Thursday, 25 July 2024

A wearying discussion about the Trinity

2:00  The definition of the Trinity
15:00  My solution to the Trinity
16:00  Monarchical Trinity and filioque
17:00  Equality
18:00  The Catholic Church is infamous for forging documents.
19:00  Christians refuse to admit they have been lied to for centuries.
20:00  The New Testament is a mix and match paste-job.
24:00  Clinging to Christianity to reject Islam
25:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.
26:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.
28:00  A hierarchy is necessary.
29:00  Leadership is required.
32:00  Christianity is an anachronism.
33:00  The Caliphate is necessary for political leadership.
34:00  The Trinity is not a pie cut into three pieces.
36:00  Three drop of waters anology
37:00  Joint ownership or tenancy in common?
38:00  Distinct and separate
39:00  The reason for the Trinity
Heretics were burned at the stake.
50:00  Christian dogma
53:00  The Trinity is totemic of Christian identity.
54:00  Catholicism and Protestantism
57:00  The best religion is the easiest to believe that is effective at maintaining minimum moral standards.
59:00  Idolatry
1:00:00  The First Amendment is supported by
1:01:00  The rich young men
1:02:00  Jihad
1:03:00  The Koran is a Book of Bargains.
1:04:00  The Islamic heaven
1:05:00  The Koran is a book of rules and bargains.
1:08:00  Vincent's therapist
1:09:00  Talking to his therapist about the three drops
1:11:00  Vapour, water and ice
1:12:00  Three infinities
1:19:00  The Trinity must remain a mystery to Christians who want to remain Christian.
1:23:00  Judaism is easy to understand.
1:24:00  Islam cut the Gordian knot on the Trinity.
1:26:00  God is waiting. 
1:27:00  Being forced to go to church
1:28:00  The equal Trinity
1:29:00  Cuius regio, eius religio.
1:30:00  Allah's metaphorical eyes and limbs
1:33:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy, Christians have made an idol of him.
1:36:00  The race is not over. 
1:38:00  The Gulf States and life expectancy

1:42:00  Christian heresy video
2:00:00  Why did Jesus ask God why God forsook him?
2:05:00  "Convenient answers"
2:09:00  Hypostatic union
2:12:00  The excluded middle
2:13:00  Is God immanent or transcendent?
2:14:00  Letter to the Colossians
2:15:00  God is immaterial. 
2:16:00  If God is immanent then we can see Him.
2:17:00  The Holy Spirit is God's agent.
2:19:00  God created a logical universe.
2:22:00  The carpenter is not the same substance as the chair he made.
2:23:00  Christians clam Jesus to be both man and God.
2:24:00  Philippians
2:26:00  Jefferson Bible
2:28:00  The Third Principle of Judaism
2:30:00  Muslims are closer to God's laws than Christians because theocracies are Islamic.
2:31:00  What is Christianity supposed to do for Christians?
2:32:00  How are we to judge the success of Christianity?
2:33:00  Catholic Catechism
2:35:00  TULIP
2:36:00  Heidelberg catechism
2:38:00  Hyper-Calvinism
2:40:00  Perspective is rotating heretic as he rotates from one denomination of Christianity to another.
2:41:00  The history of different kinds of Christianity
2:44:00  John Calvin's theology is for republics
2:45:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.
2:46:00  The Spanish Civil War
2:47:00  The Caliph is not a king. 
2:48:00  The Gulf Kingdoms are not halal.
2:52:00  There is nothing in the New Testament to follow.
2:54:00  The New Testament has no effect on the law.
2:55:00  The Koran contains the laws of God.
2:56:00  Idolatry
2:57:00  The Koran has better rules and supports the First Amendment. 
2:59:00  Koranists are heretics.
3:04:00  More important to be Christian than to make sense.
3:05:00  Muslims must have got something wrong.
3:07:00  Sunni Muslims, like Jews, do not have an organised religion. 
3:09:00  Trying to follow it properly next time.
3:10:00  The Iranians got their country back with Islam.
3:12:00  Iranians are from an ancient empire.
3:13:00  Following instructions
3:14:00  Hungarian-Ottoman Wars
3:15:00  Christianity
3:18:00  The organisational superiority of Iran compared to Sunni Muslims and Judaism
3:19:00  Americans and Hungarians
3:20:00  Iran, China and Russia are the only countries in the world have an independent foreign policy.
3:22:00  Determining causation from breaking the rules
3:24:00  Janisseries
3:25:00  1686
3:27:00  The decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire
3:31:00  Politics is religion.
Morals come from religion.
3:32:00  Politics is immoral.
3:33:00  The problem of being evil
Law enforcement
3:35:00  Philosophical certainty
3:36:00  Politics is the affairs of the polis.
3:37:00  The rules
3:38:00  Eternal and universal laws
3:39:00  Hijab
3:40:00  Modesty in Christian woman

“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes” (1 Timothy 2:9, NIV). “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.

3:44:00  Naked women walking around
3:45:00  Distracting women
3:47:00  A culture of sluttery
3:55:00  Religion should be the basis of your legal system.
3:57:00  Modesty
3:58:00  Illegitimacy is caused by immodest women.
4:00:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
4:01:00  Muslim women can divorce their husbands.
4:05:00  Pluck out your eyes and cut off your leg and hand! 

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