Sunday, 31 October 2021

A society without male role models is a society marked for extinction

8:00  The difference between something working in theory and being unviable
11:00  Battery chickens in a battery farm
12:00  Moral zombies
13:00  A society of degenerates denying that they need a functioning moral system because they are intellectually incapacitated from conceptualising moral systems because of their lack of intellect and education
14:00  Mentally ill low status bachelors who are losers and larpers without connections or principles
15:00  Liberalism is the problem, but antisemites prefer to blame Jews. 
16:00  Antisemites scapegoating Jews they have always hated
17:00  Lumpenproletariat without competent representation
18:00  Very small units of consumption who are economically insignificant
19:00  Corrupt Catholicism
21:00  Fearful public intellectuals who don't want to engage with me
22:00  Pandering to the vote of immoral and irrational women
23:00  Vincent Bruno
24:00  Beta males withdrawing their co-operation from the matriarchy
25:00  Rules and religion restraining irrational and immoral people from moving to the edge of the cliff
26:00  Patriarchy and matriarchy
27:00  Attitudes towards sex
28:00  Sexual liberation  
29:00  Being brought up differently to the indigenous Briton
30:00  My stance on Christianity is logical and necessary.
31:00  God did forbid idolatry and blasphemy. 
32:00  Christians have for 2000 years of been worshiping a Jew convicted of blasphemy. 
33:00  There are none so blind as those who will not see. 
34:00  Lack of a functioning moral system in the West has caused men and women to be unfit for the purpose of becoming married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring.
36:00  Definition of Patriarchy
37:00  Patriarchy impossible without marriage.
38:00  Imperial collapse preceded by a collapse in morality ie the the practice of marriage
39:00  Low standards of transgenderism
41:00  Fixed gender roles
42:00  Jewish men thanking God for not being women
44:00  Talking nonsense
45:00  A pair of married parents of both sexes
46:00  Transgender children
47:00  An age without heroes
Trump is the closest thing to a hero in America.
49:00  The productive overwhelmed by parasitism
50:00  Vincent Bruno
52:00  Married fathers too afraid to challenge the matriarchy.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Discussing Israeli politics, Nachmanides and the Noahide laws with Josh of Jerusalem

1:00  Sleeping in the sukkah

3:00  Virology
4:00  Disease, poison, fruit rots from the inside
5:00  Louis Pasteur
6:00  Rockefeller Foundation
7:00  Covid-19
8:00  Woman wearing two masks
10:00  Teen who died of the vaccine
11:00  Psychological manipulation on a global scale
12:00  Flat earthers allowed
13:00  Vernon Coleman
14:00  Medical apartheid digital prison
15:00  Dan Andrews
20:00  Cable cars as public transport?
23:00  Warm wind and heat wave
24:00  Privatising air?
25:00  Respirators
26:00  Covid deaths
27:00  Children made to wear masks
28:00  Secular Israelis who have now become religious
29:00  Deductionist and the Tower of Babel
30:00  Elite satanists
31:00  The blood of children and power centres
33:00  Agenda 21 and the Great Reset
34:00  Robot slave and 5G towers
35:00  Radio waves and the Spanish Flu
37:00  Psychopaths in power
38:00  Intersectional feminism
39:00  Bushes, Clintons, Rockefellers, Duponts
40:00  Mass non-compliance
Noahide laws
41:00  Nachmanides
42:00  The troubles of the Jews
44:00  Israel being a secular state
45:00  Worshiping a secular state
The system is a rigged.
46:00  Token representation
47:00  Covenant communities

50:00  The Post-Christian West
51:00  The Noahide laws are rejected by antisemitism.
52:00  Imperialism forbidden to Jews?
54:00  9/11
55:00  American imperialism
56:00  Trump and his supporters
57:00  Operation Warp Speed and QAnon
58:00  CIA

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

The moral failure of the Right - How antisemitism has crippled conservatism

Was Alison Chabloz, the political prisoner who was imprisoned for Holocaust Denial in a country that officially does not have Holocaust Denial laws, mentioned at all?

Antisemitism is an idea, and all ideas have a purpose and can be used as ideological weapons. Antisemitism exists, and it would be more profitable to analyse its origins and purpose rather than deny either its existence. Officially, antisemitism is not against the law. Unofficially, you can be imprisoned for Holocaust Denial, even in a Western country that has no laws against Holocaust Denial such as the UK, as Alison Chabloz has been for her song mocking fake survivors of the Holocaust.

The Bible is indeed an antisemitic work because the Christian narrative is that Jews convicted Jesus for blasphemy causing him to be crucified by the Romans. However, if Jesus were to be put before the Sanhedrin again and asked if he intended to be worshiped by humanity as the co-equal of the God of supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe, he would be again convicted of blasphemy whose penalty is death for Jews.

You seem to be saying that antisemitism is OK because the New Testament says it is OK. Are you Christian, by any chance?

Antisemitism should be equated with God punishing Jews for not properly teaching the Noahide laws in 2000 years of Christian history.

We know Conservatism is crippled because it has failed to conserve anything worth conserving about Christianity. What is worth conserving about Christianity anyway? Its idolatry? Its blasphemy? Its vague extremist commands? Is any Christian theologian claiming that the Sermon on the Mount is superior to either the Torah or the Koran?

​Envy is the cause of all attempts to subvert & destroy European Nations

Envy of what by whom?

tRad Dad
​Christianity & it's people changed somehow some way
When Western nations stopped burning heretics at the stake, belief in Christianity slowly died.

​I didn’t care about them before they openly declared their intentions for me and I would’ve probably been a center-right “liberal driving at the speed limit” had they not been clear with their intent
1) Who has been clear of their intentions for you?
2) What are these intentions?
3) When were they "openly declared"?

​I’d argue the reason why people joined the dissident right instead of the controlled mainstream right is because the dissident wasn’t afraid to acknowledge the root of their problems unlike everyone
What are the root of the problems of the Dissident Right? Their antisemitism? Their Islamophobia? Their racism? Their ignorance? Their arrogance? Their low status low information low education stupidity?

Stephen JJames
​Claire Khaw says Ralph is just trying to usurp her position as Head rabbi ball-fanner
Claire Khaw's remains on course with her stratagem of asking Jews if they were made God's Chosen People to properly teach the Noahide laws to gentiles and demanding to know when they are finally going to do it after 2000 years of Christian history.

Sophia Films
​“Free speech for me, not thee! Nationalism for me, not thee!”
Do Jews promoting social conservatism enjoy free speech? It is social conservatism that is being banned by liberalism, isn't it?

An Fómhar
​we need to be careful of assuming that H-caust denial is the norm among the DR, as it's not. Even I would question the historical accuracy of some aspects of the mainstream narrative on the H-caust. supports the principle that Holocaust Denial should not be a crime. Too bad the Dissident Right as well being antisemites are also Islamophobes.

Sophia Films
​How come christians and whites dont have such “cards?”
Whites are not Christians and Christianity is no longer a functioning religion because no one really knows what a Christian principle is other than the principle of worshiping a deceased Jew as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God which probably no Westerner does, not even the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope.

An Fómhar
​I agree though that's it's a completely poisoned chalice to in any way question any aspects of the H-caust. It shouldn't be, but it is. The DR have to accept this fact rather than digging more holes.
The Dissident Right are identified by their corruption, cowardice and intellectual dishonesty, just like the politicians they complain about, but without being as low education low information and low status as the corrupt and incompetent politicians they complain about.

Béla Nyúl
​Buying into the "antisemitism" narrative is just conformism or cowardice. If you are kicked out of 109 parties, is it the host's fault or yours?
If you are kicked of countries because you are a creditor and your debtor nations kick you out because of the usury you practise whose usurious loans they no longer want to repay, then you should convert to Islam and ban usury.

​Who are the globalists?
The globalists would be those those operating the global empire.

​Stop The White Genocide
Why is it called "White Genocide" when whites in the West no longer have a functioning religion and refuse to acknowledge this? Why is it called genocide when the race in question is the one what refuses to take its bitter medicine of Islam? Why not call it self-genocide instead?

Béla Nyúl
​They overpopulated, so they want to expand to greater Israel
If Israelis adopted Islam, this would be more easily done.
Lord England
​does a real far-right even exist?
When you say "real" do you mean "effective"? If so, the answer is no, unless it has a big idea and wise leadership. Who is the wisest and most charismatic and principled person in the Dissident Right?

​Everybody should have their sights on a Council seat in their area. Lack of money isn't an excuse. It's about £100 to stand. Another £100 for 5000 leaflets.
Only a big idea that would change the system as well as the rules would be effective in stopping the rot.

Real Tv3
​AIPAC is raping the US and have been doing it for decades
How so?

Real Tv3
​jeffery epstein made sure the US supports israel hint hint
The Wolfowitz Doctrine is public and official.

The McCarthy Plan
​I've worked for a US Congressman and Presidential candidate. AIPAC is a BIG issue
So become a one-party state and avoid AIPAC choosing your Presidential candidate.

The McCarthy Plan
​There is no theocratic justification for the Zionist project
What is the "Zionist project"?

Béla Nyúl
​The Christian zionist influence is BS, they can never get anywhere on the abortion issue, yet miraculously they get their way when they want to support Israel
If the Israel were anything other than an American colonial outpost, wouldn't they be able to kick out Christian missionaries converting Israeli Jews to Christianity? 

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​being a nationalist without hating the J just means you're an uninformed nationalist
"Uninformed" about what?

Real Tv3
​interest is forbidden in every religion except judaism
Which verse of the New Testament forbids usury?

​Yes there is definitely no laws out in place done to deliberately discriminate against working class whites and there is no overrepresented group discriminating against them
Is there even a white working class to discriminate against?
Béla Nyúl
​Eric Striker: "If an NRX starts blowing hot air about "the cathedral" just ask them how come leftists never win on Israel?"
What would constitute a leftist win on Israel?

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​lack of antisemitism has crippled conservatism
If Conservatism was supposed to conserve Christianity, then Conservatism has failed to conserve the antisemitism of Christianity. There are plenty of Muslim antisemites though.

​We need to drop those out who aren't Christian
Who is "we"? Christian antisemites? But you don't have to be Christian to be an antisemite, do you?

​Real Tv3 Francis Parker Yockey an American identitarian who even supported Arab governments to stop Israel.
The only way to protect yourself from Liberal Jews and gentiles is to become Muslim, is it not?

Béla Nyúl
​Zionism corrupts conservatism
Why shouldn't Jews have their homeland? Why wouldn't you think Jews should have their homeland unless you were an antisemite? What do you expect Jews in Israel to do - allow themselves to be slaughtered by Hamas and Hezbollah? If you are really expecting Jews to allow themselves to be slaughtered by Hamas and Hezbollah, you must be guilty of stupidity as well as antisemitism. Of course, there is no moral imperative for gentile Western nations to protect Israel as the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. However, if Israel ceases to be a liberal democracy and is governed as a one-party theocracy governed by sharia, wouldn't Hamas and Hezbollah be happier with their Jewish neighbours?

Twenty faces
​if you criticise antisemitism as a member of the dissident right they'll consider you an establishment shill. you can't win lol.
Is Claire Khaw considered to be an "establishment shill"?

An Fómhar
​it's not necessarily about how many millions (or hundreds of thousands) it was, it's how this figure is maliciously used to demoralise and guilt whites, we can't just pretend that doesn't happen
Guilt whites into doing what?

​Patriotic socialism
Does that mean National Socialism?

​@Enduro its not about deracialising politics at all, its attaining power to stop the demographic replacement to preserve HBD and order, antsemitism ect is antithetical to fixing the problem.
The matriarchy is moral sewage, restore the patriarchy with Islam to clean up the mess.

​Vii also it doesn’t matter how much you try to appease them, they will accuse you of being an antisemitic Nazi either way and people will believe them -as can be seen by Trump’s movement.
The media will accuse you of being a Nazi, therefore the solution is to purge the media of those who would accuse you of being a Nazi for no good reason.

Real Tv3
​Enduro I live in sweden, we have a party called the swedish democrats who are like tommy robinson movement, they worship israel and israel classified them as nazis
Did Israel classify the Swedish Democrats as Nazis? When was this exactly?

Twenty faces
​debating the empirical data of the holocaust is a waste of time. they should probe the holocaust revisionists to find out what role this narrative has in their political philosophy.
What political philosophy of whom? Are all Holocaust revisionists antisemites? If so, how do we know this? If not, how can this impression be corrected?

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​it's quite obvious what the reason for revising it is, every nationalist who argues for hwite nationalism gets compared to nazis
White nationalism is about being mean to Jews and non-whites, isn't it?

An Fómhar
​this is an unwinnable argument, neither side accepts veracity of the other's points/arguments
Why not frame the debate in a different way and ask yourselves the following questions?
1) Is Christianity kaput?
2) If Christianity is kaput, can it be fixed?
3) If kaput Christianity cannot be fixed, must it be replaced?
4) If kaput Christianity must be replaced, should it be replaced by Islam?
5) If it is not agreed that kaput Christianity should be replaced by Islam, by what should kaput Christianity be replaced?
6) Should kaput Christianity be replaced by Judaism?
7) Should kaput Christianity be replaced by Hinduism?
8 ) Should kaput Christianity be replaced by Buddhism?
9) Should kaput Christianity be replaced by Communism?
10) Should kaput Christianity be replaced by Fascism?
11) Should kaput Christianity be replaced by National Socialism?
12) If the answer is "none of the above", then what?

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​you realize most people who are pro-immigration do so out of being scared to be like the nazi's right? if the lie is exposed they wouldn't have this fear
What lie are you referring to? Do Jews have to be exterminated by Nazis for you to have a right to care about uncontrolled mass immigration? If so, why?

An Fómhar
​@Mr NiceGuyWinkyFace true, but the risk/reward ratio is stacked so much against whites, it's a topic which is pure poison (for whites) to touch
The reason whites are always complaining about Jews and Muslims is because Jews and Muslims have a religion which whites in the West no longer have. The problem is obvious, isn't it? Christianity is kaput but whites think they can limp along with Christianity being kaput and now, Liberalism which replaced Christianity long ago is now also kaput. If your lack of a religion is causing you social and political problems, then the solution must be to get a new and better one.

​It's not hard lads. Make sure someone in every village and town stands on a pro Nationalist platform for a clr seat. It costs £100 to stand. Then don't come across as a dribbling larping spastic
Anyone who thinks standing on a pro-nationalist platform by becoming a councilor is a long term solution to not replacing kaput Christianity as your moral and legal political system is a dribbling larping spastic.

​Why is questioning it illegal in France and Germany? That is a fairly obvious evidence of at least *some* winners rewriting history and forcing popular concensus
Campaigning to repeal Holocaust Denial laws with as moral and intellectual authority from the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe and is believed by Jews and Muslims to be in perfect control of it could be successful if approached correctly.

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​we can't call out who are behind the kalergi plan, we can't call out who control the media, we can't call out who funds and started BLM either, because you'll be considered a nazi
Is Claire Khaw considered a Nazi?

​WE'D be better to learn from Joseph, to represent our peoples as well as he advocates for his.
Christianity is the most absurd Abrahamic faith of all. Judaism and Islam clearly produce better advocates for their adherents so it is time to consider calling Christianity kaput and adopting a new and better basis for our moral system.

Applied Virtue
​Why should we care about the Holocaust?
Because there are Holocaust Denial laws that can get you put in prison, as Alison Chabloz was, even when your country does not have Holocaust Denial laws.

Bad Times
​Ralph bends the knee to the Chosen Tribe
Christians worship a Jew, so what do you expect?

Pink Panther
​We want separation that’s all
Sounds more like a pogrom.

​If I'm understanding Ralph right the main thrust of his argument is that the massive focus of the "rank and file" hard right on being hardcore antisemite holocaust deniers is a massive self-pwn
Low status low information low education people only know to express their antisemitism and their wish to conduct a pogrom or make snide comments about Jews, Muslims and non-whites without ever entering the territory of acknowledging the failure of Christianity or Liberalism.

​Jewel Citizen I would like to see that as well. If what they claim is true, why must they criminalize talking about it?
Was it Jews who criminalised talking about the Holocaust or gentile Western governments?

​Anybody ever wonder why Mark Collett's movment is utter shit and going nowhere? Well this fella arguing basically sums it up.
The most rabid antisemites would be the low status low information low education white urban proletariat.

​The average English people, is a victim of three generations of intense propaganda.
What is the nature of this "intense propaganda"?

Pink Panther
​This is why civnats go nowhere
Has civic nationalism ever been tried?

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​nationalism = a country for hwite people
Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.

Lord England
​I think a simple way to approach this is to assure all that we're not going to genocide them, but we have questions ...
Claire Khaw whose knowledge of Judaism is virtually rabbinical would be happy to answer questions.

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​@Conan i'll stand for both, the people, the sportsball watching beerdrinking clueless mob, needs to understand who is actively pushing for lowering our birthrates and why
White people are too distracted by feminism to want anything to do with marriage and good parenting.

​@Mr NiceGuyWinkyface so it's more important to convince people of who spilt the milk, rather than solve the problem and mop up the milk???
Those who call themselves nationalists are mostly antisemites suffering from being too low status low information and low education to ever understand the practical difference of distinguishing the disease of kaput Christianity and its symptoms ie Liberal Jews which is a problem of Liberalism.

Lord England
​I also do not want a Christian demise in my own country, the christian heritage is important to me as a non-christian.
If Christianity is kaput, then it is time to take it out with the trash and bury its stinking rotten corpse.

​Unfortunately we are on an anti-white platform that deletes our comments and makes it impossible to carry a real conversation.
Claire Khaw is now disabled from posting in the chat and also from posting comments here because of the intellectual dishonesty of antisemites here who doesn't like it when she defends Jews and explains the predicament of the Post-Christian Westerner with the failure of Christianity and Liberalism.

​Is there a single major Christian denomination that supports White populations efforts to avoid White Genocide?
The most powerful churches in the world are powerless against liberalism which has been the unofficial religion of Western nations whose principles and quasi-priesthood are unknown.

Twenty faces
​what about the white liberals who created and still dominate progressive politics?
Antisemites don't seem to mind about liberal gentiles and only care about liberal Jews. One rule for gentiles, another rule for Jews.

​Mr NiceGuyWinkyface The ADL decides what you may and may not say. Oy Vey!
And the Post-Christian Western gentile is helpless against the ADL. Is it because the ADL are so powerful? Or is is just because the Post-Christian Western gentile whose Christianity and Liberalism are both kaput living in their degenerate matriarchy cannot organise so much as a piss-up in a brewery?

​It's almost as if the system can't handle an open dialog.
Both Christianity and Liberalism are morally and intellectually indefensible and no one wants to or can defend either now.

​A lot of Neocon figures were former trotskyists is what he’s referring to.
Neoconservatism is just a euphemism for American imperialism and Jews as well as gentiles are its servants.

Twenty faces
​@Mr NiceGuyWinkyface if one percent of the population has this much power over your in your own lands then that says more about you than anyone else. you're mad you can't compete lol
The Post-Christian atheist Westerner can't compete against Jews and Muslims because the purpose of religion is to bring about group solidarity through its religious principles which Post-Christian atheist Westerners are either incapable of understanding or refusing to acknowledge.

​Jewel Citizen "any people that has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong" Kissinger
Kissinger is obviously not a kosher Jew.

​ADL can get you banned from PayPal. that's an absurd amount of power for a non elected, private company
Is it quite right to call the ADL a "private company"? 

​They are inciting hatred towards white people and forcing conditions of life calculated to bring about the west's physical destruction.
Why do white people allow it? Because Christianity is kaput and they still haven't found a better moral and legal political system to replace it.

​Anti-semites are the best friends of Zionists
They make Jews look better in comparison to their low education low information low status haters who have no religion and still don't think they need a new and better religion to replace kaput Christianity.

​Self hating whites are the best friends of zionists
You might end up hating yourself too if you discovered that you are an antisemite who worships a Jew whose ancestors have been tricked by a Jew into worshiping a Jew.

barn door
​Christ is king my man
Why do antisemites worship a deceased Jew convicted of blasphemy? Don't they know this would make them guilty of idolatry? Why don't they care that they are guilty of idolatry? Is it because people claiming to be Christian are really atheists and nihilists pretending to be idolaters and blasphemers to give them cover for their antisemitism and Islamophobia?

​God scattered them though for rejecting his Son.
God scattered Jews so they could teach the Noahide laws to gentiles, and in particular explain to Christians how and why Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, which rabbis are still refusing to do because they refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. If rabbis would just do this, Christians would finally realise after 2000 years that Christianity is the idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments.

​There's no such thing as civic natinalism… 
Is it being said that civic nationalism has never been practised? That would be correct.

Mr NiceGuyWinkyface
​literally 93% ofblks in america vote for leftwing causes 87% are pro-BLM
Time to have a one-party state then.

​in short, Judaism is tribal
Jews are a tribe.

​There seems to be this assumption that Europeans historically owe something to a foreign semitic tribe which generally seem to be antagonistic to their European hosts
Without Judaism, there would be no Jews. Without Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship. Without Jesus for Jews to worship, there would be no Christianity. Without Christianity, there would not have been three global Christian empires.

Monday, 25 October 2021

Two Plantagenet kings considered converting to Islam

2:00  Keeping your identity
4:00  Constantine the Great
5:00  Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire
6:00  Prince Elector
8:00  The Crusades
9:00  Jews
10:00  King John
11:00  Henry II
13:00  Atheism not an option.
14:00  The presupposition that God existed
15:00  The excommunication of King John
16:00  Henry II and King John were proto-Muslim.
17:00  Atenism
25:00  Monotheism
27:00  Protestantism was natural and inevitable. 
29:00  How to choose a new religion if your old one has failed
30:00  The Abrahamic God
31:00  A moral basis for our laws
32:00  The barons/the warrior class
33:00  The Hindu caste system is eternal and universal. 
34:00  Oligarchy
35:00  One-party state and statecraft
36:00  Party interest
37:00  The national interest
38:00  Islam is in the national interest.
39:00  The Church of England is the Tory Party at prayer. 
40:00  Patriarchy allowed Western societies to survive the absurdity of the Doctrine of the Trinity.
41:00  The harm of making up the rules as we go along
42:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
44:00  A theocracy in a one-party state
46:00  Disestablishing the Church of England
47:00  Charles III might convert to Islam. 
Cuius regio, eius religio
50:00  Succession to the British throne
53:00  Lady Sarah Chatto
57:00  Monarchy
58:00  The best brains in the country
59:00  Those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo
1:01:00  The Pope and the EU
1:03:00  Jews not teaching the Noahide laws
1:08:00  Principles
1:09:00  Scapegoat
1:12:00  Envy
1:13:00  36 capital offences in the Torah

1:15:00  Secular Koranism is also derived from the Koran.
1:16:00  The Noahide laws
1:18:00  The Christian practice of burning people at the stake
1:19:00  Rabbinical endorsement of Secular Koranism
1:20:00  The reward of Judaism is Islam. 
1:21:00  Jews will be rewarded with an easier way to heaven, if they play their cards properly. 
1:23:00  Two Plantagenet kings considered converting to Islam.
1:24:00  Conflicting loyalties
1:25:00  The purpose of men

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Is Islam the only acceptable act of penitence after 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy?

Or will the "Islam Lite" of Secular Koranism do?

If the Abrahamic God exists and Christians have been wrong for 2000 years, then the only acceptable act of penitence must be to become Muslim.

How likely are Christians to be wrong?

The most powerful churches in the world are Trinitarian. This means they affirm the Doctrine of the Trinity which requires Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.  

The Abrahamic God forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments.  

Idolatry is the confusion of God and His Creation and the worship of anything that isn't God. 

All idolatry is blasphemy, and blasphemy is doing or saying anything that would offend God if He exists, including bowing before idols. 

If we subscribe to the narrative of the Abrahamic God and accept that He gave Jews His Commandments including the Commandments against idolatry and blasphemy, then we must accept that God intends punish those who break them.  

Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God while Christians used to practise heretic burning to deal with those who denied the divinity of Jesus.  

Why did God if He exists allow three global Christian empires to rise?

It must be because God is waiting for Christians, Post Christians as well as Jews and Muslims to finally understand that He meant what He said when He forbade idolatry and blasphemy. 

If Conservatism was meant to conserve anything, it was meant to conserve what was worth conserving about Christianity after the French Revolution, which rejected Christianity and the divine right of monarchs to rule.  

Because the New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an absurdity, the Word of God in the Torah and Koran must by definition trump it.  

In any case, the New Testament does not contain any claim that Jesus was in fact God, only his resurrection.  

So if God exists and bearing in mind that Judaism and Islam are in agreement about the oneness of God, which of the Abrahamic faiths is the odd one out?  

The Doctrine of the Trinity was only cooked up at the Council of Nicaea by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by a Roman emperor who wasn't even Christian.  

Should it be borne in mind that the American Revolution was both a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?  

If Constantine had the option of adopting Islam as his imperial religion - and Islam is indeed an imperial religion - would he still have chosen half-baked Christianity? 

Do you think God is aware of the three strikes and you're out rule in baseball?  

Would God also be punishing Jews and Muslims who have not at any time in their history put Christian monarchs or Christian religious leaders such as the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury on notice that they are guilty of both idolatry and blasphemy? 

If they deny this, then should they not be asked how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy?

If they say Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy if Jesus is God, should Christian religious leaders not be asked how and why Jesus is God?  

Which is the chapter and verse that says Jesus is God?

Does anyone know?

Would Jews and Muslims inviting Christian religious leaders to join them in a Zoom meeting to explain how and why Jesus is God settle the question once and for all?

When will rabbis and Islamic scholars convene this meeting?

If they dare not convene this meeting, is it because they are afraid of offending their Christian overlords?

If they are afraid of offending their Christian overlords, do they not lack faith?

If they lack faith, are they not in fact nihilists and atheists only pretending to believe in God?  

If senior rabbis and Islamic scholars are only pretending to believe in God for purposes of moral respectability while being in fact atheists and nihilists seeking preferential treatment because of their supposed moral credentials, won't God if He exists be even angrier with these cowards, frauds and hypocrites?

And if God would be even angrier with these Jews, Christians and Muslims, is it too late now to repent? 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values

1:00  Islam sees the logic your laws reflecting your chosen moral system.
2:00  Clear laws
3:00  The Koran's divine draughtsmanship
4:00  The anticipatory breaches of the Koran - rules are made to be broken
5:00  The identity crisis of the West
6:00  The failure of the Western moral and political system
7:00  Antisemites who find Liberal Jews more detestable than Liberal gentiles
9:00  Gender roles
10:00  The masculine role is that of defence beginning by the defending a principle.
11:00  Childless old men are low status, disorganised, unprincipled, skint and scared.
12:00  Moral fibre
13:00  The stupid and ignorant feeling hatred and fear
14:00  Masculine and national identity
15:00  Gender confusion and the inter-generation gap
16:00  Patriarchy is impossible without the majority practising marriage. 
17:00  Western men in denial that Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput.
18:00  The five stages of grief
19:00  Recognising and solving problems sooner rather than later. 
20:00  Conspiracy theories
21:00  The tactical and presentational advantages of presenting Western problems of governance as the consequence of social, economic and political changes
22:00  The inadvisability of blaming groups
23:00  The sexually sated male is politically inert.
24:00  Moral systems include secular political ideologies and religions. 
25:00  Liberalism has become intersectional feminism.
26:00  The Torah and the Koran are the Word of God and the Word of God will always trump the word of mortal and fallible men absurdly claiming that Jesus is God.
27:00  Those who identify themselves as nationalists incapable of having an honest and rational discussion about the definition of nationalism which I define as government in the national interest
28:00  Belief in any man-made ideology is conceptual idolatry. 
30:00  Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy.
31|:00  The natural divisions of any society
32:00  Patriarchy
33:00  Hierarchy and gender justice
34:00  Leadership
35:00  My low-grade followers who have no connections or influence usually suffering from some kind of mental illness
36:00  Mainstream media
38:00  Claire Khaw is the Clapham Junction of nationalist politics.
40:00  Cogito ergo sum.
42:00  The concept of God undeniably exists. 
43:00  It is absolutely free to use God as an instrument of social order. 
44:00  You can't make a silk purse of an enduring moral system with the sow's ear of liberalism.
45:00  The Trojan horse entered the American Republic through Thomas Jefferson's White House Koran. 
46:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. 
47:00  The oligarchy is corrupt.
48:00  A one-party theocracy should replace the corrupt oligarchy. 
49:00  The right laws will give us the right culture. 
50:00  Repeal all thought crime with
51:00  The Islamic rate of tax is 20%.
53:00  Selling Secular Koranism to the Israelis.
54:00  The cowardice and corruption of intellectually bankrupt people both Muslims and non-Muslims too frightened to engage with me
55:00  Will saying "Secular Koranism" one day soon get you a strike on YouTube?
56:00  Islam is an imperial religion guaranteeing freedom of belief with
57:00  Secular Koranism is for non-Muslims. 
58:00  The eugenics benefits of Secular Koranism
59:00  My principled agnosticism for the purposes of selling Secular Koranism more effectively to the governments of Western nations

Monday, 18 October 2021

Dilly Hussain fails to ask Rabbi Elhana Beck any good questions

2:00  Neturei Karta
4:00  Dilly Hussain's Facebook account

7:00  Western imperialism in the Middle East
8:00  Noahide laws mentioned in 31:00
Rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
10:00  Neturei Karta
11:00  Palestine
14:00  God's Chosen People
15:00  Torah theocracy
16:00  The Third Temple
17:00  Al Aqsa on Temple Mount
18:00  Secular Koranism is an entry level/starter theocracy.
19:00  Where does it say in the Torah that God would not make a further and better revelation for mankind?
20:00  Judaism by its failure to observe the 36 capital offences in the Torah would tend to bring its principles into hatred, ridicule and contempt.  
21:00  The truism that your laws reflect your moral system
23:00  Neturei Karta
25:00  Mindlessly flattering comments on Facebook and YouTube for Dilly

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Teaching gentiles the Noahide laws are a waste of time, says Orthodox rabbi


If Orthodox rabbis really believed in God, why don't they think they are going to be punished for not properly teaching the Noahide laws for 2000 years? 


Because we don't pasken like that Rambam, on the contrary, us Orthodox Rabbis believe if we would teach Noahide laws to the non jews, we would be punished by Hashem for wasting our time for something we have not been commanded to do.

Vincent Bruno's agenda to make sex cheaper in the West

56:00  I join.
57:00  Evolution
59:00  Jews are indestructible. 

1:01:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People to teach the Noahide laws.
1:02:00  The Koran does not prescribe punishments for idolatry and blasphemy.
1:03:00  The laws of any righteous gentile nation should be in harmony with the Noahide laws.
1:04:00  The definition of sexual immorality
1:05:00  The harm of sexual immorality, idolatry and blasphemy is not immediately obvious. 
1:06:00  Decline of empire
1:07:00  All empires decline from the same causes: sexual immorality.
1:08:00  All the world religions forbid sex outside marriage. 
1:10:00  Promiscuity is bad for long term relationships.
1:11:00  The practice of marriage increases the likelihood of fighting a successful defensive war.
1:12:00  Birth control is actually dysgenic. 
1:13:00  The pill has been around since the 1970s.
1:15:00  Class concerns and cradle competition
1:16:00  Illegitimacy
1:17:00  Privileging married parents
1:18:00  Cheap labour
1:19:00  A global culture of sexual liberation
1:20:00  The pill is available in the Iran.
1:21:00  Japan now has a low birth rate. 
1:22:00  Privileging married parents
1:23:00  Vincent's plan to lower the price of sex
1:24:00  Western men are mostly unmarriageable.
1:25:00  Polygamy and polyamory
1:26:00  Separating sex from reproduction
1:27:00  Islam allows polygamy.
1:28:00  Cheap gay and transgender sex for unmarriageable men 
1:29:00  Vincent's plan to reduce the number of incels
1:30:00  Fathers won't have much involvement in their offspring under Vincent's system.
1:32:00  Conducting a referendum for women on whether they want to live in a patriarchy or matriarchy
1:33:00  Asking women in their 30s and 40s on whether they want to live in a patriarchy or matriarchy
1:34:00  The origins of the paedo problem
1:35:00  The ideal way of rearing the next generation: two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship
1:36:00  Unmarriageable men can have sex with other unmarriageable men.
1:37:00  Vincent sees a declining birth rate as a good thing. 
1:39:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
1:41:00  Polygyny

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Human progress requires the decisive rejection of the institution of monarchy

Let us assume that the most powerful deity - the Abrahamic God - sets moral standards.

Let us assume Jews are God's Chosen People.

Let us assume that the fact that they are still around after so many genocidal attempts to exterminate means that they either enjoy God's protection or something about their religion makes them more likely to remain in existence since they are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.

Let us acknowledge that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.

Let us acknowledge that Western history in the last 250 years has been a rejection of monarchy and Christianity.

Let us finally acknowledge that Islam is the most obvious replacement to Christianity as well as a better replacement for it since both the Orient and Occident have rejected their monarchs in the American, French, Russian and Chinese Communist Revolutions.

China's official secular political ideology is the dialectical materialism of Karl Marx which when applied to the Abrahamic faiths produce the synthesis of Islam that would produce a republican meritocracy. 

Judaism - Thesis
Christianity - Antithesis
Islam - Synthesis

The journey of dialectical materialism leads to Islam

Christianity was replaced by Liberalism.

Conservatism was a defensive ideology to protect the European political establishment against the radicalism of the ideas of the American, French and Russian Revolutions.

Conservatism has failed to discover what it should conserve about Christianity.

Fortunately, God if He exists has so arranged things so that the cure exists before the disease.

The disease is the failure of Christianity, the cure Islam.

King John was said to have considered converting to Islam after a quarrel with the Pope in the 13th century.  

Napoleon publicly said the shahada.

There is a White House Koran which belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted what subsequently became the First Amendment based on

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Jews, Christians and Muslims who are really atheists and nihilists

If Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, then anyone who believes in the Abrahamic God and His ability to punish them for the idolatry and blasphemy He has forbidden would denounce Christianity.
Since Christians are indifferent to accusations of idolatry and blasphemy, we must conclude that they are really nihilists and atheists who do not believe God exists to punish them in this life or the next for their idolatry and blasphemy. 

Why would anyone pretend to be an idolater and blasphemer if the are in fact nihilist and atheist?  

Christianity is a cloak to protect antisemites and Islamophobes which sanctifies their idolatry and blasphemy as well as their antisemitism and Islamophobia.  

Why don't Jews and Muslims challenge the idolatry and blasphemy when they have been commanded by God to challenge idolatry and blasphemy?  

It must be because they, like Christians, only pretend to believe in God because having a religion gives them a higher status than antisemites and Islamophobes who are merely atheists and nihilists. 

Since atheists only worship their own beliefs and opinions, atheists are guilty of idolatry.  

Only God knows the real number of atheists and nihilists alive pretending to be Jews, Christians and Muslims competing with each other for moral superiority. 

We can safely assume that there are more nihilists and atheists in existence than there are believing Jews, Christians and Muslims prepared to do the right thing.   

Arguably, there are no believing Jews, Christians and Muslims in existence since no one will do the right thing.  

They will not do the right thing because they do not say the right thing.  

They do not say the right thing because they dare not think the right thing.  

Right thought, right speech, right action would not be the motto of those who only pretend to believe in God to assert moral superiority over other religious groups.  

Jews do not think it is their religious obligation to teach the Noahide laws to gentiles and Christians and Muslims deny that Jews have any authority to teach them anything since they know most Jews to be liberal and they already hate liberalism. 

Muslims are supposed to admonish those who claim God has begotten a son but there is no record of any Muslim leader ever admonishing a Christian monarch or a Christian religious leader.  

Are there even ten righteous men in the whole of Jewry, Christen and the Ummah or the entire American global empire?

If there are not, the punishment received by Sodom and Gomorrah must surely follow sooner or later.

Monday, 11 October 2021

Can an agnostic talking religion, politics , theology and Secular Koranism be a "religious loony"?

"Before the disease, the cure exists: the disease is the failure of Christianity, the cure Islam."

There’s no loony like a religious loony!

Claire Khaw
So you think it is "loony" to base your laws on an established moral system?

I hope you know that I am agnostic, though I would be the first to admit that there is no guarantee that agnostics cannot also be loonies!

I think it’s extreme/ loony to suggest that one religion is a disease and another the cure.

Claire Khaw
If all societies need a religion and your religion has already failed long ago and your government is getting from bad to worse, then the case for another better religion to replace the failed one is perfectly logical, wouldn't you say?

And may I remind you that this country has changed its religion at least twice?

All societies need a religion?

Claire Khaw
Can you think of any advanced civilisation without a religion that is doing well and has been around for a while?

and you think that is because of religion?

can you think of an advanced civilisation which doesn’t have chips?

Claire Khaw
Of course. I can't think of any advanced civilisation that is not identified with a great empire that is not based on an identifiable moral system.

Why are you equating advanced civilisations with the availability of potatoes?

I’m not. I’m saying that religion is no longer a requirement for advanced civilisation.

Claire Khaw
Advanced civilisations can decline through moral collapse.

I don’t think morality is dependent upon religion any more either.

Claire Khaw
Where does morality come from then?

Can anyone talk about morality and successfully avoid discussing God or religion? QED.

of course you can.

Claire Khaw
Perhaps you can if it is a monologue, but any discussion of morality will have the other person talking about religion or God as a source of morality. So how would you define morality?
you think of an advanced civilisation which does not eat chips?

Claire Khaw
What have chips to do with this discussion?

How would you define morality?

So I'm the "loony" when you are the one who keeps equating chips with advanced civilisations? Just checking.

Just want to confirm that you really truly genuinely don't think morality is anything to do with religion and that Western nations can do without religion and keep going with liberalism, is that right?

Can we confirm that it is your view that liberalism will outlast Islam?

Can you define liberalism and explain why you think liberalism will be the eternal secular religion of your country as well as the universal political ideology of the world?
So if you don't respond again, are we to conclude that you think you have won the argument and that I am therefore the "loony" that you said I was?

Will Jews and Muslims outlast Liberalism or will Liberalism carry on long after Jews and Muslims become extinct?

11:00  Secular Koranism
13:00  Ranking the four gentiles religion
Reasoning by analogy
16:00  Hero-worshiping is idolising?
17:00  Muhammad
21:00  Stereotyping and pigeon holing
23:00  My ideas are a collection of principles.
25:00  Moral principles
26:00  Suicide
30:00  Proscription
32:00  Sclerosis
33:00  Doubt
34:00  Applying principles

Friday, 8 October 2021

Claire Khaw's Questions for Coffman

18:00  The definition of morality is the Seven Noahide laws.

19:00  Is either America or Israel a righteous gentile nation? If neither even satisfies the minimum moral standards of righteous gentile nations set by the Noahide laws, whose fault is it? Jews or gentiles?

Claire Khaw
​Do people falsely claim to believe in God?

Claire Khaw
​There are so many kinds of Judaism, aren't there?

Claire Khaw
​Isn't Judaism too hard for Jews?

Claire Khaw
​Is the fact that only half the Jews in the world are observant Jews conclusive evidence that Judaism is now too hard for Jews?

Claire Khaw
​If Jews had to be choose a gentile religion, is Islam the best choice because it is Judaism Lite?

Claire Khaw
​Is Islam the best way for Jews to become Noahides and get to heaven the easier way?

Claire Khaw
​Does Judaism generate hypocrisy because Judaism is too restrictive for Jews to follow, which explains why so many Jews are non-observant?

Claire Khaw
​Would it be easier for Jews to properly teach the Noahide laws as Muslims?

Claire Khaw
​Are you really just talking to yourself rather than hosting a Q&A?

Claire Khaw
​Who is the rabbi you most admire?

Claire Khaw
​Islam is Judaism Lite.

Claire Khaw
​If God didn't think Judaism is too hard for Jews, He wouldn't have revealed the Koran.

Claire Khaw
​If Judaism were not too hard for Jews, wouldn't Israel now be a theocracy?

1:00:00  If Muslims have their theocracy, why not Jews? Are Muslims better at obeying God's laws than Jews? Didn't God give Jews their homeland back after punishing them for being Reform Jews so Israel can be a theocracy again? Why would God mind if Jews in Israel followed the Koran which He also revealed but which would be easier for them as a starter/entry level theocracy? Wouldn't God be pleased if after Israel asked America for permission to become a theocracy and became a theocracy, America also became a theocracy? If America became a theocracy, wouldn't the rest of the Anglosphere also become theocracies? If the nations of Western imperialism became a theocracy, wouldn't Russia also become a theocracy? And if Russia became a theocracy, wouldn't China also become a theocracy? If the whole world followed the Koran in their own way, wouldn't the world be a better place than it is now being run under the principles of neoliberalism ie endless foreign wars and neoconservatism ie uncontrolled mass immigration about to blunder into WW3?

Claire Khaw
​Wouldn't Jews be better off living under sharia?

1:01:00  Aren't Muslims Noahides?

Claire Khaw
​The Israeli government should conduct a referendum on whether Israel should be a Torah theocracy or adopt Secular Koranism. If Islam is Judaism Lite, Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.

1:02:00  What makes you so sure Islam is a fake religion?

Claire Khaw
​If Israel adopted Secular Koranism, Israel would get on better with its Muslim neighbours and the Palestinian problem would disappear in a puff of smoke.

Tara Carr
​I'm confused. How does a Jew become a Noahide? That is a non-religious Jew. That gets a punishment not a reward

Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr There are only two religions acceptable to God: the religion of the Torah and the religion of the Koran. The latter does not have 36 capital offences and sharia theocracies exist now.

Tara Carr
​Anti-semitism has been around for too long; there are many reasons: some logical some spiritual. Moving away from Torah Judiasm --> more anti-semitism.

Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr A Jew could convert to Islam, marry a righteous gentile spouse and have righteous gentile offspring.

Claire Khaw
​How do you know the Koran is false?

Tara Carr
​You are encouraging people to commit spiritual dealth

Claire Khaw
​Are you saying there are no Noahide religions?

Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr What do you mean by "spiritual death"?

Tara Carr
​Watch Rabbi Mizrahi's Torah and Science and you will see why

Thursday, 7 October 2021

My advice to nihilists ashamed that they are nihilists is to obey their moral imperative

3:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
4:00  Noahide laws
5:00  Nihilists are atheists and cannot be theists.
6:00  Difference in behaviour between atheists and theists
7:00  Seven Deadly Sins
8:00  Nihilists have a moral vacuum where their moral compass should be.
9:00  Being smeared and demonised as fascist, Nazi, misogynist, racist, domestic terrorist and white supremacist
11:00  Why I am agnostic
12:00  Paying lip service to having and following principles
13:00  The fall of empires
15:00  Meritocracy
16:00  Fair and even enforcement of laws
17:00  The rule of law breaking down
18:00  Worst case scenario of loss of trust and confidence
19:00  The ideas of the French Revolution and Confucian principles
21:00  The hierarchy of the military
22:00  The opaque rules of the matriarchy
23:00  White privilege
24:00  The moral imperative to obey God's laws even though we doubt His existence
25:00  Restoring the patriarchy for an unquestionable chain of command
Who is responsible for legalising gay marriage all over the Western world?
26:00  Caliph v Cameron
28:00  The status of the Koran as the best available guide to humanity
29:00  It is enough that the concept of God exists.
30:00  Atheists and theists agree about the necessity of law regulating behaviour.
31:00  Warlike Christians
32:00  Badges of identity
33:00  Religious group, nationality, regional loyalties, local loyalties, personal loyalties
34:00  Choosing the correct moral system
35:00  Different arms of the state
36:00  The consistent application of the rule of law
37:00  A Caliph is a constitutional dictator
38:00  Laws are the algorithms of human beings.
39:00  Our political establishment is unreachable and neurotic.
40:00  The national reprogramming of the algorithms of the nation

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

The heretical phenomenon of Messianic Jews

1:00  Jews suffer from having identity crises and their associated neuroses.
3:00  The lower status of Western Man
4:00  God's Chosen People chosen to teach properly the Noahide laws
5:00  Messianic Jews and Orthodox Jews
7:00  Pontius Pilate
8:00  Barrabas
9:00  36 capital offences in Judaism
11:00  Conceptual/hidden idolatry
13:00  Bargaining with God is part of our relationship with Him.
14:00  The idol of the idolatry of liberalism
15:00  Nietzsche
18:00  Hindu caste system
21:00  Qing Dynasty
23:00  Jews have gone native. 
25:00  God would have a view on the shituf Christianity.
26:00  Christianity is entirely reliant on the story of Jews.
27:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles, the New Testament is for idolaters and blasphemers.
29:00  Constantine the Great, Trinitarianism and Arianism
30:00  Christianity < Hinduism < Buddhism < Islam

31:00  Paul caused seven communities to practice idolatry.
Letter of Paul to the Romans
Letters of Paul to the Corinthians
Letter of Paul to the Galatians
Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
Letter of Paul to the Philippians
Letter of Paul to the Colossians
Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians

43:00  Messianic Jews

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...