Monday, 18 May 2020

A rabbi calls my questions on the Trinity and Noahide laws "silly"

Before joining, I asked three questions in the chat:
  1. Do Jews have a duty to point out to Western governments that Christianity is against the Noahide laws?
  2. The Trinity is blasphemous and idolatrous to Jews, isn't it?
  3. Nobody believes that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of Hashme, do they?
  4. Isn't it true that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christianity?

1:31:00  Rabbi Meza called them "silly questions" and said I "sounded like the girlfriend" of the host who lives on another continent and is happily married.

Isn't it true that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christianity?

To this question, Meza he said no.

The host demurred and said Islam is at least monotheist and not Trinitarian.

1:32:00  Meza's answer is that Christians at least incorporate the Old Testament into their scripture.

Although Islam is a form of ethical monotheism, Meza asserts that Christianity is "more ethical".

1:33:0  Instead of asking the obvious question of why Meza thinks Christianity is more ethical than Islam, Doooovid - the product of a mixed marriage - asserts that there is nothing in the halacha that says Jews must distance themselves from Christians.

He seems to have forgotten all about the Noahide laws, which is a tick box of the righteous gentile.

If Jews go by this standard, then only Muslims satisfy the attributes of ethical monotheism.

Christianity is in fact furthest away from from the Noahide laws for not only is it idolatrous, it is also blasphemous.

What could be more blasphemous than saying an executed revolutionary who promoted idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years after his death is the co-equal of Hashem? 

But Meza asserts that Christianity is more ethical than Islam.

1:35:00 Meza argues that the fact of Christians giving more charity than Jews is a sign of their higher standard of ethical monotheism, but how can this be measured?

Doooovid disagrees and asked if there is a study demonstrating this assertion. Meza claims there is, but never says what it is.

Meza says American Christians give more to charity than American Muslims. How many charity-giving Christian Americans are there compared to charity-giving American Muslims?

The most popular religion in the U.S. is Christianity, comprising the majority of the population (73.7% of adults in 2016).

According to a 2017 study, Judaism is the religion of approximately 2% of the American population.

Islam is probably the third largest religion in numbers in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism, followed, according to Gallup, by 0.8% of the population in 2016.

Should be expecting American Muslims who are only 0.8% of the US population to give as much to charity as American Christians who are 73.7% of the American people?

1:36:00  There is no objective measure of how much to charity Christians and Muslims give in total globally, in any case. Meza suggests that zakat at 2.5% is how much Muslims give to charity.

Do all American Christians pay a tithe?

1:38:00  Muslims are more hospitable even to non-Muslims, says Doooovid. Meza says they are only hospitable to each other.

1:43:00  If Jews want to take credit for the good Christians have done, they cannot call Christianity idolatry, says Meza.


1:44:00  Christianity is popular amongst unprincipled people who are happy to pretend that they believe in an absurdity as long as they think:

a) it gives them a get out of hell free card

b) it stops them from being persecuted by their fellow Christians. The New Testament lacks any verse guaranteeing freedom of belief. The First Amendment is based on the
The First Amendment was derived from the Koran

c) it gives them a higher status to their previous religion

Christians were known for burning each other at the stake as heretics at the drop of a hat. This practice can be credited to Jews because they started it.

In Genesis 38, Judah orders Tamar—the widow of his son, living in her father's household—to be burned when she is believed to have become pregnant by an extramarital sexual relation. Tamar saves herself by proving that Judah is himself the father of her child. In the Book of Jubilees, the same story is told, with some intriguing differences, according to Caryn A. Reeder. In Genesis, Judah is exercising his patriarchal power at a distance, whereas he and the relatives seem more actively involved in Tamar's impending execution.

In Hebraic law, death by burning was prescribed for ten forms of sexual crimes: The imputed crime of Tamar, namely that a married daughter of a priest commits adultery, and nine versions of relationships considered as incestuous, such as having sex with one's own daughter, or granddaughter, but also having sex with one's mother-in-law or with one's wife's daughter.

In the Mishnah, the following manner of burning the criminal is described:

The obligatory procedure for execution by burning: They immersed him in dung up to his knees, rolled a rough cloth into a soft one and wound it about his neck. One pulled it one way, one the other until he opened his mouth. Thereupon one ignites the (lead) wick and throws it in his mouth, and it descends to his bowels and sears his bowels.

That is, the person dies from being fed molten lead.

Doooovid says the Noahide ranking of other religions is "heavily disputed".

Be that as it may, even if Islam is not completely Noahide-observant according to rabbis, it is still most Noahide-observant religion, and this must logically and necessarily be the consensus of all reasonable rabbis.

1:47:00  Meza even admits that the consensus amongst rabbis is that Islam is a "docile religion" in that it meets all the standards of the Noahide laws. Meza's view however is that Islam is idolatrous

1:48:00  I suggest that the reason why Jews won't say that Christianity is idolatry is because they don't want to antagonise the Christian Zionists of America who keep voting for more neocon wars against Muslim countries. No one addresses this point though Doooovid rambles until I interrupt him.

1:49:00  I read from the Jewish Virtual Library. 

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. 

Meza even admits that this was for business reasons and in particular the wine trade!

The Talmud warns against causing an idolater to take oaths. The commentators living in Christian Germany in the 12th century, called Tosafists, permitted Jews to bring a Christian partner to court in partnership during a breakup even though the Christian would take an oath by God, which to Christians would include Jesus, by saying that so long as another deity is not mentioned explicitly, there is no forbidden oath taking place, but only an association. Although all of the Tosafists agreed that partnerships that may lead to such an oath may not be entered into originally, they disagree as to once such a partnership exists whether or not one may go to court in order to not to lose his portion of the partnership and even though such an oath is a side-effect. In a terse comment, they wrote:

It is permissible to [cause a gentile's oath through litigation with one's non-Jewish partner because] today all swear in the name of the saints to whom no divinity is ascribed. Even though they also mention God's name and have in mind another thing, in any event no idolatrous name is actually said, and they also have the Creator of the world in mind. Even though they associate (shituf) God's name with "something else", we do not find that it is forbidden to cause others to associate (shituf), and there is no issue of placing a stumbling block before the blind (see Leviticus 19:14) [by entering into litigation with the non-Jewish business partner, thereby causing him to take an oath] because Noachides were not warned about it.

In the 16th Century, the terse comment is explained as follows by Moses Isserles, where it is seemingly expanded to allowing partnerships in the first place:

Today, it is permitted [to form a partnership with Christians], because when they swear on their holy scriptures called the Evangelion, they do not hold it to be divine. Even though when they mention God they mean Jesus, they do not mention idolatry since they really mean the Creator of heaven and earth. Even though they mention jointly (shituf) God's name and another name, there is no prohibition to cause someone to jointly mention [or associate] (shituf) God with another... since this association is not forbidden to gentiles.

1:52:00  Meza is a Mason. Freemasonry was clearly intended to unite the Abrahamic faiths.

1:54:00  I point out that I am not Muslim after Meza asks me why as a Muslim I care so much about getting Islam accepted as Noahide. For some inexplicable reason, Dooovid says it is because I am Chinese as if being Chinese and Muslim were mutually exclusive. My reason for belabouring this point is that not pointing out that Christianity is kaput is tantamount to putting up a stumbling block for the gentile non-Muslim Westerner to stumble over. When the West becomes a series of failed states after falling over this stumbling block, the minorities of the West will suffer, and Jews most of all for not promoting the Noahide lawas as they were chosen by God to do. 

1:55:00  Meza seems to think that degenerates of the West who are mostly antisemites and Islamophobes would suddenly want to become Jews. He seemed as a rabbi unaware that gentiles are only required to observe 7 Noahide laws while Jews are supposed to obey 613 laws.

1:57:00 Meza sneers at the Noahide laws. I point out that it was Jews who created that universal minimum standard. 

1:59:00  Meza denies the Noahide laws.

2:00:00  Doooovid speaks without authority about "a weighted system about what is good for Jews". He has been known to talk about the principle of not having any principles!

2:01:00  What school of Jewish ethics is Doooovid referring to when he talks about "a weighted system about what is good for Jews"? As far as I know, Doooovid has yet to present us with his Multiple Truth Hypothesis.

2:02:0  I point out that Jews would lose their status as God's Chosen People if all gentiles became Jews. It would be like inviting all the hoi polloi to join your exclusive social club.

If Judaism is an exclusive club, then Islam is a political party in a one party state.  

If God created Jews for any reason at all, it was to kick-start His project of making humanity observe the Noahide laws. Once all nations of the world became Noahide, Jews would become obsolete because their mission would be complete. In order to Noahidise the world, Jews must first see to it that Israel is at least Noahide. Once Israel adopts sharia - and Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia - Western nations and non-Western nations not already Muslim would follow suit. Once that is done, the populations inhabiting the territory of Greater Israel would in time agree to pool their sovereignty and to be under the administration of a State of Israel implementing Secular Koranism as a one party theocracy, particularly if they see such an economic and political union as conferring real benefits to them in this life.

2:04:00  The Noahide laws are not in the Torah, and are merely "a rabbinical enactment".

"Yea, He saith, 'It is too light a thing for you to be My servant, to establish the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the scions of Israel, and I shall submit you as a light unto the nations, to be My salvation until the end of the earth' Isaiah 49:6.

"I the LORD have called unto you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and submitted you as the people's covenant, as a light unto the nations" Isaiah 42:6.

"And unto your light, nations shall walk, and kings unto the brightness of your rising" Isaiah 60:3. 
In the first of these instances, Rashi interpreted 'nations' as referring to the tribes of Israel and not to the Gentiles. The second, and especially the third are clear references to other nations. The context of these three references (ch. 41–42, 49, and 60) are a prophecy of comfort (Hebrew: נבואת נחמה) and a promise to the people of Israel, in which God will restore the people of Israel to their land, and this return will cause the rest of the nations to open their eyes, and look up to the people of Israel, as well as to walk in the way of the One God.

The Noahide laws seem fair enough to me. 

2:06:00  Meza tries to frighten me by pointing out to me that it is death for gentiles who live in a Torah theocracy to be idolaters or blasphemers. Since there is no sign of a Jewish movement for a Torah theocracy in Israel, I am not in any way alarmed by this prospect. If Jews wanted to become a theocracy, they would should attempt a "starter theocracy" of Secular Koranism before going for a full-blown Torah theocracy, because that might be too much of a shock to their system. Indeed, it is generally doubted that Israel these days is even Noahide.

Non-Jews in Israel must keep Noahide laws, chief rabbi says

2:07:00  I mention America's Education and Sharing Day which was first established in 1978.

Meza calls it "a form of coercion".

2:08:00  I am invited to become Jewish.

2:10:00  I point out that the West does not have a religion effective at maintaining even minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents and this must be dangerous times for Jews and gentiles in the West. Antisemites and Islamophobes do not have the self-awareness to realise that their governments value Jews and Muslims over the atheist non-Muslim welfare claiming gentile because they are more likely to be useful citizens and less likely to be NEETs. 

Because their sacred cow is democracy rather than the long term national interest, Western politicians are now too terrified of making their working classes work and continue to keep sweeping under the carpet the problem of unmarried mothers breeding ever greater varieties and numbers of unproductive social parasites who will eat the productive out of their house and home.

Globohomo is being promoted in the West and outside the West by satanic Western governments.

2:11:00  "Islam is a much better religion than Christianity."

2:12:00  Of course each religion will claim that it is better than all the rest. If Muslim as mere Noahides really do have a lower standard of morality and fewer restrictions than Jews as Jews seem to believe, then sharia should be a walk in the park for Jews. 

2:13:00  Meza says Jews have to live as dhimmis and pay the jizya in an |Islamic State. This was certainly the case when they lived in the Ottoman Empire, but the Caliphate ended in 1922, nearly 100 years ago. 

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