Wednesday, 31 July 2024

The Koran clearly condemns hypocrites to hell but not sodomites

3:30  Space starts with Vincent complaining that Christians refuse to discuss the Trinity.

5:00  Not believing in the afterlife while claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God is not correct belief.

6:00  Death comes to all but the most important aspect of our life in death is the time in between which is a test of our ability to distinguish between good and evil in theory and in practice.

8:00  The Trinity is avoided by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

9:00  Bubonic plague

12:00  Hypocrites

13:00  Marriage opportunities are acquired when membership of a religious group is claimed.

14:00  The Koran just requires sodomites to support

15:00  Concubine contract

17:00  Sodomites would be a subgroup within non-parents.

18:00  Hypocrites go to hell, according to the Koran.

19:00  "The Muslim God is limited."

20:00  Idolatry

21:00  Indonesia and the Majapahit Empire

22:00  Abrahamic religions > Eastern religions

23:00  Divine revelation > non-divine revelation

24:00  Everything that ever happened was meant to happen. 

25:00  Sticking to our principles will produce a high trust society.

27:00  Obeying the Noahide laws is a sign of righteousness.

28:00  Moral reasoning requires a hypothetical supreme authority.

29:00  Lies, coercion and moral authority

30:00  Righteous rulers

31:00  Morality

32:00  Christians refuse to answer questions on the Trinity.

33:00  Omnipotent, omniscient and morally perfect

34:00  Atheists refuse to make the inference that there must be a Creator because there was a Creation. 

35:00  Ethical monotheists have the advantage over scientists on what caused the Big Bang.

36:00  The divine bargain

37:00  The story of the Abrahamic religions

38:00  The Abrahamic God

39:00  Buddhism is codified Hinduism.

The Abrahamic religions have narrative power.

40:00  Gentiles could extract moral lessons from the history of Jews.

41:00  The power of positive thinking

42:00  MUJAHID joins.

43:00  Islam has a limited  God.

44:00  The Trinity

Jesus is not God.

48:00  God created a logical universe.

52:00  Hypocrites

55:00  PERSPECTIVE joins.

56:00  Triune god

1:01:00  Monotheism before Islam

1:03:00  Submission is being Muslim,

1:07:00  The Torah was written 1500 years after the time of Moses.

1:09:00  Red Letter Bible

1:10:00  Pauline Christianity

1:13:00  The law

1:14:00  Winter solstice

1:15:00  "The only true God is the Father."

1:16:00  Did the prophets of God believein the Trinity?

1:19:00  The Burning Bush is not God.

1:20:00  Prophets are delivery mechanisms.

1:21:00  Book of Rules

1:22:00  Noahidism

1:23:00  Spiritual supports for obedience

1:26:00  The Koran > The New Testament

1:31:00  The Lord's Prayer

1:32:00  Sons of God

1:33:00  Semantics

1:41:00  If you think something is wrong, you have to stop it.

1:42:00  Secular liberalism

1:45:00  Spanish Inquisition

1:49:00  What are Christian laws?

1:50:00  Protestantism

1:52:00  JAY WALKER joins.

1:53:00  Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

1:57:00  Belief in the afterlife is necessary and correct.

1:59:00  Sermon on the Mount

2:01:00  Deep faith

2:03:00  Theory and practice of religoin

2:06:00  The Trinity

2:09:00  Holy Spirit


2:10:00  Secular Koranism

2:11:00  Secular Koranism for sharia non-Muslims

2:13:00  Popularity < Orthodox

2:15:00  Know them by their fruits.

2:16:00  Playing the game

2:18:00  Religion has rules.

CHARLES joins.

2:19:00  The Trinity

2:20:00  Christianity was totalitarian coercion.

2:22:00  The Trinity

2:24:00  Lying about believing in the Trinity

2:26:00  Jay on the Trinity

2:29:00  Godhead

The oneness of God

2:31:00  Neurosis and the excluded middle

2:33:00  The President of El Salvador

2:34:00  The alleged laws of Christianity

2:36:00  Trump

2:38:00  Christianity < Islam

Heretic burning is a uniquely Christian practice.

2:40:00  The corruption of the church


2:42:00  The Noahide laws

2:43:00  Idolatry

2:44:00  Jews and Christians 

2:45:00  Idolatry and blasphemy are compulsory for Christians.


2:49:00  America a Christian Republic?

2:50:00  The Mystery of Trinity solved.

2:52:00  Book of rules

2:53:00  Constantine the Great

2:54:00  Christian missionaries

2:55:00  Archetype


2:57:00  Islamic imperialism

2:58:00  Jungian archetypes

2:59:00  Archetypes of the Bible

3:01:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON joins.

3:02:00  Santorini

3:06:00  Believing in good

"God channels His divinity through Jesus."

3:08:00  The excluded middle

3:10:00  Faith

"It's not about logic, but the unknown."

3:13:00  "Why would God make us believe in an absurdity?"

Islam is easier to believe.

3:14:00  Conversion therapy

3:18:00  Vincent's God

3:20:00  Speaker analogy, radio waves

3:21:00  Spirit of Christ

3:27:00  Christianity, wars and Zionism

3:38:00  Good Samaritan

Obsessed with paedophilia

3:39:00  Intergenerational gay relationship

3:47:00  Semen in the Bible

3:52:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

3:56:00  Literalists

AM or FM

3:59:00  Unitarianism and Thomas Jefferson

4:00:00  Trump card

Stephen Broughton: "God is the internet and communicates through Blue Tooth, computer and an iPhone ... "

Talking about the Trinity, Anjem Choudary and totalitarian censorship

1:00  Trinity

DNA and biology

2:00  Calling churches and priests

3:00  Liquid, vapour and solid

4:00  Praying to the Trinity

9:00  Saying God has substance is blasphemy.

10:00  Suspicious priests

11:00  Scolding Vincent

What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

12:00  Not being a Trinitarian removes you from membership of the three most powerful churches.

13:00  Arians v Trinitarians

15:00  Unitarianism

18:00  Latin mass

19:00  Monarchy and Christianity

21:00  You cannot understand the nature and purpose of the Trinity and remain Christian.

22:00  A progressive rejection of monarchy and Christianity

23:00  America wants Britain to remain a monarchy.

24:00  The soft underbelly of Christianity is the Trinity.

25:00  Kingdoms are not halal.

26:00  A Caliph is a constitutional dictator.

27:00  Constitutional monarchies have muddied the waters between monarchy and republic.

The monarch is supposedly above the law. 

28:00  Muslims should not support monarchies.

29:00  Why would any absolute monarch agree to become a constitutional monarch unless the alternative were regicide?

31:00  Churches getting back to Vincent on the Trinity

32:00  "Perfect yourselves before you presume to correct others."

37:00  Anjem Choudary

39:00  Militant Islam

40:00  Choudary is the biggest dissident of all.

41:00  Will discussing theology be forbidden?

46:00  British woman arrested for praying

47:00  Throwing people into prison for disagreeing with you means you don't believe you can defend your position using Truth, Logic and Morality.

48:00  Anjem Choudary
56:00  Legacy media is trying to make us forget there was an attempt to assassinate Trump.
58:00  Boris Johnson and Covid
1:01:00  Vaccinated
1:02:00  Trinity
1:06:00  "The Muslim God is limited [by logic]."
1:07:00   E Michael Jones said Arianism was easier to believe from 39:00
Carol Balizet
1:15:00  Blackburn cult
Cults of personality
1:19:00  Citizens militia
1:22:00  Gay people losing their identity
1:23:00  Constants and variables
1:24:00  Algebra is impossible without a constant.
1:29:00  Gay prophet
1:31:00  I leave the Space.
1:44:00  "Being gay is a death cult."

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

What terrorism did Anjem Choudary incite?

What act of terrorism had Choudary incited?
1:00  Inchoate offence
2:00  Attempt
5:00  The Douglas Murray and Anjem Choudary debate that never happened
6:00  Choudary the comedian
7:00  Choudary the solicitor
8:00  The law changed.
9:00  Donald Trump
10:00  6 January 2021
13:00  How Anjem Choudary was convicted of directing terrorist organisation
14:00  s 41 of the Terrorism Act 2006
17:00  Alison Chabloz was not denying the Holocaust.
19:00  Anjem Choudary jailed for life.

"Choudary was careful not to personally advocate violence "

22:00  Sharia councils
23:00  What Choudary did wrong
25:00  References to violence at
27:00  Organisational skills and oratory
29:00  Sharia for UK
Douglas Murray

32:00  JAY joins.
33:00  Legal background

36:00  "You could say AC just has more charisma and influence than CK and [the court believed] people kill for him without him directly telling them to."

40:00  Anjem Choudary did encourage people to join ISIS.
41:00  Is there a difference between war and terrorism?
42:00  Specifying the charges
43:00  There was a social connection between the killers of Rigby and Choudary.
47:00  Choudary encouraged people to join ISIS until it was proscribed.
49:00  The court said he did not "personally incite violence".
50:00  Is Anjem Choudary a danger to society?
51:00  Liberal society is threatened by Choudary and his ideas.
55:00  ISIS
56:00  There was a time when ISIS was not proscribed. 
59:00  "Directing terrorism"
1:03:00  What was the act of terrorism Choudary incited and how could he have been said to be directing it?
1:04:00  Is giving online lectures on Islamic theology "directing terrorism"?
1:05:00  The liberal order is afraid of Choudary, Trump and Dugin.
1:06:00  Minority Report

1:08:00  SJJ joins.
1:09:00  Sentencing remarks
1:13:00  Terrorising your enemies
1:14:00  Proscribed organisation
1:15:00  Terrorist crimes of making speeches and distributing leaflets! 
1:17:00  "You are my inspiration!"
1:19:00  Swearing allegiance is not a terrorist act.
1:21:00  Was there any evidence that Choudary was in contact with the Manchester Arena bombing or the London Bridge terrorists?
1:26:00  Southport
1:27:00  I don't like Mondays by Boomtown Rats
1:28:00  Will Muslims be banned from Speakers Corner?
1:30:00  Does our government care about addressing our grievances?
1:31:00  Douglas Murray can't win an argument against Anjem Choudary.
1:34:00  Julian Assange
1:39:00  What acts of terrorism?
1:42:00  19 year old Bengali youth
1:43:00  You can marry at 16.
1:47:00  Who is the government telling us whom we can or cannot hate?
1:48:00  Sentenced for holding certain views.
1:49:00  Who is the extremist?
1:50:00  Sentenced for talking to people
1:51:00  Commentary on Choudary and  his unworldly associates


"You have no doubt as to the rectitude of your views. Your views are entrenched and abhorrent to most right-thinking people. It was chilling to hear as part of the evidence at trial your denial of the holocaust, and your joking about the 9/11 attacks which remarks I am sure were designed to signify approval for what happened that day in New York. I do not sentence you for holding those views but the fact that you genuinely hold such extreme views coupled with your history of unlawful behaviour is an indication of the danger you pose into the future. I am sure that you will continue to preach your message of hate and division when or if you are given the opportunity to do so in the future. You are not someone who can be diverted from that course by any form of intervention. You pose a significant risk of causing serious harm to members of the public into the future by committing further specified offences such as this."

Who are these right-thinking people? Must they all be liberal? What are the principles of liberalism? 

Punished for having no doubt as to the rectitude of his views and refusing to be diverted from this view by any form of intervention

"The danger you pose is in your organisational skills and your skills as an orator rather than as a man who uses violence personally. I cannot foresee a time when you will cease to be dangerous in that way."

Punished for being an orator with organisational skills

"It reflects the fact that you, Anjem Choudary, were front and centre in running a terrorist organisation but cannot be shown to have planned any particular act of terrorism."

Punished for just being accused of "directing terrorism" even though no act of terrorism has been linked to his group

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi on true Torah teaching being virtually illegal now

2:00  Lefty liberals are destroying Israel.

3:00  The Attorney General is more concerned about Nazi murderers not getting enough pineapples, cherries and oranges in jail than Israeli soldiers.

The head of the Israeli army has zero IQ.

4:00  Killing of Druze by Israelis and Israeli lies.
6:00  Harris did not attend Netanyahu speech.
7:00  Earthquake in China, Revolution in America - because of Israel.
9:00  The Chinese incapable of understanding the message of Hashem.
10:00  The illegitimate of China
12:00  "Democracy is destroying us."
Where is this country where democracy can operate?
13:00  Wisdom
14:00  The wisdom of a chess player
When to go to the dentist
Don't let the problem grow.
16:00  Crossing the bridge when we get there
17:00  Pro-Hamas Arabs
19:00  European imperialism
20:00  "Gentle Christian French people"!
21:00  Change the system
22:00   A Caliph is a constitutional dictator.
23:00  Sanhedrin
24:00  The king is above the law.
25:00  No point ever voting in Israel..
"We don't owe you an explanation."
26:00  The Domestic Manager
28:00  Muslims are fiercer and more numerous than Jews.
31:00  Aggressive and dangerous Muslims
32:00  Muslims hate everyone including themselves.
35:00  Fellow travellers
37:00  Bilam and how he enticed Jews into fornication with immoral gentile Moabite women
49:00  A mass murderer is still a Jew, but not a Jew who is an idolater. 
1:17:00  Hezbollah has the upper hand.
1:18:00  Electro magnetic bombs
1:27:00  Moses would be cancelled under the rule order.
1:28:00  Avigdor Miller
Heretics applauded
1:29:00  Rabbis Manis Friedman and Rabbi Shmuley
1:35:00  Noahide laws
1:40:00  Degeneracy in atheists over the decades
1:58:00  Christianity is fake.
2:14:00  Why the victim of bestiality has to die along with the perpetrator

Monday, 29 July 2024

Secular Koranism with Nigerian Characteristics

2:40:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to explain the Noahide laws.

2:41:00  Extramarital sex

2:42:00  Sexual liberation and immigration

2:43:00  Chastity

2:44:00  The idea of privileging married parents over non-parents

2:45:00  Tolerating gay sex

2:46:00  Standards of sexual morality are too low in the West.

2:50:00  Christians were people speaking for God.

2:51:00  Society has evolved.


2:52:00  Polyandry

2:53:00  Kamal Harris

2:56:00  Tibetan practice of polyandry

2:57:00  Muslims > Tibetans

2:58:00  Being good biological married parents

2:59:00  Unmarried parents and serial killers

3:02:00  Nimrod and the Whore of Babylon

3:04:00  Mixed fabrics forbidden

3:07:00  Deuteronomy 22

Women are being commodified.

3:08:00  Shotgun marriages

3:10:00  God wouldn't contradict Himself.

3:15:00  Amalek

3:20:00  Rape victim has the option of marrying her rapist.

3:47:00  The marry your rapist law

3:51:00  The commodification of women and making women fungible

3:59:00  I am agnostic seeing the point of the marry your rapist law.

4:02:00  The Abrahamic God would be a practical God.

4:04:00  Men these days marry prostitutes and porn stars.

4:05:00  Rahab married Joshua.

4:10:00  Wife-beating religions

4:32:00  Choice of the rapist and rape victim

4:35:00  Polygamous rapists

8:46:00  Cockle doodle doo!

8:48:00  "Christianity is the most crooked religion when it comes to morality."

8:56:00  "Christianity is a business."

8:57:00  "All the churches are empty."

9:01:00  Self-hating Africans

9:03:00  "This British curriculum is not for us."

9:29:00  Food in Ghana is four times more expensive than Nigeria.

9:47:00  CLAIRE KHAW speaks about Jewish history having lessons for gentiles.

9:50:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme. 

9:51:00  Western governments do not look after their own people.

9:52:00  Marriage not necessary?

9:56:00  British parents are mostly unmarried parents.

"Prison population from fatherless homes is a myth."

9:59:00  Illegitimacy in Jamaica

Ann Coulter

10:00:00  Extended family

10:02:00  Honour killings

10:03:00  Marry your rapist laws

10:04:00  It takes two to tango.

10:05:00  If Jews married gentiles, there would be no Jews leffft. 

10:06:00  Angry Nigerian tells me off.

10:15:00  Iranian Revolution

10:16:00  Morality police

10:17:00  Traditional societies have respect for feminine power

10:19:00  A little about me

10:20:00  Why are Muslims going to the West?

Do I have a generator for my home?

10:21:00  Nigerians are asked to pray for their ruling classes and government.

10:23:00  I have not been harassed because I do not dress immodestly.

10:25:00  I came to the UK as a student. 

10:26:00  Why don't I leave the UK?

10:27:00  British education

I don't wear a hijab.

10:30:00  Sexual frustration

10:39:00  I am not a Muslim, just a political philosopher.

10:40:00  The First Amendment is supported by

10:41:00  How to incorporate Koranic principles into your legislation

10:42:00  Blasphemy

10:43:00  Manual amputation

10:45:00  How to avoid manual amputation

10:46:00  Religion is politics.

I am known! 

10:48:00  The history of Christianity

10:50:00  An Islamic British Republic

No verse in the Koran commanding Muslim men to marry children. 

10:52:00  Secular Koranism is a solution to longstanding economic, political and social problems.

Absolute monarchy is not halal. 

10:53:00  Iranian Revolution

10:54:00  Islamophobia

10:55:00  Western identity

10:56:00  Fundamental British values

Human identity can only exist with rules and principles.

10:57:00  Becoming a Malaysian citizen

10:59:00  HMG are at liberty to ignore me.

11:00:00  Pakistan got their blasphemy laws from the British.


11:06:00  "Prostitutes don't need to wear their hijab."

11:08:00  My agnosticism is denied.

11:09:00  I am accused of being Muslim.

Secular Koranism is comfy Islam.

11:10:00  Iran

Christians don't even have rules to break.

1:13:00  I don't wear a hijab.

11:15:00  Slut-shaming

11:16:00  Only women can be sluts, but men can be called slut-fuckers.

11:20:00  Rape Museum

11:21:00  Half of Nigeria was colonised by Muslims.

11:23:00  Religion is a problem.

Discussing with Luke Ford the compulsion of podcasting and whether women are right to reject men with dissident views

3:23:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss Kamala Harris.
3:24:00  Luke Ford says he would be "absolutely horrified" if Harris became POTUS.
3:25:00  The insecurity of Harris
Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024
3:26:00  Unspoken cultural statements in these opening ceremonies
3:27:00  Luke Ford the expert on copyright strikes
3:32:00  CNN live debate with Biden and Trump
3:33:00  Sniping people's YouTube videos
3:34:00  Nigerian Space
3:35:00  Nigeria is a microcosm of the West
Igbo people
3:36:00  How do I react to the news?
3:38:00  How I reacted to the Opening Ceremony of the Paris
3:40:00  I like to think I assess the news in an impartial and neutra way.
3:41:00  Political activists are by definition optimistic. 
It has to get worse before it gets better.
3:42:00  Jews are required to praise God for misfortune.
3:43:00  Pleasure and self-esteem from being a YouTuber
3:44:00  Politics is a calling of the moral imperative.
3:46:00  Is Luke being maladaptive about streaming?
3:47:00  Is the expression of dissident views self-destructive?
3:49:00  Luke's time stamps
Dating a podcast bro
3:52:00  An alpha or beta male husband?
3:53:00  Women reject podcasters as potential spouses
3:54:00  Our political thoughts are better out than in.

Can WOMEN choose GOOD MEN? - marriageability class 14

4:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
5:00  Being treated differently on grounds of sex
6:00  Losers
7:00  Losing at the game of life
9:00  Being treated like a celebrity
10:00  Starting liberal and becoming Conservative
12:00  Single parent households
15:00  Gender politics gap
16:00  Men and women look at the world through a different lens.
19:00  Going Dutch
20:00  What women expect men to do
21:00  Men have no choice but to take the women as they come.
23:00  Arranged marriages
24:00  Psychopathy
27:00  Men like their women kind and stupid.
30:00  Thomas Edison
36:00  "Toxic masculinity"
38:00   Mockery of married fathers
41:00  Undermining the patriarchy
42:00  Frankl, freedom and responsibility
43:00  Free love
45:00  Women had to slut-shame each other to keep the price of sex high.
47:00  Assaulted after being drugged, raped and choked to death
52:00  Children who attend international school
57:00  Correlation is not causation
Dalai Lama
1:00:00  Slut shaming
1:01:00   A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
1:04:00  President of El Salvador

1:06:00  JAY joins.
1:07:00  Progressing towards greater and deeper degeneracy
1:09:00  Married fathers mocked as stupid in children's entertainment and comedies.
1:10:00  Wardrobe accident in Opening Ceremony of Paris Olympics
1:12:00  Shaming gluttons
1:14:00  Define good man
A good man as far as a husband hunting woman is concerned is a marriageable man.  
1:17:00  Arranged marriages
1:19:00  How do we have a decent society?
1:20:00  It is a woman's prerogative to change her mind, and Jay exercised his prerogative. 
Can men choose good women?

Thursday, 25 July 2024

According to the Abrahamic God, marriage is the only morally acceptable way to have children

5:00  There is no such thing as supremacy.

7:00  Rabbi Harry Waton

9:00  "Gays need to mutate."

10:00  "Islam is the greater power."

11:00  What makes you so sure homosexuals are morally superior to heterosexuals? When you say homosexuals, do you include or exclude lesbians? How is the moral worth of any group measured? The fact is that LGBTs are parasitic on heterosexuals.

There are five world religions. Hinduism and Buddhism are the Eastern religions less successful than the Abrahamic religions. Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, Christians have acquired three global empires.

All five world religions forbid extramarital sex making those who have had it sex offenders. Clearly, sodomites cannot sexually reproduce with sodomites nor lesbians with lesbians. All LGBTs are the product of heterosexual intercourse and should know their place.

Because sodomites cannot sexually reproduce with sodomites nor lesbians with lesbians, they are unmarriageable. To be a sodomite or a lesbian means one is unmarriageable if you define the purpose of marriage as for having legitimate offspring.

Marriage is eugenic because its purpose is to have legitimate offspring. The oppose of eugenics is dysgenics when your society suffers from degeneracy ie when your society prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents over that of married parents.

You keep talking about the mess heterosexuals have made of the world while being unable to produce any evidence of successful civilisations or empires in existence or the past founded by groups of sodomites or lesbians.

There is no such thing as "gay eugenics" because to be  a society that does not criminalise sodomy means you are already degenerate matriarchy and therefore dysgenic, which is what the West is.

As groups, sodomites and lesbians can never be morally superior to married parents because married parents are the highest state of parenting. Both married and unmarried parents are clearly better at producing offspring than sodomites or lesbians incapable of sexual reproduction.

12:00  Surrogacy, artificial insemination and artificial wombs

13:00  How are gay men better than heterosexual men? Who agrees with you? Would women agree with you? Is the fact that you know heterosexual women will never agree with you that gay men are superior to straight men why you want to make women extinct?

If the measurement of morality is the ability to remain in existence as a group, then religious groups that forbid extramarital sex ie adultery, fornication, sodomy, bestiality and masturbation have an unbeatable advantage over those who indulge in extramarital sex.

13:00 Cleanliness, good presentation, perfectionism, tidiness, organisation, kindness, empathy, environmental concern, eloquence, refinement, being polite, artistic and well-read are characteristics not exclusive to gay men. In any case, not all exhibit such characteristics.

16:00  Gay men know what to do if they want to be married fathers - the only morally acceptable kind of father to be. If they are not up to it, nobody is forcing them. If Vincent gets what he wants, gay men would be forced into childcare just to keep the human race going.

16:00  "Random breeding" ie having children without a marriage certificate can be easily criminalised with

18:00  What kind of woman would agree to be an unmarried mother with a man historically regarded as a sex offender? Not a moral woman!

18:30  How can you prove that a gay man would have higher standards of parenting when he cannot even bring himself to be a married father?

19:00  What makes you think men straight or gay have a queue of women to choose from to marry or have sex with?

19:15  Couples get divorced because divorce is no longer stigmatised in their society which is a matriarchy prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceive and parent their illegitimate offspring.

19:30  If love is not enough to create a long term relationship for the joint enterprise of parenting legitimate children, what is?

19:45  For some reason, you do not seem to understand that marriage - which the government should support - is more than a business partnership. The couple should love each in order to make them more likely to stay together for the sake of their children.

20:00  What kind of woman is likely to agree to a contract to rent her womb to bear the child of a sodomite with no intention of marrying her? Not a sane or moral one.

21:00  What types of human breeds do you have in mind?

21:30  Does society want the "industrial reproduction" of rent a womb babies of gay men?

22:00  A centre of rent a womb women would be organised to be impregnated by gay men.

24:00  If you were a child sex offender, wouldn't you and your associates be attracted to precisely this kind of care home for the illegitimate offspring of gay men who would be mostly absent fathers happy to leave their offspring in the care of strangers?

26:00  Raymond Cattell

28:00  What kind of child would you be looking to produce?

29:00  What kind of culture do you have in mind?

30:00 Why do you want to create more groups and cultures that would be competing against each other when there are already your society is already so divided?

31:00  We already have artistic and scientific children or children who could be encouraged by their schools to excel in art and science.

32:00  Matilda Ludendorff was too antisemitic for the Nazis. 

39:00  Society finches

43:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

44:00  Belief in God has utility in maintaining public and private morality.

46:00  Vincent claims he has never had his prayers answered.

47:00  God is supposed to take away all your troubles.

48:00  The Abrahamic God is one-stop shopping.

48:30  God's existence cannot be proven, only inferred. You refuse to make the inference that because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator.

49:00  Does Judaism protect Jews?

50:00  Jews were punished very severely the last time they assimilated. 

51:00  It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

52:00  Antisemitism

53:00  People who want to be envied

54:00  God keeps Jews in existence to make an example of them. 

55:00  Would any group behave better than Jews?

56:00  Is God protecting homosexuals?

58:00  Losing our identity

59:00  Transgenderism

1:00:00  Being parents of legitimate offspring

White people are being replaced.

1:01:00  No leadership

1:02:00  A hypothetical supreme authority

1:03:00  Kamala Harris

1:03:00  There is no one in charge.

1:06:00  Jewish privilege

1:07:00  God is not a genie.

1:08:00  People need to believe good will be rewarded and evil punished.

1:09:00  The Fourth Estate could make us believe.

1:10:00  Belief and obedience can be perpetuated by incentives.

1:11:00  A self-reinforcing moral system

1:12:00  The story of Abraham God

1:13:00  Animism

1:14:00  If God exists, we want to feel a connection to Him.

1:15:00  Was God protecting Trump?

Engineering and politics

1:00  Rake has Googled me.
2:00  Parties are political tribes.
3:00  Engineering requires reality.
4:00  Politics is sewage treatment works.
5:00  The politics of off-shoring
6:00  New Labour and Bangalore
7:00  White people have not got a working class.
8:00  The de-industrialising programme started in 1970s
10:00  One-party state
11:00  Truth, Logic and Morality are being banned.
12:00  Athenian democracy only operated for under 100 years.
13:00  The Peloponnesian War
The Edict of Expulsion 1290
14:00  Idolatry
15:00  Women should be silent in church.
Men cannot say no to immoral women.
16:00  Immodest women
17:00  Muhammad's wives
18:00  The bride of God
20:00  India
Pre-Christian pagan deities
21:00  The Pauline Epistles
22:00  Kill anyone claiming to be God.
23:00  Apollonian and Dionysian
25:00  When Mashiach arrives
26:00  Liberty is what we ought to enjoy after all the necessary laws are in place.
27:00  Zeus was King of the Gods.
30:00  Net zero
31:00  The Abrahamic God is one-stop shopping.
33:00  Idolatry
Opportunity cost
35:00 "I'd rather die!"
36:00  Being morally perfect
37:00  Sticking to one's principles
38:00  The history of Christianity
39:00  Constantine the Great
40:00  Slavery
43:00  Manumission
46:00  Department of Work, Pensions and Manumissions
47:00  Workfare
48:00  Slavery is a necessary institution.
51:00  Making Western labour competitive again.
52:00  Evil, crazy or stupid?
53:00  A ghetto world order
54:00  Usury
Piece-rate or per unit
55:00  Everything that ever happened was meant to happen.
56:00  Mental health divided into mental pain and not recognising reality
58:00  Road, rules and rule safety
1:00:00  Protecting people from themselves
1:01:00  Making the distinction between good and evil
1:02:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
1:03:00  Mammon
1:06:00  Dogma

A wearying discussion about the Trinity

2:00  The definition of the Trinity
15:00  My solution to the Trinity
16:00  Monarchical Trinity and filioque
17:00  Equality
18:00  The Catholic Church is infamous for forging documents.
19:00  Christians refuse to admit they have been lied to for centuries.
20:00  The New Testament is a mix and match paste-job.
24:00  Clinging to Christianity to reject Islam
25:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.
26:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.
28:00  A hierarchy is necessary.
29:00  Leadership is required.
32:00  Christianity is an anachronism.
33:00  The Caliphate is necessary for political leadership.
34:00  The Trinity is not a pie cut into three pieces.
36:00  Three drop of waters anology
37:00  Joint ownership or tenancy in common?
38:00  Distinct and separate
39:00  The reason for the Trinity
Heretics were burned at the stake.
50:00  Christian dogma
53:00  The Trinity is totemic of Christian identity.
54:00  Catholicism and Protestantism
57:00  The best religion is the easiest to believe that is effective at maintaining minimum moral standards.
59:00  Idolatry
1:00:00  The First Amendment is supported by
1:01:00  The rich young men
1:02:00  Jihad
1:03:00  The Koran is a Book of Bargains.
1:04:00  The Islamic heaven
1:05:00  The Koran is a book of rules and bargains.
1:08:00  Vincent's therapist
1:09:00  Talking to his therapist about the three drops
1:11:00  Vapour, water and ice
1:12:00  Three infinities
1:19:00  The Trinity must remain a mystery to Christians who want to remain Christian.
1:23:00  Judaism is easy to understand.
1:24:00  Islam cut the Gordian knot on the Trinity.
1:26:00  God is waiting. 
1:27:00  Being forced to go to church
1:28:00  The equal Trinity
1:29:00  Cuius regio, eius religio.
1:30:00  Allah's metaphorical eyes and limbs
1:33:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy, Christians have made an idol of him.
1:36:00  The race is not over. 
1:38:00  The Gulf States and life expectancy

1:42:00  Christian heresy video
2:00:00  Why did Jesus ask God why God forsook him?
2:05:00  "Convenient answers"
2:09:00  Hypostatic union
2:12:00  The excluded middle
2:13:00  Is God immanent or transcendent?
2:14:00  Letter to the Colossians
2:15:00  God is immaterial. 
2:16:00  If God is immanent then we can see Him.
2:17:00  The Holy Spirit is God's agent.
2:19:00  God created a logical universe.
2:22:00  The carpenter is not the same substance as the chair he made.
2:23:00  Christians clam Jesus to be both man and God.
2:24:00  Philippians
2:26:00  Jefferson Bible
2:28:00  The Third Principle of Judaism
2:30:00  Muslims are closer to God's laws than Christians because theocracies are Islamic.
2:31:00  What is Christianity supposed to do for Christians?
2:32:00  How are we to judge the success of Christianity?
2:33:00  Catholic Catechism
2:35:00  TULIP
2:36:00  Heidelberg catechism
2:38:00  Hyper-Calvinism
2:40:00  Perspective is rotating heretic as he rotates from one denomination of Christianity to another.
2:41:00  The history of different kinds of Christianity
2:44:00  John Calvin's theology is for republics
2:45:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.
2:46:00  The Spanish Civil War
2:47:00  The Caliph is not a king. 
2:48:00  The Gulf Kingdoms are not halal.
2:52:00  There is nothing in the New Testament to follow.
2:54:00  The New Testament has no effect on the law.
2:55:00  The Koran contains the laws of God.
2:56:00  Idolatry
2:57:00  The Koran has better rules and supports the First Amendment. 
2:59:00  Koranists are heretics.
3:04:00  More important to be Christian than to make sense.
3:05:00  Muslims must have got something wrong.
3:07:00  Sunni Muslims, like Jews, do not have an organised religion. 
3:09:00  Trying to follow it properly next time.
3:10:00  The Iranians got their country back with Islam.
3:12:00  Iranians are from an ancient empire.
3:13:00  Following instructions
3:14:00  Hungarian-Ottoman Wars
3:15:00  Christianity
3:18:00  The organisational superiority of Iran compared to Sunni Muslims and Judaism
3:19:00  Americans and Hungarians
3:20:00  Iran, China and Russia are the only countries in the world have an independent foreign policy.
3:22:00  Determining causation from breaking the rules
3:24:00  Janisseries
3:25:00  1686
3:27:00  The decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire
3:31:00  Politics is religion.
Morals come from religion.
3:32:00  Politics is immoral.
3:33:00  The problem of being evil
Law enforcement
3:35:00  Philosophical certainty
3:36:00  Politics is the affairs of the polis.
3:37:00  The rules
3:38:00  Eternal and universal laws
3:39:00  Hijab
3:40:00  Modesty in Christian woman

“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes” (1 Timothy 2:9, NIV). “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.

3:44:00  Naked women walking around
3:45:00  Distracting women
3:47:00  A culture of sluttery
3:55:00  Religion should be the basis of your legal system.
3:57:00  Modesty
3:58:00  Illegitimacy is caused by immodest women.
4:00:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
4:01:00  Muslim women can divorce their husbands.
4:05:00  Pluck out your eyes and cut off your leg and hand! 

Siegetards; female political activists; Ibn Khaldun; wisdom tests; Allah is the best of libertarians; childcare under Beyondism

2:00  White people who are "Siegetards"

Siege by James Mason 

6:00  Neo-Nazis

Every action has a reaction.

7:00  Hopelessness of white nationalists

10:00  Should we exterminate those we have wronged?

Violence or the fantasy of violence

11:00  Emo Monk is a lisping effeminate. 

12:00  Lack of alpha male leaders

13:00  Mutation

14:00  Transhumanism and secular Jews

15:00  Change people's behaviour by changing their belief system.

16:00  Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes

18:00  How is the Universe dysfunctional?

19:00  Sexual reproduction

20:00  The solution to the problem of degeneracy is to take marriage seriously. 

22:00  Biological married parents are more likely to be invested in their offspring.

23:00  Wives are more likely to file for divorce.

24:00   Men are more tolerant.

Vincent does not support the abolition of no fault divorce

25:00  No fault divorce favours the poorer party.

26:00  Pre-nups don't work. 

27:00  Shaming unmarried parents

28:00  Abolishing no fault divorce

29:00  Money the reason for staying together and breaking up.

33:00  Divorce normalised

34:00  The cult of sex and beauty

35:00  Lies

36:00  Jews and Muslims have a religion that raises them in status over antisemites and Islamophobes.

37:00  Artificial wombs

38:00  Jordan

39:00  CIA and Afghanistan

Restore gender roles

41:00  Surrogacy

47:00  Ibn Khaldun

People thrive with challenges.

48:00  Necessity is the mother of invention.

50:00  All empires are born and die.

53:00  Persians

The Taliban was a creation of the CIA.

55:00  Savages

56:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.

147 IQ

59:00  Jews came up with IQ tests.

1:00:00  There should be Wisdom Tests.

1:01:00  European explorers

1:02:00  Arabs conquered Spain.

Different reasons for imperialism

1:03:00  Science

1:04:00  Christianity

Europeans discovered America.

1:06:00  Arabic astronomy and mathematics

Las Vegas

1:07:00  Everything has a beginning and end but God.

George III and Andalusia

1:08:00  Ibn Khaldun

1:09:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON joins.

1:11:00  Rishi Sunak

1:12:00  Liz Truss

1:13:00  Tories punching right because of Reform.

1:14:00  SJJ: "We have to act as if we believe in democracy!"

1:16:00  The UK economy would not crash under SK if I get America to adopt SK and the situation is managed properly.

1:18:00  I am primarily addressing the Americans. 

1:20:00  Allah is the best of libertarians.


1:21:00  Vincent does not think the collapse would be complete. 

1:22:00  Most men don't have masculine skills.

1:23:00  I need to be in a position to say "I told you so."

1:24:00  Debate school

1:25:00  Vincent says I am serious about Secular Koranism.

1:26:00  The lady protests too much.

1:27:00  Children and gay culture

1:28:00  Infants do get erections.

1:30:00  Vincent makes the point that he does not support paedophilia. 

1:32:00  The European Wars of Religion

1:33:00  A noble war

1:34:00  Men gay or straight are mean to each other.

1:36:00  Real masculinity

Weak genetics are caused by immoral women and men being unable to say no to them.

1:39:00  Gay men under Secular Koranism

1:40:00  Non-parents and unmarried parents cannot be equal in status to married parents. 

1:43:00  Free love and casual sex have unintended consequences.

1:44;)0  Modern contraception can easily prevent unwanted pregnancy.

1:45:00  Maybe God is just an idea. A lie is an idea. 

It is in the national interest to have a low tax and high trust society.

1:47:00  MC WALLACE joins.

1:48:00  Christianity is kaput.

1:49:00  Christianity was only used to defend the divine right of kings.

1:50:00  The greater good of the greatest number and the national interest

1:51:00  Warlords wanted to be supported by divine right of kings.

1:52:00  The name of the game, the objective of the game and the rules of the game

1:53:00  Congress has the power of an absolute monarch over the American people.

1:54:00  Slut-shaming is the best way of  discouraging unmarried parenthood.

1:56:00  Q&A on the distribution of 10 acres to 10 men

1:59:00  Making sacrifices

2:00:00  Human sacrifice is forbidden.

2:01:00  Jews and Muslims don't agree with human sacrifice. 

2:02:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON'S 10 coconuts. 

2:07:00  Does goodness require choice?

2:10:00  Seven Deadly Sins < Wisdom

2:12:00  Why does matriarchy encourage DINK lifestyles?

2:13:00  18-30 women being exploited in offices

MC Wallace is planning for the future.

2:16:00  Most men are controlled by their desires.

2:17:00  Not a libertarian

2:25:00  Beggars in California want drugs.

2:26:00  Dead brother

2:33:00  The problem of throwing money at a problem

2:34:00  His late brother

2:35:00  How his late brother died

2:36:00  Victimhood and entitlement

2:37:00  ABU ROOSEVELT joins.

2:38:00  Gluttony should be shamed.

2:44:00  Free will

2:45:00  Joking about the Amish

2:46:00  Free market

2:49:00  Unintended consequences of charity

2:50:00  People who are a slave to their desires have made a god of their appetites.

2:51:00  Reality scares people.

2:57:00  Poor people picking up trash on their doorstep

2:58:00  Wealth is gone after three generations.

2:59:00  It's what you do with what you have. 

3:01:00  In the 1950s

3:02:00  Feminists and cars

3:03:00  Be careful what you wish for. 

3:04:00  Ending female suffrage

3:05:00  Trump

3:06:00  Ann Coulter on female suffrage

George Washington warned against political parties. 

3:08:00  Unprincipled political parties

3:09:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that America can be maintained without religion." 

3:10:00  The New Testament offers no real moral guidance.

3:12:00  VINCENT returns.

3:13:00  Secular Koranism

3:14:00  Giving people their free will

3:16:00  Married parenting should not be optional. 

3:18:00  The difference between not rewarding and punishing

3:19:00  Noahide laws

3:21:00  We are statistically less likely to be abused as children by our biological married parents.

Society finches

3:23:00  The extended family is the support structure for the nuclear family.

3:25:00  CCTV on shift workers

People who collaborate to abuse children

3:27:00  Free love, polygamy, nudists

3:28:00  Perverts tend to be polygamous.

3:29:00  What job would you want if you were a child molester?

3:31:00  Thinking like a sex predator

3:34:00  Gay men are overtly sexual.

3:35:00  HIV positive gay black men

3:36:00  Marriageability is a desirable eugenic trait.

3:38:00  Government could grant or refuse an engaged couple's application to marry.

Banns of marriage

3:41:00  Extra procedural requirement to make couples take marriage seriously.

3:42:00  The extended family is the supporting wall for the nuclear family.

3:43:00  The definition of morality

3:44:00  Marriage is eugenic.

3:45:00  We want versatile humans.

Change the culture to change human behaviour.

3:46:00  Women and men already have their own inbuilt preferences for the ideal spouse.

3:48:00  Vincent is trying to make fish fly and birds swim.

Culture is a product of law and morality.

3:49:00  Slavery is an institution like marriage and prostitution.

3:50:00  Vincent and I live in the sweet spot of degeneracy.

3:51:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics would make the global American Empire a better-run global American Empire. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

LGBT, 5 November 2024, personality traits, Tarot cards

Trump and LGBT
1:00  Trump have never endorsed Project  2025.
4:00  Not used means extinct.
5:00  Maintaining your own working class
6:00  A body without arms and legs 
7:00  Immigrants and the indigenous have an interest in supporting marriage and family values.
8:00  Matriarchy v Patriarchy
9:00  LGBTs
10:00  Race is not an issue.
Matriarchy v Patriarchy
11:00  Gay identity has changed.
12:00  Degeneracy and the welfare state
Reintroducing slavery
13:00  The franchise should be narrowed.
14:00  Hierarchy is necessary in the military.
15:00  Jews don't have the benefit of an organised religion.
16:00  The State  Department decides on who is or isn't  a Jew when it should be Jews themselves.
17:00  Ultra Orthodox Jews do not have an official religious leadre.
18:00  Judaism and Sunni Islam are not organised religion.
19:00  Jehova's Witnesses have a centralised leadership.
20:00  Secular Jews have more power than religious Jews.
22:00  Hinduism is not an organised religion.
23:00  Centralising body
24:00  Christian Scientists and Mary Baker Eddy
25:00  Organised Abrahamic religions are organised through their scripture.
26:00  Christians culturally appropriated Judaism.
27:00  Islam synthethised Judaism and Christianity.
28:00  The reason why the Koran was revealed to Muhammad and the Arabs and not to a committee of Roman or Chinese Imperial Administrators
30:00  Proposition nation
31:00  The Book of Jonah

34:00  Repentance
37:00  Vincent Bruno Lord Protector, President of the Comrade Club
39:00  Spaces is not searchable.
40:00  Cigarettes
42:00  Weed
43:00  Intoxicants and Jehovah's Witnesses

45:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
46:00  Identity politics
47:00  Kamala Harris
48:00  When did identity politics begin?
49:00  Feminism 
50:00  Louis XVI's execution
Magna Carter
54:00  Aristocratic standards of behaviour
57:00  Emancipation of Jews
58:00  Organised religions
59:00  The development of the English legal systems
1:00:00  The power of the written word
1:01:00  Religion is a string that goes round the bundle of sticks.
1:02:00  Faggot
1:04:00  Fasces
1:06:00  Weight loss programme
1:12:00  Gay holiday resort
1:13:00  Gay prostitution
1:15:00  Amsterdam
1:18:00  Hypermasculine homos
1:20:00  Spartans
1:21:00  YMCA
1:22:00  "No masculine men"
T for T
DL for down low
1:24:00  Married  men who are secretly gay
1:26:00  Bisexual men
1:29:00  Fag hags
1:33:00  1 in 6 zoomers is LGBTQ.
1:34:00  Being gay is now like being a Goth?
1:35:00  Vincent Bruno the gay prophet of Secular Koranism
1:36:00  Gay Muslims
1:37:00  Purple Jihad
1:38:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:39:00  Gay Christians
1:40:00  Interpretation is a function of power.
1:42:00  The difference between organised religion and the Eastern religions
1:44:00  Vincent's therapists think I am crazy.
1:46:00  Astrology
1:47:00  Numerology
1:48:00  Character defects
1:49:00  I am perspicacious and Fire!
1:52:00  Elements
2:06:00  Seven Deadly Sins
Character defects
2:08:00  Sam Samuels
2:10:00  I am a revolutionary!
2:11:00  Tarot cards
2:26:00  Vincent's "oneness with God"
2:29:00  Depression
2:31:00  New religion - the fool
2:34:00  Good advice
2:35:00  Hierophant
2:42:00  INTP
2:45:00  Overdue by a fortnight
2:50:00  Bowed legged kickboxers
2:54:00  Time management 
2:55:00  Losing his phone five times in Las Vegas
3:00:00  Monologues
3:02:00  Showing face on camera
3:03:00  Buddy
3:10:00  X
3:14:00  Richard Spencer
3:15:00  Thinking aloud streams

Race, religion, gay culture and identity, Trump and proving the existence of God

2:00  Fetishising race
5:00  Saying the N word
7:00  Protected characteristics
9:00  Why not have official blasphemy laws?
"Fucking black cunt"
12:00  Categories of the mind

15:00 STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
18:00  Dog cataract
19:00  Being unjust
20:00  G Block
22:00  People's  values are wrong.
23:00  Brutus and zoomer culture
25:00  Calling a spade a spade
The f word
30:00  Jared Taylor
31:00  Religion is the protective and dignifying wrapper.
33:00  E Michael Jones

"We Catholics knew how to deal with the Jews till the Protestants came along."

35:00  European barbarian kings were warlords.
36:00  John Calvin
38:00  Cuius regio, eius religio.
39:00  The British are invested in maintaining their constitution monarchy.
41:00  Luke Ford
42:00  6 billion people are supposed to believe in the afterlife.
44:00  Doublethink
45:00  The Four Estate
46:00  "Allah is watching!"
47:00  Hudud punishments if escaped in this life do not get you sent to hell, but hypocrisy will. 
Islamic heaven
48:00  Supreme Court
49:00  The narratives don't matter, the rules do.
52:00  Don't talk too much.
54:00  Nick Griffin


56:00  Appearance
58:00  It's different for girls.
Tinder women
1:00:00  With a prostitute, you don't have to pretend to be a feminist.
1:02:00  "I met my future husband at an orgy!" 
1:04:00  Grinder
1:05:00  Gay bars
1:07:00  Vincent has been slut-shamed and kink-shamed.
1:08:00  "Straight people are hoes."
1:10:00  Polygamy
1:11:00  Hypergamy
1:12:00  Proposing to change the rules
1:13:00  Diet, drugs and exercise
1:15:00  Ketamine treatment
1:16:00  Vincent going to heaven.
1:17:00  Gym porn
1:20:00  Amphetamines
1:25:00  Elon Musk ketamine use
Right thought, right speech, right action

1:27:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins.
1:28:00  Sex parties
1:29:00  Orgy etiquette
Joe Biden
1:30:00  Caleb Maupin's theory on the June Trump/Biden debate
1:32:00  Trump fist pump T-shirt
1:33:00  Joe Biden tweet
1:36:00  Luke Ford
1:37:00  Richard Spencer and Chuck Johnson
1:38:00  White nationalists supporting Biden is a mystery.
1:41:00  J D Vance and Peter Thiel
1:42:00  Elon Musk's laser eyes
1:43:00  Trump is King of the Jews.
1:46:00  Trump's brains up close if the attempted assassination had succeeded
1:53:00  The Trump square on ear
1:55:00  Lake Tahoe
2:00:00  Mount Rushmore
2:02:00  Trip to San Francisco
2:04:00  Chowder
2;06:00  Netanyahu visit
2:10:00  Pet owners eaten by their pets
2:14:00  Curious Gazelle
2:15:00  Used as cover
2:16:00  Luke Ford
2:17:00  Margarita
2:18:00  Indians
2:19:00  Vivek Ramaswamy
2:20:00  San Francisco estate agents

2:21:00  VINCENT BRUNO talks about Vivek Ramaswamy.
2:24:00  J D Vance
Trump is unbeatable.
2:25:00  E Michael Jones
2:26:00  Trump > Eurotrash
2:27:00  Trump rally
2:28:00  Richard Spencer is being paid to take against Trump.
2:29:00  Trump's narcissism make him more likely to want to do well.
2:31:00  Trump's Zionism and attitude towards LGBT
2:35:00  Laser eyes
2:37:00  Sex parties
2:40:00  Pornographer porn
2:43:00  Satan works for God.
2:44:00  8-11
2:45:00  Very offensive to be turned away from a sex party
2:46:00  Exercise bike to start working out at home
2:49:00  Fit board
2:51:00  Belief system
2:53:00  Disproving Isis
Much visited Hindu temples
2:55:00  Jews
2:56:00  Being made an example of 
2:57:00  Without religious Jews, there would be no secular Jews.
2:58:00  Collective punishment for poor whites who are not really responsible for Western imperialism
2:59:00  Being Jewish
3:00:00  Group identity
3:01:00  Sexual reproduction
3:02:00  Lowering our expectations with religion
3:04:00  Manufacturer of artificial wombs

Talking to Mike Malzahn about American football and gambling

3:00  Zionism
4:00  Squatters' rights and adverse possession
5:00  Are Jews fit to be God's Chosen People?
6:00  The Israeli Supreme Court is the Governor General of the American Imperium.
7:00  The Israeli practice of mowing the lawn could include Orthodox Jews.

8:00  MIKE MALZAHN joins to discuss riots and revolutions.
9:00  American football violence
16:00  Playoffs and wild cards
Kansas City Chiefs
25:00  Men in women's sports
26:00  Trans sports teams
Ben Shapiro
30:00  Minimum wage $US7.25
US$50 to hire a cleaning lady
32:00  Workfare
35:00  Secular Koranism unashamedly proposes to reintroduce slavery and licensed  brothels in red light districts.
36:00  E Michael Jones
39:00  Whig history
41:00  Alexander Hamilton
42:00  Poaching
43:00  Bear hunts in Florida
44:00  Alligators
45:00  Attempted assassination of Trump
46:00  Gary Johnson
De Santis
47:00  Doesn't believe the 2020 election was stolen.
48:00  Swing states
Las Vegas
49:00  New Orleans
50:00  Advice for professional gambling
52:00  Roulette
54:00  Black Jack and Poker
55:00  Hold 'em and Omaha
57:00  Gin Rummy and Bridge
1:01:00  Coolie
1:03:00  Globalisation and Trinidadians
1:05:00  The global Spanish Empire
1:06:00  Vanuatu
1:08:00  Sinking Houston, Miami and Venice
1:11:00  Battle of al-Harra
1:13:00  Sati
1:16:00  Dowry
1:18:00  Burning brides

Monday, 22 July 2024

Gender roles are crucial even when organising gay sex parties

3:00  VINCENT BRUNO explains why he was banned from the sex party.

7:00  "Scum"

Dad Son Bro

8:00  Twink, bear, otter, wolf, twonk, chub

13:00  Easygoing boyfriend

17:00  Stephen Broughton blocked by Vincent.

18:00  Gay education

21:00  Unnatural practices

22:00  Child molesters

23:00  Parenting

27:00  Children get erections.

28:00  Suicide rates

30:00  Gay pride would be banned by Secular Koranism.

34:00  TOUGH HIKE jons.

36:00  Homotopia

37:00  LGBT procreation

38:00  Gay parenting

39:00  Women are not full of love.

41:00  Feminine stratagems

42:00  Mother's Day

43:00  Artificial wombs

46:00  Gay men are better at perfume sales?

48:00  Banned from a sex party

49:00  Complaint

55:00  Consumer relations

58:00  Remedy

1:01:00  Gay parades

1:06:00  Noahide laws

1:08:00  Passive aggressive

1:10:00  Tough Fuck

1:11:00  Trump or Kamala Harris

1:12:00  Thomas Massey

1:14:00  America pretending to protect Jews.

1:15:00  Liberal democracy

George Washington warned against political parties.

1:16:00   Voting can take place without more than one party..

1:21:00  Institutional racism

1:24:00  Heterosexual orgies

1:25:00  Institutional racism

1:27:00  Categorised prison population

1:29:00  Tough on the causes of crime

1:30:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

1:31:00  Christianity

1:32:00  Coppers

1:34:00  People at the top

1:36:00  Pretending to believe the government narrative

1:37:00  Miller & Power v Turner

1:38:00  David Irving's Denial

4:36:00 Representative democracy and institutionalised racism

4:36:00  The system is rotten.
4:39:00  Race cannot be your religion.
4:40:00  Jeremy Corbyn
5:10:00  Independent of a party
5:14:00  Count Binface is independent.
5:15:00  Foreign policy
5:16:00  Diplomacy
5:17:00  Rejecting representative democracy
5:18:00  Everyone spoiling their ballot papers
5:26:00  Constitutional crisis
5:34:00  The Australian PM can be dismissed by the Governor General.
5:36:00  Democracy
5:37:00  Australia does not have an independent foreign policy.
5:39:00  Sharia
5:41:00  Our religion of liberal democracy
5:42:00  American Civil War
5:44:00  White men dying for Western imperial wars
5:46:00  White replacement theory
5:47:00  White people more likely to die childless, gay and transgender
5:47:00  White people don't have a working class.
5:48:00  Reducing the number of men
5:50:00  Time machine and vote for me machine
5:51:00  Israel importing idolaters
One state solution
6:15:00  NIXXY asks me about Israel.
6:16:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
6:18:00  The rules of Jews, Christians and Islam
6:19:00  The Talmud
6:21:00  Antisemite
6:22:00  America's pretends to protect Jews.
6:24:00  America controls Israel.
6:26:00  TURKISH MERKISH agrees with me about America controlling Israel.
6:28:00  Holocaust Denial
6:29:00  Usury
Wars of imperial rivalry
6:33:00  Marginalising Russia
6:34:00  Article 31 of the Hamas Charter
6:35:00  Americans want Jews to fight Arabs.
6:36:00  Chief Rabbi of Iran on Israel being nothing to do with Judaism.
6:41:00  Amalek
6:46:00  Turkish Cypriot
6:49:00  Regicide of Charles I
6:52:00  Banning usury
6:54:00  China and neocons
6:55:00  Religion
6:57:00  The Trinity
6:59:00  Islam
7:01:00  Paul
7:02:00  A Liberal God
7:04:00  Islam
7:05:00  Constantine the Great
7:07:00  The final edition
7:08:00  Top dog
7:09:00  Congress
7:10:00  American, French and Russian Revolutions
7:11:00  The end of Christendom in 1918
7:12:00  The Age of Monarchy has come and gone.
7:13:00  A Caliph is not a king.
7:14:00  Judaism and Sunni Islam are not organised religoins.
7:15:00  The Caliphate
7:16:00  Sharia
7:18:00  Black on black crime
7:24:00  Shomrim
7:25:00  Antisemitism
7:26:00  Neocon, not Jew
7:28:00  Israeli government

8:20:00  CLAIRE KHAW asks about the definition of institutional racism.
8:33:00  Boarding school
8:38:00  Targeting a certain group
8:40:00  Tough on crime and the causes of crime
8:41:00  Cop shows
8:45:00  Black racial privilege
8:53:00  Middle class
8:54:00  Smiler has been inside.
8:57:00  Complaints procedure
8:59:00  Airport security
9:02:00  Tony Blair
9:05:00  Firearms
9:06:00  Rules and religion
9:08:00  Stereotypes and generalisations
9:11:00  Causes of crime
9:12:00  Secular Koranism
9:13:00  The difference between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.
9:15:00  The Abrahamic religions
9:16:00  The Torah is harsher than the Koran.
9:17:00  Idolatry
9:21:00  Hudud
9:22:00  We don't agree with every law we obey.
9:30:00  Sharia
9:32:00  Marriage
9:33:00  Sharia will deal with sluts and simps.

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Is Allah a ZIONIST? (Quran 17:104)

10:00  CLAIRE KHAW speaks.
12:00  Jews and gentiles
13:00  Zionism is the idea of Jews should have a homeland.
15:00  The modern state of Israel owes its existence to Nazi persecution. 
16:00  Iran calls Israel Little Satan and America Great Satan.
Israel is has geopolitical significance. 
17:00  America uses Israel as its unsinkable aircraft carrier. 
Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.
20:00  Jews  will not be able to have peaceful enjoyment of Israel so long as they do not obey God's  laws. 
SAM SAMUELS joins to announce Biden's resignation. 
26:00  Sam's illiterate grandmother
31:00  Sheikhs
35:00  Zionism
37:00  Lord Palmerston
40:00  Faisal
45:00  Even if they had no scriptural or divine right to be there, they are in possession of the land of Israel backed by the world's  number one superpower. 
46:00  Israel is not a theocracy of any kind. 
47:00  Most Israelis are not Eurotrash Ashkenazim.
48:00  Middle Eastern Jews are the majority in Israel.
Sam Samuels claims to be a Messianic Jew.
49:00  MIKE MALZAHN joins.
50:00  Luke Ford
52:00  17:104 of the Koran
53:00  Evangelicals, Raqqa and the CIA
55:00  Sam Samuels' closing statement
56:00  Major war
59:00  MIKE MALZAH'S prediction
1:01:00  Faisal
Noahide laws
1:03:00  How Jews should live in Israel is the issue with God and Muslims
1:05:00  Ahmadiyya mosque in Haifa
1:07:00  Palestinians don't like Hamas.
1:08:00  Pro-Palestinian Jews murdered by Arabs
1:10:00  Ultra Orthodox Jews
1:11:00  Douglas MacGregor
1:12:00  Gay Jews are leaving, according to Sam Samuels.
1:17:00  Sam Samuels says he is surrendering.

Thoughtcrime; the causes of antisemitism; Concubine Contract; Trump and J D Vance

2:00  Space begins.

3:00  Equality Act 2010 forbids discrimination.

4:00  Is everyone inherently totalitarian?

5:00  Thoughtcrime

6:00  We should discriminate against atheists, nihilists and narcissists as well as liars who are irrational and unprincipled. 


7:00  Jews enjoy double protection against the Equality Act 2010 as a race and a religious group.

8:00  CIA and WASPs

9:00  The failure of liberalism is blamed on Jews.

10:00  Christianity was replaced by liberalism and National Socialism was an attempt to replace liberalism.

The Equality Act 2010 is a product of intersectionality which has been weaponised against the patriarchy by the matriarchy.

Liberal/Jewish/Western/neocon/CIA media

11:00  Neocons want to justify American presence in Israel.

12:00  Israel is like a yacht to a billionaire.

13:00  Israel as a liberal democracy in  the middle of the Middle East is a status symbol of liberal hegemony. 

14:00  The Israeli Supreme Court run by the US State Department runs Israel.

15:00  Israel is America's unsinkable aircraft carrier.

Israel is an US colony/protectorate.

Jews in the Western establishment

16:00  Jews are the servants  of American Empire.

17:00  Jewish emancipation

18:00  Napoleon's approach towards religion was inconsistent.

The Talmud

19:00  Jews who have citizenship

Francis Fukuyama's End of History

20:00  Jews/Americans/neocons

Tony Blair

21:00  The Church was always a Creature of the State.

22:00  Thomas Moore the Catholic martyr of the English Reformation

23:00  Justin Welby is Jewish/

24:00  Lady Starmer

25:00  Antisemitism is caused by intermarriage.
26:00  Cicero on Jews
We deep down hate people who disagree with us or question our beliefs.
Edward Gibbon on The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
27:00  Everybody wants to rule the world

28:00  Judaism was the victim of cultural appropriation. 
29:00  Edward VI, Bloody Mary, Elizabeth, James, Cromwell, Richard, Charles II, James I, William and Mary
31:00  Catholic conspiracies
32:00  British Israelism
34:00  Balfour Declaration
35:00  Waddesdon Manor
36:00  War finance
37:00  Martin Luther and John Calvin
38:00  Paper money
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
Unintended consequences of usury
40:00  Christianity
41:00  Islam
42:00  Jewish or American power?
43:00  We cannot criticise the matriarchy. 

44:00  "Fundamental British values"

46:00  Neocons and female voters
47:00  Everyone wants to be mainstream.
48:00  Only big religious ideas can defeat the matriarchy
49:00  Five Reform MPs
264 female MPs
Making the arguments
50:00  SK USA
51:00  Blackrock
Western men have no principles to defend.
52:00  Atheists and nihilists operate Game Theory to survive in their dog eat dog world of accuse before you are accused. 
Christendom ended in 1918.

The British have been complicit in ignoring the fact that Christianity failed European monarchs because they wanted to keep their monarchy. 

53:00  We don't agree with all the laws we obey. 
54:00  The New Testament has nothing to follow.
55:00  The Wars of the Reformation
Constantine the Great
56:00  Christendom ended  in 1918.
King Charles has fewer rights than his subjects.
57:00  Sharia law
58:00  Women who want to be married mothers
59:00  Men are invited to imagine a society in which every marriageable man has a reasonable chance of marrying a virgin bride. 
All I need is one good interview on MSM.
1:00:00  I am on a CIA media blacklist. 
1:01:00  Piers Morgan
1:02:00  Do atheists Westerners really trust their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along?
Voter heaven is 5 November 2024?

1:04:00  CHARLES joins and suggests I am accusing the complexity of the situation and make false dichotomies. 

1:06:00  The nature and purpose of religions

1:07:00  Henrik Ibsen the male feminist 

1:08:00  Sex segregation

1:09:00  Partnership roles should be complementary rather than competing to facilitate longevity.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

1:10:00  Anti-immigration political parties blame Jews and Muslims instead of asking why things are the way they are.

1:11:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims 

1:12:00  Muslims suburban and city

1:14:00  Anjem Choudary

1:15:00  Neither Judaism nor Sunni Islam are organised religions.

1:16:00  The established church now only has the purpose of telling liberals they have a reasonable chance of getting to heaven too. 

1:17:00  Christianity has no principles.

1:20:00  DICKSON joins.

1:21:00  Hindu and Buddhist countries whose governments have the monopoly on violence.

1:22:00  The Koran is the Goldilocks choice.

1:23:00  Merits to SK

1:25:00  Theocracy

1:26:00  Liberalism

1:27:00  Shame people who refuse to support marriage

1:29:00  Allah is watching you! 

Shaming the unmarriageable

1:31:00  Hypocrites get sent to hell, but not sodomites.

Three options on alcohol

1:32:00  Laws against being drunk and disorderly

1:34:00  Alcohol licensing in Sweden

1:36:00  Copenhagen


Privileging marred parents over non parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

1:37:00  Sex education

1:38:00  Concubine contract

1:40:00  LGBTs

1:43:00  Sex education in Sweden including teaching primary school children about anal sex

1:46:00  Home school 

1:48:00  "Sex education is about teaching boys how to rape girls."

1:50:00  Incels and rape culture

1:52:00  Is Andrew Tate an incel/misogynist?

1:53:00  Secular Koranism trending on Twitter?

My political past

1:53:00  There is no need to promote the idea of people acting on their impulses.

1:55:00  Banning pornography

1:59:00  Porn on tap

2:00:00  Female attention

2:02:00  I am not a puritan, just a utilitarian.

2:03:00  Stoicism

2:04:00  We know the good, but choose the evil.

2:05:00  Male desire for female attention is both spiritual and biological.

2:07:00  Only Fans

2:09:00  The Girlfriend Experience

The Sex Doll Phenomenon

2:10:00  The Stepford Wives


2:11:00  Obedience or cooperation

2:12:00  Emotional bond, soul mate, loyalty

2:13:00  The new car experience

2:14:00  Marriage is a form of mutual slavery.

2:15:00  Unconditional or transactional?

2:16:00  ABU ROOSEVELT joins.

2:17:00  The culture of casual sex

2:20:00  Boasting about promiscuity

2:22:00  Scandinavian sex

Part of the deal

2:24:00  No real engagement

Nick Griffin

2:25:00  E Michael Jones

2:26:00  Inquisition

2:27:00  Trump

2:28:00  Divine intervention

2:29:00  Non-Trump supporters bringing up the subject
2:30:00  Jewish conspiracy
2:31:00  Some Jews think he is the Messiah.
2:32:00  J D Vance
2:33:00  Trump is the only alpha male left in the West.
2:34:00  Trump merchandise
2:37:00  Ukraine
2:49:00  Another attempt to assassinate Trump
2:50:00  J D Vance the marine

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...