Sunday, 21 July 2024

Thoughtcrime; the causes of antisemitism; Concubine Contract; Trump and J D Vance

2:00  Space begins.

3:00  Equality Act 2010 forbids discrimination.

4:00  Is everyone inherently totalitarian?

5:00  Thoughtcrime

6:00  We should discriminate against atheists, nihilists and narcissists as well as liars who are irrational and unprincipled. 


7:00  Jews enjoy double protection against the Equality Act 2010 as a race and a religious group.

8:00  CIA and WASPs

9:00  The failure of liberalism is blamed on Jews.

10:00  Christianity was replaced by liberalism and National Socialism was an attempt to replace liberalism.

The Equality Act 2010 is a product of intersectionality which has been weaponised against the patriarchy by the matriarchy.

Liberal/Jewish/Western/neocon/CIA media

11:00  Neocons want to justify American presence in Israel.

12:00  Israel is like a yacht to a billionaire.

13:00  Israel as a liberal democracy in  the middle of the Middle East is a status symbol of liberal hegemony. 

14:00  The Israeli Supreme Court run by the US State Department runs Israel.

15:00  Israel is America's unsinkable aircraft carrier.

Israel is an US colony/protectorate.

Jews in the Western establishment

16:00  Jews are the servants  of American Empire.

17:00  Jewish emancipation

18:00  Napoleon's approach towards religion was inconsistent.

The Talmud

19:00  Jews who have citizenship

Francis Fukuyama's End of History

20:00  Jews/Americans/neocons

Tony Blair

21:00  The Church was always a Creature of the State.

22:00  Thomas Moore the Catholic martyr of the English Reformation

23:00  Justin Welby is Jewish/

24:00  Lady Starmer

25:00  Antisemitism is caused by intermarriage.
26:00  Cicero on Jews
We deep down hate people who disagree with us or question our beliefs.
Edward Gibbon on The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
27:00  Everybody wants to rule the world

28:00  Judaism was the victim of cultural appropriation. 
29:00  Edward VI, Bloody Mary, Elizabeth, James, Cromwell, Richard, Charles II, James I, William and Mary
31:00  Catholic conspiracies
32:00  British Israelism
34:00  Balfour Declaration
35:00  Waddesdon Manor
36:00  War finance
37:00  Martin Luther and John Calvin
38:00  Paper money
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
Unintended consequences of usury
40:00  Christianity
41:00  Islam
42:00  Jewish or American power?
43:00  We cannot criticise the matriarchy. 

44:00  "Fundamental British values"

46:00  Neocons and female voters
47:00  Everyone wants to be mainstream.
48:00  Only big religious ideas can defeat the matriarchy
49:00  Five Reform MPs
264 female MPs
Making the arguments
50:00  SK USA
51:00  Blackrock
Western men have no principles to defend.
52:00  Atheists and nihilists operate Game Theory to survive in their dog eat dog world of accuse before you are accused. 
Christendom ended in 1918.

The British have been complicit in ignoring the fact that Christianity failed European monarchs because they wanted to keep their monarchy. 

53:00  We don't agree with all the laws we obey. 
54:00  The New Testament has nothing to follow.
55:00  The Wars of the Reformation
Constantine the Great
56:00  Christendom ended  in 1918.
King Charles has fewer rights than his subjects.
57:00  Sharia law
58:00  Women who want to be married mothers
59:00  Men are invited to imagine a society in which every marriageable man has a reasonable chance of marrying a virgin bride. 
All I need is one good interview on MSM.
1:00:00  I am on a CIA media blacklist. 
1:01:00  Piers Morgan
1:02:00  Do atheists Westerners really trust their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along?
Voter heaven is 5 November 2024?

1:04:00  CHARLES joins and suggests I am accusing the complexity of the situation and make false dichotomies. 

1:06:00  The nature and purpose of religions

1:07:00  Henrik Ibsen the male feminist 

1:08:00  Sex segregation

1:09:00  Partnership roles should be complementary rather than competing to facilitate longevity.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

1:10:00  Anti-immigration political parties blame Jews and Muslims instead of asking why things are the way they are.

1:11:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims 

1:12:00  Muslims suburban and city

1:14:00  Anjem Choudary

1:15:00  Neither Judaism nor Sunni Islam are organised religions.

1:16:00  The established church now only has the purpose of telling liberals they have a reasonable chance of getting to heaven too. 

1:17:00  Christianity has no principles.

1:20:00  DICKSON joins.

1:21:00  Hindu and Buddhist countries whose governments have the monopoly on violence.

1:22:00  The Koran is the Goldilocks choice.

1:23:00  Merits to SK

1:25:00  Theocracy

1:26:00  Liberalism

1:27:00  Shame people who refuse to support marriage

1:29:00  Allah is watching you! 

Shaming the unmarriageable

1:31:00  Hypocrites get sent to hell, but not sodomites.

Three options on alcohol

1:32:00  Laws against being drunk and disorderly

1:34:00  Alcohol licensing in Sweden

1:36:00  Copenhagen


Privileging marred parents over non parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

1:37:00  Sex education

1:38:00  Concubine contract

1:40:00  LGBTs

1:43:00  Sex education in Sweden including teaching primary school children about anal sex

1:46:00  Home school 

1:48:00  "Sex education is about teaching boys how to rape girls."

1:50:00  Incels and rape culture

1:52:00  Is Andrew Tate an incel/misogynist?

1:53:00  Secular Koranism trending on Twitter?

My political past

1:53:00  There is no need to promote the idea of people acting on their impulses.

1:55:00  Banning pornography

1:59:00  Porn on tap

2:00:00  Female attention

2:02:00  I am not a puritan, just a utilitarian.

2:03:00  Stoicism

2:04:00  We know the good, but choose the evil.

2:05:00  Male desire for female attention is both spiritual and biological.

2:07:00  Only Fans

2:09:00  The Girlfriend Experience

The Sex Doll Phenomenon

2:10:00  The Stepford Wives


2:11:00  Obedience or cooperation

2:12:00  Emotional bond, soul mate, loyalty

2:13:00  The new car experience

2:14:00  Marriage is a form of mutual slavery.

2:15:00  Unconditional or transactional?

2:16:00  ABU ROOSEVELT joins.

2:17:00  The culture of casual sex

2:20:00  Boasting about promiscuity

2:22:00  Scandinavian sex

Part of the deal

2:24:00  No real engagement

Nick Griffin

2:25:00  E Michael Jones

2:26:00  Inquisition

2:27:00  Trump

2:28:00  Divine intervention

2:29:00  Non-Trump supporters bringing up the subject
2:30:00  Jewish conspiracy
2:31:00  Some Jews think he is the Messiah.
2:32:00  J D Vance
2:33:00  Trump is the only alpha male left in the West.
2:34:00  Trump merchandise
2:37:00  Ukraine
2:49:00  Another attempt to assassinate Trump
2:50:00  J D Vance the marine

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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