Sunday, 21 July 2024

Is Allah a ZIONIST? (Quran 17:104)

10:00  CLAIRE KHAW speaks.
12:00  Jews and gentiles
13:00  Zionism is the idea of Jews should have a homeland.
15:00  The modern state of Israel owes its existence to Nazi persecution. 
16:00  Iran calls Israel Little Satan and America Great Satan.
Israel is has geopolitical significance. 
17:00  America uses Israel as its unsinkable aircraft carrier. 
Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.
20:00  Jews  will not be able to have peaceful enjoyment of Israel so long as they do not obey God's  laws. 
SAM SAMUELS joins to announce Biden's resignation. 
26:00  Sam's illiterate grandmother
31:00  Sheikhs
35:00  Zionism
37:00  Lord Palmerston
40:00  Faisal
45:00  Even if they had no scriptural or divine right to be there, they are in possession of the land of Israel backed by the world's  number one superpower. 
46:00  Israel is not a theocracy of any kind. 
47:00  Most Israelis are not Eurotrash Ashkenazim.
48:00  Middle Eastern Jews are the majority in Israel.
Sam Samuels claims to be a Messianic Jew.
49:00  MIKE MALZAHN joins.
50:00  Luke Ford
52:00  17:104 of the Koran
53:00  Evangelicals, Raqqa and the CIA
55:00  Sam Samuels' closing statement
56:00  Major war
59:00  MIKE MALZAH'S prediction
1:01:00  Faisal
Noahide laws
1:03:00  How Jews should live in Israel is the issue with God and Muslims
1:05:00  Ahmadiyya mosque in Haifa
1:07:00  Palestinians don't like Hamas.
1:08:00  Pro-Palestinian Jews murdered by Arabs
1:10:00  Ultra Orthodox Jews
1:11:00  Douglas MacGregor
1:12:00  Gay Jews are leaving, according to Sam Samuels.
1:17:00  Sam Samuels says he is surrendering.

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