Saturday, 18 December 2021

Jordan Peterson distracts Mohammed Hijab from denouncing the Trinity

2:00  Hijab's educational qualifications

9:00  Mohammed Hijab points out the absurdity of the Trinity. 

10:00  Peterson asks dumb question of whether Hijab thinks there is "a divine spark in human beings" to distract him from warming to his theme on the absurdity of the Trinity. 

Peterson asks another dumb question "What is the characteristic of the human relationship with God?" 

Obedience to His laws, obviously. 

"What is the central structure within human beings that makes human worthy of respect in the sight of God or worthy of value in the sight of God?"

It is assumed that the Abrahamic God loves humanity or He would not have bothered making laws for humanity to follow.  

11:00  Man is to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality and obeying God's laws is the demonstration of this submission. 

14:00  Fitra

"Why bother with the propositional arguments then?"

What propositional arguments? 

16:00  Apparently, Richard Dawkins frames the argument for atheism in propositional terms and this is bad for theists. 

JP: "What purpose does belief in God serve?"

Believing in God would make it easier for us to obey His laws for longer, obviously, making the world a better place prolonging the existence of our civilisation. 

We must first believe that good will triumph over evil to even fight evil in the first place. If we assumed we would fail from the beginning, we would submit to it without challenge. 

18:00  Instinct to worship and instinct to imitate? Imitate what?

JP burbles nonsensically producing the following word salad:

The instinct argument is an interesting one and this is why I was pressing you to some degree on the issue of the definition of worship. I don't see much difference between the instinct to worship and the instinct to imitate and I do believe that there's compelling evidence psychological and biological that we human beings have a remarkably strong instinct to imitate and the question is what is it that we're oriented to imitate and I  think if you look at the developmental psychology literature for example, it seems to be the case that if a child has an intact nervous system and they have one or two good models around them that they'll be drawn towards those good models and imitate them and develop quite healthily even under rather stressful circumstances and you know that instinct to imitate also underlies phenomena like the experience of awe and the experience of charisma and that charisma you know has an effect on attentional function and on the proclivity to behave and so I think the propositionalized arguments deliver the religious ideas over to the propositional camp and that's dominated already by scientists in many ways. It's it's a losing battle I don't think it's the right one. So one thing the West and Islam agree on although i think Islam is part of the West by the way because we're all People of the Book. The triune god in the Christian sense is still subordinate to a higher order unity and so there is a powerful movement towards monotheism in Judaism and Christianity and Islam and that seems to be a point of some agreement. We're also people who've made a decision collectively in some mysterious manner that a book should sit at the basis of culture, a specific book that's been aggregated in a strange way in a mysterious way and so we also agree on that and so that's a starting place at least and obviously there's been a lot of interpenetration of ideas between Islam and Judaism and Christianity. The prophets in Islam are the same prophets that go through the three major Western monotheistic religions so that's a fair bit of commonality and so that's a good place to start building bridges and so Islam is stringently monotheistic and then the submission idea. God is ineffable in a sense and so what does submission mean exactly and how is that related to worship and how is that related to the good let's say on a practical level.

19:00  What "propositional argument" is "dominated by scientists" and why is it "a losing battle"? 

21:00  What does submission mean exactly?

It means obedience to God's laws, obviously. 

25:00  What "spiritual doctrine of Christianity"?

It is impossible to explain nonsense on stilts. 


Nietzsche announced the death of god in the late 1800s and you know what the consequences of that have been at least to some degree and of course Dostoevsky was talking about exactly the same things at pretty much exactly the same time but the philosopher of religion Eliad in his historical investigations indicated that the death of god is something that has happened to many cultures in many places over many times. It's not a unique event in let's say western history and his explanation for that at least in part was that as there's a movement towards unification under a monotheistic umbrella which is perhaps a precondition for the union of diverse people. One of the consequences of that is that that central unifying value becomes so abstracted because it has to cover such a multiplicity that it flies away. He called that deus abscondis if i remember correctly, the idea that the spirit just flies away because it no longer has an attachment to the world and one of the ways that Christianity solved that if you think about it from a psychological perspective was by was by insisting upon the presence of God in a canonic form right in an emptied form in a partially emptied form in the person of Christ in a particular place at a particular time and it's it's a variant of the prophetic idea although taken to its absolute extreme the prophetic idea is that there are people who are marked out in history marked out by God by their relationship with what's highest in some spectacular manner and so i guess one of the things I would say about the Islamic resistance to the idea of the divinity of Christ is that there is an emphasis on Islam on the special status of prophets of certain prophets and their particular special relationship with God which seems to elevate them above other men in some important sense and drawing a line precisely  between that claim and the claim of divinity incarnate is not an easy matter.

29:00  "Spark of divinity" means charisma according to Peterson. Hijab never asked the point of Peterson's dumb question. Are all charismatic people divine? Hitler was known to be charismatic, wasn't he? 

31:00  The attributes of God: omnipotence, omniscience, being supreme and eternal as well as being morally perfect. 

Hijab sings and chants in Arabic, very tedious. JP hints he thinks it is tedious and inappropriate considering he knows no Arabic and actually finds it irritating as many people would. 

37:00  Peterson explains why Islam frightens the West.

39:00  Hijab says he opposes liberalism.

44:00  Islamophobes prefer to have a crucified prophet crucified for blasphemy to die for their sins than a successful military and political leader.  

45:00  Western Man, Jordan Peterson is terrified of Islam imperialism when he is the beneficiary of three Christian global empires, suggesting that Christians can dish it out, but can't take it when the boot is on the other foot.  

47:00  Jordan Peterson is shocked that empire is acquired by war and that Muhammad's friends and family died!

51:00  Islamophobes like calling Muhammad "warlord".

52:00  Islam is undeniably an imperial religion but it is Christians who have had three global empires, who fought a European Wars of Religions and who started two World Wars. Why is Jordan Peterson behaving as if the natural order of universe must be that only white Christians are allowed to acquire empire? Isn't his hatred and fear implicitly racist and/or Islamophobic? 

53:00  The Koran is the ancient Art of the Deal and a Book of Bargains. 

57:00  Totalitarianism is burning heretics at the stake for denying the Trinity and criminalising people for exercising the faculty of discrimination. 

58:00   Islam accommodates Christians and other religions and did so under the Ottoman Empire. 

1:00:00  JP: "Let he who can tell the best story win." 

The story of Islam is more plausible than the absurd story of a deceased Jew born of a virgin mother who died on the cross being also the Abrahamic God who created the Universe. 

According to this ridiculous narrative, God impregnated a virgin who gave birth to Him in order to save humanity from Himself.  

1:04:00  The Koran tells Muslims to keep their word.

1:05:00  Sectarianism and the civil war in Islam

1:06:00  What constitutes Islam "putting its house into order"? Securing full spectrum global domination?  

1:07:00  Just because there is more than one interpretation of an event does not mean that the event did not happen.  

1:10:00  The Sykes-Picot Agreement was not explicitly mentioned. 

1:11:00  Lebanon

1:12:00  GDP of Muslim countries

1:14:00  Ottoman Empire

1:18:00  "An authoritarian interpretation" - all laws are authoritarian

1:20:00  Authoritarian certainty must always be tested by free speech. 

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