Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Muslims deny the Trinity

What a lot of words and hot air from Reverend Green, eh?  Of course, if you were Christian, you would pretend to be nodding sagely along to everything he is saying when you really have no idea what he is talking about. The best question to ask Christians is to point out that Christianity is failing because hardly anyone is Christian any more and the only people who pretend to be believe that Christ is also God are those who hope to earn a living in the corruptible priesthood. Sometimes, they even forget that they are supposed to believe in this nonsense, as I noticed Justin Welby had done at

If Jews believe in the 13 Principles of Judaism, then it is no surprise that the Jews wanted Christ executed for blasphemy for claiming that the Man Upstairs was his papa.

Even the Jews think Islam is more in conformity with the Noahide laws than idolatrous Christianity.

"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."

Instead of having these pointless debates on whether God is a singularity or a Bundle of Three that bore people to death, why not ask Christians questions such as:

1) What is the point of the Trinity?

2) Is the point of the Trinity to make Christians feel special and better than Jews and Muslims so they can persecute, intimidate, forcibly convert, invade, rob and murder them without compunction?

3) If you believe in the Trinity, you are perhaps too credulous. If you only pretend to believe in it, you are corrupt. Is this reason why Christianity and Hypocrisy have marched hand in hand across the centuries?

4) Why is Christianity such a schismatic religion that the Americans felt they had to protect themselves from Christianity by quarantining the church from the state?

5) Did Christianity start to die when Henry VIII broke from Rome and die a second death when it became legal to deny the Trinity in 1813?

6) Is the reason why Europeans were so good at war because Christianity was such a schismatic religion it made them fight the European Wars of Religion?

7) Is Christianity kaput?

8) If God exists, would He be punishing Christians for 2000 years of idolatry?

9) Is Christianity these days just the religion of sexually liberated and atheist white people who want to spread gay marriage all over the world and turn our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah?

10) Is the Doctrine of the Trinity satanic?

11) If the Doctrine of the Trinity satanic, does it mean corruptible and corrupt Christian clergy are also satanic?

12) Should Christians have burned Michael Servetus at the stake for denying that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

13) It was John Calvin who had Michael Servetus executed for denying that an executed revolutionary is the the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. It was Calvin who allowed usury, forbidden by God Himself.  If God exists, would He be punishing Christians for Calvin's cunning plan of Christians practising usury and then blaming the Jews for it when things went wrong?

14) Has the stupidity of believing in the Trinity and the corruption of only pretending to believe in it stupefied the minds and corrupted the characters of those who still call themselves Christian?

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