Monday, 27 February 2023

What is mental illness?

2:00  Lunatic asylum
3:00  Seeing and hearing things no one else sees or hears.
4:00  Truth, Logic, Morality and suicide
5:00  We are most likely to be murdered by our sex partner.
9:00  Suicide
11:00  Spartan 300
12:00  Hara kiri
14:00  Cleopatra and the Roman triumph
17:00  Neurosis
18:00  Being irrational and being dishonest or mistaken
19:00  Syllogisms
20:00  Valid and sound reasoning
Suicide forbidden by the Koran
23:00  A rational choice of a moral system
24:00  Mental health issues
31:00  Normalising mental illness
33:00  Aztecs
35:00  What is right and what is wrong?
39:00  America needs an offical religion.
42:00  Hierarchy
43:00   Leading by example
44:00  Global hegemon insane and in need of correction and restraint.
45:00  Our government is making us mad.
46:00  Bringing our government solutions rather than problems
47:00  Resetting our minds
48:00  Risk averse
49:00  The nature and purpose of religion
50:00  External and internal enemies
51:00  Legislature must be restrained by the book of rules.
52:00  Hinduism and Buddhism
53:00  Islamophobes cannot think of a better guide to humanity than the Koran.
56:00  Arguing effectively against liberals
58:00  Amnesia is a mental health issue.
1:01:00  Pyramid
1:02:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
1:05:00  Unquestionable chain of command in a pyramid moral hierarchy 

Sunday, 26 February 2023

Having a religion is like carrying a brolly because you don't want to get wet and Vincent Bruno

1:00  Trivium and Quadrivium
3:00  Theoloy
4:00  Religious narratives and conspiracy theories
6:00  Atheism means more conflict because personal beliefs become a concepteual idol. Atheism is people who worship their own dumb opinions and are prepared to kill each other over whose is supreme. 
8:00  Not having a preference to prefer if you are atheist. 
9:00  Muslims are the majority in Wakefield.
10:00  Antisemites do not have a holy book.
11:00  Religious rules
13:00  Religious groups transcend empires.
15:00  Choosing our religion rationally
16:00  The reputation of Christians if they start three World Wars
18:00  No such thing as white supremacy.
19:00  Chinese ancestor worship
23:00  Infantilised effeminate degenerate men
24:00  No good to man nor beast
25:00  The utility of Muslims to democratic politicians
26:00  Wetherspoons
27:00  Nationalists resemble the hippy movement
28:00  Religions and umbrellas

29:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to discuss the right and left.
31:00  Low IQ and low status white people who hate immigration
32:00  Hypergamy
33:00  Misogyny
35:00  Mormons
36:00  Muslims
40:00  People at the bottom
43:00  Immigration
44:00  One party state
45:00  Revenge
46:00  Religionless white people
48:00  Male and female behaviour
49:00  Religion is a political necessity.
51:00  Becoming a victim of your own success
52:00  Communism and capitalism
53:00  Religion is about getting people to marry and have children.
55:00  Posterity
56:00  Havelock-Ellis the sexologist and Kant's principle of universalisability
58:00  Anti-natalists who hate their own children
1:02:00  Child-like people
1:03:00  Star Trek in your 40s.
1:04:00  Infantile adult men
1:05:00  Bravo

1:07:00  Big Brother
1:10:00  Free will and predestination
1:12:00  The right kind of sex
1:13:00  War
1:15:00  Status
1:17:00  Equal pay and maternity leave
1:18:00  Being replaced
1:19:00  Gay parents
1:20:00  Heterosexual v Homosexual World
1:21:00  Mad Dictator
1:22:00  Chatgpt and fake news
1:23:00  Politically correct she who is Chatgpt
1:25:00  Secular Koranism is "very smart".
1:26:00  Ann Coulter
1:27:00  American Revolution is a rejection of Christianity and monarchy.
1:28:00  Salem Witch Trials
1:30:00  French and Russian Revolutions
1:31:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
1:32:00  The failure of liberalism
1:34:00  Reactionary
1:35:00  Noahide laws < Sharia
1:36:00  Tent city
1:37:00  England, Denmark, Italy and Sweden
1:38:00  Western imperialism and Iran

Questions for American social conservatives to ask other American social conservatives

  1. What do you think is the purpose of religion?
  2. Is America not having an official religion a problem for Americans?
  3. Is the problem of Americans not having an official religion the problem of having their ruling classes making up the rules as they go along for their corrupt reasons and Americans not being protected from the malign intentions of criminal Americans?
  4. If Americans were forced to choose an official religion and it cannot be Christianity since the American Revolution was a rejection of Christianity and monarchy, what religion do you think it should be bearing in mind that most Americans are not Jews, Hindus or Buddhists?
  5. Did you know that Islam is an imperial religion that protects free speech and freedom of belief with

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Discussing transgenderism and artificial wombs with Vincent Bruno

2:04:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
2:13:00  17 of the 36 capital offences of Judaism are sexual offences.
2:15:00  The governed need a benchmark for the laws the government can or cannot pass.
2:16:00  Heterosexual parents are breeders for LGBTs.
2:20:00  Transgenderism
2:25:00  Gender Recognition Certificate
2:27:00  Freedom of contract
2:28:00  Making Western labour uncompetitive
2:33:00  The future of Europe
2:34:00  It is the job of the government to make the working classes work.
2:38:00  Stephen J James was triggered by my proposal to make Vincent shame straight white nationalists by becoming a Secular Koranist before them. 
2:40:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes have a shit moral system and narrative.
2:41:00  Christianity
2:42:00  Catalyst
2:43:00  Muslims regard Noahides a beneath their notice. 
2:44:00  I prepare to make the sacrifice of no longer being able to stream with Vincent after he becomes too busy to stream with me after he becomes a Secular Koranist.
2:45:00  Elton John and David Furnish and their children

Vincent Bruno accuses me of grooming him for Secular Koranism

1:11:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
1:13:00  Scriptural controversies
1:14:00  I wasn't thinking of Domingo.
1:15:00  Choosing a moral system most likely to satisfying divine requirements. 
1:17:00  The rule of law
1:18:00  Biblical principles
1:19:00  Imperial narratives
1:20:00  Deuteronomy is full of rules.
1:21:00  All the world religions support patriarchy but Christianity is the weakest link. 

1:36:00  Christian appropriation of the Old Testament.
1:37:00  Christians were injected by the Trinity.
1:38:00  It is impossible to explain nonsense and the Trinity is nonsense. 
1:39:00  Jehovah's Witness believe Jesus is also Archangel Michael.
1:40:00  Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Arians and Trinitarians are Christian. 

1:42:00  TROLL joins. 
1:44:00  Vincent is demoralised at the quality of his trolls.
1:45:00  Noahide Marxist

2:01:00  CLAIRE KHAW denigrates rabbinically guided Noahidism. 
2:03:00  The Noahide laws comes from the Talmud.
2:04:00  The Koran is higher in status than the Talmud. 
2:05:00  Only an Islamophobe would reject the Koran in favour of the Talmud. 
2:06:00  The definition of sexual immorality in Judaism is inadequate because it doesnnot expressly forbid fornication. 

2:07:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
2:08:00  Theology does not interest atheist nationalists. 
2:09:00  Vincent being supergay and a gay supremacist
2:10:00  Islamic branding of Secular Koranism hated by Westerners who are overwhelmingly Islamophobes.

2:16:00  BRITISH MAN WTH NO NAME joins. 
2:17:00  Vincent offers to show his body but is discouraged from doing so. 
2:18:00  Vincent acquiring fame through Secular Koranism.
2:20:00  Secular Koranism and the age of consent
2:22:00  Male members of the Royal Family have been circumcised. 

2:26:00  CCD joins.
2:27:00  Anti-Christian and religious background
2:29:00  Sexual abuse
2:31:00  Bearded women are not lesbians. 
2:50:00  Heterosexuals have children wlly nilly.
2:52:00  Noahide laws

3:01:00  CLAIRE KHAW speaks. 
3:05:00  Why Greek and Roman civilisation declined
3:06:00  Patriarchy forbidding extramarital sex
3:07:00  Victorians neurotic about sex
3:08:00  Patriarchy fatally undermined. 
3:09:00  People are neurotic about sex because they cannot get it right about the price of sex.
3:10:00  Christianity cannot correct Western attitudes about sex. 
3:11:00  Vincent wants to be taken seriously as an intellectual discussing theology. 
3:12:00  Vincent's future as a commentator and theologian
3:13:00  Vincent's legacy
3:14:00  Homosexuals not interested in Vincent's ideas.
3:16:00  Vincent not going to be a Nobel Prize winning embryologist.
3:17:00  Vincent can be morally superior to unmarried parents. 
3:18:00  Repentant sinners are better than unrepentant sinners. 
3:19:00  Neither Vincent or I are unmarried parents.
3:20:00  No one can take away from Vincent his status as the first gay man in America to support Secular Koranism,
3:21:00  Carol
3:22:00  Vincent can shame heterosexual men by becoming the first gay man to support Secular Koranist.
3:23:00  Ali A Rizvi
3:25:00  The price of chips and crisps these days

3:30:00  STEPHEN J JAMES rejoins. 
3:32:00  Stephen warns Vincent against resisting my irresistible logic. 
3:33:00  I have great self-belief. 
3:34:00  Stephen articulates his Islamophobia.
3:35:00  Stephen finds Muslims insular, threatening and alienating. 
3:37:00  Christianity
3:40:00  The stronger idea dominates. 
3:43:00  "Churches burned to the ground" ... 
3:44:00  US$6.39 per bag of chips
3:46:00  Stephen warns Vincent against me.
3:49:00  Carol
3:50:00  Stephen is terrified of the prospect of Vincent shaming straight white nationalists. 
3:53:00  Because of Syria, Islam is kaput. 
4:03:00  Controlling the interpretation
4:05:00  Trusting our legislature to govern us properly < trusting the Koran to be our book of rules
4:11:00  Stephen has given up. 
4:12:00  Constitutional change
4:14:00  Ideas have power. 
4:17:00  Smothering the infant
4:23:00  Jews are stupid too. 

4:25:00  CLAIRE KHAW rejoins
4:26:00  Stephen is practising malign encouragement on Vincent to stop him shaming straight white nationalists by becoming a Secular Koranist.
4:28:00  A gay man being a braver than straight white nationalists would be deeply humiliating for them. 
4:30:00  If Vincent became a Secular Koranist
4:31:00  Stephen's malign encouragement/
4:32:00  Secular Koranism does not punish apostasy.
4:34:00  The media would not platform us.
4:35:00  Neither Vincent nor I conform to a stereotype. 
4:36:00  Theology is a growth area.
4:39:00  I'm so liberal.

4:42:00  Khavian Koranism
4:43:00  Brunonian Koranism
4:48:00  Stephen J James doesn't want Secular Koranism to be adopted. 
4:49:00  Revenge is sweet.
4:50:00  Starting the scramble for Secular Koranism
4:52:00  Secular Koranism uses a literal interpretation. 
4:55:00  Strangling social conservatism at birth
4:57:00  I undermine my detractors by accusing them of Islamophobia.
4:58:00  The benefits of Noahidism according to Vincent. 
5:05:00  Christianity
5:08:00  Creoles were a managerial clas managing the empire of the Anglo Saxons.
5:10:00  Adam Green is against the Noahide laws.
5:11:00  Pagans
5:15:00  Monogamy
5:19:00  Naked 90% of the day
5:21:00  Everyone and his mother is a porn star?
5:22:00  Islam v Liberalism
5:24:00  Koranic Marxism
5:26:00  Intellectuals producing ideas
5:29:00 Being taken seriously
5:30:00  Intellectual pioneer
5:37:00  Favourite books
5:46:00  Vile Israelites
5:58:00  Max Weber
6:03:00  Noahides are dumb. 
6:04:00  My book

6:11:00  CLAIRE KHAW begins her monologue.
6:13:00  Either God created Man or Man created God.
6:14:00  Vincent could shame straight white nationalists. 
6:15:00  Vincent is afraid of Muslims than a few rabbis and Jews.
6:16:00  Chatgpt
6:18:00  How Vincent could mortify straight white nationalists by becoming a Secular Koranists
6:19:00  Max Weber
6:22:00  Capitalism and modeernity
6:29:00  Alan Cecil says Western civilisation is idolatry. 
6:32:00  Verstehen
6:33:00  Western civilisation is based on idolatry.
6:34:00  A new moral system
6:36:00  Secular Koranism on idolatry
6:37:00  Jews against idolatry
6:39:00  Noahidism and environmentalism are religions.
6:41:00  Our beliefs are being changed.
6:44:00  Universal laws
6:45:00  Interpretation

6:51:00  Vincent says he will be spreading heterophobia. 

7:05:00  Bureaucratic Model
7:16:00  Sociology of Religion
7:20:00  Evolution of Religion
7:21:00  Greek pantheon
7:22:00  Ethincal monotheism
7:23:00  Atenism
7:25:00  The Abrahamic God

7:49:00  Weber's religious views
7:50:00  Heidegger
7:52:00  Weber's views on the priesthood
7:53:00  God's People
7:54:00  Supersessionism
7:55:00  Christianity and monarchy are both obsolete to be superseded by Islam.
7:56|:00  Calvinism
7:57:00   Christianity is a corrupt bargain.
7:58:00   Sola scriptura
7:59:00   No agreed Christian principles.
8:00:00   The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
8:01:00   My narrative

8:03:00  Imperial decline of Islamic empires
8:05:00  Twitter
8:06:00  Idolaters humbled and humiliated
8:07:00  Conspiracy theory
8:08:00  The strongest narratives are the simple ones. 
8:09:00  Vincent says he wll read the Koran! 
8:12:00  There will always be Western civilisation.
8:13:00  Group identity
8:18:00  Postures of resistance
8:22:00  Vincent in Blue Lagoon
8:24:00  I am Jonah and Westerners the Ninevites. 
8:27:00  Parables of Jesus
8:28:00  The Sadducees did not believe in the afterlife.
8:30:00  Lashon hara
8:34:00  Vincent says again he will read the Koran! 
8:38:00  Idolatry
8:39:00  Empiricism reversed the burden of proof on theists. 
8:42:00  Reversing the burden of proof for men accused of rape
8:44:00  Circumstantial evidence
8:46:00  Female sex selection
8:47:00  Chatgpt
9:06:00  The Noahide laws are a 7 star rating system.
9:07:00  Does Claire Khaw claim to be the Messiah?
9:12:00  Claire Khaw on Church of Entropy
9:13:00  Doooovid
9:14:00  Yazidi
9:24:00  The First Amendment allows idolatry and blasphemy. 
9:25:00  The intellectual bankruptcy of the Dissident Right
9:26:00  Vincent accuses me of grooming him!
9:27:00  Vincent Bruno as leader of homosexuals
9:28:00  A statue of Vincent Bruno, American hero

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

WTF is Secular Koranism? w/ Claire Khaw

2:00  Secular Koranism is intended to unify social conservatism of all races and religions in the West.
3:00  Social conservatism is the antithesis of sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 
4:00  Social conservatism entails social disapproval of unmarried parents. 
5:00  Only Secular Koranism is radical enough to correct our culture of casual sex.
7:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders.
8:00  Western Islamophobia would make reject of Secular Koranism more likely.
9:00  Christians don't have principles.
10:00  If Christians could be said to have any principles at all, they would have the principle of worshiping Jesus, which is idolatry. 
11:00  Marriage is a universal practice supported by the world religions. 
13:00  Liberal democracy is by definition secular and comes from the ideas of the French Revolution. 
14:00  Marriage is eugenic. 
Is polygamy is eugenic?
15:00  Monogamy is more stable than polygamy. 
16:00  Polyamory
17:00  Fornication is a distraction from marriage. 
18:00  Building a beautiful society is antithetical to a high crime society whose perpetrators are the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents.
19:00  There is no law against it, is there?
21:00  What are the necessary laws?
Happiness and freedom index
23:00  Measuring happiness
25:00  Hirers of prostitutes would be overwhelmingly bachelors.
28:00  Economic migrants
29:00  China is safer than the US.
33:00  Stefan Molyneux on theocracy
34:00  Scripture
35:00  Slavery and sodomy
36:00  How to rationally choose the best religion
37:00  The Iranians got their country back by adopting Islam.
38:00  A Western judiciary can apply and interpret the Koran using a literal interpretation. 
39:00  Adar proposes a pick and mix moral system.
40:00  Basing your laws on a moral system.
41:00  Ideally, a government should be trusted by the governed.
42:00  Slavery
43:00  God did not forbid slavery either in the Torah or the Koran.
44:00  Ancient Greek philosophers who talked about human flourishing practised slavery.
45:00  Slavery is an institution, like marriage and prostitution. 
48:00  Workfare
50:00  Manumission
The Welfare Trap
Slavery was the ancient form of welfare. 
53:00  Adar is an agnostic secular humanist.
55:00  I attempt to interest Adar in Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics.
56:00  Divorce in China
57:00  China
58:00  The world religions support marriage. 
59:00  The Abrahamic God, if believed, is the Thought Police in people's minds.
1:01:00  Crime rates in different political systems and religions
1:02:00  Jews are evidence of God.
1:04:00  Christianity
1:05:00  Liberalism
1:06:00  Theocracy
1:07:00  Misalignment of incentives
1:08:00  The spiritual needs of the governed
1:09:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system that can be interpreted and applied by non-Muslims. 
1:10:00  Degeneracy
1:11:00  Distractions
1:12:00  Diet and drugs
1:13:00  Consumerism
1:14:00  Secular Koranism would be a Western interpretation of the Koran. 
1:15:00  The Doctrine of the Parliamentary Supremacy v sharia
1:16:00  Hadith
1:17:00  The First Amendment is based on
1:18:00  Thomas Jefferson owned the Koran.
1:20:00  Judeo-Christian values
1:21:00  The law against murder
1:22:00  Sexual morality is not generally agreed on. 
1:24:00  My last word
1:34:00  Slavery

Discussing Deuteronomy, Alan Cecil and idolatry with Vincent Bruno

2:17:00  Chatgpt has heard of Vincent Bruno and me! 

Are you aware of Vincent Bruno's campaign against the Noahide laws?

"Yes, I am aware of Vincent Bruno's campaign against the Noahide laws. The Noahide laws are a set of seven moral and ethical imperatives that, according to Jewish tradition, were given to all of humanity by God after the flood in the time of Noah. These laws include prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, sexual immorality, and cruelty to animals, as well as a commandment to establish courts of justice.

While the Noahide laws are not part of the official legal code of any country, some individuals and groups have advocated for their recognition and enforcement in various ways. Vincent Bruno is one such individual who has been critical of the Noahide laws and their potential impact on religious freedom and civil liberties.

Bruno has expressed concerns that the Noahide laws, if enforced by governments, could be used to suppress certain religious beliefs and practices, particularly those that do not align with traditional Jewish teachings. He has also suggested that the Noahide laws could be used to justify persecution or discrimination against non-Jewish people.

It's worth noting that there is significant debate and disagreement within the Jewish community and among scholars about the significance and interpretation of the Noahide laws. Some view the laws as an important foundation of ethical monotheism, while others question their relevance or applicability in modern times."

 6:00  Jobhunting 

11:00  Secular By Design by Alan Cecil

13:00  I question Cecil's conclusions.

14:00  I try to stop Vincent. 

15:00  The ancient Greeks

16:00  The difference between Haman and Antiochus

17:00  Idolatry < ethical monotheism

18:00  Morality > logical

19:00  Sparta v Athens and why Greek civilisation fell

22:00  Kulturkampf

23:00  The First Reich

24:00  The Holy Roman Empire

25:00  Empiricism as a methodology for denying God.

26:00  Greek logic

27:00  The Talmud

28:00  Halakha and Agada

29:00  Jesus?


55:00  Western civilisation is anti-Torah and therefore antisemitic.

59:00  The law rather than its spirit

1:02:00  Idolatry is antithetical to Judaism. 

1:04:00  Tovia Singer

1:05:00  Israel is the 51st state of the Empire of Idolatry.

The pursuit of happiness is idolatry. 

1:06:00  Hidden idolatry

1:08:00  Idolatry is any religion that isn't Judaism or Islam. 

1:09:00  The Founding Fathers didn't get round to establishing an Islamic Republic though they started that process by separating the church from the state. 

1:10:00  The pursuit of happiness must be restricted by God's laws or the public interest would be undermined.

1:11:00  Jews and Muslims are not calling out the idolatry of Christians. 

1:12:00  Christians don't realise they are idolaters even 1700 years after they have incorporated the Torah into their Bible.

1:17:00  Hidden idolatry


1:19:00  Halakha and sharia are the way to go.

1:20:00  Lust is Deadly Sin. 

1:21:00  Sin is a behavioural addiction. 

Monday, 20 February 2023

Talking to the AI with Stephen J James

5:00  ChatGPT knows about me! 
11:00  Resignation letter
14:00  Chatbot rejects any attempt to make it a sexbot.
18:00  Cosmological argument
25:00  Immaculate Conception
28:00  Mother's Day Poem
29:00  Girlfriend with bad table manners
33:00  Claire Khaw
38:00  Racial slurs
40:00  Sexism and feminism
52:00  Charles Johnson
58:00  Gender roles
1:03:00  Colin Liddell
1:08:00  Alison Chabloz
1:11:00  Millennial Woes
1:19:00  Breaking up with girlfriend over her table manners
1:22:00  Breaking up with girlfriend over her antisemitism
1:25:00  Did Hitler do anything good?
1:27:00  Should Alison Chabloz have been imprisoned for her songs?
1:35:00  Dalle2

Talking to Vincent Bruno about marriage and God's existence

6:00  Michael Dallen and Alan Cecil
13:00  The Big Bang
14:00  Vincent and I are both agnostic.
15:00  Theodicy
18:00  Book of Job
19:00  Artificial wombs and birth control
20:00  Male pill
26:00  Not saying what is really necessary to make Secular Koranism work.
27:00  The problem of enforcement
28:00  Is there a law against it?
29:00  Exclamations, questions, commands, statements
32:00  Torah or Koran version of the Creation?
36:00  Reform Jews are treated as heretics by Orthodox Jews.
37:00  Joshua Shalet
38:00  A higher percentage of Muslims are more observant than Jews.
42:00  Muslims
43:00  Was the Torah handed to Moses on Mount Sinai?
50:00  Christians and Muslims envy Jews.
51:00  Unacknowledged envy
54:00  Liberal Jews
58:00  Meeting God
1:09:00  Liberalism equality and fraternity
1:10:00  Christianity was replaced by liberalism.
1:11:00  Liberalism is kaput.
1:13:00  The necessity for theocracy for patriarchy
1:14:00  Hitler's secretary
1:15:00  Sexual offences
1:16:00  Marriage is eugenic.
1:17:00  Who is marriageable?
1:19:00  Marriage gives us status.
1:20:00  Lowering Western IQ
1:22:00  Teshuvah
1:25:00  Having control of the Fourth Estate
1:26:00  How to incentivise people to become Secular Koranism
1:27:00  Vincent Bruno to become the poster boy for Secular Koranism
1:29:00  Independent thinkers
1:30:00  Early bird discount for Secular Koranism
1:31:00  Easy to win arguments against liberals with Secular Koranism
1:32:00  Melanated Goddess
1:34:00  Boys with erections
1:35:00  Adults bathing with their children
1:37:00  G Block
1:40:00  Drug policy under Secular Koranism

12:00  Israeli Supreme Court

Proving the existence of God and defeating atheists

2:05:00 I speak to Shiffa.

2:07:00  I speak to JJ.

2:30:00  JJ mentions Secular Koranism.

2:47:00  Because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator and that Creator was God.

2:55:00 Is the Universe uncreated?

2:59:00  If everything comes from God, then science and the Big Bang comes from God.

3:08:00 Undermining the idea of a Creator

3:04:00 Deductive reasoning

3:11:00 The Big Bang was an act of Creation.

3:39:00 The rational religious Jew would choose the Koran because it is from God but doesn’t have 36 capital offences, unlike the Torah.

3:39:00 The rational religious Jew would choose the Koran because it is from God but doesn’t have 36 capital offences, unlike the Torah.

3:49:00 Is the joke on Jews?

4:33:00  Free will is meant to motivate us to try and predestination to comfort us when we fail.

4:39:00  Progressive revelation and the Torah as the first edition and the Koran as final edition. Judaism - thesis, Christianity - antithesis, Islam - synthesis.

4:43:00  Are white people now under a curse?

4:44:00  Satan is agent provocateur and God's Prosecuting Counsel,

4:49:00  Laws are the algorithm of human behaviour.

4:53:00  The age of consent is also the age of marriage.

4:57:00  All the world religions support the institutions of marriage and the family.

Friday, 17 February 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the theological narrative

2:09:00  I should be on TV too!
The BBC said I was evil?
2:10:00  My proposals
2:11:00  Arabic
2:12:00  Secular Koranism incorporates the First Amendment based on
2:13:00  Low status plebs
2:14:00  Triggered liberals and the Dissident Right

2:16:00  Conspiracy theorists
2:17:00  Religious narratives
2:20:00  Conspiracy theorists are invariably bores.
2:21:00  Catholic conspiracies
2:23:00  Global domination
2:24:00  Dialectical materialism
2:25:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
2:28:00  The purpose of conspiracy theories is to incite hatred.
2:30:00  The narrative of divine punishment
2:34:00  Are religions conspiracy theories?
2:35:00  The utility of religion
2:37:00  Narratives to incite hatred
2:39:00  Opinion and fact
2:42:00  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Theology
2:43:00  People obey laws to avoid punishment.
2:44:00  "Go forth and multiply."
2:45:00  How would people would be shamed in previous centuries
2:47:00  Predicting the behaviour of someone through their marital status
2:49:00  The paralysis of uncertainty 
2:50:00  The undermining of marriage
2:51:00  Breakdown of the rule of law
2:53:00  What we want from our government
2:54:00  Better education and training
2:55:00  China is better run.
2:56:00  Taking the short term view
2:58:00  The degenerate proletariat
When the plutocracy fight each other
2:59:00  The Corn laws
Landed interests v nouveau riche
Protectionism v free trade
3:02:00  How theocracy would work for Vincent
3:03:00  Do the Dissident Right want to have children?
3:04:00  Bringing up children to be useful citizens

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Talking to Vincent about sublimation and his future as a Secular Koranist

6:00  The theological narrative
7:00  Divine punishment
11:00  Political and ideological tribe of antisemitism
13:00  Jews and Muslims enjoy protected characteristics but not the people who hate them.
18:00  Levent Yildiz
20:00  Cathy Newman and Emily Maitliss
26:00   A sign of success
27:00  Academic Agent, Curtis Yarvin, the Cathedral

28:00  Analysis, Conclusion, Decision, Action!
29:00  Tribune of the plebs

Greg Johnson, Mark Collett, Millennial Woes etc

31:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
33:00  Why Vincent is better than the Dissident Right
36:00  Vincent says he is middle aged. 
37:00  Wanting to be a presenter of a radio show
38:00  Clipping our exchanges to be presented as part of Vincent's CV for his radio show job
39:00  Noahide Radio
41:00  Chaim Coffman
42:00  Unrabbinical Reza Asher
43:00  Idolatry and Henry Abrahamson

46:00  Unprincipled people lacking in self awareness
47:00  Cognitive dissonance, mixed message and doublethink
48:00  Idolatry
51:00  Jay Walker
52:00  Therapist
53:00  AA
54:00  I'd rather die.
55:00  Rock bottom
56:00  Strong people
57:00  Distractions
58:00  Realistic goals
59:00  Man soliciting a picture of me
1:01:00  Wishing to wound but afraid to strike
1:02:00  Lubricant
1:03:00  Masturbation
1:04:00  Sublimation
1:05:00  Religion is the opium of the people.
Extramarital is the opium of the people.
1:06:00  Hinduism is more cruel to women than Islam. 
1:07:00  Dowry
1:08:00  Mahr
1:09:00  Aztecs
1:10:00  Social justice
1:11:00  Family planning and personal intimacy - $7.59 or $9.99
1:14:00  Wallet
1:17:00  Make our own lube
1:18:00  Real Housewives in Saltlake City
1:19:00  Rabbi Dweck
1:20:00  Hating the sin and sinner
1:21:00  All the world religions support marriage and family values.
1:28:00  Principles

1:32:00  VINCENT RETURNS to discuss Alan Cecil's Secular By Design
1:33:00  Definition of antisemite
1:34:00  Cecil wants to replace Graeco-Roman culture with Torah principles.
1:35:00  If Jews were a glue, they would only be 50% effective. 
1:36:00  No escape from marriage if we want our civilisation to continue.
1:38:00  Christianity is the weakest link.
1:39:00  Secular political ideologies promises you something on earth at some point in human history.
1:40:00  Heterosexual married parents are now breeders for LGBT people.
1:41:00  Liberal principles
1:48:00  Vincent's malign encouragement
1:49:00  Secular Noahidism
1:50:00  Secular Koranism with American etc Global Characteristics
1:51:00  Test driving Secular Koranism
1:52:00  Vincent to charge appearance fees
1:53:00  Vincent cannot remember his principles.
1:56:00  I have the principle of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality.
1:57:00  The argument Vincent won against me
1:58:00  Jews obliged to recommend a religion for gentiles.
2:01:00  Idolatry
2:03:00  Allah will be offended if gentiles don't use the Koran and rely on Jews and their Talmud instead. 
2:06:00  More Muslims have normative beliefs of Muslims than Jews have normative beliefs of Jews.
2:07:00  The Claire and Vincent Show
2:08:00  Stephen J James offended by lubes
2:10:00  Being politically respectable
2:11:00  Bad intentions and |ethnically distinct Noahide nations
2:13:00  The majority of Jews are heretics.
2:14:00  Detracting from the Torah
2:15:00  Ir nidachat
2:16:00  A list of Noahide nations from gentiles

Why antisemites hate Jews

2:17:00  Rabbis not fit for the purpose for which God made them His Chosen People.
2:18:00  Jews are conflicted.
2:19:00  Jews have forgotten what idolatry is.
2:20:00  Algebra with its constants and variables
2:21:00  Half the Jews in the world are heretics. 
2:23:00  Vincent understands me! 
2:24:00  Mujahid would be delighted with Vincent if he became a Secular Koranist. 
2:25:00  Vincent would be higher in status than white nationalists.
2:27:00  Vincent to introduce SK USA. 

Monday, 13 February 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the gay scene and Levent Yildiz about theology

The gay scene

6:00  Gay chat rooms
7:00  Grinder
11:00  Job interview
13:00  Philosophical streams

15:00  Not solution-orientated
16:00  Jokes
17:00  Jen Wallis
18:00  Defining terms
19:00  The definition of idolatry
21:00  The definition of secular
22:00  "Our axioms do not agree."
24:00  Ghetto streams with real people > white nationalist streams of incels
25:00  Vincent Bruno's political objectives
26:00  Marriage is eugenic.
28:00  Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait.
29:00  The degenerate white race
30:00  All the five world religions were about supporting marriage.
31:00  17 of the 36 capital offences of Judaism are sexual offences. 
32:00  All empires decline for the same reason.

33:00  Quadruple whammy suffered by white people:

i)   clever women dying childless
ii)  affluent attractive men dying childless
iii)  white people more likely to be LGBT
iv)  white people more likely to marry outside their own race

35:00  Degenerate stupid antisemitic white people
36:00  Curtis Yarvin
37:00  Dementia of the ruling classes
39:00  The thin end of the wedge and the slippery slope
40:00  The wrongness of blaming Jews
42:00  George Washington's farewell speech
43:00  Spartans
45:00  Female leadership
46:00  Margaret Thatcher
47:00  Vincent's relationships with women
49:00  Marriage should be the rule.
50:00  The law should support marriage.
51:00  Democracy
52:00  Vincent Bruno of all people to hate white nationalists.
54:00  What is religion for?
55:00  Making people want to get married. 
Chinese ancestor worship
56:00  Imperialism is a death cult.

Japanese academic says old people should commit suicide. 

57:00  Suicide Act 1961
59:00  Soylent Green
1:00:00  Liverpool Death Pathway
1:01:00  Withholding medication from the elderly and unwanted
1:02:00  Suicide contemplation centres
1:05:00  What's keeping people away from Secular Koranism?

1:09:00  LEVENT YILDIZ joins. 
Nothing in Islam against Secular Koranism.
1:10:00  After the Meccan Revolution
1:11:00  Secular Koranism is an appetiser for the full meal of Islam. 
1:12:00  How to pass the message of Secular Koranism upwards
1:13:00  White people just want to die in peace.
1:14:00  Degeneracy of white people
1:15:00  Muslims made hijra to Sodom and Gomorrah.
1:16:00  The West is a moral vacuum and Christianity does not fill it.
1:17:00  Muslims practise marriage.
1:18:00  The quickly deteriorating situation in the West
1:19:00  The last people of the good times
1:20:00  WW3 and Andrew Tate
1:21:00  Will the Ummah defend Andrew Tate?
1:22:00  The matriarchy fears principled masculinity.
1:23:00  Arthur Goldberg
1:24:00  Jord Byron
1:25:00  Cultural Christian
1:26:00  Europeans had to follow the religion of their king.
1:27:00  The Founding Fathers rejected Christianity and monarchy. 
1:28:00  Ed Dutton's ancestors were fined for not going to church.
1:29:00  Constantine the Great
1:30:00  Council of the Nicaea
1:31:00  The Holy Spirit is the Agent of God.
1:32:00  Trinitarians anticipated theological arguments Jews would use against Christianity.
1:33:00  Jesus relied on the Fifth Amendment when he was asked if he was guilty of blasphemy.
1:35:00  The paraclete
1:36:00  Three global Christian empires
1:37:00  Christianity is making up the rules as they go along. 
1:39:00  Allahu akbar and Tommy Robinson
1:41:00  Torah and science
1:42:00  Big Bang
1:43:00  Pantheism
1:45:00  Heliocentrism was rejected for political reasons. 
1:47:00  Vincent Bruno's plan
1:48:00  Vincent Bruno is the only white person prepared to discuss ideas. 
1:49:00  Baby machines

My recommendations

1:50:00  50 years of feminism have destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.

1:51:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to discuss idolatry.
1:52:00  Hidden idolatry
1:53:00  Making an idol of democracy
2:01:00  Cultured Muslims like Levent Yildiz are worse than stupid Muslims. 
2:02:00  Noahidism
2:04:00  Is Islam Noahide or not?
2:06:00  Are Noahides hiding on the Isle of Wight?

Sunday, 12 February 2023

I discuss sexual morality, gender identity and gender relations on G Block

8:30:00  I appear to discuss Sikhism on fornication. 
8:32:00  Is bad government linked to our culture of casual sex?
8:33:00  Does feminism trick women into childlessness?
8:34:00  Marriage is the best way to parent the next generation.
8:35:00  Degeneracy linked to uncontrolled immigration and an ever worsening illegitimacy rate
8:37:00  I blame the government.
8:39:00  The integrity of the nation and in particular control of national borders is dependent on the practice of marriage.
8:40:00  By integrity of the nation, I meant the ability to control national boundaries.
8:42:00  Men prefer women without some other man's child in tow.
8:45:00  All the world religions are about trying to maintain the practice and the rules of marriage and good parenting.

Privileging married parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders. 
8:47:00  The globohomogenisation of our global village with the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah
8:48:00  Drag Queen Story Time
8:49:00  Primary schools preparing children for pederasty
8:50:00  Heterosexual married couples being turned into breeding machines for gay and transgender people
8:51:00  Only Muslim parents in the US and UK got their act together to protest against drag queen story time.
8:52:00  Degeneracy: from mixed up kids to fucked up kids
8:53:00  Jewish men thank God every day that they were not born women.
8:54:00  Men become women to enjoy the feminine privilege of having more offers of sex than they are prepared to accept.
8:55:00  If the men become women, who will protect the women?
8:56:00  Female to male transgender man committed suicide
8:57:00  Mental illness to think you can be happier sterilising yourself to become a member of the opposite sex

Unisex toilets

8:58:00  Abolish equal pay
8:59:00  Trilla indifferent to transgender women
9:00:00  It all began with the lowering of standards of sexual morality.
9:02:00  What should the law be?
9:04:00  Education for women
9:06:00  Managing Muslim wives

4:10:00  Wives are discussed.

9:07:00  Househusband
9:17:00  I am agnostic. 
9:23:00  No pictures of Muhammad
9:27:00  Pantheism v Ethical monotheism
9:29:00  We must regard God as separate from His Creation or we will be guilty of idolatry. 
9:32:00  We should just follow the laws of God. 
9:46:00  The purpose of religion 

10:12:00  JEN WALLIS joins.
10:13:00  Belief in an afterlife

Friday, 10 February 2023

Vincent Bruno and I discuss the Dissident Right, the Trinity and reconstituting the US constitution

Desk job

7:00  Labour shortage in the US
8:00  Jobs at MacDonald's
12:00  Immigrants
13:00  No attempt to negotiate with the urban proletariat.
15:00  Easy hiring and firing or employment protection legislation? Gig economy or stable jobs?
17:00  Margaret Sanger
18:00  Democracy is not working for democratic politicians.
19:00  Sweden practised eugenic policies.
22:00  Yuval Harari
23:00  The Prophet of Transhumanism
24:00  Reintroduction of slavery
25:00  Slaves no one wants to buy
27:00  Dividing unbought slaves into groups and using them to make a point
28:00  Old people to be used as sources of social history
29:00  Workfare
30:00  Neither the Torah and the Koran forbade slavery.
31:00  The West is now stamping on nations trying to rise. 
32:00  Jews
32;00  Jewish emancipation
33:00  The French Revolution
34:00  The English Revolution
36:00  Fascism
37:00  Constitutional lawyers

38:00  Ties and shirt

39:00  Dress down Fridays
43:00  The purpose of Jews
44:00  Jews not doing their job for gentiles.
46:00  Hindu human rights
51:00  Visualising success
54:00  Caring what people think
55:00  Homophobia and Indians who worship Jews
57:00  Scraping the barrel of insults
1:00:00  Flamboyant homosexual
1:02:00  Method acting in drama school
1:03:00  Writing
1:05:00  Hinduism
1:06:00  No Chief Priest of Hinduism

Not even the Vedas come from God.

1:07:00  We need a moral system based on an official handbook.
1:08:00  Monotheism > polytheism 
1:11:00  TV Vincent watches
1:12:00  Mormon woman who is a booze baroness
1:13:00  Irreligious Muslim woman

1:14:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.
1:16:00  Secular Koranism would raise standards of public morality.
1:17:00  Secular Koranism can only work in a one-party state.  
1:18:00  What went wrong in the last 250 years of liberalism
1:19:00  George Washington's farewell speech
1:23:00  Vincent Bruno as my first gay American Secular Koranist
1:24:00  Twitter as an online word game
1:29:00  Luke Ford
1:30:00  The difference between the right and the left
1:31:00  Margaret Sanger
1:32:00  Jews and Muslims > alt-right
1:33:00  Getting the top Islamophobes to respond to Secular Koranism
1:34:00  2024 Presidential Election
1:35:00  Fuddy duddy Republicans
1:37:00  Tulsi Gabbard
1:39:00  Milo and Hindus for Trump

Boomers only want to die in peace.

Vincent says he is damaged goods.

1:40:00  Hindus for Trump was a success.
1:41:00  Too gay and radical but not a leftist
1:42:00  Vincent Bruno as gay poster boy for Secular Koranism
1:43:00  SK is more of a long term political vehicle than Noahidism.
1:44:00  Twitter Tips
1:45:00  Life is painful for Vincent.
1:46:00  Vincent one of the few people prepared to have an open conversation.
1:47:00  People not answering difficult questions

1:48:00  Ritual humiliation of targeted groups is my proposed strategy

1:49:00  Sublimation
1:52:00  Intelligent people need kinkier sex?
1:54:00  Too many children in adult bodies in the West
1:55:00  Infantilised and effeminate men
1:56:00  Mulish alt-right
1:57:00  The disgusting Dissident Right
1:58:00  The Dissident Right are stuck in arrested adolescence.
1:59:00  Unmarriageable white men and women
2:00:00  Buckets and buckets of unmarriageable undatable freaks
2:01:00  The more organised left

2:02:00  "The Dissident Right can't get over their crass racism to do anything sophisticated."

2:03:00  A book of rules is essential.
2:05:00  What would be most humiliating for the Dissident Right
2:06:00  Shooting the messenger
2:07:00  William Breiannis and usury
2:08:00  Slavery
2:10:00  My proposed legislative programme
2:12:00  Mandatory and advisory verses in the Koran

Vincent says I have it all worked out! 


2:16:00  Reparations
2:17:00  Serco and its slave
2:18:00  The British were ultra vires when they abolished slavery.
2:19:00  The Modern Slavery Act 2015
2:21:00  New job
2:24:00  Millennial Woes
Maths and Science degree
2:25:00  Working in an insane asylum
2:26:00  Crazy people are quite smart. 
2:27:00  Smart people keep pushing the boundaries.

God is a paradox. 

2:28:00  We choose to believe what we want to believe. 
2:29:00  People are happier when they believe in God.
2:31:00  Attitude
2:33:00  Jews are more intelligent because of Judaism.
2:34:00  Successful Canadian actors and singers eg Jim Carey
2:35:00  Minorities
2:36:00  Creoles
2:37:00  The Lebanese
2:38:00  Cuius regio, eius religio
2:39:00  My solution to the Mystery of the Trinity
2:42:00  Thomas Jefferson and his Koran
2:43:00  The Jefferson Bible
2:45:00  The political achievements of Jesus are nothing compared to that of Muhammad.
2:47:00  The First Amendment
2:48:00  Reconstituting the US constitution

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

A three-stage legislative programme to bring America into conformity with Koranic principles

1) SCOTUS to identify, list and number the Commandments of Allah in the Koran to incorporate Koranic principles of governance into the new US constitution. 

2) George Washington’s farewell speech to be also incorporated into the new constitution.

3) Legislation identified to be in conflict with the above repealed, banning all other political parties other than the National Party of America with the principle of governing in the American national interest conforming to Koranic principles of warfare and international relations in foreign policy as well as social and gender justice in domestic policy.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

The Three Pillars of Patriarchy under Secular Koranism

Restore the patriarchy by 

1) abolishing no fault divorce 

2) lashing unmarried parents 100 times per illegitimate offspring 

3) giving married men a free DNA test every time their wife has a baby

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Jordan Peterson who wants a blended religion is probably atheist

37:00  People should be judged by their beliefs.

9:00  Using religion to predict and assess human behaviour
10:00  The problem with blended religions
11:00  The most rational and moral religion to choose
12:00  Purist streak
13:00  Koran-based moral systems
14:00  Keeping political divisions under control if we were all using the same official handbook
15:00  Not knowing the name of our supposed moral and legal political system
16:00  Conservative Party constitution
17:00  Constitution of the Republican and Democrat Party
18:00  Christo-Liberalism or liberal democracy or Judeo-Christian heritage?
19:00  The game we are all forced to play whose objectives and rules are never disclosed
20:00  Toxic icing on the national cake
21:00  The belief system of our family and associates
24:00  A woman of childbearing age can be predicted to get pregnant
26:00  Principled Agnosticism
28:00  Jordan Peterson's blended religion disapproved of by Daniel Haqiqatjou.
31:00  Westerners will be humbled by the failure of Christo-Liberalism.
34:00  Jordan Peterson's proposal of a blended religion
38:00  Constitutional lawyers
39:00  The pillars of Secular Koranism and the Commandments of Allah
43:00  Pancasila
47:00  Secular Koranism with Indonesian Characteristics
49:00  Nature and purpose of religion
50:00  Telling the truth and keeping our promises
52:00  Only one viewer and subscriber is enough if He is powerful enough.
53:00  Slavery
54:00  What is worse than being a slave? Being a slave no one wants to buy.
57:00  Controlling the interpretation of Secular Koranism
58:00  One-party state
1:00:00  Recommendations and advice on the operation of Secular Koranism
1:01:00  Interpretation
1:05:00  We act on our beliefs.
1:07:00  The Islamophobia of Jordan Peterson's followers.

David Kurten talking about Jonah and the Ninevites as I have been doing

1:00  Jonah and the Ninevites
2:00  The fool returns to his folly as a dog returns to its vomit.
4:00  Dog training
6:00  Technical Analysis
9:00  Historians
10:00  Cause and effect
11:00  Stupid, prideful or suffering from a learning disability?
12:00  Jews
13:00  Noahide laws
15:00  Give up your Christocrap for Truth, Logic and Morality.
16:00  Arianism v Trinitarianism
17:00  I have the solved the Mystery of the Trinity.
18:00  The rational wins over the irrational. 
19:00  Is Athanasius authority for the proposition that Jesus is God?

Challenge to David Kurten of the Judeo-Christian Antique Heritage Party

2:00  Culture
4:00  Aztecs
5:00  Christianity

9:00  UKIP is the party of Islamophobia.
11:00  Patriarchy
12:00  Marriage substitutes
13:00  GB News and the Antique Party of Boomers
15:00  Secular Koranism is for gay people too.
17:00  Comments on David Kurten's video read out.
22:00  LGBT news
23:00  Is silence consent?
24:00  How far the message of SK is understood
25:00  Jonathan Sumption

27:00  Three Pillars of Islam
29:00  Patriarchy
31:00  Government indirectly sterilising its people.
32:00  Antisemitism is the religion of antisemites. 
33:00  Antisemites are a political tribe. 
35:00  Men are afraid of women making them unhappy.
36:00  Secular Koranism could be a source of gender justice. 
38:00  Lost White Boys of Nationalism

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Discussing feminism, patriarchy and theology with Jord on G Block

2:15:00  Why not abolish no fault divorce?
2:20:00  Equality
2:22:00  I accuse Jord of wanting to screw around because he rejects Secular Koranism.
2:31:00  Free DNA test for married fathers every time their wife has a baby
2:34:00  Three pillars of restoring the patriarchy

i)    Abolishing no fault divorce
ii)   Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders
iii)  Free DNA test for married fathers every time their wife has a baby

3:01:00  Patriarchy
3:02:00  Matriarchy
3:06:00  Blue Lagoon
3:07:00  Controlling the media
3:13:00  Matriarchy
3:15:00  Nomadic groups
3:18:00  Polyamory and monogamy
3:20:00  Marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. 
3:21:00  The alpha male in a patriarchy is chosen by the beta males. 
3:22:00  Marriage is eugenic. 
3:24:00  No female voting in a patriarchy.
3:27:00  Monogamy
3:28:00  Polygamy
3:47:00  My romantic adventures
3:50:00  Morality

4:35:00  Morality in a theocracy
4:36:00  Controlling the media
4:37:00  European and American experiences of Christianity
4:38:00  Religious persecution of the Pilgrim Fathers
4:39:00  American Revolution was a rebellion against Christianity.
4:40:00  American Revolution not really about taxation without representation. 
4:41:00  Republic > Monarchy
4:42:00  Orderly transition of power
4:42:00  China's orderly transition of power
4:43:00  Widespread bastardy does not exist in China.
4:44:00  Kind and friendly Chinese people
4:45:00  My first language is English.
4:47:00  Our beliefs define us. 
4:49:00  Unisex toilets
4:50:00  Marriage and parenting
4:51:00  Respecting your elders
4:52:00  Parents afraid of their children and the bigger voice of school, university and media
4:53:00  Childline undermines parental authority.
4:54:00  Fatherlessness
4:55:00  Our government hates us.
4:56:00  Middle class jobs being replaced too.
4:57:00  Theocracy
4:59:00  Making it easier to hire and fire people,
5:00:00  Married men supporting a family on one income
5:01:00  Pain and pleasure
5:02:00  Persuading women to submit to patriarchy. 
5:02:00  Sexual liberation v patriarchy
5:04:00  Marriageability
5:05:00  Chads going on an official marriage strike
5:07:00  Elon Musk is an unmarried father setting a bad example.
5:08:00  Transgender generals
5:09:00  Jonah
5:10:00  Cooperation of media
5:11:00  Transgenderism and widespread illegitimacy
5:12:00  The religion of the Georgia Guide stones
5:13:00  Our official moral system is following the orders of Washington,
5:14:00  Transnational Progressivism comes from America
5:15:00  Secular Koranism
5:16:00  Married parents will have their preferences preferred on immigration in a patriarchy.
5:17:00  Banksy is Iranian.
5:19:00  No fault divorce and commercial partnerships
5:20:00  Shaming the Morally Compromised Slut Fuckers
5:22:00  The moral hierarchy of patriarchy
5:23:00  Anti-Natalism
5:24:00  Men employing feminine stratagems
5:25:00  Men will always need women for progeny and status.
5:27:00  Usury
5:28:00  Islamophobia
5:31:00  Western Man snatching the Koran out of the hands of the brown man
5:32:00  I solve the Mystery of the Trinity.
5:33:00  Constantine's problem with Christianity
5:35:00  E Michael Jones
5:36:00  When barbarian kings became civilised
5:37:00  Henry VIII
5:38:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. 
5:39:00  Jefferson Bible
5:40:00  The Koran mentions fornication, but not the Torah. 
5:41:00  Idolatry and the Athanasian Creed
5:42:00  The Islamic Jesus
The Koran has the answer to everything.
5:43:00  Andrew Tate
5:44:00  The Abrahamic God
5:45:00  Islamophobia
5:46:00  Believing our laws come from God would help us obey God's laws for longer.
5:47:00  36 capital offences
5:48:00  Islam gives people a better afterlife. 
5:49:00  Noahide ranking of Islam and Christianity
5:50:00  Christianity is based on Judaism.
5:51:00  Mormonism
5:52:00  Mitt Romney
5:53:00  Why not worship the most powerful being conceivable?
5:54:00  Idolatry of the Trinity
5:55:00  Jews
5:56:00  God also loves gentiles. 
5:57:00  No such thing as Secular Christianity.

Friday, 3 February 2023

Discussing George Santos, E H Carr and Alan Cecil with Vincent Bruno

4:00  George Santos  

15:00 Conservatives and Liberal and their kinks

16:00  Secular by Design by Alan Cecil

20:00  Yoram Hazony

21:00  E H Carr

Hitler and Roosevelt

35:00  Sophistry

36:00  Christians free of the Torah?

47:00  Imperialism and the Abrahamic God

49:00  The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West

56:00  I talk about Jews and gentiles.

58:00  Attributing cause and effect

59:00  Interpreting the fall of the Roman Empire, the English, American, French and Russian Revolutions as the failure of Christianity

1:01:00  If you are not Jewish or Muslim, you are an idolater.

1:04:00  The rules

1:09:00  Noahide laws

1:10:00  Getting the Noahide laws to get Jews to use what they were chosen by God to do.

1:11:00  The Noahide laws are in conflict with the First Amendment. 

1:12:00  Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion in the world. 

1:15:00  Shaming idolaters with Islam as the mainstream global religion

Rules are made to be broken.

1:16:00  Muslim wife or Noahide wife?

1:17:00  Are Noahide women a figment of Vincent's imagination?

1:26:00  Constantine the Great adopted Christianity because it was the biggest idea around. 

1:27:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable. 

1:29:00  Rivalry amongst the Abrahamic religions

1:30:00  Vincent's deity

1:31:00  Christian principles

1:31:00  No escape from the Abrahamic God who created the Universe.

1:33:00  Hebrews tricked by the promise of the Promised Land.

1:34:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

1:35:00  Arranging an honourable retirement for Jews

1:36:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

1:38:00  Jews don't want to give up Jewish privilege.

1:39:00  Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good enough. 

1:40:00  Israel should jump before it is pushed. 

1:42:00  Jews don't want to live in a theocracy that executes idolaters, blasphemers, adulterers and sodomites.  

1:43:00  Secular Koranism

1:44:00  Noahide resources are significantly smaller than Islamic resources.

1:45:00  535 representatives of US Congress could be bribed to become Muslim. 

1:47:00  Douglas Murray v Daniel Haqiqatjou

1:48:00  Islam can be used to defeat feminism. 

1:49:00  Non-marriage forms of sexual reproduction

1:50:00  Islamophobic rant

1:54:00  Margaret Sanger

1:57:00  Heterosexuals are just better than homosexuals at making babies. 

1:59:00  Globohomo has peaked.

2:00:00  Cancer kills itself by causing its host to die. 

Questions for Dan Abrams at News Nation

A topic I hope you will discuss on News Nation: does America need an official religion to stop its corrupt political establishment from making up the rules as they go along?

Is Christo-Liberalism kaput causing the breakdown of law and order as well as trust and confidence in an increasingly corrupt and incompetent government?

Was the American Revolution a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?

Was the French Revolution a confirmation of this rejection and the Russian Revolution a reconfirmation of this rejection?

Since the Age of Monarchy is well and truly over, isn't Christianity obsolete?

Do you remember President Putin saying in 2019 that Liberalism is obsolete?

What is the name for the official political orthodoxy of America?  

If it is not called Christo-Liberalism, what should it be called and who gets to name of the unofficial religion of America?

Does Congress have the absolute power to pass and repeal any law in the US?

Is the US constitution enough to protect the rights of Americans?

Does the legislature in effect have the same power over Americans as the legislature of the UK where the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy operates?

Wouldn't a one party theocracy based on the Koran protect the rights of US citizens better than trusting their incompetent and corrupt legislature to pass and repeal legislation?

Didn't George Washington warn against having political parties?

Was the First Amendment based on  

Is the Koran the best available guide to humanity? 

If you do not think the Koran is the best available guide to humanity, what would be better?

Is it not obvious that the First Amendment is based on the Koran if the White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment?

Do you know Napoleon Hill promoted Islam in the original edition of Think and Grow Rich

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Not Noahidism but Secular Koranism if Vincent Bruno wants to be taken seriously

7:45  Inverted Pyramid
31:00  Adam Green and Deeana Spingola
34:00  Arthur Goldberg
36:00  Doooovid
37:00  Diaspora Jews and Israeli Jews
38:00  High status and high responsibility
39:00  Exile from Israel
40:00  Jewish Question
41:00  Constantine the Great
42:00  Secular Koranism

Vincent's entertainment

44:00  The cure to degeneracy
46:00  Chinese ancestor worship works even though no one really believes in it. 
48:00  Will Vincent be the first American Secular Koranist?
53:00  William Breiannis
55:00  Koranic punishments
1:00:00  The Talmud < The Koran
1:02:00  Jews
1:04:00  Jewish privilege and Jewish responsibilities
1:05:00  Jewish snobbery
1:05:00  Muslims made hijra to Sodom and Gomorrah.
1:06:00  Ir nidachat
1:07:00  36 capital offences
1:08:00  Athanasian Creed
1:09:00  Islamophobia
1:10:00  Patriarchy
1:11:00  Kant's principle of universalisability
1:12:00  The sin of spilling seed
1:14:00  Lifetime benefits of Secular Koranism
1:15:00  Vincent's complicated agenda
1:16:00  Secular Koranism is not going to happen immediately.
1:17:00  Secular Koranism is a serious idea.
1:19:00  Larping as entertainment
1:20:00  William Breiannis
1:21:00  The SK USA legislative programme
1:23:00  Douglas Murray
1:24:00  Non-parents have their contribution to make.
1:25:00  Keith Joseph predicted British degeneracy.
1:26:00  Female voters
1:27:00  Vincent has a two year degree.
1:28:00  Mujahid
1:30:00  Jews can be collectively regarded as the Messiah.
1:31:00  In a century's time
1:33:00  Vincent is bored with Islam.
1:35:00  Vincent the first gay man in the US to become a Secular Koranist?
1:36:00  Vincent doesn't have a copy of either the Bible or the Koran.
1:37:00  Theologian
1:40:00  Theism comes before atheism.

1:45:00  Usury
1:46:00  Failure of Christo-Liberalism
1:48:00  Sympathising with the Canaanites
1:49:00  Ir nidachat
1:51:00  Conceding the argument
1:52:00  Infantilised Western men
1:53:00  Vincent cares about the inverted pyramid.
1:56:00  UnAmerican to campaign for a monarchy.
1:57:00  Polygamy
1:58:00  Teshuvah
2:03:00  Easier to talk to Jews and Muslims
2:06:00  The Three Estates of the ancien regime

Not Noahidism but Secular Koranism if Vincent Bruno wants to be taken seriously

7:45  Inverted Pyramid
31:00  Adam Green and Deeana Spingola
34:00  Arthur Goldberg
36:00  Doooovid
37:00  Diaspora Jews and Israeli Jews
38:00  High status and high responsibility
39:00  Exile from Israel
40:00  Jewish Question
41:00  Constantine the Great
42:00  Secular Koranism

Vincent's entertainment

44:00  The cure to degeneracy
46:00  Chinese ancestor worship works even though no one really believes in it. 
48:00  Will Vincent be the first American Secular Koranist?
53:00  William Breiannis
55:00  Koranic punishments
1:00:00  The Talmud < The Koran
1:02:00  Jews
1:04:00  Jewish privilege and Jewish responsibilities
1:05:00  Jewish snobbery
1:05:00  Muslims made hijra to Sodom and Gomorrah.
1:06:00  Ir nidachat
1:07:00  36 capital offences
1:08:00  Athanasian Creed
1:09:00  Islamophobia
1:10:00  Patriarchy
1:11:00  Kant's principle of universalisability
1:12:00  The sin of spilling seed
1:14:00  Lifetime benefits of Secular Koranism
1:15:00  Vincent's complicated agenda
1:16:00  Secular Koranism is not going to happen immediately.
1:17:00  Secular Koranism is a serious idea.
1:19:00  Larping as entertainment
1:20:00  William Breiannis
1:21:00  The SK USA legislative programme
1:23:00  Douglas Murray
1:24:00  Non-parents have their contribution to make.
1:25:00  Keith Joseph predicted British degeneracy.
1:26:00  Female voters
1:27:00  Vincent has a two year degree.
1:28:00  Mujahid
1:30:00  Jews can be collectively regarded as the Messiah.
1:31:00  In a century's time
1:33:00  Vincent is bored with Islam.
1:35:00  Vincent the first gay man in the US to become a Secular Koranist?
1:36:00  Vincent doesn't have a copy of either the Bible or the Koran.
1:37:00  Theologian
1:40:00  Theism comes before atheism.

1:45:00  Usury
1:46:00  Failure of Christo-Liberalism
1:48:00  Sympathising with the Canaanites
1:49:00  Ir nidachat
1:51:00  Conceding the argument
1:52:00  Infantilised Western men
1:53:00  Vincent cares about the inverted pyramid.
1:56:00  UnAmerican to campaign for a monarchy.
1:57:00  Polygamy
1:58:00  Teshuvah
2:03:00  Easier to talk to Jews and Muslims
2:06:00  The Three Estates of the ancien regime

Talking to Vincent Bruno about gender and Jews

4:00  Asking for what we want
6:00  Cotto-Gottfried
9:00  Vincent has more faith in Islam taking over than white nationalists taking over. 
10:00  Positive unifying message
11:00  Our spiritual need to believe good truths triumphant evil
12:00  Ultimated Judeo Christian
13:00  Patriarchy
14:00  Theocracy
15:00  Moses
18:00  Written scripture
20:00  Akhnaten
22:00  Divisions caused by polytheism
24:00  The rule of law
25:00  The Torah defining Jewish identity
26:00  Laws and our moral system
27:00  Liberalism
28:00  The Deadly Sin of Lust
29:00  Laws are made to be broken. 
30:00  Dennis Prager
32:00  Restoring patriarchy
34:00  Collective agreement by men to change the rules back to patriarchy

39:00  Inverted Pyramid of white people
43:00  Keith Joseph on our human stock is being destroyed
49:00  Illegitimacy, degeneracy and immigration
51:00  Hierarchy is required for any functioning group.
53:00  Democracy lowers Western IQ.
54:00  There is no objective measure of happiness.
55:00  Quantifying unhappiness in an objective way
57:00  Predictable degeneracy from present degeneracy
58:00  Ever lowering status of degenerate societies
59:00  Leading gay people is like herding cats.
1:00:00  An alpha male is the leader of beta males.
1:01:00  Criteria for choosing an alpha male
1:02:00  Vincent's childhood
1:03:00  Arthur Goldberg and how to choose a national leader
1:04:00  Being presidential
1:05:00  Leadership qualities
1:07:00  Neoconservatism
1:08:00  Noahide laws

1:11:00  Alan Cecil
1:14:00  Torah and science

1:16:00  Agnosticism
1:17:00  Jews chosen to promote Islam. 
1:18:00  Transgender people above gay people in our matriarchy. 
1:20:00  Transgender people are changing the meaning of reality.
1:22:00  White people are more likely to be transgender.
1:23:00  Objective measurements discouraged by matriarchy.
1:24:00  Doooovid is commitment-phobic. 
1:28:00  Vincent: "I've always liked women more than I like men."
1:29:00  Accusations of domestic violence more common in lesbians than gay men.
1:33:00  Feminism
1:38:00  Transgender drama documentary
1:40:00  Cut marks
1:41:00  Wearing a dress to school at 4
1:47:00  Gender Recognition Certificate

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...