Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Claire Khaw tells Vincent Bruno about her plans for Jews and Muslims

7:00  My plan to shame Jews and Muslims into supporting Secular Koranism
8:00  God protects His Chosen People.
9:00  Jews in the Koran
10:00  Jews the openly adulterous wife of God.
11:00  Prometheus
12:00  God's Plan for His Chosen People
13:00  Jews cause more antisemitism by assimilating. 
14:00  You're a Jew if your mother is a Jewess.
Jews still refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 
15:00  God allows people the human right to disbelieve in Him with quran.com/2/256
16:00  Jews are not promoting the Noahide laws correctly. 
17:00  Jewish omission to promote the Noahide laws.
19:00  Antisemitism makes it less likely for gentiles to submit to rabbinical rulings.
23:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

Jews will have lost all their moral authority if WW3 breaks out.

24:00  Vincent's prediction for the future

25:00  My best case scenario for Secular Koranism
26:00  Jews were chosen to rank the four gentile religions.
27:00  Jews can still do what they were made God's Chosen People to do! 
28:00  Jews are embarrassed about their omission. 
Muslims will shame Jews into doing what they were chosen by God to do.
29:00  Move towards patriarchy in Spaces

31:00  White nationalists are less scary than Muslims. 

32:00  Shaming Muslims

33:00  I am accused of arrogance and dismissiveness.

34:00  Accusations of Secular Koranism

35:00  LGBT

37:00  Gay people who believe in God

38:00  No fault divorce

39:00  Crime rates in the US rising

40:00  Secular Koranism

41:00  The lure of radicalism and the safe Spaces of Twitter

42:00  People who want to have sex with dolphins

43:00  Secular Koranism

44:00  America getting itself an official religion

45:00  God curses Christians

46:00  Mubahala


47:00  Could I be a prophetess?

48:00  Jews and Muslims must work together to impress on Christians that they should desist from their idolatry and blasphemy.

49:00  Jews are still God's Chosen People.

51:00  Beggars can't be choosers.

52:00  Kosher and curry

Jews and Muslims need me to help them do what God expects them to do. 

53:00  My correct interpretation

54:00  So easy for Jews to do!

55:00  How Secular Koranism will reach critical mass

Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God

56:00  Carol

57:00  Hidden idolatry

58:00  Safe Spaces on Twitter

59:00  Birds

1:02:00  Only cocks sing, but not the hens.

1:03:00  Turkish quarter of Vincent on the paternal side

1:06:00  Writing our feelings down

1:09:00  Birdsong

1:10:00  Doooovid and Jen

1:11:00  Luke Ford

1:12:00  I have a dream.

1:13:00  Noahide laws

1:14:00  Work

Luke Ford

1:16:00  Lexington Steele

1:25:00  Emunah and bitachon

1:26:00  Gratitude

1:27:00  Afterlife

1:28:00  Atheists using the afterlife to upset each other

1:30:00  Birds and fishes

1:31:00  Is God mysticism or superstition?

1:32:00  Americans becoming more religious as life worsens from them

1:33:00  The Fourth Estate encouraging belief in God

1:34:00  Clear easy rules of sexual morality

1:35:00  Public corporal punishment

1:36:00  Aceh Province

Noahide laws

1:37:00  Sexual morality

1:38:00  The Far East

1:39:00  1950s was the Golden Age of being white

Humane slavery under Secular Koranism

1:41:00  Workfare

1:42:00  The American Civil War could have been averted by American Secular Koranism.

1:43:00  Thirty Years War

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism?

https://t.co/8eIDbt997y — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews m...