Saturday, 30 September 2023

Discussing the problem of Christian idolatry with Sam Samuels

Justin Trudeau apologises after Nazi veteran honoured in parliament

4:00  Windsors and Roman salutes
5:00  E Michael Jones
6:00  Confusing Jews with liberalism
7:00  Look what you made us do!
8:00  God created evil.
10:00  Jews and gentiles not discussing idolatry properly

16:00  All belief systems are about social control.
21:00  Only a religion that supports marriage would protect your society from feminism. 
22:00  The forgotten Roman virtues
23:00  Rome and America became victims of their own success.
25:00  Christianity

27:00  Cut the conspiracy theories and focus on idolatry to get to the meat of the problem afflicting humanity.

28:00  How to make the Post-Christian Post-Liberal care that Christianity and liberalism are both kaput 

31:00  What do you do with people whose religion is antisemitism?

32:00  The Deadly Sin of Pride
35:00  ADL actually creates antisemitism. 
36:00  Israel is the 51st state of America. 

37:00  Blame Jews for not doing what they were chosen by God to do: being light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry of Christianity towards Islam.

38:00  Christian idolatry
40:00  My absolutist statement that the only religion acceptable to God is Judaism and Islam

Why wouldn't this statement lend itself to discussion?

41:00  Americans are cursed by God.
42:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
43:00  Bad apples of Jewry eg Yuval Harari and Karl Schwab
45:00  George Soros
46:00  Dianne Feinstein
47:00  Supersessionism
49:00  Why can't Jews be Noahides?
50:00  Antisemitism is activated by every act of Jewish disobedience. 
Marx and Blavatsky
51:00  Christianity is not a Noahide religion. 

52:00  Rabbi Mizrachi, Tovia Singer and Yaron Reuven are the only rabbis who say explicitly that Christianity is idolatry. 

54:00  Muslim hypocrites are also cursed. 
55:00  Christianity cannot be salvaged. 
56:00  Liberals who believe in sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting
57:00  Ron Jeremy

1:01:00  Why can't gentiles who claim to believe in the Abrahamic God go through the list of Noahide laws they have broken taking into account that Christians always start off with breaking two of the Noahide laws ie the prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy?

The ones capable of being redeemed are the ones capable of understanding the logic of my propositions and acting on then.  

1:03:00  Yuval Harari
1:05:00  Are there as many as ten good men in the entire American global empire?
1:06:00  Christianity cannot be fixed. 

Returning to Christianity is a dog returning to its vomit like a fool returning to his folly, like a cancer surgeon deliberately not cutting the tumour out and leaving it in just for the fun of it.  

1:07:00  Christianity is deliberately vague because it was just meant to support the divine right of kings, no questions asked. 

1:08:00  Patriot Nurse

1:10:00  Holocaust and liberalism

1:11:00  Muslims are a minority group applying for rights competing with other minority groups.

1:16:00  Sword of Damocles
1:19:00  Idolatry

1:22:00  After Sam leaves
1:23:00  Suit analogy
1:24:00  Idolatry
1:25:00  Ancient Romans
1:26:00  Twelve Tables
1:27:00  Christianity
1:28:00  Seven Deadly Sins

Thursday, 28 September 2023

The first celebrity couple of Secular Koranism: Curious Gazelle and Rob

2:00   "Work husband" 

4:00  Blind Date and Cilla Black

Marital Disputes Resolution

5:00  Friend of the Marriage

6:00  Another matchmaker!

7:00  Fornication was forbidden for an obvious reason.

10:00  Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals nationwide


11:00  The rules as a safety rail

12:00  Belief in God

15:00  Exams in Koranic Knowledge

Survive the Jive

17:00  Barbarian kings of Europe

19:00  Afterlife

Chinese ancestor worship

Thomas Jefferson's quotation, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." 

20:00  Hungry ghost or worshipped ancestor?

22:00  Banning of conversion therapy

25:00  Matriarchy v Patriarchy

Is catfishing allowed under Secular Koranism?

8:00  Is catfishing allowed under Secular Koranism?

9:00  Islamic inheritance laws

10:00  The marriage of Rob and Gazelle is announced.

12:00  How would the leader of a Secular Koranist State be chosen?

15:00  Licensed brothels in red-light districts

19:00  Slave girls

20:00  Carol

22:00  Washington warned against political parties.

23:00  The need for America to have an official religion.

24:00  Anglicanism, Tucker Carlson, Episcopalianism


26:00  No faith

27:00  Kevin Barrett and free will

30:00  People of understanding

31:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 

32:00  Idolatry and blasphemy

33:00  Culture war

36:00  Hypocrites

37:00  If you believed in God, you would obey His laws.

39:00  I behave as if I believe.

40:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

41:00  Idolatry

42:00  Andrew Tate

44:00  Rob and Gazelle

53:00  Rob described.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Discussing the rights and wrongs of Secular Koranism with William Breiannis

1:00  Objections to SK
3:00  "No substance"
5:00  Choosing the translation
7:00  Worship God.
8:00  America needs an official religion.
9:00  The First Amendment
20:00  The Golden Rule
22:00  Methodology
25:00  No bedroom police.
27:00  Concubine/girlfriend sex
28:00  Licensed brothels in red light districts
30:00  "Ordinary meaning"
34:00  Squeezing out the concubine contract
38:00  Slavery
39:00  Rahab
43:00  Muta
45:00  My interpretation and his interpretation
National School of Sharia
47:00  Theocracies
48:00  Branches of interpretation: primary, secondary and tertiary
49:00 Tafsir, fiqh
55:00  Literal but permissive
56:00  Prostitution has a purpose.
57:00  If verses are in conflict with each other, you can choose your preferred option.
58:00  Liberty and freedom
1:00:00  Noahide laws
1:02:00  Recreational drugs
1:04:00  Exception to rules
1:06:00  Why Secular Koranism has not been adopted
1:07:00  I am urged to live the Koran.
1:11:00  Agnosticism

Threats and insults from a Jew who hates me

Saturday, 23 September 2023

The history of the Trinity explained from 23:00

24:00  Tertullian and Hobbes

25:00  The attributes of the Abrahamic God

30:00  Miracles and Muhammad

31:00  The non-witnessing of miracles in our lifetimes does not negate the existence of God. 

32:00  Idolatry and blasphemy

33:00  Jewish and Muslim attitudes towards Christianity.

34:00  Theosis

36:00  Council Nicaea

37:00  Athanasians v Arians

38:00  The Trinity

Edward Wightman and Thomas Aikenhead

39:00  American, French and Russian Revolutions

40:00  Communism

Christianity has been failing for 500 years.

41:00  The Protestant Reformation

42:00  Separation of church from the state

Charles III Defender of Faiths

43:00  Henry VIII Defender of the Faith

44:00  Idolatry

45:00  The ruling classes of the West no longer believe in Christianity.

46:00  The New Testament

47:00  Greek pantheon

48:00  Constantine

49:00  Scripture

51:00  Christian state violence

52:00  Christians are indulging in the Deadly Sin of Pride.

53:00  Catholicism and Protestantism are both man-made religions.

54:00  Barbarian European kings became civilised. 

55:00   Catholic showmanship

Friday, 22 September 2023

Telling Vincent Bruno how Secular Koranism will slide into Islam and how rabbis are going to make this happen

2:00  Twitter
4:00  Jews and Edward Martin
6:00  Chinese and Indian attitudes towards Jews
7:00  Israel sells weapons to Pakistan.
8:00  Huawei
9:00  Historical relationship between Hindus and Jews
11:00  Jewish and gentile identity crisis
12:00  Chinese interest in Jews
13:00  Jewish Studies in Chinese universities
17:00  WW3
18:00  Register of Jews excluding Reform Jews
20:00  Jews are not responsible for liberalism.
21:00  Rabbis refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 
22:00  The Koran says hypocrites go to hell. 
23:00  The Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud
24:00  The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility and the Iranian Caliphate
25:00  Secular Turkey

28:00  Gentiles are secular, therefore they only defer to secular Jews. If gentiles were religious, they would defer to rabbis. 

29:00  More interest in theology now in the West because of Muslims
30:00  More Christians talking about theology
32:00  The only important theological debate is really between Jews and Muslims.
33:00  Not even Jews want rule by rabbi. 
34:00  Ir nidachat
35:00  Jews in Christendom
36:00  Jews now have to regularise their position. 
37:00  Israel is not a theocracy, but a liberal democracy. 
38:00  Secular Koranism is the necessary correction.
39:00  Event at mubahala
40:00  Secular Koranism will slide into Islam.
42:00  The contradictory verses in the Koran on "the vine" ie alcohol
44:00  Why I fell out with Carol over the one-party state, prostitution and slavery
45:00  Nevada

46:00  Concubine/girlfriend contracts

48:00  Non-prostitute fornicatresses are the biggest supplier of extramarital sex to men. 

49:00  Wife sex or prostitute sex? What kind of sex do you want to give as a woman?

50:00  Unmarried parents will be treated as sex offenders. 

51:00  Giving the pill only to licensed prostitutes and married mothers who have completed their families
52:00  Licensed brothels and love hotels in a red light district

54:00  You don't have to be marriageable to agree that the next generation should be reared by their biological married parents living together in a loving relationship.

55:00  Casual sex in a red light district in love hotels

56:00  Bring your own prostitute to the love hotel like bring your own bottle to restaurant without a licence to sell alcohol.

57:00  Advice on having better sex with your spouse

59:00  No bedroom police and the establishment of geisha houses

1:00:00  Remediable classes for the unmarriageable under Secular Koranism

1:01:00  Privileging married parents over non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by

1:02:00  What is required of Orthodox rabbis: rank the four the gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws and post them on social media

1:03:00  I am not God, but perhaps just a prophetess being an interpreter of God's laws.

1:04:00  Why four gentile religions only

1:06:00  Why can't Jews do what they were chosen by God to do even after 2000 years?

Rabbi Schneerson

1:07:00  Proposed joint message from Jews and Muslims to idolatrous and blasphemous Christians to cease and desist their idolatry and blasphemy attracting divine punishment

1:08:00  Gentiles are not going to submit to rule by rabbi.
1:09:00  Muslims just have to obey

1:10:00  Rabbis promoting Noahidism are creating a religion when they should be pointing them towards Islam.

1:14:00  Mujahid Uddin

1:16:00  Americans who want Prince Harry of Santa Barbara to be their king reigning with Queen Meghan are being unAmerican.

1:17:00  Gandalf, Jay Dyer, Church of Entropy

1:20:00  Salafi Movement

1:22:00  Vincent Bruno can be Protector of LGBT under Secular Koranism.
1:23:00  Anti-gay backlash

1:24:00  No fault divorce will be abolished under Secular Koranism
1:25:00  Spiritual ease for more people will come with Secular Koranism

1:26:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics
Elections in China

1:29:00  The life of a democratic politician is to be hated.

1:32:00  Edward Martin
1:39:00  Liberals
1:40:00  Edward Martin is the Jew who wants Vincent and me in jail!

1:41:00  The religion of secular Jew Edward Martin is liberal democracy and he regards Vincent as me as heretics.

1:42:00  Vincent's voting intentions
1:44:00  Atheism is fake, divisive and unsustainable egalitarianism. 

1:46:00  Refusing to use God to easily solve our political problems is the Deadly Sin of Pride.

1:47:00  Is America should be a Noahide nation and can be again once American rabbis do what Jews were made God's Chosen People to do: rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Seven Noahide laws producing the ranking of Islam being most and Christianity being least Noahide.

1:49:00  Christians are mostly congenitally incapable of understanding the concept of idolatry. Jews are congenitally incapable of telling Christians what the really think of the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity, and Muslims are not much better with even less excuse since clearly tells them what they have to do which they have not attempted since 632. Let us hope Muslims will try to remedy this omission before WW3.

1:50:00  Orthodox Jews promoting Noahidism when they should be ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

Talking to Sam Samuels about sexually liberated Jews and gentiles

TV shows
5:00  Western dementia
9:00  Gender confusion and gender dysphoria
11:00  Hypocrites and cowards pretending to be Jews and Muslims.
12:00  Patriot nurse and assimilated American Jews not following their religion.
13:00  Tikkun olam is not "fashionable gentile causes".
17:00  No official religion, an unaccountable ruling class.
20:00  Sexual and moral depravity
21:00  Child sex prostitution in Marakesh
27:00  Christianity is kaput. 
28:00  Generations of Christians are not prepared to accept that their ancestors have been duped by their idolatrous state and church.
29:00  Matriarchy is idolatry.
32:00  Gilded cage of Christianity
34:00  Shooting the messenger
37:00  Jewish and Muslim methods of worship are questioning unlike Christian rites.
38:00  Absolution by priests
44:00  Prometheus
45:00  Rosh Hashanah
47:00  Day of Judgement, not Judgement Day

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Does religion bind a nation?

1:00  Jews

11:00  What Jews and Muslims have antisemites and Islamophobes don't have
13:00  Marriage and family
14:00  Muslims in London
15:00  Mosque elders and pubs
16:00  Religion is for binding society.
17:00  Constantine the Great
18:00  Nationalism
19:00  Christians were fighting each other when they were white and Christian.
20:00  Christian hypocrisy
21:00  British Empire promoting Christianity
23:00  Nietzsche, British Israelism and Jerusalem

25|:00  JAY WALKER joins.
27:00  Christian nationalism
32:00  Jalsa
42:00  Marriage is abhorrent to the matriarchy.
46:00  Speakers Corner
47:00  Nationalism
50:00  Noahide laws
51:00  The church is dying.
52:00  The Trinity
54:00  Unprincipled Christians
57:00  The small things
59:00  Nationalists have a bad attitude.
1:00:00  Follow our principles.

Antisemites obsessing about Jews

Do Jews obsess about gentiles the way gentiles obsess about Jews? Should they?

Let's say Jews are aristocrats/celebs and gentiles peasants/fans. Who do you think will be obsessing about whom more?

Am I right in thinking that antisemitic gentiles are deeply offended that Jews only think of gentiles for a fraction of the time antisemites think about Jews? It's like being in a relationship where you know you think much more about the other person than they think of you.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Claire Khaw tells Vincent Bruno about her plans for Jews and Muslims

7:00  My plan to shame Jews and Muslims into supporting Secular Koranism
8:00  God protects His Chosen People.
9:00  Jews in the Koran
10:00  Jews the openly adulterous wife of God.
11:00  Prometheus
12:00  God's Plan for His Chosen People
13:00  Jews cause more antisemitism by assimilating. 
14:00  You're a Jew if your mother is a Jewess.
Jews still refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 
15:00  God allows people the human right to disbelieve in Him with
16:00  Jews are not promoting the Noahide laws correctly. 
17:00  Jewish omission to promote the Noahide laws.
19:00  Antisemitism makes it less likely for gentiles to submit to rabbinical rulings.
23:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

Jews will have lost all their moral authority if WW3 breaks out.

24:00  Vincent's prediction for the future

25:00  My best case scenario for Secular Koranism
26:00  Jews were chosen to rank the four gentile religions.
27:00  Jews can still do what they were made God's Chosen People to do! 
28:00  Jews are embarrassed about their omission. 
Muslims will shame Jews into doing what they were chosen by God to do.
29:00  Move towards patriarchy in Spaces

31:00  White nationalists are less scary than Muslims. 

32:00  Shaming Muslims

33:00  I am accused of arrogance and dismissiveness.

34:00  Accusations of Secular Koranism

35:00  LGBT

37:00  Gay people who believe in God

38:00  No fault divorce

39:00  Crime rates in the US rising

40:00  Secular Koranism

41:00  The lure of radicalism and the safe Spaces of Twitter

42:00  People who want to have sex with dolphins

43:00  Secular Koranism

44:00  America getting itself an official religion

45:00  God curses Christians

46:00  Mubahala

47:00  Could I be a prophetess?

48:00  Jews and Muslims must work together to impress on Christians that they should desist from their idolatry and blasphemy.

49:00  Jews are still God's Chosen People.

51:00  Beggars can't be choosers.

52:00  Kosher and curry

Jews and Muslims need me to help them do what God expects them to do. 

53:00  My correct interpretation

54:00  So easy for Jews to do!

55:00  How Secular Koranism will reach critical mass

Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God

56:00  Carol

57:00  Hidden idolatry

58:00  Safe Spaces on Twitter

59:00  Birds

1:02:00  Only cocks sing, but not the hens.

1:03:00  Turkish quarter of Vincent on the paternal side

1:06:00  Writing our feelings down

1:09:00  Birdsong

1:10:00  Doooovid and Jen

1:11:00  Luke Ford

1:12:00  I have a dream.

1:13:00  Noahide laws

1:14:00  Work

Luke Ford

1:16:00  Lexington Steele

1:25:00  Emunah and bitachon

1:26:00  Gratitude

1:27:00  Afterlife

1:28:00  Atheists using the afterlife to upset each other

1:30:00  Birds and fishes

1:31:00  Is God mysticism or superstition?

1:32:00  Americans becoming more religious as life worsens from them

1:33:00  The Fourth Estate encouraging belief in God

1:34:00  Clear easy rules of sexual morality

1:35:00  Public corporal punishment

1:36:00  Aceh Province

Noahide laws

1:37:00  Sexual morality

1:38:00  The Far East

1:39:00  1950s was the Golden Age of being white

Humane slavery under Secular Koranism

1:41:00  Workfare

1:42:00  The American Civil War could have been averted by American Secular Koranism.

1:43:00  Thirty Years War

4 questions William Breiannis won't answer to justify his rejection of Secular Koranism

The pathetic reasons given by a Muslim for rejecting Secular Koranism

America the damned breaks four out of the Seven Noahide laws

America considers itself to be a Christian nation, which means it immediately clocks up two offences against the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy. Christians idolatrously worship Jesus, an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

Gay marriage has been legalised which means sodomy - a category of extramarital sex has been sanctified. Extramarital sex in the Bible and the Koran are treated as sexual offences punishable by death in the Torah. This means the Noahide prohibition against sexual immorality is in practice breached since we can easily imagine that most of the sex that takes place in America is extramarital sex which is synonymous with sexual immorality.

Theft is no longer a felony in America.

This makes 4 out of 7 which is a fail. 

This also means that Jews in America have failed in their duty to teach gentiles the Noahide laws which they were made God's Chosen People to do. 

Despite being urged to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, they refuse, presumably because they fear to offend their increasingly antisemitic Christian overlords who are now suffering from dementia.

Does fear of giving offence amount to a justifiable excuse for Jews to not point out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity?

Of course not. They are meant to martyr themselves. They even have a term for that called kiddush hashem.

It is conclusive evidence of their cowardice and hypocrisy that they refuse to do as I have repeatedly asked them to do, even with the protection of the First Amendment.  

From their behaviour, we can deduce that they have made an idol of their fear of antisemites and worship it more than the Abrahamic God whom they are supposed to fear and love, which unfortunately means they are hypocrites whose final destination is hell. 

The Koran curses people claiming to be Muslims who are hypocrites.

Sadly, it seems most people claiming to be Muslims are hypocrites, even Muslim political activists. Their hypocrisy is revealed when Muslims campaigning for sharia refuse to discuss Secular Koranism which is sharia for non-Muslims, conceived of to be the bridge or anteroom to Islam. Secular Koranism should be offered to them as an option if only for the purpose of stimulating discussion and interest. 

There is an unforgivable lack of a urgency in the sayings and doings of Muslims in the West. 

They do not seem aware that once WW3 starts, the window of opportunity for redemption will have closed.

Monday, 18 September 2023

The culture war is between idolaters and ethical monotheists

It would be the easiest thing for Orthodox rabbis to declare the culture war raging across the West to be one between idolaters and ethical monotheists. This would make up for Jews failing to properly or at all teach the Noahide laws to gentiles.

Can Jews call on the auxiliaries that God created for them in revealing the Koran through the Prophet Muhammad ie Muslims? It is not too late, since all they have to do is rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

Can rabbinical consensus be reached that Christianity is idolatry compounded by the blasphemy of worshiping an executed blasphemer?

The closer this question can be answered by a yes, the closer Jews can be said to be fit for the purpose for which they were divinely chosen.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Vincent Bruno and Michael Arch on the Noahide laws v LGBT

1:00  VINCENT BRUNO explains himself.

6:00  Voting intentions 2024

Anti-gay backlash

7:00  Christian nationalists

9:00  Gay men forced to marry women

10:00  Artificial wombs to make women redundant

13:00  Nick Fuentes, Greg Johnson and gay-bashing in the 1950s

14:00  Most homophobes are gay.

15:00  Discreetly gay

16:00  Privileging married parents

19:00  A society of gay men v Secular Koranism

29:00  MICHAEL ARCH joins and reads the Noahide laws.

 32:00  Noahide laws

36:00  Israeli Network News

51:00  Barbara Streisand, Cher, Madonna, divas and flamboyant homosexuals

57:00  Noahide laws

1:01:00  Homicide

1:02:00  Self-defence

1:04:00  Sexual immorality

1:05:00  Halloween

1:09:00  Sexual immorality

1:11:00  The Koran


1:14:00  Subjective and legalistic ways of looking at sexual immorality

1:17:00  Drag queen story hour

1:18:00  LGBT

1:19:00  Gay supremacy

1:20:00  Sex and children should only come with marriage.

1:21:00   US does not have an official moral system.

1:22:00  Christo-Liberalism is failing.

1:24:00  Islam and the Union Jack

1:25:00  Degeneracy

1:26:00  The pill

1:27:00  Feminism

1:28:00  Ignoing the problem

1:30:00  Honour killing

1:31:00  Muslims

1:32:00  Restoring the patriarchy

1:33:00  Male and female role models

1:35:00  Single parenthood

1:36:00  Extended family

1:42:00  People without religion have no principles.

1:43:00  The moral majority is the silent majority.

1:44:00  The problem is not intractable. 

1:46:00  Speaking truth and acting on it

1:47:00  Pattern recognition

1:48:00  Whateverism

1:52:00  Gaslight

1:53:00  Lived experience

1:55:00  Truth, Logic and Morality

1:57:00  Corruption of language

1:58:00  Generation gap, 1984, thought crime, heresy

1:59:00   Cancel culture

2:00:00  Witchhunts

2:02:00  Free speech

2:03:00  First Amendment and British territories

2:04:00  Royal watcher

2:05:00  Governor General

2:06:00  Christian kingdom or Islamic republic?

2:07:00  Unwritten v Written Constitution

2:09:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

2:10:00  I made a sale!


2:14:00  Audible

2:16:00  Secular Koranism

2:20:00  Freedom of belief

2:23:00  Debate

2:25:00  Playing the villain

2:26:00  James Lindsay

2:30:00  The consequence of undermining patriarchy

2:31:00  The enemy within

Jay Walker on imperial wars, gender differences and labour relations

4:00  JAY WALKER joins.

The narrative of being cursed by God

5:00  Talking about Carol

6:00  Event of Muhabala 

7:00  Satan

8:00  The New Testament

9:00  Westerners can be easily persuaded to believe that they have been cursed by God.

10:00  Mayor of New York Eric Adams

13:00  Evil, mad or stupid? Does it matter?

16:00  Lucy Letby

21:00  Defective and disabled infants

24:00  Europe is a US vassal state.

27:00  Materialistic ideologies like Communism and Capitalism do not address our spiritual needs.
29:00  EU referendum
30:00  Fake news and being a US vassal state
31:00  Georgia Meloni has to support the war in Ukraine 
32:00  WW1 and WW2 only became a World War because Britain declared war on Germany twice.
33:00  Poland is Germany backyard.
34:00  Berlin to Baghdad Railway
36:00  WW1 and WW2 wars of imperial rivalry.
37:00  Germans and Woodrow Wilson's 14 points
38:00  German expansionism
39:00  Imperial ambitions
40:00  Napoleon and Hitler
41:00  Britain didn't win WW2.
42:00  Indian independence
43:00  Empires eventually become a victim of their own success.
44:00  Slaves preferred to the proletariat.
45:00  Cheap labour
46:00  LGBT
47:00  Feminist foreign policy
48:00  Male hierarchy and behaviour
49:00  Empire and manifest destiny
50:00  Germany and the US
51:00  Defence spending
52:00  Military Industrial Complex
53:00  George Washington's farewell speech warning against political parties
54:00  No general elections in China
56:00  Carol is a prim old lady.
58:00  My flag and gun photos
59:00  First principles
1:00:00  William Breiannis
1:02:00  Secular Koranism
1:03:00  The problem with Muslims
1:04:00  Target group: Westerners
Millennial Woes
1:05:00  You have to be in office to conduct a pogrom. 
1:06:00  A moral and intellectual hierarchy
1:09:00  Not completely stupid.
1:12:00  "Does religion bind a nation?"
1:13:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

If there was a race to implement Secular Koranism, which country would get there fastest?

Is Britain a matriarchy?

Is the Fourth Estate now the First Estate?

Are female CEOs of major media outlets the High Priestesses of the First Estate?

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Kevin Barrett’s REASONS WHY MUSLIMS REJECT Secular Koranism

For Muslims, secular Koranism is reinventing the wheel so that it doesn’t roll quite as well. (Islam gives us everything SK could, and much, much more.)

The premise or conceit of Secular Koranism is that it is a New School of Sharia claiming to interpret the Koran better than normative Muslims in their 1400 years of history. What makes them so sure that their interpretation is by definition better than mine by dint of being Muslim when they have lost their Caliphate and are the permanent victims of Western imperialism with their countries widely regarded by the rest of the world to be “shitholes”? If they had interpreted their Koran properly, wouldn’t they be the ones with the global empire instead of the ones always complaining about being the victims of Western foreign policy?

Muslims have an admirable 1400-year history of not forcing their rules on non-Muslims, since “there is no compulsion in religion” (2:256).

It is actually my thesis that the First Amendment is supported by 2:256 of the Koran. There is a White House Koran which belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. 

The Prophet Muhammad is already on the frieze of the US Supreme Court. It is my contention that the American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. What Westerners think of as a liberal achievement - the First Amendment - is in fact an Islamic human right. 

I don't hear any Muslim arguing in this way. It appears that they think they can just get the overwhelming majority of Westerners who are Islamophobes to become Muslim by their shining example of Islamic virtue, assuming they, their children, grandchildren and descendants do not first fall victim to the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah the US government is energetically promoting and stuffing down their throats. 

If apparently believing Muslim men are too timorous to propose that Americans get themselves an official religion which supports the First Amendment, then let a lone non-Muslim female agnostic do so on their behalves! 

The word secular means “denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis” (Oxford Languages) and the Qur’an’s rules obviously DO have a religious and spiritual basis.

I called my new moral and legal political system Secular Koranism because it is a legal system - that is, not a belief system - that can be used by non-Muslims. By this I mean non-Muslims could in theory use it eg the Jews in Israel, the Chinese in China, the Indians in India. 

This means that belief in God would be optional, that is, neither compulsory nor forbidden.  

This is not difficult to understand, but my detractors like to use this tired argument again and again to deliberately misrepresent it. While I can understand Islamophobes would not wish to give Secular Koranism the oxygen of publicity, the reason Muslims refuse to support it must be because they are so complacent as to think they do not need it as a tool of dawah, or prefer not to alienate their Christian overlords by identifying with the radicalism of Secular Koranism.

The word secular has a negative connotation for most Muslims, who link it to attempts to remove religion from its rightful place in the public square. (There is no “separation of church and state” in Islam.)

Perhaps these Muslims do not understand that public morality is supported by legislation, or that the law, as you would expect, inhabits the public square.  

This appears to be another misunderstanding of Secular Koranism which may be deliberate for the reasons I have already explained above. 

The word Koranism implies radically revising Islamic law to make it derive entirely from the Qur’an without reference to ahadith or any other contextual material. That sharply conflicts with the Islamic scholarly consensus, which holds that the Qur’an must be understood in context, most obviously in terms of asbab un-nuzul (occasions of revelation, i.e. the issues in the early Muslim community that the Qur’an addresses in specific verses).

I can say that having read it, the Koran is a perfectly reasonable and even liberal document. What outrages and disgusts Westerners is what I would call the Hadithic shit that is so beloved of Muslims who have mostly not read the Koran and don't care what it says as long as their non-English speaking imam tells them it is halal. Westerners do not need those cultural and historical encrustrations of Islamic political expediency, particularly when it blatantly contradicts the Koran. Nowhere does the Koran mention the stoning of adulterers or even the practice of stoning. It is only mentioned in the Hadith, and the story goes that it was actually in the Koran on a piece of parchment that a goat happened to eat. I do not know if this is better or worse than the excuse so beloved of children who say "The dog ate my homework." 

The primary source oif the Word of God should always trump the words of  mortal and fallible men in the Hadith. I do however understand that most Muslims do not have the capacity to make these arguments or even understand them, preferring to take as gospel whatever their non-English speaking imam tells them to think.  

Secular Koranism concerns itself only with the legal dimensions of the Qur’an without reference to its indispensable spiritual dimensions.

Secular Koranism is a legal system whose purpose is to serve as a moral system on which to base your legislation for the purpose of peace and prosperity providing for the spiritual and material needs of the people. Secular Koranism has no intention or capacity to prevent anyone from imbibing of the spiritual dimensions of the Koran.

Secular Koranism’s interpretation of certain legal dimensions of the Qu’ran departs sharply from Islamic scholarly consensus.

It is admitted that the interpretation of Secular Koranism will be considered controversial by normative Muslims.  However, no Muslim is going to pretend that Muslims currently have any Islamic scholarly consensus bearing in mind that they have no Pope and there are four different schools of sharia as well as  innumerable branches of Islamic jurisprudence. Sunnis and Shias will have their theological disputes, but they are of no concern to Westerners who can easily remain above the fray. The whole purpose of Secular Koranism is to give Western governments the ability to interpret the Koran in their own way according to their own legal traditions. Even they do not all agree with each other, it would still be better than the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah being pumped out by America in that any country that adopts Secular Koranism would have its own National School of Sharia. 

If America were to adopt Secular Koranism, there would be Secular Koranism with Alabaman all the way through to Vermonter Characteristics, with each state interpreting the Koran in its own way. 

If it were to be adopted by the European Union, there would be Secular Koranism with EU Characteristics with Islamic EU Directives applying to every Member State in much the same way that it works now but perhaps without the free movement of people which amounts to mass immigration that so many people find so alarming and distressing. 

Secular Koranism, as Claire presents it, seems linked to the Noahide laws (a short list of laws that some Jews would like to impose on all non-Jews). Muslims generally sympathize with the content of the Noahide laws, but given their history of not imposing their own laws on non-Muslims, they are not likely to sympathize with Jews who want to impose Jewish laws on non-Jews.

It is not generally understood that the purpose for which I am applying the Noahide laws. I only ask rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws producing the following ranking:

1.  Islam as most Noahide because it is "Judaism Lite"

2.  Buddhism as less Noahide because it is an atheist but ethical philosophy which assumes reincarnation takes place but without the role of a directing moral intelligence

3.  Hinduism as idolatry because it is undeniably idolatrous

4.  Christianity as the worst and least Noahide of all gentile religions because of its idolatry and blasphemy. The Trinity requires Christians to worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah resulting in the absurd conclusion that the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is also the son of the Virgin Mary. 

Rather predictably, the rabbis I approached have told me they would rather not offend their Christian overlords declaring the course of action I propose to be dangerous for them,  reminding me of how Jews suffered under the Inquisition and the Holocaust.  

It is ridiculous to expect gentiles to submit themselves to Rule by Rabbi and it can be predicted that Orthodox rabbis want nothing to do with gentiles who only mean trouble for them. Their role in this matter is simply to rank the four gentile religions in the way that I imagine they would if they were directing their minds properly to the matter. 

As can be imagined, rabbinical consensus on the matter is very far from being reached on how they should be promoting the Noahide laws. My recommendation, if followed by Orthodox rabbis, would discharge their duty as God's Chosen People to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity to the least unkosher religion of all that is Judaism Lite. 

Once this ranking is widely published and discussed, Jews will be considered to have discharged their duty and be free finally to assimilate into a righteous Noahide nation as Muslims, if that is what they wish. For Jews - whose existence is to be a warning for gentiles against idolatry - to be marrying Christians - who are idolaters and blasphemers and possibly really Amalek whom they have a religious duty to exterminate - is the worst example of sleeping with the enemy.  

Only in a Noahide nation ie a righteous gentile nation with righteous gentiles would Jews be free to assimilate without attracting the divine punishment of antisemitism. 

Islam has shown remarkable resiliency over more than 1400 years, despite lacking an official bureaucracy, because Muslims have been able to forge a consensus on the most important issues. Secular Koranism radically departs from that consensus in many ways. Check out this refutation of SK by William Breiannis.

Yes, I would agree. Sharia theocracies in the world are Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen. The Vatican City doesn't really count because no one takes Christianity seriously now.

On the matter of Secular Koranism, I can only make recommendations and will be helpless  against anyone who seeks to interpret the verses in a different way.  I do however hope that I can make the reasons for my recommendations reasonably clear!

For some reason William Breiannis has deleted his "refutation" of Secular Koranism. I know he is two minds about even engaging with me since he knows doing so would have the effect of giving Secular Koranism the oxygen of publicity, yet on the other hand he cannot leave it alone. is my response to his bad review of Secular Koranism extracts of which can be read in the post. 

Claire Khaw Says Non-Muslims Should Follow the Qur’an’s Rules (Some of Them, Anyway)

I should emphasise that the methodology for the implementation of Secular Koranism with American Characteristics is not to cherry pick a list of my favourite verses, because that seems to have been the problem with fallen Islamic empires. 

We know the Ottoman Empire broke the four wives maximum rule because we know it had an imperial harem. 

We also know that since the mubahala in 632 CE, Muslims have not attempted to engage with Christians on their idolatrous and blasphemous Trinity to challenge and defeat them in theological argument.  The Crusades and being the eternal victims of Western imperialism has been divine punishment to Muslims for their disobedience. It is however not too late for Muslims to remedy this omission by asking the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church 

1)  how Christianity is not idolatry and 

2)  how Jesus is God 

on social media so Christians are in no uncertain terms that the Ummah is finally aware of their fatal weakness: the fact that the Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible. 

In order for Secular Koranism not to be just Claire Khaw's list of favourite Islamic punishments, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States must read the Koran with a view to identifying, listing and numbering all the Commandments of Allah in the Koran and then working out which ones that can be made into legislation.  

The intention is to incorporate Koranic principles and Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation.  

The rest of the nation or even the rest of the world also undergoing this exercise would be an excellent opportunity for a global conversation on the desirability of global Secular Koranism with the West getting brownie points from God for repenting in time before WW3 which would be  divine punishment for 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy. 

Once an agreed list of the Commandments of Allah has been identified, listed and numbered, they would become US legislation, implicitly repealing any existing law that is not in harmony with its principles. 

But in that case why not just convert to Islam?

Most Westerners are atheists and Islamophobes. If I were to convert to Islam, I would be just another Muslim doing dawah to non-Muslims, which would not be quite the message I want to convey. I am saying that the solution to Western social, economic and political problems is to adopt Koranic principles of governance to restore social conservatism AKA the patriarchy and return the West to good moral order.  

As a moral and political philosopher and a political and social scientist who is agnostic promoting the secular ideology of civic nationalism, it is important to make the point that a functioning moral system is required to maintain minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring. 

Currently, the West is a degenerate matriarchy prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.  

To reverse engineer the matriarchy, extramarital sex must be forbidden and punished and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders as 24:2 of the Koran prescribes. Since nothing short of public corporal punishment of sex offenders would be enough to discourage unmarried parenthood in the West, the point must be made through establishing the new moral system of Secular Koranism finally drawing a decisive line under the failure of Christo-Liberalism.  

Making this point as a historically literate philosopher who is agnostic would make more waves than being just another Muslim calling Islamophobic nationalists and Westerners to Islam. 

The fact that I started my political activism as a nationalist means I am well known in the nationalist community and also the liberal political establishment who will be aware of my ideas. 

It is easy to argue as a philosopher that religion has the purpose of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality which only the public corporal punishment of 24:2 of the Koran would effectively discourage in the shameless 21st century West. Arguing  as a Muslim that Islamophobes should convert to Islam will not quite have the same psychological impact.  

Monday, 11 September 2023

Vincent Bruno wants to ban women, heterosexuals and straight marriage

Edward Martin

2:00  Pyramidology
3:00  Freemasonry
5:00  Isaac Newton a Noahide
6:00  John Taylor
7:00  Jewish conspiracy
8:00  Jehovah's Witnesses and British Israelism
9:00  William Blake's Jerusalem
11:00  Supersessionism
12:00  Ann Coulter lived in New Canaan
13:00  Cultural appropriation of Jewish scripture and the God of Israel
14:00  Supersessionism of Islam
15:00  Christianity is now a spent force.
16:00  Muslims
17:00  Religious Jews being mean to Netanyahu
18:00  All theocracies are Muslim.
19:00  Chief rabbis are resented by Jews.
24:00  Hitler
25:00  Caliphate
26:00  Turkey
27:00  Sanhedrin
28:00  IDF and the US State Department
29:00  CIA control of global media
30:00  The official record will ignore the views of the ordinary people.
31:00  Aztecs and Tolstoy's War and Peace
33:00  Alan Dershowitz on the 65 Project
36:00  Legitimacy, authority and confidence
37:00  Censorship
39:00  Twitter has more free speech than other social media platforms.
40:00  Melanie Phillips has been called Nazi.
41:00  Spaces
42:00  Curious Gazelle and Dickson Sidah
43:00  Hindus called a homophobe by Vincent.
44:00  Richard Coles
47:00  Abrahamic God, artificial wombs and the abolition of women
48:00  Gay parenting
49:00  Extended families
50:00  Reciprocal IVF
54:00  After revolution
56:00  Immigrants clambering onboard a sinking ship
57:00  Degeneracy
58:00  Clever and rich people need to have offspring.
59:00  Malign encouragement by Western governments
1:00:00  We must accept our lot in life. 
1:02:00  Transsexuals
1:03:00  Demographic problems
1:04:00  WW3, Alan Cecil and self-sustaining groups
1:06:00  Female choice
Vincent says he wants to get rid of heterosexuals and women.
1:07:00  Polygamy
1:09:00  Christians 
1:10:00  Hypocrites
1:11:00  Gay men parenting
1:13:00  More gay men who are parents than there are Secular Koranists.
1:14:00  Men want an artificial womb but women do not.
1:15:00  Family life
1:16:00  Children give us hope.
1:17:00  Revolutions and counter-revolutions
I am accused of being a Luddite.
1:18:00  Tucker Carlson interview with Lewis Sinclair

1:22:00  Edward Martin

1:24:00  The sameness of global media 

1:25:00  The average of the nation

1:26:00  Birth rate in China

1:28:00  The worship of Molech in Canaan

1:30:00  Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.

1:31:00  Hierarchy and pecking order

1:32:00  Pyramid

1:33:00  Keep Talking Group

1:34:00  Boxing promoter

1:35:00  Secular Koranism

1:36:00  Slavery was what made America great.

1:37:00  Indentured servitude

1:38:00  Reparations

1:39:00  Slavery was not banned by God in the Torah or Koran.

Two kinds of slavery

1:40:00  Welfare state should be replaced by slavery.

1:41:00 Workfare and UBI

1:42:00  Andrew Yang

1:48:00  Pandering to the female voter.

Why brothels should be licensed

To make it easier for females to decide that they prefer to be wives and married mothers rather than prostitutes, with nothing in between to confuse men and women. 

Why slavery must be reintroduced to replace the welfare state

Need I say more?

Workfare works best under slavery. 

Saturday, 9 September 2023

What is the religion of a White Supremacist?

This is a trick question. 

White Supremacists are known for their atheism and are of such low intelligence that they cannot figure out why Jews and Muslims do better than they do: because they have the protective and dignifying wrapper of religion and are protected by law while they are not. 

That is because there is not a religion called White Supremacy. 

Insofar as White Supremacists exist and have beliefs, their beliefs are based on hatred of Jews, Muslims and non-whites.  

What about Christianity?

There are White Supremacists who want to use Christianity to oppose their government whose policy of allowing mass immigration they resent.  

They do not not understand that Christianity as protection for Christians and a source social conservatism has come and gone.  

If they are American, they do not understand that Christianity will never give them protection from their government because the Founding Fathers have already separated the church from their state, nor have they noticed that most Americans are not confirmed Christians. Even if they were, their pastors and priests do not support the social conservatism necessary for the patriarchy to be restored nationwide to be an effective source of opposition against liberal government policy of the sexual liberation that has now normalised illegitimacy and unmarried parents. 

More importantly, being Christian does not protect you since the Western ruling classes show open contempt for Christians when they are not pretending to be fake Christians when they want the Christian vote. 

The White Supremacist has given up on Christianity and is in the process of reviving extinct pre-Christian deities which he feels are more "white" than the idea of worshiping a deceased Jew. 

Or he might be considering Hinduism or Buddhism as his personal religion not having reaslised their failure in Asia.  

In the main  the belief system of the White Supremacist is the idea that only when the groups he hates and fears are finally removed eg Jews, Muslims and non-whites, things will be better for people like him. 

Unfortunately, he so lacks self-awareness that he does not know how marginalised he is or how low in status. Anyone in the West professing these views would lose their job and lose sexual access to potential or current female sex partners. 

For this reason only White Supremacists not in long term relationships would express White Supremacist views and since they would be unmarriageable men, this perception would lower further their status.  

Being mostly low information low status and low education people, they do not understand that politics is not just a matter of listing your demands. They do not know that they must practise road map politics, not wish list politics. Behave like children saying "I want" is not going to create the impression that White Supremacists are rational or moral people.  

Lacking in the ability to reason in the abstract, their views and beliefs are more linked to their compulsion to say transgressive things just to relieve their feelings rather than any focused political purpose eg "They have to go." Why don't they just go?" without any means of making anyone leave and with no government support or competent leadership.

Being defective in character and intelligence responding emotionally to events and arguments, they are cannot ask the obvious next question, understand simple arguments or have the grace to concede when they have lost the argument.  

Even those who claim to follow a religion do not in fact follow their principles. Remonstrations and reminders are futile. Even if they have lost the argument, they still want to win and will just ignore arguments. 

White Supremacists retain that label even when they convert to another religion because they refuse to make the adjustments necessary to get what they want. Basically, they will want everything to change but everything to stay the same and find irrelevant and irrational reasons not to follow their religious principles, which is a shame since the Abrahamic God and His moral system contains the solution to their problems which they are too obtuse to understand. Their defective character makes them reluctant to ask obvious questions for reasons of pride. 

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and  @RealVinBruno  #4.3 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 6, 2025 [...