Saturday, 30 May 2020

The practical joke God played on Christians and is still waiting for them to notice after 2000 years

If I serve Truth, Logic and Morality and the Abrahamic God represents Truth, Logic and Morality, then I will have His protection as long as I do my work for the best possible reasons in the best possible way.

If the Abrahamic God created the Universe, He would have created a logical universe, if He is indeed omnipotent. This is because it is easier to be illogical than logical. Being omnipotent, God would be able to do the harder thing effortlessly.

He has created laws for us intended for our protection and understanding of His purpose.

Our lives are no more than an opportunity of character development to test our fitness for our next life or afterlife. Even if we don't believe in God, we know that only people of good and strong character will be remembered by history. If you have a bad and weak character, you wouldn't be able to achieve anything history would remember.

The people most remembered by history are the prophets and prophetesses of God.

I like to think I present an opportunity for individuals, nations and empires to correct themselves if they are not so disconnected from Truth, Logic and Morality as to be beyond my reach, if they are at least prepared to challenge my position that democracy is dementia and Christianity is kaput should should be replaced by a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

The truth is that the West has been been a victim of a practical joke called Christianity. I understand how humiliating and traumatising it must be to be asked to believe in an absurdity and then forced into affirming it by state intimidation for generation after generation, century after century. It is actually worse to have that happen to you than suffering repeated attempts to exterminate you as Jews have done throughout the centuries.

The only way the Post-Christian Westerner can cure himself now is to discuss the one party theocracy Secular Koranism proposes as a possible alternative to the illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd religion that is Christianity and the dementia that is democracy.

Friday, 29 May 2020

A frank and full discussion of the psychopathy of antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism

1:00  Free speech
2:00  Mental illness and not caring about the arguments
3:00  Judeophobia and Islamophobia
4:00  A phobia is an irrational hatred and fear.

5:00  The nature of the alt-right of not caring about the arguments because they are mostly low status, low education and low information people who are careless with words. People who are careless with words are careless with ideas who lie and get the wrong end of the stick because they lack the intellectual ability or inclination to analyse ideas and events.

6:00  Lying to others and ourselves
7:00  Mad, sad or bad?
8:00  Western Man worshipping the god of his emotions, moods and appetites
9:00  The Decisive Masculine Man
10:00  People whose identity is based on their hatred of particular groups
11:00  Feminised men become irrational and indecisive.
12:00  Emphatic expressions of conviction should be made infrequently and not only for dramatic effect with the intention of attention-seeking. My word is my bond.

14:00  I wrestle with Church of Entropy the way Jacob was told he was supposed to wrestle with God when he was re-named Israel. A rational and moral deity was created to wrestle with the tendency of the unguided to fall into the narcissistic sin of idolatrous self-worship.

15:00  Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief and expression with

16:00  Strong expressions of view would be allowed in a Secular Koranist state but those holding strong opinions and wishing to express them emphatically and repeatedly must be prepared to defend them publicly.  

17:00  No thoughtcrimes in my Secular Koranist state.
18:00  Non sequitur

19:00  English-speaking countries that are liberal democracies are most in need of Secular Koranism.

21:00  Christianity is kaput and the evidence of this is effeminate unprincipled Western men who can never make up their minds about anything and behave like capricious women with penises.

22:00  Secular Koranism would give any nation adopting it its own First Amendment. 

23:00  The Deadly Sin of Pride

24:00  Acting emotionally based on hatred and fear rather than sound reasoning will lead to degeneracy and disaster.  

25:00  Constructive criticism is only "anti-white" to people who cannot take criticism without resorting to abuse and lies.

26:00  Nobody does it better.

27:00  Chivalrous white men offended on my behalf because of the things said at

28:00  Stephen James to write a book "Why it is never irrational to hate and fear Muslims"

29:00  Rules cannot work if you don't follow them.  

32:00  Riots in Minneapolis and E Michael Jones
33:00  Secular Koranism in the UK
34:00  Secular Koranism in The Netherlands
35:00  Bio-Leninism as defined by Stephen James
36:00  Habitual liars or people who don't know their own minds?
37:00  Religion instils morality. The real reason why can't Jay decide whether Christianity is kaput
39:00  Why do so many men hate my friend Luana?
40:00  An obscene comment by Jay automatically detected and deleted by YouTube algorithms

41:00  The reason why I seek female validation for Secular Koranism is because nobody cares that marginalised men want to restore the patriarchy while privileged men already get sex in this life anyway.

42:00  The benefits of patriarchy for women who want to live in a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers
43:00  Men have to take women as they come.

44:00  Unionised labour (wives and prostitutes) v Blackleg labour (fornicating sluts)

45:00  Why non-Muslim gentile men hate and fear Islam so much

46:00  Slut-fuckers have a vested interest in the matriarchy because they want to keep the price of extramarital sex as low as possible. Patriarchy would be hard on men.

47:00  Jews and Muslims are restrained by their religion from sin in a way that atheist non-Muslim gentiles are not.

48:00  Lacking a coherent and attractive religious identity, the non-Muslim gentile of the West is left only with hatred and fear of Jews and Muslims as a way of maintaining his identity if he is not a member of the liberal elite. 

Jay the atheist and nihilist reveals himself to Bateman and OV.

51:00  Jewish identity

52:00  Jay would love to silence Jews from expressing what their religion says they are supposed to be. His antisemitism can be inferred from the fact that he repeatedly expresses the following sentiments:  

  1. Although I have no solution at all while you do, I am still better than you because I am white and male."
  2. My book for alcoholics - - is better than the Koran which already understands that prevention is better than cure.  .  

54:00  Doooovid interviewed by Charles Moscowitz

56:00  Liberalism and its God of Antiracism. The confusing rules of Liberalism

57:00  My stream entitled "Are Jews also the victims of liberalism which has corrupted all our morals?" was deleted by YouTube by reason of its title alone. 

58:00  YouTube forbids Jews from discussing their identity.
59:00  It seems YouTube doesn't want Jews being discussed at all.
1:00:00  People who deny they are antisemites, Islamophobes who pretend they believe in equality when they in fact think they are superior.
1:02:00  Peasant's revolt and how I met Luana
1:03:00  Antisemites who deny they are antisemites
1:04:00  Contemporary political philosophy
1:05:00  Luana knows about my proposal to put Jews on a Register.
1:06:00  Church of Entropy should take a leaf out of Luana's book.
1:07:00  Jay is a nihilist and so is Conops.
1:10:00  Jon Vance and my list of /Secular Koranists

1:11:00  The Register of Jews is to be kept by Registrar Rabbis

1:12:00  Summary

1:13:00  Are people who pretend they are not antisemites, Islamophobes and racists lower than people who openly acknowledge that they are antisemites, Islamophobes and racists? 

1:14:00  People who keep changing their minds cannot be trusted.
1:15:00  Imran Hosein and Louis Farrakhan
1:16:00  The narrative and attributes of the Abrahamic God
1:17:00  Theodicy
1:19:00  God's Phased Project of Noahidising the world
1:20:00  Why God divided humanity between Jews and gentiles
1:21:00  Why did God choose Jews?
1:22:00  The power of Judaism
1:22:30  My role as prophetess to Jews and gentiles
1:24:00  Why Western governments should establish a one party theocracy

Charles Moscowitz and Dooovid call each other heretics

2:00  Church of Entropy
3:00  Jay Dyer
4:00  Jewish conspiracy theories
5:00  E Michael Jones and Kevin Barrett
6:00  Israel and the death of the Chinese Ambassador
7:00  The military industrial complex
8:00  Iran
9:00  Israel a military and surveillance state
10:00  Militarisation of the police
11:00  Defence or surveillance?
13:00  Mossad
14:00  Charles Moscowitz tells Doooovid off.
15:00  Global domination
17:00  Adam Green
18:00  Doooovid to Charles: "Please allow me to believe what Judaism says about Jews."
19:00  The Talmud
20:00  Jews bordering on heresy, according to Moscowitz
21:00  "Here to serve, not to control."
22:00  "We are going to be on top in the end." Who is the heretic?
23:00  Light unto the nations
24:00  Moscowitz is clearly not an Orthodox Jew.
25:00  Reform Judaism
26:00  Christian antisemitism
27:00  Christ
28:00  The Rambam
29:00  Who is right on what is to be done about false prophets? a) The Rambam  b) Charles Moscowitz
31:00  Sephardic Jews and slaves
35:00  Martin Luther, E Michael Jones and the USA
36:00  Rashi: Black skin is caused by sin.
37:00  Racism
38:00  Moscowitz's liberalism trumps Judaism
39:00  Religious controversies
40:00  Watered down religious principles watered down by the antiracism of liberalism
41:00  Double-think
42:00  Irreconcilable differences
43:00  Christ and Rabbi Schneerson
44:00  Hillel
45:00  Judaism and Christianity
47:00  Racial and doctrinal antisemitism
48:00  Plague, usury, Poland
49:00  Judaism v Christianity
50:00  Having your cake and eating it
51:00  God's Chosen People
53:00  E Michael Jones and the supernatural demonic force behind the Jew
55:00  Moscowitz calls E Michael Jones "a well-meaning scholar"
56:00  Usury urged on Jews by imperialistic Protestants.
57:00  Dispute over interest rates
58:00  American money
59:00  Usury
1:00:00  Judaism a money-lending religion
1:02:00  Adam Green

My 13 questions to Alan Dershowitz

The video in which Alan Dershowitz invited questions from viewers

23:00  Antisemitism
25:00  Gandhi racist and overrated. He also called himself an Aryan.
26:00  Believe in the threats of your enemies more than you believe in the promises of your friends.
31:00  Montreal Jews
32:00  "A terrible yeshiva student"
35:00  Free speech at universities and armed guards
37:00  Lockdown
38:00  "In emergencies, the first casualty is the rule of law."
39:00  Drive-in services
40:00  The most important halachic decision on Shabbat
44:00  Why Jews are great lawyers
45:00  Jesuit and Jewish school-leavers know how to frame arguments.
46:00  Criminal justice system should not be weaponised for political reasons.
47:00  A Talmudic argument about impeaching a US President
49:00  Being a Democrat and a supporter of President Trump
50:00  Democrats misuse the constitution. Republicans were threatening to impeach Clinton because they thought she might become President.
51:00  Martha's Vineyard and antisemitic left-wing parties
52:00  Sanders was anti-Israel so Dershowitz campaigned to make Biden presidential candidate
54:00  Dershowitz intends to remain Democrat as long as he retains influence in the party.
1:01:00  "more Americans with Jewish heritage but fewer actual Jews"
1:02:00  How to marry only Jews. Everyone wants to marry a Jew except Jews.
1:03:00  Australian rabbi wants conversion to be easier.
1:06:00  Chabad at Harvard

I have emailed Professor Dershowitz with the following questions.
  1. Is the rise in antisemitism linked to how little Jews have been promoting the Noahide laws?
  2. Were Jews chosen by God to promote the Noahide laws?
  3. Which of the world religions is the most Noahide-observant?
  4. Is Islam the most Noahide-observant religion of all the world religions?
  5. Is Christianity the least Noahide-observant religion because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous to Jews as well as so patently absurd that the West is now as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human?
  6. Can any society do without a religion at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?
  7. Should your religion at least ensure that most parents in your society are married parents?
  8. Is America a Noahide nation?
  9. Is Israel a Noahide nation?
  10. Shouldn't Israel be a theocracy?
  11. Would any Noahide nation be promoting globohomo?
  12. Isn't promoting promoting globohomo tantamount to turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment?
  13. Did God create a logical universe and if so has He broken any rules of logic according to His own laws?

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

My First Future Perfect Interview with Luana

1:00  The theme of my Future Perfect Interviews
2:00  Greater tolerance
3:00  The tendency to extremes without a standard
4:00  Australia is now a matriarchy.
5:00  Uncontrolled immigration and the swing of the pendulum
6:00  Theocracy would stop the rules from changing all the time.
7:00  The slippery slope to extremism and error
8:00  Democracy means politicians develop a knee-jerk reaction to please voters.
9:00  The acronym for LGBT becomes longer and longer.
10:00  Removing essential boundaries can become a dangerous thing.
10:30  Marriage is for legitimate children. We are commanded to be fruitful and multiply, but within wedlock.
11:00  Raising the next generation
12:00  Gay marriage
13:00  The collapse of society caused by the collapse of marriage.
14:00  Marriage is the foundation of society.
15:00  Marriage between a man and a woman is the most efficient way of raising children without third party intervention.
17:00  Identity crisis
18:00  Knowing who you are so you do what you are supposed to do.
19:00  Boundaries, laws and belief in God
20:00  Enforcing the right kind of laws
21:00  The laws of a patriarchy are different to the laws of a matriarchy.
22:00  The infantilised voter who has been badly parented
23:00  Bad parenting and taking the easy way out
24:00  Gay marriage in Australia was not a compulsory vote and it should have been a referendum
25:00  Gay marriage was an unstated agenda to be pushed through.
26:00  Australia and the UK are US vassal states.
27:00  John Howard
28:00  The civil partnership already exists.
29:00  The environmentalist agenda
30:00  Transgenderism
31:00  Population reduction through abortion, euthanasia, legalising extramarital sex and transgenderism
32:00  Euthanasia is premeditated murder.
34:00  Abortion
35:00  Recreational sex should be the right only of married couples and the typical date
36:00  Disposable relationships
37:00  Recreational sex is now perceived to be a human right, even for people not married to each other.
38:00  The emotional and psychological damage of casual sex
39:00  Live-in youth worker working with troubled adolescents more damaged by casual sex than drugs and alcohol
44:00  Self-esteem issues with adolescents psychologically damaged by causal sex
45:00  Boys more affected by casual sex and suicide rate higher
46:00  Adolescents from normal families now think casual sex is normal and healthy.
47:00  Extramarital sex is now the opium of the people.
49:00  Gay marriage
50:00  Having more of the very thing that makes you ill
51:00  The suicide of the late Alexander McQueen
53:00  An embarrassment of lifestyle choices
54:00  Mental illness
55:00  Latent damage
56:00  Our governments appear to want us dead, mad, transgender or gay.
57:00  Scott Morrison
58:00  A counter-revolution against the matriarchy
59:00  Governing in the national interest
1:00:00  Democracy
1:01:00  A subversive minority
1:02:00  The liberal elite
1:03:00  Bad people who happen to be Jews
1:04:00  George Soros
1:05:00  A Register of Jews
1:06:00  Scapegoating
1:07:00  Excommunication
1:08:00  Chillul Hashem
1:10:00  Non-observant Jews
1:10:30  Not going to mass on Sundays is a mortal sin for Catholics.
1:11:00  Following the rules gives us a stronger identity.
1:12:00  Breaking the rules
1:13:00  Reform Judaism
1:14:00  Liberalism is harmful to religious identity.
1:15:00  YouTube stopping Jews from discussing their Jewish identity too.
1:16:00  God's Chosen People
1:18:00  Chosen to promote the Noahide laws
1:19:00  Self-worship leads to narcissism and death.
1:20:00  The arrival of the Messiah
1:21:00  Success is envied.
1:22:00  Mixed fibres
1:23:00  God's laws protect Jew and gentile.
1:24:00  The Noahide laws
1:25:00  Why fewer Jews died during the bubonic plague
1:26:00  Blaming Jews for Covid-19
1:27:00  Once upon a time there were no Orthodox Jews.
1:28:00  Educated literate Jews would rise to the top of society.
1:29:00  Superior standards of living
1:30:00  The Rothschilds
1:31:00  Usury was an occupation forced on Jews by the Church.
1:32:00  Other professions other than banking occupied by Jews
1:33:00  Living in ghettos allowed Jews to maintain their identity.
1:34:00  Being forced to live in ghettos turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
1:35:00  Jewish conspiracy theories a Theory of Everything to explain gentile failure
1:36:00  "Take this to the whole world."
1:37:00  Islam the most Noahide-compliant of all world religions
1:38:00  The New Testament not a book until Constantine
1:40:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:41:00  The statues of Catholicism
1:42:00  Arian idolatry and the Council Nicaea
1:45:00  Nicene and Apostles' creed
1:46:00  The Trinity
1:48:00  The Holy Spirit is the Holy Wind.
1:49:00  A rabbi who thought Christianity is monotheistic
1:50:00  Messianic Jews
1:52:00  Jews allowed to enter mosques but not churches
1:53:00  Protestantism, Liberal Judaism and grave images
1:54:00  Mary Mother of God
1:55:00 and the tribal and therefore paternal lineage of the Messiah
1:57:00  The ten lost tribes of Israel, Jews now are from Judah, Benjamin or Levi
1:58:00  The Assyrian and Babylonian exile. All Jews today are from the tribe of Judah, Benjamin and Levi
1:59:00  The tribes were already dispersed at the time of the Second Temple. The Messiah won't come from the tribe of Levi or Cohen but from the tribe of Judah. The Davidic Dynasty is from the tribe of Judah.
2:01:00  King David's Tomb and DNA
2:02:00  Stuff the Messiah has to do
2:03:00  The Messiah is supposed to have a birthday on Tisha B'Av.
2:04:00  The martyrdom is the ultimate Kiddush Hashem
2:05:00  My suggested press release to non-Muslim gentiles by Chief Rabbis of the world
2:06:00  Antisemitism linked to how little Jews promote the Noahide laws
2:07:00  Degenerate morally confused gentiles might harm Jews and other minorities residing in their countries
2:08:00  Can't world Jewry get Rabbi Mirvis who is Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth to martyr himself?
2:09:00  Rabbi Mirvis passing the parcel of martyrdom to Rabbi Sacks
2:10:00  Rabbi Sacks passing the parcel of martyrdom to Rabbi Gavriel Krausz
2:11:00  Chabad
2:12:00  Chabad big in Australia
2:13:00  Education and Sharing Day
2:15:00  Chabad campaigning with Vincent Bruno to demand that Americans stop celebrating Education and Sharing Day because they are no longer even Noahide

2:16:00  Not only is Israel not even Noahide, it "isn't even properly Jewish"! 

"Israel can't promote the Noahide laws if they are not even promoting the Torah, really."

"You have to live by the Torah before you can start promoting the Noahide laws."

"What is the point of Israel promoting the Noahide laws when they are not even behaving themselves?"

2:17:00  Tel Aviv - the gay capital of the world
2:18:00  Sodom and Gomorrah by the Dead Sea
2:19:00  Lot was Abraham's uncle and was a Hebrew.
2:20:00  Lot had gone native.
2:21:00  Lot had lost the plot.
2:22:00  Lot was like liberal Jewish judge.
2:23:00  The arrival of the Messiah
2:25:00  The job of Noahidising gentiles has been left to the Chabadniks.
2:26:00  Islam the most Noahide-observant of all the world religions
2:27:00  Relative idolatry
2:30:00  The Trinity
2:32:00  The New Testament was not even written by Christ, let alone God.
2:33:00  Who counts as Christian?
2:34:00  Evangelical Christians
2:35:00  Regular church-goers
2:36:00  Reasons for regular church-going that is nothing to do with believing that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God
2:37:00  Pentecostal and evangelical rallies
Rodney Howard Browne
2:38:00  Mass hysteria
2:40:00  Holy laughter
2:43:00  Chabad rallies
2:46:00  Jewish Woodstock and the Hajj
2:47:00  Billy Graham
2:51:00  The social, moral and political purpose of religion
2:52:00  Reconstructionist Judaism
2:53:00  Reform Judaism
2:55:00  Jewish Emancipation
2:56:00  Assimilation
2:57:00  A Register of Jews
2:57:30  A Jew who marries a gentile is not called up for aliyah.
2:50:00  The meaning of aliyah
3:00:00  The rapture
3:03:00  Following the rules
3:04:00  Rules are made to be broken and kept.
3:06:00  Breaking the law came before the law.
3:07:00  Adam and Even
3:08:00  "I didn't ask to be born."
3:09:00  Evil is the price we pay for knowing good.
3:10:00  The Tree of Life was the Torah.
3:11:00  Original Sin is the knowledge of evil or the Yetzer Hara?
3:12:00  Adam and Eve becoming aware of their nakedness
3:14:00  The Tree of Life
3:15:00  God's phased revelations
3:16:00  Israel
3:17:00  God revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.
3:18:00  Does the Koran accept the borders of Israel as defined in the Torah?
3:20:00  If Jews cannot be Torah-compliant, then they can at least be Koran-compliant. would at absolutely guarantee their freedom of belief.
3:21:00  Thomas Jefferson reading the Koran
3:21:30  Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
3:22:00  Religious views of George Washington
3:25:00  Jews should at least be Noahide before attempting a full-blown Torah theocracy.
3:27:00  Israel was a proper Torah state in the time of King David.
3:27:30  Can Jews go from 0 to 100 mph in one second? Yes, but only if the Messiah arrives.
3:30:00  The Noahide laws are implicitly amalgamated in the 613 Commandments but are not labelled as the Noahide laws. says God wants Jews and Christians to be no longer divided from Islam.
3:32:00  Not all the 613 Commandments can be kept because there is no temple.
3:33:00  Ten Commandments
3:34:00  Adultery
3:35:00  Fornication
3:36:00  Having sex with someone not your spouse meant you had married them.
3:37:00  Dowry and rape
3:38:00  When Luana told a shiksa that according to Jewish law she had married the first man she had sex with
3:39:00  There are only three kinds of sex for Jews: marriage, adultery and rape.
3:40:00  Tikkun olam
3:41:00  Chabad
3:42:00  Corrupt gentiles who don't follow the Noahide laws would end up corrupting the morals of Jews.
3:46:00  Shouldn't Israel be a theocracy?
3:47:00  Rabbi Kahane
3:48:00  Liberal democracy
3:49:00  Sabbath trading laws different in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
3:50:00  Churches and mosques

3:51:00  God may have put a mosque on Temple Mount to remind Jews that their priesthood did the Davidic Dynasty no good and Torah theocracy did not last long in Ancient Israel. The quasi-priesthood of Islam would be the judiciary and dispense with a parasitic priesthood altogether. 

3:52:00  When Jerusalem was handed straight back to Jordan in 1967 after the Six Day War.
3:53:00  Fake peace
3:54:00  Jerusalem is international space.
3:55:00  Yom Kippur in Israel and Temple Mount
3:56:00  A Torah theocracy
3:57:00  Al Aqsa
3:58:00  The Knesset is modelled on the Sanhedrin supposed to have 120 members.
3:59:00  A Torah theocracy according to Luana
4:00:00  The Reform Movement
4:05:00  Chavuot and Sukkot
4:06:00  How Jewish festivals are being celebrated by Jews in Australia during lockdown
4:08:00  God's reverse psychology
4:09:00  Zoom not allowed for Orthodox Jews.
4:11:00  Isolated Jews
4:12:00  Passover
4:13:00  Communal Seders
4:14:00  A maximum of 4
4:16:00  Sharing the guests
4:17:00  A shorter seder in 2020
4:18:00  A maximum of 5 visitors
4:19:00  Passes needed to travel between different Australia states
4:22:00  Different states have different rules.
4:24:00  Different Liberal and Labour parties towards lockdown
4:25:00  Man going to the car wash and a woman reading a book in the park were fined
4:26:00  Unconstitutional actions by the Australian government
4:27:00  Ridiculous pandemic app that couldn't possibly work.
4:29:00  Flu vaccine
4:30:00  International arrivals
4:31:00  Aztecs
4:32:00  24 hours' notice only of lockdown
4:33:00  97% of the people who died were over 80.
4:34:00  Princess cruise ship
4:35:00  No national co-ordination over lockdown.
4:41:00  Did the Chinese overreact to Covid-19?
5:22:00  Hunting and gathering at supermarkets
5:23:00  "Lockdown is shit."
5:25:00  Toilet  paper
5:26:00  "There is no need to become aggressive."

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Rabbi Tovia Singer: The Church claim that Jesus was born to a virgin is revolting to Judaism

One Jew wins debate against two atheist celebs

3:00  Human beings created God, so we are quite special, if you believe the atheist narrative that God is a creation of Man.

6:00  The bull was going to die anyway so why not give it the opportunity of dying honourably?

8:00  "The strong do what they will, the weak suffer as they must."  We know what happened to Athens.

11:00  Spirituality is the reward we get when we know we are following God's laws correctly.

12:00  The purpose of religion is to instil the morality necessary to keep the group together and apart from others.

15:00  The rules of religion has the agenda of keeping the group together and apart from others.

17:00  The better the religion, the fairer its rules to the different groups of society with conflicting interests eg the rich and the poor, men and women, the young and the old, the majority and the minority.

20:00  Atheism and monotheism are lifestyle choices.

22:00  Emunah and bitachon

The difference between those who believe God created the Universe and those who believe that the Universe was uncreated appears superficially to be merely a difference of attribution. Those who believe in the Abrahamic God would believe that He was the Uncaused First Cause,  those who believe that the Universe was uncreated and always there believe that the Universe itself was the Uncaused First Cause. Since neither theory is falsifiable, we can only decide which belief to adopt based on whether we want to obey God's laws. We can decide whether we want to obey God's laws or disobey them as a lifestyle choice on the basis of our own personal preferences. Those who want to obey God's laws would be married parents wanting to properly parent their legitimate offspring and those who aspire to become married parents. Those who deny the moral validity of God's laws would be those who have either no prospect or intention of becoming married parents and who are nihilists who do not care what happens to their society after they are dead. Nations that do not support marriage which is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions and actively encourage the opposite will not exist as a civilisations for long. Eventually, the problem solves itself as dysgenics is replaced by eugenics. Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. Western nations are dysgenic matriarchies where bastardy is now normalised from which emerges the moral sewage of globohomo turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.

28:00  Ricky Gervais doesn't want to give up his lifestyle of lifelong fornication and has no intention of becoming a married father.

31:00  Choosing to believe in Abrahamic God and obey His laws is really a moral and political choice.

33:00  Bertrand Russell should have used the silver rule argument of Rabbi Hillel: Do not unto others that which you hate.

35:00  Atheism leads to men making an idol of their appetites and self-worship. Self-worship is narcissism and we all know what happened to Narcissus.

41:00  I don't remember it being stated anywhere in any scripture that God promised us Paradise on Earth. Therefore the existence of evil is irrelevant to whether God exists or not. It is even explicitly stated that God created evil.

45:00  No pain, no gain.

46:00  God promises that He will right all wrongs in the afterlife. It ain't what happens to you but how you deal with it using God's rules that will be taken into account after we have submitted our final accounts, so to speak.

50:00  Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow.

53:00  Blessed > Lucky

55:00  The purpose of life is to discover the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to fulfill our potential. We are more likely to fulfill our potential happily if we apply the rules of God correctly.

1:13:00  The purpose of morality is not known to most people. This should be defined.

1:14:00  The Koran is the only scripture that guarantees freedom of belief.

1:16:00  The Americans quarantining the church from their state was to avoid in the New World the Christian on Christian persecution in the Old World the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid having to repeat.

1:17:00  It is impossible to separate religion and politics.  Islam is the only religion that logically and necessarily accepts the logic of living in a theocracy if we claim to believe in God and wish to obey His laws. Otherwise, we are going to be cursed by God for disobedience.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Whose definition of morality is more comprehensive? a) Claire Khaw's b) Church of Entropy's

4:00 GANDALF joins.
7:00  What Gandalf isn't
8:00  How Church of Entropy defines morality
9:00  Why my definition of morality is better than Church of Entropy's
11:00  What does "causal universe" mean?
12:00  The cosmological argument
13:00  The difference between a causal universe and the cosmological argument is that the cosmological argument says the Abrahamic God was the Uncaused First Cause while those who deny His existence claims that the Universe itself was the Uncaused  First Cause.
18:00  Pantheism, idolatry and Spinoza

20:00  The difference between pantheism and panentheism

23:00  Precipitate: cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution.

27:00  Why is it offensive to Gandalf that people believe in the Abrahamic God? Is it because he is an atheist pretending to believe in God?

30:00  Why is the Jen God better than the Abrahamic God when it is conceptually inferior?  
34:00  Gandalf: "Man seeks God."
35:00  People pray to God because they want their prayers answered. 
37:00  Gandalf: "Belief in the Abrahamic God is heretical."  
39:00  Gandalf: "The Abrahamic God is unscientific."
40:00  Gandalf denies that Entropism is a Jen-created religion. 
43:00  The purpose of religion is to bind society in social cohesion. 
44:00  What are heuristics?
46:00  Gandalf has seen "the far edge of reality".
47:00  Morality and scripture
48:00  Church of Entropy's so-called oral tradition

49:00  Oral traditions are primitive and come from people who lived before writing was invented. Church of Entropy wants us to return to this primitivism so that we will be even stupider and more degenerate and easier to exploit and abuse. 

50:00  The decline of Christendom was caused by universal literacy, according to Gandalf.
52:00  30 Years War

53:00  Gandalf says because the Bible was translated into the vernacular, people disbelieved in it. My view is that because Christianity is so patently absurd, people began to openly disbelieve in it the moment it was legal not to after the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 was passed and after the Americans quarantined the church from their state.

54:00  Jews and Muslims believe their scripture is the directly revealed Word of God. 

55:00  While Jews and Muslims argue over which interpretation of the Word of God is superior, they are at least agreed on which scripture is supposed to be the Word of God. Christians never claimed the New Testament was written by Christ, let alone God. The New Testament is therefore no more than hearsay as to the existence of Christ.  

56:00 If the distillation of Christian wisdom comes from Sermon on the Mount, it isn't very wise, is it, compared to the Torah, the Tanakh or the Koran? As well as suffering from an obviously inferior scripture, Christianity also violates God's commandments against idolatry and blasphemy by worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God that created the Universe and now exists outside it as pure spirit. 

58:00  "The strange doctrines of Christianity"

Why did God have to choose the Jews?

What did God choose the Jews to do?

59:00  The Axial Age

1:02:00  Just because great civilisations existed before the Jews doesn't invalidate the idea that Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to Noahidise the world. The fact that they remain in existence after all the great civilisations that persecuted them and tried to exterminate them have become extinct suggests that the purpose for which they were chosen remains unfulfilled. 

1:03:00  Civilisation comes from the Latin "civis". 
"Civis" means citizen ie a resident of a city. 

1:04:00  City states of Athens and Rome. The rules of living in a city would be different to that of rural living where people would organise themselves into tribes. Implicit in the city-state is the idea of the rule of law eg the Twelve Tables of Rome. 

1:05:00  Gandalf denies Jews were persecuted in Egypt. 

1:06:00  Measuring the success of religion

1:07:00  Usury
1:08:00  Jubilee
1:09:00  What is the point of being a member of a club that treat its members worse than non-members?
1:12:00  The rules of religion
1:13:00  Gandalf claims he masters nature. 
1:14:00  The purpose of religion
1:16:00  The link between the rule of law and the expansion of empires

1:18:00  Why complain about imperialism when America is the world's greatest global empire and you are an American? All empires have cannon fodder. Soldiers are honoured on Veterans' Day and workers on May Day. 

1:20:00  Empires are created, sustained and lost by war.

1:21:00  What did the soldiers of so many countries think they were dying for in the Crimean War? Can anyone even now explain what it was all about in a way that soldiers and their loved ones might appreciate and agree with? 

Who does Gandalf mean when he talks about "foreign groups and occult interests"?

1:22:00  European monarchs were quite frequently not born in or brought up in the countries they exercised kingship over, and neither were their spouses. 

1:23:00  Usury and paper money

1:25:00  All empires are logically and necessarily multiracial and multicultural.

1:26:00  War is an enterprise that needs war finance to fund.

1:27:00  If you don't like usury, abolish usury with Islam.

1:29:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins, all guns blazing.

1:31:00  Freedom of belief in Malaysia
1:34:00  Bank of England

1:36:00  Church of Entropy thinks Leopold Weiss was a Bad Jew but Pakistanis seem quite fond of him.

1:38:00  Because Leopold Weiss AKa Muhammad Asad was a Jew, Church of Entropy concludes that Christianity and Islam are both "Jewish religions" invented by Jews to exploit credulous gentiles who should instead embrace her religion and believe in her god whose morality is based on the Vedas that she has never read.

1:39:00  Everyone knows that Islam is supposed to abolish usury, but it is hard to do when everyone else is practising it. It is like trying to give up drink when all your friends are drunkards. That is why Secular Koranism - which would abolish usury - must go global.

 1:41:00  Church of Entropy repeats the answer I always give on why it takes Islam to abolish it. Hitler tried to abolish usury, but since he did not convert Germany to Islam, usury was not abolished. Perhaps if he had used his time as dictator more profitably by using the talents of Goebbels to sell Islam to the Germans and dropped his antisemitism, things would have turned out differently for the Third Reich.

1:42:00  No religion other than an Islam proposes to abolish usury.

1:45:00  Church of Entropy refuses to debate me even though she has Gandalf by her side.

1:48:00  Christine Ramsay, Catholic

1:52:00  Church of Entropy rejected Catholicism.

1:53:00  We discuss her allegedly Jewish ancestry. Jen says her German ancestors come from Liebling, Romania which has no Jews according to the Wikipedia entry.

Liebling is a commune in Timiș County, Romania about 30 km south of Timișoara. It is composed of three villages: Cerna, Iosif and Liebling.,_Timi%C8%99
BANAT is a region in the southwestern section of Romania, between the Mureş and Danube Rivers. The oldest traces of a Jewish presence in the area date to the Roman period in the second through fourth centuries. A second-century coin issued by Shim‘on bar Kokhba discovered in Pojejena, as well as golden plates with Hebrew characters and Judaic symbols found in Dierna-Orşova, prove the existence of Jews among Roman colonists. After Banat became part of the medieval Hungarian kingdom in the eleventh century, the earliest reference to a Jew from the region dates to 1521 in the area of Caransebeş.

Banat became a Turkish pashalik in 1552, with headquarters in Timişoara; the area then was a province of the Austrian Empire subsequent to the Peace of Passarowitz (1718). Sephardic Jews from the Ottoman Empire lived in Banat during the Ottoman period; for example, 12 families (144 people) were living in Timişoara when the Austrians occupied the city. Jews from other parts of Hungary and more distant areas soon settled in the region. The Keppich and Bachrach families obtained imperial privileges to develop industry and trade, as well as to supply imperial garrisons. Jewish traders were intermediaries in trade relations with Venice, the Ottoman Empire, Poland, and Central European countries.

When Belgrade fell to the Turks in 1739, Banat’s governor Count Franz Wallis allowed Jews from that city to settle in the region. That year, Jews in Banat increased to 31 Ashkenazic families (139 people) and 15 Sephardic families (81 people). Totals rose in 1743 to 38 Ashkenazic families and 53 Sephardic in Timişoara and 11 families in the rest of the province. Between 1769 and 1774, the numbers rose to 353 people.

In 1779, Banat lost its autonomous status and was divided into three counties (Caraş, Timiş, and Torontal); it was administered by the Kingdom of Hungary within the general framework of the Austrian Empire. The provisions of the Tolerance Edict issued by Joseph II in 1783 for Hungary also applied in Banat; the edict stipulated that Jews were allowed to learn crafts and trades and to join guilds; Jews also were allowed to own and cultivate land. The humiliating distinctive symbols were eliminated, Jews were allowed and encouraged to set up their own modern school system, and they gained access to public schools at all levels. The effects of this relaxation were visible in the demographic evolution of the Jewish population from Banat. A census ordered by Joseph II in 1787 indicated only 226 Jews in the three counties of Banat, but this number rose to 686 in 1804, to 1,960 in 1821, to 4,158 in 1836–1840, and to 6,571 just before the revolution of 1848.

After emancipation in 1867, the number of Jews living in Banat doubled to 13,591, and the last census before World War I recorded 19,153, accounting for approximately 3 percent of the total population. After World War I, Banat became part of Romania, and the Romanian census of 1930 recorded 14,043 Jews in the region. Jews of Banat survived the Holocaust, as in the autumn of 1942 the Romanian government abandoned its deportation plans for Jews living in this region. Data from 1947 revealed the presence of 15,963 Jews, and the census of 1956 showed a total of 17,816. As a result of the mass emigration, however, only several hundred Jews were living in Banat in 2000.

At the institutional level, Timişoara was the only town to officially acknowledge a Jewish community in the eighteenth century. Except for the brief period when the Juden Ordnung was applied, there was in fact both an Ashkenazi and a Sephardic community, each of which built a synagogue in 1760; these synagogues were officially opened in 1762. A new Ashkenazi synagogue was inaugurated in 1862. Subsequent to the Congress of Jews of Hungary and Transylvania (1868–1869), the community in Timişoara was divided into a Neolog community that accepted the regulations adopted by the congress, and an Orthodox community that supported strict compliance with tradition; the Orthodox group established its own synagogue in 1895. Other nineteenth-century synagogues were located in Lugoj, Caransebeş, Făget, Ciacova, and Deta. In the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth, the rabbi of the community in Timişoara also held the position of chief rabbi for the Banat province. The first to hold this position was Ya‘akov Mosheh of Belgrade (1739–1741), and the last was Tsevi Hirsh Oppenheimer (1821–1859).

There was even a Chief Rabbi in Banat.  

Jewish education in Banat initially followed the traditional religious form. Modern schools were then established in Lugoj (1833), Virset, Becicherecul Mare (Zrenjanin), and after 1848 functioned in Timişoara (1857–1872), Făget (1871–1891), and Sânnicolaul Mare. Until World War I, Jewish elementary schools that taught Hebrew and Judaism also existed in the districts of Torontal (five schools) and Caraş (two schools). After World War I, as Jews in Banat began to reject assimilation and leaned toward Zionism, a Jewish high school with instruction in Romanian and Hebrew was founded in Timişoara in 1921. When Jewish students were excluded from the Romanian public education system during the Holocaust period, this high school served as the main Jewish educational institution in the region. Communist educational reform led to its closure in 1948.

Although strongly affected by restrictions and persecutions during the Antonescu regime, Jews in Banat survived the war. Some Jews were then attracted by the egalitarian slogans of the Communist regime established after 1945, but eventually Jews from this area of Romania emigrated in massive numbers to the State of Israel and elsewhere. By the early twenty-first century only several hundred Jews remained.

Antisemitism was officially enforced under the premierships of Ion Brătianu. During his first years in office (1875) Brătianu reinforced and applied old discrimination laws, insisting that Jews were not allowed to settle in the countryside (and relocating those that had done so), while declaring many Jewish urban inhabitants to be vagrants and expelling them from the country. 

[So some Jews did settle in the countryside. Jews who did not want to move became Protestant to stay where they were.]
Faced with increasing persecution, some Romanian Jews converted to Christianity before and during the Holocaust. While the Romanian authorities enforced the March 1941 law banning conversions, for various political reasons conversion to Roman Catholicism was treated differently. The papal nuncio to Romania, Monsignor Andrea Cassulo, as well as some specific Roman Catholic churches (the article looks at two in Bucharest) were willing to convert Jews as a way of helping them escape victimization. Yet the modest number of baptisms and the persistent allegations that they were performed in exchange for money suggest that, despite the political conditions that might have spurred conversions, the Catholic Church in Romania did not convert on a large scale, and that the initiative itself remained controversial.

1:55:00  Church of Entropy's 3 minute word salad on the utility of morality.

2:01:00  ZUHER joins talking nonsense about the God of Christians being racist. He falsely claims that OV promotes Christianity. He also thinks hire purchase is usury and all Jews are criminals, murderers etc. I tell him to fuck off.


2:19:00  Gandalf affirms Church of Entropy's Supreme Jewish Conspiracy Theory ie that Christianity and Islam are "Jewish religions" created by Jews to dupe gullible gentiles.

2:37:00  Trump

2:46:00  Church of Entropy says Jews wrote the Koran because it acknowledges Jews as the "Children of Israel".

2:48:00  The righteous anger of Gandalf at the Abrahamic faiths

2:51:00  Church of Entropy rejects all the Abrahamic faiths because they are "Jewish" and proposes  Entropism that doesn't come with the rule of law and has no scripture.

2:55:00  Do Jews know what is good for them?

2:56:00  Church of Entropy claims Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy.

3:02:00  DOMINGO joins to say Trump works for Jewish interests.

3:07:00  Barbara Lerner Spectre
3:09:00  USS Liberty
3:11:00  Dancing Israelis
3:17:00  The What Affair?.
3:20:00  Suez Crisis
3:22:00  Lord Moyne

3:23:00  Church of Entropy has the Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all because she blames Christianity and Islam on Jews.

3:24:00  Church of Entropy says the fact that the narrative that the Abrahamic God created the Universe is a Jewish conspiracy theory designed to trick and exploit gullible gentiles.

3:25:00  Church of Entropy says God "collaborated" with the Jews to trick credulous gentiles.

3:26:00  Church of Entropy calls Judaism a conspiracy theory and then promptly denies it.

3:27:00  Church of Entropy confuses a narrative with her conspiracy theory and calls it "a well-reasoned thesis". What is "a scientific hypothesis supported by tons of evidence and no countervailing evidence"? That Jews are responsible for all the ills of Christianity and Islam. Therefore all the Abrahamic faiths are to be rejected on the basis of this reasoning and those who want to worship God - who is also the Universe and indifferent to humanity - should embrace Jen's Entropism.

3:28:00  I explain the nature and purpose of religious narratives. Church of Entropy insists that her conspiracy theory is "science" and a "scientific hypothesis".

3:29:00  Conspiracy is defined.

3:30:00   King David Hotel


3:37:00  Church of Entropy: "It's a conspiracy theory until it is a religious narrative and it is a religious narrative when it has state power."

I would say a religious narrative only has power when a state adopts it. A religious narrative can only be legitimised by state power.

3:41:00  I ask Domingo why Church of Entropy thinks her theocracy of oral tradition based on no scripture whatsoever is better than my theocracy based on the Koran. Domingo's response is that her stated intention to acquire "Vedic superknowledge" that she has yet to do in this life but which she might in her next should be enough to satisfy all reasonable people doubtful of her claims.

3:44:00  Church of Entropy talks about cookery, woodwork and skipping lectures but still passing exams. She obsesses about demonstrating her "supreme knowledge". I said if anyone possessed this, it would be God Himself.

The nature and purpose of antisemitism [begins 2:00]

2:00  Why my moral system is better than Church of Entropy's
7:00  Entropism has no rule of law.

8:00  Why Church of Entropy says all the Abrahamic faiths are "Jewish" and should be rejected  because they are religions invented by Jews to trick and exploit credulous gentiles. Entropism is the suggested alternative even though it offers no rule of law and would establish a caste system.

9:00  The Koran has moral and divine authority and has also created Islamic empires.

10:00  Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia.

11:00  Christianity is an illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous religion.

12:00  Christian on Christian persecution continued in the New World until the First Amendment was enshrined in the American constitution.

The First Amendment was derived from the Koran.

13:00  The Pilgrim Fathers who were Puritan were regarded as subversives by the English who were Anglican.

 15:00  The neurosis of the morally compromised Western Man no longer capable of discussing important matters of principle  honestly or rationally

16:00  The slaying of sacred cows

35:00  Church of Entropy has no sense of fair play.

36:00  The strategy of Church of Entropy

22:00  My compelling narrative of the nature and purpose of religion

23:00  The logical necessity of having a religion that protects marriage and family values

24:00  The alt-right fantasising about pogrom

25:00  The job of the government is to make the working classes work.

26:00  Because the worst problems need more than one term of office to put right, no politician in a representative democracy will attempt risky unpopular reforms that would upset vested interests.

27:00  Ever lowering standards of education in the West

29:00  The ostentatious displays of knowledge and status by Church of Entropy

31:00   Church of Entropy rejects the Abrahamic faiths, the Noahide laws and proposes to replace them with Entropism. and a caste system.

32:00  Psychologically damaged ex-Christians with a raging hatred against all the Abrahamic faiths because Christianity has failed to protect them from Jews and Muslims.

33:00  The stream Church of Entropy was on

34:00   Jewish conspiracy theories

35:00   Religion protects your group

36:00  Authoritarian but never authoritarian.

37:00  Thomas Jefferson

38:00  The only rational and moral choice left

39:00   Are rules like gym equipment for the mind?

40:00  Antisemitism is caused by the Abrahamic God to punish Jews who do not promote the Noahide laws

43:00  Choosing a package of religious and moral protection ie a religion

44:00  Jews have been conferred God-like powers by the very people who hate them.  

45:00  Jewish conspiracy theories no longer even make sense.

46:00  The more absurd the Jewish conspiracy theory, the greater the display of hatred against Jews.

47:00  The alleged Jewishness of Church of Entropy

48:00  The supremacy of Jen's Jewish Conspiracy Theory and the supremacy of my Secular Koranism

49:00  The alleged Jewish trick of getting credulous gentiles to worship a dead Jew as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God for 2000 years

52:00  Will the credulous gentile finally begin to notice that they have been breaking God's commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy after 2000 years?

53:00  Antisemitism is now baked into the DNA of gentiles after so many centuries of Jews neglecting to perform their religious obligation of promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles. 


56:00  The Koran is Zionist.

59:00  To become Muslim is the reward for Jews after they have done what they were chosen by God to do

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Two Jews disagree about Judaism

Anyone interested in world domination would be interested in world domination and most people interested in politics would be interested in world domination.

​Isn't being light unto the nations about ideological world domination?

​Jews are the only people not allowed to acquire empire because the borders of Israel have been defined in the Torah.

​Christ was executed for the blasphemy of claiming that his papa was Hashem Himself.

Christian beliefs and practices rituals affirm the blasphemy and idolatry of Christianity making Christianity an illegitimate religion cursed by God, which should be replaced by Secular Koranism ASAP

​Didn't God make Jews His Chosen People for a purpose?

​God made Jews His Chosen People to Noahidise the world with Secular Koranism. Israel would allow Jews to shine their light unto the nations by being the first nation to adopt Secular Koranism.

​The Doctrine of the Trinity is ipso facto blasphemy and idolatry to Jews. Jews are forbidden to enter churches but are allowed to enter mosques.

​Antisemitism is linked to how little they promote the Noahide laws to gentiles as they were chosen by God to do.

​It would be an act of Kiddush Hashem to declare Christianity kaput because it is blasphemous and idolatrous and therefore cursed by God.

Monday, 18 May 2020

To become Muslim is the reward for Jews after they have done what they were chosen by God to do

If God created Jews for any reason at all, it was to kick-start His project of making humanity observe the Noahide laws. Once all nations of the world became Noahide, Jews would become obsolete because their mission would be complete. In order to Noahidise the world, Jews must first see to it that Israel is at least Noahide. Once Israel adopts sharia - and Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia - Western nations and non-Western nations not already Muslim would follow suit. Once that is done, the populations inhabiting the territory of Greater Israel would in time agree to pool their sovereignty and to be under the administration of a State of Israel implementing Secular Koranism as a one party theocracy, particularly if they see such an economic and political union as conferring real benefits to them in this life.

Jews are conflated with liberalism by those liberalism has failed

Jews not pointing out that Christianity is kaput is tantamount to putting up a stumbling block for the gentile non-Muslim Westerner to stumble over. We already know that hardly anyone is Christian in the West any more and even those who claim to be Christian are not confirmed. If confirmed, they would have no concept of sin and believe everything the Liberal State allows is what God also allows. Even minimum standards of sexual morality are no longer being observed since most parents in Britain are not married. When the West becomes a series of failed states after falling over this stumbling block of galloping degeneracy and criminality, the minorities of the West will suffer, and Jews most of all for not promoting the Noahide laws as as they were chosen by God to do. In the discourse of antisemitism, the antisemites equate Jews with Liberalism and in practice treat them as interchangeable.

A rabbi calls my questions on the Trinity and Noahide laws "silly"

Before joining, I asked three questions in the chat:
  1. Do Jews have a duty to point out to Western governments that Christianity is against the Noahide laws?
  2. The Trinity is blasphemous and idolatrous to Jews, isn't it?
  3. Nobody believes that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of Hashme, do they?
  4. Isn't it true that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christianity?

1:31:00  Rabbi Meza called them "silly questions" and said I "sounded like the girlfriend" of the host who lives on another continent and is happily married.

Isn't it true that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christianity?

To this question, Meza he said no.

The host demurred and said Islam is at least monotheist and not Trinitarian.

1:32:00  Meza's answer is that Christians at least incorporate the Old Testament into their scripture.

Although Islam is a form of ethical monotheism, Meza asserts that Christianity is "more ethical".

1:33:0  Instead of asking the obvious question of why Meza thinks Christianity is more ethical than Islam, Doooovid - the product of a mixed marriage - asserts that there is nothing in the halacha that says Jews must distance themselves from Christians.

He seems to have forgotten all about the Noahide laws, which is a tick box of the righteous gentile.

If Jews go by this standard, then only Muslims satisfy the attributes of ethical monotheism.

Christianity is in fact furthest away from from the Noahide laws for not only is it idolatrous, it is also blasphemous.

What could be more blasphemous than saying an executed revolutionary who promoted idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years after his death is the co-equal of Hashem? 

But Meza asserts that Christianity is more ethical than Islam.

1:35:00 Meza argues that the fact of Christians giving more charity than Jews is a sign of their higher standard of ethical monotheism, but how can this be measured?

Doooovid disagrees and asked if there is a study demonstrating this assertion. Meza claims there is, but never says what it is.

Meza says American Christians give more to charity than American Muslims. How many charity-giving Christian Americans are there compared to charity-giving American Muslims?

The most popular religion in the U.S. is Christianity, comprising the majority of the population (73.7% of adults in 2016).

According to a 2017 study, Judaism is the religion of approximately 2% of the American population.

Islam is probably the third largest religion in numbers in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism, followed, according to Gallup, by 0.8% of the population in 2016.

Should be expecting American Muslims who are only 0.8% of the US population to give as much to charity as American Christians who are 73.7% of the American people?

1:36:00  There is no objective measure of how much to charity Christians and Muslims give in total globally, in any case. Meza suggests that zakat at 2.5% is how much Muslims give to charity.

Do all American Christians pay a tithe?

1:38:00  Muslims are more hospitable even to non-Muslims, says Doooovid. Meza says they are only hospitable to each other.

1:43:00  If Jews want to take credit for the good Christians have done, they cannot call Christianity idolatry, says Meza.


1:44:00  Christianity is popular amongst unprincipled people who are happy to pretend that they believe in an absurdity as long as they think:

a) it gives them a get out of hell free card

b) it stops them from being persecuted by their fellow Christians. The New Testament lacks any verse guaranteeing freedom of belief. The First Amendment is based on the
The First Amendment was derived from the Koran

c) it gives them a higher status to their previous religion

Christians were known for burning each other at the stake as heretics at the drop of a hat. This practice can be credited to Jews because they started it.

In Genesis 38, Judah orders Tamar—the widow of his son, living in her father's household—to be burned when she is believed to have become pregnant by an extramarital sexual relation. Tamar saves herself by proving that Judah is himself the father of her child. In the Book of Jubilees, the same story is told, with some intriguing differences, according to Caryn A. Reeder. In Genesis, Judah is exercising his patriarchal power at a distance, whereas he and the relatives seem more actively involved in Tamar's impending execution.

In Hebraic law, death by burning was prescribed for ten forms of sexual crimes: The imputed crime of Tamar, namely that a married daughter of a priest commits adultery, and nine versions of relationships considered as incestuous, such as having sex with one's own daughter, or granddaughter, but also having sex with one's mother-in-law or with one's wife's daughter.

In the Mishnah, the following manner of burning the criminal is described:

The obligatory procedure for execution by burning: They immersed him in dung up to his knees, rolled a rough cloth into a soft one and wound it about his neck. One pulled it one way, one the other until he opened his mouth. Thereupon one ignites the (lead) wick and throws it in his mouth, and it descends to his bowels and sears his bowels.

That is, the person dies from being fed molten lead.

Doooovid says the Noahide ranking of other religions is "heavily disputed".

Be that as it may, even if Islam is not completely Noahide-observant according to rabbis, it is still most Noahide-observant religion, and this must logically and necessarily be the consensus of all reasonable rabbis.

1:47:00  Meza even admits that the consensus amongst rabbis is that Islam is a "docile religion" in that it meets all the standards of the Noahide laws. Meza's view however is that Islam is idolatrous

1:48:00  I suggest that the reason why Jews won't say that Christianity is idolatry is because they don't want to antagonise the Christian Zionists of America who keep voting for more neocon wars against Muslim countries. No one addresses this point though Doooovid rambles until I interrupt him.

1:49:00  I read from the Jewish Virtual Library. 

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. 

Meza even admits that this was for business reasons and in particular the wine trade!

The Talmud warns against causing an idolater to take oaths. The commentators living in Christian Germany in the 12th century, called Tosafists, permitted Jews to bring a Christian partner to court in partnership during a breakup even though the Christian would take an oath by God, which to Christians would include Jesus, by saying that so long as another deity is not mentioned explicitly, there is no forbidden oath taking place, but only an association. Although all of the Tosafists agreed that partnerships that may lead to such an oath may not be entered into originally, they disagree as to once such a partnership exists whether or not one may go to court in order to not to lose his portion of the partnership and even though such an oath is a side-effect. In a terse comment, they wrote:

It is permissible to [cause a gentile's oath through litigation with one's non-Jewish partner because] today all swear in the name of the saints to whom no divinity is ascribed. Even though they also mention God's name and have in mind another thing, in any event no idolatrous name is actually said, and they also have the Creator of the world in mind. Even though they associate (shituf) God's name with "something else", we do not find that it is forbidden to cause others to associate (shituf), and there is no issue of placing a stumbling block before the blind (see Leviticus 19:14) [by entering into litigation with the non-Jewish business partner, thereby causing him to take an oath] because Noachides were not warned about it.

In the 16th Century, the terse comment is explained as follows by Moses Isserles, where it is seemingly expanded to allowing partnerships in the first place:

Today, it is permitted [to form a partnership with Christians], because when they swear on their holy scriptures called the Evangelion, they do not hold it to be divine. Even though when they mention God they mean Jesus, they do not mention idolatry since they really mean the Creator of heaven and earth. Even though they mention jointly (shituf) God's name and another name, there is no prohibition to cause someone to jointly mention [or associate] (shituf) God with another... since this association is not forbidden to gentiles.

1:52:00  Meza is a Mason. Freemasonry was clearly intended to unite the Abrahamic faiths.

1:54:00  I point out that I am not Muslim after Meza asks me why as a Muslim I care so much about getting Islam accepted as Noahide. For some inexplicable reason, Dooovid says it is because I am Chinese as if being Chinese and Muslim were mutually exclusive. My reason for belabouring this point is that not pointing out that Christianity is kaput is tantamount to putting up a stumbling block for the gentile non-Muslim Westerner to stumble over. When the West becomes a series of failed states after falling over this stumbling block, the minorities of the West will suffer, and Jews most of all for not promoting the Noahide lawas as they were chosen by God to do. 

1:55:00  Meza seems to think that degenerates of the West who are mostly antisemites and Islamophobes would suddenly want to become Jews. He seemed as a rabbi unaware that gentiles are only required to observe 7 Noahide laws while Jews are supposed to obey 613 laws.

1:57:00 Meza sneers at the Noahide laws. I point out that it was Jews who created that universal minimum standard. 

1:59:00  Meza denies the Noahide laws.

2:00:00  Doooovid speaks without authority about "a weighted system about what is good for Jews". He has been known to talk about the principle of not having any principles!

2:01:00  What school of Jewish ethics is Doooovid referring to when he talks about "a weighted system about what is good for Jews"? As far as I know, Doooovid has yet to present us with his Multiple Truth Hypothesis.

2:02:0  I point out that Jews would lose their status as God's Chosen People if all gentiles became Jews. It would be like inviting all the hoi polloi to join your exclusive social club.

If Judaism is an exclusive club, then Islam is a political party in a one party state.  

If God created Jews for any reason at all, it was to kick-start His project of making humanity observe the Noahide laws. Once all nations of the world became Noahide, Jews would become obsolete because their mission would be complete. In order to Noahidise the world, Jews must first see to it that Israel is at least Noahide. Once Israel adopts sharia - and Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia - Western nations and non-Western nations not already Muslim would follow suit. Once that is done, the populations inhabiting the territory of Greater Israel would in time agree to pool their sovereignty and to be under the administration of a State of Israel implementing Secular Koranism as a one party theocracy, particularly if they see such an economic and political union as conferring real benefits to them in this life.

2:04:00  The Noahide laws are not in the Torah, and are merely "a rabbinical enactment".

"Yea, He saith, 'It is too light a thing for you to be My servant, to establish the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the scions of Israel, and I shall submit you as a light unto the nations, to be My salvation until the end of the earth' Isaiah 49:6.

"I the LORD have called unto you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and submitted you as the people's covenant, as a light unto the nations" Isaiah 42:6.

"And unto your light, nations shall walk, and kings unto the brightness of your rising" Isaiah 60:3. 
In the first of these instances, Rashi interpreted 'nations' as referring to the tribes of Israel and not to the Gentiles. The second, and especially the third are clear references to other nations. The context of these three references (ch. 41–42, 49, and 60) are a prophecy of comfort (Hebrew: נבואת נחמה) and a promise to the people of Israel, in which God will restore the people of Israel to their land, and this return will cause the rest of the nations to open their eyes, and look up to the people of Israel, as well as to walk in the way of the One God.

The Noahide laws seem fair enough to me. 

2:06:00  Meza tries to frighten me by pointing out to me that it is death for gentiles who live in a Torah theocracy to be idolaters or blasphemers. Since there is no sign of a Jewish movement for a Torah theocracy in Israel, I am not in any way alarmed by this prospect. If Jews wanted to become a theocracy, they would should attempt a "starter theocracy" of Secular Koranism before going for a full-blown Torah theocracy, because that might be too much of a shock to their system. Indeed, it is generally doubted that Israel these days is even Noahide.

Non-Jews in Israel must keep Noahide laws, chief rabbi says

2:07:00  I mention America's Education and Sharing Day which was first established in 1978.

Meza calls it "a form of coercion".

2:08:00  I am invited to become Jewish.

2:10:00  I point out that the West does not have a religion effective at maintaining even minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents and this must be dangerous times for Jews and gentiles in the West. Antisemites and Islamophobes do not have the self-awareness to realise that their governments value Jews and Muslims over the atheist non-Muslim welfare claiming gentile because they are more likely to be useful citizens and less likely to be NEETs. 

Because their sacred cow is democracy rather than the long term national interest, Western politicians are now too terrified of making their working classes work and continue to keep sweeping under the carpet the problem of unmarried mothers breeding ever greater varieties and numbers of unproductive social parasites who will eat the productive out of their house and home.

Globohomo is being promoted in the West and outside the West by satanic Western governments.

2:11:00  "Islam is a much better religion than Christianity."

2:12:00  Of course each religion will claim that it is better than all the rest. If Muslim as mere Noahides really do have a lower standard of morality and fewer restrictions than Jews as Jews seem to believe, then sharia should be a walk in the park for Jews. 

2:13:00  Meza says Jews have to live as dhimmis and pay the jizya in an |Islamic State. This was certainly the case when they lived in the Ottoman Empire, but the Caliphate ended in 1922, nearly 100 years ago. 

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

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