Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Why doesn't Rabbi Sacks remind and warn the gentile about the Noahide laws?

I mention Rabbi Sacks because I believe he is the most powerful rabbi in the world.

UK's former chief rabbi defends his help for Pence's Israel speech

On the matter of reminding the goyim that his laws have fallen dangerously below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws, Melanie Phillips is ahead of Rabbi Sacks.

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In our matriarchy, the Jew is lower in status to the fornicating slut, because even the privileged Jew dares not criticise her

(The link below has the references to Keith Joseph and Maurice Glasman as well as Rabbi Sacks saying he helped Sir Paul Coleridge set up The Marriage Foundation.)

Deuteronomy 6:5 "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might", meaning that one should even surrender his life rather than serve any divinity aside from God.

Rather than eat pork, Hannah defies King Antiochus IV and allows her sons to be killed one by one before she herself dies.

However this story relates another exception where Halakha requires that one surrender their life. A situation where a person is forced to break a law simply for the sake of desecrating the Torah. If a non-Jewish ruler demands that a Jew cook food for him on the Sabbath, the Jew is required to desecrate the Sabbath rather than let himself be killed. However, if the ruler demands the Jew cook food on the Sabbath, not for the ruler's benefit but simply for the sake of dishonoring the Torah, then one is required to surrender their life to avoid desecrating God's name (akin to idolatry). Hannah and her sons acted in this way when it came it eating pork for the sake of desecrating the Torah, by allowing themselves to be killed they sanctified God's name in public.

The worst punishment you could inflict on a Jew is to make him follow his own religion properly.

A modern reason for Post-Christian antisemitism

Just as the Archbishop of Canterbury used to be the conscience of the English monarch, Rabbi Sacks is now the conscience of Western leaders


7:40  The alt-right beta male victims of feminism who are lower class, marginalised and held in hatred, ridicule and contempt by women of their own race and the men in the class above them because of their low educational and career achievements and character defects

8:16  Brexit

12:00  Richard Spencer's girlfriend sings like a canary.

15:00  Flag and gun photos

17:30  An array of public figures have been co-opted into a Facebook group that falsely suggests they support the Gaddafi regime.

20:00  E Michael Jones interview by J F Gariepy about the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

21:00  The bourgeois values of Jews

23:00  John's Major's Back to Basics

24:00  "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" does not mean "Never punish sex offenders."

25:00  The stereotype of a paedophile is a white man

26:00  The absurd and idolatrous Doctrine of the Trinity

28:00  Michael Servetus burned for heresy

John Calvin and usury

29:00  The acronym was not PETAL but TULIP.

Calvinism is known by an acronym: T.U.L.I.P.

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)

Unconditional Election

Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)

Irresistible Grace

Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)

30:00  Islam would ban usury

34:00  White Nationalism is a busted flush if White Nationalists refuse to discuss what religion to follow post-pogrom

36:00 Propertarianism

40:00 Jews according to E Michael Jones

41:00  Swedish woman is now Western woman, therefore Swedish man is now Western man

42:00  The aristocracy of humanity and noblesse oblige

The Noahide laws

43:00  Antisemitism

44:00  Lashon Hara

45:00  Melanie Phillips on Anglicanism

46:00  Maurice Glasman

47:00  Rabbi Sacks helped Sir Paul Coleridge establish The Marriage Foundation

49:00  Keith Joseph

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