Wednesday, 1 July 2020

My message of 1 July 2020 to Rabbi Gavriel Krausz and Manchester Beth Din

"I called yesterday about Rabbi Krausz and you very kindly gave me his address. I managed to discover his phone number online and rang him. The conversation began well enough but the moment I mentioned Chabad and the Noahide laws, he ended the conversation. I asked him if he would like more time to think about it and if I should submit my questions in writing, but he said no.

It seems to me that non-Chabad rabbis have been told not to discuss the Noahide laws with gentiles presumably for the reason of not provoking antisemitism in Christian gentiles who will be very offended to be told that the Doctrine of the Trinity means that Christianity will be right at the bottom of the heap if all the world religions are graded according to the minimum standards set by the Noahide laws. Christianity is after all both idolatrous and blasphemous to a supreme degree. However, since the late Middle Ages, Jews have been saying that Christianity is acceptable for Christians presumably in response to the Talmud burning after the Disputation of Paris and the desire to do business with them.

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews.

Jewish views, as codified in Jewish law, are split between those who see Christianity as outright idolatry and those who see Christianity as shituf. While Christians view their worship of a trinity as monotheistic, Judaism generally rejects this view.

The Talmud warns against causing an idolater to take oaths. The commentators living in Christian Germany in the 12th century, called Tosafists, permitted Jews to bring a Christian partner to court in partnership during a breakup even though the Christian would take an oath by God, which to Christians would include Jesus, by saying that so long as another deity is not mentioned explicitly, there is no forbidden oath taking place, but only an association. Although all of the Tosafists agreed that partnerships that may lead to such an oath may not be entered into originally, they disagree as to once such a partnership exists whether or not one may go to court in order to not to lose his portion of the partnership and even though such an oath is a side-effect. In a terse comment, they wrote:

It is permissible to [cause a gentile's oath through litigation with one's non-Jewish partner because] today all swear in the name of the saints to whom no divinity is ascribed. Even though they also mention God's name and have in mind another thing, in any event no idolatrous name is actually said, and they also have the Creator of the world in mind. Even though they associate (shituf) God's name with "something else", we do not find that it is forbidden to cause others to associate (shituf), and there is no issue of placing a stumbling block before the blind (see Leviticus 19:14) [by entering into litigation with the non-Jewish business partner, thereby causing him to take an oath] because Noachides were not warned about it.

In the 16th Century, the terse comment is explained as follows by Moses Isserles, where it is seemingly expanded to allowing partnerships in the first place:

Today, it is permitted [to form a partnership with Christians], because when they swear on their holy scriptures called the Evangelion, they do not hold it to be divine. Even though when they mention God they mean Jesus, they do not mention idolatry since they really mean the Creator of heaven and earth. Even though they mention jointly (shituf) God's name and another name, there is no prohibition to cause someone to jointly mention [or associate] (shituf) God with another... since this association is not forbidden to gentiles.

My position is that since most gentile Westerners are Post-Christian and no longer believe in Christianity, they will most probably not inflict a similar form of vengeance for Jews denouncing their idolatry. However, pointing out the idolatry of their illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous religion would predictably provoke antisemitism. If God created evil as the logical necessity of humanity knowing good, then He will have created antisemitism, inextricably linked to how little Jews promote the Noahide laws to the gentile which He has chosen Jews to do. It is therefore an Iron Law of Human Nature explicable through the purpose for which God chose Jews in their ongoing mission to Noahidise the world.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

I have had discussions with Jews who refuse to accept that they have any purpose other than to obey the 613 Commandments. If worshipping God as Jews is their only purpose on earth, that would make Jews no better than Aztecs who never had an obligation to be light unto the nations. Aztecs would use the same argument that their role is simply to worship their god and feel no obligation towards non-Aztecs except to invade and capture them and subsequently sacrifice them to their god.

If God exists and is indeed omnipotent, it would be the easiest thing in the world for Him to ensure that Jews remain in existence to suffer antisemitism so long as they leave their duty to the gentile undischarged.

Since the West is ruled by the global empire of America and America is undergoing a period of lawlessness of disobeying the Noahide laws as well as propagating general disobedience to them in other nations, the obligation of Jews to promote the Noahide laws amongst increasingly chaotic, confused, fearful and angry gentile nations become more ever more urgent and imperative.

I am aware that Chabad  are promoting their own rabbinically-guided form of Noahidism and this would mean they will predictably regard my solution of Noahidising the world with Islam as competition, which they will do their utmost to suppress. Their Islamophobia also forbids Chabad rabbis from reading the Koran. I raised the point that the increasingly antisemitic gentile would be be less and less likely to accept a religion run by rabbis and even punish other gentiles for so doing, but this was dismissed.

Since Jews of all people are not allowed to acquire empire and exceed the boundaries of Greater Israel, they could never be intended by God to spread any kind of Noahidism that they have created for the gentile, by peaceful means or by the sword. The only way they can quickly "outsource" this obligation is to remind the world that they have long acknowledged Islam as the most Noahide of all the world religions. In fact, the Koran for gentiles completes the first revelation of the Torah for Jews. The Torah is one side of this coin, and the Koran the other.

In my view, the best way of delivering the message to Western governments is to find the most senior Muslim leader with whom to make a joint declaration as Jews and Muslims to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. Such a joint announcement would facilitate mutual protection and joint solidarity of Jews and Muslims globally. Once the message is delivered, Christian and non-Christian gentiles of the West will have no choice but to discuss whether their religion is fit for purpose and if not, what should replace it.

This was really what I had hoped to convey to Rabbi Krausz, but did not get the opportunity to do so. Perhaps you will be so kind as to pass this on to him and discuss this amongst yourselves in the run-up to Tisha B'Av."

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