Thursday, 8 November 2018

We are destroying ourselves because we live in a matriarchy where no one is in charge

We are a matriarchy and this means no one is really in charge. The model patriarchy would be led by an alpha male in control of his family and served by loyal beta males who follow his orders. A matriarchy basically has a leader appointed by immoral women while the preferences of the beta males are ignored and marginalised. This explains why a feature of white nationalism is that it is peopled by unprepossessing lower class beta males who are repulsive to women. In the US, they are called rednecks, in the UK they are called gammon. These men no longer have a leader to represent their interests, which is why they are getting uglier, more marginalised , angrier and more violent, particularly after they have exhausted all the usual channels of having their grievances addressed while what they object to - uncontrolled immigration - continues unabated while Brexit is being blatantly sabotaged in front of their eyes.

Robert Bowers is another Anders Breivik, judging from his demeanour in court when he was being indicted for his murders.

He posted antisemitic material on social media presumably to demand answers, but was dismissed as an antisemite and then ignored.

How many times do you think it happened to him?

Once, when I received no answer to a question and complained, I was told by my uncle "No answer is an answer."

When you have urgent questions and receive no answers, you can deduce the indifference and motives of the people who give you no answers, especially if they denounce and traduce you for even asking them.

Liberals are actually too stupid to formulate arguments or counter-arguments. Therefore their only way of dealing with awkward questions is to traduce and abuse you for asking them. If you use the wrong word or ask the wrong question, your goose is cooked and the shutters come down because no one who is a sexist, racist, antisemite, Islamophobe, Fascist, Nazi or whatever they decided to call you should be engaged with.

When this happens often enough, some people may well feel driven to deal with this non-response in a violent and lethal way, if they are not the type to just forget about it.

After the many lives lost to Breivik in Norway, the Norwegian government decided to dismiss him as insane. Clearly, the Norwegian matriarchy simply decided decided that they would rather just forget about it after declaring him insane. Denial is a feminine vice.

Bowers is now waiting for his day in court.

I imagine that the questions Bowers was asking were asking was along the lines of:

1) Why must there be so much immigration if our government knows we hate it?

2) Why doesn't our government care about us?

3) Are the Jews behind this?

4) When will this stop?

5) How could it be stopped?

6) Why are the Jews paying to get more migrants in when they already know gentiles hate it?

7) Why are the Jews still paying to settle more migrants into our country even when they already know that these migrants are mostly antisemitic?

8) Is the reason why these Jews who keep getting more Muslims migrants into our country despite knowing they are antisemitic because they actually want to destroy our civilisation because they hate us so much? (There is HIAS in the US which enraged Robert Bowers into mass murder. In Germany, there are Jews who want the German government to give Muslim migrants special classes on how not to be antisemitic, doubtless at the expense of the gentile German taxpayer.)

What I imagine they fail to understand is that a matriarchy that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers won't care about the concerns of these men and don't care how they show it. Any man who takes their side, like Trump, would be ruthlessly attacked using foulest means and the dirtiest tricks.

There is a reason why the Democrats are behaving like immoral women and the men like the illegitimate sons of these immoral women.

These women think that men of their race who cannot keep out migrants or compete against them successfully do not deserve reproductive rights.

I often wonder how clueless childless European leaders would answer what I imagine are the questions of Breivik or Bowers. There are quite a few of them too:

Germany’s Angela Merkel
France’s Emmanuel Macron
Britain’s Theresa May
Italy’s Paolo Gentilon
Holland’s Mark Rutte
Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon
Sweden’s Stefan Lofven
Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel (a homosexual)
Switzerland’s Simonetta Sommaruga
Ireland’s Leo Varadkar (a homosexual)

Obviously the youngest and sexiest of these immoral women who are female voters would be the most indifferent to the concerns and interests of the beta male. The most powerful of them would be the female undergraduates of the elite universities who command the support of thirsty male undergraduates called SJWs. The young and foolish predictably go too far and abuse their power, but their reign is short. The trouble is that they keep being replaced by those even more foolish, ignorant and immoral than they. Even worse, the matriarchy are unaccountable. They will never ever take responsibility for anything and even if you could make them confess to every wrong thing they ever did in their lives, they would say "Well, all right then, but you shouldn't have put us in charge and left us in charge, should you?"

All matriarchies without exception are extinct or about to become extinct. Even if everything I recommend were implemented today, Western civilisation as we know it would end.

Western civilisation is therefore a dead man walking.

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