Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Neither God nor Muslims will be happy with Israel until it becomes a righteous gentile nation

Is there really a verse in the Torah that says God definitely would not be giving guidance to gentiles after giving the Torah to Jews?

Obviously, Jews and gentiles are all in need of clearer guidance which enough leaders can agree is fair enough. While the Torah is a good source of stories, its laws only apply to Jews. Since it has 36 capital offences, Jews in the 21st century have interpreted them out of existence and this is reflected in Israelis showing no desire for a Torah theocracy, as far as I know. 

We already know that such a proposal would be "heretical" to the eternal verities of "woke liberalism" and the Americans would never allow it. Indeed, if such an attempt were made by the Haredi, the culture war in Israel would erupt into a civil war with the possibility of America imposing sanctions on Israel for no longer being a liberal democracy. 

The "starter theocracy" of Secular Koranism would be the best way of resolving the differences between the secular and observant Jews of Israel, however. 

The American imperialists need to be sent packing, particularly the Christian Zionists hoping to convert enough Israeli Jews to Christianity in the hope of triggering the Second Coming of Christ. 

If we can agree on nothing, we can agree that Christianity is a religion of idolatry and blasphemy. And if we can agree on that, Christians need to be told in no uncertain terms by Jews and Muslims exactly what they think of their religion of idolatry and blasphemy. 

Jews and Muslims who are afraid of offending their Christian overlords need not worry too much about offending Christians because it can be easily proven that they are extinct. 

If they are not completely extinct, they will not be engaging in any theological debate with Jews or Christians because they already know that the Doctrine of the Trinity is both morally and intellectually indefensible because of its idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments and also in the Noahide laws. 

It should be abundantly clear by now that the theological debate cannot be won by Trinitarians using Truth, Logic and Morality. If Christians ever won the debate, they only "won" it through the violence of waging Crusades and conducting Inquisitions. They also burned at the stake more Cultural Christians than they executed Jews. 

This probably explains the visceral loathing for Christianity the Post-Christian Westerner now feels. The rage is understandable when you think of it: imagine having your ancestors forcibly converted into a religion that forces you to practise Supreme Idolatry and Supreme Blasphemy and punishing you for not going along with it by burning you at the stake.

Unfortunately, this has led to the Post-Christian Westerner into rejecting the Abrahamic God in his headlong rush to worship the pantheons of his pre-Christian ancestors. Some even become Hindus and Buddhists in an attempt to escape this toxic inheritance. Those that reject open idolatry while still rejecting Islam would be either consciously or unconsciously worshiping their hidden idols of antisemitism and Islamophobia. 

The irony of this is that believing Jews and Muslims are actually agreed on the oneness of the Abrahamic God making Christianity the odd one out because of its idolatry and blasphemy.

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