2:00 Envy and hatred of Jews
3:00 Envy lowers your status.
4:00 Contentment and gratitude
5:00 Nostalgia and ingratitude
6:00 Youth, beauty, talent, charisma.etc and gender dysphoria
8:00 Identity crises
9:00 God's Chosen People
10:00 Messianic Jews
12:00 The penalty for idolatry is death for Jews.
13:00 The shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.
14:00 Punishment should be expected if laws are broken.
15:00 Jews and Muslims are agreed on the definition of idolatry.
16:00 Christianity is the practice of idolatry and blasphemy.
17:00 Spinoza
18:00 Pantheism and animism
21:00 Aztecs
22:00 Abraham and Isaac
23:00 The sacrifice of Jesus
25:00 WW3?
26:00 Appealing to a Higher Power
27:00 God is the power higher than the American Empire.
29:00 A question for each member of SCOTUS
30:00 What is the moral system of the West?
31:00 Shouldn't be Islam since quran.com/2/256 is the basis of the First Amendment which eventually destroyed belief in Christianity?
33:00 Jews and Christians enjoyed no freedom of belief when they took Judaism and Christianity seriously.
34:00 Can Jews become righteous gentiles and get to heaven more easily?
35:00 A hellish Jewish afterlife
38:00 Rabbis would not be agreeing that it is OK for Jews to become righteous gentiles.
39:00 Gentiles fetishise Jews.
40:00 Which group of Jews should represent Jews?
43:00 Decline, dementia and motor neurone disease
45:00 Nationalism is impossible without social conservatism.
46:00 Theology and idolatry
47:00 Idolatrous atheist Christians
48:00 An idolater is by definition someone who is not rightly guided by the Koran.
51:00 National identity requires religion.
53:00 Wise leaders
54:00 The absolute necessity of a Hypothetical Supreme Authority in solving our moral and political problems.
55:00 Narcissism and the Papal Conclave
57:00 Jews must no be Messianic Jews because that would make them idolaters and blasphemers.
58:00 Christians cannot grasp that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
59:00 If Truth, Logic and Morality reassert themselves in the West, they West would choose Islam as their new moral system. Secular Koranism is an intermediate step to help them along their way.
1:00:00 Between denial and correction of the error
Paul Vander Klay
1:02:00 Idolaters don't follow the Koran.
1:03:00 Christianity is kaput.
1:05:00 Spinoza's pantheism is idolatry.
1:06:00 Taking the initiative
1:09:00 Government is the problem and the solution.
1:10:00 Morality is what protects us from each other and our ruling classes.
1:11:00 Melting pot laws
1:12:00 Muhammad the Unlettered Prophet
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