Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Gender roles are useful if you are seeking a spouse

1:00  Can people be born gay?
2:00  Melanie Phillips
Jewish men thank God they are not women.
4:00  Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah on being gay
5:00  Adultery
6:00  Homosexuality
7:00  Conversion therapy
8:00  Staring at sex organs
9:00  Unnatural
11:00  Gay behaviour in animals
12:00  What is natural is not necessarily moral. 
13:00  Gluttony
14:00  The rule that only married couples have the right to have sex with each other
15:00  Gender dysphoria
16:00  STIs and mental health issues
18:00  Sexuality is fluid.
21:00  Mental health problem
23:00  People who don't want children
24:00  Population implosion
26:00  Mental illness
27:00  Jordan Peterson and flashy trainers
28:00  "Disapprove"?
30:00  Eunuchs, celibate priesthoods and paedophilia
33:00  Bacha bazi
36:00  Marriage
37:00  Incest
38:00  Gender roles
40:00  Sexual preference or sexual orientation
42:00  Morality is just a feeling. 
43:00  God: "These are the rules and I am not explaining it to you."
45:00  Religions that support marriage
46:00  Copy cats
55:00  Parents' unhappy marriage
56:00  Unnatural
57:00  Age of consent
1:00:00  Tinder
1:01:00  Buddhism
1:02:00  God talking to you in the Koran
1:00:00  Muslim birth rate
1:05:00  Priesthood
1:06:00  Imam and qadi 
1:07:00  Government encouraging people to have babies
1:12:00  Mores
1:13:00  Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens
1:16:00  Slavery
1:19:00  Speakers Corner discourse
1:20:00  Hatun Tash
1:23:00  Nihilism
1:26:00  Sharia
1:29:00  The ISIS finger
1:30:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
1:31:00  Russell Brand
1:32:00  Correction and Elon Musk
1:34:00  Gender roles will become important again when marriage is taken seriously once again. 

1:45:00 Flat earth is a CIA psyop

1:47:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

Secular Koranists and Muslims join a stream of Islamophobes

1:39:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to argue that the First Amendment is based on
1:40:00  Judge not, lest ye be judged.
1:42:00  Jim Bowden
1:44:00  Wars of the Reformation
1:47:00  America does not have an official religion.
1:48:00  Christian Amendment
1:50:00  America for Americans.
1:51:00  Boston Tea Party
1:52:00  Catholic Church
1:53:00  Wars of the Reformation
1:57:00  Rejection of kings of Papal authority
1:58:00  Heretic burning
2:00:00  American Revolution and the Pilgrim Fathers
2:01:00  Secular Koranism
2:02:00  French and Russian Revolutions followed the American Revolution
2:03:00  NATO, Turkey and Erdogan
2:06:00  The First Amendment
2:09:00  Who cares where you go to church on Sundays?
2:10:00 has already destroyed belief in the Trinity.
2:12:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson.
2:14:00  Non-white majority London
2:17:00  Some of the Founding Fathers were not Christian.

CAROL joins.

2:18:00  Anglicanism
2:25:00  Hart-Cellar Act

2:30:00  PRACTICAL ABSOLUES joins.
2:33:00  Judeo-Christian heritage
2:38:00  Mosaic law and Pauline Christians
2:39:00  Faith alone
2:42:00  Judeo-Christian heritage
2:44:00  The resurrection - Lazarus was resurrected
2:45:00  Masonry
2:48:00  The Lutheran believes Jesus is God.
3:03:00  Jim Bowden pretends Muslims are going to behead him when they take over.
3:04:00  What doesn't Practical Absolutes like about the Septuagint?

3:16:00  Complaining about my First Amendment argument
3:18:00  Proposes a Christian Amendment
3:19:00  Minorities should shut up and women be deprived of the vote
3:22:00  Why so many Muslim viewers?

3:23:00  TRUTHFINDER UK join.
3:43:00  Slavery
3:52:00  China

3:17:00  Complaining about my argument about the First Amendment

Monday, 29 May 2023

White Muslim Woman rejects my proposals to reintroduce slavery in a one-party theocracy

2:00  Claire Khaw's neighbourhood
3:00  Carol the Caliph
4:00  White House invitation
5:00  POTUS
8:00  Attitudes and beliefs
9:00  Milgram experiment
10:00  Justice, common sense and fair play
11:00  Living in your car
12:00  Farm boys from Alaska
13:00  Paul Vander Klay
14:00  Jordan Peterson and the Sadducees
15:00  Belief in the afterlife
17:00  Valhalla
18:00  Martyrdom
19:00  Psychological warfare
21:00  Cultural exchange
22:00  Men of fighting age. 
25:00  CBT
26:00  Risk averse men who behave like old women
27:00  Learned helplessness
30:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
31:00  Teaching children how to read
33:00  Framing the narrative according to to Jewish theology
34:00  Isaiah 19:15: "God created good and evil."
35:00  Catholic guilt
36:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.  
38:00  Noahide laws
40:00  Victim-blaming
41:00  Repenting of sin like the Ninevites who were saved
42:00  Collective punishment

Knowing God through knowing ourselves. 

44:00  Penitence
46:00  Idolatry
47:00  Christianity is just lifetime membership to a middle class club. 
48:00  Idolatry and blasphemy is worse than idolatry. 
49:00  The problem of America not having an official religion
51:00  Everyone's a nihilist.
52:00  Neurotic middle class American
53:00  Nationalism
55:00  Slavery
57:00  Workfare, the poor house and the indentured servitude
58:00  Khums
59:00  Representative democracy
1:01:00  Immigrants
1:03:00  The exceptional and indispensable nation
1:04:00  Europeans are very militaristic. 
1:05:00  Constantine the Great
1:06:00  Christianity is still being used to support the divine right of kings. 
1:07:00  Christianity supported monarchy.
1:08:00  America is a US vassal state. 
1:09:00  Every time you have an election, you are handing a bit more of your liberty to the corporations. 
1:10:00  Military Industrial Complex
1:11:00  Single one-party state
1:12:00  Thucydides trap
1:14:00  The difference between the donkey and elephant
Clause iv
1:15:00  The principles of the Conservative Party
1:16:00  No elections in China
1:18:00  Getting people to do the right thing with your moral system
1:19:00  Aztecs priests
1:20:00  Negotiating with our ruling classes
1:21:00  George Washington
1:22:00  One political party
1:24:00  Arthur Goldberg
1:26:00  Rainbow White House
1:26:00  Are Americans Ninevites?
1:28:00  The generation gap and inter-generation gap
1:29:00  More globohomo than thou?
1:30:00  Trans-Atlantic moral cross-infection
1:33:00  The EU
1:34:00  Davos 
1:35:00  Who is worse? Europeans or Americans
1:37:00  Where did globohomo come from?
Passive citizens
1:39:00  Who is following who?
1:40:00  Competing victimhood
1:41:00  Neoconservatism
1:42:00  US foreign policy
1:44:00  Carol's belief that Muslims are wagging the American tail.
1:46:00  Democrat voters in California
1:48:00  Europeans who speak English better.
1:51:00  Punishment for sin
1:52:00  Israel
1:57:00  JFK
1:58:00  China changes its policies in its one-party state. Western countries never change their policies even if they have different parties. 
1:59:00  Ann Coulter
2:00:00  CEOs
2:03:00  The Founding Fathers were from the elite.
2:05:00  Vincent Bruno
2:07:00  Collective punishment of Christians
2:08:00  The Trinity
2:09:00  The Christian practice of heretic burning
2:10:00  UK citizens have more rights than Charles III.
2:11:00  The American Republic destroyed Christian belief in the Trinity.

Saturday, 27 May 2023

The divine cure to neurosis

Will Mary Harrington engage with me on the issue of our current "theological order"?

European courts upholding the right to piss on a Christian altar is evidence that Christianity is no longer the sacred official religion of the West. But what is?

What kind of ideas for what purpose and who are the buyers and sellers of these ideas? We should assume that the government controls the marketplace of ideas. Are our ruling classes fit for purpose and on what basis are they chosen?

"So now the Christian the‘Sea of Faith’ has withdrawn to the point it’s little more than a muted murmur, new contenders are jockeying for the opportunity to install their theological order in the rubble left behind."

"Theological order"? Don't you mean "orthodoxy"? We are not a theocracy yet.

But isn't the divine right of kings a theocracy?

But then the concept of absolute monarchy salami-sliced monarchy away into what it is now, with the monarch having even fewer rights than his subjects. 

So what is the point of monarchy?

Should we just keep it going just because not enough people are objecting to it?

But is any actual harm caused by its existence? 

The most useful thing the British Crown does is make Britain the biggest vassal state of the US, but Uncle Sam is evil. 

Should Britain continue to enable an evil empire?

Would it not be a great twist of the national narrative of the British to be the first European nation to throw off the yoke of evil American imperialism as well as do a bit of constitutional housekeeping as regards the historic and anachronistic role of the monarchy which should be replaced as soon as possible by a republic, and an Islamic republic at that?

'And Islam is every bit as averse to (and theologically at odds with) this spiritual landscape as the Christian faith. In this context, a putative Islamic theocracy will face an uphill battle in the West.'

Actually, Islam is much easier to believe.

Gay rights is an offshoot of feminism, and feminism operates on bribing men with cheap extramarital sex to keep them quiescent in their matriarchy.

If we do not have an official religion we can all agree is the official religion whether we like it or not, it means Parliament in effect has the power of an absolute monarch over us because Parliament can pass and repeal any law under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy.

If the official religion of Britain is Anglicanism, why is it afraid to assert itself? If it is no longer Anglicanism, what is it? Dare you ask what it is and who chooses for us if not the British monarch who was the one who changed the religion of the English in 1534?

Most Westerners don’t know that it was the First Amendment that destroyed belief in the Trinity. The First Amendment is supported by Islam has already destroyed Christianity by planting the poison pill of the First Amendment. There is a White House Koran and it belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. The deed is done and liberal democracy is slain.

Friday, 26 May 2023

Leader of Western Muslim converts

3:00  Culture

5:00  National Conservatism

8:00  The Trinity

12:00  Crossing oneself

16:00  Russia does not have an official moral system.

17:00  Fighting age 18-40

18:00  Anti-male policies of the matriarchy

18:00  Political parties pandering to the female voter

20:00  The West is turning into a bee colony.

The average of Western nations is 40.

21:00  Paul Vander Klay

22:00  Estuary Protocols and Jacob Faturechi

23:00  The only Christian principle Christians can agree on.

24:00  GrimGriz

25:00  Jonathan Pageau

26:00  Dark Arts of Claire Khaw

29:00  Paul Vander Klay on Good Friday 2023

32:00  Trudeau: "Canada has no mainstream identity." 

33:00  Christians are spoilt rotten people who cannot work. 

34:00  The nature and purpose of a moral system

35:00  79 years after Christians stopped burning heretics at the stake

37:00  Religion

38:00  Principles

39:00  What are Christian principles?

40:00  Mechanical and systemic problem of not having a moral system

41:00  Pray in your head

42:00  Optics

43:00  Dressing like an immigrant

48:00  100 lashes 

49:00  Representative democracy

50:00  Trinity of sin and the iceberg of bastardy

52:00  Parents afraid of their children

53:00  The laws of God

55:00  Survey

56:00  Targeting Americans

57:00  Why is America is so evil

58:00  Delian League

1:01:00  Alex Jones back on Twitter

1:04:00  John Tyndall

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Jon Vance discussing William Breiannis's hostility towards Secular Koranism

William Breiannis's incoherent reasons for objecting to Secular Koranism
4:00  Carol
6:00  Can't believe William Breiannis is an imam.
7:00  Jehovah's Witness
8:00  Vincent Bruno
11:00  William's "uneducated opinion"

18:00  Live messenger app on Google
19:00  CNP
20:00  Odysee competition
21:00  Bitchute
22:00  Jay Walker alt right leader contest
24:00  OV and Facebook
25:00  Twitter and Elon Musk
26:00  Parler
29:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
30:00  Roosh
33:00  How to take down Christians
34:00  The Trinity
35:00  Islam has got its story straight.
36:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
41:00  Noahide laws
42:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
45:00  Hindu caste system
48:00  Khums is arguably a flat rate income tax 20%.
49:00  Culture of excuses and entitlement
50:00  Homeschooling
52:00  Gender roles
53:00  Defending principles as a man
54:00  Incentivising snakes and prevaricators
Stefan Molyneux
55:00  Keith Joseph
58:00  Saturation coverage of Secular Koranism
1:00:00  Masonry
1:02:00  Marriage crisis
1:03:00  Repentance democrats
1:04:00  Debating competitions on Odysee
1:04:00  American high school
1:06:00  Teen romance in co-ed schools
1:07:00  Immigration
1:08:00  East Asians
1:11:00  Secession plebis
1:13:00  Islam is slimline and most efficient.
1:18:00  Cat's tails
1:19:00  British Columbia
1:20:00  Parliament buildings
1:21:00  US vassal states
1:22:00  Governor General
1:29:00  Alternate Vote
1:32:00  Separatism
1:33:00  Germany
1:35:00  Holocaust denial
1:46:00  Deuteronomy 28
1:48:00  Slavery
1:53:00  Usury
2:01:00  Greenbacks
2:05:00  Masonry
2:09:00  Islam
2:10:00  Christianity
2:13:00  High cheekbones


2:29:00  Trinity

Talking to Khalid Safir on whether God exists and why His laws matter

1:00  First Amendment supported by
3:00  If there was a Creation, that Creator must have been God.
6:00  Entropy
7:00  Things fall apart 
Reversion to the mean
8:00  Evolution
9:00  Agnosticism
10:00  Who or what caused the Big Bang?
12:00  An uncreated universe
15:00  Evolution of sand castles
18:00  Conscience
22:00  A relationship and conversation with God
23:00  Taqwa
24:00  The focusing power of prayer
25:00  Story by Dr Wayne Dyer
29:00  Flatland by Edwin Abbott
32:00  Metamorphosis
36:00  The sin is its own punishment.
37:00  There is a right and wrong way of robbing a bank. 
38:00  Public and private morality
39:00  Atheists don't know the difference between right and wrong.
41:00  Thought experiment
47:00  Khalid was atheist in his 20s.
48:00  Slaves
50:00  Ahmadiyya Muslims
54:00  Jordan Peterson
55:00  12 Steps
56:00  Conviction
58:00  Belief in God
1:00:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.
1:01:00  Benefits of a theocracy for atheists
1:05:00  Atheism
1:07:00  Jews
1:09:00  Cookbook analogy
1:11:00  Not accepting our lot in life
1:13:00  Body image issues
1:15:00  Temptation
1:17:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
1:18:00  Immigration
1:19:00  Degeneracy
1:21:00  Technocrats
1:22:00  Child prostitution gangs
1:24:00  Organised crime
1:25:00  Buddhism
1:26:00  Monasticism
1:27:00  Making up the rules as they go along

Will Dr Frank Turek be answering any of my questions on Christianity in his podcast?

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Vincent Bruno on Mormonism, Freemasonry, the Athanasian Creed and British Israelism

14:00  The idolatry of Mormonism
16:00  Morgan Affair
22:00  Polygamists discriminated against in America.
23:00  Joseph Smith on polygamy and black people
President and prophet
25:00  Jews according to Mormons
27:00  Noahide laws and the Mormon version
30:00  Mormon theocracy on earth
32:00  Are Mormons Noahide?
33:00  Third Principle of Judaism
34:00  The real purpose of masonry
35:00  Masonry getting big India.
36:00  The origins of Hinduism
38:00  Yes and no at the same time
39:00  The nature and purpose masonry
49:00  Mary Baker Eddy
52:00  Christian Scientists deny the Trinity.
53:00  Mark Twain
56:00  Hinduism is more developed than Christian Science.
50:00  Adam Green
1:00:00  Billy Crone
1:02:00  Himmler wanted Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion for Russians.
1:05:00  The benign purpose of masonry
1:08:00  Masons want to become God.

1:09:00  Work
1:13:00  Shortage of short order chefs gave MacDonald's the idea.
1:15:00  Pet talk

1:24:00  Therapy in mental health hospitals
1:25:00  Psychotropic drugs
1:26:00  Definition of mental illness
1:28:00  Pathologising everything
1:29:00  Rights thought, right speech, right action. 
1:30:00  William Westcott
1:38:00  Reincarnation
1:39:00  Belief in the afterlife
1:40:00  If you're an atheist, people would assume you're a nihilist. 
1:41:00  Discrimination wrongly applied
1:42:00  Being forced to pretend to believe in things we don't believe in.
1:43:00  Marriage is a filter.
1:44:00  Social animals restrict reproductive rights.
1:46:00  Carol
1:48:00  The history of the Trinity
1:49:00  Edict of Thessalonica
1:51:00  Athanasian Creed
1:56:00  Michael Servetus
1:58:00  The First Amendment
1:59:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions
2:00:00  Coronation of Charles III
2:01:00  Governor General
2:02:00  White identity in Australian, Canada and New Zealand
2:03:00  British Dominions
2:04:00  Isolated British monarchs
2:05:00  European wars become World Wars.
2:06:00  Antisemitism is a feature of Christianity.
2:08:00  Idolatry
2:09:00  Islam's softer position on idolatry.
2:10:00  Hindu masons
2:11:00  36 capital offences
2:13:00  Men adopting feminine stratagems
2:15:00  Divine punishment
2:16:00  Feminism has led to gender dysphoria.
2:17:00  Fornication is not a human right.
2:18:00  Pederasty and monogamy
2:19:00  Judaism is the most heterosexual religion. 
2:20:00  Mary Baker Eddy
2:22:00  Christian Science
2:25:00  Vedanta
2:26:00  British Israelism

Monday, 22 May 2023

Secular Koranism with Greater Israeli Characteristics - the best chance of an enduring peace

6:00  14 Points of Woodrow Wilson
9:00  America's isolation
15:00  Secular Koranism with Greater Israeli Characteristics
23:00  Christianity, Liberalism and the Wars of the Reformation
29:00  Warlike Europeans
30:00  Constitutional monarchy
30:00  Mind boggling God
31:00  The Third Estate rejected monarchy and Christianity.
32:00  Thomas Jefferson's Koran
33:00  Pre-Christian barbarian kings
34:00  Henry II
36:00  Thomas Becket

Claire Khaw gets a mention at #chinoestuary2023

Sunday, 21 May 2023

American Secular Koranist discusses polo shirts

7:00  Casual smart is what dawah doers need to grasp.
Ali Dawah, Mohammed Hijab and Daniel Haqiqatjou
8:00  William Breiannis
10:00  Immigrant imams
11:00  Subculture
12:00  Secular Koranism
13:00  Foreign-dominated masjids
14:00  The First Amendment is absolutely supported by Secular Koranism.
15:00  US constitution. one-party state, WEF and truck drivers
16:00  Corrupt and incompetent ruling classes
17:00  Slavery, prostitution and public corporal punishment and public executions
18:00  Islamic assistance

Three reasons for supporting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics

Moral systems should be judged by how effective they are at keeping their groups in existence

8:00  Masonry, gentlemen's clubs and safe spaces for white men

9:00  Women withdrawing after dinner

10:00  Single sex groups and mixed company

11:00  The price of sex in a patriarchy and matriarchy

12:00  Which is more efficient at remaining in existence?  a) Patriarchy  b) Matriarchy

13:00  Commonsense

14:00  People will always disagree with you, dissenters and subversives in a logical university where individuals are given free will. 

15:00  The maximum of personal liberty while keeping the group in existence is the ideal moral system.

16:00  Marriage is a filter against degeneracy.

17:00  Making up the rules as we go along.

18:00  The nature and purpose of a moral system

20:00  Choosing the best religion for your group

21:00  Jews and Chinese

22:00  What if the Chinese converted to Judaism?

23:00  The Chinese love their pork and gambling. 

24:00  Tribe and empire

25:00  The practice of Chinese ancestor worship

26:00  Sex imbalance interferes with the practice of monogamy.

27:00  Gay Chinese men

"Don't have children, they may be bad. If they are good, you will fear to lose them." 

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Rabbi claims to be the Messiah

Talking to a Maronite Christian about Jesus being racist to a Lebanese woman

1:00  George's routine in his mental health hospital
2:00  MHH gym
4:00  Accommodation
5:00  Doctor's ward round
6:00  Meds rather than psychologists
7:00  Cold baths and straitjackets
8:00  Wrongly accused
9:00  Religious and political views
10:00  Andrew Tate, Morpheus, Neo and 31 March
11:00  Pushing the boundaries more slowly
12:00  Doubles
13:00  Coincidence
15:00  Secret Services
18:00  Mental health hospitals in Lebanon
19:00  "Why do you think you are here?"
20:00  Speakers Corner
21:00  Muslims
23:00  Spiritual awakening
25:00  Bipolar woman
26:00  The missus
27:00  Lucid even when he was supposed to be suffering from mania
28:00  The worst psychotic episode
34:00  No one believes you any more.
34:00  New personality
36:00  Effects of the medication
37:00  Psychotropic drugs
38:00  Curing the problem rather than hiding the symptoms
39:00  Depression
40:00  Future plans as a biker
41:00  Agricultural worker
42:00  Taking a break
43:00  Stable lives
44:00  PM routine
46:00  Civilization and Risk
47:00  My avatar
48:00  Secular Koranism and people who don't know what is good for themselves
49:00  War and empire
51:00  American Republic
53:00  Hadith
54:00  Speakers Corner and Andrew Tate
55:00  Jews and Muslims protected, Christians attacked.
56:00  The American Republic was the beginning of the end of belief in the Trinity.
57:00  The First Amendment was based on
58:00  People who break their own rules
1:00:00  Unitarian Christians
1:01:00  Virgin Birth
1:02:00  The New Testament
1:03:00  When Jesus was racist in Lebanon.
1:06:00  Tyre
1:11:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:16:00  Double protection for Jews on racial and religious grounds
1:18:00  Christianity and Islam
1:19:00  Catholicism is the most ancient and powerful Christianity
1:21:00  Constantine and the cross
1:25:00  Holocaust
1:26:00  Maronite Christians
1:27:00  Messiah
1:28:00  The Lord's Prayer
1:29:00  Names
1:30:00  Question

Friday, 19 May 2023

Will the Estuary Protocols allow these questions? Part 2

  1. In which Western country would men be most likely to have a spiritual home?
  2. Why do American men yearn for a spiritual home?
  3. Why do American men yearn for spiritual home more than American women?
  4. Is America and the rest of the West a matriarchy?
  5. If American men have political home, would they still need a spiritual home?
  6. Why don't American men have a political home?
  7. Was Masonry what served as a spiritual and political home for American men?
  8. Did Masonry build America?
  9. Are the Estuary Protocols censorship?
  10. Why is a woman censoring men?
  11. If the US adopted Secular Koranism with American Characteristics, would so many men be spiritually and politically homeless?

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Ultimated Judeo Christian does not know where the Trinity comes from

Prebiblical premise 1: The ultimate Creator-creation polarity grounds epistemic universalism. 
Biblical premise 2: Biblical epistemology (Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21) clearly presupposes Premise 1.
Conclusion: Thus, ontological Judeo-Christianity clearly and vaguely grounds polarities.

3:00  Is ontological Judeo-Christianity true?
4:00  What is ontological Judeo-Christianity?
5:00  The concept of God undeniably exists.
6:00  I am accused of asking a loaded question.
8:00  The concept of fiction
9:00  UJC insists I agree with him that God exists.
10:00  "the"
11:00  Because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator.
12:00  Pantheism
16:00 "the"
18:00  The God
19:00  "Jesus is God."
20:00  The Trinity and my alleged informal fallacy
21:00  UJC denies the Trinity because he is a modalist monarchianism. 
27:00  I do not deny that the concept of God exists.
29:00  Unicorns
30:00  "God exists and He is Jesus."
31:00  UJC claims "How do you know Jesus is God?" is an informal fallacy.
37:00  Informal fallacy
38:00  Is UJC using Chatgpt?
41:00  The Torah
43:00  The Trinity
44:00  God exists because He has revealed Himself in scripture.
49:00  I affirm my agnosticism.
52:00  The Koran refers to the Bible. 
Allah means The God.
56:00  The Koran
57:00  Disagreement, discussion or debate
58:00  "Ontological Judeo-Christianity"
1:00:00  What are we debating?
1:01:00  The Trinity
1:02:00  Jews and Muslims also believe in God.
1:04:00  How is Christianity is better than Judaism or Islam?
1:08:00  What is the difference between a Christian and Judeo-Christian?
1:10:00  The Trinity
1:18:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
1:21:00  Economic trinity
1:26:00  What is the difference between a Christian and Judeo-Christian?
1:30:00  How is the Trinity true?
1:32:00  How many versions of the Trinity are there?
1:36:00  Ontological Trinity
1:40:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
1:45:00  Modalistic monarchianism
1:46:00  UJC says Jesus is not co-eternal with God.
1:49:00  Modalist monarchianism
1:50:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
1:56:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
1:58:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
1:59:00  Jesus was a Jew.
2:00:00  What is the difference between Christianity and Judeo-Christianity?
2:04:00  Gavin Hurlimann calls himself a Judeo-Christian.
2:06:00  Is UJC a confirmed Christian?
2:13:00  Are you a mental institution?
2:14:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
2:15:00  Christianity is better because?
2:18:00  Divine revelation and the Koran
2:20:00  Some Jews are Christians.
2:21:00  The Ten Commandments
2:22:00  Isaiah 53:3
2:35:00  Heretical Jews 
2:36:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.
2:37:00  Informal fallacy
2:38:00  Loaded question
2:41:00  Where do Christians get the Trinity from?
2:45:00  Loaded question
2:48:00  Informal fallacy or loaded question?
2:50:00  An example of a loaded question
2:51:00  Chatgpt
2:54:00 Where does the Trinity come from?
2:55:00  How long has UJC been Christian?
2:56:00  Divine revelation
2:59:00  How is the Trinity true?
3:00:00  Neither Judaism nor Islam are Christianity.
3:02:00  I invite UJC to state his argument. 
3:04:00  Categorical syllogism
3:05:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
3:07:00  How is the Trinity true?
3:11:00  Chaplain, priest or pastor
3:13:00  What is does the Trinity come from?
3:15:00  What is the authority for the Trinity?
3:17:00  Which Trinity?
3:21:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
3:22:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
3:25:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
3:27:00  Christianity rules because Christianity rules. 
3:31:00  Nobody buys a Bible.
3:32:00  "Attributed" 
3:33:00  "The existence of the Bible means the existence of God."
3:35:00  "epistemic"
3:38:00  "The Bible is evidence of God."
3:39:00  "The Bible exists, therefore God exists."
"Fairy tales are true because books of fairy stories exist."
3:41:00  Jews and Muslims deny the Trinity.
3:43:00  Why is the Trinity true?
3:46:00  Defaultly
3:50:00  "If divine revelation exists, then a divine being must have revealed it."
3:57:00  Deductive reasoning
4:00:00  Christianity is the best religion because the Bible is a worldwide bestseller and the last three global empires have been Christian.
4:02:00  P1 = God exists.  P2 = Jesus is God.
4:07:00  Idolatry
4:10:00  Categorical syllogism
4:12:00  "All men are mortal. Jesus was a man. Therefore Jesus is mortal."
4:13:00  Genesis 1:1
4:14:00  Without the Old Testament, there can be no New Testament. 
4:15:00  Without Judaism. there would be no Jews. Without Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship.
4:16:00  Jesus was an executed blasphemer.
4:18:00  Wasn't Jesus crucified?
4:19:00  For what was Jesus crucified?
4:20:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
4:22:00  P1 and P2
4:24:00  Where does the Trinity come from?
4:37:00  Syllogism
4:38:00  Idolatry
4:41:00  Genesis 1:1
4:42:00  Modalist Monarchianism
4:48:00  Syllogism
4:49:00  How is Jesus divine?
4:50:00  Idolatry
4:52:00  The Trinity is true because Western nations are dominant. 
4:55:00  Modalistic Monarchianism
4:58:00  If there is a Godhead, is there a Godtail as well as a Godarm and a Godleg?
5:00:00  How is Jesus God?
5:04:00  Modalist monarchianism
5:05:00  Sabellinism
5:06:00  Patripassianism
5:07:00  The Christian practice of heretic burning
5:11:00  Christians start World Wars.
5:12:00  Idolaters, blasphemers, troublemakers and warmongers
5:13:00  Genesis 1:1
5:15:00  Gold Calf
5:20:00  Heretical Jews and their afterlives

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Talking to Lebanese Christian George about Deuteronomy 19:15

1:00  George has been sectioned.
2:00  Parents and wife had George sectioned.
3:00  "Chrislam"
4:00  George's idea of the Trinity
6:00  Hegel's Trinity and the National Crime Agency
7:00  George's epiphany
9:00  Hypnosis and the subconscious
11:00  Hypnotised and ordered to walk round the block twice
12:00  Darren Brown
13:00  Personal details
14:00  Gaza strip
17:00  Pharmacology
18:00  Hypnotised his father and Harry Potter
19:00  Christianity
23:00  Jesus in Islam
26:00  Dying for our beliefs and principles
27:00  Forced medication
32:00  Patriot computer game
33:00  Technocrats are atheists and nihilists.
34:00  Jesus in Lebanon
35:00  Jews
38:00  Christians must marry Christians.
39:00  Mandate of Heaven
40:00  The Trinity
43:00  The Levant
44:00  The Written Tradition superseded the Oral Tradition.
45:00  The Torah and Koran as messages from God
46:00  The Messiah and China
47:00  Release date
48:00  The Koran
49:00  Chopping off the hands of thieves and the hijab
50:00  Liberal Jews v Israeli Jews
51:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
52:00  Christianity is idolatry.
54:00  Jewish afterlife
55:00  Yin and Yang
56:00  LGBT
58:00  Conversion therapy
1:00:00  Arthur Goldberg
1:03:00  Childless LGBT environmentalists
1:05:00  Female power
1:06:00  Democracy
1:07:00  China
1:08:00  Socinian heresy
1:11:00  Virgin Birth
1:12:00  Jefferson Bible
1:13:00  Jefferson's Koran
1:14:00  Pursuit of happiness
1:16:00  Idolatry
1:18:00  Noahide laws
1:20:00  Opportunity cost
1:22:00  Free will
1:23:00  Apostasy
1:25:00  A caliph is not a king.
1:27:00  Secular Koranism
1:28:00  The Koran is the primary source of God.
1:30:00  European leadership
1:31:00  Jefferson Bible
1:33:00  Deuteronomy and Leviticus
Falsely accused of assault by wife
1:35:00  The First Amendment is based on
1:36:00  Posterity
1:37:00  Future plans
1:38:00  Speakers Corner
1:39:00  Controlling women
1:41:00  28 May or 4 June 2023

Explaining Secular Koranism to my new community at Odysee

2:00  Antique Party
3:00  English Heritage
4:00  My rejection of representative democracy
5:00  George Washington's rejection of political parties
6:00  Norman Lamont on the condition of the Conservative Party
13:00  Conservatism v Liberalism
15:00  Convictionless Conservatives
16:00  People who claim to be Christians
19:00  China
21:00  Elections
23:00  Following the best available guide to humanity
25:00  Morally and intellectually crippled by Islamophobia
26:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate. 
28:00  Democracy or republic?
29:00  Christianity has failed to support the divine right of kings. 
30:00  The American Revolution was a rejection of Christianity and monarchy. 
31:00  The French Revolution
32:00  Constitutional monarchies
33:00  Traditional values can only be supported by a theocracy. 
37:00  Nationalism
38:00  Christian idolatry
39:00  IC5
40:00  Why a moral system is necessary
41:00  Patriarchy
42:00  Marriage is a sacrifice.
43:00  Thinking of our ancestors
44:00  Tradition is impossible without religion.
45:00  Patriarchy cannot exist without marriage. 
46:00  Secular Koranism
47:00  Why people convert to another religion
49:00  Divine revelation was moral progress.
51:00  The New Testament is inferior scripture.
52:00  Christianity is being protected when it should be trashed and Islam adopted.
54:00  Christianity is too high maintenance. 
55:00  Freedom of belief protected by the Koran.
59:00  David Kurten and Sargon

Saturday, 13 May 2023


1:00  Stefan Molyneux
2:00  Conspiracy theories
3:00  Corporal punishment for children
4:00  Social media platforms are a displacement therapy.
5:00  Banned, banned, banned! 
6:00  My YouTube account was opened in 2007.
14:00  Brand recognition
19:00  Crackdown
28:00  Galicia
30:00  Middle class Christian Americans
31:00  Shari Souter
35:00  Paul Vander Klay
37:00  Chino Conference
40:00  Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules
42:00  The Koran > Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life
43:00  Luke Ford

52:00  The nature of online relationships
55:00  Soundbites
56:00  Jonathan Bowden
58:00  Luke Ford has invited SJJ twice.
1:02:00  Colin Liddell
1:05:00  Faturechi
1:09:00  Mysterious Coptic traditions
1:21:00  Faturechi
1:28:00  Dennis Prager on porn
1:34:00  Grim
1:35:00  Shari and Jacob
1:36:00  Registry of Jews
1:38:00  Gilad Atzmon

Do even nationalists know what is in the national interest unless they are basing their moral system on God's laws in the Koran?

3:00  The Eastern religions are not good enough for the West.
4:00  Principled people defending principles
5:00  Acknowledging mistakes
6:00  Atheists and nihilists who would rather die
7:00  The narratives of moral systems
9:00  Do people know what's good for them?
10:00  National leaders who gamble with their nations and their empires
11:00  The greatest achievement of the English
12:00  The British falling into their Thucydides Trap twice
13:00  Imperial longevity
14:00  Most Americans do not support neoliberalism or neoconservatism.
15:00  The problem with America is that it does not have an official religion. 
16:00  Islam has the best available guide to humanity. 
18:00  The eugenic practices of social animals
19:00  The practice of marriage implicitly forbids extramarital sex eg incest, sodomy, adultery, fornication, bestiality. 
22:00  Allah is a national who understands the national interest.

Discussing Freemasonry with Stephen J James

5:00  Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Liverpool
6:00  1980s androgyny
7:00  KISS
8:00  Stage 4 cancer
12:00  Heritage Party and English Heritage
14:00  Joseph Atwill
15:00  UKIP
17:00  Hate speech and local elections
20:00  Environmentalists
23:00  China
24:00  Ageing society
25:00  Why democracies such up to pensioners
27:00  Anti-immigration parties
28:00  To be an idolater is to pay the opportunity cost of not being rightly guided by the Koran. 
29:00  Odysee
30:00  I am the powerhouse of ideas.
31:00  Vincent Bruno
33:00  Twitter
34:00  I ask important questions. 
35:00  People who oppose my solution should come up with a better one. 
36:00  Marriage is the only way to have children.
37:00  Gender roles are necessary for marriage.
38:00  Marriage is necessary for the continuation of society.
39:00  Religious groups are the most powerful human groups in the world. 
41:00  3 children per married couple is the minimum number.
42:00  Banning conversion therapy
46:00  Usury
49:00  The national character of the average 40 year old woman who is an unmarried mother
50:00  Correction
51:00  Hizb ut Tahrir and the Ottoman Empire
53:00  The Office of Secular Koranism
55:00  My shit shows
57:00  Average age of a nation is part of their national identity.
59:00  My imposing avatar
1:01:00  Sam Samuels
1:04:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
1:05:00  Being pre-stoned
1:09:00  Orthodox Jews believe in reincarnation


1:11:00  Psalm 119

1:16:00  Freemasonry
1:19:00  Masons would carve stories important information and laws on tablets of stone. 
1:22:00  America was built on masonry. 
1:23:00  No safe spaces for white men. 
1:29:00  Pliny the Younger's letter to Trajan about organising firemen
1:34:00  Advice on relaunch
1:36:00  Millennial Woes

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...