Friday, 7 May 2021

Rabbi Reuven on the tragedy at Meron, ranking the gentile religions, Islam and Christianity

8:00  Hurtful cruel thing secular Jew said about the deaths of Orthodox Jews in the stampede

1:42:00  What makes Jews so sure the Koran is not a revelation from God?

1:42:30  What is this "vulgarity" in the Koran to which you refer?

1:42:45  How is Islam "heretical"?

1:43:00  In which verse does the Koran say Moses was related to Jesus?

1:43:10  In which verse does the Koran say the sister of Moses is the mother of Jesus?

1:43:30  Which verse in the Koran do you claim "teaches violence"?

1:44:00  Just as we should not confuse Jews with Judaism, we should not confuse Muslims with Islam. There has always been a gap between theory and practice. Is there an objective way of measuring how far away Jews are from the principles of Judaism and how far Muslims are from the principles of Islam? Would a way of judging this be how many Jews are still alive though they have committed one or some of the  36 capital offences of Judaism eg breaking the Sabbath? Is Israel even a Noahide nation? If Israel itself is not a Noahide nation and Jews have not been living in a theocracy for 2000 years while Muslims still operate their theocracies, which group is more offending against the laws of God? If breaking the Sabbath is a capital offence then how many Sabbaths have been broken by how many Jews already? If this penalty were imposed for every Sabbath broken by every Jew, wouldn't Jews already be extinct?

1:49:00  No verse in the Koran tells Muslims to kill non-Muslims just for being non-Muslims. The verses you are probably thinking of that talks about killing infidels was only about killing them in battlefield. If non-Muslims are allowed to kill each other in battle, why shouldn't Muslims be allowed to kill non-Muslims in battle? As for terrorism, you will find that there are plenty of non-Muslim terrorists and that suicide bombing first came from Sri Lanka.

1:56:00  How are Muslim beliefs "false" when they worship the same Abrahamic God?

1:55:00  I was not trying to convert you, Rabbi Reuven, but rabbis are required to teach the Noahide laws properly to gentiles and the only way that this can be done in a way Christians can understand is for rabbis to rank the four gentile religion according to their conformity with the Noahide laws so that Islam is top of the tree and Christianity bottom of the heap below even Hinduism which is merely idolatry while Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy. Currently, the West is without a functioning moral system because the West is now as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human. In fact, Christianity was replaced by liberalism and liberalism has now also failed. This means that Intersectional Feminism has now replaced liberalism. Alan Dershowitiz says Intersectional Feminism ultimately threatens Jews.  

1:56:00  How are Muslim beliefs "false" when they worship the same Abrahamic God?

2:05:00  "Demented ideology" of Christianity that Jesus died for all our sins

2:07:00  Martin Luther

2:10:00  "Christianity is an insult to our intellect."

2:11:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity

2:12:00  "It's not possible to believe in the New Testament."
2:13:00  "Spiritually stupid and intellectually dishonest"

2:15:00  The cheeks of Christians
2:16:00  "Wicked people like Michael Brown"

2:19:00  "A hole in Christianity"

2:21:00  "Completely retarded"

2:22:00  Messianic Jews

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