Friday, 17 February 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the theological narrative

2:09:00  I should be on TV too!
The BBC said I was evil?
2:10:00  My proposals
2:11:00  Arabic
2:12:00  Secular Koranism incorporates the First Amendment based on
2:13:00  Low status plebs
2:14:00  Triggered liberals and the Dissident Right

2:16:00  Conspiracy theorists
2:17:00  Religious narratives
2:20:00  Conspiracy theorists are invariably bores.
2:21:00  Catholic conspiracies
2:23:00  Global domination
2:24:00  Dialectical materialism
2:25:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
2:28:00  The purpose of conspiracy theories is to incite hatred.
2:30:00  The narrative of divine punishment
2:34:00  Are religions conspiracy theories?
2:35:00  The utility of religion
2:37:00  Narratives to incite hatred
2:39:00  Opinion and fact
2:42:00  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Theology
2:43:00  People obey laws to avoid punishment.
2:44:00  "Go forth and multiply."
2:45:00  How would people would be shamed in previous centuries
2:47:00  Predicting the behaviour of someone through their marital status
2:49:00  The paralysis of uncertainty 
2:50:00  The undermining of marriage
2:51:00  Breakdown of the rule of law
2:53:00  What we want from our government
2:54:00  Better education and training
2:55:00  China is better run.
2:56:00  Taking the short term view
2:58:00  The degenerate proletariat
When the plutocracy fight each other
2:59:00  The Corn laws
Landed interests v nouveau riche
Protectionism v free trade
3:02:00  How theocracy would work for Vincent
3:03:00  Do the Dissident Right want to have children?
3:04:00  Bringing up children to be useful citizens

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...