Thursday, 23 February 2023

Vincent Bruno accuses me of grooming him for Secular Koranism

1:11:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
1:13:00  Scriptural controversies
1:14:00  I wasn't thinking of Domingo.
1:15:00  Choosing a moral system most likely to satisfying divine requirements. 
1:17:00  The rule of law
1:18:00  Biblical principles
1:19:00  Imperial narratives
1:20:00  Deuteronomy is full of rules.
1:21:00  All the world religions support patriarchy but Christianity is the weakest link. 

1:36:00  Christian appropriation of the Old Testament.
1:37:00  Christians were injected by the Trinity.
1:38:00  It is impossible to explain nonsense and the Trinity is nonsense. 
1:39:00  Jehovah's Witness believe Jesus is also Archangel Michael.
1:40:00  Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Arians and Trinitarians are Christian. 

1:42:00  TROLL joins. 
1:44:00  Vincent is demoralised at the quality of his trolls.
1:45:00  Noahide Marxist

2:01:00  CLAIRE KHAW denigrates rabbinically guided Noahidism. 
2:03:00  The Noahide laws comes from the Talmud.
2:04:00  The Koran is higher in status than the Talmud. 
2:05:00  Only an Islamophobe would reject the Koran in favour of the Talmud. 
2:06:00  The definition of sexual immorality in Judaism is inadequate because it doesnnot expressly forbid fornication. 

2:07:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
2:08:00  Theology does not interest atheist nationalists. 
2:09:00  Vincent being supergay and a gay supremacist
2:10:00  Islamic branding of Secular Koranism hated by Westerners who are overwhelmingly Islamophobes.

2:16:00  BRITISH MAN WTH NO NAME joins. 
2:17:00  Vincent offers to show his body but is discouraged from doing so. 
2:18:00  Vincent acquiring fame through Secular Koranism.
2:20:00  Secular Koranism and the age of consent
2:22:00  Male members of the Royal Family have been circumcised. 

2:26:00  CCD joins.
2:27:00  Anti-Christian and religious background
2:29:00  Sexual abuse
2:31:00  Bearded women are not lesbians. 
2:50:00  Heterosexuals have children wlly nilly.
2:52:00  Noahide laws

3:01:00  CLAIRE KHAW speaks. 
3:05:00  Why Greek and Roman civilisation declined
3:06:00  Patriarchy forbidding extramarital sex
3:07:00  Victorians neurotic about sex
3:08:00  Patriarchy fatally undermined. 
3:09:00  People are neurotic about sex because they cannot get it right about the price of sex.
3:10:00  Christianity cannot correct Western attitudes about sex. 
3:11:00  Vincent wants to be taken seriously as an intellectual discussing theology. 
3:12:00  Vincent's future as a commentator and theologian
3:13:00  Vincent's legacy
3:14:00  Homosexuals not interested in Vincent's ideas.
3:16:00  Vincent not going to be a Nobel Prize winning embryologist.
3:17:00  Vincent can be morally superior to unmarried parents. 
3:18:00  Repentant sinners are better than unrepentant sinners. 
3:19:00  Neither Vincent or I are unmarried parents.
3:20:00  No one can take away from Vincent his status as the first gay man in America to support Secular Koranism,
3:21:00  Carol
3:22:00  Vincent can shame heterosexual men by becoming the first gay man to support Secular Koranist.
3:23:00  Ali A Rizvi
3:25:00  The price of chips and crisps these days

3:30:00  STEPHEN J JAMES rejoins. 
3:32:00  Stephen warns Vincent against resisting my irresistible logic. 
3:33:00  I have great self-belief. 
3:34:00  Stephen articulates his Islamophobia.
3:35:00  Stephen finds Muslims insular, threatening and alienating. 
3:37:00  Christianity
3:40:00  The stronger idea dominates. 
3:43:00  "Churches burned to the ground" ... 
3:44:00  US$6.39 per bag of chips
3:46:00  Stephen warns Vincent against me.
3:49:00  Carol
3:50:00  Stephen is terrified of the prospect of Vincent shaming straight white nationalists. 
3:53:00  Because of Syria, Islam is kaput. 
4:03:00  Controlling the interpretation
4:05:00  Trusting our legislature to govern us properly < trusting the Koran to be our book of rules
4:11:00  Stephen has given up. 
4:12:00  Constitutional change
4:14:00  Ideas have power. 
4:17:00  Smothering the infant
4:23:00  Jews are stupid too. 

4:25:00  CLAIRE KHAW rejoins
4:26:00  Stephen is practising malign encouragement on Vincent to stop him shaming straight white nationalists by becoming a Secular Koranist.
4:28:00  A gay man being a braver than straight white nationalists would be deeply humiliating for them. 
4:30:00  If Vincent became a Secular Koranist
4:31:00  Stephen's malign encouragement/
4:32:00  Secular Koranism does not punish apostasy.
4:34:00  The media would not platform us.
4:35:00  Neither Vincent nor I conform to a stereotype. 
4:36:00  Theology is a growth area.
4:39:00  I'm so liberal.

4:42:00  Khavian Koranism
4:43:00  Brunonian Koranism
4:48:00  Stephen J James doesn't want Secular Koranism to be adopted. 
4:49:00  Revenge is sweet.
4:50:00  Starting the scramble for Secular Koranism
4:52:00  Secular Koranism uses a literal interpretation. 
4:55:00  Strangling social conservatism at birth
4:57:00  I undermine my detractors by accusing them of Islamophobia.
4:58:00  The benefits of Noahidism according to Vincent. 
5:05:00  Christianity
5:08:00  Creoles were a managerial clas managing the empire of the Anglo Saxons.
5:10:00  Adam Green is against the Noahide laws.
5:11:00  Pagans
5:15:00  Monogamy
5:19:00  Naked 90% of the day
5:21:00  Everyone and his mother is a porn star?
5:22:00  Islam v Liberalism
5:24:00  Koranic Marxism
5:26:00  Intellectuals producing ideas
5:29:00 Being taken seriously
5:30:00  Intellectual pioneer
5:37:00  Favourite books
5:46:00  Vile Israelites
5:58:00  Max Weber
6:03:00  Noahides are dumb. 
6:04:00  My book

6:11:00  CLAIRE KHAW begins her monologue.
6:13:00  Either God created Man or Man created God.
6:14:00  Vincent could shame straight white nationalists. 
6:15:00  Vincent is afraid of Muslims than a few rabbis and Jews.
6:16:00  Chatgpt
6:18:00  How Vincent could mortify straight white nationalists by becoming a Secular Koranists
6:19:00  Max Weber
6:22:00  Capitalism and modeernity
6:29:00  Alan Cecil says Western civilisation is idolatry. 
6:32:00  Verstehen
6:33:00  Western civilisation is based on idolatry.
6:34:00  A new moral system
6:36:00  Secular Koranism on idolatry
6:37:00  Jews against idolatry
6:39:00  Noahidism and environmentalism are religions.
6:41:00  Our beliefs are being changed.
6:44:00  Universal laws
6:45:00  Interpretation

6:51:00  Vincent says he will be spreading heterophobia. 

7:05:00  Bureaucratic Model
7:16:00  Sociology of Religion
7:20:00  Evolution of Religion
7:21:00  Greek pantheon
7:22:00  Ethincal monotheism
7:23:00  Atenism
7:25:00  The Abrahamic God

7:49:00  Weber's religious views
7:50:00  Heidegger
7:52:00  Weber's views on the priesthood
7:53:00  God's People
7:54:00  Supersessionism
7:55:00  Christianity and monarchy are both obsolete to be superseded by Islam.
7:56|:00  Calvinism
7:57:00   Christianity is a corrupt bargain.
7:58:00   Sola scriptura
7:59:00   No agreed Christian principles.
8:00:00   The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
8:01:00   My narrative

8:03:00  Imperial decline of Islamic empires
8:05:00  Twitter
8:06:00  Idolaters humbled and humiliated
8:07:00  Conspiracy theory
8:08:00  The strongest narratives are the simple ones. 
8:09:00  Vincent says he wll read the Koran! 
8:12:00  There will always be Western civilisation.
8:13:00  Group identity
8:18:00  Postures of resistance
8:22:00  Vincent in Blue Lagoon
8:24:00  I am Jonah and Westerners the Ninevites. 
8:27:00  Parables of Jesus
8:28:00  The Sadducees did not believe in the afterlife.
8:30:00  Lashon hara
8:34:00  Vincent says again he will read the Koran! 
8:38:00  Idolatry
8:39:00  Empiricism reversed the burden of proof on theists. 
8:42:00  Reversing the burden of proof for men accused of rape
8:44:00  Circumstantial evidence
8:46:00  Female sex selection
8:47:00  Chatgpt
9:06:00  The Noahide laws are a 7 star rating system.
9:07:00  Does Claire Khaw claim to be the Messiah?
9:12:00  Claire Khaw on Church of Entropy
9:13:00  Doooovid
9:14:00  Yazidi
9:24:00  The First Amendment allows idolatry and blasphemy. 
9:25:00  The intellectual bankruptcy of the Dissident Right
9:26:00  Vincent accuses me of grooming him!
9:27:00  Vincent Bruno as leader of homosexuals
9:28:00  A statue of Vincent Bruno, American hero

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...