Saturday, 10 February 2024

Talking to Vincent Bruno about depression and White Muslim Woman about the Trinity

1:00  Mother's managed depression
7:00  God
9:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens
10:00  Can belief bring happiness?
12:00  Political purpose of religion
13:00  Scientology
14:00  Psychotropic drugs
15:00  Hereditary depression
16:00  Schizotypal
17;00  Universe - created or not?
18:00  Mormons
20:00  Religion as a means of acquiring social connections and employment opportunities
21:00  Noahide laws
22:00  Scandinavian countries are supposed to be happier.
23:00  "Nothing would make me happy."
24:00  Clinical depression
25:00  Breeding happy people
26:00  People who claim to be Jews, Christians and Muslims but who don't really believe.
27:00  Genetics predisposing certain people towards PTSD
30:00  Masking madness with medication
32:00  Suicide website
34:00  Mad, stupid and evil

35:00  Vincent thinks he is evidence that marriage doesn't work: because he was born. Actually, the situation would be even worse if marriage was not practised as a eugenic filter. 

36:00  Widespread bastardy
38:00  Eugenics was fashionable in the 1920s.
40:00  Selective breeding
43:00  Buying and selling eggs

44:00  The government just has to give us the right rules about who can and can't have reproductive rights. Requiring people to marry before they have children is a higher standard of sexual morality than not requiring them to marry before having children. Islamic standards of sexual morality are higher than Beyondist standards of sexual morality and therefore more eugenic.

45:00  Men won't marry because they don't need to marry to have sex with fornicatresses of which there are many. 

46:00  Vincent doesn't think a pair of parents should live together to rear their young.

47:00  Psychotropic drugs

CAROL joins.

48:00  Diet
50:00  Biochemical depression
51:00  PTSD
52:00  Suicide and over-medication
53:00  Likelihood of atheist soldiers to get PTSD than religious soldiers
54:00  Carol's father wouldn't be seen with her because she wore her hijab.
56:00  Carol rejected the Trinity as a child.
1:00:00  Happy all the time.
1:01:00  Diet
1:05:00  ECT
1:07:00  Depression in people who believe in God 
1:08:00  Suicides
1:11:00  Diet
1:13:00  "Children of Satan"
1:14:00  Psychologist, not psychiatrist
1:15:00  Psychologists often make things worse.
1:16:00  Dysgenic sexual reproduction and parenting
1:20:00  Variety and quality of human beings
1:21:00  Military men
1:23:00  Invasion of Poland by Germans
1:26:00  Eugenics
1:33:00  Animal breeding applied to human beings
1:35:00  Breeding by committee
1:37:00  Families
1:44:00  Ethno-nationalism
1:49:00  "Children ruin their parents' lives."
1:50:00  Vincent's parents

2:00:00  Puberty and pimples
2:12:00  Unconventional families
2:19:00  Attachment disorder
2:24:00  Vincent's dystopia
2:46:00  Islam could be the religion of the West.
2:47:00  Westerners need to take over Islam.
2:49:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
2:51:00  Islam is a religion that supports the First Amendment. 
2:52:00  How Muslims could be useful to white people
2:53:00  Converting to Islam does not make you turn brown if you are white.
2:57:00  Congress has the power of an absolute monarch over the American people.

2:58:00  Senior Western politicians dare not define a woman.


3:00:00  Why won't Americans ask themselves if their economic, political and social problems can be attributed to America not having an official religion?

3:02:00  Atheism was once equated with nihilism.
3:04:00  Mormons and Christian Scientists
3:05:00  Jefferson Bible
3:06:00  Sally Hemmings
3:08:00  Going native
3:09:00  David Duke
3:10:00  The narrative that Jews, Christians and Muslims are cursed by God
3:12:00  Which Muslim has obeyed

3:14:00  Muslims - and in particular Muslim leaders of Muslim countries - have to ask the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and King Charles how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God.

3:15:00  Two questions
3:18:00  Hypocrites are cursed by God, according to the Koran.
3:20:00  The Guardian refuses to do a hit piece on me and Secular Koranism.
3:22:00  William Breiannis
3:26:00  Secular Koranism is breaching a taboo.
3:28:00  Tariq Ramadan
3:29:00  Only Islamic scholars can interpret the Koran, apparently. 
3:32:00  Paula White
3:36:00  Hypocrites claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims
3:42:00  Saying "Jesus loves you" is idolatry.
3:44:00  Praying to saints is idolatry.
3:46:00  Associating partners with God is an unforgivable sin.
3:47:00  Jews are not allowed to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques.
3:52:00  Arians v Athanasians
3:53:00  Pope Sylvester I
3:54:00  Acts of Sylvester
3:55:00  Pontifex
3:56:00  Edict of Thesssalonica 380

4:01:00  A religion that doesn't go against reason is better than a religion that goes against reason.

4:02:00  Islam
4:03:00  Christianity is kaput.
4:04:00  Privileging married parents is no longer government policy.
4:07:00  Noahide laws
4:08:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear. 
4:09:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

4:14:00  David Duke
4:16:00  Mark Collett
4:17:00  White people should just control the interpretation of the Koran.

4:18:00  It was the American Revolution that killed belief in the Trinity and ended the Age of Monarchy and Christendom.

4:19:00  The Domino Effect of the American Revolution
4:20:00  Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
4:23:00  Christian morality supported monogamy.

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