Friday, 20 April 2018

Claire Khaw considers converting to Orthodox Judaism to save world Jewry from chillul Hashem

Melanie Phillips is doing more than just whingeing about it, Rabbi Sacks.

Melanie Phillips:

Some of the ultra-nationalist parties coming to the fore in Europe, such as the Austrian Freedom Party, Golden Dawn in Greece or Jobbik in Hungary, are indeed openly antisemitic or have Nazi pasts. And many Muslims are not only opposed to Islamist extremism but are its most numerous victims.
But those who ignore or deny Muslim antisemitism or other aggression effectively connive at its continuation. And that includes many Jews who denounce such concerns as “Islamophobic.”

Such Jews are themselves stoking the fires of antisemitism. People who are angry and resentful at mass immigration destroying their national identity bitterly resent being told by Diaspora Jews who have their own country in Israel that it’s racist to oppose multiculturalism. 

It’s not only dangerous for Jews to oppose Europeans having their own national and cultural identity. It’s morally wrong. We Jews have ours. Why can’t they have theirs? 
[Kiddish Hashem] is only necessary under the following conditions: when ordered to commit acts of murder, idolatry, or adultery/incest, and during a time of forced conversion imposed by non-Jewish authorities.

Admittedly, this is not quite happening, but it soon will if nothing is done against militant atheism and feminism continues in its hegemony and insane extremism. Already men are lower than the fornicating slut and unmarried single mother because these immoral women can falsely and maliciously accuse senior men with anything to lose of sexual misconduct and get away with it under the cloak of anonymity. The police and courts are obliged to take them seriously and then convict probably innocent men on the balance of probabilities. It used to be the case that it was for the Prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused, but because the burden of proof has been reversed by that campaigning feminazi Direrectrix of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders, the accused is now obliged to prove his innocence in a kangaroo court.

The gentile's courts no longer dispense justice infringing the first Noahide law of establishing justice.

How many times has been infringed under UK law by the British who have lost their Judeo-Christian heritage? It is a frightening thought.

The stratagem of the matriarchy is to get men hooked on the opium of sex nice and early by giving them sex education nastily early. When they are hopelessly hooked, they shut them up whenever they criticise the matriarchy by accusing them or threatening to accuse them of sexual misconduct which is as good as a conviction in their kangaroo courts.

All children from the age of four will be taught about safe and healthy relationships, Education Secretary Justine Greening said.

Rabbi Aaron Bassous appealed to Rabbi Sacks to speak up for his kehillah kedoshah at, but has been met by a sinister silence.

It may be the case that Rabbi Sacks has now gone completely native. To save World Jewry, I feel I should step into the breach.

Below is evidence of Rabbi Sacks going native.

Rabbi Sacks is actually a promoting a book by Yuval Harari (a known homosexual and secular Jew in a civil partnership whose "husband" is Itzik Yahav whom he "married" in Canada). Rabbi Sacks describes this book as "terrific" and was reading it for the second time. 

I am fully prepared to undergo conversion to Orthodox Judaism on behalf of world Jewry to prevent their collective Chillul Hashem since no rabbi is prepared to do what is necessary and no non-rabbi is prepared to stick his or her neck out either. However, it is possible my application for conversion may well be rejected ab initio by these rabbis at when they see certain flag and gun photos of me. 

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