Sunday, 22 April 2018

Claire Khaw the Therapist to Jews and gentiles, men and women, atheists and monotheists, the old and the young, plebs and patricians

4:00  Henry Makow
6:00  If you believe in the Abrahamic God, obey His Commandments.
7:00  Know thyself and know thine enemy. The enemy is within. The greater jihad is the struggle with oneself.
11:00  The simple bargain between God and Man: obey His laws to be good and safe
12:00  Pleasing oneself
13:00  The "Bibble"
14:00  Self-help books
16:00  "Porn man"
18:00  The mask we put on will slip one day anyway.
19:00  Avoidance of truth is the procrastination of pain.
20:00  Prayer
21:00  Humility is the avoidance of self-destructive narcissism.
23:00  The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
26:00  Applying our principles
31:00  The right goals in life
33:00  God is not just a fleeting feeling but a lifestyle choice of following His laws.
34:00  Liberalism
35:00  The tyranny of our own expectations of ourselves
36:00  Happiness cannot be pursued directly.
37:00  Spirituality is the reward we get when we are following God's laws correctly.
38:00  Jordan Peterson's marriage
39:00  Belief in God and following His laws is evidence of long-term thinking.
40:00  Disposable relationship
41:00  Uncertainty as to God's existence
43:00  Jay goes from assuming God's existence to doubting it in the same video.
44:00  Jay seems to think God is his intermittent experience of pleasure.
46:00  Why are we here?
54:00  Is it useful to believe in God?
55:00  What are the rules?
56:00  Cherry-picking
57:00  Religion and the current political orthodoxy of liberalism
58:00  Theocracy, structure and discipline
59:00  Diversity is weakness?
1:00:00  Loss of status of the white heterosexual man
1:01:00  Why governments won't address long-standing social problems
1:02:00  It is the nature of the matriarchy to destroy the patriarchy.
1:03:00  A victim must be found.
1:04:00  Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Enoch Powell
1:05:00  Does the government know what it is doing?
1:06:00  Harry Truman did not manage to stop the buck-passing of representative democracy.
1:07:00  Theresa May and Barack Obama
1:08:00  Divide and rule
1:09:00  The accountability of a Caliph leading a one party theocracy
1:09:30  Egalitarianism
1:10:00  What happens when conviction politicians are not rewarded
1:11:00  Liberal name-calling
1:12:00  The Today Programme is propaganda for politicians.
1:13:00  Singapore's next Prime Minister (probably) gives remoaners a dressing down on the Today Programme and also some well-meant advice
1:16:00  The Wolfson Prize
1:18:00  The Macron strategy to power
1:19:00  Count Dankula

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