Sunday, 30 May 2021

Rabbis should do teshuvah for omitting to teach the Noahide laws by teaching them to Vincent Bruno

2:00  Five stages of grief
3:00  Noahide laws
4:00  The antisemitism of the Christian narrative
5:00  Jewish emancipation by Napoleon after the French Revolution
6:00  Napoleon died Catholic having converted to Islam.
7:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
8:00  Jews mincing their words and walking on eggshells for centuries. 
9:00  The First Amendment of the American Republic
10:00 was the Trojan horse that entered the American Republic.
11:00  Trump supporters should be Secular Koranists.

OR ..... 

12:00  Religion enjoins good conduct on all nations.
14:00  White House Koran
15:00  Jefferson Bible

From 8:00

17:00  The American Republic is exceptional and indispensable to the propagation of Providential Constitutionalism. 

18:00  The Declaration of Independence states that it is self-evident that man was created equal by God thereby rejecting monarchy as a political system. Monarchy is not specifically endorsed in either the Torah or Koran.

19:00  As long as there is equality before the law, there is no requirement for the state to impose equality of outcome.  

20:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.

21:00  Is America a Christian country?

22:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion" - what religion was Washington thinking of if not Islam? 

23:00  Rabbis not teaching properly the Noahide laws.

25:00  Is Chinese ancestors worship actually idolatry?

26:00  Sexual immorality, idolatry and blasphemy

27:00  God as an idea.

28:00  Vincent Bruno

30:00  Abolition of Education and Sharing Day

34:00  Dr Michael Brown

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Muslim convert who keeps going back to the New Testament

3:00  Free speech
5:00  Church of Entropy
13:00  Who won this debate?
23:00  Marginal ideas
24:00  Denying that Christianity is kaput
25:00  Status
26:00  Diagnosing the problem correctly
28:00  Purity-spiraling
30:00  Is and should questions
31:00  Liberalism and Christianity
33:00  Koranism and Hadith
34:00  4 schools of sharia
35:00  Imam Luqman Ahmad
37:00  Nation of Islam
43:00  Fasting
44:00  Taqwa
45:00  The professional politician
46:00  Motivation
47:00  Ultimate supreme authority
48:00  Pharisees
49:00  John
50:00  Gospels
53:00  Mark the Beast
54:00  Freewill

An unexpectedly interesting chat with an Israeli Jew

24:00  DOMINGO joins.
26:00  Pantheism is not the same as pantheon.
30:00  Personal and impersonal God
31:00  Jen's impersonal God
34:00  God making us in His own image.
35:00  Abraham and Isaac
36:00  The end of child sacrifice
39:00  Co-dependency
40:00  Modern Day Debates
50:00  Logical Plausible Probable to Jen: "Are you drunk?"
59:00  Doooovid

1:04:00  MASTER TEACHER joins to discuss Albanians. 
1:06:00  "Wounded bird" 
1:07:00  SCYTH
1:09:00  "Spindly women"
1:10:00  Pelu's bad language
1:14:00  Idolatry and the concept of God
1:16:00  Islam
1:22:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
1:24:00  Domingo pretends to be Christian. 
1:25:00  "criminal cabal"
1:30:00  Jewish criminals
1:33:00  BRUNDLE
1:38:00  Jen's attention-seeking
1:39:00  Unhinged
1:40:00  Whiteness
1:44:00  Daniel rejects Domingo's use of "clownworld"
1:46:00  Unhinged and "complicit with the Jews"
1:49:00  Porn interruption
1:56:00  Whiteness
2:02:00  Raison d'etre

2:13:00  AVNER LIEBOWITZ joins.
2:17:00  Ethno-nationalism
2:19:00  Brundle: "To focus on race is to be materialist."
2:21:00  "Unionisation"
2:22:00  Brundle: "I'm hot, I'm hot."
2:23:00  Unmarried parents are not a protected group.
2:24:00  The institution of marriage
2:27:00  The nature and purpose of marriage
2:28:00  Free porn
2:29:00  Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. 
2:30:00  Marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. 
2:31:00  Ann Coulter
2:32:00  The Fourth Estate
2:34:00  The aristocracy of humanity
2:35:00  Secular Koranism and a Register of Jews
2:36:00  Christian missionaries converting Jews to Christianity

2:38:00  Dr Michael Brown and VINCENT BRUNO joins.
2:42:00  Shituf
2:43:00  Trinity
2:48:00  Dr Michael Brown
2:49:00  Sheilaism
2:51:00  Jay
2:54:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.
2:55:00  Estates of the Realm in France
2:56:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
2:57:00  Reform Jews are heretics.
2:58:00  Jewish emancipation
2:59:00  Jews are supposed to live in walking distance of their synagogue. 
3:00:00  The law of the land has to be Noahide. 
3:01:00  Controlling the interpretation of the Koran
3:02:00  George Washington's Farewell Speech showed he was against political parties.
3:04:00  Thanking God even for misfortune. 
3:05:00  If France had been a properly governed Islamic State. 
3:06:00  Jesus is God. 

3:17:00  AVNER LIEBOWITZ speaks.
Christian missionaries in Israel.
3:19:00  Christians control Israel. 
3:20:00  Israel is an American colonial outpost. 
Avner approves of my Register of Jews.  
3:21:00  Christian hypocrisy about idolatry and blasphemy

3:24:00  Nicene creed
3:25:00  Trinitarianism and shituf
3:28:00  Divine punishment for idolatry and blasphemy
3:29:00  Neturei Karta
3:30:00  Secular Jews
3:31:00  Modern Orthodox
Mark Shapiro's Limits of Theology
3:32:00  Wisdom
3:33:00  Egalitarianism
3:34:00  Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
3:35:00  A fish rots from the head down.
Rabbi Kahane
3:36:00  Israel is not even Noahide.
3:37:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
3:39:00  "Christians have a huge propaganda machine."
3:40:00  Rabbi Kahane
3:41:00  Halakha = Torah theocracy
3:42:00  Secular Koranism
3:43:00  Wheels are in motion
3:44:00  Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth
3:45:00  Rabbis prepared to rank the four gentile religion
3:46:00  Pelu
3:48:00  Christians masquerading as rabbis
3:49:00  Secular Jews going through an existential crisis
3:50:00  Jews marrying out
3:51:00  Saudi Arabia is being secularised.
3:53:00  The Fourth Estate
3:54:00  Matriarchy
3:55:00  Christians have been liberal for 50 years. 
"God is dead and we have killed him."
3:56:00  "Christianity is anti-humanity."
3:58:00  "We Jews at the bottom." 
Kiddush Hashem
3:59:00  Invited to Israel
4:00:00  Ignoring the moral imperative
4:01:00  The Media Military Industrial Security Complex
4:02:00  Kosher phones
4:03:00  "Jews don't run the world."
4:04:00  Liberal Jews
4:05:00  Trump represented a rejection of liberalism.

Friday, 28 May 2021

We should be grateful to Jews just for existing because they make us think of God and the afterlife

Time stamps of Doooovid's stream where many attempts was made to warn and advise Jen

4:00  My online community and family
6:00  The neurotic self-censorship of bigger YouTubers
7:00  Thomas Baden-Riess and Unwashed
8:00  Jury still out on vaccines and lockdown.
9:00  Divine punishment and Jews

11:00  Jews are supposed to believe that the Torah is the Word of God.
12:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
14:00  Stoned to death if you are a Jew who breaks the Sabbath
15:00  Trigger warnings on holy books

21:00  Fornication
24:00  Why we should be grateful to Jews
25:00  Jewish privilege
26:00  How many death penalties would a Jew have accumulated within one lifetime?
27:00  Why a Jew might want to convert to Islam
30:00  Christian section in hell
33:00  Usury
34:00  How I would have rolled out the vaccines

The vaccine should have been first given to people in their 60s, then those in their 20s, then in their 50s, then in their 30s, then in their 40s.  

Then people in their 70s.  

60s because they are the most vulnerable and maybe still working or just retired.  

20s because they are need to do the work (if the virus is virulent enough to make them ill and die).  

50s is the next vulnerable age group down.  

30s to be fair to the young.  

40s to make sure everyone from their 20s to 60s is vaccinated. 

I think that is fair enough.  

Thursday, 27 May 2021

The problem of Sheilaism

2:00  Sitting in your car but never going anywhere in it
4:00  Moral systems
5:00  Pretending to support a moral or belief system
7:00  Sheilism is individual spirituality.
8:00  Morality is a group activity. 
9:00  Individual conceptions of God
10:00  Heaven's Gate cult
11:00  Characteristics of cult leadership
12:00  Jim Jones
13:00  Death cult
16:00  The Abrahamic God who gave humanity laws
17:00  Christianity
20:00  Secular Koranism
21:00  Hegel also indulged in Sheilaism.
24:00  Female supporters of Secular Koranism
25:00  Shunning and avoiding nihilists
26:00  When was the last time you defended a principle?
29:00  Sheilaism
31:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
36:00  Robert Barnes
37:00  Nick Fuentes
41:00  Sheilaism
42:00  Religion is being part of a religious community.
43:00  Walking to synagogue
44:00  People who don't care about words are lazy thinkers who are unprincipled.

Divine Punishment

1)  Jews would be punished according to the Torah. If they are not punished in this life for its 36 capital offences, then it must be assumed that they will in the next life, bearing in mind that each broken Sabbath attracts the death penalty of stoning as well as idolatry, blasphemy, sodomy, adultery, inciting others to commit idolatry etc. Paul the heretical Jew would have attracted innumerable death sentences for each Christian that ever lived. It is of course open to Jews to convert to Islam before death to escape a separate stoning to death for each missed Sabbath and other sins committed that would attract the death penalty. 

2) Christians would have their own special section in hell for being idolaters and blasphemers.  

3) Muslims would be punished for what are considered transgressions in the Koran which does not have 36 capital offences. The only death penalty specifically mentioned is that of crucifixion for rebels.

4) Agnostics and atheists would  be reincarnated as Muslims to try again having been properly informed of God's laws in the Koran. 

This is how I would organise the punishment of sinners if I were the Administrator of Hades.

Antisemites and Islamophobes

Are people who call themselves Christians really atheists and nihilists as well as antisemites and Islamophobes pretending to be idolaters and blasphemers to mock God and His believers in this life while they can?

If these Christians are antisemites, it is because they envy Jews for being God's Chosen People and question God in making Jews His Chosen People, which is blasphemy.  

If they are Islamophobes then they have a phobia which is an irrational hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam. Because they are already suffering from irrationality, they have already lost the argument, since it is clearly more rational to be Muslim if you believe in the Abrahamic God and want to get to heaven but do not want to be guilty of idolatry and blasphemy.  

Even rational Jews must realise it is easier to get into heaven as a Muslim than as a Jew since there are 36 capital offences in the Torah. Presumably, if Jews are not punished in this life for these offences, they would be punished in the next. 

And of course Jews can be Islamophobes too.

If God exists and there is an afterlife, will there be a special section for Christians?

There is no reason why any Jew or Muslim should lose an argument to a Christian because Christians - people known to worship a deceased Jew convicted of blasphemy - knew a long time ago that the Trinity was morally and intellectually indefensible. That was why they had to use violence to ensure that those whom they forcibly converted remained Christian. That was why burning heretics was such a well-known Christian practice.

The only reason why any Jew or Muslim would lose an argument to a Christian is if they are too afraid to point out to their Christian overlords that Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers.

Presumably, God will punish them too. There will be a section of hell specially reserved for Jews and Muslims too afraid to point out to their idolatrous and blasphemous Christian overlord that the religion of their Christian overlord is idolatry and blasphemy.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Rabbi Yaron Reuven on the consequences of Christian idolatry

Sanhedrin 43a on Sefaria

מתני׳ מצאו לו זכות פטרוהו ואם לאו יצא ליסקל וכרוז יוצא לפניו איש פלוני בן פלוני יוצא ליסקל על שעבר עבירה פלונית ופלוני ופלוני עדיו כל מי שיודע לו זכות יבא וילמד עליו:
MISHNA: If, after the condemned man is returned to the courthouse, the judges find a reason to acquit him, they acquit him and release him immediately. But if they do not find a reason to acquit him, he goes out to be stoned. And a crier goes out before him and publicly proclaims: So-and-so, son of so-and-so, is going out to be stoned because he committed such and such a transgression. And so-and-so and so-and-so are his witnesses. Anyone who knows of a reason to acquit him should come forward and teach it on his behalf.

גמ׳ אמר אביי וצריך למימר ביום פלוני ובשעה פלונית ובמקום פלוני דילמא איכא דידעי ואתו ומזים להו:
GEMARA: Abaye says: And the crier must also publicly proclaim that the transgression was committed on such and such a day, at such and such an hour, and at such and such a place, as perhaps there are those who know that the witnesses could not have been in that place at that time, and they will come forward and render the witnesses conspiring witnesses.

וכרוז יוצא לפניו לפניו אין מעיקרא לא והתניא בערב הפסח תלאוהו לישו והכרוז יוצא לפניו מ' יום ישו יוצא ליסקל על שכישף והסית והדיח את ישראל כל מי שיודע לו זכות יבא וילמד עליו ולא מצאו לו זכות ותלאוהו בערב הפסח
The mishna teaches that a crier goes out before the condemned man. This indicates that it is only before him, i.e., while he is being led to his execution, that yes, the crier goes out, but from the outset, before the accused is convicted, he does not go out. The Gemara raises a difficulty: But isn’t it taught in a baraita: On Passover Eve they hung the corpse of Jesus the Nazarene after they killed him by way of stoning. And a crier went out before him for forty days, publicly proclaiming: Jesus the Nazarene is going out to be stoned because he practiced sorcery, incited people to idol worship, and led the Jewish people astray. Anyone who knows of a reason to acquit him should come forward and teach it on his behalf. And the court did not find a reason to acquit him, and so they stoned him and hung his corpse on Passover eve.

אמר עולא ותסברא בר הפוכי זכות הוא מסית הוא ורחמנא אמר (דברים יג, ט) לא תחמול ולא תכסה עליו אלא שאני ישו דקרוב למלכות הוה
Ulla said: And how can you understand this proof? Was Jesus the Nazarene worthy of conducting a search for a reason to acquit him? He was an inciter to idol worship, and the Merciful One states with regard to an inciter to idol worship: “Neither shall you spare, neither shall you conceal him” (Deuteronomy 13:9). Rather, Jesus was different, as he had close ties with the government, and the gentile authorities were interested in his acquittal. Consequently, the court gave him every opportunity to clear himself, so that it could not be claimed that he was falsely convicted.

ת"ר חמשה תלמידים היו לו לישו מתאי נקאי נצר ובוני ותודה אתיוהו למתי אמר להו מתי יהרג הכתיב (תהלים מב, ג) מתי אבוא ואראה פני אלהים אמרו לו אין מתי יהרג דכתיב (שם מא, ו) מתי ימות ואבד שמו
Apropos the trial of Jesus, the Gemara cites another baraita, where the Sages taught: Jesus the Nazarene had five disciples: Mattai, Nakai, Netzer, Buni, and Toda. They brought Mattai in to stand trial. Mattai said to the judges: Shall Mattai be executed? But isn’t it written: “When [matai] shall I come and appear before God?” (Psalms 42:3). Mattai claimed that this verse alludes to the fact he is righteous. They said to him: Yes, Mattai shall be executed, as it is written: “When [matai] shall he die, and his name perish?” (Psalms 41:6).

אתיוהו לנקאי אמר להו נקאי יהרג הכתיב (שמות כג, ז) ונקי וצדיק אל תהרוג אמרו לו אין נקאי יהרג דכתיב (תהלים י, ח) במסתרים יהרג נקי
Then they brought Nakai in to stand trial. Nakai said to the judges: Shall Nakai be executed? But isn’t it written: “And the innocent [naki] and righteous you shall not slay” (Exodus 23:7)? They said to him: Yes, Nakai shall be executed, as it is written: “In secret places he kills the innocent [naki]” (Psalms 10:8).

אתיוהו לנצר אמר נצר יהרג הכתיב (ישעיה יא, א) ונצר משרשיו יפרה אמרו לו אין נצר יהרג דכתיב (שם יד, יט) ואתה השלכת מקברך כנצר נתעב
Then they brought Netzer in to stand trial. He said to the judges: Shall Netzer be executed? But isn’t it written: “And a branch [netzer] shall grow out of his roots” (Isaiah 11:1)? They said to him: Yes, Netzer shall be executed, as it is written: “But you are cast out of your grave like an abhorred branch [netzer]” (Isaiah 14:19).

אתיוהו לבוני אמר אמר בוני יהרג הכתיב (שמות ד, כב) בני בכורי ישראל אמרו לי' אין בוני יהרג דכתיב (שם, כג) הנה אנכי הורג את בנך בכורך
Then they brought Buni in to stand trial. Buni said to the judges: Shall Buni be executed? But isn’t it written: “My firstborn son [beni] is Israel” (Exodus 4:22)? They said to him: Yes, Buni shall be executed, as it is written: “Behold, I shall kill your firstborn son [binkha]” (Exodus 4:23).

אתיוהו לתודה אמר תודה יהרג הכתיב (תהלים ק, א) מזמור לתודה אמרו לו אין תודה יהרג דכתיב (שם נ, כג) זובח תודה יכבדנני
Then they brought Toda in to stand trial. Toda said to the judges: Shall Toda be executed? But isn’t it written: “A psalm of thanksgiving [toda]” (Psalms 100:1)? They said to him: Yes, Toda shall be executed, as it is written: “Whoever slaughters a thanks-offering [toda] honors Me” (Psalms 50:23).

From 2:19:00

2:30:00  Jesus was convicted of inciting idol worship. 

2:31:00  Jesus had close ties with the government. 

2:40:00  Christians are too comfortable with God.

2:44:00  People of the Book

2:45:00  King David
Ruth was a Moabite.

2:51:00  Censorship of the Talmud by the Church

The Rambam won the debate against Christianity and had to flee the country. 

2:52:00  "In the name of Jesus", Christians convert Jews to idolatry. 

2:53:00  Seventh Day Adventists

2:54:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity

"All Christians have a common belief in something that is wrong."

2:56:00  Jewish fear of their Christian overlords

2:59:00  Jesus

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Rabbi Mizrachi's Mitvot Credit System similar in conception to China's Social Credit System

1:00:00  The Torah as therapy - it keeps the evil inclination at bay.
1:08:00  Rabbi Mizrachi's Mitvot Credit System similar in conception to China's Social Credit System

Monday, 24 May 2021

Did Stefan Molyneux's Jewish mother suffer from mental illness because of her eating disorder?

6:00  Cotto-Gottfried
7:00  Paul Gottfried's Paleoconservatism
9:00  Jews afraid of offending their Christian overlords
10:00  Dialogue > Monologue
11:00  Being ignored by Stefan Molyneux
12:00  My secondary channel HardKhaw Prawn
13:00  A philosophical political and moral philosopher
15:00  How Stefan Molyneux forgave his mother
16:00  Freewill and determinism
18:00  Blaming our parents for ruining our lives
19:00  What if mum and dad were Fred and Rosemary West?
Mental illness
20:00  Senile dementia
21:00  Undiagnosed mental illness
22:00  An eating disorder is evidence of mental illness.
Mens rea
23:00  Intention, recklessness, negligence
24:00  Intellectual narcissists
25:00  Unprincipled risk-averse atheists 

26:00  Apparently, according to Stefan Molyneux, only Christians and people who agree with his Universally Preferable Behaviour have moral agency. 

27:00  Correction and the morally corrupting bargain of Christianity
28:00  Mentally ill mental defectives
29:00  Fourth Estate
30:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
31:00  Estates of the realm
32:00  Media Military Industrial Security Complex
33:00  Higher Power
34:00 Stefan Molyneux's denial that Christianity is kaput
35:00  Atheists are particularly vulnerable to the personality disorder of narcissism. 
36:00  My findings should be acknowledged by another philosopher eg Stefan Molyneux.
39:00  My challenge to Stefan Molyneux

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Should Jews face outwards to the world or turn inwards?

Obviously, we need to be of the world as we are in the world, but should not fall into bad company. Obviously, righteous Jews should shun the company of unrighteous Jews as well as unrighteous gentiles, but who is a righteous gentile? Obviously, each gentile should be judged on his or her own merits. The Noahide laws are a way of measuring the righteousness of gentile nations through the conformity of their legislation to the Noahide laws. There is a rabbinical consensus that Islam is the most Noahide of all the gentile religions and Christianity the least because of its idolatry and blasphemy, less Noahide than even obviously idolatrous Hinduism. It is also abundantly clear that rabbis refuse to rank the four gentile religions so that Islam is top of the tree and Christianity bottom of the heap because Jews do not want to risk offending their Christian overlords whose Christian Zionism support the secular State of Israel, the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.  

The territorial dispute between Israel and Hamas is really a red herring. It is clear that there nothing the secular State of Israel can do that will satisfy the unstated grievance of the Palestinian Arabs. Hamas are too polite to say this, but they are trying to tell Israeli Jews that just as in Rome you must do as the Romans do, in the Middle East you must also do as the Middle Easterners do, and that is to live under sharia. Perhaps Hamas does not even know that this is what they want, but what else could it be?

And once Israel is a theocracy of some sort, a one state solution can become possible. 

The world already knows that Jews have not lived in their own theocracy for 2000 years and that half the world population of Jews are secular.

The world that also knows about the history of Jews would also expect Israel of all places should be a theocracy, but they also know that most Israelis worship the idol of liberal democracy with its clay feet rather than Hashem.

If Jews are indeed fit for the purpose of being light unto the nations as a kingdom of priests, then Israeli Jews are religiously obliged to live in a theocracy. I don't think God is much fussed about whether it is a Torah theocracy or a Koran theocracy as long as it is a theocracy. Israel just has to apply for permission from the Americans to become a theocracy to go through the proper channels. It seems likely that the application will be granted because Americans are also tired of liberal democracy and enough of them might even relish the opportunity of considering whether to become one itself as its Declaration of Independence and Washington's valedictory speech hints it should be.  

The beauty of hierarchy

If I have a solution but you don't, then I am ahead of you in solving the problem. 

If you don't like my solution, find a better one or undermine my proposal by showing that it is not based on sound information, sound reasoning or sound principles.  

If you cannot do this, you have lost the argument.

Liberals, nihilists, moral relativists and egalitarians find it difficult to accept this. Because they are narcissists, they think they have the right to like the cure to their mortal disease in the way that they think someone whose leg has turned black has the right to enjoy the amputation that will save his life.

Why we should behave as if we believed in the Abrahamic God even if we don't

If the Abrahamic God exists, and all good and evil come from God, then suffering must be a punishment for sin. If punishment comes from sin, then all we have to do is correct ourselves.

Which sin would God most punish if He exists? I would say idolatry and blasphemy because these are forbidden in the Ten Commandments and the Noahide laws. 

The three global empires so far have been Christian.

Those claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God who reject the Noahide laws because they are Jewish are antisemites and those who reject Islam as being the second and final revelation of God for gentiles are Islamophobes. 

To be an Islamophobe is to have already lost the argument since the person with the irrational argument loses to the person with the rational argument.  

To be an antisemite is to reject God's ordering of the Universe.  

To claim to believe in the Abrahamic God and deny the status of Jews as God's Chosen People as well as the Noahide laws is ipso facto a rejection of God's ordering of the Universe as well as reason, since the entire basis of Christian belief is based on the story of the Jews.

The irony and absurdity of Christianity is that it is a religion of antisemites that requires Christians to worship a Jew.

To reject Islam while refusing to read the Koran when already aware of the failure and absurdity of Christianity is to suffer from Islamophobia.

At this stage, the punishment for willful blindness to the sin of idolatry while claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God who has explicitly and specifically forbidden it can only be wondered at.

Mental illness

How does one tactfully raise the subject that someone posting on social media is mentally ill? 

It is interesting that the mentally ill attracts people who are mentally ill or who are, like me, interested in the study of mental illness.

Mental illness is measured by the extent from which you deviate from Truth, Logic and Morality.    

If you believe in crazy conspiracy theories for reasons you cannot explain and make proposals that are obviously immoral or criminal while being unable even as a philosopher to engage on the nature of Truth, Logic and Morality, then you may be suffering from mental illness. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a form of mental illness dangerous because it makes you ignore Truth, Logic and Morality if its conclusions have the effect of making you feel foolish and small.  

It is unfortunately the case for those of living in the West that many nihilists and narcissists are already in senior positions of power who are protected by other nihilists and narcissists.

Shortening the chaos and inconvenience in the transition from matriarchy to theocracy

Maybe God if He exists created the Universe just for us just to "wow" us.

Isaac Asimov's Foundation series about a Galactic Empire about to collapse had no intelligent beings capable of sustaining a civilisation other than humans.

The series was about Hari Seldon's mission to reduce the period of chaos from 30,000 years to just 1,000 years between the collapse of one galactic empire to the founding of the next.

Asimov was a Jew.

The alien idea of Secular Koranism

Think of my solution of Secular Koranism bursting out of Western Man in the same way that the alien emerged from the chest of John Hurt in Alien ...

But will they pretend it was all their own idea in the first place?  

After all, it is all so obvious if you think of it.

Nihilists deaf and blind to their moral imperative

Your women are a resource and men must husband them or their society and civilisation will turn into a swamp of moral sewage. I really don't know how to make this any clearer so I must conclude that the men I am talking to are all stupid or are just pretending to be stupid. 

Why would already stupid men pretend to be even more stupid than they already are? 

It must be because they are trying to avoid acting on the moral imperative that they know they must follow once they have acknowledged that their society and civilisation has turned into a degenerate matriarchy. 
They must fight it and must sacrifice their life, limb and property to defeat it, but it seems they are nihilists to a man - deaf and blind to their moral imperative. Sacrificing anything at all is exactly what these nihilists with no principles to defend - not even the principle of submitting to truth, logic and morality - wish to avoid.

Put starkly and simply, these men would rather not have the inconvenience and expense of marrying a woman and paying for her children as well as the trial and tribulations of staying married to her in order to parent the children of the marriage properly, particularly as they now have the option of "equal marriage" and fornication as a way of life that is part of Western culture. 

The problem therefore solves itself: men who are too afraid to speak truth to the power of matriarchy - which is about bribing men with less expensive forms of sex than married sex - do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation. Soon, they will have no civilisation left to defend.

Who is a nihilist?

The sheeple are nihilists. They are the ones who do not care why a leader became leader and do not wish to clutter their minds up with the whys and wherefores, but will just follow and obey whoever is declared by the Fourth Estate to be leader.

The Fourth Estate however is peopled by nihilists.

Are nihilists evil people?

They are just people who do not understand the issues or do know what they are supposed to do as moral men but do not do what they should because they anticipate failure. They would be beta males who know they lack the courage, charisma and wisdom to win. But what about senior men with leadership qualities in positions of power? They would be too afraid of the matriarchy to say boo to the feminist goose because they do not want to be cancelled either.

Atheists who sincerely believe that this life is all that they have will believe themselves to be fools if they make any sacrifice for the greater good and suffer cancellation in this life.

Theists who believe that this life is just an examination hall in which they are sitting an exam for getting to the good place in the afterlife might perhaps be inclined to make the necessary sacrifices to promote the greater good, but even this is no guarantee.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother. Men in a matriarchy either think and behave like unprincipled immoral women or actually want to become women and are encouraged by their governments to do so.

No good will come of this.

If all the men have become women in theory and in practice, who will protect the women?


If masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend the patriarchy, Western men are now infamous for lacking masculinity. It used to be the case that a man would get angry with you for insulting his masculinity, but now he literally has none for you to insult.

Western Man has meekly allowed Western Woman to define patriarchy, and patriarchy is now equated with domestic violence.

Patriarchy is only useful to men and women who want to become married parents and stay married to properly parent their legitimate offspring so that their children can become useful citizens and a credit to them, but the institutions of marriage and family have now been comprehensively desecrated. Hardly anyone wants to become a married parent, which means the average age of the nation will continue to rise and take on the character of an ageing neurotic spinster who is also an unmarried mother angry at the men of her society for leaving her in the lurch holding the baby. Anti-male legislation from the matriarchy is caused by this perception.

Nihilists masquerading as liberals

Nihilists - people who have no moral principles they care to defend - masquerading as liberals avoiding questions is the scourge of our times. Nihilism is a product of atheism and atheism is a product of liberalism which long ago replaced Christianity. Liberalism has been rejected by 75 million Americans who reject the "benefits" of neocon wars and neoliberal mass immigration. Now, not even liberal intellectuals can agree on the principles of liberalism.

Liberalism comes from the French and American Revolutions. Neither would have occurred if both the French and the British settlers of America had been properly governed under Koranic principles.
The founding of the American Republic was a decisive rejection of monarchy. There is nothing in either the Torah or the Koran that specifically endorses the monarchy.

We know Kingdom of Israel declined after the death of King Solomon and we know monarchy was not a success for fratricidal Muslim princes killing their brothers to become king.

In the non-Muslim world, we already that the Qing Emperor even with all his concubines and all his sons could not stop the Qing Dynasty from being the last imperial dynasty of China.

God if He exists rejects monarchy but smiles on the rule of law. The Book of Judges tells us that it is only through the rule of law that nations and empires are sustained.

A society governed by what are believed to be God's laws is known as a theocracy.

Israeli Jews do not live a theocracy and show no signs of wanting to be a Torah theocracy, but Muslims operate six sharia theocracies.

Liberalism is cushion that bears the imprint of the buttocks that most recently sat on it. Conservatism in Britain is now associated with gay marriage because Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron legalised gay marriage.

Why do Westerners prefer a system where laws are made and changed by corrupt and incompetent here today and gone tomorrow politicians?

It must be mental illness or a learning disability.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Allah and Algebra

We disagree on God's existence. 

Neither of us can convince the other of God's existence or non-existence, but we know, even if we ourselves will never know in our lifetimes, that the Abrahamic God either exists or not.

This is the ultimate objective truth that exists in theory which we will never know in practice in our lifetimes. 

But whether the Abrahamic God exists, His purpose is clear: Man created Him because Man needs to know that there is something in theory that knows everything there is to know: that objective truth in theory exists even if we cannot possibly know what it is ourselves, just as the future exists even though we may die before it arrives.

Think of God therefore as the whole of everything in the Universe, and more, and ourselves as a parts of it. In the same way that algebra is a reunion of broken parts, acknowledgement of the existence of the concept of the Abrahamic God is what unites us with the rest of Creation. 

There is no need to literally believe, but once we contemplate the reality of the existence of this idea in theory, we will slide ineluctably into contemplation of this idea in practice and in reality.

Terron Poole and I discuss why my questions to Imam Luqman Ahmad were wrong

1:00  Muhammad Ali
2:00  Different problems now
3:00  Family breakdown in the Black American family
4:00  Immigrant Muslim community
5:00  White Muslims converts
6:00  Thanksgiving and Fourth of July
9:00  Not a Black Nationalist
10:00  Black American Muslims need their own space.
11:00  Non-American Muslims are perceived to be more Muslim than American Muslims. 
12:00  Asking the wrong questions
13:00  Salafis and Sufis
14:00  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

20:00  Creed
22:00  Third Principle of Judaism 
24:00  Secular Koranism
25:00  Separation of church and state
26:00  Has God been separated from the state if the church has been separated from the state? 
27:00  Islam did not have a European Wars of Religion.
28:00  Sectarianism is forbidden by the Koran.
29:00  Southern Baptist hellfire and brimstone
30:00  Reading the Koran
32:00  Unacknowledged motivations of belief or claiming to believe
34:00  The only mosque in town
35:00  Barbara Pym
36:00  National/government/official Islam

37:00  Republican or Democrat? Labour or Tory? Tomato or tomayto? Potato or Potahto? Let's call democracy off and have a one-party state! 

39:00  Why should the answer be different depending on who is asking?
41:00  Getting distracted
42:00  American Islam
43:00  Black people are indigenous to the United States. 
46:00  State and Federal Secular Koranism
47:00  The First Amendment was based on

51:00  Legal traditions are generic. 
52:00  Cultural appropriation
53:00  Cross-fertilisation of ideas
54:00  Aristotle and the Uncaused First Cause
55:00  Judaism
56:00  The Abrahamic God and the rule of law embodied in the Ten Commandments
57:00  Hammurabi the Babylonian
58:00  Breaking your own rules
59:00  Gay marriage and transgenderism
Dog training
1:00:00  All good and evil come from God. 
1:02:00  Then all suffering is punishment for sin. 
1:03:00  Thanking God even for misfortune.

Every cloud has a sliver lining. 

When one door closes another opens. 

1:04:00  God never promised us a rose garden. 

1:05:00  My belief in God is suspected. 
1:06:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles.
1:07:00  The Koran does not support monarchy.  
1:08:00  God knows and you do not. 
1:09:00  My movie analogy
1:10:00  The moral principles of the Koran
1:11:00  Jews owe a duty to a gentile to teach properly the Noahide laws. 

In Rome, do as the Romans do. 
In the Middle East, do as the Middle Easterners do and live under sharia. 

1:14:00  The Ottoman Empire legalised sodomy.
1:15:00  What is natural? 

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Explaining relations between the Haredim and Secularim in Israel to Dennis Dale

1:00  The Fourth Estate is the First Estate.

American Muslim expresses anxieties associated with the alt-right

3:00  The laws in operation now are neither Christian nor liberal.
4:00  Israel
5:00  Orthodox Jews get it.
The operation of liberal democracy in Israel.
6:00  Tel Aviv
7:00  Haredim v Secularim
8:00  Military coups all over the West?
9:00  Converting gentiles to Reform Judaism so they can become Israeli citizens
10:00  Rabbi Mizrachi has been complaining that religious Jews are not welcome in Israel. 
11:00  The rabbi of Messianic Judaism

13:00  Rabbi Kahane
14:00  Israel-US relations
18:00  E Michael Jones
19:00  Greg Johnson

21:00  My proposed American road trip
24:00  Mount Rushmore
25:00  The Woke Age Collapse
Yin and Yang
28:00  The currency of sex
29:00  The national character is Blanche Dubois
31:00  The price of sex is the problem. 

32:00  Western Woman hates Western Man.

33:00  Freedom of contract
The First Amendment
34:00  The Fourth Estate
35:00  America has become a victim of its own success.
The bread and circuses of Rome
36:00  The American worker is not protected. 
37:00  Corporate America

38:00  George Washington didn't approve of parties.

39:00  Birdsong on social media

40:00  Why does E Michael Jones think Catholicism is the answer for America?

Monroe Doctrine
Spanish American War
WASP supremacy
41:00  Non-Protestant Christianity is not going to take over America.

41:00  The First Amendment is based on
44:00  Anti-Catholic discrimination in the US
45:00  Sheilaism
46:00  Heaven's Gate
The God of a narcissist is himself but with divine qualities. 
47:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Moral relativism

48:00  It is impossible for an army operating on egalitarian principles to be militarily effective. 

49:00  A shared national narrative

National Socialism with Chinese and Russian Characteristics

50:00  One-party state
51:00  The Han Chinese
The last dynasty of China was the Qing Dynasty which was not Han. 
52:00  Unitary state
Richard Spencer
India under Partition
53:00  Sex Revolution

54:00  Acknowledging mistakes and doing a U turn

Western Man must negotiate with Western Woman. 

56:00  The greatest regret of feminist women

57:00  The Fourth Estate
58:00  Gender relations
59:00  The price of sex

1:00:00  Men have no choice but to take women as they come. 

1:01:00  The bad parenting of unmarried mothers
Most parents are unmarried parents in the UK.
1:02:00  Ann Coulter

1:03:00  Most men accept the bribe of cheap sex.
Sackcloth and ashes

1:04:00  The First Amendment of the American Republic destroyed belief in the Trinity.
1:05:00  All the major world religions support marriage and family values.
1:06:00  My political career in Portland
1:07:00  Jay
1:08:00  Trump
1:09:00  The Hollywood Ending for this American story
1:12:00  Don't apostasise from Secular Koranism like Jon Vance and end up in jail! 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Modern Western philosophy is the rejection of objective truth and the propagation of nonsense

Modern Western philosophy is mostly a fraud on its students and laughing in their faces. It is the cultivated study of nonsense. It is not even about defining, acquiring or measuring wisdom. It is the rejection of objective truth.

Causation is constantly argued over. It is actually easier to assume that all good and evil is from God and correct our behavior if we perceive we are being punished. Even if God does not exist, this perspective allows groups to remain in existence and apart from others, which is the basis of national identity. Following the laws believed to be from God makes it easier to correct our mistakes. The minds hardest to change are the minds of atheists and nihilists with a little patch to protect, mindful of their meagre achievements, tactically refusing to engage. They are the obstructive bloody minded petty officials of our time.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Suggested letter for Muslims to send to Orthodox rabbis

"Dear Orthodox Rabbi

I understand that according to the late Rabbi Schneerson, Jews have a duty to teach the Noahide laws so that gentile nations will become righteous gentile nations safe for Jews to assimilate into.

It is not currently safe for Jews to assimilate into any gentile nation that is not a righteous gentile nation, until they have Noahidised the world.  

Sadly, the West still sees itself as Christian. The three global empires of the West have been Christian and this means the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity is global three times over.  

It is even possible that the pandemic was provoked by God's irritation at the global idolatry and blasphemy that have gone round the world three times which Jews and Muslims have collectively failed to prevent or discourage. 

We must be mindful of God's omniscience and how likely He is to have heard of the "three strikes and you're out" rule in baseball.  

It is regrettable indeed that no Muslim leader in living memory has yet obeyed the religious obligation commanded of them by God at but perhaps with appropriate rabbinical guidance, this omission will soon be rectified for the good of humanity. Otherwise, it is feared that our global village turned into Sodom and Gomorrah by the American imperialists and their running dogs will attract the same punishment. 

According to Claire Khaw of Secular Koranism, the quickest and best way for Jews to do this is for rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

According to her, Islam would be the most Noahide because it is closest to Judaism, followed by Buddhism because it is atheist, followed by Hinduism because it is idolatry. Christianity is less Noahide than Hinduism because it is both idolatry and blasphemy because Christians have been worshiping a crucified man as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God for 2000 years.  

Would you agree with her ranking below?

1) Islam
2) Buddhism
3) Hinduism
4) Christianity

A yes would suffice, but if the answer is no, please give reasons.  

I await to receive your rabbinical guidance on this matter.

A Muslim"

Sunday, 16 May 2021

How would God if He exists decide in the territorial dispute between Arab Muslims and Jewish liberal democrats?

The best way of deciding on matters in dispute is to decide what matters are not in dispute.

There is fighting in Israel again - not in dispute.

Who started it - in dispute.

If everything is from God, then we are to deduce what God wants and this can be done through reading the scripture He was supposed to have revealed: the Torah for Jews (very punishing and very restrictive) and the Koran for gentiles (less punishing and restrictive). Islam has been said to be Judaism Lite. 

God if He exists would want Israel to be a theocracy.  

If Israeli Jews are not up to a Torah theocracy, they can adopt the lower standard of "Islam Lite" that is Secular Koranism which guarantees freedom of belief with 2:256 of the Koran. ("There is no compulsion in belief.")

Would the rockets from Hamas stop immediately if Israeli Jews announced they are considering giving up liberal democracy and living more Biblically to get on with their Muslim neighbours better?

Israel as a liberal democracy is clearly an affront to Muslims in the Middle East.  

Westerners themselves are getting tired of it too. 

The "benefits" of liberal democracy ie neocon wars and neoliberal mass immigration were rejected by Trump and his supporters in November 2020. The perception in the West and the rest of the world is that the election was stolen from nearly 75 million Americans.  

If the American political establishment had to cheat to get the result the neoliberals and neocons wanted, then liberal democracy died in November 2020.  

It is all over for liberal democracy anyway. The increased ferocity of the attacks by Hamas on Israel shows that they already know this. 

Perhaps when a senile Uncle Sam finally leaves Israel in the lurch, the Israelis will realise this. 

How many Jews in America voted Democrat and cheered when the election was stolen from Trump? 

According to the Torah, non-observant Jews are not even supposed to exist and American Jews in America who voted for the globohomo Democrats can hardly be said to have been observant Jews, can they?

America will soon lose the ability to protect its protectorate in the Middle East and then what will happen?

Israel has had four elections in two years since April 2019. I suppose there is still time for them to squeeze in another one or two before they get to 2023.  

Would God if He exists support liberal democracy and Israel?

If God had to choose between Jews who support globohomo in a liberal democracy and Muslims who want to live under sharia in the Middle East, who would He favour? 

And if He makes His feelings on the matter clear in the Middle East, will Western nations finally take liberal democracy out with the trash and bury its stinking rotten corpse? 

If you believe everything is for the good won't that make you insensitive to people's pain?

0:30  Gentiles sometimes believe that things will get worse before they get better.

1:00  Are there as many as ten righteous men in the whole of the globohomo American empire? If so, there must be some righteous rabbis and gentiles prepared to discuss my idea of ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, but apparently not. Ollie has not discussed the Noahide laws even once on his channel and is probably finding it hard to get any rabbi to discuss them because I know from experience that rabbis are mostly terrified of discussing them properly. I couldn't even get a dayan to discuss them with me, even the one bold enough to say that Jews should sacrifice their lives rather than submit to their children being taught globohomo in British primary schools. I wonder if Ollie has considered Rabbi Ben Abrahamson who is at least not an out and out Islamophobe and prepared to say that Islam is Noahide at

2:00  If Jews want to participate in the process of getting the world to follow God's laws ie Noahidise the world, then shouldn't they be teaching properly the Noahide laws? And isn't the best way of teaching the Noahide laws through the ranking of the four gentile religions to establish which gentile religion is the one most acceptable to the Abrahamic God?

3:00 Isn't Ollie at least motivated in finding a rabbi prepared to argue in favour of ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with Noahide laws?  If he can't then can't he find a rabbi at least prepared to denounce the idea of ranking them? Or is there a rabbinical conspiracy not to discuss the Noahide laws or at all? If there is indeed such a conspiracy, what does it tell you about Jews and Judaism fulfilling their religious obligation to properly teach the Noahide laws?

4:00  If the global culture war is between Liberal Democracy and Islam, which team does Rabbi Friedman think is the winning team?

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Claire Khaw, Honest Broker of Peace in the Middle East, Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

6:00  The Nobel Peace Prize for Trump too. 
8:00  Religious and Jews of Israel and their role in Secular Koranism
9:00  My peace plan
10:00  I am the intersection for nationalists, Jews and Muslims.
11:00  The shenanigans of the Fourth Estate
12:00  Estates of the Realm

13:00  The rule of law in Christian Europe came from the Torah.

14:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

15:00  The dysgenics of the matriarchy must be acknowledged by the Fourth Estate.

16:00  The rottenness of the body politic of Western nations

17:00  The grenade in the ballroom

18:00  Feminised and infantilised men
19:00  Stupid and scared men
21:00  Worm-like creatures crawling around masquerading as men
22:00  Israel is a liberal democracy.

23:00  Brexiteers and Trump supporters are heretics to liberal democrats. 

24:00  Is liberal democracy really divine?

25:00  The Fourth Estate has become the First Estate.

26:00  Liberalism is for losers.
27:00  Uncle Sam will be leaving Israel in the lurch. 

28:00  God and Muslims are sick of Jews worshiping their idol of liberal democracy.

29:00  Time to take liberal democracy out with the trash and bury its stinking rotten corpse. 
32:00  Israel
33:00  Sharia

34:00  Rabbis too afraid of ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws because they don't want to offend their Christian overlords because if done correctly Christianity will be bottom of the heap and Islam top of the tree.

35:00  Military coup 
37:00  Clueless corrupt leaders
40:00  Rahab

42:00  Western men prefer to avoid the moral imperative of challenging and defeating their matriarchy because they are gutless wimps.  

43:00  Denial is a feminine vice.
44:00  Men more frightened than women.  

45:00  Men in a matriarchy are faced with the prospect of half the population holding them in hatred, ridicule and contempt because all men in a matriarchy are lower in status than the unmarried mother.

47:00  My interest in psychiatry

A surprisingly pretty picture of the night sky in Israel in May 2021

Jews should think of the rockets as God sending them signs of His displeasure that Jews are not yet under sharia if they cannot bring themselves to be a Torah theocracy. He has after all given them a choice of two, and one of them does not have 36 capital offences.


Thursday, 13 May 2021

Would God if He exists support Jews or Muslims?

I think I have a completely objective way of measuring this.

Being perfectly moral, God would punish each group according to its just deserts, so the deciding factor would be whether Jews or Muslims are more sinning. 

There is a simple way to work this out by referring to the Torah and Koran and working out which group has transgressed more against the laws of God applicable to its group.  

These are 36 capital offences in the Torah:

- Intercourse between a man and his mother
- Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother)
- Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law
- Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage
- Intercourse between two men
- Bestiality
- Cursing the name of God in God's name
- Idol worship
- Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice)
- Necromancy sorcery
- Pythonic sorcery
- Attempting to convince another to worship idols
- Instigating a community to worship idols
- Witchcraft
- Violating the Sabbath
- Cursing one's own parent
- A stubborn and rebellious son
- The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery
- Intercourse between a man and his daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter)
- Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his mother in law
- Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother
- Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother
- Unlawful premeditated murder
- Being a citizen of a city that has gone astray
- Committing adultery with another man's wife, when it does not fall under the above criteria.
- Wounding one's own parent
- Kidnapping another Israelite
- Prophesying falsely
- Prophesying in the name of other deities
- A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone

God is assumed to be more likely to support the group whose collectively sin is the lesser.

If every Jew alive collected a death sentence every time he or she  broke the Sabbath, would there be more death penalties than Jews alive to satisfy them?

Since the Koran hardly mentions the death penalty, there would clearly be more Muslims alive proportionately as well as in absolute terms.

For this reason alone, I think God would favour Muslims.

In this way would I say the Torah fulfills the Koran in that any Jew alive would if faced with these death penalties unJew himself or herself to become Muslim, which was what God intended anyway!

Please note that I am neither Jew nor Muslim, but agnostic.

The honest broker and bearer of good news is the intersection for Jews, nationalists and Muslims


4:00  Matriarchy
6:00  My Big Idea of Secular Koranism
7:00  Is there a responsible adult in charge?
9:00  Is politics a vocation or compulsion?
10:00  Cultivating a culture of debate
11:00  If it is true that all suffering comes from sin, we could very easily correct ourselves.  
13:00  Making a case for nationalism
14:00  I am the intersectionality for Jews, nationalists and Muslims.
15:00  Talking down the matriarchy
16:00  The buck keeps being passed round faster.
17:00  Finding the responsible adult in charge
18:00  I am the ideal spokeswoman for the patriarchy.
21:00  How God would regard Jews, Christians and Muslims
22:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
24:00  Making nationalism morally and intellectually respectable by universalising it
26:00  Secular Koranism
27:00  Submitting myself to a panel of examiners
28:00  Changing the political system
29:00  Not an antisemite
30:00  Islamophobic rabbis who refuse to acknowledge that Islam is the most Noahide religion
32:00  Noahide laws
33:00  Hidden idolatry
34:00  The purpose for which God made Jews His Chosen People

Nice things said about Claire Khaw by Jacob Faturechi

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

The Greek Pantheon, Michael Servetus, feminism and antisemitism with Jacob Faturechi

1:00  Iran
4:00  Arenic and agentic gods
5:00  One-stop shopping god
6:00  Abrahamic
7:00  Wrestling with God
8:00  Intercessor
10:00  Michael Servetus

Total Depravity
11:00  Chrismation
12:00  The purpose of baptism
"very low resolution"
13:00  Indulgences
"foot in the door" tactics of Catholicism
14:00  "Anti-Catholic nonsense"
"cruder understanding"
15:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
17:00  Michael Servetus
18:00  Anabaptism is the believer's baptism.
20:00  Maimonides
21:00  Reformation
22:00  Trinity
23:00  Jesus
24:00  Son of Man debate
28:00  Patricians and plebeians
30:00  Dead Sea Scrolls

35:00  E Michael Jones
36:00  Temple and Rabbinic Judaism
40:00  Septuagint
41:00  Antisemitism
42:00  Censorship
43:00  Hitler
46:00  Gordon Riots
Law school dropout
Clarence Thomas

Flag and gun photos a "brilliant piece of art"

53:00  Count Danukula
The Producers
54:00  Jewish jokes
56:00  Camille Paglia

58:00  Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
59:00  Feminism is dysgenic.
1:03:00  Toxic femininity
1:04:00  Drag queens
1:05:00  Lady boys
1:06:00  Castration
1:12:00  Surplus men and the polygamy of Mormons
1:13:00  Monogamy
1:14:00  Hormone blockers
1:16:00  Circumcision
1:17:00  "By their fruits you shall know them."
1:19:00  C H Sommers
1:20:00  Feminism
1:21:00  Scripture and official handbook of our moral system
1:22:00  "Heroism is the only option."
1:23:00  Open London Day

1:25:00  Reform Judaism no longer reads Leviticus 18
1:29:00  Anti-natalism
1:30:00  Gnosticism
1:32:00  Tertullian - Athens and Jerusalem
1:33:00  Jacob says nice things about me!
1:35:00  Accelerationism
1:36:00  A shocking way of presenting a deeply Western concern

"not getting the results"

1:37:00  Secular Koranism with a niqab avatar the perfect way to alienate the people you are trying to reach."
1:38:00  Functioning moral system, Douglas Murray
1:39:00  Bronze Age Pervert

"brilliant creative artist" 

1:41:00  Dealing with people suffering from Dunning-Kruger


1:43:00  Authenticity
1:46:00  "People who present these ideas in their worst form"
1:47:00  Flag and gun photos, Count Dankula
1:48:00 is the basis of the First Amendment.
1:52:00  The forcible conversion of the Edomites to Judaism
1:55:00  Joseph Goebbels
1:57:00  Censorship causes antisemitism.
1:58:00  Jewish privilege
1:59:00  Antisemitic attacks
2:02:00  Men tell jokes to release tension, feminazis hate sick jokes and want to censor them.
2:04:00  Feminist joke

Death toll rises as Israel-Gaza violence continues

It is the perceived weakening of the American Empire that encourages its enemies and those of Israel. 
Israel of all places should be a theocracy. If it cannot be a Torah theocracy, it must be a Koran theocracy because it is the only kind of government that would appease its Muslims neighbours in the long term and God Himself, if He exists. 

If you are atheist, you would have to attribute the concept of the Abrahamic God to Jews. For Jews to reject the deity they are credited with creating in order to remain a liberal democracy is a negation of the origins of Judaism in favour of hidden idolatry of liberal democracy. Liberal democracy was seen by many to have stolen the election from Trump and his supporters to get the result wanted by the American political establishment whose Fourth Estate has already become the First Estate. 

However, the First Estate of the Ancien Regime was nominally subject to God, being the Catholic Church. The Fourth Estate as currently constituted is subject to no rules other the whims and fancies of its operators who only want power so they can abuse it.

In the end, it is not even about territory but Arab rejection of Israel because it is a liberal democracy - the form of government created by America and forced upon others by America so it can maintain its imperium.

To pretend not to understand this is to pretend not to understand how Washington as currently constituted would be beside itself with rage and fear at the idea of Canada becoming Communist and Mexico becoming Muslim. 

The Torah fulfills the Koran in the sense that secular Jews in Israel if forced to choose between two kinds of theocracy - a Torah theocracy or a Koran theocracy - would choose the one that does not have 36 capital offences.

Narcissists who worship their own beliefs and opinions

Compare the mindset of someone who worships the Abrahamic God with appropriate humility and follows His laws with someone who suffers from Sheilaism.

You are a victim of Sheilaism if you think you have a religion even when you have been told that your personal beliefs cannot be a religion if no one else shares them. If that person refuses to be corrected on this misapprehension, then there is not much point discussing the nature and purpose of religion with someone like this.

Anyone who persists in his or her Sheilaism is obviously guilty of Narcissistic Personality Disorder ie someone who refuses to submit to correction even when they are obviously wrong.

You do not have a religion if no one shares your beliefs. What you mean to say is that your opinions and beliefs have become sacred to you and you refuse to be corrected even when obviously wrong because your pride and incorrect opinion crowds out Truth, Logic and Morality.

The West is a civilisation consisting of sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

The logical necessity of obeying the laws of the Abrahamic God

Let us assume I am correct that there is a moral obligation to believe in the Abrahamic God in order to better obey His laws from generation to generation, in order to bring humanity as close as possible to heaven on earth.

Why would we want to believe in any lesser being that left no laws or guidance?  

Even those denying God cannot deny the usefulness of religion in giving us a moral system whose rules are intended to keep our group in existence and apart from others in the way that Judaism has kept Jews in existence and apart from gentiles.

Believing Christians have become extinct

Is it desire to retain their status as God's Chosen People that makes Jews insist God cannot possibly have given the Koran as guidance to gentiles after having revealed the Torah to Jews?

If believing Jews concede God revealed the Koran to gentiles as Judaism Lite and it is possible to get to heaven without following the more restrictive practices of Judaism, they would end up converting to Islam.

Most Jews are in a permanent state of identity crisis - on the one hand valuing their religious heritage which they must suffer inconvenience and sacrifice to maintain while on the other longing to assimilate.

But it is not allowed for them to assimilate until and unless the nation they reside in is a righteous gentile nation.

Islam is the only religion that would make a gentile nation righteous since the only religions acceptable to the Abrahamic God are Judaism and Islam.

Islam is the best of all gentile religions while Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. Fortunately, believing Christians are already extinct, so we need not worry about their hurt feelings.

Those who claim to be Christian are really atheists and nihilists pretending to be Christian just to annoy Jews and Muslims. It is unimaginable that anyone in this day and age can really believe that Jesus is God other than with the intention of outraging Jews by worshiping a Jew crucified for blasphemy as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God that Jews themselves worship.

Christians also reject the Islamic narrative that Jesus did not die on the cross, because they prefer the prophet they claim to love to have suffered horribly as he died on the cross.

Christianity and Hypocrisy are known to walk hand in hand.

Is your religion really Sheilaism?

Sheilaism is a shorthand term for an individual's system of religious belief which co-opts strands of multiple religions chosen by the individual usually without much theological consideration.

The term derives from a woman named Sheila Larson, who is following her own "little voice" in a faith she calls "Sheilaism"

What some people insist is their "religion" cannot be a religion if no one else shares their beliefs. However, because their beliefs are sacred to them alone, they will keep insisting that their personal beliefs are a "religion".

Category errors are commonly made by uneducated people careless with their words more moved by their emotions than their reason.

What is the harm of this? 

I knew someone who insists he enters "the kingdom of heaven" as often as he perhaps enters his shed and someone who says she "reasons" with God. But you only reason with a child with the intention of teaching it reason, do you not? 

Is there any harm in these beliefs?  

Sheila "has a code of ethics, but it's no longer connected to a sacred text or an observing deity. It's personal – and unpublished. Sheila abides by Sheilaism. Sheilaism is good for Sheila, but it doesn't build community. Nobody but Sheila knows what are the codes of Sheilaism. Often Sheila doesn't know herself until something 'doesn't feel right'."

Sheilaism is in fact a form of self-absorption but continues to demand that our institutions dramatically change to accept us as we want to be.

Radically individualistic religion like "Sheilaism" may seem very different from organised religion, but they both emphasise personal religious experience (spirituality). 

Spirituality is the good feeling we get when we think we are following the rules correctly, but if we are only following our own rules, this means we can always change them.  

The principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty - the idea that a nation should have the right to repeal or pass any law - is really a national manifestation of this tendency.  

This sounds reasonable enough. Obviously, if the decision to change a rule made sense, then it would be a good thing, but what if a bad rule replaced a good one? 

Having desecrated the institutions of marriage and the family, the Western political establishment is now peopled by the incompetent and corrupt who make ever more decisions that are bad for the nation and produce ever more corrupt and incompetent politicians to steer the ship of state.  

Is this capable of being corrected?  

Only if there is a responsible adult who is competent, influential and honorable with access to other moral and rational influential people prepared to to have a dialogue and speak truth to power, and there is serious doubt as to whether such people still exist.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...