Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Jon Vance discussing William Breiannis's hostility towards Secular Koranism

William Breiannis's incoherent reasons for objecting to Secular Koranism
4:00  Carol
6:00  Can't believe William Breiannis is an imam.
7:00  Jehovah's Witness
8:00  Vincent Bruno
11:00  William's "uneducated opinion"

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52:00  Gender roles
53:00  Defending principles as a man
54:00  Incentivising snakes and prevaricators
Stefan Molyneux
55:00  Keith Joseph
58:00  Saturation coverage of Secular Koranism
1:00:00  Masonry
1:02:00  Marriage crisis
1:03:00  Repentance democrats
1:04:00  Debating competitions on Odysee
1:04:00  American high school
1:06:00  Teen romance in co-ed schools
1:07:00  Immigration
1:08:00  East Asians
1:11:00  Secession plebis
1:13:00  Islam is slimline and most efficient.
1:18:00  Cat's tails
1:19:00  British Columbia
1:20:00  Parliament buildings
1:21:00  US vassal states
1:22:00  Governor General
1:29:00  Alternate Vote
1:32:00  Separatism
1:33:00  Germany
1:35:00  Holocaust denial
1:46:00  Deuteronomy 28
1:48:00  Slavery
1:53:00  Usury
2:01:00  Greenbacks
2:05:00  Masonry
2:09:00  Islam
2:10:00  Christianity
2:13:00  High cheekbones


2:29:00  Trinity

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #20 Policy on the aged and the acquisition of wisdom

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