Monday, 12 February 2024

Discussing hypocrisy with Doooovid

16:00  "Jews are hypocrites." 
1:28:00  A hypocrite is as bad as a thief.
1:31:00  Doooovid "surrounded by intelligent women"!

1:32:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss hypocrisy.
1:33:00  La Rochefoucauld: "Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue."
1:34:00  Christianity and hypocrisy walk hand in hand. 
1:35:00  Pharisees
1:37:00  Why hypocrites are bad
1:38:00  Hypocrites are guilty of malign encouragement.
1:39:00  Different friends are differently abled to serve our purposes.
1:41:00  Unreturned books
1:47:00  The purpose of requiring people to have a religion attaches to them a set of rules the individua is supposed to believe in. 
1:49:00  Jews doing business with idol worshipers
1:53:00  Noahide laws "distinction without a difference"
1:55:00  A trustworthy idol-worshiper
1:56:00  The requirement of fearing God
2:00:00  Cultured Thug
2:06:00  Being Noahide
2:10:00  Pragmatism of Jews towards Christians and Muslims
2:12:00  "Sages of the generations"
2:13:00  Vienna Circle included Karl Popper, Wittgenstein, A J Ayer and Einstein
2:16:00  Neo-Kantians led into the Vienna Circle leading to the Frankfurt School
2:17:00  Proposed debate between Doooovid and Daniel Haqiqatjou
2:21:00  Which has more hypocrites - Judaism or Islam?
2:22:00  John Gischala
2:23:00  Asher Mazer
2:24:00  Joseph Cohen
2:25:00  Keith Woods
2:28:00  24  February 2024
2:29:00  Adar Weinreb

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