THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Saturday, 30 September 2023
Discussing the problem of Christian idolatry with Sam Samuels
Thursday, 28 September 2023
The first celebrity couple of Secular Koranism: Curious Gazelle and Rob
The first celebrity couple of Secular Koranism: Curious Gazelle and Rob https://t.co/5QSsyOq7tb
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 28, 2023
2:00 "Work husband"
4:00 Blind Date and Cilla Black
Marital Disputes Resolution
5:00 Friend of the Marriage
6:00 Another matchmaker!
7:00 Fornication was forbidden for an obvious reason.
10:00 Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals nationwide
11:00 The rules as a safety rail
12:00 Belief in God
15:00 Exams in Koranic Knowledge
Survive the Jive
17:00 Barbarian kings of Europe
19:00 Afterlife
Chinese ancestor worship
Thomas Jefferson's quotation, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
20:00 Hungry ghost or worshipped ancestor?
22:00 Banning of conversion therapy
25:00 Matriarchy v Patriarchy
Is catfishing allowed under Secular Koranism?
What's wrong with Curious Gazelle? https://t.co/q9wDloTl7S
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 28, 2023
8:00 Is catfishing allowed under Secular Koranism?
9:00 Islamic inheritance laws
10:00 The marriage of Rob and Gazelle is announced.
12:00 How would the leader of a Secular Koranist State be chosen?
15:00 Licensed brothels in red-light districts
19:00 Slave girls
20:00 Carol
22:00 Washington warned against political parties.
23:00 The need for America to have an official religion.
24:00 Anglicanism, Tucker Carlson, Episcopalianism
25:00 quran.com/8/65
26:00 No faith
27:00 Kevin Barrett and free will
30:00 People of understanding
31:00 Suffering is punishment for sin.
32:00 Idolatry and blasphemy
33:00 Culture war
36:00 Hypocrites
37:00 If you believed in God, you would obey His laws.
39:00 I behave as if I believe.
40:00 Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
41:00 Idolatry
42:00 Andrew Tate
44:00 Rob and Gazelle
53:00 Rob described.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Discussing the rights and wrongs of Secular Koranism with William Breiannis
Saturday, 23 September 2023
The history of the Trinity explained from 23:00
People wanting to go back to the 90s or 00s are like workers wishing they could remain on holiday. Sure, it would be nice to stay there, but eventually we will run out of money. The 90s-00s were simply burning through the social capital accumulated by Christendom of old.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
We didn't need to think through and intentionally reinforce the basis and foundations of Western civilisation. We had the privilege of running off the fumes of moral visceral reactions inculcated by men with vision without doing the nasty work of gatekeeping and social policing.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
But those habits and visceral reactions don't just emerge from the ether or magic genes, they are educated, inculcated and taught by men with eschatological vision. And when you don't rigorously enforce ideological and theological tests in the name of freedum and diversity,
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
the next generation would simply lose the visceral reactions you were taught. It's *nice* to not need to be judgemental, to pretend it's obvious where the public-private divide lies, that it's obvious that there is an age of consent, to be hazy about the systematic reasons for it
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
the next generation would simply lose the visceral reactions you were taught. It's *nice* to not need to be judgemental, to pretend it's obvious where the public-private divide lies, that it's obvious that there is an age of consent, to be hazy about the systematic reasons for it
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
And most importantly, we grew up simply spending social capital we did not earn, and which we did not renew. For those of my generation, the party is over. We have to do harsh and nasty things to save, if possible, civilisation, if not possible, to reconstitute it after its gone.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
We just have to get used to it. It's the Year of our Lord 2023, we need to engage with our eyes open. A lot of unconscious and unspoken habits, visceral reactions conventions, and customs, we grew up with are gone. We need to start adapting rapidly.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
Sounds like you’re Christian and Christianity is the problem.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
Sounds like you’re Christian and Christianity is the problem.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
Jews and Muslims believe their scripture is divine revelation. How is an objective bystander to decide which is best of all three Abrahamic religions?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
Jews and Muslims believe their scripture is divine revelation. How is an objective bystander to decide which is best of all three Abrahamic religions?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
This post outlines a framework for connecting miracles to divine revelation. If you want the historical evidence for the biblical witness, start with basic Christian apologetic works like Evidence which demands a verdict before more sophisticated works.https://t.co/bFsDQO9NjC
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
You must already know not even @Pontifex or @JustinWelby believe in the Trinity. They just pretend to to keep their positions. The entire system is rotten with absurdity and lies and will be gone when Western civilisation collapses.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
I'm a Protestant Evangelical, and an Anglican in the Global South. I couldn't care less what the pope or Archbishop believes. My concern is with the Scriptural witness to divine revelation, not what men in robes say. And I already said that I don't believe for political reasons.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
You must know that Christians suffer from having inferior scripture and that Christian religious leaders are infamous for their ignorance, stupidity, hypocrisy, cowardice and lies.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
I repeat, with growing weariness, as an Evangelical that I don't care what Xtian religious leaders believe. Repeat this point again and this conversation is over. As for the reliability of the Bible and is alleged "inferiority", I deny it, and I refer you to the apologetic books.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
You can’t see that the Word of God trumps the word of mortal and fallible men?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
Naturally our contention is whether the Bible itself is the Word of God, which I obviously believe, and it is no contradiction, for me, to believe in the incarnation and that something can be both human and divine, but that of course would require a conversation in itself.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
Are you prepared to have the conversation in a Space?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
If you can get more to join the conversation, then sure. But I don't have a lot of time if it's just you. And to be honest, you started off rather belligerent posturing points, I am not inclined to spend my time on you until you demonstrate an interest in engaging my materials.
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
You just have to successfully defend the Trinity against the accusation of idolatry and blasphemy. Since Christians are known for worshipping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, I think you’re on a sticky wicket.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
*shrug*, as I said, I'm not a classical theist, so I'm not sure what constitutes "successfully defend" to you in this context. Am I allowed, for example, to postulate that God could be a material being like Tertullian and Hobbes?
— 符荣汉 (@imagbritsub) September 23, 2023
Waiting for you to explain Tertullian and Hobbes.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
Feminism burned through the social capital of Christendom.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
“Adapting rapidly” - concluding that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy cursed by God and repent by Yom Kippur. https://t.co/JIodFfRUmv
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 23, 2023
24:00 Tertullian and Hobbes
25:00 The attributes of the Abrahamic God
30:00 Miracles and Muhammad
31:00 The non-witnessing of miracles in our lifetimes does not negate the existence of God.
32:00 Idolatry and blasphemy
33:00 Jewish and Muslim attitudes towards Christianity.
34:00 Theosis
36:00 Council Nicaea
37:00 Athanasians v Arians
38:00 The Trinity
Edward Wightman and Thomas Aikenhead
39:00 American, French and Russian Revolutions
40:00 Communism
Christianity has been failing for 500 years.
41:00 The Protestant Reformation
42:00 Separation of church from the state
Charles III Defender of Faiths
43:00 Henry VIII Defender of the Faith
44:00 Idolatry
45:00 The ruling classes of the West no longer believe in Christianity.
46:00 The New Testament
47:00 Greek pantheon
48:00 Constantine
49:00 Scripture
51:00 Christian state violence
52:00 Christians are indulging in the Deadly Sin of Pride.
53:00 Catholicism and Protestantism are both man-made religions.
54:00 Barbarian European kings became civilised.
55:00 Catholic showmanship
Friday, 22 September 2023
Telling Vincent Bruno how Secular Koranism will slide into Islam and how rabbis are going to make this happen
@Pontifex Can you please explain to me how and why Christianity is not idolatry, considering Christians worship a man.
— Abu Mujahid (@SalafiMujahid) September 17, 2023
@JustinWelby Can you please explain how and why Christianity is not idolatry?considering Christians worship a man.
— Abu Mujahid (@SalafiMujahid) September 17, 2023
Talking to Sam Samuels about sexually liberated Jews and gentiles
Thursday, 21 September 2023
Does religion bind a nation?
Antisemites obsessing about Jews
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Claire Khaw tells Vincent Bruno about her plans for Jews and Muslims
55% of US conservatives think cannabis should be legal.
— Sameera Khan (@SameeraKhan) September 19, 2023
57% approve of non-traditional marriage.
61% believe that having a baby outside of marriage is morally acceptable.
I am not exaggerating when I say this:
On sociocultural issues, US conservatives have more in common…
31:00 White nationalists are less scary than Muslims.
32:00 Shaming Muslims
33:00 I am accused of arrogance and dismissiveness.
34:00 Accusations of Secular Koranism
35:00 LGBT
37:00 Gay people who believe in God
38:00 No fault divorce
39:00 Crime rates in the US rising
40:00 Secular Koranism
41:00 The lure of radicalism and the safe Spaces of Twitter
42:00 People who want to have sex with dolphins
43:00 Secular Koranism
44:00 America getting itself an official religion
45:00 God curses Christians
46:00 Mubahala
47:00 Could I be a prophetess?
48:00 Jews and Muslims must work together to impress on Christians that they should desist from their idolatry and blasphemy.
49:00 Jews are still God's Chosen People.
51:00 Beggars can't be choosers.
52:00 Kosher and curry
Jews and Muslims need me to help them do what God expects them to do.
53:00 My correct interpretation
54:00 So easy for Jews to do!
55:00 How Secular Koranism will reach critical mass
Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God
56:00 Carol
57:00 Hidden idolatry
58:00 Safe Spaces on Twitter
59:00 Birds
1:02:00 Only cocks sing, but not the hens.
1:03:00 Turkish quarter of Vincent on the paternal side
1:06:00 Writing our feelings down
1:09:00 Birdsong
1:10:00 Doooovid and Jen
1:11:00 Luke Ford
1:12:00 I have a dream.
1:13:00 Noahide laws
1:14:00 Work
Luke Ford
1:16:00 Lexington Steele
1:25:00 Emunah and bitachon
1:26:00 Gratitude
1:27:00 Afterlife
1:28:00 Atheists using the afterlife to upset each other
1:30:00 Birds and fishes
1:31:00 Is God mysticism or superstition?
1:32:00 Americans becoming more religious as life worsens from them
1:33:00 The Fourth Estate encouraging belief in God
1:34:00 Clear easy rules of sexual morality
1:35:00 Public corporal punishment
1:36:00 Aceh Province
Noahide laws
1:37:00 Sexual morality
1:38:00 The Far East
1:39:00 1950s was the Golden Age of being white
Humane slavery under Secular Koranism
1:41:00 Workfare
1:42:00 The American Civil War could have been averted by American Secular Koranism.
1:43:00 Thirty Years War
4 questions William Breiannis won't answer to justify his rejection of Secular Koranism
1. How is Secular Koranism worse than kaput Christo-Liberalism?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 18, 2023
2. How is kaput Christo-Liberalism better than Secular Koranism?
3. Which is the lesser evil and why?
4. Isn't a Muslim obliged to choose the lesser evil? https://t.co/J695vSo0G8
The pathetic reasons given by a Muslim for rejecting Secular Koranism
How about this for a proposal, Claire.
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 18, 2023
Let us take the rest of the week - all the way until Saturday night - and see if you can keep from mentioning me or tagging me in a single post.
Let us see if you can go a full week without doing so.
I will keep asking you questions you refuse to answer to expose your hypocrisy.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 18, 2023
1. How is globohomo better than Secular Koranism?
2. How is Secular Koranism worse than globohomo?
3. How is the methodology of Secular Koranism inferior to the interpretation of Islamic scholars?
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 19, 2023
Remember, each question needs two tweets - so that is a total of six -
Here we go:
1.) 1. How is globohomo better than Secular Koranism?
As I see it, within the thought system you call “globohomo” - there remains an ability to stand up for one’s rights.
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 19, 2023
Under SK, you view all “rights” as actually being nothing more than state sanctioned privileges that can be revoked.
Leaving any opposition subject to state sanctioned oppression.
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 19, 2023
2. How is Secular Koranism worse than globohomo?
As if the last answer didn’t suffice,
SK would be an actual political system by which its tyranny would be forced upon the people.
Globohomo is a movement, an idea -
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 19, 2023
perhaps we can even say a philosophy - that can be accepted or rejected by any given society.
As such, mankind can take a stand against globohomo w/out the need for bloodshed.
To break free from a 1 party theocracy based the draconian laws you propose would demand bloodshed
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 19, 2023
3. How is the methodology of Secular Koranism inferior to the interpretation of Islamic scholars?
The interpretation of the Qur’an by Islamic scholars has an entire science behind it. The methodology is codified & seeks preserve the True & clear message of its entirety.
— nobody (@Hvsmrspct) September 19, 2023
The methodology of SK is inferior as it only seeks to interpret select verses &, rather than interpret them according to any scientific methodology taking into account the entirety of the text, the only aim is to impose laws according to a preconceived political philosophy.
You refuse to challenge representative democracy because you want to be seen as a still a democrat and reject the advice of George Washington even as you know general elections have meant the salami slicing away of sense sacrificed to silliness. You are comfortable with that?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 19, 2023
Your answer to question 2 appears to be “A one party state Is by definition a tyranny, while globohomo is the representative democracy we love so well whose elections are stolen.”
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 19, 2023
My attempt to paraphrase your answer to the first question produces “Representative democracy is superior to a one party theocracy.”
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 19, 2023
What makes you think ending globohomo can be done without bloodshed? At the most you are only making a prediction for which you have no basis.
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 19, 2023
Can you give an example of the interpretation of Secular Koranism being inferior to the Maliki interpretation?
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 19, 2023
America the damned breaks four out of the Seven Noahide laws
America considers itself to be a Christian nation, which means it immediately clocks up two offences against the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy. Christians idolatrously worship Jesus, an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.
Gay marriage has been legalised which means sodomy - a category of extramarital sex has been sanctified. Extramarital sex in the Bible and the Koran are treated as sexual offences punishable by death in the Torah. This means the Noahide prohibition against sexual immorality is in practice breached since we can easily imagine that most of the sex that takes place in America is extramarital sex which is synonymous with sexual immorality.
Theft is no longer a felony in America.
This makes 4 out of 7 which is a fail.
This also means that Jews in America have failed in their duty to teach gentiles the Noahide laws which they were made God's Chosen People to do.
Despite being urged to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, they refuse, presumably because they fear to offend their increasingly antisemitic Christian overlords who are now suffering from dementia.
Does fear of giving offence amount to a justifiable excuse for Jews to not point out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity?
Of course not. They are meant to martyr themselves. They even have a term for that called kiddush hashem.
It is conclusive evidence of their cowardice and hypocrisy that they refuse to do as I have repeatedly asked them to do, even with the protection of the First Amendment.
From their behaviour, we can deduce that they have made an idol of their fear of antisemites and worship it more than the Abrahamic God whom they are supposed to fear and love, which unfortunately means they are hypocrites whose final destination is hell.
The Koran curses people claiming to be Muslims who are hypocrites.
Sadly, it seems most people claiming to be Muslims are hypocrites, even Muslim political activists. Their hypocrisy is revealed when Muslims campaigning for sharia refuse to discuss Secular Koranism which is sharia for non-Muslims, conceived of to be the bridge or anteroom to Islam. Secular Koranism should be offered to them as an option if only for the purpose of stimulating discussion and interest.
There is an unforgivable lack of a urgency in the sayings and doings of Muslims in the West.
They do not seem aware that once WW3 starts, the window of opportunity for redemption will have closed.
Monday, 18 September 2023
The culture war is between idolaters and ethical monotheists
It would be the easiest thing for Orthodox rabbis to declare the culture war raging across the West to be one between idolaters and ethical monotheists. This would make up for Jews failing to properly or at all teach the Noahide laws to gentiles.
Can Jews call on the auxiliaries that God created for them in revealing the Koran through the Prophet Muhammad ie Muslims? It is not too late, since all they have to do is rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
Can rabbinical consensus be reached that Christianity is idolatry compounded by the blasphemy of worshiping an executed blasphemer?
The closer this question can be answered by a yes, the closer Jews can be said to be fit for the purpose for which they were divinely chosen.
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Vincent Bruno and Michael Arch on the Noahide laws v LGBT
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 17, 2023
1:00 VINCENT BRUNO explains himself.
6:00 Voting intentions 2024
Anti-gay backlash
7:00 Christian nationalists
9:00 Gay men forced to marry women
10:00 Artificial wombs to make women redundant
13:00 Nick Fuentes, Greg Johnson and gay-bashing in the 1950s
14:00 Most homophobes are gay.
15:00 Discreetly gay
16:00 Privileging married parents
19:00 A society of gay men v Secular Koranism
29:00 MICHAEL ARCH joins and reads the Noahide laws.
32:00 Noahide laws
36:00 Israeli Network News
51:00 Barbara Streisand, Cher, Madonna, divas and flamboyant homosexuals
57:00 Noahide laws
1:01:00 Homicide
1:02:00 Self-defence
1:04:00 Sexual immorality
1:05:00 Halloween
1:09:00 Sexual immorality
1:11:00 The Koran
1:12:00 quran.com/24/2
1:14:00 Subjective and legalistic ways of looking at sexual immorality
1:17:00 Drag queen story hour
1:18:00 LGBT
1:19:00 Gay supremacy
1:20:00 Sex and children should only come with marriage.
1:21:00 US does not have an official moral system.
1:22:00 Christo-Liberalism is failing.
1:24:00 Islam and the Union Jack
1:25:00 Degeneracy
1:26:00 The pill
1:27:00 Feminism
1:28:00 Ignoing the problem
1:30:00 Honour killing
1:31:00 Muslims
1:32:00 Restoring the patriarchy
1:33:00 Male and female role models
1:35:00 Single parenthood
1:36:00 Extended family
1:42:00 People without religion have no principles.
1:43:00 The moral majority is the silent majority.
1:44:00 The problem is not intractable.
1:46:00 Speaking truth and acting on it
1:47:00 Pattern recognition
1:48:00 Whateverism
1:52:00 Gaslight
1:53:00 Lived experience
1:55:00 Truth, Logic and Morality
1:57:00 Corruption of language
1:58:00 Generation gap, 1984, thought crime, heresy
1:59:00 Cancel culture
2:00:00 Witchhunts
2:02:00 Free speech
2:03:00 First Amendment and British territories
2:04:00 Royal watcher
2:05:00 Governor General
2:06:00 Christian kingdom or Islamic republic?
2:07:00 Unwritten v Written Constitution
2:09:00 Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
2:10:00 I made a sale!
2:11:00 https://amzn.eu/d/2HOspZv
2:14:00 Audible
2:16:00 Secular Koranism
2:20:00 Freedom of belief
2:23:00 Debate
2:25:00 Playing the villain
2:26:00 James Lindsay
2:30:00 The consequence of undermining patriarchy
2:31:00 The enemy within
Jay Walker on imperial wars, gender differences and labour relations
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 17, 2023
4:00 JAY WALKER joins.
The narrative of being cursed by God
5:00 Talking about Carol
6:00 Event of Muhabala
7:00 Satan
8:00 The New Testament
9:00 Westerners can be easily persuaded to believe that they have been cursed by God.
10:00 Mayor of New York Eric Adams
13:00 Evil, mad or stupid? Does it matter?
16:00 Lucy Letby
21:00 Defective and disabled infants
24:00 Europe is a US vassal state.
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
If there was a race to implement Secular Koranism, which country would get there fastest?
Britain would have to
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 13, 2023
1) ban political parties
2) disestablish the Church of England
3) get the Supreme Court to identify, list and number the Commandments of Allah
4) repeal any laws that are against the Commandments of Allah
America would have to
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 13, 2023
1) ban political parties
2) get SCOTUS to identify, list and number the Commandments of Allah
3) repeal any laws that are against the Commandments of Allah
China would have to
— Secular Koranist (@Book_of_Rules) September 13, 2023
1) get the Supreme Court of the PRC to identify, list and number the Commandments of Allah
2) repeal any laws that are against the Commandments of Allah
Is Britain a matriarchy?
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Kevin Barrett’s REASONS WHY MUSLIMS REJECT Secular Koranism
Monday, 11 September 2023
Vincent Bruno wants to ban women, heterosexuals and straight marriage
Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview. pic.twitter.com/R6CXwKv6gs
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) September 6, 2023
1:22:00 Edward Martin
1:24:00 The sameness of global media
1:25:00 The average of the nation
1:26:00 Birth rate in China
1:28:00 The worship of Molech in Canaan
1:30:00 Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.
1:31:00 Hierarchy and pecking order
1:32:00 Pyramid
1:33:00 Keep Talking Group
1:34:00 Boxing promoter
1:35:00 Secular Koranism
1:36:00 Slavery was what made America great.
1:37:00 Indentured servitude
1:38:00 Reparations
1:39:00 Slavery was not banned by God in the Torah or Koran.
Two kinds of slavery
1:40:00 Welfare state should be replaced by slavery.
1:41:00 Workfare and UBI
1:42:00 Andrew Yang
1:48:00 Pandering to the female voter.
Why brothels should be licensed
Why slavery must be reintroduced to replace the welfare state
Need I say more?
Saturday, 9 September 2023
What is the religion of a White Supremacist?
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4
AI fun with Secular Koranism and @RealVinBruno #4.3 https://t.co/DzZ5iBlNxs — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 6, 2025 [...
The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...