THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Gender roles are useful if you are seeking a spouse
Secular Koranists and Muslims join a stream of Islamophobes
Monday, 29 May 2023
White Muslim Woman rejects my proposals to reintroduce slavery in a one-party theocracy
Saturday, 27 May 2023
The divine cure to neurosis
Neurosis https://t.co/Mt84HJY8Vg
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 27, 2023
Will Mary Harrington engage with me on the issue of our current "theological order"?
Friday, 26 May 2023
Leader of Western Muslim converts
Will anyone step up to become the leader of western converts? https://t.co/oXc5rqrcgV
— Canadian Identity (@CnpMember) May 26, 2023
3:00 Culture
5:00 National Conservatism
8:00 The Trinity
12:00 Crossing oneself
16:00 Russia does not have an official moral system.
17:00 Fighting age 18-40
18:00 Anti-male policies of the matriarchy
18:00 Political parties pandering to the female voter
20:00 The West is turning into a bee colony.
The average of Western nations is 40.
21:00 Paul Vander Klay
22:00 Estuary Protocols and Jacob Faturechi
Peak ANACHINO23 https://t.co/c99OaB3AB1
— Grizwald Grim, synchrony harmonicist (@GrimGriz) May 20, 2023
23:00 The only Christian principle Christians can agree on.
24:00 GrimGriz
@PageauJonathan and @GrimGriz discussing The Holy Fool pic.twitter.com/BJkV9tm8OU
— Paul Rene Nichols (@paulrenenichols) May 21, 2023
25:00 Jonathan Pageau
26:00 Dark Arts of Claire Khaw
29:00 Paul Vander Klay on Good Friday 2023
32:00 Trudeau: "Canada has no mainstream identity."
33:00 Christians are spoilt rotten people who cannot work.
34:00 The nature and purpose of a moral system
35:00 79 years after Christians stopped burning heretics at the stake
37:00 Religion
38:00 Principles
39:00 What are Christian principles?
40:00 Mechanical and systemic problem of not having a moral system
41:00 Pray in your head
42:00 Optics
43:00 Dressing like an immigrant
48:00 100 lashes
49:00 Representative democracy
50:00 Trinity of sin and the iceberg of bastardy
52:00 Parents afraid of their children
53:00 The laws of God
55:00 Survey
56:00 Targeting Americans
57:00 Why is America is so evil
58:00 Delian League
1:01:00 Alex Jones back on Twitter
1:04:00 John Tyndall
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Jon Vance discussing William Breiannis's hostility towards Secular Koranism
The live-streamer who gained infamy from walking into random people's houses is now filming himself assaulting random Jewish people on the street. The police don't care.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 22, 2023
2:29:00 Trinity
Talking to Khalid Safir on whether God exists and why His laws matter
Will Dr Frank Turek be answering any of my questions on Christianity in his podcast?
What topic would you like to hear me discuss on the CrossExamined podcast in the future?
— Frank Turek (@DrFrankTurek) May 24, 2023
Where Christians got their Trinity from
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
The Koran acknowledges the prophethood of Jesus and the Virgin Birth, basically offering Christians a way of worshiping God without being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy, but Christian Islamophobes would rather die and go to hell.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Who wrote the New Testament and when was it compiled?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Don't Christians suffer from having inferior scripture not even written by Jesus while Jews and Muslims have their Torah and Koran believed by them to be from God?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Don't Christians worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Don't Christians know that the God forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
What is the authority for the proposition that Jesus is God?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Are people who claim to be Christian really atheists pretending to worship an executed blasphemer or do they really believe that an executed blasphemer is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe, born of a virgin?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Why would atheists pretend to believe that an executed blasphemer is the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Is it because they are really atheists that people who claim to be Christian don't care that they could be guilty of the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Is it cowardice and hypocrisy that makes atheists pretend to worship an executed blasphemer could be the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, or is it just Islamophobia?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Has Christianity been failing for half a millennium?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Is Christianity so kaput that its replacement of liberalism is now also kaput?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
When are Christians going to repent of their idolatry and blasphemy?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
a) before WW3
b) after WW3
Why do Christians pretend to be cannibals eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Did Christianity prevent the fall of Rome?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Did Christianity prevent the regicides of Charles I, Louis XVI and Nicholas II?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
If the only purpose of Christianity was to support the divine right of kings, how well would you say it has prevented the fall of Rome and the regicides of Charles I, Louis XVI and Nicholas II?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Were the American, French and Russian Revolutions rejections of Christianity? If America, France and Russia were to become officially Christian, would it be the equivalent to a dog returning to its own vomit and a fool returning to his folly?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Were the American, French and Russian Revolutions rejections of Christianity? If America, France and Russia were to become officially Christian, would it be the equivalent to a dog returning to its own vomit and a fool returning to his folly?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Is America a Christian nation?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Should America pass a Christian Amendment?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Is Christianity sufficient moral guidance for the number one superpower of the world?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
What are Christian principles and can Christians agree on them?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
What Christian principles does the US government support?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
If there are no Christian principles supported by the US government, does that not mean Christianity is extinct in America and the rest of the West?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Is it possible to be Christian and not guilty of idolatry if you are Arian or Trinitarian?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
If God exists, which would He find more offensive?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
a) Trinitarianism
b) Arianism
Do Christianity and idolatry walk hand in hand?
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 24, 2023
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Vincent Bruno on Mormonism, Freemasonry, the Athanasian Creed and British Israelism
Monday, 22 May 2023
Secular Koranism with Greater Israeli Characteristics - the best chance of an enduring peace
Prominent Rabbi explains war on #Gaza and the people of the region - must watch. pic.twitter.com/aa3elPUtXL
— Middle East Observer (@MEO_Analysis) May 14, 2023
Claire Khaw gets a mention at #chinoestuary2023
Claire Khaw gets a mention! https://t.co/JxnPPrLqbJ
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 22, 2023
Next Year in Jerusalem https://t.co/5oQLb7X1sa
— Jacob Faturechi 🇺🇸 (@Jacobionite) May 22, 2023
Claire Khaw's view on the Dome of the Rock is that Al Aqsa is meant to represent the Third Temple, unless Jews want to live under a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences when they could live under sharia protecting their freedom of belief with https://t.co/utzbCpdmZl
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 22, 2023
Sunday, 21 May 2023
American Secular Koranist discusses polo shirts
Three reasons for supporting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
You have to say Sis Carol or White Muslim Woman or I won’t answer you next time. I have always said Bro Wm. 1) the idea of using the Quran as the basis of promoting law 2) Creating a political approach that is a synthesis of Islam and the founding fathers and American History3)
— White Muslim Woman (@PeacockClub786) May 21, 2023
3) promoting this resulting synthesis among Muslims and non Muslims
— White Muslim Woman (@PeacockClub786) May 21, 2023
Moral systems should be judged by how effective they are at keeping their groups in existence
Are you that "secular Islam" lady? https://t.co/T3VEZqADmJ
— Kevin Michael Grace🏴🇮🇪⚜🇳🇴 (@KMGVictoria) May 18, 2023
Peak ANACHINO23 https://t.co/c99OaB3AB1
— Grizwald Grim, synchrony harmonicist (@GrimGriz) May 20, 2023
8:00 Masonry, gentlemen's clubs and safe spaces for white men
9:00 Women withdrawing after dinner
10:00 Single sex groups and mixed company
11:00 The price of sex in a patriarchy and matriarchy
12:00 Which is more efficient at remaining in existence? a) Patriarchy b) Matriarchy
13:00 Commonsense
14:00 People will always disagree with you, dissenters and subversives in a logical university where individuals are given free will.
15:00 The maximum of personal liberty while keeping the group in existence is the ideal moral system.
16:00 Marriage is a filter against degeneracy.
17:00 Making up the rules as we go along.
18:00 The nature and purpose of a moral system
20:00 Choosing the best religion for your group
21:00 Jews and Chinese
22:00 What if the Chinese converted to Judaism?
23:00 The Chinese love their pork and gambling.
24:00 Tribe and empire
25:00 The practice of Chinese ancestor worship
26:00 Sex imbalance interferes with the practice of monogamy.
27:00 Gay Chinese men
"Don't have children, they may be bad. If they are good, you will fear to lose them."
Saturday, 20 May 2023
Talking to a Maronite Christian about Jesus being racist to a Lebanese woman
Friday, 19 May 2023
Will the Estuary Protocols allow these questions? Part 2
- In which Western country would men be most likely to have a spiritual home?
- Why do American men yearn for a spiritual home?
- Why do American men yearn for spiritual home more than American women?
- Is America and the rest of the West a matriarchy?
- If American men have political home, would they still need a spiritual home?
- Why don't American men have a political home?
- Was Masonry what served as a spiritual and political home for American men?
- Did Masonry build America?
- Are the Estuary Protocols censorship?
- Why is a woman censoring men?
- If the US adopted Secular Koranism with American Characteristics, would so many men be spiritually and politically homeless?
Pt 2 Q1: The Western country most likely to have a spiritual home for men would be the one with a political party that protects the interests of married and marriageable men.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q2: American men yearn for a spiritual home because they clearly lack one and lack one because they do not even have a political home in their matriarchy which is now exhibiting undeniable signs of dementia.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q3: American men yearn for a spiritual home more than American women because all the political parties of their matriarchy treat women better than they treat men, and atheist Post-Christian men are now too afraid to complain about their matriarchy in case they get cancelled.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q4: All Western political parties pander to the female voter. The overwhelming majority of female voters are feminists who are soldiers of the matriarchy perpetuating the matriarchy through bribing men with cheap extramarital sex to keep them quiescent in their matriarchy.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q5: If American men had a political home ie a political party that looks after their interests, they wouldn't be looking for a spiritual home. The only way they can acquire both is by adopting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics. pic.twitter.com/1pKpDNSf9L
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q6: American men don't have a political home because all their political parties pander to the female voter whose morals are corrupt. We know their morals are corrupt because none of them will support treating unmarried parents as sex offenders with https://t.co/GQm68w3d9J
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q7: Masonry was what made America great because Masons would by definition be Noahides if they were not Jews, and Noahides are defined as righteous gentiles obeying the Seven Noahide laws. https://t.co/vDgL9GSbuR
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q8: Masonry built America because you would only become a Mason if you believed in the Abrahamic God. Even if you were only lying that you believed in God, you would have to be a Noahide in order not to be expelled from your lodge. Masonry also brought about male solidarity.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q9: If none of the 41 questions asked by Claire Khaw were discussed at Chino because they were forbidden by the rules of the Estuary Protocols, the reason must have been censorship by @Kathryn95620927
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q10: @Kathryn95620927 in her role as gatekeeper would give the men at the Chino conference cover so they can deny they are actively plotting to overthrow their matriarchy as they should be if they were men at all. Probably, even the non-transgender men have turned to women.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Pt 2 Q11: If Secular Koranism with American Characteristics were adopted in the US, the interests of married and marriageable men would finally be protected and they would no longer be scurrying like mice in search of shelter from their oppressive and murderous matriarchy.
— Mary Q Contrary (@Book_of_Rules) May 20, 2023
Thursday, 18 May 2023
Ultimated Judeo Christian does not know where the Trinity comes from
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Sunday, 14 May 2023
Talking to Lebanese Christian George about Deuteronomy 19:15
Explaining Secular Koranism to my new community at Odysee
Saturday, 13 May 2023
Do even nationalists know what is in the national interest unless they are basing their moral system on God's laws in the Koran?
Discussing Freemasonry with Stephen J James
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
4:00 Why no feedback? 5:00 Over 1000 views Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00 Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...