Monday, 31 October 2022

Discussing the narrative voice with Doooovid

3:00  Criminal enterprises
4:00  Omerta
5:00  Mafia
6:00  No snitching rule
8:00  Lashon hara
9:00  Cultivating group solidarity amongst children
15:00  Husband-wife confidentiality
16:00  Categories of privilege, hostile witness, Steve Bannon
20:00  Being snitch
21:00  Lashon hara
22:00  Diplomacy and discretion
23:00  Luke Ford
29:00  Ayin hara
33:00  Narrative voice
35:00  OV
36:00  Narrative arc and narrative voice
39:00  SK/CK
40:00  The Torah is written in the third person.
41:00  The Koran
44:00  Hero's journey
45:00  Narrative voice of Jen Scharf
46:00  Standard essay format
48:00  Road map
49:00  Chapter headings of proposed book
50:00  Hero's journey
52:00  Moses and Rocky
54:00  Narrative voice
56:00  Essayist, not a diarist
59:00  Narrative voice
1:00:00  Unique character andn personal story
1:03:00  Secular Koranism
1:04:00  Dissident Right connections eg Adam Green
1:06:00  Mentors
1:07:00  My history teacher Miss Young
1:11:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:12:00  Maimonides
1:13:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:15:00  Never lost an argument
Emunah and bitachon
1:19:00  Preacher, not a scholar
1:20:00   Tovia Singer
1:25:00  8 Min Daf
1:28:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:29:00  A good sermon
1:39:00  TJump
1:41:00  Flowing debates
1:47:00  Honourable debating
1:48:00  Modern Day Debate
1:51:00  Time stamping
1:52:00  Straw man and steel man
1:53:00  Getting people to explain who won and why
2:11:00  Abortion
2:12:00  Flat earth debate
2:19:00  Babi Yar and Charles Moscowitz
2:22:00  Circumstantial evidence
2:24:00  Revisionism
2:28:00  Koraniyule 2022

Sunday, 30 October 2022

The identity crisis of Jews and gentiles

2:00  Envy and hatred of Jews
3:00  Envy lowers your status.
4:00  Contentment and gratitude
5:00  Nostalgia and ingratitude
6:00  Youth, beauty, talent, charisma.etc and gender dysphoria
8:00  Identity crises
9:00  God's Chosen People
10:00  Messianic Jews 

12:00  The penalty for idolatry is death for Jews.
13:00  The shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.
14:00  Punishment should be expected if laws are broken.
15:00  Jews and Muslims are agreed on the definition of idolatry.
16:00  Christianity is the practice of idolatry and blasphemy.
17:00  Spinoza
18:00  Pantheism and animism
21:00  Aztecs
22:00  Abraham and Isaac
23:00  The sacrifice of Jesus
25:00  WW3?
26:00  Appealing to a Higher Power
27:00  God is the power higher than the American Empire.
29:00  A question for each member of SCOTUS
30:00  What is the moral system of the West?
31:00  Shouldn't be Islam since is the basis of the First Amendment which eventually destroyed belief in Christianity?
33:00  Jews and Christians enjoyed no freedom of belief when they took Judaism and Christianity seriously. 
34:00  Can Jews become righteous gentiles and get to heaven more easily?
35:00  A hellish Jewish afterlife
38:00  Rabbis would not be agreeing that it is OK for Jews to become righteous gentiles. 
39:00  Gentiles fetishise Jews.
40:00  Which group of Jews should represent Jews?
43:00  Decline, dementia and motor neurone disease
45:00  Nationalism is impossible without social conservatism.
46:00  Theology and idolatry
47:00  Idolatrous atheist Christians
48:00  An idolater is by definition someone who is not rightly guided by the Koran.
51:00  National identity requires religion. 
53:00  Wise leaders
54:00  The absolute necessity of a Hypothetical Supreme Authority in solving our moral and  political problems.
55:00  Narcissism and the Papal Conclave
57:00  Jews must no be Messianic Jews because that would make them idolaters and blasphemers.
58:00  Christians cannot grasp that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
59:00  If Truth, Logic and Morality reassert themselves in the West, they West would choose Islam as their new moral system. Secular Koranism is an intermediate step to help them along their way.
1:00:00  Between denial and correction of the error
Paul Vander Klay
1:02:00  Idolaters don't follow the Koran.
1:03:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:05:00  Spinoza's pantheism is idolatry.
1:06:00  Taking the initiative
1:09:00  Government is the problem and the solution. 
1:10:00  Morality is what protects us from each other and our ruling classes.
1:11:00  Melting pot laws
1:12:00  Muhammad the Unlettered Prophet

Will Alex Kaschuta prove she is an Islamophobe by refusing to engage with me?


What is your comment on Secular Koranism as a big idea for social conservatives of all races and religions in Western nations to unite under? 

Have you considered Koranic principles of governance as a way of restoring the patriarchy?

Would you agree that the First Amendment is based on

If that is so, is it not the case that the American Republic was founded on Koranic principles?

If it is acknowledged that the American Republic was founded on Koranic principles, do you think social conservatism could be restored with a constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America?

Is refusing to engage on this question properly or at all conclusive evidence of Islamophobia?

What do you think of Andrew Tate's conversion to Islam?

If God exists, wouldn't He be most displeased with Christians whose religion is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers who worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?

Is it the Deadly Sin of Pride that prevents Christians from acknowledging that Christianity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy?

If God exists, wouldn't He curse Christians for worshiping a man executed for blaspheming against Him for the best part of 2000 years?

If God exists, wouldn't He be displeased and disappointed with Jews for utterly failing to prevent the rise of three global Christian empires? (For the purpose of this question, we should assume that God made Jews His Chosen People to be light unto the nations lighting their way away from the idolatry of Christianity towards Islam - the gentile religion most in conformity with the Noahide laws.)

If God exists, wouldn't He be displeased and disappointed with Muslims for never having once in their history obeyed

Is the reason why Muslims are always complaining about being the victims of Western imperialism because they have not effectively challenged the idolatry of Christianity?

If WW3 breaks out because of the war in Ukraine, it would be on record that Christians started three World Wars after which the reputation of Christians and Westerners would be mud. Could the promotion of Secular Koranism prevent this if promoted by social conservatives of all races and religions in the West as an act of implicit repentance? 

Friday, 28 October 2022

Melanie Phillips complains about the unholy alliance between Republicans and Islamists

1:00  Pressing the nuclear button of political discourse
6:00  Melanie is not a believing Jewess whose conceptual idols are democracy, human rights, feminism and gay rights. 
7:00  The Torah is even sterner against extramarital sex than the Koran explicitly prescribing the death penalty.  
10:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou and Mark Collett bonded.
11:00  The Noahide laws
12:00  Globohomo
13:00  Satanic Jews
14:00  Dialectical or historical materialism
Ideological supremacy
15:00  Francis Fukuyama's End of History
16:00  Are whites as guilty of what antisemites accuse Jews of?
17:00  Generalisations
18:00  The Conservative mainstream and the French Revolution
19:00   Are Liberty, Equality and Fraternity enough?
20:00  The Whig Interpretation of History by H M Butterfield
21:00  Salman Rushdie
22:00  Islamists are social conservatives.  
23:00  What is the West and how can it be destroyed or preserved?
26:00  Secular Koranism is for Jews too.
27:00  Secular Koranism was created for non-Muslim Westerners who are social conservatives. 
28:00  Controlling the interpretation
29:00  Melanie Phillips' Islamophobia
31:00  Melanie Phillips' on the West's loss of confidence
Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
33:00  A constitutional monarchy is a mongrel system.
34:00  The monarch has fewer rights than his subjects.
35:00  The American Republic undermined European monarchies. is the basis of the First Amendment. 
36:00  Liberal democracy replaced Christian monarchies.
37:00  The old has to make way for the new. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Jew prescribing Islam for gentiles satirises white nationalists

F Schmidt:

According to Nu'man bin Bashir, Muhammad told this story:

"The example of the person abiding by God's order and restrictions in comparison to those who violate them is like the example of those persons who drew lots for their seats in a boat. Some of them got seats in the upper part, and the others in the lower. When the latter needed water, they had to go up to bring water (and that troubled the upper deck passengers), so they said, 'Let us make a hole in our share of the ship (and get water) so that we do not trouble the upper deck passengers.' If the people in the upper part left the lower deck passengers to do what they had suggested; then all the people of the ship would be destroyed, but if they had prevented them, then both parties would be safe."

I would like to expand on this story and bring it up to date.  I will assume a large modern boat with lifeboats, as is standard now.  And I will assume that it is in a large lake.  To make the story realistic, assume that something went wrong with the plumbing on the lower decks so that fresh water isn't available there.

My guess is that when Muhammad told this story, he imagined all Muslim passengers.  In this case, his story makes perfect sense.  But what if there are passengers of other religion?  As long as these other religions are reasonable, the story still makes sense.  But what if some passengers are from unreasonable religions/cultures so that they cannot be reasoned with?

The obvious example is modern culture.  Superficially, members of modern culture seem reasonable.  But discuss anything of substance and you will discover otherwise.  In this story, some members of modern culture on the lower decks began drilling holes in the boat to get water.  They considered this to be a progressive innovation.  They considered the fact that only those in the upper deck had easy access to water to be a form of discrimination against those in the lower decks, so drilling holes in the boat is a moral good to eliminate discrimination.  Sensible people argued with them saying that it is a well known fact that making holes in boats is bad.  The modern people responded that this old folk tale is just outdated morality that no longer applies.  Sensible people replied that there is abundant historical evidence that boats with holes sink.  Modern people responded that many of these stories are nothing but myths and the historical evidence for the rest is weak.  And in any case, these old boats were different from modern boats, so the historical evidence doesn't apply.  Sensible people tried to argue based on physics saying that if the ship filled with water then its average weight would be greater than water's, so it would sink.  Modern people responded that modern boats are equipped with systems that pump out excess water so this would never happen.  In effect, modern boats can never sink, so there is nothing to worry about.  Then the more sensible people remembered the Titanic and stopped arguing, realizing that there is no way to talk sense into a member of modern culture.

So now what?  If those who want to drill holes are a small minority, then the solution is simple.  Put them on lifeboats and get rid of them.  Then if they drill holes in the lifeboat, they only drown themselves.  But what if those who want to drill holes are the majority?  In this case, there is no way to prevent the boat from sinking, so sensible people will get in lifeboats themselves, and leave the sinking ship.

To tie this story back to reality, America and the rest of Western culture is a sinking ship, and sane religious communities are lifeboats on this ship.  I currently know of three types of lifeboats - mosques, orthodox synagogues, and traditional Anabaptist churches.  Now back to the story.
When this boat started its voyage, it had on board some Muslims, Jews, and Mennonites (Anabaptists).  The Mennonites were the first to leave.  They left even before people started drilling holes.  They recognized that when the plumbing problems started, the people reacted unreasonably.  The Mennonites are quick to detect evil and they want no part of it.  So they politely asked for exactly the number of lifeboats that they needed and they left the ship.  The Mennonites are practical and hardworking, so they soon became expert fishermen and occasionally they returned to the ship to trade fish for other goods.  But they had no idea what was really happening on the ship.

The Jews were intelligent people and they immediately recognized the risk of drilling holes in the ship.  So the rabbis went to the deck and bribed the crew to give them exactly as many lifeboats as were needed for the Jews on the ship.  At the same time, Jewish businessmen started businesses to drill holes in the ship for those who wanted this service.  Finding this business profitable, they began a marketing campaign advocating hole drilling and supporting the arguments of modern culture.  Some people argued that this would destroy the ship and that this marketing campaign should be stopped.  So the Jewish businessmen labelled these complainers as anti-Semites and said that criticism of hole drilling is hate speech that should not be tolerated.  By the time the ship was about to sink, the Jewish businessmen had acquired most of the wealth on board and they loaded this onto their lifeboats and safely left the sinking ship.

Most of the Muslims on the ship were oblivious to what was happening.  But some of the Muslim leaders understood and began preparations.  They secured as many lifeboats as possible, more than was needed just for Muslims, so that anyone who understood the truth of the situation could escape.  These leaders began to preach about the situation to the Muslims on board.  The Muslims were not as efficient as the Mennonites or Jews because they wasted time arguing about religious issues like how to determine in which direction to pray when on a lifeboat.  But in the end, the Muslims saved the most people from the sinking ship.

Those few sensible people who were not Mennonites, Jews, or Muslims simply had no other choice but to board the Muslim lifeboats.  The Mennonites had already left and the Jews refused all non-Jews.  So the Muslim lifeboats were the only option.

I neglected to tell the story of two other groups that sank with the ship - the post-modernists and the white nationalists.

Earlier, when the sensible people were arguing with the modern people, some of the sensible people thought that since they couldn't reason with average modern people, they should try reasoning with the modern intelligentsia.  And there were a number of academics aboard from the humanities.  Naturally they were all post-modernists.  When the sensible people told the post-modernists that drilling holes would sink the ship, the post-modernists replied that truth is subjective, so whether or not the ship would sink is nothing more than a subjective opinion, and that the "sensible" people were free to believe their truth while the modern people were free to believe their truth.  The sensible people replied that regardless of belief, a decision had to be made about whether or not it should be allowed for holes to drilled in the ship.  The post-modernists replied that such issues are simply a question of power and that naturally the most powerful side will prevail, whichever it is.  The sensible people then asked the post-modernists about their opinion, who did the post-modernists side with?  The post-modernists said that they sided with those on the lower decks who wanted to drill holes because they were the oppressed class so their view deserves the most sympathy.  The post-modernists drowned with the ship.  In some sense, the post-modernists are right about power prevailing, but what they miss is that what is powerful in the short term isn't necessarily powerful in the long term.  In the short term, ignorant people can have power.  But in the long term, the most powerful side is always God which is why the ignorant people drowned.

When the hole drilling started, the white nationalists immediately blamed all other races for the problem.  The white nationalists correctly pointed out that percentage-wise fewer whites drilled holes than other races.  The white nationalists also correctly pointed out that most of the technology used on the ship had been developed by whites.  They therefore concluded that all non-whites should leave the ship.  So the white nationalists spent their time trying to convince other whites to join them in an effort to rid the ship of other races.  The white nationalists continued with this effort until the ship sank and they drowned.  The white nationalists never considered leaving on a lifeboat because they considered the ship to be theirs, and the idea of abandoning ship seemed treasonous to them.  And even in the unlikely event that they could have succeeded in ridding the ship of other races, the unreasonable whites still would have drilled holes, so the ship still would have sank, just more slowly.  The white nationalists didn't drown because they are racist.  After all, the Jews (that follow Judaism) are just as racist and they didn't drown.  The white nationalists drowned because they are lacking in common sense.  

Now to finish the story.  The Jews and Muslims lowered their lifeboats into the water and rowed away.  The Mennonite lifeboats could be seen in the distance.  Those who stayed on the ship went to the side to watch the spectacle.  They thought "How backward and ridiculous are these religious lunatics to prefer a primitive lifeboat over a sophisticated modern ship.  We are so obviously superior to them."  Life was good on the ship.  Many holes had been drilled, so continuously running water fountains were widely available.  The bottom of the ship began to fill with water, but no one cared.  The ship sank slowly so no one noticed.  The people enjoyed themselves and thanked their progressive modern thinking for their superior comforts.  It was only near the end that the people realized to their horror that they were doomed.  But the horror was brief because by then the ship sank quickly and pulled the people under with it, thereby ending their terror.

I hope I haven't abused Muhammad's story too much in my expanded version, but I wanted to cover the relevant groups from my time.

Karaite Jew recommends Islam for atheists to better fight feminism

F Schmidt:
If you are reading this, I assume that you are an atheist who recognizes that modern culture is a disaster and that Islam is a morally promising alternative.  Your problem is that you cannot accept Muslim beliefs.  I will address this problem. 
First I will address atheism.  Atheism means believing that there is no god.  The problem with this is that most atheists don't have a coherent definition of god, and to take a position on the existence of something that you haven't properly defined is simply silly.  The main attribute of god that atheists object to is that is god is supernatural.  Yet pantheists define a god that is not supernatural.  I believe that the Old Testament idea of God is not supernatural either.  The definitions of "god" found in dictionaries reflects the Christian nature of our society, not the historical use of the concept of god.  A more reasonable definition of god is a global force or set of forces that cannot be described scientifically.  For example the forces that shape human history can be considered god if you believe that history is shaped by a consistent set of forces.  Because people are unsatisfied with concepts that aren't described and explained, god has historically been described through personification and explained as supernatural.  But these are not necessary attributes of god.  The key point of the idea of god is that just because one cannot describe a force mathematically or explain the mechanism of the force doesn't mean that the force doesn't exist.  Forces that cannot be described or explained (yet) are still real and must be respected.  This is the concept of god.  The concept of monotheism is that there is one consistent set of forces that applies across time and space.  This consistent set of forces we call the one God.  This concept makes science possible.  It also makes it possible to study history to determine which moral systems worked.  If you accept what I have written so far, then you are no longer an atheist.  You can now honestly say that you believe in God, but that your view of God differs from the Muslim view.  This is a big step forward, big enough to allow you to participate in a mosque without fundamental conflict. 
The next step is to honestly consider Islam.  It is only fair and reasonable for you to consider Islam with an open mind.  You should attend mosque regularly.  There will certainly be people there who will explain to you why they think you should accept Islam.  Consider what they say.  And read the Quran.  As you gain understanding of Islam, it will become clear to you whether or not this is something that you can believe.  If you can accept Islam, then you are done, no need to read more.  But if you can't accept Islam, continue reading. 
Even if you can't accept Islam, you should still support Islam because it is the only major moral force in the world today.  As a believer in monotheism, you are still closely aligned with Islam.  To fit in, avoid undermining the beliefs of Muslims with pointless debate.  Instead, focus on areas where you agree.  I also recommend that you do daily prayer at home.  The purpose of prayer is not to benefit God, but to benefit yourself by reminding yourself of the importance of religion.  I do one 4-repetition prayer in the Muslim form each day.  Doing daily prayer will prevent you from feeling like a hypocrite in the mosque, and will make prayer in the mosque more natural. 
If you find yourself in this position, as a non-Muslim attending mosque and supporting Islam, then I hope you participate in this forum.  There aren't many of us and we can give each other advice. 
But the main thing is to take the first 2 steps above.  Reject atheism and start attending mosque.  Do not be intimidated by Islam, and don't settle for being part of degenerate modern culture.

Anti-feminist Karaite Jew encourages mosque attendance

Feminism makes women promiscuous and degenerate, and so unsuitable as wives.  If you live in a feminist country, there will be a shortage of decent women.  So your best bet is to look for a wife abroad in a non-feminist country.

But there is a problem with bringing a foreign wife back to your feminist country.  Modern culture is fundamentally evil and will try to corrupt your wife and future children.  You need protection from this, and this is what Islam offers.  If your family attends mosque, this will help protect them from corruption by modern culture.

Therefore I suggest that you become seriously involved with a local mosque before you look for a wife abroad.  Once you learn about Islam, you can decide whether or not you want to convert.  If you convert, then you should look for a Muslim wife.  If you don't convert, then look for a non-Muslim wife abroad but tell her that you attend mosque as a non-Muslim and that you expect her to do the same.  It doesn't matter what her religion is.  If she is Christian, then she can attend both mosque and church if she wants.  But of course church is worthless, what matters is attending mosque.  Getting your wife involved with a mosque will help protect her from the evil influence of modern culture.

Two very important essays by F Schmidt that say what I say about sex and God

Feminism is the natural expression of women's changing mating preference in a decaying society.  But let's imagine that we could magically eliminate feminism.  Would this be better for humanity?  I believe that what this would look like is America almost permanently stuck in the 1950s.  As I explained in "The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture", American culture began to break down in the 1800s when religion went from encouraging people to follow Jesus's moral teaching to simply having a personal relationship with Jesus.  With such a change, it was inevitable that society would lose focus on the core issues of sexual morality, and lose the ability of effective enforcement.  In the 1950s, America retained the facade of a moral culture, but underneath society was breaking down.  Women clearly expressed sexual excitement for "bad boys" in movies.  And I am certain that this must have corresponded to a rising adultery rate.  Without feminism, the facade could have remained intact for centuries, with moral men continuing to find wives but these wives cheating on them and having illegitimate children with immoral men.  The genetic breakdown of society would have been much slower, but the ultimate result would have been the same.  So instead of taking decades for society to call apart, it would have taken centuries.  Which is preferable?  I think it is preferable for a morally broken society to fall apart as quickly as possible so that it can be replaced by something else.  Feminism doesn't change the end result, it only speeds it up.  And so I support feminism.

What about the poor suffering moral men in modern culture who can't get women?  One can read the complaints of these men all over the internet.  If you suggest options to these men like using a prostitute or looking abroad, they will tell you that they want validation.  Any moral man who wants validation from a woman in modern culture is simply a moron who deserves to suffer and die without reproducing.  Unlike feminists, he hasn't slightest understanding of evolution.  The only sound evolutionary strategy for moral men is to join together to form moral patriarchal societies.  Such societies are evolutionarily superior to modern culture.  When modern culture has decayed sufficiently, a good moral patriarchal culture should attack modern culture and slaughter all of its men for the genetic good of humanity.

If a woman from the modern culture calls a moral man a loser, the correct response is "I would be a loser if I were a member of your culture, but I am not.  My culture is superior to your culture and my culture will eventually destroy your culture."  Intelligent moral men must reject modern culture and find an alternative.  And from the perspective of an alternative culture, we can recognize feminism as a good thing that is helping to destroy our enemy, namely modern culture.
So evolutionary salvation requires one god and the right god. And the god of the Old Testament is certainly the right god. Are there any others? Are there any other books in this world that address the issues of human evolution even close to the degree that the Old Testament does? None that I know of. And this is why the only means of evolutionary salvation is through God.

Is Christianity idolatry and blasphemy?

If the Abrahamic God who specifically and explicitly forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, wouldn't He be smiting them and their Post-Christian descendants?

Would He not also be smiting Jews who failed to teach gentiles the Noahide laws?

And also Muslims for not obeying

If WW3 breaks out - started by Christians again - God will effectively have rubbed the noses of disobedient Jews, Christians and Muslims in their own shit.  

Monday, 24 October 2022

The nature and purpose of Original Sin

Original Sin is not just the acknowledgement that nobody's perfect, but a means of allowing the priesthood to put a foot into the door of the subject of Christian monarchs. The narrative is that infant baptism is necessary to avoid the infant spending the rest of its afterlife in purgatory if it died in infancy.  

Judaism uses infant circumcision as a marker of Jewishness, therefore baptism is used as a marker of Christianity for the infant. Let us not forget that those who proposed credal baptism were systematically burned at the stake for daring to suggest that the subject of the absolute monarch might have a different opinion on whether Jesus was in fact the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.  

Why Trinitarianism won the theological argument over Arianism

Can you imagine the theological discussions between Jews with their God of Israel who created the Universe and Christians with their crucified Christ?

Which is obviously more powerful and which the less?

How can a crucified Christ claim equality with the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?

In 380, the Arians lost the argument and moved aside for the Trinitarians when the Edict of Thessalonica was issued.

Islamic schools of jurisprudence, Jewish-Muslim co-operation and the dangers of a global monoculture

3:00  Madhab = jurisprudence
4:00  Geographical divisions of Islamic schools of jurisprudence
5:00  Deobandis
6:00  Ijtihad
7:00  Warning and prediction
8:00  Deobandis follow Hanbali.
9:00  Sufis are whirling dervishes with a tendency for idolatry.
14:00  Prostrating
15:00  Stars prostrating to Joseph.
17:00  Hizb ut Tahrir and Deobandis
18:00  Wahab
23:00  Ad hoc decisions of Salafists
25:00  Sunnah = Hadith
26:00  Sectarian disputes
29:00  The Islamic knowledge of the average citizen
30:00  Reading the Koran in English
31:00  Most Muslims are ignorant of the finer points of Islamic theology.
32:00  Marriage, blood and breastmilk
34:00  Difference between Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut Tahrir
35:00  Salafi foundations
37:00  Baath Party is a secular political party of Muslims.
38:00  Nationalism caused by Sykes-Picot Agreement.
39:00  My brilliant idea of national schools of sharia.  
40:00  "Hamas is basically Muslim Brotherhood."
41:00  Secular Koranism
42:00  Christianity was rejected by the Founding Fathers as the national religion of America. 
43:00  Monarchy was rejected as a means of rejecting Christianity. 
44:00  Washington: "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
47:00  Things will have to get worse before they get better. 
48:00  William Breiannis and my shahada
49:00  Pillars of shahada
50:00  Actions are based on intentions. 
51:00  Islam would restore a high trust society.
52:00  Gradual repentance
Secular Koranism is an intermediate step.
54:00  Idolatry
57:00  Uncaused First Cause
58:00  God is independent of anything. 
1:00:00  The Big Bang
1:01:00  An argument for God
1:02:00  The Koran
"We should be flattered." 
1:03:00  A lack of Truth, Logic and Morality
1:04:00  Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen
1:05:00  Mark Collett and Tommy Robinson
1:06:00  Extramarital sex is part of the culture now.
1:07:00  The Church is now liberal. 
1:08:00  Justin Welby
1:09:00  Gay marriage and a Christian MP
1:14:00  Christianity is a divine practical joke. 
1:15:00  Idolatry
1:16:00  Arianism v Trinitarianism
1:20:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity
1:23:00  Council of Nicaea
1:25:00  Christians are just atheists pretending to be Christian.
1:26:00  Christianity is a corrupt bargain of unrepentant idolatry. 
1:27:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims are being punished for disobedience. 
1:28:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
1:29:00  Israel and America like husband and wife.
1:30:00  Secular Koranism
1:31:00  Islamophobia and antisemitism have become a religion for the post-Christian.
1:32:00  Mark Collett and Tommy Robinson
1:33:00  Traditional Britain Group
1:34:00  Anne Marie Waters
1:35:00  Idolatry

1:36:00  Hidden idolatry
1:38:00  Will Muslims in the West become like Democrat-voting Jews?
1:41:00  Muslims living in globohomo
1:43:00  Maajid Nawaz
Digital currency with expiry dates and social credit system
1:46:00  Ed Husain

1:53:00  Unwritten constitution
1:54:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
1:56:00  Spiritual purity
1:59:00  Constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the USA
2:01:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
2:04:00  Education and Sharing Day
2:07:00  Muslims bringing non-Muslims Jews and gentiles to tawhid.
2:08:00  Jews and Muslims denouncing the idolatry of Christianity.
Josh the Jew
Bob the Builder
2:09:00  Joseph Cohen the Zionist
2:11:00  Noahide laws and Judaism
2:12:00  Jesus
2:13:00  Muslims are technically close to Jews and Christians.
2:14:00  Secular Jews have more influence than observant Jews. 
2:15:00  Gay pride parades in Tel Aviv in Israel which is not even Noahide
2:16:00  The Torah is too hard for Jews now.
2:17:00  If the 36 capital offences were rigorously enforced, Jews would be extinct. 
2:18:00  Ir nidachat
2:20:00  Freedom of belief under Islam
2:23:00  Zakat
2:25:00  Joseph Cohen is an Islamophobe.
2:26:00  Reform rabbis
2:27:00  Reform Jews represent Judaism. 

2:30:00  CAROL joins.
2:33:00  People from the hill areas of Virginia are hard to understand.
2:34:00  Braveheart and Southern Illinois
2:35:00  Child sounding like their childminder in the UK
2:36:00  Ricky Ricardo

2:38:00  Mumbling Marlon Brando
Carey Grant and charm school
2:40:00  Blond villains
2:41:00  Cleaning up Hollywood
2:42:00  Cow and a chicken who had an affair
The Simpsons
2:43:00  Wholesome white culture
2:44:00  Door closed
2:45:00  Paul Drake talking to a woman in a house coat in Perry Mason
2:46:00  Used cars ad
2:47:00  Bad women in movies
2:49:00  Westerns and Roy Rogers
2:50:00  Prejudice against blond people
2:51:00  Gay jokes in Westerns
2:52:00  Latino women
2:53:00  US movies
2:54:00  Happy black women
2:55:00  Happy white women with back men
2:58:00  English understatement

Mujahid excusing my ignorance of the minutiae of Islam.

3:00:00  Offshore European islanders
3:02:00  White Muslim converts
3:03:00  More white female converts than white male converts to Islam.
3:07:00  Non-white people in England
3:10:00  Cornish v English
3:11:00   Eugenics
To Kill A Mockingbird
3:12:00  Scandinavian socialism
3:13:00  Blood tests before marriage for syphilis
3:14:00  STDs and wig-wearing
3:17:00  "ward"
3:18:00  The Irish had lower standards of sexual morality.
3:19:00  Law was used to change the culture of the people.
3:20:00  Republican virtue
3:21:00  The Old Testament doesn't condemn fornication. 
3:22:00  Common law marriage
3:23:00  Swinging sixties onwards
3:24:00  Which laws in the Old Testament apply to gentiles?
3:28:00  The Plain Meaning Rule
3:30:00  Hanbali school
3:31:00  Secular Koranism
3:32:00  A sincere American attempt to interpret Koranic principles
3:33:00  Nation of Islam
3:34:00  Celtic Christianity
3:35:00  Catholic Church
3:36:00  St Patrick
3:37:00  Easter different for Celtic and Catholic Christianity
3:40:00  Calendar
3:41:00  Leap Day and Leap Month
3:42:00  Offshore European islanders
3:43:00  Schoolchildren divided into houses at school
3:44:00  Finding a gang to join
3:46:00  Living in an economic zone
3:48:00  Material and spiritual needs of people
3:49:00  Identifiers taken away
3:50:00  Group loyalty
3:51:00  Monoculture attracts the risk of the Irish potato famine.  
3:53:00  Patriarchy
3:54:00  Monoculture
3:55:00  Opposites attract
3:56:00  Complementary roles
Muslims don't use the Koran as a political manifesto.
3:58:00  Divide and rule
3:59:00  Muslim immigrants can be frightened.  
4:00:00  Innovation can be a good thing. 
4:01:00  Under Secular Koranism no one gets everything their way. 

Married homosexual Vincent Bruno says Secular Koranism not crazy enough and will put people to sleep

I try to persuade Vincent to become a Secular Koranist. 

6:00  Mixed multitude
7:00  When Jews became Jews
8:00  Were Jews Noahides before the Torah was handed to Moses?
9:00  613 laws
11:00  Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences
12:00  A referendum for a Torah theocracy in Israel?
13:00  Was the Torah a practical joke on Jews by God?
14:00  It would be rational to choose a theocracy without 36 capital offences if you had to choose between two theocracies only. 
16:00  Sharia or Noahidism?
17:00  Cartoon of gentiles being beheaded
19:00  Execution of sodomites under Noahide laws
20:00  The principle of the thing
22:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
23:00  The Koran doesn't executed you for every little thing. 
24:00  Post mortem executions of Jews in their afterlife if they incurred any of the capital offences in their Jewish lifetimes
25:00  Can Jews be Noahides?
27:00  Only the Koran bans usury.
28:00  Boom-bust cycle caused by usury.
29:00  Why bank managers had to go by the rules
30:00  Hitler expressed disapproval of the Stock Market in Mein Kampf
32:00  China had a civil war last century when doubtless they were just unable to discuss any solution rationally or honestly. 
33:00  Joint ventures under Islamic finance rather than lending on interest
34:00  Inflation and the impoverishment of those subject to the economic environment created by usury
35:00  Usury is a behavioural addiction.
36:00  War finance is a form of usury.
38:00  Paper money was invented by the Chinese.
39:00  Islamic finance
40:00  Pogroms and the reasons behind them
41:00  Advertising is the creation of desire. 
42:00  Consumerism
43:00  Westerners v Buddhism
44:00  The Koran is a warning and guide.
45:00  Sexual immorality and the Noahide laws
46:00  Secular Koranism is not crazy enough and will put people to sleep.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Talking to William Breiannis about the difference between Secular Koranism and normative Islam

6:00  Atheists excluded from public office in Maryland. 
7:00  Broad and universal principle
10:00  What is good and evil?
14:00  Secular Koranism
15:00  Trick question begins.
16:00  Mens rea
20:00  It is incumbent on the claimant to make out claim. 
21:00  Hadith
26:00  How many chapters are there in the Koran?
27:00  Arabic
31:00  I only reject the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran. 
36:00  Showing off with Arabic
40:00  Why would a Muslim object to Secular Koranism?
41:00  A legal system is not a cult. 
42:00  A solution is not a cult. 
43:00  I am not a politician.
44:00  The Islamophobia of the average Westerner prevents Secular Koranism from taking off. 
47:00  Different kinds of divorce
48:00  Broad brush public policy
50:00  Social conservatism
51:00  Banning of usury
53:00  Theft and robbery
59:00  Armed robbery
1:07:00  Schools of sharia
1:08:00  Tertiary Hadith
1:11:00  Shia and Sunnis
1:16:00  Science of interpretation
1:19:00  Belief
1:24:00  Principled Agnosticism
1:27:00  Child's Commentary
1:28:00  My selling point
1:29:00  US constitution
1:29:00  George Washington's farewell speech
1:32:00  My proposed constitutional amendment
1:33:00  Conditions required for a constitutional amendment
1:34:00  Semi-autonomous communities Jewish and gentile
1:36:00  Secular Koranism is for non-Muslim Americans.
1:37:00  Globohomo comes from America
1:40:00  Carol of California
1:42:00  Kicking out California
1:44:00  Everything made up has a purpose. 
1:45:00  Using credit cards
1:46:00  My moral standards are comfortably low. 
1:56:00  Normative Islam
1:58:00  Carol of California
1:59:00  Immigrant Muslims can make themselves useful by supporting Secular Koranism.
2:01:00  Globohomogenisation of the DNA of Muslim immigrants 
2:03:00  Enjoining good and forbidding evil
2:04:00  Fixing America's problems
2:05:00  My two-pronged approach
2:06:00  Noahidism
2:07:00  David Schwimmer
2:08:00  Usury
2:09:00  There is no Book of Noahidism.
2:10:00  Scripture
2:11:00  "Usurping" the Koran
2:14:00  My top ten verses
2:18:00  Slavery
2:20:00  The necessity of a Koran-based theocracy
2:21:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
2:22:00  Logical Jews would convert to Islam.

2:26:00  The nature and purpose of principles

Friday, 21 October 2022

Complaining about anti-Secular Koranists and talking to one, discussing the Noahide laws with Mr IC3

Secular Koranism
2:00  Incoherent reasons for not supporting Secular Koranism from Muslims
3:00  "physical consequences" and fatwas
6:00  Islamic political theory is hundreds of years behind Western political theory
7:00  Immigrant domination of Islam in the West
10:00  Should SK be only for non-Muslims?
12:00  When Christian Europe ceased to burn heretics at the stake, Christianity began to die.
13:00  Salem witch trials

27:00  I am the very devil! 
28:00  Whispering and hypocrisy
29:00  Radicalised Rabbi
30:00  "Secular Koranism is nothing to do with the Koran."

31:00  I support a constitutional amendment to make the laws of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America.

I suppose in the UK it would be some kind of Enabling Act, but I would have to check. 

32:00  20% flat rate income tax

35:00  IC3 joins.

36:00  It is suggested that I could be a Messenger of God. 
39:00  Maryland State Constitution
41:00  My agnosticism
43:00  Worshiping God correctly
45:00  William is basically demanding that I become Muslim without realising it. 
48:00  "Claire Khaw is a devil."
49:00  Apparently, I lie and make false promises.
50:00  Secular Koranism is an intermediate step between matriarchy and theocracy.  
51:00  You can be a theocracy without a priesthood. Not all theocracies are also ecclesiocracies.
52:00  I am supportive of Secular Koranists.  
53:00  Why can't I be a Spiritual Adviser?
55:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.
56:00  Justice is what is agreed to be fair enough.
57:00  Politics is about changing the law.
58:00  My answer is apparently "materialistic". 
59:00  Justice is an abstract concept.
My definition of the soul
1:01:00  The desire for justice is innate.
1:04:00  "I can't argue with crazy."
1:07:00  William's definition of spirituality
1:09:00  Is the soul life?
Life is Knowledge, Will and Power.
1:11:00  Nearly 50
1:13:00  Philosophical balls
1:15:00  The waffle and the lying devil
1:18:00  My definition of the soul
1:20:00  Sexual morality
1:21:00  Rape victims
1:23:00  Not rewarding the rapist
1:25:00  Spirituality and justice
1:28:00  BS
1:29:00  Truth
1:30:00  Every soul desires justice.
1:31:00  The purpose of the soul is to give us an afterlife. 
1:32:00  Furniture of the afterlife
1:33:00  Morality is a matter of cultural perspective.
Universal morality
1:34:00  Noahide laws
1:35:00  Murder
1:40:00  Lawyers argue about their interpretation of the law.
1:41:00  Secular Koranism with Californian Characteristics would be different to Secular Koranism with Alabaman Characteristics. 
1:43:00  Islamic principles of international relations and warfare
1:45:00  WW1 and WW2
Mandate of Heaven has been withdrawn from the Europeans.
1:46:00  Licence to rule
1:48:00  The Mandate of Heaven regulated the behaviour of emperors of China. 
1:49:00  God in a box
1:50:00  How to get rid of your incompetent and corrupt ruling classes
1:51:00  Social engineering
1:52:00  You can only socially engineer with the rules.
1:53:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy, 
Order, Peace and Progress v Chaos, Criminality and Corruption
1:54:00  Yin and Yang
1:55:00  Patriarchy and matriarchy are kinds of societies.
1:57:00  Sexual morality
1:58:00  Regulating the sexual instinct
1:59:00  Prostitution
2:00:00  Manging gender relations
2:01:00  Rolls Royce
2:02:00  Marriage is the regulation of gender relations. 
2:03:00  Stable population
2:04:00  Noahide laws
2:05:00  Jews should rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
2:06:00  People confuse Christianity with liberalism.
2:08:00  Sexual immorality and marriage
2:09:00  Marriage regulates gender relations.
2:11:00  Libido
2:13:00  Licensed brothels in red light districts
2:16:00  When divorce was stigmatised
2:17:00  Yin and Yang
2:18:00  Brothels
2:19:00  Married sex is the most expensive form of sex.
2:26:00  Nymphomaniacs in mental institutions
2:28:00  Unmarried mothers
2:29:00  Relearning the painful lessons of history 
2:30:00  Sexual liberation is a sacred cow of the matriarchy. 
2:32:00  "universal morality from a central point"
2:34:00  Globalism and feminism
2:35:00  Global matriarchy
2:36:00  The New Testament
2:37:00  Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.
2:38:00  Gay marriage was introduced by a Conservative Prime Minister.
2:39:00  Christians worship a Jew convicted of blasphemy against God as His co-equal.
2:41:00  Islam and Muslims
2:43:00  Christians and Muslims fighting over Jerusalem
2:44:00  God: "Just you wait!"
2:45:00  The utility of the Abrahamic God as a means of problem-solving
2:46:00  If suffering is punishment for sin, then to stop suffering we must stop sinning. 
2:50:00  Rolls Royce social engineering

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Discussing casual sex and gentile cultural appropriation of the God of Israel with Sam Samuels

A book on Secular Koranism
1:00  Gender relations
2:00  General Z more conservative
3:00  Cheap casual recreational sex
4:00  Promiscuous female humans lower than female non-humans in terms of partner selection.
5:00  Prince Philip
6:00  Disposable people and relationships
8:00  Death drive
9:00  Instant gratification
10:00  Hedonism
11:00  The harm of casual sex to men
13:00  Married prostitutes
14:00  Rahab and Judah
22:00  Messiah
24:00  Israel, Ukraine, WEF and the Vatican
26:00  Nazis and Victoria Nuland
28:00  Babylonian Jew
30:00  Victoria Nuland is a heretic.
31:00  Jewish gender relations in New York
32:00  Modern Judaism compromises too much secularism.
33:00  Amalekites
34:00  Liberal Jews virtually signalling to the blacks
35:00  Christianity is antisemitic.
36:00  Romanised Judaism
37:00  The Greatest Story Ever Told
38:00  Boomerang effect
39:00  Christian idolatry
40:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
42:00  Californian hippies like Joseph Atwill
45:00  Shut up and pray to Jesus!
46:00  Just don't think! 
47:00  The mixed multitude
49:00  Subversives on the Dark Side
51:00  Netanyahu
53:00  Golden Calf
55:00  Jimmy Savile and the British Royal Family
56:00  Virginia Giuffre
57:00  Epstein Island
58:00  Bill Gates and Bill Clinton
1:01:00  Prince Andrew
1:02:00  Ukraine and the Bond Market
1:04:00  US, China and Taiwan
1:05:00  Nuclear war and prophecy
1:06:00  Solar activity
1:07:00  Trumpet sounds

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Jews were chosen by God to promote Islam

I already have all the data I need about why people won't support Secular Koranism: Islamophobia and the desire to continuing indulging in the Seven Deadly Sins.  

Muslims won't support Secular Koranism because they are more afraid of their Christian overlords than they are of God Himself, which means they are guilty of atheism for which they will be punished if God exists.  There is after all an entire chapter on Hypocrites in the Koran. 

Muslims do not seem to realise that Christians are practically extinct in the West and that its ruling classes treat Christianity as a despised religion, treated more in contempt than Islam. Being Christian in the West affords you no protection at all: only hatred, ridicule and contempt from your own people, but especially the ruling classes who think only credulous fools would believe Jesus is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God if they are not being threatened with being burned at the stake for questioning the divinity of Jesus. 

If Muslims claim to fear Christians, they fear what is practically extinct, a toothless dying old tiger whose existence is disputed. 

What they really fear is the liberal establishment who are anything but Christian who are in fact unprincipled atheists and nihilists who do not care what happens to their society after they are dead. Can anyone name a policy the liberal establishment implemented that was ever in the national interest of any Western nation?

The fear of Muslims of non-existent Christians and liberals is therefore a fear of nothing - an excuse to fear, and an excuse for inaction and moral apathy unbefitting Muslims commanded by God to enjoin good and forbid evil.   

As for Jews, they refuse to support Secular Koranism because they don't want the last laugh to be on them. If God indeed made two revelations to humanity after dividing them into Jews and gentiles, then it is obvious which scripture you ought to choose if you believe in God and the afterlife: the one without the 36 capital offences with a vivid description of a paradise with gardens, water features, beautiful young men and women to serve you delicious things to eat and drink as you recline in elegant clothes on soft furnishings.

You would have thought that Jews would be smart enough to deduce this intention of God.  
You may have noticed that there is no desire on the part of Jews to live in a Torah theocracy in Israel. Can you imagine what would happen under Rule by Rabbi in Israel?

You can imagine what they would do, accusing each other of breaking the Sabbath, bowing before idols, blaspheming against God, being citizens of cities that have gone astray ie Tel Aviv and getting each other convicted of the 36 capital offences in this theocratic dystopia. 

Wasn't this precisely what happened to Jesus?

There is a reason why Al Aqsa Mosque in on Temple Mount. It is God's way of reminding them that a final and better revelation to mankind was made by the God of Israel in the Koran, which hardly ever mentions the death penalty and is for all of humanity. 

The Koran is a mercy to mankind but especially to Jews, whose Torah is obviously too hard for them to follow in the 21st century after they have been marinating in liberal culture until the principles of Judaism are barely detectable after centuries of homeopathic dilution.

Monday, 10 October 2022

Talking to Kevin Barrett about promoting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics

1:00  Secular Koranism
2:00  Hate speech
3:00  Critical mass of evil, stupidity and insanity has not yet been reached.
CIA controls Western media.
4:00  Western institutions and the enemy within
5:00  Desire is suffering and the evil inclination
6:00  Tribes, nations and empires
7:00  Being unAmerican
8:00  Patriarchy
9:00  Male and female IQ
10:00  Sexual dimorphism
11:00  Men in a matriarchy are not capable of fighting it. 
12:00  Tradition just means more work for the woman.
13:00  Unmarried mothers do not have authority over their adolescent sons.
14:00  Unmarried parents are the source of degeneracy.
15:00  Matriarchy is a word that should be used more often. 
16:00  Western culture and values is about facilitating the evil inclination. 
Iranians being seduced by the Western values
17:00  Secular Koranism
18:00  Marriages, families, communities, traditions based on religion
19:00  The Koran and the Noahide laws
20:00  Adam Green
21:00  How are Christians to acknowledge their idolatry and blasphemy if Jews and Muslims do not point it out?
22:00  Jews diluting the principles of idolatry.
Muslims not obeying
Mennonites are Trinitarians.
23:00  The Council of Nicaea
24:00  Trinitarians v Arians
25:00  Our laws should reflect our chosen moral system.
26:00  Christians have the Christian principle of worshiping Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, which is idolatry and blasphemy.
27:00  How to lessen God's anger
28:00  New Testament
29:00  Amalekites and Job
30:00  Satan is the agent provocateur and Prosecuting Counsel of God.
31:00  Israel means wrestling with God.
32:00  Esau or Jacob for POTUS?
33:00  "Group psychopathy"
34:00  Jews are God's Chosen People made to suffer for their sins.
36:00  Eternal and universal laws
37:00  Christianity
39:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity
40:00  Buddha and the Upanishads
41:00  What is the point of aspiring to be dead while still alive?
43:00  Unprincipled people are no better than cattle. 
44:00  The purpose of principles
45:00  The First Amendment is based on
46:00  The rules and the law
47:00  Dead White Men who were Politically Incorrect
48:00  Muslims should be enjoining good and forbidding evil by supporting Secular Koranism. 
50:00  No plans of Secular Koranism to ban pubs and alcohol.
53:00  The spiritual aspect of Islam
54:00  Secular Koranism is a bridge and intermediate step between matriarchy and theocracy.
55:00  The Islamic prohibitions against unmarried parents
56:00  Stefan Molyneux agreed with me that a theocracy could be more libertarian than a liberal state. 
57:00  David Freedman son of Milton Friedman

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

If the Abrahamic God exists, then obviously no other god is worthy of worship

1:00  Principled Agnosticism
2:00  Are events caused by God or Dialectical Materialism?
4:00  Jews and their Emunah and Bitachon
5:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
6:00  Remaining in existence as God's Chosen People as a service to humanity
7:00  Living and dying for others
8:00  God as a Theory of Everything
11:00  It is actually logical and necessary to believe in God to solve your problems.
12:00  Beatitudes
15:00  The Abrahamic God who knows our hearts and minds
16:00  Obeying God's laws would give our group a higher status.
17:00  Blame God, not Jews or Muslims.
18:00  Tisha B'Av
19:00  Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.
Judeo-Christian values
22:00  Christians
24:00  Conservative Manifesto
25:00  The Koran is fair enough. 
26:00  Pretending not to understand to ignore their moral imperative
27:00  Carl the American Secular Koranist
28:00  Married parents v non-parents/unmarried parents
29:00  Even gay people should support traditional marriage if they were beneficiaries of it.
30:00  Monogamy would be horrifying to the promiscuous. 
31:00  Divine reward for martyrdom 
32:00  Unprincipled people are cattle. 
33:00  Only the Abrahamic God is worthy of worship.
34:00  The regime under Secular Koranism
35:00  Taking Christianity is out with the trash
36:00  When the European became American
37:00  China
38:00  The Abrahamic faiths
39:00  Secular Koranism
42:00  The concept of God definitely exists. 
44:00  A Western theocracy
45:00  Belief can change behaviour.

  1. The concept of God definitely exists.
  2. Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
  3. But for Judaism, there would be no Jews.
  4. But for Jews, there would be Jesus for Christians to worship.
  5. Christianity is idolatry. 
  6. The Abrahamic God forbids idolatry.
  7. If suffering is punishment for sin, stop sinning. 
48:00  A lesser god than the Abrahamic God is easier to believe. 
49:00  What would be the point of worshiping a less powerful deity than the Abrahamic God?
The existence and non-existence of God cannot be conclusively falsified. 

50:00  The moral arguments for obeying God's laws are irrefutable. 
51:00  Jews need to arrange for themselves an honourable retirement. 
52:00  The Messiah is not going to come just because you won't tidy up your room.
53:00  Muslims should be getting behind Secular Koranism.
54:00  Frightened Muslim men
55:00  Hamza Yusuf and Jordan Peterson
56:00  Australian, Canadian and New Zealand identity
57:00  Governor General
58:00  Great Reset

Saturday, 1 October 2022

What is the best religion in theory?

4:00  A = B = C
6:00  What is the best religion in theory?
7:00  Islam is also for Jews.
8:00  Rational believing Jews would convert to Islam to escape the 36 capital offences. 
9:00  The difference between theory and practice
10:00  Scripture is religious theory, adherents of the religion is the religion in practice. 
11:00  The definition of idolatry in the Abrahamic faiths
12:00  Those who deny Christianity is idolatry wish to continue indulging in it. 
13:00  The penalty for idolatry is death for Jews.
14:00  WW3 and the Western ruling classes who are evil, insane and stupid
15:00  Westerners complaining about their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes are even more corrupt and incompetent than their ruling classes.
16:00  Conditions of a civil war
17:00  The English Civil War was about the rejection of a monarch perceived as being too Catholic.
18:00  Christianity is kaput, democracy is dementia, feminism is fucked, liberalism is for losers.
20:00  Jews and Muslims must jointly inform Christians that Christianity is idolatry.

Crazy stupid evil people with access to nuclear weapons 

What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews m...