Thursday, 21 October 2021

Is Islam the only acceptable act of penitence after 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy?

Or will the "Islam Lite" of Secular Koranism do?

If the Abrahamic God exists and Christians have been wrong for 2000 years, then the only acceptable act of penitence must be to become Muslim.

How likely are Christians to be wrong?

The most powerful churches in the world are Trinitarian. This means they affirm the Doctrine of the Trinity which requires Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.  

The Abrahamic God forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments.  

Idolatry is the confusion of God and His Creation and the worship of anything that isn't God. 

All idolatry is blasphemy, and blasphemy is doing or saying anything that would offend God if He exists, including bowing before idols. 

If we subscribe to the narrative of the Abrahamic God and accept that He gave Jews His Commandments including the Commandments against idolatry and blasphemy, then we must accept that God intends punish those who break them.  

Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God while Christians used to practise heretic burning to deal with those who denied the divinity of Jesus.  

Why did God if He exists allow three global Christian empires to rise?

It must be because God is waiting for Christians, Post Christians as well as Jews and Muslims to finally understand that He meant what He said when He forbade idolatry and blasphemy. 

If Conservatism was meant to conserve anything, it was meant to conserve what was worth conserving about Christianity after the French Revolution, which rejected Christianity and the divine right of monarchs to rule.  

Because the New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an absurdity, the Word of God in the Torah and Koran must by definition trump it.  

In any case, the New Testament does not contain any claim that Jesus was in fact God, only his resurrection.  

So if God exists and bearing in mind that Judaism and Islam are in agreement about the oneness of God, which of the Abrahamic faiths is the odd one out?  

The Doctrine of the Trinity was only cooked up at the Council of Nicaea by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by a Roman emperor who wasn't even Christian.  

Should it be borne in mind that the American Revolution was both a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?  

If Constantine had the option of adopting Islam as his imperial religion - and Islam is indeed an imperial religion - would he still have chosen half-baked Christianity? 

Do you think God is aware of the three strikes and you're out rule in baseball?  

Would God also be punishing Jews and Muslims who have not at any time in their history put Christian monarchs or Christian religious leaders such as the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury on notice that they are guilty of both idolatry and blasphemy? 

If they deny this, then should they not be asked how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy?

If they say Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy if Jesus is God, should Christian religious leaders not be asked how and why Jesus is God?  

Which is the chapter and verse that says Jesus is God?

Does anyone know?

Would Jews and Muslims inviting Christian religious leaders to join them in a Zoom meeting to explain how and why Jesus is God settle the question once and for all?

When will rabbis and Islamic scholars convene this meeting?

If they dare not convene this meeting, is it because they are afraid of offending their Christian overlords?

If they are afraid of offending their Christian overlords, do they not lack faith?

If they lack faith, are they not in fact nihilists and atheists only pretending to believe in God?  

If senior rabbis and Islamic scholars are only pretending to believe in God for purposes of moral respectability while being in fact atheists and nihilists seeking preferential treatment because of their supposed moral credentials, won't God if He exists be even angrier with these cowards, frauds and hypocrites?

And if God would be even angrier with these Jews, Christians and Muslims, is it too late now to repent? 

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