Saturday, 23 May 2020

The nature and purpose of antisemitism [begins 2:00]

2:00  Why my moral system is better than Church of Entropy's
7:00  Entropism has no rule of law.

8:00  Why Church of Entropy says all the Abrahamic faiths are "Jewish" and should be rejected  because they are religions invented by Jews to trick and exploit credulous gentiles. Entropism is the suggested alternative even though it offers no rule of law and would establish a caste system.

9:00  The Koran has moral and divine authority and has also created Islamic empires.

10:00  Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia.

11:00  Christianity is an illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous religion.

12:00  Christian on Christian persecution continued in the New World until the First Amendment was enshrined in the American constitution.

The First Amendment was derived from the Koran.

13:00  The Pilgrim Fathers who were Puritan were regarded as subversives by the English who were Anglican.

 15:00  The neurosis of the morally compromised Western Man no longer capable of discussing important matters of principle  honestly or rationally

16:00  The slaying of sacred cows

35:00  Church of Entropy has no sense of fair play.

36:00  The strategy of Church of Entropy

22:00  My compelling narrative of the nature and purpose of religion

23:00  The logical necessity of having a religion that protects marriage and family values

24:00  The alt-right fantasising about pogrom

25:00  The job of the government is to make the working classes work.

26:00  Because the worst problems need more than one term of office to put right, no politician in a representative democracy will attempt risky unpopular reforms that would upset vested interests.

27:00  Ever lowering standards of education in the West

29:00  The ostentatious displays of knowledge and status by Church of Entropy

31:00   Church of Entropy rejects the Abrahamic faiths, the Noahide laws and proposes to replace them with Entropism. and a caste system.

32:00  Psychologically damaged ex-Christians with a raging hatred against all the Abrahamic faiths because Christianity has failed to protect them from Jews and Muslims.

33:00  The stream Church of Entropy was on

34:00   Jewish conspiracy theories

35:00   Religion protects your group

36:00  Authoritarian but never authoritarian.

37:00  Thomas Jefferson

38:00  The only rational and moral choice left

39:00   Are rules like gym equipment for the mind?

40:00  Antisemitism is caused by the Abrahamic God to punish Jews who do not promote the Noahide laws

43:00  Choosing a package of religious and moral protection ie a religion

44:00  Jews have been conferred God-like powers by the very people who hate them.  

45:00  Jewish conspiracy theories no longer even make sense.

46:00  The more absurd the Jewish conspiracy theory, the greater the display of hatred against Jews.

47:00  The alleged Jewishness of Church of Entropy

48:00  The supremacy of Jen's Jewish Conspiracy Theory and the supremacy of my Secular Koranism

49:00  The alleged Jewish trick of getting credulous gentiles to worship a dead Jew as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God for 2000 years

52:00  Will the credulous gentile finally begin to notice that they have been breaking God's commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy after 2000 years?

53:00  Antisemitism is now baked into the DNA of gentiles after so many centuries of Jews neglecting to perform their religious obligation of promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles. 


56:00  The Koran is Zionist.

59:00  To become Muslim is the reward for Jews after they have done what they were chosen by God to do

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