Thursday, 29 February 2024

The history of the West is the history of Christianity

5:00  Monarchy

Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea

6:00  Arius and Athanasius

7:00  Doctrine of the Trinity

8:00  E Michael Jones

Edict of Thessalonica

9:00  Constantine II

10:00  Pope Sylvester I

11:00  Our God of Israel is higher status than Jesus.

12:00  1689 Baptist 

13:00  95 Theses of Martin Luther

14:00  Catholicism v Protestantism

15:00  Trinity

16:00  "Guns don't kill, people do."

17:00  God in Man

19:00  Christian missionaries to barbarian king

21:00  Reformation inevitable

23:00  Why Constantine christainised Rome

24:00  Divine right of kings

25:00  Whose commands should we obey?

26:00  Simplistic Christianity

27:00  Presbyterianism

28:00  Charles I

32:00  Empires tend to allow freedom of belief

34:00  The solution is to hand.

35:00  The Book of Judges and the Book of Kings

36:00  Republic > monarchy

41:00  George Washington's farewell speech warning against political parties

42:00  Neoconservatism and neoliberalism

43:00  Christian Republic

44:00  "Culture is religion externalised."

A Christian Amendment would mean the repeal of the First Amendment.

45:00  Church of America

46:00  US constitution 

California and Florida

48:00  Ultimate authority

50:00  John Adams

52:00  A Christian nation

Innuendo and prevarication

54:00  Athanasian Creed

55:00  Genesis on Sodom and Gomorrah

56:00 supports the First Amendment.

57:00  The Founding Fathers rejected the monarchy.

58:00  John Jay

1:01:00  Transgenderism

1:02:00  Widespread illegitimacy

1:03:00  Marriage is a eugenic filter.


1:05:00  Marriage license

1:06:00  David Starkey

1:07:00  Mad, evil or stupid?

1:08:00  Feminine privilege

1:09:00  Suicide or martyr

1:10:00  Higher priority

1:11:00  Principled Agnostic

1:12:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

1:13:00  Not even rabbis want to live in a Torah theocracy.

1:14:00  Muslims have misinterpreted their Koran.

1:15:00  The New Testament is too vague and extreme.

1:16:00  Iranians got their country back with Islam.

1:18:00  Demographic time bomb

1:19:00  Divine authority

1:20:00  Slavery

1:24:00  Jubilee and manumission

1:26:00  American Civil War

1:27:00  Rutherford B Hayes

1:29:00  Western identity crisis

1:31:00  America was the morning star of the revolutionary era.

Thomas Jefferson

1:32:00  Native Americans

1:34:00  The why

1:35:00  Dignity of the common man

1:36:00  The New Testament < The Koran

1:37:00  The ceremonial, moral and civil

The Noahide laws

1:38:00  Christian nation

1:39:00  The First Amendment

1:40:00  America is the land of cults eg Mormonism

1:42:00  Bigamy and sorcery

1:43:00  Polygamy

1:49:00  Breaking the four wives max rule

1:50:00  Justin Welby

1:53:00  Principles

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

5. Government - how to get good leaders?

3:00  The rules and the Noahide laws
6:00  Corruption is ignoring or denying the truth.
8:00  Denying the democracy is a problem
9:00  Most voters are stupid.
13:00  How we are going to choose our leaders
14:00  Chinese Communist Party
16:00  Hypocrisy
17:00  Islam is the only rational and moral choice.
19:00  Who gets to make the decisions?
20:00  Pearly ThingZ
22:00  Shura and guilds
23:00  Abolishing female suffrage
26:00  The nature and purpose of religion
27:00  Hypocrisy
29:00  Lacking belief in God
31:00  Acting as if you believe
32:00  Grassroots revolution
33:00  Secular Koranism
34:00  Being in a position to say "I told you so."
35:00  Hamas Israel War
38:00  Protesting
40:00  Anti-war demo in 2003
44:00  Every little helps.
45:00  Speakers Corner
46:00  Dust
48:00  Belief in God
1:02:00  Agnosticism

The road map to Secular Koranism

3:00  Hypocrites 
4:00  My proposed hypocrisy detector
6:00  Rabbis refusing to rank the four gentile religions
7:00  Islam is obviously the most Noahide of gentile religions. 
8:00  Idolatry
9:00  Hidden idolatry
10:00  Rabbis are inciting antisemitism against themselves by refusing to declare Islam the most Noahide of gentile religions.
11:00  Don't rabbis want to communicate with gentiles through their gentile religions?
12:00  Christians need to know they are bottom of the class.
14:00  Rabbi Schneerson
15:00  Americans wouldn't want to repeal their First Amendment because of the Noahide laws, and the Koran would not require them to do so. 
16:00  Hidden idolatry is hypocrisy.
17:00  Rabbi Ouri Cherki's open letter to Muslims
19:00  Israel is for the purpose of displaying American power.
21:00  Michael Shulman
22:00  Adam Green
Hinduism is shituf.
23:00  Whether gentiles would be executed for breaking the Noahide laws
25:00  Secular Koranism
26:00  Forbidding and punishing extramarital sex
28:00  My Register System of Social and Political Control
29:00  There will be a group for Agnostics, Atheists and Nihilists.
31:00  Testing for principled atheists
32:00  Conops the moral vandal
34:00  Mr Pelu
35:00  My proposed Circle of Virtue
37:00  Vincent and I are high quality marginal people.
39:00  Stephen J James and Thomas Baden-Riess
40:00  Hypocrites
41:00  The opinions of nihilists would be dismissed.
43:00  Vincent Bruno should represent the interests of LGBT people.
44:00  The Bruno and Khaw Theology Show
47:00  Game shows and drama documentaries on Secular Koranism
48:00  Talking about Jews to Muslims
49:00  Vincent's proposed declaration
50:00  Leader of the agnostic group
52:00  Regular testing of the principles of agnostics, atheists and nihilists
53:00  Jay and Conops
54:00  Western men are heedless of their moral imperative.
55:00  Americans should adopt an official moral system.

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Vincent Bruno wonders why Western governments want Westerners stupid

2:00  Having a dialogue is hard.

7:00  Edward Martin

10:00  Banality of the media

11:00  CIA

12:00  The matriarchy wants its populace infantilised. 

13:00  Our Bad Mother Government

16:00  Restoring the patriarchy

17:00  Surrounded by taboos

18:00  Class and caste, liberal values and principles

19:00  Boomers hoping to die before the correction 

20:00  A degenerate populace

21:00  Jews are not allowed to acquire empire beyond the borders of Israel defined in the Torah.

23:00  Pride is a Deadly Sin. 

24:00  Isn't Christo-Liberalism kaput?

25:00  Even if all of Jewry converted to Islam, they would be fulfilling their purpose as God's Chosen People. 

26:00  American imperialists want Arabs and Jews to be fighting each other in their policy of divide and rule.

27:00  Rabbi Kahane

28:00  Is Israel a "semi-theocracy" as Vincent says?


30:00  Converting to Orthodox Judaism in the UK compared to the US

31:00  Israeli Supreme Court has the right to veto Acts of Parliament from the Knesset.

33:00  Sam Samuels and Jordan Peterson

34:00  Blended religion

35:00  Why did God allow Christianity?

37:00  Christianity has the purpose of making the subjects of absolute monarchs pretend to worship the Trinity and obey their absolute monarch.

38:00  Jehovah's Witnesses think Jesus is an angel.

39:00  The principles of Jehovah's Witnesses

40:00  How can you have principles if you don't have a religion?

42:00  Forbidden subjects

43:00  What if I were in a senior position?

44:00  There's only Vincent  and Claire! 

45:00  No moral system, no hierarchy, no accountability. 

46:00  Atheism makes people stupid.

48:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable who revealed the Torah and Koran. 

49:00  Being a Principled Agnostic

50:00  Sexual immorality

51:00  All that is required is that the ruling classes agree to adopt Secular Koranism.


52:00  Christian nationalists

53:00  Will Trump and his advisers dismiss Secular Koranism?

54:00  The presupposition

55:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

56:00  God just needs government endorsement. 

57:00  Stephen Miller

1:00:00  Frightened Westerners will find Secular Koranism more attractive the more their government and quality of life deteriorates.

1:01:00  Nick Fuentes's hatred of women

1:03:00  Men bitching like women

1:04:00  The Great Replacement

1:05:00  Abolition of no fault divorce

1:06:00  Feminism lowers the price of sex while patriarchy raises its price. 

1:09:00  A culture of casual sex in an egalitarian society will cripple the ability of your society to solve and avoid problems.

The Papal Conclave

1:11:00  Game Theory

1:12:00  Choosing a leader

1:13:00  Left only with the option of suicide

1:15:00  Loss of status

1:16:00  Birth control

1:17:00  Justice

1:19:00  Self-immolation

1:22:00  Stupid white men

1:23:00  Masculinity is the readiness to defend principles.

Speaking the truth as we see it.

1:24:00  Sadiq Khan is now all white.

1:25:00  Fallen brown people

1:26:00  Being sick and getting cured

1:27:00  Objectives, rules and values of a group

1:28:00  The most powerful human group is the religious group.

1:29:00  Political activism is about obtaining justice.

1:30:00  Even if we have no idea about whether there is an afterlife where good is rewarded and evil punished, through good government a theocracy could be imposed.

1:31:00  Christian nationalism would repeal the First Amendment.

1:33:00  King Harry and Queen Meghan of America

Constantine II

1:35:00  Becoming Christian did not prevent the fall of Rome.

1:36:00  Christendom ended in 1918.

1:38:00  Gandalf

1:39:00  The achievement of the Founding Fathers must not be reversed.

1:40:00  George Washington's farewell speech

1:41:00  Chine's one-party state

1:43:00  Not having principles

1:44:00  Are people principled people unhappier than unprincipled people?

1:45:00  Thomas Baden-Riess

1:47:00  Corrupted and interrupted communications

Talking to some ethno-nationalists

1:32:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
1:33:00  Principles
1:34:00  We can have principles without religion.
1:35:00  Religion
1:36:00  Choosing the best religion of the five world religions
1:37:00  Japan
1:38:00  China and consumerism
1:39:00  Communism is the other side of the same materialist coin.
1:40:00  Mao Zedong
1:41:00  Marriages, families, communities and tribe
1:42:00  Once upon a time Europeans were all white and Christian.
1:43:00  Heidegger
1:44:00  Having to use the Torah or the Koran to claim our right to eat meat
1:45:00  Less homosexuality in rural communities
Atheism makes us gay.
A moral way of thinking
1:46:00  The Noahide laws
Islam is the only way to fight back against Jews.
1:48:00  Why not jump before you are pushed?
1:51:00  Usury and the American Revolution rejecting Christianity
1:52:00  Demographics is destiny.

Monday, 26 February 2024

Vincent Bruno's 3rd ketamine treatment, Vedanta and quantum physics

1:00  "ruminative"
2:00  Nobody cares about Vedanta and quantum mechanics.
3:00  Jen Scharf, Vedanta, atheism and idolatry
4:00  Science is nothing to do with religion. 
6:00  Quantum mechanics
7:00  Scientific religion
8:00  Vedanta
9:00  Jen Scharf
10:00  Quantum mechanics and Vedanta
11:00  Hinduism < Islam
12:00  Quantum mechanics supports Hinduism?
13:00  Jen Scharf
14:00  Philosophy of Science
15:00  Simplification is preferable to complicating.
16:00  The mysteries of consciousness
17:00  Simplifying quantum mechanics and Vedanta
18:00  Vedanta is narcissism.
19:00  Kabbalah and Guenon
20:00  Vedanta
21:00  Monism is idolatry.
22:00  Ketamine
24:00  Idolatry
26:00  The philosophy of quantum physics and Vedanta
27:00  Mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus
29:00  The divine bargain
30:00  Car mechanics
31:00  The appeal of Vedanta
34:00  You cannot raise the dead with Vedanta.
36:00  What is consciousness?
37:00  Idolatry
38:00  Conflicting narratives, individual and group consciousness
39:00  The narrative of Vedanta
40:00  Claiming Vedanta to be scientific
41:00  Kabbalah
43:00  Jewish esotericism
44:00  Divine bargain
47:00  Kabbalah classes
49:00  Religion and politics is selling people dreams.
50:00  Maslow's hierarchy of needs
52:00  Kabbalah is superfluous.
54:00  Kabbalah, quantum mechanics and Vedanta have similarities.
56:00  The Abrahamic God is a system of problem-solving.

58:00  Luke Ford rejected Christianity because he saw what it did to his father and thought being an Orthodox Jew would protect him from being accused of antisemitism while pandering to the antisemitism and Isamophobia of his viewers and subscribers.

Nazis didn't think they were being evil and were onl acting in self-defence. 

1:01:00  Third Principle of Judaism
Holy Spirit

1:09:00  Scientific religion
1:11:00  The Trinity
1:14:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens
1:16:00  Married bachelor
1:17:00  Quantum physics
1:18:00  Jews and Muslims > Hindus
1:19:00  Hindus are not Noahide.
1:23:00  It's obvious which divine revelation Jews and gentiles should choose.
1:25:00  Herbert Armstrong
1:26:00  God is separate from His Creation.
1:27:00  Panpsychism
1:31:00  Advaita Vedanta
1:33:00  Sefirot
1:34:00  Idolatry
1:40:00  Defeating Jews and antisemites, Christians and idolaters, Muslims and Islamophobes in argument.

The consequences of ignoring the advice and warnings in George Washington's farewell speech

"Our ultimate survival has always rested with our military serving as our final authority."

I thought it was "In God we trust."

"The UCMJ grants We The People full lawful Authority and power to set aside ALL Governments destructive to self-evident truths and personal liberties granted by Constitution, recognized as originating from God."

What are these "self-evident truths"?

Isn't it the Koran that contains legal rights God thinks humans should have eg the First Amendment supported by

"The UCMJ grants We The People full lawful Authority and power to set aside ALL Governments destructive to self-evident truths and personal liberties granted by Constitution, recognized as originating from God."

Who recognises these rights as originating from God?

"No body of government or entity has or can invalidate or supercede our God given and UCMJ enshrined power."

You say you have God-given enshrined power. Are you relying on scripture as the source of this God-given enshrined power? If so, what is this scripture?

"A Government so infiltrated and consumed by debilitating corruption, unwilling to honor its founding charter, and incapable of serving any interest but its’ own narcissistic powerlust, must be abolished. It’s the most loving, noble and compassionate endeavor those who cherish human rights could ever seek to accomplish."

Is ignoring the advice and warnings of George Washington's farewell speech the cause of your corrupt government?

How many pieces of advice/warnings have you identified?

How many have been followed and how many ignored?

Thursday, 22 February 2024

Vincent Bruno's 2nd Ketamine treatment with Mindbloom

Vincent talks about his ketamine treatment.

2:00  Spiritual experiences
4:00  Supernatural feeling
5:00  Pseudo-spiritual experiences
7:00  "my soul twisted"
12:00  "keeping me in bondage"
13:00  All religions are attempts to get to God.
18:00  The desire for spirituality
20:00  Vincent is always talking about religion. 
21:00  Vincent's afterlife
23:00  Evil must exist for us to tell the difference between good and evil. 
24:00  Mormon Satan
25:00  The most powerful deity conceivable is the Abrahamic God.
26:00  The divine bargain of regarding this life as an examination hall
27:00  Angels are automatons.
28:00  Humanity is above angels. 
29:00  God and His global Milgram experiment
31:00  Secular Koranism
32:00  It's all for the best.
33:00  No pain, no gain. 
34:00  God does not only punish sodomites, He also punishes adulterers and fornicators. 
35:00  Lowering our expectations
36:00  Martha Welch
38:00  Therapist, sorcery and pharmaceuticals
41:00  The reason for Vincent's three different spiritual experiences
43:00  The answer
45:00  Parents can reward and punish a child.
47:00  SteveUK
50:00  Rumours of the Church of England abolishing the Trinity  
51:00  Emo Monk wanting to be Harry Potter
52:00  Magical thinking
53:00  Yuval Harari's Sapens
54:00  We all create narratives about ourselves and our people. 
55:00  Emo Monk
56:00  Living off grid like nomads
57:00  Lost and lacking in self-awareness
58:00  Hippy fathers
59:00  Jews and Muslims v hippies
1:00:00  Our governments are breeding us.
1:02:00  Are we happier in a matriarchy or patriarchy?
1:04:00  Empire is an objective measure of human achievement.
1:06:00  Happiness is not the point of life, but achievement.

Happiness is balancing the short term, medium long, long term and our afterlife.

1:08:00  A  magic invisible friend
1:09:00  Some parents are the chief priest and priestess of the Cult of Santa
1:10:00  Vincent believed in God when he was five.
1:11:00  Illustration of the Holy Spirit
1:13:00  The moral system
1:14:00  Oral contracts are treated as enforceable.
1:15:00  Contracts are treated as sacred.
1:16:00  Yuval Harari
1:17:00  Nationalists are not unfit for the purpose discussing the national interest.
1:19:00  A moral system that is ignored
1:20:00  Dilly Hussain interviewing Griffin, Dowson and Collett
1:21:00  Global breeding programme of marriage

Youth bulge

1:22:00  Migrants joining the armed forces and the police
1:23:00  Trump
1:24:00  Taking marriage seriously
1:25:00  Dating apps
1:26:00  Unmarriageable bachelors
1:27:00  The business model of neoconservatism

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Iain McLeod: ‘Poor Enoch [Powell], driven mad by the remorselessness of his own logic.’

3:00  Cognitive dissonance
4:00  Egotism, lack of self-awareness, Dunning-Kruger
5:00  White people are being drive mad.
6:00  Five stages of grief
7:00  Deadly Sin of Pride
8:00  Failed attempts to replace liberalism with nationalism and socialism
9:00  All the wrong ways have been tried.
10:00  Christendom ended in 1918.
13:00  Powell is remembered precisely because of  his rivers of blood speech. 
14:00  Ian McLeod
15:00  Islamophobes cannot be expected to have an honest and rational discussion about Islam.
16:00  5 Pillars
17:00  Muslims should discuss Secular Koranism.
18:00  My logical propositions
19:00  People who reason with their hatred
20:00  Why Islamophobes refuse to acknowledge that Christo-Liberalism is kaput
21:00  My logical proposition
24:00  The Great Replacement of White Men
25:00  All groups need a moral system.
26:00  Religion is an organising force.

31:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
34:00  Christian Amendment
35:00  Thirty Years War
36:00  The English Reformation
37:00  Christendom ended in 1918.
38:00  Governor General
40:00  Red hot conviction
42:00  British dominions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand
43:00  Partition
45:00  Dissolution of Parliament in Canada
47:00  Ship money
50:00  Civil war is the ruling classes fighting amongst themselves.
51:00  The three components of religion: narrative, rules and values
53:00  Mormon Satan is the equal opportunities Satan.
56:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.
57:00  The Noahide laws
59:00  Ahamadi prophet
1:01:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:02:00  Christianity is a luxury belief. 
1:03:00  Faturechi and Paul Vander  Klay
1:05:00  Coptic Christian
1:11:00  John Selden and the Noahide laws
1:13:00  Chrismation
1:17:00  Idolatry
1:18:00  Israel is a secular state.
1:19:00  Secular Jews are more powerful than religious Jews.
1:20:00  Education and Sharing Day
1:21:00  Muslims don't follow their own rules.
1:22:00  Purple Jihad
1:23:00  Gnosticism
1:24:00  America is land of cults.
1:26:00  Secular Koranism would make it easier for Jews to remain Jews.
1:28:00  Deepening degeneracy
1:30:00  If all Jews converted, they would be fulfilling their purpose. 
1:31:00  Stoning  burning, strangulation, beheading
1:33:00  Ann Boleyn
1:35:00   Hemlock
1:39:00  Therapist reading Vincent's blog
1:40:00  Doubt is worse than loss.
1:42:00  When there are divine and practical reasons not to do something
1:43:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.
1:44:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
1:45:00  Private morality and reincarnation
1:46:00  Panpsychism
1:49:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:50:00  Are there as many ten good men in the global American empire?
1:51:00  Atheists can entertain a hypothetical supreme authority.
1:52:00  Corporal punishment
1:53:00  Culture is what law and morality allows.
1:54:00  Domestic partnership
1:58:00  Red light district
1:59:00  LGBT
2:01:00  Industrial or esoteric?
2:02:00  Boutique or supermarket?
2:03:00  D'Agustino
2:04:00  Wholefoods
2:08:00  Demolition
2:11:00  Game of Life

50 questions for Christians

  1. Is Christianity the religion of antisemites who worship a Jew?
  2. Without Judaism, there would be no Jews. Without Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship. Is that the reason why Christians are obsessed about Jews?
  3. How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by God in His Commandments?
  4. Isn't idolatry the worship of anything that isn't God and the confusion of God and His Creation?
  5. Wasn't Jesus a man and part of God's Creation?
  6. Is the sin of idolatry and blasphemy its own punishment?
  7. In a rational world, isn't the Word of God in the Torah and Koran higher in status than the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming to have met an executed blasphemer?
  8. Where in the New Testament does it say that Jesus is God?
  9. Where in the New Testament does it say that Jesus is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?
  10. Does the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe have a mother called Mary who was a virgin at the time of His birth?
  11. Where did Christians get the idea of the Trinity from?
  12. Do you think the subjects of absolute monarchs were consulted when their king decided to accept the bargain offered to them by Christian missionaries from Rome?
  13. Do you know that heresy was defined as anyone who questioned the divinity of Jesus?
  14. Do you know heretics were burned at the stake when Christianity was "working properly" when Christians took Christianity seriously?
  15. Have you heard of Edward Wightman the Anabaptist who was burned at the stake in 1612?
  16. Have you ever heard of Anabaptists, the ancestors of Baptists who believed in credal baptism rather than infant baptism?
  17. Have you heard of Thomas Aikenhead who was only 20 when he was hanged for heresy in 1697?
  18. Have you heard of Michael Servetus who was burned at the stake in 1553 at the behest of John Calvin?
  19. Did you know the reason why John Calvin was so popular was because he said it was not usury if low rates of interest were charged?
  20. For Christianity to be working properly, heretics had to be burned at the stake. Before 80 years had elapsed after the practice of executing heretics ceased, there was the American Revolution which was a rejection of Christianity and monarchy, followed by the French and Russian Revolutions. Wasn't it the Founding Fathers ie the Americans who began the series of revolutions that ended Christendom in 1918?
  21. Is it not the case that if Jews can be blamed for anything, they should be blamed for not ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws making Christianity the least and Islam the most Noahide gentile religion of all? (This they even now refuse to do.)
  22. Why do rabbis even now refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws?
  23. Is the reason why rabbis refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws because they want to preserve the belief amongst Jews that only Jews are in receipt of divine revelation?
  24. Can Jews be said to incite antisemitism by their insistence that God would not make a later and better revelation for gentiles with the Koran?
  25. Are rabbis afraid that if they admitted that the Koran could be divine revelation later and better than the Torah that Jews would convert to Islam?
  26. Would God if He exists actually have a problem if all Jews converted to Islam?
  27. If God made Jews His Chosen People to be light unto nations guiding gentiles away from the idolatry of Christianity and they all became Muslim, wouldn't they be fulfilling the purpose for which God made them His Chosen People?
  28. Is it not the case that the Koran has made it easier for gentiles to get to heaven because Islam is Judaism Lite and does not have 36 capital offences as the Torah does?
  29. If Christianity cannot even fulfill its political purposes and support the divine right of kings, do you think it is more or less likely to fulfill its spiritual purposes of rewarding good and punishing evil in this life or the next?
  30. Could it be said that Christianity is actually harmful to your spirituality because you have to believe in lies and nonsense to remain Christian, corrupting your character and clouding your thinking, and still go to hell anyway if God exists to punish you for your idolatry and blasphemy?
  31. Did Christianity defend the divine right of Charles I to keep his head in 1649?
  32. Wasn't the American Revolution a rejection of Christianity and monarchy?
  33. Wasn't Christianity established to support the divine right of kings?
  34. Did Christianity succeed in preventing the fall of Rome?
  35. Didn't Edward Gibbon, who wrote The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, attribute the fall of Rome to Christianity?
  36. Was Rome's adoption of Christianity not conclusive evidence of its fatal degeneracy?
  37. Was the reason why Constantine didn't just return the Rome to the republican virtues that made it successful because he wanted to bequeath his empire to his son who turned out to be a terrible emperor subject to the penalty of damnatio memoriae?
  38. If Islam had been around at the time of Constantine the Great, would he have given Christianity a second look?
  39. China has adopted republicanism with an official moral system ie Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. When is America going to catch up with Secular Koranism with American Characteristics?
  40. Why don't Christians care that they are guilty of the mortal sin of idolatry?
  41. Why don't Christians care to discuss whether Christianity is idolatry?
  42. Is the reason why Christians don't care that they are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy because they are really just hypocrites pretending to be Christian and don't believe God exists to punish them for their idolatry?
  43. Is Christianity in fact morally and intellectually indefensible because it is the least Noahide of all gentile religions requiring compulsory idolatry and blasphemy of Christians and therefore condemning them to hell in their afterlife if God exists?
  44. Isn't it blasphemy to worship a man executed for blasphemy as the co-equal of the deity he was convicted of blaspheming against?
  45. Are Jews, Christians and Muslims cursed by God for their disobedience?
  46. Are Christians cursed by God for their idolatry and blasphemy?
  47. Are Jews cursed by God for being unfit for the purpose of being light unto nations lighting the way of Christians away from the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity?
  48. Are Muslims cursed by God because to this day they refuse to obey
  49. Does this mean Muslims who refuse engage with Claire Khaw are hypocrites whose destination is hell cursed by God?
  50. Is divine punishment WW3?

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Discussing parenting with Vincent Bruno

4:00  Cisco Wheeler
5:00  Fritz Springmeier
7:00  Martha Welch
8:00  Child torture
9:00  Child psychologist
10:00  Witch doctor
13:00  Vincent's hypothetical autistic offspring
14:00  Mattha Welch's specialisation in fecal transplants
16:00  Mental deficiency
18:00  Refrigerator mother
20:00  Happiness
23:00  Jehovah's Witness
24:00  Marriage
25:00  Degeneracy
27:00  Shame
28:00  Majority
29:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
30:00  Breeding
31:00  Olympians and mathematicians
33:00  Perfumers
35:00  Raising children
36:00  Children's homes
37:00  Child abuse
38:00  Attachment disorder
39:00  Parenting
41:00  Test driving Vincent's system
43:00  Reading of banns
47:00  Obese people and medical certificates
49:00  DNA test
52:00  Barriers to marriage
53:00  Categorising marriages
54:00  Adam and Eve
55:00  Satan
56:00  "Very heterosexual"
57:00  Satan
1:01:00  Vincent's mother
1:03:00  Intellectually dishonest
1:05:00  Jews find  my views heretical
1:06:00  The Koran is obviously better than the Koran.
1:07:00  Idolatry is worse than murder?
1:09:00  Christianity
1:10:00  All Jews could convert to Islam and still be light unto nations.
1:11:00  Hidden idolatry is just as harmful as open idolatry.

Monday, 19 February 2024

Discussing spirituality with Vincent Bruno

0:30  Contemplative
1:00  Spirituality, atheism and nihilism
2:00  Substitute for God
The best things in life are free.
Believing in God does not mean abandoning reason. 
4:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.
5:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens
6:00 "I'm not religious but I'm spiritual."
8:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.
9:00  Reincarnation
10:00  Afterlife of some kind necessary for religion
11:00  This life is an examination hall.
12:00  "Almost does not count except for horse shoes and hand grenades."
13:00  Rabbi Ouri Cherki
15:00  Beggars can't be choosers.
16:00  Christian nationalism
17:00  Muslims don't know their Koran and are not encouraged to know it.
18:00  Idolatry
19:00  Secular Koranism would protect gay people.
20:00  Spirituality
21:00  The bests things in life are free.
22:00  It is in the national interest to support the patriarchy.
23:00  Established churches
24:00  Christian missionaries from Rome
26:00  Thomas Aikenhead
27:00  The Founding Fathers
28:00  The French and Russian Revolution
29:00  Christendom ended  in 1918
30:00  David Irving and 1914
31:00  Oswald Spengler published Decline of the West in 1918
32:00  Dugin's Fourth Political Theory
34:00  Motivating good behaviour and God as a social tool
35:00  Yuval Harari on stories people want to believe
36:00  Presumption of innocence or guilt
37:00  Agnostics are intellectually obliged to entertain  the idea of God's actual existence.
Jewish philosophy is about resolving the cognitive dissonance of a benevolent God allowing evil.
38:00  Emunah and bitachon
The Book of Job
40:00  The problem of evil
41:00  Gratitude and humility
42:00  Gilgul
44:00  God accepted the bet Satan offered.
46:00  The proper attitude towards the poor for those who believe in reincarnation
48:00  Repeated lessons, Snakes and Ladders
54:00  Muslims don't follow the Koran correctly.
55:00  Satan
59:00  Creation was an act of love by God.
1:00:00  Moral agency
1:01:00  Yuval Harari
1:02:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
1:03:00  We are affected by everything that ever happened to us.
1:04:00  Noahide laws
1:05:00  The treatment of suicides
An epidemic of suicides after the Emancipation of Serfs
1:06:00  Russian nihilism
1:07:00  War and scientific advancement
1:08:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
1:11:00  Carol Balizet
1:12::00 Therapist
1:13:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:14:00  Cognitive dissonance
1:15:00  Regulating sin
1:16:00  Medical grade ketamine
1:18:00  Ketamine, melancholia and the blues
1:20:00  Dr Martha Welch
1:21:00  JW education methods
1:22:00  Himmler impressed by Jehovah's Witnesses

Saturday, 17 February 2024

When two Chinese men - one Communist and the other Catholic - complained about Secular Koranism

28:00  Acting in a "more accomplished" and "mature" way 

40:00  Christian nationalism the message of the Groypers?

41:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

43:00  Noahide laws and Melanie Phillips

44:00  Liberalism is not codified.

45:00  Unresolved historical anomalies

46:00  1918 was when Christendom became extinct.

Judeo-Christian heritage of the West

47:00  David Irving

58:00  Nick Fuentes is probably gay and definitely a bachelor.

1:02:00  "No Trumpsters" notices on female users of Tinder

1:16:00  Boomer argument

1:50:00  Noahide laws and sharia

1:58:00  Noahide laws and sharia

2:00:00  Zionism

2:03:00  Israel carries US nuclear weapons.

2:11:00  Noahide

2:14:00  Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in excrement.

2:27:00  Otterman Empire

2:30:00  Talmud

2:31:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

2:32:00  Sanhedrin 50

2:34:00  Afghanistan

2:37:00  CK speaks on Jews.

2:39:00  Don't Americans have any moral agency?

2:40:00  Lobbying and the one-party state

2:41:00  America does not have an official religion.

2:43:00  6 billion people

2:44:00  Sanhedrin 57

2:47:00  Failure mechanism

2:48:00  Christianity is kaput.

2:50:00  American Revolution

2:52:00  Christendom ended  in 1918.

2:53:00  The Founding Fathers separated the church from their state.

2:54:00  The Trinity



2:57:00  The Trinity

2:58:00  The Trinity is idolatry.

2:59:00  Muslims don't think the Kabbah is God.

3:01:00  Political philosopher

3:04:00  How is Jesus God?

3:05:00  The Trinity

3:06:00  Schism at the Council of Nicaea

3:07:00 The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility was only formally defined in 1870.

3:09:00  Council of Nicaea

3:10:00  MICHAEL reads page 17 of Secular Koranism saying thinking of Jesus as immortal means thinking of him as divine, and thinking of him as divine means you are guilty of idolatry. 

3:11:00  Describes my book as engaging.

3:12:00  JIMMY CHEN asks  about idolatry.

3:18:00  Most people are hypocrites.

3:19:00  Sunnis < Shias

3:20:00  MICHAEL reads from page 19 where I say Christianity imposed monogamy on Europeans enabling them to accomplish more than other races.

3:22:00  Marxism is the truth.

"Marxism is Judaism."

3:25:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

3:28:00  Membership of the CCP is membership of the elite. 

3:29:00  MICHAEL on racism and Trotsky

3:36:00  Anglophobia

3:37:00  Austrians and Germans

3:38:00  Left-wing Germans - but most Jews are left-wing too! 

3:39:00  Christianity does not protect Christians. 

3:40:00  Contemplative prayer

3:43:00  CK on Christianity

3:43:00  The Trinity

3:44:00  The Abrahamic God is omnipotent.

3:48:00  Plato and Socrates

3:52:00  Copernicus and Galileo

4:02:00  NASA

4:06:00  Idolatry

4:07:00  Old Testament

4:10:00  Book of Isaiah

4:11:00  MICHAEL talks about me being a "formidable force" and "very engaging"!

4:12:00  Ebenezer Scrooge

4:13:00  Five Stages of Grief

4:14:00  Christianity is a broken boiler not a family heirloom.

4:15:00  Communism v Capitalism

4:16:00  Gender and labour relations

4:17:00  Planning for the future

4:19:00  Jimmy Chen is a born again Marxist.

4:20:00  Trump and his supporters are treated as heretics to the secular political ideology of liberalism.

4:21:00  MICHAEL reads from 46 on the supremacy of feminism.

4:23:00  Nietzsche

4:24:00  Decline of Christianity

page 45 "Blame the American Empire."

4:25:00  “Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

"You are about to show me shadows of the things that have not happened, but will happen in the time before us," Scrooge pursued. "Is that so, Spirit?"

4:27:00  Marriage is a eugenic filter.

4:28:00  The Sex Revolution

4:29:00  Widespread illegitimacy is electorally significant.

4:30:00  Leaderlessness unaddressed

4:31:00  Televangelism

4:32:00  Descendant of Kaballah rabbi

4:34:00  Liam Jarrett and Church of Entropy

4:36:00  Constantine the Great

4:37:00  Edict of Thessalonica 380

4:39:00  Pope Sylvester I

4:40:00  Theological argument

4:41:00  National Geographic

4:42:00  Holy Spirit

4:44:00  Big Bang

4:46:00  Pantheism

4:47:00  Spinoza

4:49:00  CHINESE CATHOLIC complains about me.

4:50:00  Not a Jewess

4:52:00  Creation

4:57:00  Septuagint

5:00:00  Jews

5:02:00  Moral basis of the American Empire

5:03:00  Holocaust memorials

5:05:00  "Judeo is diametrically opposed to Christianity."

Tripartite soul

5:05:00  Freud and Jung

5:06:00  Fred Flintstone

5:07:00  Hegel's Trinity of Logic, Nature and Spirit

5:08:00  The Three Stooges, Goldilocks and the Three Bears

5:10:00  The father precedes the son.

5:11:00  Inquisition and Crusades

5:12:00  Catholic Chinaman says heretics should be burned at the stake!

5:15:00  I am a Jewess, apparently.

5:15:00  TAE TAE joins to accuse God of sexism.

6:40:00  Marriage

7:01:00  Ungrateful women

7:07:00  Christianity

7:43:00  CLAIRE KHAW talks about

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Western men without convictions who need a religion which cannot be Christianity 

6:00  Since the end of WW3, gentiles in the West have been worshiping Jews.

7:00  Leprechauns

8:00  "Jew" can be substituted with "CIA", "neocon", "Americans"

9:00  Ayo Kimathi

11:00  Judaism

13:00  The modus operandi of Christianity


14:00  The imperial modus operandi of divide and rule means men will be divided from women as well as the generations, races and classes divided from each other. People would be more likely to become atomised if men do not have have paternal authority over their legitimate offspring.

16:00  The imperial mythos

17:00  Holocaust memorials

18:00  Feminist strategy

19:00  Justin Mohn

20:00  Mohn is Yiddish.

24:00  Chilling effect

25:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

26:00  Western philosophy

27:00  Believe and obey! 

28:00  Chinese philosophy

29:00  Confucianism v Legalism

30:00  Dialectical materialism is a truism

32:00  Liberalism will progress towards the end of history.

33:00  Jewish theology is Jewish philosophy.

34:00  Domino effect of republicanism replacing monarchy in Europe

35:00  Islamic principles of warfare

36:00  Christianity/Monarchy v Islam/Republicanism 

37:00  The Rashidun Caliphate were not related to each other and came from different tribes.

40:00  Christianity is kaput.

41:00  The next level

42:00  Advantages of empire

43:00  Moral leadership from America

44:00  Men without convictions

45:00  Spoon feeding required

46:00  J F Rutherford, Jehovah's Witness, conscientious objector

54:00  Game theory

1:01:00  Catholic Church

1:02:00  Men without convictions

1:03:00  Scientology

1:05:00  Anti-psychiatry

1:07:00  Global idolatry attracts divine punishment.

1:08:00  Repentance

1:11:00  Belief in official stories can easily be imposed  by the government.

1:12:00  Even atheists understand God.

Discussing with Vincent Bruno whether agnostics can promote sharia

1:00  Together 18 years, married 13 years.

2:00  Carol complaining about David Duke's hopeless website

6:00  Steelman and strawman

11:00  Selling a religion to a neurotic customer

13:00  The difference between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

14:00  People's beliefs, however silly, are sacred to them. 

16:00  Therapy for neurotics

18:00  Neurotic behaviour

19:00  Phobia

20:00  Stephen J James' Islamophobia

21:00  Muslim terrorism

23:00  Jewish privilege

24:00  All rapists are men, therefore all men are rapists.

25:00  Secular Koranism is for white people.

26:00  New ideas find it hard to gain traction.

27:00  Vincent's Associate's degree

28:00  Jehovah's Witnesses applying Christian principles

29:00  Christian anti-intellectualism

35:00  Stephen J James

34:00  Joseph Atwill

35:00  Philosophers discuss ideas, historians discuss events, scandalmongers discuss people.

36:00  Rabbi Sacks "Mistakes were  made, but not by me."

38:00  The Trinity

40:00  The Torah and the Koran

42:00  Divine authority and divine inspiration

44:00  The Koran is more high status than the Talmud.

50:00  Westerners need a religion.

51:00  Direct speech or reported speech?

53:00  The directly revealed Word of God is higher status than something that is merely "divinely inspired". 

55:00  Only Muslims who are not hypocrites would be prepared to discuss Secular Koranism honestly and rationally.

57:00  The Holy Spirit is not over hypocrites and hidden idolaters claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims.

58:00  I am going just by the book.

59:00  Muslims have not been learning their Koran properly.

1:00:00  Muslims should take a leaf out of Jehovah's Witnesses.

1:01:00  God sent two agnostics, Vincent  and me, to humiliate the hypocrites and hidden idolaters claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims.

9.99% of Jews, Christian and Muslims are cowards and hypocrites.

1:02:00  Islam is the religion to replace Christianity after its death certificate is signed. 

1:03:00  Muslims are being humiliated by two agnostics who dare to do what adult men claiming to be believing Muslims dare not do: form logical propositions based on belief in God.

1:04:00  Why can't non-brown people interpret the Koran better than brown people?

1:06:00  Usury

US constitution


1:08:00  Blasphemy and public order

1:11:00  Lawyers and atheists

1:13:00  An authentically American interpretation of the Koran

1:14:00  US Supreme Court will be the identifying, listing and numbering the Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation.  

1:16:00  William Tyndale, burned at the stake by the Catholic Church for translating the Bible into English.

1:21:00  Vincent Bruno, the gay American advocate of Secular Koranism

1:22:00  Marker pen for the Commandments of Allah in the Koran.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the power of American televangelists probably envied by the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury


2:00  Psychotropic drugs

3:00  Spice taken in British prisons 

4:00  LSD

5:00  Depression and Secular Koranism

6:00  Jon Vance

7:00  The Cube

8:00  E Michael Jones

10:00  Sublimation

11:00  Porn makes us morally apathetic and politically inert.

12:00  Sexual frustration

14:00  Maslow's hierarchy of needs

15:00  A pornocracy is a society in which prostitutes are more high status than married mothers.

16:00  Contraception

17:00  The Amish have their own reservation.

18:00  Margaret Sanger

20:00  The Pill

21:00  Spiderlings

22:00  Greg Johnson

24:00  Regulating the supply of the Pill

25:00  Registered prostitute

27:00  Hijab crisis

28:00  I have solved the mystert of the Trinity.

29:00  Porn in Telegrams

30:00  Is it God or the CIA who is conducting the global Milgram experiment?

31:00  CNN, BBC and CNA

33:00  Inexperienced  newbies

34:00  Women in courts

35:00  Leadership

36:00  Knuckle-dragging apes of the Dissident Right

38:00  The West is dying of atheism.

39:00  Christian nationalism keeps trending on Twitter with their dumb Jesus memes.

41:00 Christianity has been failing for 500 years.

42:00  English Reformation, English Civil War  and the regicide of Charles I

42:00  Execution of heretics.

43:00  The madness of King George 

44:00  Salem witch trials

45:00  Secularism 

46:00  Social media platforms

47:00  Radio Pleb

48:00  Justin Mohn 

50:00  "Assholes are not good community organisers."

52:00  The OSS on Hitler

55:00  Churchill was rude to his servants, Hitler's servants adored him.

56:00  Instant gratification

59:00  Donald Trump

1:00:00  Biden

1:01:00  Backbiting and insults

1:04:00  Squeaky voice

1:05:00  Tall Trump

1:06:00  Sympathy conversions

1:08:00  White converts

1:09:00  Secular Koranism is for white people.

1:12:00  Lost followers

1:13:00  Stephen Pollard

1:18:00  CBT and hypocrisy

1:19:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou

1:22:00  Adam Green

1:23:00  Christianity and Sharon Stone

1:24:00  Jordan Peterson,  Ann Coulter, Noam Chomsky

1:25:00  Tucker Carlson's Putin interview

1:26:00  Andrew Tate

1:27:00  Ukraine

1:28:00  NATO

1:30:00  Armstrong and Kuhn

1:31:00  Stanley Rader

1:55:00  Nature abhors a vacuum. If America does not have an official religion, then people will look to its unofficial religion which is still Christianity. This being so, people would look to America's most powerful Christian leader and this would mean its richest televangelist. 

1:56:00  Armstrong challenged the Trinity.

1:57:00  Mormons, Southern Baptists and other Christian cults
1:59:00  The banning of slavery was a tragic mistake. 
2:00:00  Nation of Islam
2:01:00  Black and white racial anxieties

Religion regulates gender and labour relations.

2:02:00  Marriage
2:03:00  Sir John Glubb's Fate of Empires
2:04:00  Most Americans don't support American imperialism.
2:05:00  Gentiles should tell Jews to retire or resign as God's Chosen People.

2:06:00  Muslims could easily communicate with Orthodox rabbis and ask them when they are going to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide  laws. 

Jews and Muslims could also easily communicate with the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury on Twitter to ask how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God. 

2:07:00  David Duke's Christianity
2:08:00  Alison Chabloz
2:11:00  Speaking on behalf of antisemites
2:13:00  Crushing the Prosperity Gospel with Secular Koranism
2:15:00  Nietzsche: "Interpretation is not a function of truth, but that of power."
2:16:00  Stanley Rader
2:21:00  Fuse or switch analogy
2:23:00  Robert Lawrence Kuhn

Kuhn was an intellectual and doctrinally the liberal ally of church heir-apparent Garner Ted Armstrong. Both men seemed to play a role in the attempted coup against the elder Armstrong by initiating the receivership of the church by the state of California. Kuhn was later purged from the ministry as a “liberal” (as was GTA) as the elder Armstrong tried to pre-empt his son’s allegations of incest against his father with Garner Ted’s sister Dorothy. Armstrong later admitted the incest in a Tucson divorce trial transcript with his second wife Ramona.

2:27:00  Should we obey God's laws even if He does not exist?

2:29:00  The role of religion in changing hearts and minds
2:32:00  Could Kuhn be interested in Secular Koranism?
2:36:00  Religious behaviourism
2:40:00  Rejectionism

2:41:00  5 Pillars interviewing British nationalists
2:46:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear. 
2:49:00  Alison Chabloz
2:50:00  Sapiens by Yuval Harari
2:51:00  Dividing and ruling the CIA

Monday, 12 February 2024

It is not too late for King Charles to become a Mason

The purpose of masonry is to place Christians in a fraternity with Jews and Muslims so they are more likely to accept being told by their Jewish and Muslims brothers that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy and finally renounce their religion for a better one - Islam. When will Jews and Muslims jointly to ask the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the most powerful Christian monarch in the world how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God?

King Charles is not currently a mason, but it is not too late for him to become one in order to receive the news from his Jewish and Muslim brothers about the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.

It is hoped that once King Charles accepts that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, he will renounce his Anglicanism and convert to Islam, paving the way to Britain becoming an Islamic Republic. There is no way after his abdication that the monarchy will survive, and no reason to preserve it.

Becoming a mason could be the most politically significant thing King Charles could do in his reign.

A proposed suicide website for the considerate suicide

The Death of Chatterton, 1856, by Henry Wallis (Tate Britain, London)

One of the reasons why there is a verse in the Koran reminding people not to kill themselves is that throughout the ages, people did get depressed and killed themselves. Interestingly, this advice entirely lacking in either the Old and New Testament.

As we know, Christianity was established by the Roman Empire and Romans being told to commit suicide was not exactly unknown. 

It is only Allah in His compassion who expressly and specifically told humanity not to murder themselves or each each other. 

Someone who genuinely does not think life is worth living is not going to be persuaded by someone saying that it is. These matters are purely subjective. The person contemplating suicide would argue that no one else but himself understands how he feels and it is no one’s right to tell him what to do with his life. Suicide is the ultimate act of taking control, arguably. 

Belief in God would entail belief that we are all the Slaves of God with no control over our own life and death. If we really did believe in God and the afterlife, we would not have the audacity to turn up having committed suicide knock knock knocking on heaven’s  door expecting admission. If God exists and forbade suicide, it would be like turning up to a party to which one was not invited empty-handed. God in His infinite wisdom will have bouncers to deal with gatecrashers. 

However, the reasons for suicide are quite banal to the objective bystander and usually consist of the following:

  • love disappointed/betrayed
  • loss of wealth leading to unbearable loss of status
  • mental illness eg clinical depression
  • revenge eg “Look what you made me do.”
  • fear of a debilitating disease whose symptoms have not fully manifested

So how about a website that takes into account the feelings of those left behind? Why not be a considerate suicide and go to the trouble of writing out a suicide note as well as giving the contact details of your next of kin who can be informed as soon as possible if you did indeed go ahead and commit the suicide contemplated? Can’t say fairer than that, can we?

I am certain that the process of explaining oneself would have the therapeutic effect of preventing suicide after the suicide note has been drafted and spellchecked. 

The option of discussing it with a range of philosophers, therapists, religious leaders and even the Samaritans through the website should also be given. 

Discussing hypocrisy with Doooovid

16:00  "Jews are hypocrites." 
1:28:00  A hypocrite is as bad as a thief.
1:31:00  Doooovid "surrounded by intelligent women"!

1:32:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss hypocrisy.
1:33:00  La Rochefoucauld: "Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue."
1:34:00  Christianity and hypocrisy walk hand in hand. 
1:35:00  Pharisees
1:37:00  Why hypocrites are bad
1:38:00  Hypocrites are guilty of malign encouragement.
1:39:00  Different friends are differently abled to serve our purposes.
1:41:00  Unreturned books
1:47:00  The purpose of requiring people to have a religion attaches to them a set of rules the individua is supposed to believe in. 
1:49:00  Jews doing business with idol worshipers
1:53:00  Noahide laws "distinction without a difference"
1:55:00  A trustworthy idol-worshiper
1:56:00  The requirement of fearing God
2:00:00  Cultured Thug
2:06:00  Being Noahide
2:10:00  Pragmatism of Jews towards Christians and Muslims
2:12:00  "Sages of the generations"
2:13:00  Vienna Circle included Karl Popper, Wittgenstein, A J Ayer and Einstein
2:16:00  Neo-Kantians led into the Vienna Circle leading to the Frankfurt School
2:17:00  Proposed debate between Doooovid and Daniel Haqiqatjou
2:21:00  Which has more hypocrites - Judaism or Islam?
2:22:00  John Gischala
2:23:00  Asher Mazer
2:24:00  Joseph Cohen
2:25:00  Keith Woods
2:28:00  24  February 2024
2:29:00  Adar Weinreb

Sunday, 11 February 2024

Claire Khaw enticed on to a white nationalist Space thinking they were going to discuss gender roles and feminism
7:00  Claire Khaw joins.
10:00  No fault divorce
11:00  Degeneracy

Modern Western and Christian history with @realVinBruno

6:00  Louis Wain

8:00  Eugenics

9:00  Millennial Woes


16:00  Herbert W Armstrong

17:00  Tunisian imam who was learning Mandarin to convert the Chinese  to Islam


21:00  Putin on Tucker Carlson

26:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

29:00  Washington was a leader of soldiers.

30:00  David Irving 

31:00  History is written by the victor.

36:00  Holocaust Denial

37:00  Holocaust memorials

38:00  WW1 and WW2 was Britain falling into its Thucydides trap twice

39:00  Second Thirty Years War

Cannibalism at Breisach (1638)

Almost all the dogs and cats in the city [of Breisach] (7) were eaten, and some thousands of horses, cattle, oxen, calves, and sheep were also eaten.

On November 24, a captured soldier died in the jail, and when the provost went to bury him, [he found that] the other prisoners had taken his body, cut it up, and eaten it. The prisoners in the jail made holes in the walls with their fingers so that they could partake of it. Two dead men in the burying ground were carved up, and the entrails were extracted and eaten. Three children were eaten in one day.

The soldiers promised a pie-maker's son a piece of bread, if he would come into the barracks. When he entered, they butchered and ate him. On December 10 in the Fischerhalden alone, eight prominent citizens lost children, probably eaten, because nobody knew where they'd gone to. This doesn't count the strangers and beggars' children, of whom nobody knew anything. In the square alone ten deaths occurred, not counting those found in the manure piles or in the alleys.

On December 12, another soldier died in the jail, and when the provost went to bury him, the others lying about fell upon the body, ripped it with their teeth, and ate the corpse raw.

41:00  English Civil War

42:00  American Revolution

43:00  Anabaptists and Chrismation

44:00  Confirmation ceremony

45:00  Bums on pews

47:00  Cultural Christians

48:00  Christianity has no codified principles.

49:00  American Gnosticism

50:00  Christianity is false comfort.

51:00  Will WW3 be started by Westerners again?

52:00  Theology is better than Jewish conspiracy theories.


55:00  God does impose collective punishment. 

Finally, Abraham said, “Please don't get angry, LORD, if I speak just once more. Suppose you find only 10 good people there.” “For the sake of 10 good people,” the LORD told him, “I still won't destroy the city.” After speaking with Abraham, the LORD left, and Abraham went back home. 

57:00  If the Trinity cannot be defended, then shouldn't the Christian kingdoms  of Europe become Islamic republics?

Groups that would be interested in Secular  Koranism

  1. Jews - 15 million of them
  2. Christians - 3.2 billion of them
  3. Muslims - 19 billion of them
  4. Antisemites
  5. Islamophobes
  6. Idolaters in India
  7. Atheists who are Communists in China
1:00:00  Bystander apathy

1:02:00  The extinction of Christendom
1:03:00  Extermination of the Russian Royal Family

1:04:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Victims of Dr. Martha Welch - Holding Therapy

"I am a victim of Dr. Martha Welch's child psychological experiments in autism"
5:00  Behaviourism
13:00  The methodology
17:00  Exorcism
19:00  A child that refuses to show affection to its parents
22:00  Confucianism v Legalism

Confucianism is an ethic of moral uprightness, social order, and filial responsibility. Daoism was a philosophy of universal harmony that urged its practitioners not to get too involved in worldly affairs. Legalism is a theory of autocratic, centralized rule and harsh penalties.

23:00  Natural law v legal positivism
24:00  Enforcement and obedience
26:00  Prone and supine
28:00  Behaviourism
30:00  Dog training
32:00  Behaviourism
35:00  The behaviour of those who believe in the afterlife
36:00  I make Vincent laugh.
37:00  Martha Welch
39:00  The Delphic Oracle
40:00  Milgram Experiment
42:00  Bystander apathy

43:00  How to ask for help
44:00  Doing something oneself because it is too hard to give instructions
46:00  Battle orders
47:00  Y'all
48:00  You guys
49:00  Pronouns and titles
51:00  Trump
53:00  Why YouTubers weren't allowed to say they thought the election was stolen

Talking to Vincent Bruno about depression and White Muslim Woman about the Trinity

1:00  Mother's managed depression
7:00  God
9:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens
10:00  Can belief bring happiness?
12:00  Political purpose of religion
13:00  Scientology
14:00  Psychotropic drugs
15:00  Hereditary depression
16:00  Schizotypal
17;00  Universe - created or not?
18:00  Mormons
20:00  Religion as a means of acquiring social connections and employment opportunities
21:00  Noahide laws
22:00  Scandinavian countries are supposed to be happier.
23:00  "Nothing would make me happy."
24:00  Clinical depression
25:00  Breeding happy people
26:00  People who claim to be Jews, Christians and Muslims but who don't really believe.
27:00  Genetics predisposing certain people towards PTSD
30:00  Masking madness with medication
32:00  Suicide website
34:00  Mad, stupid and evil

35:00  Vincent thinks he is evidence that marriage doesn't work: because he was born. Actually, the situation would be even worse if marriage was not practised as a eugenic filter. 

36:00  Widespread bastardy
38:00  Eugenics was fashionable in the 1920s.
40:00  Selective breeding
43:00  Buying and selling eggs

44:00  The government just has to give us the right rules about who can and can't have reproductive rights. Requiring people to marry before they have children is a higher standard of sexual morality than not requiring them to marry before having children. Islamic standards of sexual morality are higher than Beyondist standards of sexual morality and therefore more eugenic.

45:00  Men won't marry because they don't need to marry to have sex with fornicatresses of which there are many. 

46:00  Vincent doesn't think a pair of parents should live together to rear their young.

47:00  Psychotropic drugs

CAROL joins.

48:00  Diet
50:00  Biochemical depression
51:00  PTSD
52:00  Suicide and over-medication
53:00  Likelihood of atheist soldiers to get PTSD than religious soldiers
54:00  Carol's father wouldn't be seen with her because she wore her hijab.
56:00  Carol rejected the Trinity as a child.
1:00:00  Happy all the time.
1:01:00  Diet
1:05:00  ECT
1:07:00  Depression in people who believe in God 
1:08:00  Suicides
1:11:00  Diet
1:13:00  "Children of Satan"
1:14:00  Psychologist, not psychiatrist
1:15:00  Psychologists often make things worse.
1:16:00  Dysgenic sexual reproduction and parenting
1:20:00  Variety and quality of human beings
1:21:00  Military men
1:23:00  Invasion of Poland by Germans
1:26:00  Eugenics
1:33:00  Animal breeding applied to human beings
1:35:00  Breeding by committee
1:37:00  Families
1:44:00  Ethno-nationalism
1:49:00  "Children ruin their parents' lives."
1:50:00  Vincent's parents

2:00:00  Puberty and pimples
2:12:00  Unconventional families
2:19:00  Attachment disorder
2:24:00  Vincent's dystopia
2:46:00  Islam could be the religion of the West.
2:47:00  Westerners need to take over Islam.
2:49:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
2:51:00  Islam is a religion that supports the First Amendment. 
2:52:00  How Muslims could be useful to white people
2:53:00  Converting to Islam does not make you turn brown if you are white.
2:57:00  Congress has the power of an absolute monarch over the American people.

2:58:00  Senior Western politicians dare not define a woman.


3:00:00  Why won't Americans ask themselves if their economic, political and social problems can be attributed to America not having an official religion?

3:02:00  Atheism was once equated with nihilism.
3:04:00  Mormons and Christian Scientists
3:05:00  Jefferson Bible
3:06:00  Sally Hemmings
3:08:00  Going native
3:09:00  David Duke
3:10:00  The narrative that Jews, Christians and Muslims are cursed by God
3:12:00  Which Muslim has obeyed

3:14:00  Muslims - and in particular Muslim leaders of Muslim countries - have to ask the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and King Charles how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God.

3:15:00  Two questions
3:18:00  Hypocrites are cursed by God, according to the Koran.
3:20:00  The Guardian refuses to do a hit piece on me and Secular Koranism.
3:22:00  William Breiannis
3:26:00  Secular Koranism is breaching a taboo.
3:28:00  Tariq Ramadan
3:29:00  Only Islamic scholars can interpret the Koran, apparently. 
3:32:00  Paula White
3:36:00  Hypocrites claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims
3:42:00  Saying "Jesus loves you" is idolatry.
3:44:00  Praying to saints is idolatry.
3:46:00  Associating partners with God is an unforgivable sin.
3:47:00  Jews are not allowed to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques.
3:52:00  Arians v Athanasians
3:53:00  Pope Sylvester I
3:54:00  Acts of Sylvester
3:55:00  Pontifex
3:56:00  Edict of Thesssalonica 380

4:01:00  A religion that doesn't go against reason is better than a religion that goes against reason.

4:02:00  Islam
4:03:00  Christianity is kaput.
4:04:00  Privileging married parents is no longer government policy.
4:07:00  Noahide laws
4:08:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear. 
4:09:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

4:14:00  David Duke
4:16:00  Mark Collett
4:17:00  White people should just control the interpretation of the Koran.

4:18:00  It was the American Revolution that killed belief in the Trinity and ended the Age of Monarchy and Christendom.

4:19:00  The Domino Effect of the American Revolution
4:20:00  Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
4:23:00  Christian morality supported monogamy.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...