Monday, 22 August 2022

Which Antichrist?

The concept of Antichrist is an ideological weapon to defend Christianity against its ideological challengers.

Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy according to its own narrative. If Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, then one can deduce that there would be a very large Christian Section of Hell because out of all the five world religions, Christianity is the least Noahide. It is least Noahide because of its idolatry and blasphemy. This must be so because the last three empires have been Christian and the Abrahamic faith with the largest number of adherents is Christianity.

4:00  The exhortation to "worship Jesus" is inciting and encouraging idolatry.

6:00  Any religion that opposes Christianity would be classified as Antichrist by Christians.  It is therefore predictable that Christians would label Marx and Muhammad Antichrist.

8:00  Malcom Muggeridge who died in 1990 wrote The End of Christendom.

The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. Christianity is making Westerners ill. Indeed, even the desire to maintain their Christian identity against all reason prevents them from returning to health.

9:00  Prophesies should be taken with a pinch of salt, particularly if that belief was based on a disputed claim that is obviously an absurdity ie that Jesus is God. The concept of the Antichrist is basically a defensive liar claiming that any strong leadership that challenges his lie is the Antichrist.

10:00  Nationalism can only be promoted through social conservatism and patriarchy. Patriarchy can only be maintained through theocracy. If we are to establish a theocracy, that theocracy should be based on revealed scripture. There are only two revealed scriptures attributed to the Abrahamic God: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Since the Torah is too hard even for Jews to follow, all should follow the Koran if they wish to have the benefit of the protection of the most powerful being conceivable.

11:00  Progressive Christianity does not promote social conservatism. Therefore progressive Christianity is not fit for the purpose of maintaining the patriarchy. That which is not fit for its intended purpose should be taken out with the trash.

12:00  Americans in their republic should be safe enough against being turned into a monarchy with an absolute monarchy, shouldn't it? Why have a monarch when you can have a constitutional dictator? Caliphs are constitutional dictators.

15:00  Rod Dreher is still Christian, therefore he still lives by lies. It is obviously a lie that Jesus is God. Christianity and Hypocrisy walk hand in hand.

18:00  America lacks the capacity for self-correction because it is a matriarchy. A matriarchy is a society that suffers from moral motor neurone disease meaning that its members are incapable of organising themselves against its internal and external enemies. Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents. The West is a matriarchy perfectly explaining the unregulated morals of its ruling classes and the inability of the people to challenge their corrupt and incompetent ruling class. The incorporation of Koranic principles into the American constitution including the farewell speech of George Washington would restore the patriarchy in America. All that is required is for prominent Americans to propose this after bringing themselves to discuss this.

19:00  "Antichrist pattern" - anything Christians don't like?

20:00  You would expect globalism if there exists a corrupt and evil global empire. The American empire can be broken up legally and peacefully with the help of Trump-supporting American people and those already subject to its domination.

21:00  The solution to the Antichrist is to cease being Christian. Muslims don't have the concept of the anti-Muhammad because their religion is not full of mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus.

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