Friday, 2 February 2024

Dealing with Islamophobes quoting 8:12, 9:29 and 47:4 of the Koran so they can pretend Muslims want to behead them for being non-Muslims

Re 8:12, what is the translation of the title of that chapter?

That's right, "Spoils of War"!

Why are Islamophobes so shocked and dismayed that God allows Muslims the right to kill their enemies in battle? I suppose they prefer Muslims to keep turning their cheeks to Islamophobes until the are all slaughtered and exterminated!

Re  9:29, it is quite clear that you stop killing them in battle until they agree to pay the jizya

Re 47:4, here are the translations from which it is clear that Muslims can only strike at the necks of their enemies in battlefield:

Sahih International: So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens.

Pickthall: Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens.

Yusuf Ali: Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.

Shakir: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates

Muhammad Sarwar: If you encounter the disbelievers in a battle, strike-off their heads. Take them as captives when they are defeated. Then you may set them free as a favor to them, with or without a ransom, when the battle is over.

Mohsin Khan: So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden

Arberry: When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads.

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