Friday, 6 October 2023

The Trinity was the first lie that led to Sodom and Gomorrah

1:00  Born Muslim

4:00  Going to church in 2020

6:00  Malcolm X

8:00  Hope

10:00  Afraid to hope. 

11:00  Impatience is a time of trial. 

14:00  The Trinity was the first lie that ended up in Westerners saying men are also women. 

16:00  My principled and pragmatic agnosticism

17:00  Idolatry is the opportunity cost of not being rightly-guided by the best available guide to humanity. 

19:00  The problem in letting the Pope define Christianity

The Jefferson Bible is the Red Letter Bible.

20:00  Sermon on the Mount, the distillation of Christian wisdom, is nonsense. 

23:00  Hero worship becomes idolatry.

24:00  Pop idol, American idol

26:00  Christianity is lifetime membership to being white and middle class.

27:00  Safety and guard rails

30:00  The Noahide laws against idolatry and blasphemy

31:00  Satan only puts the gun in our hand. It is our ego that makes us shoot ourselves. 

33:00  Differences in Christian and Muslim religious practices

35:00  Christians cannot accept they have been tricked for so many centuries.

37:00  The miracle that is the Koran

38:00  Antisemitism is rooted in theology.

39:00  Christianity compelled belief when it could. 

40:00  The chapter in the Koran about Mary

41:00  A Creator can be inferred from the Creation.

43:00  Pantheism and worshiping a man

45:00  The Griffith Observatory

46:00  Science and the Koran agree on the Big Bang.

47:00  Islam is the only religion that perfectly balances faith, reason and freewill. 

47:00  Islamophobes must be evil or paid off.

48:00  The Koran is common sense and the understanding of human nature. 

49:00  What or what caused the Big Bang?

51:00  Repent!

53:00  The problem of Congress making up the laws as it goes along

55:00  Post-WW2 America

56:00  The American Dream

57:00  Masculinity under attack by feminism

58:00  Non-white America

59:00  FBI, assassinations

1:00:00  The matriarchy

1:01:00  The betrayal of the American proletariat

1:02:00  Making money transing the kids

1:03:00  Christianity

1:04:00  American media

1:05:00  The Birth of a Nation

1:05:00  Black stereotypes

1:06:00  The operation of the Hollywood machine

1:07:00  Islamophobic Hollywood

1:08:00  Hollywood images of America

1:09:00  Spiritual and class war

1:10:00  It's not a race war, but a class war.

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