.
1:28:00  The failure of Christianity led to Liberalism.
1:29:00  The burned and bloody history of Christianity
1:30:00  Grace, spirituality and idolatry
1:31:00  Christians have been deceived for 1642 years.
1:32:00  Christianity does not encourage literacy. 
1:33:00  Marriage no longer supported by the government.
1:34:00  The West literally has no religion.
1:35:00  Global reset
1:36:00  Twisting in the wind
1:40:00  Elite bunkers
1:43:00  A solution must be proposed.
1:44:00  Neurosis
1:45:00  Alexandr Dugin
1:46:00  Lust and consumerism
1:47:00  Judaism Lite and the Noahide laws
1:48:00  Invoking the Hypothetical Supreme Authority
1:50:00  Agnosticism
1:51:00  "Trying to reason with people is a valid approach."
1:55:00  The people taking over the media?
1:58:00  CNN sponsored by the CIA.
2:00:00   BBC 
2:01:00   Apart from complaining, have you got a better idea?
2:03:00  Armageddon is the necessary correction.
2:05:00  Moral fibre
2:06:00  Wanting to die before the correction
2:07:00  The Overton window shifted for the British.
2:08:00  The Unwritten Constitution of Britain
2:09:00  The cure exists before the disease.
2:11:00  Atheists are dumb people who worship their own dumb opinions.

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Looking for Trouble with Claire Khaw from 7:19:00

7:19:00  Flat Earthers
7:22:00  Darth Dawkins
7:23:00  The Trinity
7:24:00  Flat Earth
7:26:00  When Doooovid scolded Jen Scharf AKA Church of Entropy, a physics graduate, for losing the debate to a flat earther.
7:28:00  Presupposition
7:29:00  Hypostatic Union
7:31:00  Christian idolatry
7:35:00  We are here because there was a Creation. 
7:36:00  It is easy to make out a case for obeying the laws of God in the Koran even if we don't really believe in God.
7:40:00  We are here because there was a Creation. 
7:42:00  TJump
7:49:00  Richard Madsen
8:02:00  I am a Principled Agnostic. 
8:04:00  Intelligent Design
8:06:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
8:07:00  Social, economic, moral and political reasons for obeying the laws of God in the Koran
8:09:00  Manual amputation
8:10:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
8:11:00  I sound like I am 28.
8:12:00  Stefan Molyneux
8:13:00  A flat rate income tax of 20%
8:14:00  Jizya
8:17:00  Secular Koranism is for non-Muslim majority Western countries.
8:19:00  Freedom of belief guaranteed by
8:21:00  The purpose of religion
8:23:00  The First Amendment
8:24:00  The American Republic
8:26:00  36 capital offences
8:29:00  Jews should go live in Iceland and Greenland.
8:30:00  Territorial dispute
8:31:00  Israel is an American Protectorate. 
8:35:00  Pharaoh did not want the Hebrews to leave Egypt.

8:37:00  Zionism
The Torah
8:38:00  The Koran acknowledges the Torah and Gospels.
8:39:00  Zionism
The Torah
8:40:00  Dwelling

Ir nidachat
8:46:00  How many generations of Jews have lived and died as citizens of cities that have gone astray in Christendom?
8:47:00  Civil War in Israel between the Haredim and Secularim?
8:48:00  Idolatry as a sin
8:49:00 Sin can be thoughtcrimes.
8:50:00  God at the very least is an idea.
8:52:00  Theocracy can be justified by atheists.
8:53:00  Theodicy
8:54:00  Defining the Abrahamic God
8:56:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
The competing Abrahamic faiths
8:58:00  I have made the case for sharia better than most Muslims.
9:00:00  God caused the Big Bang.
9:18:00  They talk about me in exaggerated terms.

I ask Peter Oborne about The Fate of Abraham at 50:00

50:00  I ask my question.

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Moral education

3:00  Illegitimate offspring of atheist unmarried parents 
4:00  Noahide laws, Christianity and liberalism
5:00  Public intellectuals unfit for purpose
6:00  Unable to define a man or a woman
8:00  Alison Chabloz
9:00  Men unfit for purpose because they don't know what men are for.
10:00  Child sex offenders
11:00  Rob Dufour
12:00  Women tend to be unprincipled.
13:00  No such thing as a free lunch.
16:00  Telling the truth and using reason
18:00  Character assessment
19:00  Jews
20:00  Hierarchy, order and the weakest link
21:00  Are liberty, equality and fraternity mutually contradictory?
22:00  Older and junior sibling
23:00  Authority v Lies
24:00  Education and Sharing Day
26:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
27:00  Loss of collective identity

30:00  Unmarried parents
31:00  Jews wringing their hands

  • What are the big issues young people face growing up?
  • What are the big social pressures young people face?
  • We aren’t giving young people meaning and purpose
  • How do we fix a negative youth culture? 
  • What if parents find conversations with their kids difficult?
  • Why is family so important? 
  • How can young people grow religiously in a healthy way?

33:00  Jewish emancipation
36:00  Blasphemy
42:00  Family
52:00  Taking a step back
Moral education

Sam Samuels and I go to the beach in Haifa

1:00  Ir nidachat
4:00  Islam would be most the Noahide gentile religion. 
5:00  Christianity would be the most offensive to God if because of its idolatry and blasphemy.
6:00  Hidden idolatry
7:00 Judaism, Christianity and Islam
8:00  The Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury must be interrogated on the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
9:00  I offer my services to Jews and Muslims as the Interrogator of the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury on the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
12:00  Secular Koranism will be very good for white people. 
13:00  Alexandr Dugin hates liberalism. 
14:00  Russian national identity
15:00  White Muslim Woman has blocked me.
16:00  It is necessary to demonstrate Rob Dufour's lack of masculinity and courage
17:00  Safe Spaces for White Muslim converts is a very unattractive identity. 
18:00  Rob Dufour 
19:00  Kicking the can down the road
20:00  Home schooling your child and grandchildren is another way of kicking the can down the road.
21:00  White atheists and nihilists like Jay Walker

23:00  Adam Green
24:00  Competing scripture
25:00  Shopping around for a religion is not the same as shopping around for a car
26:00  You must be able to afford to run your woman and your car.
27:00  Islam is economical and easy to run.  
28:00  The judiciary doubles as a priesthood in Islam.

31:00  The rules of the Abrahamic God is a system of solving and avoiding problems.

33:00   Rabbis should declare Paul a heretic who would have to be executed seven times if resurrected and tried before the Sanhedrin. 

35:00  Rabbis taking out an ad in the Church Times to requesting the Archbishop of Canterbury to submit himself to being questioned by rabbis about the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

37:00  Rabbis should make teshuvah for their omission to explain to gentiles why they shouldn't practise idolatry.

38:00  Europeans are a very warlike people. 

39:00  Christianity is like a fool returning to his folly or a dog returning to his vomit and a sick man eating his own vomit, feeling worse and blaming Jews.

Vomiting: the English Reformation, the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution, WW1, WW2 and possibly WW3

40:00  Matilda by Hilaire Belloc

46:00  SAM SAMUELS joins.
47:00  Jay Walker
48:00  Hatewatchers
49:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
50:00  The Midianite women and the tribe of Simon
51:00  Zealotry
52:00  Sam's shiksa girlfriend

1:07:00  SAM SAMUELS rejoins.
1:14:00  Naftali Bennett
1:16:00  The Mediterranean
1:17:00  Cyprus
1:23:00  Rabbi worship
1:25:00  Turkey
1:26:00  Ephesus
1:28:00  Italy
1:29:00  Afghanistan, Ukraine and Biden
1:30:00  Biden threatened Ukraine
1:32:00  America in decline
1:33:00  Naftali Bennett
1:34:00  Illegitimate President
1:35:00  Iran
1:36:00  Political principles of Bennett
1:37:00  The nature and purpose of principles
1:38:00  Trudeau, Marcon, Johnson
1:39:00  Finland, Italy

"Would you like some free drugs?"

1:41:00  Bond crisis
1:42:00  Bitcoin designed to stave off inflation and buy time to gold and silver prices going up.
1:45:00  Orban and Trump
1:46:00  Biden fall guy
1:47:00  China
1:48:00  Direct democracy
1:49:00  Al Gore
1:51:00  San Francisco
1:52:00  Pepperidge Cookies

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

When Half Galician met Rabbi Mizrachi

1:00  Rational Jews would become Muslim. 
2:00  Jews are supposed to thank God even for misfortune. 
4:00  Tisha B'Av and Yom Kippur
5:00  How Jews can correct their behaviour if they are justifiably hated
6:00  Christianity and Liberalism
7:00  Should Jews correct their behaviour if antisemitism is a problem for them?
8:00  Adam and Eve
10:00  Confused identities
11:00  A person born with female organs is female. 
12:00  Jews and Jewesses are not supposed to wear each other's clothes.
13:00  The distinction between Jews and gentiles
Atheist and religious antisemites
14:00  Ummah outraged by Jews and Christians ganging upon them.
15:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
16:00  Jews must denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
18:00  Do Americans trust their Supreme Court?
19:00  Kiddush Hashem
20:00  Jews should have martyred themselves to make the point that Christianity is idolatry and should convert to Islam.
21:00  The Church is a Creature of the State.
22:00  The New Testament is defective as scripture compared to the Torah and the Koran.
23:00  Western identity
25:00  Joel Davis on Western identity
26:00  Is the global American Empire good for Americans?
27:00  Rob Dufour is afraid talking about Secular Koranism.
30:00  Secular Koranism is like the Abrahamic God.
34:00  Rabbi Mizrachi treated like Preston Wigginton by British Immigration. 
36:00  Rabbi Sacks and Chief Rabbi Mirvis
38:00  How I would annoy my rabbi if I were a Jewish child

Jordan Peterson asks the dumbest question while Hamza Yusuf cannot bring himself to mention idolatry

3:00  Dumb question by Jordan Peterson
5:00  Is Jordan Peterson even Christian?
6:00  Jesus is not central to Islam. 
8:00   Jordan Peterson is not a theologian.  
10:00  Christocrap
12:00  Alive, immortal, divine
13:00  Trinity
14:00  Holy Ghost
15:00  Idolatry and pantheism
17:00  Godhead, Godtail, Godneck, Godarm, Godleg ....
Catholic theology
18:00  Trial of Jesus

28:00  Virtue ethics
29:00  Idolatry not even mentioned.
34:00  Idolatry
37:00  The Lady of Heaven
38:00  Christianity
39:00  Joseph Atwill's Caesar's Messiah

Sam Samuels and I discuss the Fifth Columnist Jews in Israel and the diaspora known as the Erev Rav

German girlfriend
5:00  Israel
6:00  Israel threatening war against Iran.
Sam went to the same yeshiva as Naftali Bennett.
7:00  Bribery and leftist influences
8:00  Israel as a religious state
10:00  The hippy parents of Naftali Bennett
Compromised by the WEF
11:00  Imperialism is the Highest State of Capitalism.
12:00  Black Panther
13:00  Rabbi Meir Kahane
14:00  Fifth Column and Erev Rav
16:00  Restaurant experience
19:00  Supreme Court Building

23:00  Liberalism undermines the identities of both Jews and gentiles.
27:00  Representative democracy should be taken out with the trash.

32:00  Hitler
34:00  Hitler's late rites
35:00  Napoleon
36:00  Political contributions
37:00  Hitler's views on the Stock Market and usury
38:00  Hellenised Jews
39:00  The Alexanders
44:00  Idolatry
45:00  Christian apologetics
47:00  Blending monotheism with polytheism
48:00  Arianism v Trinitarianism
49:00  Council of Nicaea
50:00  The arguments for Trinitarianism
51:00  Bruno Bauer
52:00  Jews are the lackeys of Christians.
58:00  Jewish persecution by Christians
59:00  Christopher Marlowe
1:01:00  Sam Samuels is a rare bird.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Antisemitism is an outlook based on atheism or questioning God's wisdom

The burden of proof
2:00  Guilty beyond reasonable doubt

3:00  JOHN GISCHALA joins.
7:00  Muslims claim Jews are no longer God's Chosen People.
8:00  Catholics call themselves God's People.
9:00  Blaming |Jews
10:00  Saying controversial things.
12:00  The religious practice of antisemitism
13:00  Adam Green says Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy.
14:00  Paul was a heretical Jew attracting of seven separate death penalties for instigating a community to practise idolatry. 
16:00  Statues
20:00  The online practice of antisemitism
21:00  The purpose for which God made Jews His Chosen People
22:00  Reform and Orthodox Jews have different views on Tikkun Olam.
23:00  Noahide laws
24:00  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
25:00  The hypocrites pretending to believe in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
26:00  How Jews should challenge Christians
28:00  God is not Zeus.
29:00  Reading the Koran
31:00  Tribes
34:00  Mental illness
36:00  Rob Dufour of Islam4Europeans
38:00  Being mean to converts

John leaves.

41:00  Jews
42:00  Muslim antisemites
43:00  The Book of Jeremiah
44:00  Kevin MacDonald v Nathan Cofnas
46:00  You are more likely to hate someone you envy.
47:00  Muslim omission to obey
48:00  Idolatry is its own punishment. 
49:00  God punishing Jews, Christians and Muslims for their idolatrous self-worship.
50:00  The moral imperative of Secular Koranism
51:00  Your culture will be wrong if your moral system is wrong.
52:00  Rob Dufour too timorous to promote Secular Koranism.
55:00  Protectress of marginalised white people
56:00  White Muslim Woman has blocked me on Twitter.
57:00  Jihad for White American Muslims
58:00  Western masculinity
59:00  How white Muslim converts can prove themselves
1:00:00  Put an engine in your dawah, White Muslim converts.
1:02:00  If we are not prepared to say what needs to be said, we are less likely to say what needs to be done.  

I tell Daniel Sienkiewicz it's not the Jews, but representative democracy that has destroyed America

Euro-DNA Nation

James Bowery’s “Laboratory of the States” platform proposes separatism through free choice, as people may “vote with their feet” to establish human ecologies through controlled experimentation. The control would be established through freedom from association—that is, the freedom to not associate with others. However, under the current circumstances, efforts to instantiate these deliberately organized “human ecologies” are best conducted in an implicit manner. Indeed, under the circumstances, they must be largely implicit (see Note 1 below). Bowery suggests promoting abstract terms such as “our valuation of freedom of choice”. Later, the communities would be able to enforce explicit freedom of and from association. Rather than state-sized units, county-sized political units are apparently optimal — the sheriff and county being the most viable and manageable scale of organization in defense against the nation-state apparatus in its death throes.

The right of dwelling, association and doing business within a county is granted by the consent of the people established in that particular county. Members would have the prerogative to deny association with anybody they deem unwanted. People who tried to impose themselves on that group, and insisted upon violating their non-consent, could be treated as a serious criminal offender.

This freedom from association is corollary to individual freedom of choice and association. Bowery argues that strong valuation of freedom of choice is a distinctly White characteristic and therefore precious. I concur. He elaborates farther that it is imperative to maintain the unique human ecologies that evolved with this White characteristic of individual freedom of choice. I concur.

This freely and deliberately chosen state/county human ecology is very different from the deeply situated, naturally evolving human ecologies of Europe and Russia, where our people have evolved over tens of thousands of years in relation to particular habitats. It is surely critical for us to maintain these ecologies as well. We would not want to be without either the freely chosen White state/county-sized ecologies derived by choice within a lifespan, nor without the truly deep, historical ecologies of our European and Russian nations. These are both goods that we would want to maintain, and yet they are very different concerns. The task at hand for White Nationalism is to coordinate them.

We would not really want to give up either, but how to coordinate these two goods?  This is where a Euro-DNA-based nation begins to look like a potential means of coordination, allowing for various expressions of our native Europeans while never losing sight of their essence.

There is a third crucial matter to coordinate. If a White nation is to have an economy big enough to fund a space program and other large projects, it is likely to need a size larger than the average state (let alone county) to provide for a sufficient economy; and if, as Conner adds, a White nation is to hold up to the growing power of China, it will need to be large.

Thesis: The Indigenous Euro-DNA Nation would provide a means for coordinating smaller White States/Counties, both freely chosen and those of deep, historical evolution, while providing the means for pursuing its larger manifestation as well.

Given the anti-White hegemony that Whites are up against from above, along with the turmoil and throngs of anti-Whites that they are up against on all fronts, an endogenous approach is the most practical for the coordination of White separatism.

By endogenous here, we mean from the inside out. That is, in proposing a White separatist nation, we should begin with those who would like to be a part of it first — begin by focusing on what we can do as opposed to what we cannot do. It is endogenous also in that the nation is corporeal, literally of the people — their native European DNA being the prime criterion for inclusion. That would be in contrast, though not in opposition, to other White nation building efforts using an exogenous (from the outside-in) approach, such as the Northwest Front.

There are clear practical advantages of a native Euro-DNA Nation that begins as a formal declaration of a wish as confirmed by voluntary signatories. Firstly, signing-up would only mean that one is expressing a wish to be a part of White separatism. It does not require relinquishing one’s current citizenship.

The indigenous Euro-DNA Nation focuses from the start on our most precious concern, our DNA, while not encumbering us with present obstacles to land-situated nations. The Euro-DNA Nation would be non-situated in the beginning (and to some extent always).

However, DNA without land, without habitat indefinitely, would be problematic for a number of reasons. Therefore, it must be an objective of the Euro-DNA Nation to establish sacrosanct Euro-DNA Nation “lands” eventually; the plurality of lands is a deliberate usage. In fact, more safety and resources would be provided if these lands are non-contiguous and disbursed throughout the world. Naturally, The White nation would seek to re-establish its traditional territories as White, particularly those in Europe, but also North America, South America, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. Nevertheless, in not being strictly contingent on obtaining land, the nation is rendered more flexible and more practical so that it can start with land claims of any size, even small claims.

Once coordinated as such, its ultimate viability may strive to control the largest land-masses possible. Thinking about these issues first as a means of coordination with Bowery’s “Laboratory of the States” platform, and in line with that, the DNA Nation being freely chosen would allow people to select various native European sub-categories (if they match), some distinct, some perhaps blended in various ways and degrees. Considering the problem secondly in terms of how to coordinate a White nation of the largest possible size, it also provides a highly practical means to attain the goal of controlling a protracted expanse, as it is highly flexible in its ability to cover territory.

The DNA Nation is also practical in that it does not require unnecessary risk and engagement on the part of participants. Signing-up does not render one complicit with illegal activity of any kind. It only means an expressed wish for separatism from non-native Europeans, and to be with persons of indigenous European extraction.

Separatism is a first step, Separatism is the ultimate aim, and Separatism is always possible.

If you wish to express a wish that you might one day be a part of this separate Euro-DNA Nation, you may sign up; and specify particular categories as you wish. DNA proof will ultimately be required for consideration of membership.

The Native European-DNA Nation sign-up along with its subcategories will be provided. 

Note 1: The freedom of and from association promoted by the Laboratory of The States/Counties is conceived by Bowery to be an implicit choice. In his estimation, explicit Whiteness does not work. Taking the example of the draconian legal constraints placed on American realtors regarding the mere mention of race to buyers or sellers provides a salient example of how hazardous explicitness can be. However, the explicitness of the DNA registry does not contradict the implicitness strategy due to its being voluntary and not representing a legal status, but rather an expression of a wish. Discretion is nonetheless advised.

3:00  Kevin MacDonald
17:00  Joel Davis too friendly Jews.
18:00  Josh Neal
21:00  Not angry because they can't get laid.
22:00  Reaction back to Christianity
23:00  Joel Davis and Richard Spencer


To end globalism, you have to end the American Empire. To end the American Empire, the British monarchy has to be rejected by its dominions in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The demand should be made simultaneously and be conducted on the same day.

Australia, Canada and New Zealand are controlled by America through the British Monarchy through the Queen obediently rubberstamping everything her advisors tell her to do with no opinion of her own. Charles has always had a bad press because he dared to ask questions.

To break up the American Empire, the British Empire has to be finally broken up with its white dominions actually declaring independence from Britain the way its non-white colonies did approximately half a century ago.

1. Is the American Empire good for white people?
2. Is the American Empire good for non-white people?
3. Should American become the Islamic Republic it was always meant to be, the indispensable and exceptional nation for propagating Islam globally?

29:00  British culture is American culture.
30:00  "Bad things come from America."
32:00  The nature of old empires
34:00  Ukraine
39:00  British dominions
40:00  IronDuke999
41:00  Special Relationship
42:00  Gough Whitlam
45:00  British dominions an American resource of men and materials.
46:00  Olof Palme assassinated 1986
47:00  Rabbi Kahane assassinated 1990
48:00  Jorg Haider assassinated? 2008
50:00  Pretty Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin
52:00  Jacinda Arderne New Zealand Prime Minister unmarried mother
54:00  Jacqueline Kennedy
55:00  Iolanthe
56:00  Tweedledum and Tweedle politics complained about by Dickens in Bleak House
57:00  The Gondoliers
58:00  Harry Truman claimed the buck stops at the Oval Office.
59:00  No accountability in representative democracy.

1:10:00  Fraunces Tavern
1:12:00  Corporate America are the corporate donors of Presidents.
1:13:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
1:14:00  One-party state
1:15:00  Partition in India
1:17:00  People dividing themselves into political groups
1:20:00  Washington's Thanksgiving Speech
1:25:00  Why Was George Washington Opposed to Political Parties?
1:40:00  Jews can't expel members of the tribe.
1:43:00  40,000 people
1:43:00  DNA nations is moral.
1:46:00  Unionisation
1:50:00  Marginalised people in marginalised movements
1:52:00  Nathan Cofnas

2:09:00  I speak.
2:12:00  Game theory

Friday, 3 June 2022

Sam Samuels explains the history of Christianity and how it has been bad for Jews and gentiles

1:00  Christian missionaries
4:00  Tovia Singer, Joseph Atwill and Christianity
6:00  Finns converting to Islam
8:00  Bruno Bauer and Friedrich Nietzsche
9:00  Blacks who convert to Judaism
11:00  People who convert to the wrong religion

32:00  China
33:00  Taiwan
36:00  Diaspora Jews
Yaron Reuven
37:00  Bestiality

47:00  Natural disaster and financial collapse
48:00  Christianity is a parasitic tic.
51:00  Ir nidachat
52:00  Israel
53:00  Bill Maher
1:07:00  Jewish state
1:08:00  Liberalism is dangers to both Jewish and gentile states.
1:14:00  America seen as world corrupters and a laughing stock.
1:16:00  Americans who hate themselves so much they want Russia to nuke America
1:18:00  Tovia Singer
1:20:00  Christianity will not survive.
1:21:00  Bruno Bauer was a contemporary Nietzsche and Marx.
1:22:00  The sophistry of oligarchs
1:23:00  Seneca and Stoicism
1:25:00  William Tyndale
1:26:00  John Calvin said usury was OK.
1:29:00  Jacob Berman

Thursday, 2 June 2022

People who prefer to talk about the JQ instead of SK #SecularKoranism #BoomerTruthRegime

Academic Agent
1:00  Boomer Truth Regime = boomers who have spent the inheritance of their children
2:00  Why successful boomers sneer at anti-immigration parties
3:00  Boomers unable to bring themselves to vote leave the EU
4:00  Boomers sentimental about the EU
5:00  The Pill, the feminist revolution, sex and drugs and rock and roll
6:00  Voting to leave the EU
7:00  Irritating neologisms
8:00  Boomers who won't admit that they have been wrong
9:00  National Conservatism

10:00  AA on Millennial Woes 2021
11:00  Religious groups
12:00  Judaism
13:00  JQ
14:00  Cultural Jews/Christians/Islam
15:00  The problem with nationalists
16:00  The feminised and infantilised Lost Boys of Neverland
17:00  Defining the national interest
18:00  Stubborn + stupid
19:00  Ralph Masilmani
20:00  Secular Koranism
21:00  Secular Koranism > Homeschooling your female offspring to overthrow the matriarchy
23:00  JQ
24:00  The antisemitism of the New Testament
25:00  Secular Koranism
26:00  Sharia > JQ
27:00  David Starkey and Lord Sumption
28:00  James Delingpole
30:00  Libel action
31:00  Sam Samuels feels chosen
33:00  The Curse of Khaw
35:00  Ralph Masilamani's game plan
36:00  Discussing Secular Koranism instead of the JQ
37:00  The Abrahamic God Theory of Everything
38:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God is a problem solving and problem avoiding system of rules.
39:00  Noahide laws
40:00  Western men are not prepared to make the sacrifice of marriage. 
42:00  The offspring of sex offenders
43:00  Pandering to antisemites
45:00  Unmarriageable men should have their views ignored.
46:00  Honest Jews don't think I am an antisemite.
47:00  Sam Samuels
49:00  A theological system of solving problems
50:00  Islam is the most and Christianity the least  Noahide of all gentile religions.
53:00  Secular Koranism
55:00  Paul's letter to the Corinthians forbidding fornication
58:00  Nick Fuentes

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Sam Samuels on bazookas, Israeli politics and nearly kissing an idolatress in a place of idolatry

2:00  Beaches in Haifa
4:00  Stinger Missiles
12:00  GI Joe
17:00  Good-looking face
18:00  Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
19:00  New York culture
20:00  Alex Jones
22:00  American water with oestrogen and food
24:00  Moobs
25:00  Men and their moods
28:00  Speech
31:00  Aaron Amihud
33:00  Split personality in mamzerim
37:00  English people being mean to each because of their accents
38:00  Geordies
40:00  Israeli accents in northern Israel
41:00  Caesarea
43:00  The Mashiach is coming.
44:00  The current Israeli coalition
47:00  Sam Samuel's channel
51:00  Open extortion
53:00  A Torah theocracy in Israel soon?
54:00  No women needed in politics
55:00  Exchange of populations
56:00  Supreme Court of US malicious towards religious Jews.
1:01:00  Young people are finding it hard to remain in long term relationships too/
1:02:00  Was Sam chosen to be the mouthpiece of his rabbi?
1:03:00  Emissary
1:04:00  A chosen chosen person
1:05:00  Chatterboxes
1:06:00  Yaron Reuven

1:12:00  Ir nidachat

The Ir nidachat (Hebrew: עיר נידחת; the "city led astray") is a biblical command on idolatry in Deuteronomy 13:13-19. If the inhabitants of an Israelite city become idolaters, they and their livestock must be slaughtered and the city be burnt to the ground, never to be rebuilt.

1:14:00  Jewish mission accomplished?
1:18:00  Rabbi Sternbuch
1:20:00  Rabbi Gavriel Krausz
1:21:00  Not being pious
1:25:00  The Duomo
1:26:00  Hollywood Gods and Goddesses
1:28:00  Idolatry is infidelity.

The problem of the failure of liberalism began with the failure of Christianity

I am surprised anyone can bear to call themselves Christian these days. While I am aware most Westerners are atheists and nihilists, I am aghast that not more Westerners take more active steps to distance themselves from Christianity more decisively.

If Christianity is not officially renounced, it remains the official religion of European kingdoms and even the American Republic because Jews and Muslims remain a minority in America. Christianity and Liberalism march hand in hand because the West still identifies with both.

The only people who have the right to call themselves Christian would be those who have been confirmed and who have undergone adult baptism. How many Westerners have actually undergone adult baptism or a confirmation ceremony? Their numbers are vanishingly small.

Let the Catholic Church, Anglican and Baptist Church release the number of confirmed and baptised Christians. Only they would have the right to call themselves Christian. If questioned, they would be unable to defend Christianity against the charge of idolatry and blasphemy.

Can you guess the number of confirmed and baptised Christians in Europe and America? Once these figures are finally published, their percentage should be worked out as against the total number of adult citizens, which would be pathetically small in both Europe and America.

Those of you who object to intersectionality are really objecting to the effects of failed liberalism which replaced failed Christianity. To be saved from the degenerate and dysgenic consequences of intersectionality, you would have to go to the root of the problem: Christianity.

The moment a public intellectual publicly engages with me on the subject of Christianity, the solution of #SecularKoranism will be inescapable, logical, moral and, most importantly of all, welcomed and gratefully received. Name the public intellectual you want me to engage with.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...