Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Talking to Vincent about sublimation and his future as a Secular Koranist

6:00  The theological narrative
7:00  Divine punishment
11:00  Political and ideological tribe of antisemitism
13:00  Jews and Muslims enjoy protected characteristics but not the people who hate them.
18:00  Levent Yildiz
20:00  Cathy Newman and Emily Maitliss
26:00   A sign of success
27:00  Academic Agent, Curtis Yarvin, the Cathedral

28:00  Analysis, Conclusion, Decision, Action!
29:00  Tribune of the plebs

Greg Johnson, Mark Collett, Millennial Woes etc

31:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
33:00  Why Vincent is better than the Dissident Right
36:00  Vincent says he is middle aged. 
37:00  Wanting to be a presenter of a radio show
38:00  Clipping our exchanges to be presented as part of Vincent's CV for his radio show job
39:00  Noahide Radio
41:00  Chaim Coffman
42:00  Unrabbinical Reza Asher
43:00  Idolatry and Henry Abrahamson

46:00  Unprincipled people lacking in self awareness
47:00  Cognitive dissonance, mixed message and doublethink
48:00  Idolatry
51:00  Jay Walker
52:00  Therapist
53:00  AA
54:00  I'd rather die.
55:00  Rock bottom
56:00  Strong people
57:00  Distractions
58:00  Realistic goals
59:00  Man soliciting a picture of me
1:01:00  Wishing to wound but afraid to strike
1:02:00  Lubricant
1:03:00  Masturbation
1:04:00  Sublimation
1:05:00  Religion is the opium of the people.
Extramarital is the opium of the people.
1:06:00  Hinduism is more cruel to women than Islam. 
1:07:00  Dowry
1:08:00  Mahr
1:09:00  Aztecs
1:10:00  Social justice
1:11:00  Family planning and personal intimacy - $7.59 or $9.99
1:14:00  Wallet
1:17:00  Make our own lube
1:18:00  Real Housewives in Saltlake City
1:19:00  Rabbi Dweck
1:20:00  Hating the sin and sinner
1:21:00  All the world religions support marriage and family values.
1:28:00  Principles

1:32:00  VINCENT RETURNS to discuss Alan Cecil's Secular By Design
1:33:00  Definition of antisemite
1:34:00  Cecil wants to replace Graeco-Roman culture with Torah principles.
1:35:00  If Jews were a glue, they would only be 50% effective. 
1:36:00  No escape from marriage if we want our civilisation to continue.
1:38:00  Christianity is the weakest link.
1:39:00  Secular political ideologies promises you something on earth at some point in human history.
1:40:00  Heterosexual married parents are now breeders for LGBT people.
1:41:00  Liberal principles
1:48:00  Vincent's malign encouragement
1:49:00  Secular Noahidism
1:50:00  Secular Koranism with American etc Global Characteristics
1:51:00  Test driving Secular Koranism
1:52:00  Vincent to charge appearance fees
1:53:00  Vincent cannot remember his principles.
1:56:00  I have the principle of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality.
1:57:00  The argument Vincent won against me
1:58:00  Jews obliged to recommend a religion for gentiles.
2:00:00  quran.com/45/23
2:01:00  Idolatry
2:03:00  Allah will be offended if gentiles don't use the Koran and rely on Jews and their Talmud instead. 
2:06:00  More Muslims have normative beliefs of Muslims than Jews have normative beliefs of Jews.
2:07:00  The Claire and Vincent Show
2:08:00  Stephen J James offended by lubes
2:10:00  Being politically respectable
2:11:00  Bad intentions and |ethnically distinct Noahide nations
2:13:00  The majority of Jews are heretics.
2:14:00  Detracting from the Torah
2:15:00  Ir nidachat
2:16:00  A list of Noahide nations from gentiles

Why antisemites hate Jews

2:17:00  Rabbis not fit for the purpose for which God made them His Chosen People.
2:18:00  Jews are conflicted.
2:19:00  Jews have forgotten what idolatry is.
2:20:00  Algebra with its constants and variables
2:21:00  Half the Jews in the world are heretics. 
2:23:00  Vincent understands me! 
2:24:00  Mujahid would be delighted with Vincent if he became a Secular Koranist. 
2:25:00  Vincent would be higher in status than white nationalists.
2:27:00  Vincent to introduce SK USA. 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...