Monday, 1 August 2022

Ralph Masilamani denounces the Founding Fathers and equates patriarchy with domestic violence

Women's football
6:00  The Laws of Rugby
9:00  Lonely as a cloud, I disdain to take an interest in sport. 

10:00  RALPH MASILAMNI joins.

12:00  Muslims reject me.

13:00  My plan to unite Jews and Muslims against Christian idolatry.
14:00  My plan to dismantle the American Empire.

16:00  People are happier living in nations whose governments govern in the national interest.

17:00  Nations are unions of tribes.

17:00  Non-white illegal immigrants want to come to Britain because they speak English. They speak English because of the Anglo Saxon world empires. 

18:00  Russian Pan-Slavism and Eurasianism

19:00  Codification is not an exclusively liberal practice since Maimonides was not a liberal and he codified the Torah.
The British are divided by the EU referendum. 

20:00  Constantine and the conversion of Europe

21:00  Ralph accuses me of being deluded as to the failure of Christianity.

22:00  What Christian principles are being promoted by the Archbishop of Canterbury?

23:00  Ralph does not seen to realise that the current British monarch has been female and she recently celebrated her Platinum Jubilee.
24:00  Ralph denies he is nationalist and calls himself a "Christian absolutist". 
25:00  "Iranistan"

Ralph talks about removing Muslims from Britain.

28:00  Ralph falsely denies he wants to in effect repeal the First Amendment.

29:00  Ralph calls freedom of belief "blasphemy". 

30:00  Roe v Wade and OMOV
31:00  Secular Koranism and the Glorious Revolution 

32:00  People and nations should be identified ideologically. Nations should be identified by whether their laws conform to the Noahide laws and individuals should be identified by 
a) the principles they claim to follow
b) whether they follow these principles

33:00  Amongst white people, there are already significant numbers of them who are clearly subversive to the patriarchy ie liberals and feminists. 

34:00  It is not delusional to believe that Christianity is kaput since, for Christianity to be said to be operational in the West, most Westerners must be confirmed Christians.
35:00  Cathedrals are really Christian artefacts as evidence of a Christian past rather than evidence of a Christian present, since the only acceptable evidence of Christianity being in existence is the existence of confirmed Christians. In the birthplace of Anglicanism - supposedly the second most powerful church in the world - what is the percentage of confirmed Anglicans in the total UK population? Are these figures available? Can they be obtained from the Church of England?

36:00  Ralph claims Christians are the richest people in the world. Does he really just mean Westerners though? Most Westerners are not confirmed Christians, are they?

37:00  Trump is a Christian billionaire. 

38:00  What are Christian principles?

40:00  Why does Ralph call unrequited love "unrequitted love"?

41:00  The Trinity is the unique Christian principle of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

42:00  The martyrdom of Socrates was imitated by Jesus. 

43:00  The defining feature of Christianity is the Trinity. 

44:00  What Ralph thought as unique to Christianity is in fact appropriated from the Torah.  
The Shema

45:00  The Three Pillars of Christianity according to Ralph
46:00  The Church of England
47:00  The Wars of the Reformation
48:00  African Christians

49:00  With only a few rare exceptions, Westerners are too neurotic with Islamophobia to contemplate Secular Koranism.

50:00  "Anti-white" = matriarchy

51:00  I dare to do what Jews and Muslims fear to do: tell Christians Christianity is idolatry.
52:00  Buddhism is an atheist philosophy.
53:00  Atheists are really idolaters and narcissists.
54:00  My legal and peaceful method of dismantling the American empire

55:00  Christianity is poisoning Westerners.

56:00  The Trinity cannot be logos because it is the antithesis of truth and logic.

57:00  The Chinese do not identify themselves as adherents of a religion but as an empire operating statecraft.

I am a product of the British Empire.

59:00  The concept of the Abrahamic God definitely exists.

1:00:00  The poison of kaput Christianity and rotting liberalism is making the British ill.

1:03:00  I am a stickler for due process, in particular that supported by the Noahide laws of establishing a court and legal system to enforce the law of the land.

1:04:00  The British are neurotic and confused.

1:05:00  I serve the Hypothetical Supreme Authority who is the most powerful being conceivable. If the Hypothetical Supreme Authority actually exists, He would be the Abrahamic God. If Abrahamic God exists, He would embody Truth, Logic and Morality. I submit to Truth, Logic and Morality.

1:06:00  We must obey our moral imperative to obey the laws of God in the Koran because there is no higher authority that the  Abrahamic God and there is no better guide to humanity than the Koran.
1:07:00  I am a process server serving the Anglo Saxons with notice that their moral system falls far below the standards required of the Noahide laws. I am awaiting the support of Orthodox rabbis whom I would have thought would have no trouble in agreeing with me that Christianity is idolatry because Christians are required to worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel he was convicted by the Sanhedrin of blaspheming against. We also know that while Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques, they are forbidden to enter places which are places of abomination where idolatry and blasphemy are practised. If blasphemy is anything offensive to God if He exists, idolatry is offensive to God. Christians in Christian kingdoms have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for 2000 years.

1:08:00  Ralph denounces Jefferson and Franklin.

Ralph says Jefferson and Franklin were traitor to the American people whose edifices should be burned. 

1:09:00  Ralph says he would torture a confession out of Jefferson in his basement using a cauldron. 

1:09:00  Ralph calls the Jefferson Bible sacrilege.
1:11:00  I have solved the Mystery of the Trinity.
1:13:00  Chinese and Somalis
1:16:00  Promoting violence
1:17:00  I respect the beliefs of atheists and agnostics.

1:18:00  Ralph says he has no political manifesto. This means he has no solution other than to continue claiming Christianity is the solution when it is obvious that it has failed.

1:19:00  Ralph scorns the First Amendment. 

1:20:00  Viktor Orban marginalised and demonised by the EU
1:21:00  Budapest
1:22:00  Violence
1:23:00  Secular Koranophobia
1:24:00  Christians deny their obvious idolatry.
1:27:00  The Athanasian creed says Jesus is both God and man.
Athanasius did not seem aware of the law of the excluded middle.

1:28:00  Jim Bowden is drunk again. 
1:29:00  Secular Koranism with EU Characteristics

1:33:00  Raymond Harmon found at - and his like will not save America.

1:34:00  The Abrahamic God

1:35:00  Multicultural and multiracialism is logically and necessarily inevitable in empires since empires are about incorporating the nations of others into your territory.

1:36:00  I am a servant of Truth, Logic and Morality. 
1:37:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics

1:38:00  The Dissident Right cannot have a full and frank discussion with each other on any matter of importance, let alone talk to me.

1:39:00  I am the mind of a man happily inhabiting the body of a woman conscious of my feminine privilege. 

1:41:00  I am the genius who solved the Mystery of the Trinity at
1:42:00  I am accused of suffering from a delusion. 
1:44:00  The liberal Church of England

1:45:00  Ralph would like to execute the Archbishop of Canterbury. This could be regarded as an outrage by the British people whose faith he officially represents. But how many Britons are actually confirmed Anglicans?

1:47:00 gives the background of Kipling's poem of hate against Germans.His son died in WW1.

1:49:00  Ralph equates the patriarchy with violence. 

1:50:00  Ralph conflates a book of rules with sex offenders who have never read it.

1:54:00  I support due process but Ralph does not.

1:55:00  Secular Koranism would repeal any law that is unKoranic.

1:58:00  Ralph and I discuss the solution to the political problems of the British.
2:01:00  Britain's pitiable plebs
2:03:00  Plebs are being demonised by the ruling classes.
2:05:00  Ralph's BNP video
2:06:00  Jim Dowson
2:07:00  Nick Griffin
2:10:00  Alison Chabloz

2:11:00  Ralph denies he is a nationalist though he is always pandering to those who identify as nationalist and keeps repeating their talking points to attract them.

2:12:00  Ralph panders to simple-minded plebs who are easily mesmerised by his patrician and priestly tones claiming Christianity will solve their problems.

2:13:00  Ralph is more obviously guilty of narcissism than me because he has nothing useful to say and panders to the plebs by indulging their Islamophobia.

2:14:00  Ralph is a sphinx without a secret.
2:15:00  I reject Christianity.
2:17:00  I disdain sport.

2:18:00  Unmarried parents would be treated as sex offenders under by Widespread illegitimacy has already been a problem as long ago as 1974 when the late Sir Keith Joseph made his Edgbaston speech. 

2:19:00  I propose a tariff of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring or per offence of public indecency.

2:20:00  The British national anthem
2:21:00  Christianity must be cursed by God if He exists.
2:23:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
2:24:00  Peace of Westphalia

2:27:00  Ralph claims to be neither a monarchist nor a republican but a "Christian absolutist".

2:28:00  China is civic nationalist.
2:31:00  30 Years War
2:32:00  Wars of the Reformation
Peace of Augsburg
Protestantism is a manifestation of the national self-consciousness of the European peoples. 
2:35:00  Nationalism

2:36:00  Ralph says the prospect of a Hindu Prime Minister is a humiliation to white British men. 

2:40:00  Civic nationalism
2:41:00  PPE
2:46:00  Tibet has been conquered by China. 
2:48:00  No peace without justice.
2:51:00  Ralph proposes another Inquisition.
2:52:00  Ralph quotes the most warlike verse of Jesus at me.

2:53:00  Ralph equates patriarchy with domestic violence.

2:56:00  Not all antisemites are Nazis. 
2:59:00  How can someone who uncompromisingly and repeatedly calls for a one-party theocracy be called liberal?


  1. After the black Christians over take Europe how would Europe be a group of ethno nationalist states? And what makes Ralph think they will all just trot back to Africa?

  2. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:16

    The statement at the end Jim Bowden - a person cannot be Australian unless they are white…well, one could argue that the indigenous folk are Australians and the white folk are invading colonizers and not “true” Australians.

    Yeah, there’s that.

  3. Ralph would be deporting himself from Europe then.

    I am only proposing to deport illegal immigrants and make everyone behave better.

    All our ancestors been invaders and been invaded. If we were all made to go back where we came from, there would be terrible disruption and loss of life.

  4. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:20

    He is very interesting - his claim he loves all faiths and cannot be racist - but belittles Chinese throughout the video, denigrates the indigenous people of Australia and says he will spread Christianity by the sword … saying “violence” is not negative to establish one’s nation state.

    I have spent 3 hours listening to his double talk while he claims Clair is doing the same exact thing.

    "Clair - you are a narcissist - let me teach you, as I have memorized poetry and I have a secret plan which many support but you cannnot know of."

  5. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:21

    He made a mistake -
    If the English want to deport Bulgarians, they should be able to do so. And if they want to deport Muslims, they should be able to do so. On one hand, he is speaking of blood (which he says is what makes a nation) but then, on the other hand he speaks of religion in the same context.

    So - for him - it is God, blood and soil.

    However, it is only his idea of God…not even the God of other sects of Christianity.

    I wonder if he would be willing to admit he is a bigot.

  6. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:22

    This guy attacked the fact that Clair’s mom is a pagan throughout this and had just got done saying that her offspring will be remembered for her treachery…

    …but then cried, you shouldn’t bring one’s children into the discussion.

  7. Old testament is Jewish, not Christian. Laws of rugby are simple. Australia is independent Claire? Yes they are i league with the USA globalists sadly. The US alliance is important, sadly the leadership of these nations are hostile to national good. Many immigrants to commonwealth countries don't care for the Anglo blood and soil

  8. I know of a way to break up the global American Empire, peacefully and legally with the cooperation of the Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders.


  9. 2:06:54 Nick Griffin didn't betray the British people. It was the British people who chose to vote for labour and conservative, Nick Griffin did everything he could to warn people about the effects of mass immigration. While I am critical of Nick Griffin in some ways such as disagreeing with him about christianity and disagreeing with him about Putin. I don't see how Nick Griffin is to blame British nationalism getting nowhere, he moderated the nationalist image as much as possible to try and accomodate to the normie general public. What else could he have done?

  10. Ralph has a tendency to make unsubstantiated claims in a cloud of hyperbole.

  11. White Muslim Woman5 August 2022 at 10:28

    I don't quite understand how after the big collapse and all the African Christians come save Europe for Christianity, are they then going to go home? And then I am wondering where would you ,Ralph, go after this huge battle? I would like to watch a video explaining Christian Absolutism without a conversation going on. This is the first I have ever heard of this and the insults going back and forth has not allowed a clear explanation of it.

  12. White Muslim Woman5 August 2022 at 10:30

    Couldn't Persistent Delusional Disorder be said of all people who believe in God?

  13. White Muslim Woman5 August 2022 at 10:33

    I think it would have taken less time to just explain what exactly the problem with Nick Griffin was and what should have been done than telling everyone to use due diligence.

  14. It was because Griffin failed to win the Barking election. Ralph realised how ridiculous he sounded for suggesting that Griffin lost the election on purpose so he wasn’t more specific.

  15. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:39

    This is an interesting conversation between two non-white people discussing the future of white folk.

    I agree with Ralph’s assessment of Clair’s divide and conquer and I reject the idea she assumes for herself that she is somehow “useful” to Muslims.

    Though Ralph himself is funny since he feels he can determine a person’s “whiteness” by their philosophical principles.

    All the talk of the “Glory of God” and his declaring how he would torture and extract a confession from the founding fathers of America are reminiscent of the European dark ages.

    He is “entertaining” for sure.

  16. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:40

    So Ralph is pretty funny.

    He displays racism and animosity while claiming he can’t hate due to his faith.

    He claims that he would torture and Christian’s should use the sword … while also saying the law is to be used as a weapon … but also claiming that everyone has a right to do their own thing.

    Add to that, he claims that Christianity is the white man’s philosophy and anything else is “liberalism”.

  17. Ralph is nonsense on stilts. I cannot imagine any right-thinking American not immediately identifying him as an enemy of the American constitution.

  18. White Muslim Man5 August 2022 at 10:41

    He makes that very clear.


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