THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
1. Are you aware that the Torah has 36 capital offences?
2. If you believe in God but were not punished during your lifetime for acts that would have attracted the death penalty, should you expect to be punished for them in your afterlife?
3. Would you agree that it is very easy to clock up more than one death penalty during one Jewish lifetime?
4. Isn't it rather dismaying to think hat you could be faced with four possible varieties of death penalty in your afterlife ie stoning, beheading, strangulation and death by fire?
5. Wouldn't you like to escape them by converting to Islam?
6. If you don't want to convert to Islam to escape your death penalties in the afterlife, does that mean you neither believe in the afterlife nor God's power to punish you making you an atheist?
7. Isn't atheism in fact a form of idolatry for which the penalty is also death for Jews?
Any Jew who is citizen of a Western nation that considers itself part of Christendom is already subject to a death penalty because to live in any part of Christendom is to be guilty of the sin of ir nidachat - being a citizen of a city that has gone astray ie a city that practices idolatry.
Women and Jews are the mechanical hare of humanity. Why do heterosexual men bother doing anything at all? If they acquire empire and wealth, it is only to buy the love of the most beautiful woman in the world whose face launched a thousand ships. Paris cut to the chase when he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. If Paris had chosen wisdom, he would have known to ask for a beautiful woman of impeccable virtue not already married.
Because it was assumed that gentiles would want to compete against Jews for God’s favour, they would be relish being given the easier route to heaven. The atheism of Jews and gentiles makes it impossible for them to do the right thing.
One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
a) Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
b) Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is Lord.
Which of the above is true?
America and NATO are more invested in maintaining the myth that Britain and France sacrificed their empire to save the Jews who were being so horribly persecuted by Hitler than the Jews themselves.
It was in fact two World Wars that made the centre of Western power shift from Europe to America and in fact handed the empires of Britain to France to America on a platter.
The British and French might well ask themselves what their forefathers died for in two ruinous World Wars of imperial rivalry. It was certainly not for the right of their grandchildren and descendants to deny the Holocaust.
But then neither are the Jews allowed to deny their own Holocaust in Israel and Israel is but an American colonial outpost and therefore an American Protectorate run as a liberal democracy.
Anyone following Israeli affairs would know that Orthodox Jews are now so weak in masculinity they are allowing a blonde formerly Christian convert to Orthodox Judaism from Texas to represent their interests as she weakly complains about Jews being converted to Christianity by Christian missionaries flying into Israel from America like vultures. It is their intention to harvest Jewish souls in Israel to trigger the Second Coming of Jesus.
Think of Europe as Athens and Sparta who exhausted themselves in war and America as the Roman Empire who made the Greek peninsula a province of the Roman Empire called Achaea.
The fact is that Jews are less invested in Holocaust Denial than the neocons. If Jews used the Holocaust to get their way after WW2, it was to emotionally blackmail the British into allowing the Mandate for Palestine to become the State of Israel. The British, having had the stuffing knocked out of them after two World Wars, could hardly wait to leave quickly enough.
I have tried on several occasions to suggest to David Irving that HMG and those who give it its orders are more invested in Holocaust Denial than Jews themselves, but to no avail, because the point was not taken.
There were others who tried to suggest to him that the Second World War was really a continuation of the First Word War, but his dismissive response was "I know nothing of the First World War." Indeed, WW1 and WW2 has been called the Second Thirty Years War by historians, but this is not the kind of history British schoolchildren learn these days nor was it in the curriculum of their parents.
I have also tried to suggest that it was a tactical error on the part of David Irving's legal team to avail himself of the false economy of a judge only trial instead of a jury trial to decide whether he was in fact libelled by Deborah Lipstadt, but I don't think that point was taken either.
HMG was terrified of returning servicemen wondering what the hell they and their fathers died for in two World Wars and making their displeasure known and overthrowing their government. As we know from what happened during WW1, the Russians in their Russian Revolution made clear to the Czar what they thought of his foreign policy in deciding to fight WW1.
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