Friday, 21 October 2022

Complaining about anti-Secular Koranists and talking to one, discussing the Noahide laws with Mr IC3

Secular Koranism
2:00  Incoherent reasons for not supporting Secular Koranism from Muslims
3:00  "physical consequences" and fatwas
6:00  Islamic political theory is hundreds of years behind Western political theory
7:00  Immigrant domination of Islam in the West
10:00  Should SK be only for non-Muslims?
12:00  When Christian Europe ceased to burn heretics at the stake, Christianity began to die.
13:00  Salem witch trials

27:00  I am the very devil! 
28:00  Whispering and hypocrisy
29:00  Radicalised Rabbi
30:00  "Secular Koranism is nothing to do with the Koran."

31:00  I support a constitutional amendment to make the laws of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America.

I suppose in the UK it would be some kind of Enabling Act, but I would have to check. 

32:00  20% flat rate income tax

35:00  IC3 joins.

36:00  It is suggested that I could be a Messenger of God. 
39:00  Maryland State Constitution
41:00  My agnosticism
43:00  Worshiping God correctly
45:00  William is basically demanding that I become Muslim without realising it. 
48:00  "Claire Khaw is a devil."
49:00  Apparently, I lie and make false promises.
50:00  Secular Koranism is an intermediate step between matriarchy and theocracy.  
51:00  You can be a theocracy without a priesthood. Not all theocracies are also ecclesiocracies.
52:00  I am supportive of Secular Koranists.  
53:00  Why can't I be a Spiritual Adviser?
55:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.
56:00  Justice is what is agreed to be fair enough.
57:00  Politics is about changing the law.
58:00  My answer is apparently "materialistic". 
59:00  Justice is an abstract concept.
My definition of the soul
1:01:00  The desire for justice is innate.
1:04:00  "I can't argue with crazy."
1:07:00  William's definition of spirituality
1:09:00  Is the soul life?
Life is Knowledge, Will and Power.
1:11:00  Nearly 50
1:13:00  Philosophical balls
1:15:00  The waffle and the lying devil
1:18:00  My definition of the soul
1:20:00  Sexual morality
1:21:00  Rape victims
1:23:00  Not rewarding the rapist
1:25:00  Spirituality and justice
1:28:00  BS
1:29:00  Truth
1:30:00  Every soul desires justice.
1:31:00  The purpose of the soul is to give us an afterlife. 
1:32:00  Furniture of the afterlife
1:33:00  Morality is a matter of cultural perspective.
Universal morality
1:34:00  Noahide laws
1:35:00  Murder
1:40:00  Lawyers argue about their interpretation of the law.
1:41:00  Secular Koranism with Californian Characteristics would be different to Secular Koranism with Alabaman Characteristics. 
1:43:00  Islamic principles of international relations and warfare
1:45:00  WW1 and WW2
Mandate of Heaven has been withdrawn from the Europeans.
1:46:00  Licence to rule
1:48:00  The Mandate of Heaven regulated the behaviour of emperors of China. 
1:49:00  God in a box
1:50:00  How to get rid of your incompetent and corrupt ruling classes
1:51:00  Social engineering
1:52:00  You can only socially engineer with the rules.
1:53:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy, 
Order, Peace and Progress v Chaos, Criminality and Corruption
1:54:00  Yin and Yang
1:55:00  Patriarchy and matriarchy are kinds of societies.
1:57:00  Sexual morality
1:58:00  Regulating the sexual instinct
1:59:00  Prostitution
2:00:00  Manging gender relations
2:01:00  Rolls Royce
2:02:00  Marriage is the regulation of gender relations. 
2:03:00  Stable population
2:04:00  Noahide laws
2:05:00  Jews should rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
2:06:00  People confuse Christianity with liberalism.
2:08:00  Sexual immorality and marriage
2:09:00  Marriage regulates gender relations.
2:11:00  Libido
2:13:00  Licensed brothels in red light districts
2:16:00  When divorce was stigmatised
2:17:00  Yin and Yang
2:18:00  Brothels
2:19:00  Married sex is the most expensive form of sex.
2:26:00  Nymphomaniacs in mental institutions
2:28:00  Unmarried mothers
2:29:00  Relearning the painful lessons of history 
2:30:00  Sexual liberation is a sacred cow of the matriarchy. 
2:32:00  "universal morality from a central point"
2:34:00  Globalism and feminism
2:35:00  Global matriarchy
2:36:00  The New Testament
2:37:00  Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.
2:38:00  Gay marriage was introduced by a Conservative Prime Minister.
2:39:00  Christians worship a Jew convicted of blasphemy against God as His co-equal.
2:41:00  Islam and Muslims
2:43:00  Christians and Muslims fighting over Jerusalem
2:44:00  God: "Just you wait!"
2:45:00  The utility of the Abrahamic God as a means of problem-solving
2:46:00  If suffering is punishment for sin, then to stop suffering we must stop sinning. 
2:50:00  Rolls Royce social engineering

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...