Sunday, 30 January 2022

The Church of England is a Creature of the Liberal State

The Church of England is a Creature of the State, and the state is liberal. As we already know, liberalism in the 21st century only means sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting leading to decline and degeneracy, chaos and criminality.

If God exists, Christianity would be cursed by Him because of its idolatry and blasphemy.

Why don't Christians care that they might be guilty of idolatry and blasphemy?

Presumably it is because they don't really believe in either God or the afterlife and do not think they will be punished in this life or the next for their idolatry and blasphemy.

This must mean they are atheists and nihilists who only pretend to be Christian because they think this raises them in moral status above non-Christians. They do not seem to realise that if God exists, Christians and their nations would be cursed. In any case, since Christianity and Liberalism have merged, they are both destroying each other and any nation foolish enough to continue using what is really a blanket infected with smallpox.

Saturday, 29 January 2022

A distinctive trait of antisemites

13:00  Christians
16:00  Letter from Jews and Muslims asking Christians about their idolatry and blasphemy
18:00  But for Judaism, there would be no Jews. But for Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship. 

20:00  Nature v Nurture

22:00  Orthodox Judaism on antisemitism

27:00  Being chosen

30:00  Ir nidachat

Islamic information service to Jews wanting an easier route to heaven 

Jews, Muslims are pleased to inform you that the God of Israel is also Allah. 

This means the easier route to heaven - the one without 36 capital offences - is available to you to without endangering your olam haba

Jews - especially the ones who are not Islamophobes - would be pleased at the easier route, opened since the 7th century.

A way for Muslims to invite Jews to Islam

2:00  Heliocentric view v Geocentric view
4:00  Paul was a heretical Jew who clocked up seven death penalties.
6:00  My principled agnosticism
7:00  Muslims have not been obeying
8:00  Jews have not been teaching properly the Noahide laws for 2000 years of Christian history.
9:00  Rabbis have no answer to Jews being guilty of ir nidachat. 
11:00  Ir nidachat
13:00  The protected status of God's Chosen People
14:00  Death by beheading after death n the olam haba
19:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis
22:00  Rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions
23:00  Deuteronomy 28

Seven questions for dawah doing Muslims to ask Jews

The Consumers' Guide to Religion

Seneca: "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."

Since Western nations are no longer governed by absolute monarchs, Christianity is now obsolete.

The reason Constantine the Great adopted Christianity was because the Roman imperial cult had failed and its role was to support the divine right of kings.

Christians have never been able to explain how Jesus is God. Once they lost the will to burn heretics at the stake or even hang them - and denying the divinity of Jesus is heresy - Europeans rejected Christianity. This is evidenced in the American, French and Russian Revolutions which were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. When will the penny drop?

Westerners are using a horse and carriage on a highway meant for fast-moving automobiles.

The best religion would be the religion that has the most powerful deity with the most believable narrative with laws most rational and moral people can agree to with its own official handbook whose words from the Supreme Authority are not disputed. That religion is not Christianity.

Friday, 28 January 2022

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Seven questions for dawah doing Muslims to ask Jews

1.  Are you aware that the Torah has 36 capital offences?

2.  If you believe in God but were not punished during your lifetime for acts that would have attracted the death penalty, should you expect to be punished for them in your afterlife?

3.  Would you agree that it is very easy to clock up more than one death penalty during one Jewish lifetime?

4.  Isn't it rather dismaying to think hat you could be faced with four possible varieties of death penalty in your afterlife ie stoning, beheading, strangulation and death by fire? 

5.  Wouldn't you like to escape them by converting to Islam?

6.  If you don't want to convert to Islam to escape your death penalties in the afterlife, does that mean you neither believe in the afterlife nor God's power to punish you making you an atheist? 

7.  Isn't atheism in fact a form of idolatry for which the penalty is also death for Jews?

Any Jew who is citizen of a Western nation that considers itself part of Christendom is already subject to a death penalty because to live in any part of Christendom is to be guilty of the sin of ir nidachat - being a citizen of a city that has gone astray ie a city that practices idolatry.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

The direction antisemitism will take: Post Christian antisemites blaming Jews for Christianity

8:00  Jews being blamed for Christianity
10:00  Paul of Tarsus
12:00  We are our own worst enemy. 
18:00  Candide
20:00  Leibniz
24:00  Going through the Jews
25:00  Reform Jews
26:00  Are white people to blame for liberalism?
27:00  Jews who don't care about the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
29:00  Jews being blamed for Christianity
34:00  Heart of Darkness

39:00  Candide
40:00  Dr Pangloss

Adam Green got his idea that Jews were responsible for all the Abrahamic faiths to trick and exploit the gentile from Church of Entropy.

Questions for Yoram Hazony, author of The Virtue of Nationalism

1.  If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, is Islam divine civic nationalism?

2.  Do Jews have a divine duty to teach gentiles the Noahide laws?

3.  Is the shituf of Christianity worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

4.  Is Conservatism kaput because Christianity is kaput?

5.  Was Christianity kaput when Nietzsche said in the 1870s that "God is dead and we have killed him"?

6.  Was Christianity kaput after the Wars of the Reformation?

7.  Did Christianity fail in 1649 when Charles I lost his head?

8.  Did Christianity begin to fail when Christians could no longer bring themselves to execute heretics for blasphemy?

9.  Was the American Revolution a rejection of monarchy and Christianity?

10.  Was this rejection of monarchy and Christianity confirmed by the French Revolution?

11.  Was this rejection of monarchy and Christianity reconfirmed by the Russian Revolution?

12.  Do only confirmed Christians have the right to call themselves Christian?

13.  How many confirmed Christians are there in America?

14.  How many confirmed Anglicans are there in Britain?

15.  Would you agree that Islam is the most Noahide religion of all the gentile religions?

16.  Have you read the Koran?

17.  If not, would you ever consider reading the Koran?

18.  Have you been advised by your rabbi not to read the Koran?

19.  Is Christianity idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments?

20.  If Jews were made God's Chosen People by God to teach the Noahide laws, how well have they been fulfilling their divine obligation to gentiles in the last 2000 years of Christian history?

21.  How well can Jews be said to have been teaching the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy to gentiles bearing in mind that there have been three global Christian empires?

22.  Has Jewish emancipation been good for Jews?

23. Do gentiles have the moral authority to emancipate Jews?

24.  Is God the only one in a position to emancipate Jews from being Jews?

25.  Could it be said that God has emancipated Jews from their divine duty to live as Jews when He gave them the option of following the Koran instead of the Torah?

26.  Are you an Islamophobe if you reject Secular Koranism while refusing to discuss your reasons?

27.  Are you aware that Secular Koranism is an integrated moral and legal political system guaranteeing freedom of belief governed by principles based on the Koran? 

28.  Are you aware that the First Amendment is based on

29.  Would Jews in Israel if forced to choose between two kinds of theocracy be more likely to accept a theocracy based on the Koran or a theocracy based on the Torah bearing in mind the latter has 36 capital offences? 

30.  Has liberalism been good for Jews?

31.  Are you aware that the latest twist in antisemitism is the one of blaming Jews for the creation of Christianity to infect gentiles with its idolatry and blasphemy? 

32.  Are you aware that Christianity is the most despised religion in the West because it continues to linger on even after its raison d'etre has gone?  

33.  Are you aware that the raison de'etre of of Christianity was to support the divine right of kings?  

34.  Is a constitutional republic guided by divine laws the logical next step after most Western nations have abandoned rule by an absolute monarch?  

35.  Is America the indispensable and exceptional nation for promoting Islam globally after it finally accepts the reality of the American Revolution, which was a rejection of both monarchy and Christianity? 

36.  If Westerners think their religion is Christianity but Christianity is kaput, then aren't Westerners without a moral system?

37.  If Liberalism has replaced Christianity, is Liberalism also kaput?

38.  Is Liberalism kaput because of the failure of Conservatism?  

39.  Is Conservatism meaningless without social conservatism?

40. Is social conservatism the forbidding and punishing extramarital sex?

41.  Is patriarchy impossible without social conservatism?

42.  Is the West a matriarchy?

45.  Is patriarchy a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their offspring?

46.  Is matriarchy a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring?

47.  Are all advanced civilisations patriarchies?

48.  Are all primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies matriarchies?

49.  Are Western nations matriarchies?

50.  If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution is patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, is the vehicle must be theocracy. Would you agree?

51.  If good and evil come from God, is suffering punishment for sin?

52.  If you believe in the Abrahamic God who created laws for Jews and gentiles to follow, do you accept that the God of Israel is also Allah who revealed the Koran for humanity? 

53.  Is Islam the only gentile religion acceptable to God?

54.  How would you feel about an Islamic European Union?

55.  If God exists, would He be more pleased with Europeans if they had an European Union based on Islamic principles?

56.  If God exists, would He more pleased with Israelis if it remained a liberal democracy or became a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism interpreted by His Chosen People?  

Monday, 24 January 2022

Like Ed Dutton, does Adam Green also pretend he has never heard of me?

1:00  "Antisemitism is a conspiracy theory."
3:00  Burden of proof
5:00  Adam Green
My proposal
6:00  Antisemites are now blaming Jews for Christianity.  
7:00  Cosmic fraud of Christianity
10:00  Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
11:00  Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury didn't even know he was supposed to believe in the shit that is the Doctrine of the Trinity.
12:00  Nicene Creed
Athanasian Creed
15:00  Paul of Tarsus
16:00  Constantine the Great
17:00  Islam
E Michael Jones
19:00  Adam Green with Joseph Atwill
21:00  Divine reason for antisemitism
22:00  Noahide laws
24:00  Secular |Koranism
28:00  Divine right of kings
29:00  Failure of Christianity

Antisemites who deny they are antisemites

4:00  TIFFANY joins.
7:00  Magic Circle
8:00  Rothschilds
9:00  Sabbataean Frankists
10:00  Are Jews a metaphor for class envy?
11:00  Scapegoating Jews or Asians?
12:00  Who is a Jew?
13:00  Saudis
15:00  Antisemites denying their antisemitism.
16:00  National Socialism
17:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz\'s communication skills
18:00  E Michael Jones
19:00  First Amendment and race quotas
21:00  Tone policing
22:00  Identities based on hate
23:00  Holocaust denial and Rabbi Mizrachi
29:00  Jews
30:00  Salem Witch Trials
32:00  Phobia
39:00  Mental health issues
41:00  Secular Koranism
42:00  Ed Dutton
43:00  Shadowbanning
44:00  Afraid of being wrong
45:00  Assuming failure
47:00  #MeToo
48:00  Limitation period
49:00  Bill Cosby
51:00  Deuteronomy 19:15
54:00  Confirmation bias
55:00  Hurt people hurt people
56:00  Lockdown
57:00  Gary Newsome and American constitutional rights
58:00  Fifth Amendment
59:00  80 lashes for false accusations of sexual impropriety
1:01:00  California
1:04:00  Moral apathy
1:05:00  Local politics
1:11:00  Secular Koranism
1:13:00  Flat earth
1:14:00  Psychological
1:15:00  My theological knowledge
1:16:00  Severely disabled infants
Death pathway
1:21:00  Filicide
1:22:00  Bar Mitzvah
1:23:00  American masculinity
1:24:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz

Thursday, 20 January 2022

The opportunity cost of not obeying the laws of the Abrahamic God deprives you of the rule of law

1:00  Opportunity cost
3:00  Monotheism is one-stop shopping.
5:00  Abstract ideas
6:00  The Abrahamic God
7:00  A monotheist deity that isn't the Abrahamic God
8:00  The cosmic fraud of the Trinity
10:00  The nihilism of pantheism
11:00  Self-esteem issues
12:00  Hinduism
13:00  The rule of law
14:00  Buddhism
15:00  Dialectical materialism
16:00  Christianity and Confucianism
18:00  Constantine the Great
19:00  Divine right to rule
20:00  The American Revolution and the regicide of Charles I
21:00  The English Reformation
22:00  Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States
25:00  Justice Brewer
29:00  God moves in mysterious ways.
30:00  The opportunity cost of the rule of law
37:00  Christianity
39:00  Abstract ideas

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

The role of the Sabbath and Passover in Jewish-Gentile relations

9:00  Passover

11:00  Righteous gentile

13:00  Ir nidachat

16:00  God's Chosen People

17:00  Judaism

18:00  Light unto nations

19:00  Christianity

20:00  Sanhedrin

21:00  36 capital offences in Judaism

23:00  Pauline Epistles

24:00  Legal housekeeping

25:00  Christian converts

27:00  Comparative religion

29:00  Paul

32:00  Judaism Lite

37:00  Prince Andrew

Monday, 17 January 2022

The moral imperative of a strict regard for truth

A strict regard for truth is imperative because so many "facts" are "political".

An example is that of climate change. If the climate were indeed changing and this is sufficiently threatening for us to change our behaviour, then belief in climate change will mean your government imposing laws and taxes that will impact on your quality of life.

Another example of a "political fact" is whether the earth goes round the sun or vice versa. The Catholic Church was invested in denying the truth of the earth going round the sun because it did not want to admit that it was wrong. It did not want to admit that it was wrong because it would mean their other wrong decisions would come to light in the burned and bloody history of Christianity. If the all the mistakes of the Catholic Church came to light, Christians might well stop being Christians and think of becoming Muslim or Liberal.

Having tried Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Nazism, it is now time for Western Man to swallow his pride and get with the programme of divine synthesis. 

The most kaput Abrahamic faith in existence

The least kaput Abrahamic faith must be Islam because the six theocracies in existence in the world are Muslim ie Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen. Even without a theocracy, Jews remain in existence residing in the State of Israel even if it is secular. As for Christianity, how likely do you think either the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury are to willingly submit themselves to being publicly questioned over their alleged belief in the alleged co-equal status of a crucified Jew with the God of Israel who is also Allah?

The moral imperative of behaving as if we believed in God

We need to think all is right with the world. If it isn’t, we need to know that it will be, eventually, if we are good, and will be made right by a benevolent supreme being who is omnipotent and morally perfect, or we become mad, stupid and evil, as individuals, groups, nations and civilisations.

The mechanical hare of humanity

Women and Jews are the mechanical hare of humanity. Why do heterosexual men bother doing anything at all? If they acquire empire and wealth, it is only to buy the love of the most beautiful woman in the world whose face launched a thousand ships. Paris cut to the chase when he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. If Paris had chosen wisdom, he would have known to ask for a beautiful woman of impeccable virtue not already married.

Because it was assumed that gentiles would want to compete against Jews for God’s favour, they would be relish being given the easier route to heaven. The atheism of Jews and gentiles makes it impossible for them to do the right thing.

Jews and gentiles, men and women, rich and poor

The roles of Jews and gentiles in humanity are in fact complementary in the way the roles of men and women are complementary.  The roles of the rich and poor are also complementary. 

If we believe that the Abrahamic God created humanity, we would have to believe that He made Jews His Chosen People for a purpose. Jews are intended to serve humanity and humanity consists mostly of gentiles.  

Men and women are complementary in their role of sexual reproduction.  

The rich need the poor for their labour, the poor the rich for payment.

Friday, 14 January 2022

The Queen and due process

The Queen doesn’t believe in due process, not even for her own son. The British monarchy is now morally and intellectually indefensible as well as morally and intellectually rotten.

Today I declare myself republican though I had always thought myself monarchist, for sentimental reasons of childhood fairy stories of once upon a time.

It is not a crime for a British man to have sex with a 17 year old female in Britain, so how come an American prostitute has the power to bring down a British prince on the basis of an accusation that has not been proven and demand to be paid in millions?

One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. 

Thursday, 13 January 2022

The "essence of Christianity"

The "essence of Christianity" is worshiping a deceased Jew as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. If those who claim to be Christian actually believed in the Abrahamic God, they might be apprehensive that He would be offended since they must already know that God has specifically and explicitly forbidden idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments for which the penalty is death for Jews, but it seems they do not. This explains why the Anglican Church is content to remain a Creature of the Liberal State while serenely promoting its policies of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Monday, 10 January 2022

Claire Khaw discussing Uighurs with Muslims and how to ask Christians the two killer questions

1:00  "The real Islam"
2:00  Malaysia or Indonesia?
Malaysia uses Islam for its ethno-nationalism. 
5:00  Tablighi Jamaat banned by the Saudis.
8:00  How can we tell which country has the best Muslims?
More Europeans now converting to Islam.
10:00  Mohammed Hijab on Jordan Peterson
19:00  Mohammed Hijab declaring war on China
26:00  Ali Dawah
34:00  Abdal Hakim Murad
35:00  Uighurs in China

38:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

42:00  Secular Koranism
43:00  Westerners have no moral system they believe in. 
44:00  Orthodox Judaism views Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy and Reform Judaism is heresy. 
45:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin. 
46:00  5G and HS1
47:00  Brexit
48:00  Demographics, feminism and equal pay
50:00  Muslims will be like Democrat-voting Jews in a few generations.
51:00  Social conservatism and patriarchy are Islamic values. 
52:00  Providers and protector
54:00  Breakdown of the rule of law
55:00  Islamophobes cannot think of a better to humanity than the Koran. 
56:00  One can arrive at a sharia theocracy through reason alone.
57:00  The West and its identity crisis 
58:00  Conversion therapy ban
1:00:00  No fault divorce 
1:01:00  Africa's youth bulge
1:02:00  Mandate of Heaven
1:03:00  The Three Supremes

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Claire Khaw and Ali Dawah discuss 2:230 of the Koran which has echoes from Jeremiah 3:1

4:00  The Male Gaze

12:00  The West does not have a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents are married parents

14:00  Abolishing no fault divorce

15:00  Divorce

Friday, 7 January 2022

Romantic theology

Obtaining the favour of the love object can be likened to gaining God's favour, which can be as capricious as the ardour and coldness of lovers.

Israel means Jews wrestling with God's laws.

The Koran could be said to be a legal contract between God and Man.

The bargain is that we will be closer to heaven on earth and have a pleasant afterlife the closer we follow God's laws.

On the whole, this is a clearer bargain with a more predictable outcome than our individual romantic endeavours.

The Feminist Stiletto

It must be in the national interest to follow the best available guide to humanity because they contain laws from the Hypothetical Supreme Authority ("HSA") whose laws protected His Chosen People from extinction.

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then surely Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

If Islam is Judaism Lite, Secular Koranism must be Islam Lite.

The idolatrous and disorganised Eastern religions are of no account since the last three global empires have been Christian.

India is a twice fallen civilisation, China now runs on historical materialism which is more a truism than a political philosophy.

The best thing Christianity did for Europeans - even if its narrative was absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy - was to discourage adultery, fornication, incest, sodomy and pederasty thus having a eugenic effect until they stopped practising marriage.

The human tradition of marriage coupled with organised religion from which the rule of law was its product kept Western civilisation going till feminism hit it between the eyes and legs before pushing a stiletto into its stomach.

The stiletto was the favoured weapon of the medieval assassin because it is capable of inflicting severe internal damage not readily apparent when examining the entrance wound.

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Claire Khaw Secular Koranist on the Crucible with Andrew Wilson, Orthodox Christian

2:00  Secular Koranism
3:00  The Koran is a surprisingly good read if you read the N J Dawood Penguin translation. 
4:00  Reading the Koran for the small-print of your contract with God

7:00  What I propose is already being done
8:00  One daughter with severe autism discovered at one or two
10:00  Female infanticide
11:00  Quadriplegic, deaf and blind
12:00  Midwife
14:00  Assassinate, execute
15:00  Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans
16:00  Special place to find and lose babies outside the city
17:00  If abortion is allowed, why not infanticide?
18:00  Infanticide
19:00  Morality and legality
20:00  Infanticide
22:00  Morality
23:00  Non-parents 
24:00  Secular Koranism
25:00  Atheists could agree with Ten Commandments and Seven Noahide laws
26:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles.
28:00  The White House Koran
29:00  Thomas Jefferson
31:00  Judaism does not allow freedom of belief to Jews because the penalty for breaking the Sabbath for Jews is death.
32:00  Muhammad in SCOTUS
33:00  American Declaration of Independence
34:00  Christian on Christian persecution on both sides of the Atlantic
35:00  Separation of Church from the State
36:00  The First Amendment
37:00  No established church in America
38:00  Thomas Jefferson
41:00  The Koran was revealed before the Enlightenment.
43:00  Deism and Jefferson Bible
44:00  The Trinity
47:00  Idolatry
49:00  How is Jesus God?
50:00  Unitarian Christians
50:00  Southern Baptist
51:00  Three global Christian empires
52:00  Laws in the West do not reflect Christian values.
53:00  The Common Law is a different legal system to the Civil System on the Continent.
54:00  The proportionality of an eye for an eye, a limb for a limb and a life for a life is in the Bible.
55:00  BLM is intersectionality.
56:00  Christianity and lockdown
57:00  Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy.
58:00  The Word of God in the Torah and Koran > the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming an absurdity

59:00  The New Testament is too far too vague. 

1:00:00  Parable of the Good Samaritan
1:01:00  Bystander apathy
1:03:00  The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
1:04:00  The Ten Commandments come from the Torah. 
1:05:00  Love thy neighbour comes from the Old Testament.
1:06:00  The bargain between Catholic Church and European monarchs
1:07:00  Christianity supported the divine right of kings.
1:09:00  The laws of Western nations reflect the values of Transnational Progressivism.
1:10:00  Culture is the product of the law and practice of the moral system.
1:12:00  Church of England
1:13:00  The unregulated morals of Western politicians
1:14:00  Half a century of sex and drugs and rock and roll and feminism

1:15:00  Rejections of Christianity: American, French and Russian Revolutions
1:16:00  European monarchs rejected the Pope's authority.
1:17:00  The European Wars of Religion
1:18:00  Christianity was kaput way back in 1649 when Charles I lost his head.
1:19:00  Andrew sums up his arguments against Secular Koranism.
1:20:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.  
1:22:00  Christianity forbade the degeneracy of extramarital sex until the Sex Revolution. 
1:23:00  Matriarchy is the problem causing lower birth rates, higher divorce, fewer parents and an ageing and increasingly uncompetitive and chaotic society.
1:24:00  Gender relations

Progressive Revelation is Historical Materialism

The One God idea was powerful, but the One God who is also compassionate, perfectly moral and omnipotent was even more powerful.

And then the One God with scripture for a tribe idea was more powerful.

But the One God with scripture for the whole of humanity must be the most powerful.

God either really caused all this or it was just a logical development of ideas.

Is kaput Christianity cursed by God because of its idolatry and blasphemy?


a)  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.

b)  Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is Lord.

Which of the above is true?

The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles

The First Amendment was based on

The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom which subsequently became the First Amendment.

Five of the Founding Fathers rejected Trinitarianism which means they were not even Christian. The only people who have the right to call themselves Christian would be those who have undergone a confirmation ceremony.

Unitarian Christianity only flourished briefly in America because of the First Amendment but that has now run out of steam.

The best thing Christianity did for Europeans was prevent the degeneracy that would be caused by adultery, fornication, sodomy, incest and pederasty which must have destroyed the pagans of Greece and Rome.

It did not matter that Europeans basically believed in nonsense for 2000 years as long as they practised marriage, but the last half century has dismantled the patriarchy and replaced it with the chaos and criminality of matriarchy.

If the problem is matriarchy, the solution must be patriarchy.

If the destination is patriarchy, the vehicle must be theocracy.

The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

The purpose of Christianity was to support the divine right of kings.

This purpose failed as long ago as 1649 when the English practised regicide and Charles I lost his head.

Judaism asserts that the Abrahamic God so arranged the world that the cure exists before the disease.

The cure of Islam existed before Christianity was kaput.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

The crypsis of Modern Orthodox Judaism leads to more Jews converting to Christianity in the last 50 years than the last 2000 years

29:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
31:00  The thoughtcrime of idolatry
34:00  Pinchas the zealot impaled Chillul Hashem while it was in flagrante delicto.
35:00  Jews going to the gas chambers would be better than Jews becoming Christian.
39:00  Modern Orthodox
45:00  Moses Mendelssohn
51:00  Beware the crypsis of the Modern Orthodox
1:11:00  More Jews have converted to Christianity in the last 30 to 50 years than they have in the last 2000 years.
1:12:00  The systemic problem
1:13:00  The right ideology to stop more Jews converting to Christianity is to say that the shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism. 

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Why the neocons are more invested in Holocaust Denial laws than Jews

America and NATO are more invested in maintaining the myth that Britain and France sacrificed their empire to save the Jews who were being so horribly persecuted by Hitler than the Jews themselves.  

It was in fact two World Wars that made the centre of Western power shift from Europe to America and in fact handed the empires of Britain to France to America on a platter.

The British and French might well ask themselves what their forefathers died for in two ruinous World Wars of imperial rivalry. It was certainly not for the right of their grandchildren and descendants to deny the Holocaust.  

But then neither are the Jews allowed to deny their own Holocaust in Israel and Israel is but an American colonial outpost and therefore an American Protectorate run as a liberal democracy. 

Anyone following Israeli affairs would know that Orthodox Jews are now so weak in masculinity they are allowing a blonde formerly Christian convert to Orthodox Judaism from Texas to represent their interests as she weakly complains about Jews being converted to Christianity by Christian missionaries flying into Israel from America like vultures. It is their intention to harvest Jewish souls in Israel to trigger the Second Coming of Jesus.  

Think of Europe as Athens and Sparta who exhausted themselves in war and America as the Roman Empire who made the Greek peninsula a province of the Roman Empire called Achaea.

The fact is that Jews are less invested in Holocaust Denial than the neocons. If Jews used the Holocaust to get their way after WW2, it was to emotionally blackmail the British into allowing the Mandate for Palestine to become the State of Israel. The British, having had the stuffing knocked out of them after two World Wars, could hardly wait to leave quickly enough.

I have tried on several occasions to suggest to David Irving that HMG and those who give it its orders are more invested in Holocaust Denial than Jews themselves, but to no avail, because the point was not taken.  

There were others who tried to suggest to him that the Second World War was really a continuation of the First Word War, but his dismissive response was "I know nothing of the First World War."  Indeed, WW1 and WW2 has been called the Second Thirty Years War by historians, but this is not the kind of history British schoolchildren learn these days nor was it in the curriculum of their parents.

I have also tried to suggest that it was a tactical error on the part of David Irving's legal team to avail himself of the false economy of a judge only trial instead of a jury trial to decide whether he was in fact libelled by Deborah Lipstadt, but I don't think that point was taken either.  

HMG was terrified of returning servicemen wondering what the hell they and their fathers died for in two World Wars and making their displeasure known and overthrowing their government. As we know from what happened during WW1, the Russians in their Russian Revolution made clear to the Czar what they thought of his foreign policy in deciding to fight WW1.  

OV nearly agrees with me that Constantine the Great would have chosen Islam if it had been an option

Right Reaction/House of Comments

3:00  My unique perspective on Jews

9:00  Jim Goad
10:00  Luke Ford
18:00  Partition
19:00  Greater Idaho Project
20:00  Gerrymandering
21:00  Religion
23:00  The splintering of society
24:00  Fargo
25:00  Cities are centres of vice.
27:00  One party state
29:00  Internal passports
30:00  A more perfect union = a unitary state
31:00  Democracy is dementia. 
32:00  China and Taiwan
33:00  Liberal democracy is dangerous to Western civilisation. 
34:00  It is unAmerican to want a monarchy. 
36:00  Huey Long
38:00  Carl Weiss
40:00  Monarchy and the First Amendment
41:00  Nietzsche: Interpretation is a function of power, not of truth. 
42:00  The Republic is the logical next step once monarchy has been abandoned.  
43:00  The Estates of the Realm and the Hindu caste system
44:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate. 
45:00  Atheism relies on empiricism, ethical monotheism relies on rationalism.
46:00  The rationalist and utilitarian view of God
47:00  Christianity forbade adultery, fornication and sodomy which was more eugenic than pederasty. 
48:00  We must submit to truth. 
49:00  Lies have utility. 
50:00  The spirituality and serenity of a believer
51:00  Our truth and logic must be confined by moral principles.  
52:00  God is dead and we have killed him. 
53:00  Kulturkampf
56:00  Liberalism is kaput. 
57:00  Defining nationalism as government in the national interest
58:00  The global government of a global empire
59:00  Mandate of Heaven
1:01:00  Defining the nation
1:02:00  Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism.
1:03:00  Israel
1:04:00  Mamzer and Mischling
1:14:00  Jewish Free School
1:16:00  Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. 
1:17:00  It is in the national interest to have a functioning moral system capable of keeping your group in existence and apart from others. 
1:19:00  The meaning of suffering
1:20:00  Why the Holocaust happened, according to Orthodox Judaism
1:23:00  If evil and good come from God, then antisemitism must also come from God to punish Jews for their disobedience to God. 
1:24:00  Pilpul
1:25:00  Israel
1:27:00  Satan
1:28:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People to teach the Noahide laws.
1:30:00  Divine ethno-nationalism of Judaism > Nazi ethno-nationalism
1:32:00  Jews acknowledge that they must have deserved punishment if they were punished. 
God protects and punishes. 
1:33:00  Gentile worship of the Abrahamic God
1:34:00  Islam is a synthesis of Christianity and Judaism. 
1:37:00  Judaism is racial and ethnic.
1:38:00  But for Judaism, there would be no Jews. 
1:40:00  Tower of Babel
1:41:00  Judaism is a moral system.
1:43:00  The Abrahamic faiths > The Eastern religions
1:44:00  Patriarchy was what made the West great. 
1:46:00  It is hard being Jewish. 
1:48:00  European ethno-nationalism
1:49:00  American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity.
1:50:00  Trotsky
1:53:00  Intellectuals discuss politics. 
1:55:00  When OV was a liberal socialist
1:57:00  Restoring the patriarchy to challenge and defeat the matriarchy
1:59:00  Apartheid
2:00:00  We can only wrestle with God if we acknowledge His existence. 
2:03:00  Atheism is its own punishment.
2:04:00  Atheism could be narcissistic self-worship.
2:08:00  Apart from Judaism and Islam, the other four world religions are idolatry. 
2:11:00  Three global Christian empires
2:15:00  Christianity
2:16:00  Constantine's choice

2:43:00  DOMINGO joins.
2:45:00  Why has Christianity been successful?
2:47:00  Dubai
2:48:00  The purpose of having principles

3:02:00  Slavery and prostitution 
3:03:00  Regulating sexual relations
3:04:00  Matriarchy  
3:07:00  Patriarchy
3:39:00  Accusations
3:41:00  Friendship
3:42:00  CT
3:45:00  Grooming
3:55:00  Honorable intentions
4:20:00  Jewish Monthly
4:21:00  GANDALF joins.
4:26:00  China
4:42:00  Leaders and followers.
4:48:00  Leadership
4:50:00  Church of Entropy's alleged leadership qualities
4:54:00  Doooovid is the essential ingredient of WiR.
4:56:00  Sobriety and collegiality > drugged or drunk
5:01:00  Leadership qualities: confidence, charisma and conviction
5:05:00  Trump and Biden
5:07:00  Farage interviewing Trump
5:08:00  Confidence, clarity
5:09:00  Napoleon
5:12:00  Integrated personality
5:17:00  Wise leaders
5:18:00  Defining wisdom
5:20:00  My alleged illogicality
5:21:00  Secular Koranism
5:23:00  Noahide laws
5:24:00  Pantheism
5:25:00  Natural law
5:26:00  My communication skills
5:27:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
5:28:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority
5:29:00  Focusing on the things we agree on ie the Noahide laws
5:31:00  My leadership skills
5:33:00  Jefferson Bible
5:34:00  Pauline Epistles
5:35:00  Canonical gospels
5:37:00  The leadership qualities of Moses
5:38:00  Muhammad was a successful political and military leader.
My leadership qualities exceed those of Jesus, according to Gandalf. 
5:39:00  Being led by a child or a crucified revolutionary or a woman
5:40:00  The principles of Kamala Harris
5:41:00  Jim Jones
5:45:00  Committing the cause
Confirmation bias

Why it would be in the American National Interest to adopt Secular Koranism which guarantees freedom of belief

9:31 AM
Claire Khaw
​Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.

9:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​It is in the national interest to not have divisive racial policies and so only civic nationalism is the only moral and rational option.

9:35 AM
Claire Khaw
​If Judaism is divine ethnonationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

9:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

9:37 AM
Claire Khaw
​Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

9:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​All advanced civilisations are patriarchies. All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. The West is a matriarchy suffering from degeneracy.

9:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​To be degenerate is to be less competent morally, intellectually and physically than the previous generation.

9:42 AM
Claire Khaw
​If matriarchy is the problem, patriarchy must be the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, the vehicle must be theocracy.

9:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​Only patriarchy would produce enough good strong men to defend the national interest. Nationalism cannot operate in a matriarchy.

9:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

9:46 AM
Claire Khaw
​The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

9:47 AM
Claire Khaw
​To discover that your society is a matriarchy is to discover it has the civilisational equivalent of cancer.

9:49 AM
Claire Khaw
​In a matriarchy, men are lower in status to the unmarried mother who casually conceived and parented her illegitimate offspring.

9:51 AM
Claire Khaw
​The proper hierarchy of patriarchy: married parents at the top, non-parents below, unmarried parents at the bottom treated as sex offenders by 24:2 of the Koran.

9:53 AM
Claire Khaw
​It is in the national interest to have a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring most parents in your society are married parents.

9:54 AM
Claire Khaw
​The institution of marriage has been desecrated for the last half century since the swinging sixties and the feminist and sex revolution.

9:56 AM
Claire Khaw
​Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput. Christianity is so kaput that even its replacement Liberalism is now also kaput.

9:58 AM
Claire Khaw
​The American, French and Russian Revolutions represent rejections of Christianity and monarchy, but Westerners appear not to have been aware of this.

10:00 AM
Claire Khaw
​The morals of Western politicians are in fact completely unregulated. The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate but follows no rules other than their own whims and fancies, moods and emotions.

10:02 AM
Claire Khaw
​The only way to regulate the morals of the government and the governed is the imposition of a functioning moral system effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality.

10:11 AM
Claire Khaw
​Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism but Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws.

10:18 AM
Claire Khaw
​While the Torah and the Koran are believed to be the Word of God, the New Testament is not even from Jesus, let alone God.

10:20 AM
Claire Khaw
​The New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an absurdity. The Christian narrative acknowledges that Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.

10:29 AM
Claire Khaw
​Christianity is by its own admission worshiping a Jew as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe, which is the idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God.

10:32 AM
Claire Khaw
​Idolatry is any religion that isn't Judaism or Islam. The sin of idolatry is its own punishment since idolatry would be cursed by God and God is said to be the best of deceivers deceiving Christendom.

10:34 AM
Claire Khaw
​Is Christianity a divine practical joke played on self-deceiving Christians who continue to claim that worshiping a Jew convicted of blasphemy as the co-equal of God is neither idolatry nor blasphemy?

10:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy? If it is not idolatry and blasphemy to worship Jesus if Jesus is God, how is Jesus God? Where does it say in the New Testament that Jesus is God?

10:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​The Trinity requires Christians to believe that Jesus is co-equal, co-eternal and co-substantial with God. This means they are supposed to believe that a crucified Jesus created the Universe.

Christians are required to believe that God impregnated Mary to give birth to Himself to save humanity from Himself. It is nonsense on stilts. 

10:41 AM
Claire Khaw
​If you believe that Jesus is God, you are too credulous. If you only pretend to believe that Jesus is God, you are corrupt.

10:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​If you believed in God, why would you do the very things He has forbidden to do for 2000 years unless you are really an atheist and nihilist prepared to agree to nonsense?

10:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​Is it in the national interest to continue using a religion you know is kaput and cursed by God? Out of all the five world religions, Christianity is the weakest link that was replaced by Liberalism.

10:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​Liberalism in the 21st century means nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, becoming a matriarchy after desecrating the institution of marriage for 50 years

10:47 AM
Claire Khaw
​If Christianity led to the globalisation of the sins forbidden by God turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah, then the correct way to repent is by adopting Secular Koranism.

10:55 AM
Claire Khaw
​Secular Koranism would guarantee freedom of belief from atheists to polytheists while restoring and protecting the patriarchy. The First Amendment is based on 2:256 of the Koran.

10:58 AM
Claire Khaw
​The Jefferson Bible is Jefferson speaking to us from the grave. The New Testament was reduced to only the Sermon on the Mount which is basically nonsense and the opposite of the rule of law.

11:00 AM
Claire Khaw
​The rule of law can only come from law supposed to be from God ie law based on either the Torah or the Koran. Judaism has given us the Noahide laws with which to rank the four gentile religions.

11:08 AM
Claire Khaw
​The four gentile religions should be ranked in order of their conformity with the Noahide laws with Islam most and Christianity least Noahide because of its idolatry and blasphemy.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Men devoid of pride and shame

Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral principles. Moral principles come from religious principles and religious principles come from religion. Without a moral system, men will be but women with penis extensions incapable of organising so much as a piss-up in a brewery because they will be but donkeys threatened by the stick or bribed by the carrot. This is now the degenerate state of Western Man in his matriarchy.

Because men are no longer men but only women with penis extensions, Western Woman hates Western Man and this hatred she shows by dismantling the civilisation his masculine male ancestors built while he sucks his thumb and waits for his nappy to be changed by an old man called Trump who had the election stolen from him last year by an even older man.

The sin of Christian idolatry and blasphemy is its own punishment

The formal position is that Judaism executes Jews convicted of idolatry and blasphemy while the Koran only reproves such tendencies as lapses and does not even mention blasphemy as a crime.

All idolatry is blasphemy, of course, since blasphemy is what would offend God if He exists. Technically, blasphemy is words said and deeds done other than bowing before idols.

In my view, the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is for our own protection rather than to protect God's feelings against offence.

The only religions acceptable to God would be Judaism and Islam. The rest is idolatry.

The harm of idolatry is the opportunity cost of practising idolatry rather than being rightly-guided by God's laws. But this is really a case of a sin being its own punishment when you think of how much Christians suffered because of their religion of compulsory idolatry and blasphemy and also when you think of how much Post Christians Westerners are suffering now because they have abandoned belief in the Abrahamic God altogether and are even now absurdly thinking of returning to the primitivism of the failed deities of their ancient ancestors, God forbid!

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...