Thursday, 13 May 2021

Would God if He exists support Jews or Muslims?

I think I have a completely objective way of measuring this.

Being perfectly moral, God would punish each group according to its just deserts, so the deciding factor would be whether Jews or Muslims are more sinning. 

There is a simple way to work this out by referring to the Torah and Koran and working out which group has transgressed more against the laws of God applicable to its group.  

These are 36 capital offences in the Torah:

- Intercourse between a man and his mother
- Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother)
- Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law
- Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage
- Intercourse between two men
- Bestiality
- Cursing the name of God in God's name
- Idol worship
- Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice)
- Necromancy sorcery
- Pythonic sorcery
- Attempting to convince another to worship idols
- Instigating a community to worship idols
- Witchcraft
- Violating the Sabbath
- Cursing one's own parent
- A stubborn and rebellious son
- The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery
- Intercourse between a man and his daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter)
- Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter
- Intercourse between a man and his mother in law
- Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother
- Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother
- Unlawful premeditated murder
- Being a citizen of a city that has gone astray
- Committing adultery with another man's wife, when it does not fall under the above criteria.
- Wounding one's own parent
- Kidnapping another Israelite
- Prophesying falsely
- Prophesying in the name of other deities
- A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone

God is assumed to be more likely to support the group whose collectively sin is the lesser.

If every Jew alive collected a death sentence every time he or she  broke the Sabbath, would there be more death penalties than Jews alive to satisfy them?

Since the Koran hardly mentions the death penalty, there would clearly be more Muslims alive proportionately as well as in absolute terms.

For this reason alone, I think God would favour Muslims.

In this way would I say the Torah fulfills the Koran in that any Jew alive would if faced with these death penalties unJew himself or herself to become Muslim, which was what God intended anyway!

Please note that I am neither Jew nor Muslim, but agnostic.

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