THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Thursday, 26 December 2019
Sunday, 8 December 2019
Why theocracy is the strongest and most stable form of the rule of law
- Because avoiding sexual immorality should not be optional and should have the law's support
- Because a law is more likely to be obeyed if it punishes forbidden behaviour
- Because a law is more likely to be obeyed if the forbidden behaviour is generally agreed to be immoral
- Because a law is more likely to be obeyed if it is all of the above and believed to be from the most powerful entity conceivable whose wisdom affirms an obvious universal and eternal truth from generation to generation
- Because it would dispense with the need to relearn the lessons of history and biology, of nature and nurture over and over again
How the rule of law will protect you from unscrupulous leaders with a personality cult
5:00 Self-censorship
6:00 Psychotherapy
8:00 https://ask.fm/oneparty4all
9:00 Millennial Woes
10:00 Legacy
11:00 Maoism marches on: the revolutionary idea that still shapes the world https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/mar/16/onward-march-maoism-julia-lovell
12:00 Cult leader Church of Entropy and her opaque oral tradition v Secular Koranism - a legal system based on the established moral authority Koran to which access is free and easy
13:00 Rule of law
14:00 Koranism and heresy
15:00 I consider white people my people.
16:00 Because I live in the West, I wish to make the West the best it can possibly be.
17:00 Cometh the hour, cometh the man - the danger of falling into a personality cult
18:00 Inbuilt in Secular Koranism is the rule of law which will protect your rights, particularly your freedom of belief.
19:00 Knowing the rules will allow you to play the game of life better and more to your own advantage.
20:00 How to create an effective new religion
21:00 Church of Entropy and her stubborn refusal to read the Koran because she has in bad faith determined not to change her mind in defiance of TLM
22:00 My determination to give Church of Entropy my unconditional love in spite of her cowardice and hypocrisy in the hope that she will perhaps soon repent of her arrogance and ignorance
23:00 Church of Entropy breaking her own rules
24:00 The oral tradition of Church of Entropy
25:00 Mao
26:00 Uneducated people cannot entertain an idea without accepting it and it seems even a maths and physics graduate of Ottawa University is fearful of investigating properly Secular Koranism through reading the Koran
27:00 Chauvinism, ignorance, arrogance and low behaviour
28:00 Barbarian
28:0829:00 Greeks and Persians
Church of Entropy
i can hear in her voice she smiles and breathes a sigh of relief that im here even tho im just insulting her endlessly
31:0 0 The personality cult of Muhammad
31:16I have never admitted to being a sociopath which I define as someone who has no principles and is not ashamed of this.
Church of Entropy
claire wants a monopoly on my abuse, bc claire is a very disturbed individual who has admitted to being a sociopath
25:00 Sociopath
37:00 My access to public intellectuals to interact with
38:00 Caliph and the Mandate of Heaven
39:00 A caliph is a constitutional dictator which is always better than a dictator not bound by a constitution.
44:00 Jews
46:00 Rules = gym equipment to the muscle that is our mind
47:00 People breaking their own rules
48:00 Rabbi tribal leaders amongst Diaspora Jewry on the Register of Jews
50:00 Jewish emancipation and Napoleon
51:00 Liberal ideas of the French Revolutions
52:00 The law
53:00 John Gischala the Chabadnik
54:00 Education and Sharing Day
55:00 Rabbis who won't remind gentiles of the Noahide laws like Rabbi Sacks
56:00 Judaism is an exclusive social club excluding the hoi polloi.
57:00 Jews have been chosen to perform their religious obligation to promote the Noahide laws in order to maintain minimum standards of morality and civilisation and in this way be light unto the nations.
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Antisemite and Islamophobe Brundlefly married to a Jewess with Jewish offspring is exploiting and bullying a vulnerable man who is Jewish and autistic
Brundlefly is the Manager of Church of Entropy. https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/
Church of Entropy
ya my manager says i cant stream with @Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy The reason why you appointed your so-called Manager is to find an additional excuse to avoid streaming with me because you need to be protected from my arguments.
@Claire Khaw you're just jealous
@Gandalf White 2 no one should be streaming on Claire's channel
Claire Khaw
@Brundlefly I wouldn't want to be a woman who can no longer manage my own affairs.
@Claire Khaw no woman should be managing her own affairs
Church of Entropy
whats wrong with having a manager again?
Church of Entropy
im just one person
Claire Khaw
@Brundlefly Islam does not take that your extreme position with regard to dealing with women.
@Claire Khaw i dont remember caring about what islam thinks
Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy You were selling Indulgences to @Brundlefly like the corrupt Catholic Church. It is interesting that Vincent called this move "lamo".
@Claire Khaw nothing about your arguments are compelling
Hail Christianity
Christianity is the answer to our problems
Church of Entropy
take it up with manager
Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy Your creation of the position of Manager is so you can pass the buck to him. I already know your transparently cowardly tactics.
@Claire Khaw the manager created the position
@Claire Khaw The manager manages the managed
@Claire Khaw you would be insta-banned
Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy Ah, so you were persuaded by @Brundlefly to create a position for him, were you? Very interesting. I thought it was your own idea!
@Claire Khaw persuaded? more like commanded
Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy Your manager will be giving you the black eye soon from the sound of things!
37:00 Chabad hysteria
42:00 Church of Entropy renounces her denial of the existence of Christ.
44:00 Brundle: "Let's fight the Noahide laws."
45:00 Brundle: "Entropism is subservient to my will. Entropism is falling in line and shutting up about Jesus, and I won't burn the witches."
Church of Entropy does not contradict him.
46:00 Brundle to me: "You are a hostile presence."
47:00 Brundle refers to "supremacist Jews".
Is Church of Entropy a vulnerable woman being bullied and exploited by Brundlefly, or is she the one dominating and manipulating him by pretending to be submissive? Are they in a co-dependent relationship? Should we care? https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/anxiety-zen/201609/6-signs-codependent-relationship
Thursday, 14 November 2019
The Origins of Anti-Semitism
The perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with liberalism which heralded Jewish emancipation causing Jews to labour under the misapprehension that they can be both good Jews and good liberals. What Jews seem to forget is that there is nothing liberal about Judaism. In any case, liberalism in the 21st century stands for nothing more than the degenerate sewage of feminist hegemony, gay marriage and transgenderism ie globohomo. It is the evil, insane and suicidal liberal agenda to turn our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah and attract the same punishment that is the problem.
Jews are now synonymous with liberalism and liberalism is hated by those who see it is represented by and benefiting Jews and the liberal elite who care nothing about the concerns of ordinary people.
There is no mention of the Noahide laws by Trudy Gold. It is not generally understood even by Jews themselves that the Noahide laws represent a minimum moral standard of government. It is pretty clear that Christianity falls below this minimum moral standard because of its idolatry while Islam more than satisfies it. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws
When Jews finally work up the courage to remind gentiles of the Noahide laws and point out that it is Islam that is more in harmony with them, they might just be hated less.
If gentiles already hate their own liberals, how much more will they hate the Liberal Jew?
Friday, 8 November 2019
alt-right Jew stream
3:00 You are a VOLCEL.
14:00 It's probably a improper to look at a woman lying on her back in her bed when you are looking at her. Even more improper if you are actually attracted to her.
18:00 So many people now don't know the meaning of fornication.
19:00 Vivian Veritas is hot, but she is a Jewess who knows more about Catholicism than Judaism.
33:00 My high verbal IQ is praised but in terms of looks I could have been no higher than a 5 in my prime.
34:00 I am more of a nefarious actor than Church of Entropy, according to Brundlefly.
36:00 Streaming is a form of self-expression. I suppose we all want to own a radio station so we can hear the sound of our own voices 24/7 because we are suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, probably, or have a message we feel must be propagated to save Western civilisation or whatever.
If you were an Old Testament Prophet or a revolutionary born in our times, you would be on YouTube as much as possible, wouldn't you?
44:00 Brundlefly is told by Judas about the moral imperative of the Noahide laws that oblige Jews to promote them to gentiles.
46:00 Church of Entropy has been told by Brundlefly - who is now her manager - to boycott me.
47:00 I never said I wouldn't have you on my channel, Judas! Where did you get the impression?
48:00 Secular Koranism conforms to the Noahide laws.
48:30 Christianity is kaput. Can any society do without a religion that maintains minimum moral standards of sexual morality?
1:00:00 I join.
1:02:00 I explain what happened at https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/11/men-who-virtue-signal-to-obtain-greater_6.html
Gay Hindu
1:03:00 Jon Vance and Ego Dik
1:05:00 "Pro-rapist", rape fantasies
1:06:00 "referral to the authorities"
1:07:00 Daring Conops to libel Jon Vance one more time under his real name.
1:08:00 "Hysterical little bitch"
1:09:00 Just Another Hindu
1:11:00 Anti-Noahides
1:12:00 Jews, Muslims and Unitarian Christians would be for the Noahide laws.
1:13:00 Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws while Islam more than satisfies them.
1:14:00 Secular Koranism which forbids usury would better protect gentiles from Jewish power since it would ban usury with quran.com/2/275.
Christianity's positions on usury has been hopelessly compromised by John Calvin who allowed usury and had Michael Servetus burned at the stake for denying the Trinity.
1:14:00 CONOPS joins.
1:16:00 Defamation
1:18:00 I accept Ego Dik's clarification about what he meant at https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/11/men-who-virtue-signal-to-obtain-greater_6.html from 4:35:00
1:20:00 The Koran
1:20:30 Multiple Truth Hypothesis
1:22:00 Progressive revelation
1:23:00 https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/11/men-who-virtue-signal-to-obtain-greater_6.html
1:24:00 "pro-rape"
1:25:00 Conops hysterically accuses me of "training rapists" and being "a rapist recruiter".
1:26:00 quran.com/4/16
1:26:30 Noahide laws https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."
1:27:00 ALLAH IS A ZIONIST https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/28575/allah-is-a-zionist
1:36:00 Doooovid doesn't have a wife because he's not really looking for one.
1:40:00 Secular Koranism is really another school of sharia. It is basically the Koran as I interpret it.
1:47:00 JON VANCE joins to explain Ego Dik's comments on rape and war on his channel.
1:50:00 Cultural Christians who don't even believe that Christ is the co equal of the Abrahamic God have no religious principles that they adhere to and no self respect.
1:54:00 Aaron Amihud joins to libel me.
1:58:00 There is nothing in the Koran any reasonable Jew should object to.
1:59:00 Aaron Amihud insists that Ego Dik was inciting the rape of Western women.
2:00:00 Jon Vance clarifies what Ego Dik.
2:02:00 Jon Vance accuses Aaron Amihud of being "a bystander to the gay disco by misrepresenting what Ego Dik said".
2:03:00 I explain again what I thought Ego Dik said.
2:04:00 I point out that Aaron Amihud should be aware that Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws. I have also previously discussed this with him.
2:05:00 Judaism on rape https://www.myjewishlearning.com/the-torch/how-do-the-rabbis-in-the-talmud-address-rape/
2:09:00 Secular Koranism is not a belief system but a legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists while protecting the patriarchy and guaranteeing freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256
2:10:00 Conops libellously implies that Jon Vance and Ego Dik think 12 year olds should be raped and carries on hysterically in this vein for minutes.
2:13:00 Hysterically, Conops accuses Doooovid of "not caring about the welfare of children" when he wanted to discuss something else other than rape.
2:15:00 Conops quotes the words of Ego Dik in order to portray him in the worst possible light without explaining the context and ignoring the repeated clarifications of Ego Dik. He also says Secular Koranism is in some way responsible for the rape of Western women.
2:16:00 Conops says he would like to hang people like Jon Vance from the highest tree. Who are people like Jon Vance? Secular Koranists? Why does he feel so threatened by a book of rules said to be from God Himself?
2:17:00 Conops refers to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oVCgVXPO8w where Ego Dik was heard to say that women would be raped in war from 46:50
Sunday, 3 November 2019
Friday, 1 November 2019
Thursday, 31 October 2019
The teleological approach to the Abrahamic God whose chosen people were Jews
6:00 Supersessionism
7:00 God's People
8:00 Teleology
9:00 The purpose of nonsense and lies
10:00 The Greatest Invention of all time
11:00 The teleology of God
12:00 The divisiveness of the generation gap
13:00 Disowning and disinheriting recalcitrant offspring
14:00 The higher your status the more restricted your choice of spouse
17:00 Why did God choose Jews for what?
18:00 Christians tried to invent a superior religion to Judaism, but it has crashed and burned.
19:00 The abused in turn become abusers in a chain of victimhood
20:00 The Trinity
21:00 Antisemitism and Islamophobia
22:00 The perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with liberalism.
23:00 A Christian revival in our lifetimes is unlikely even if we were all born yesterday.
24:00 An idolatrous absurdity
25:00 Comparative scripture
25:00 The Council of Nicea
26:00 The Blasphemy Act 1697 and Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
27:00 Why did God choose the Jews? http://rabbisacks.org/why-is-the-jewish-people-so-small-vaetchanan-5779/
29:00 National identity
30:00 Identity crisis and larping
31:00 Echo chamber
32:00 Children and their dress box
33:00 Nihilism is a byproduct of atheism.
34:00 Parental care and instruction or lack thereof
36:00 Parental authority
37:00 The fatherless
38:00 Breakdown of the rule of law
39:00 Guru–shishya tradition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru%E2%80%93shishya_tradition
50:00 God created a logical universe.
53:00 Pairings of opposites are key to understanding good and evil.
54:00 A universal religion had to start in a tribe.
55:00 Worshipping the most powerful deity conceivable
56:00 An eternal covenant was made by the Jews
57:00 The Koran is Zionist. https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/28575/allah-is-a-zionist
59:00 The Mandate of Heaven
1:00:00 Jade/Yellow Emperor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Emperor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Emperor
1:02:00 The War of Chinese Unification
1:03:00 The American Civil War was a war of American Unification.
1:04:00 Will archaeologists of the future suppose that Americans worshipped their Presidents?
1:05:00 Are Jews the mechanical hare?
1:06:00 According to Pascal, Jews are evidence of God's existence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf0MOBthZBU&t=8s
1:09:00 The borders of Israel have already been defined by the Torah.
1:10:00 The policeman in our heads
1:11:00 The flag and flagpole
1:21:00 Nihilists
Christianity and idolatry
5:00 Historicity
6:00 The miracle of the Koran
7:00 Divine source of the Torah
8:00 New Testament not from divine sources
9:00 The Torah and Koran are conceptually superior in that they are believed by Jews and Muslims to come from God
10:00 The New Testament is acknowledged by Christians to have been written by mortal men.
11:00 The Tabernacle
12:00 The Koran was revealed over 23 years when Muhammad was being political and military leader of Muslims.
13:00 The Hadith is hearsay as to what the Companions of the Prophet reported him to have said and done.
14:00 Secular Koranism rejects the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran.
15:00 The New Testament is full of unbelievable stories and vague extremist statements.
17:00 The Wars of the Reformation and the fragmentation of Christendom
18:00 The Great Schism
19:00 The prostrations required of Orthodox Christians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo1ocxKz7Q4&t=88s
21:00 The Doctrine of the Trinity
22:00 The role of the Holy Spirit is the Agent of God https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Spirit_in_Judaism
24:00 The 13 Principles of Judaism http://web.oru.edu/current_students/class_pages/grtheo/mmankins/drbyhmpg_files/GBIB766RabbLit/Chapter9Maimonides13Princ/index.html
26:00 The pantheism of Spinoza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8R06x5pY0c
27:00 Judaism is stricter - requiring the death penalty - about idolatry than Islam because Jews are only a tribe, while gentiles are far more in number than Jews
29:00 Why God might be offended by idolatry
30:00 Why the Normans assimilated and disappeared
31:00 Jews are the world's most ancient tribe
32:00 Judaism has preserved the existence of Jews.
33:00 Jews would be nothing without Judaism.
34:00 Nancy Pelosi
35:00 The adherents of the Abrahamic faiths don't practise their religious principles.
36:00 Ideological determinism and the neurosis caused when your nation and your people lose their identity through the failure of their religion
37:00 The irreligious alt-right eg Richard Spencer, Brutus, Greg Johnson
38:00 The Darwinian struggle for survival of the deities. The Titans and the Olympians
39:00 The advancement of civilisation is evidenced by the reduction in the number of deities.
40:00 Monotheism in Ancient Egypt https://aeon.co/essays/why-did-an-ancient-egyptian-king-erase-all-gods-but-aten
41:00 Catholicism v Protestantism
42:00 European monarchs looked to Rome as the centre of European civilisation
43:00 Holy Mary Mother of God http://catholicstraightanswers.com/why-do-we-call-mary-mother-of-god/
46:00 Iconoclasm https://aeon.co/essays/why-did-an-ancient-egyptian-king-erase-all-gods-but-aten
47:00 Jesus Charged with Blasphemy https://biblehub.com/library/maclaren/expositions_of_holy_scripture_b/jesus_charged_with_blasphemy.htm
48:00 Prophets of the Old Testament are regarded by Jews as sinning mortals.
50:00 Christianity has inconsistent positions on usury https://quran.com/2/275
53:00 Usury creates the boom-bust cycle
54:00 High property prices caused by usury.
55:00 Christians don't even care that they are idolatrous and that God has forbidden idolatry.
56:00 The corrupt bargain that is the Trinity
58:00 Catholic Ireland has fallen to gay marriage.
59:00 Hungary and Poland
1:00:00 Pope Benedict's investigation of the Vatican Bank
1:01:00 Cardinal Pell
1:02:00 Gay mafia in the Catholic Church
1:03:00 An even more liberal Pope after Francis?
1:04:00 Changing the law is the only way to change people's behaviour.
1:05:00 Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow.
1:06:00 You don't need to believe in God to believe in the moral imperative of restoring the patriarchy with slut-shaming Secular Koranism.
1:07:00 If the problem is matriarchy, then patriarchy is the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle.
1:08:00 Britain helped create Saudi Arabia https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/13543/analysis-britain-helped-create-saudi-arabia-establishment-wont-give-their-influence
1:09:00 Sharia dispenses with a parasitic priesthood.
1:10:00 Only God can forgive us our sins, no member of a corruptible priesthood has the capacity to forgive us our sins.
1:15:00 Confession was the Big Brother of the Middle Ages
1:16:00 Morality should not be an option but enforced by law.
1:17:00 God helps those who help themselves. If something should be done, then it must be done. If it must be done, then it should be done as soon as possible.
1:18:00 We don't want degenerate badly parented offspring.
1:19:00 I am accused of being utilitarian
1:20:00 Apathy and despair is stirred up obviously ineffective action.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Luana Fabri Goriss, Jewish with MA in Antisemitism, discusses Noachide
1:00 Luana on Koraniyule https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVUVJan2x7Q
3:00 Abrahamic faiths not following their religious principles
5:00 Not "second or third generation refugee"
6:00 Culture of victimhood
8:00 The dominant culture of gay marriage and transgenderism is not what any rational immigrant would want.
9:00 The slippery slope of gay marriage
10:00 UN agenda 2030 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I90ka-Br5CQ&
15:00 LGBT Jewish Schools pushed by Jewess https://www.thejc.com/education/education-features/ofsted-chief-we-dont-want-to-make-life-di%EF%AC%80icult-amanda-spielman-1.467645
18:00 Antisemitism, Kiddush Hashem, Chillul Hashem
19:00 Integration and assimilation. Jewishness is more than DNA.
22:00 Noahide laws
24:00 Light of the Nations
25:00 Israel recognises gay marriage
26:00 Theocracy
28:00 Deborah, Judge, Warrior and Prophetess https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/deborah
31:00 Jewish feminists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_feminists
33:00 The assimilated Jewish left5
34:00 The Jews who said kadish for Hamas terrorists
35:00 Jewish emancipation
36:00 The emancipated Jew were still hated and feared.
37:00 The changing face of the Jew is the changing fashions of hatred
38:00 Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.
40:00 Luana doesn't think Christianity has failed.
41:00 When the Noahide laws go, Christianity will go and the West will descend into tribal warfare.
42:00 The Al Aqsa Mosque is a hint to avoid establishing another corruptible priesthood.
43:00 Usury
44:00 Jews have Israel, where will Christians go when they are persecuted?
46:00 Countries who conduct pogrom descend into chaos and disorder.
47:00 The legalisation of gay marriage
48:00 Unprincipled people
49:00 Idolatrous Christians
51:00 Catholic Ireland has fallen to gay marriage.
52:00 Looking on the bright side.
53:00 Muslims are more likely to protest against gay marriage.
54:00 Why do religions fail?
55:00 Blasphemy
56:00 Are Jews more kiddush or chillul Hashem?
57:00 Religious Jews can be criminals too.
58:00 Stable and sustainable
59:00 Different levels of observance in different generations
1:00:00 Loss of tradition
1:02:00 Do Jews campaign for immigration?
1:03:00 HIAS
1:05:00 The Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all
1:06:00 The Abrahamic faiths
1:08:00 Christ was pleading the Fifth Amendment at his blasphemy trial.
1:09:00 The antisemitism of the New Testament
1:10:00 Jerome
1:11:00 The Virgin Birth
1:12:00 Jewish concepts
1:13:00 Greek concepts
1:15:00 Jews being claimed by gentiles.
1:16:00 If Jesus was really born of a virgin, then he could not have been the Messiah because the Messiah would be descended from the line of King David.
1:17:00 Jesus has no tribal lineage to King David.
1:18:00 John, Ignatius, Syria, Doctrine of the Virgin Birth
1:19:00 Abraham knew the laws.
1:20:00 Luana has read the Koran.
1:21:00 Muslim in Israel mistreating kittens.
1:22:00 Kosher and halal slaughter
1:23:00 BLOOD IN THE STREETS Eid Al-Adha animal sacrifice festival sees roads turn red with blood as cows are beheaded
1:24:00 Luana would rather well-treated free range chicken than battery farmed kosher chicken.
1:27:00 Islam cannot work without sharia.
1:31:00 Hillel and Jesus
1:32:00 Silver and Golden Rule
1:35:00 Losing sight of right and wrong. Lawlessness
12:36:00 Redefining the terms of the Natural Law v Legal Positivism debate
1:37:00 Theocracy
1:38:00 Divinely sourced, legal and morally authoritative
1:42:00 Narcissism and self-worship
1:43:00 The narcissism of human rights
1:45:00 Being nagged by the matriarchy into submission
1:46:00 The Fisherman and His Wife
1:47:00 Feminism
1:48:00 Division of labour
1:49:00 Complementary relationships not competitive relationships are the best relationships.
1:51:00 Fear of misgendering people
1:52:00 Our new religion is feminism.
1:53:00 The idolatry of Christianity
1:54:00 Unsustainable nonsensical agendas
1:55:00 Belief in God prevents nihilism.
1:56:00 Conscience and God
1:57:00 A sense of right and wrong
1:58:00 Empires have fallen while Jews still exist.
1:59:00 Conscience is divine law.
2:00:00 The sin of pride that causes narcissistic personality disorder
2:01:00 The shallow cult of youth and beauty
2:02:00 Population reduction and sustainable development
2:03:00 Climate change
2:04:00 Noah Yuval Harari
2:06:00 The coming of the Messiah
2:07:00 No more boundaries, no more rules.
2:08:00 The origins of degeneracy
2:11:00 The church, Michael Servetus, John Calvin, Martin Luther
2:13:00 Chabad
2:14:00 Christians and Muslims in turn protected Jews
2:16:00 Christians protesting more than Jews.
2:17:00 Muslims and Jews
2:18:00 The conversation ends.
2:21:00 EU and UN
2:23:00 Self-expression no longer allowed in the totalitarian West.
2:25:00 Is Truth, Logic and Morality allowed?
2:27:00 Boys forced to wear girls' clothes at school
2:30:00 Feminism and Liberalism
2:34:00 Rabbi Sacks not condemning gay marriage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/10264449/I-understand-gay-peoples-fears-says-Chief-Rabbi-Lord-Sacks.html
2:36:000 Rabbi Mizrachi
2:38:00 Israel
3:14:00 Baseless hatred and Lashon Hara
3:15:00 Being in charge
3:16:00 Rothschilds. There is no Jewish quota. The church forced Jews to be moneylenders.
3:17:00 The perceived Jewish problem is a problem with liberalism.
3:18:00 Jewish by DNA only
3:19:00 Jewish values are the values of the patriarchy: God, Family and Education
3:21:00 Blaming Jews is the easiest option.
3:22:00 Putin: Russian president says liberalism 'obsolete'
3:24:00 People with daddy issues tend to have a problem with authority figures eg God.
3:25:00 E Michael Jones, Arc-Antisemite
3:26:00 Be fruitful and multiply within wedlock.
3:27:00 The historic norm of marriage once destroyed leads to loss of identity.
3:28:00 The White Nationalist desire to ban all the Abrahamic faiths, expel Jews, Muslims and non-whites and then finally have a jolly old religious war to fight over which pagan god to worship.
3:29:00 Transgenderism will drive a rise in children being sent to religious schools.
3:31:00 Only one Abrahamic faith, according to Luana.
3:32:00 The woman with the Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all on usury
3:38:00 Usury and Jubilee
3:42:00 Antisemitism began with the Christians.
3:43:00 Selling Christianity to the gentiles was a marketing decision by Paul.
3:44:00 Gentiles swamped the Jewish Christian groups.
3:45:00 Separating Muslims from the Koran
3:53:00 Garment of the Jews
3:54:00 The Noahide laws are addressed to gentile nations.
3:55:00 Chabad
3:57:00 Ham sandwiches
3:58:00 Hem of the Jew https://biblehub.com/zechariah/8-23.htm
3:59:00 The Koran is Zionist.
4:02:00 Secular Koranism in Israel?
4:04:00 Orthodox rabbis in Australia on gay marriage
4:05:00 Lot was a judge in Sodom.
4:08:00 Abortion to birth
4:10:00 The sacralisation of the right to have extramarital sex
4:11:00 Rape victims and the morning after pill
4:12:00 Abortion, infanticide and murder
4:14:00 Sodom and Gomorrah
4:15:00 The Dead Sea
4:17:00 Christians speaking out against globohomo.
4:18:00 Rabbi Manis Friedman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJoR7QdjMA4 and Rabbi Sacks
4:19:00 Silence signals submission
4:24:00 Shopping on Shabbat
4:29:00 The women with wigs and gay people in synagogues
4:32:00 Get a room!
4:33:00 Slut-shaming quran.com/24/2
4:34:00 Shotgun wedding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shotgun_wedding
4:37:00 Decline in educational standards
4:38:00 Scott Morrison
4:41:00 Extinction rebellion
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Friday, 11 October 2019
Thursday, 10 October 2019
Secular Koranism as Chinese Group Evolutionary Strategy
I join from 2:33:00
According to Doooovid, I am promoting Secular Koranism as part of the Chinese group evolutionary strategy.
I think religion is another word for group evolutionary strategy.
Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, Islam divine civic nationalism.
Islam is "Judaism Lite", Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".
Christianity is of course kaput and the fact that Catholic Ireland fell to gay marriage is conclusive evidence of this.
How would slut-shaming Secular Koranism benefit the Chinese in particular? It would benefit any race or nation that adopted it if it wanted to protect, restore or establish the patriarchy.
Dooovid rightly says that it would subvert liberal democracy and feminism, but the alt-right also want to subvert liberal democracy and feminism.
The Russians have already said they don't think liberalism is doing the West much good and might be "obsolete". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48795764
The Chinese dropped hints to that effect before the Russians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M734o_17H_A
Just imagine being in such a bad way that those whom you think are your enemies are worried that you have gone mad and want to stop you from destroying yourselves and the rest of the world in the process.
Wednesday, 9 October 2019
Deism, Theism, Atheism and Nihilism
Adherence to any of the five world religions - belief that we were created by God to follow certain rules of morality in order to make ourselves worthy of having
1) an afterlife not in hell or
2) a next life that is not worse than the one we have.
Deism, the idea that God exists but does not know our hearts and minds, does not intervene in human affairs and is indifferent to us and never answers our prayers, leads to nihilism.
1) an afterlife not in hell or
2) a next life that is not worse than the one we have.
Deism, the idea that God exists but does not know our hearts and minds, does not intervene in human affairs and is indifferent to us and never answers our prayers, leads to nihilism.
Sunday, 6 October 2019
Thursday, 3 October 2019
Isaiah 56 and 57
1:00 Why is a Jew urging an idolatrous religion on gentiles? Christianity is obviously idolatrous.
2:00 Noahide laws
8:00 Why aren't you a "big fan of the afterlife" AKA olam haba, Aaron? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_to_come#Jewish_eschatology
9:00 Theocratic dictatorship
22:00 Judaism rests on the Sabbath.
25:00 Jews way back then wanted to protest against being victims of cultural appropriation?
48:00 Muslims don't have a Sabbath. Their "me time" is their 5x daily prayer.
50:00 The purpose of the Sabbath is "me time" for Jews to reflect on their lives, about politics and be with their family and friends once a week. Robots therefore don't need to rest, they just need to be well-maintained. Christians - if there are any still around - will still have the option of resting on Sundays.
54:00 What is this about the goyim being only "accessories to tikkun"? Adam was Noahide, surely? Jews did not come into being till the Torah was given Moses and Abraham was therefore Noahide in the course of becoming Jewish . http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/glass2/
1:13:00 When the business crashes and burns, the management will be blamed. Jews are the management. Why won't the management promote the Noahide laws they were specially chosen by God to do?
1:14:00 Is Judas sure that Hitler was autistic? From the sound of things, he was a charmer with excellent social skills.
1:20:00 Judas has no choice but to live with his parents and look after them FFS, Aaron. You must know he won't be able to get a job in Israel and that the cost of living and property prices in Israel is horrendous.
1:24:00 What could bring the Moshiach faster is if Israel becomes a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.
1:34:00 I am pretty damn consistent, Aaron.
1:35:00 I think all modest skirts should be below the knee.
Aaron, why are you being so butthurt about me giving Erika The Antisemite a wrench to protect her from being timed out in my chat by you that you have blocked me on all social media platforms? You really are behaving like a girl.
As for crashing your Hangout in your last stream, I really had thought you were giving me unmistakable come hither signals. I responded because you said no in such a yessy way and it seems you are now getting huffy with me and accusing me of date rape.
I suspect that what you say you are angry about is not really what you are angry about at all. You are just mad at me because you can't think of arguments against Israel becoming a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.
The Knesset should be renamed the Sanhedrin and be run on the following lines.
There were two classes of rabbinical courts called Sanhedrin, the Great Sanhedrin and the Lesser Sanhedrin. A lesser Sanhedrin of 23 judges was appointed to each city, but there was to be only one Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges, which among other roles acted as the Supreme Court, taking appeals from cases decided by lesser courts. In general usage, "The Sanhedrin" without qualifier normally refers to the Great Sanhedrin, which was composed of the Nasi, who functioned as head or representing president, and was a member of the court; the Av Beit Din or chief of the court, who was second to the nasi; and sixty-nine general members (Mufla).
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Sunday, 29 September 2019
A more natural and logical conception of God
When people lose faith in themselves, they are left with putting their faith in God. The Abrahamic faiths represent three different routes to the same deity.
If you are Christian and feeling exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims, you would feel that you are left with Islam if you want to remain a gentile. Islam is "Judaism Lite" and Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".
Also, if your faith depended on your capacity to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, it would weaken first compared to the one who believes that because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator and that Creator was the Abrahamic God who created a logical universe whose written instructions to mankind are contained in the Koran.
As my Consort Church of Entropy said, a religion is easier to believe if it requires less suspension of disbelief. She claims her Entropism is easier to believe because she equates God to the Universe. Her reasoning is that because the Universe obviously exists, so does God. However, all she has done is the equivalent of pointing to box of frogs in her room and saying "That box of frogs is God" and then claiming "I have pointed at God." This is of course pure sophistry and sleight of hand.
Having accepted the attributes of the Abrahamic God and His narrative, we would naturally be awed by this divine concept, particularly if it were the mere invention and imagination of a mortal man called Abraham. The story of Pygmalion is that Aphrodite answered his prayer by bringing to life the sculpture of the beautiful woman Pygmalion himself sculpted and yearned to marry.
If this was indeed how the Abrahamic God was created, then God is indeed greater than His Creation (who conceived of Him and conjured Him into existence by an act of imagination).
We don't literally need to believe in God. All that is necessary is that we consider the possibility that God might exist according to the Abrahamic narrative, and then consider the possibility that He might protect us and our society, nation and civilisation if we obeyed His laws. This is so low-maintenance that an agnostic such as myself naturally slips into this mode of thinking, which is now my default position. The high-maintenance belief of being Christian requiring the affirmation by the Christian concerned that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God can thus be rationally and readily abandoned because of its patent absurdity and idolatry in favour of a more natural, logical and non-idolatrous conception of the Abrahamic God.
If you are Christian and feeling exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims, you would feel that you are left with Islam if you want to remain a gentile. Islam is "Judaism Lite" and Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".
Also, if your faith depended on your capacity to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, it would weaken first compared to the one who believes that because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator and that Creator was the Abrahamic God who created a logical universe whose written instructions to mankind are contained in the Koran.
As my Consort Church of Entropy said, a religion is easier to believe if it requires less suspension of disbelief. She claims her Entropism is easier to believe because she equates God to the Universe. Her reasoning is that because the Universe obviously exists, so does God. However, all she has done is the equivalent of pointing to box of frogs in her room and saying "That box of frogs is God" and then claiming "I have pointed at God." This is of course pure sophistry and sleight of hand.
Having accepted the attributes of the Abrahamic God and His narrative, we would naturally be awed by this divine concept, particularly if it were the mere invention and imagination of a mortal man called Abraham. The story of Pygmalion is that Aphrodite answered his prayer by bringing to life the sculpture of the beautiful woman Pygmalion himself sculpted and yearned to marry.
If this was indeed how the Abrahamic God was created, then God is indeed greater than His Creation (who conceived of Him and conjured Him into existence by an act of imagination).
We don't literally need to believe in God. All that is necessary is that we consider the possibility that God might exist according to the Abrahamic narrative, and then consider the possibility that He might protect us and our society, nation and civilisation if we obeyed His laws. This is so low-maintenance that an agnostic such as myself naturally slips into this mode of thinking, which is now my default position. The high-maintenance belief of being Christian requiring the affirmation by the Christian concerned that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God can thus be rationally and readily abandoned because of its patent absurdity and idolatry in favour of a more natural, logical and non-idolatrous conception of the Abrahamic God.
Friday, 27 September 2019
I display the right degree of compassion and indulgence towards sluts and women to Israeli campaigner Aaron Amihud 3:06:00
1:34:00 Atheist Jews should be struck off the Register of Jews by their Registrar rabbi.
1:35:00 Why is the patriarchy "bullshit"? Wasn't Abraham a patriarch? ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarchs_(Bible)
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count [on you,] with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
1:37:00 If we believe in God and follow His laws, then we are the slaves of God, aren't we?
1:38:00 Jon's views on canon law are incoherent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_law
1:42:00 The liberal elite represents the matriarchy.
1:44:00 Jon is basically saying he is ashamed to be associated with the alt-right who are a bunch of marginalised degenerate losers. He complains about identity politics, but all politics are about identity anyway. We all have to start at the bottom and the bottom is full of bottom feeders, political pariahs, social retards and unmarriageable degenerates we would all disdain to be associated with if we had a choice, but we don't.
1:47:00 Who are the people Jon says I surround myself with influencing my worldview? What is their worldview?
1:54:00 The Claire and Jen streams have some wisdom, but not enough for Jon. Then Claire and Jen will try harder! Or we just need a good editor, or Jen needs to behave herself.
1:49:00 I never said I was Muslim and don't expect Muslims to like Secular Koranism. The Islamic scholar I spoke to was so horrified at Secular Koranism that he blocked me on Facebook to protect his students from my ideas.
The exchange Adassamad Clarke and Claire Khaw had on Secular Koranism
Abdassamad Clarke the Muslim scholar blocks Claire Khaw from his Facebook page
1:54:00 The Claire and Jen streams have some wisdom, but not enough for Jon. Then Claire and Jen will try harder! Or we just need a good editor, or Jen needs to behave herself.
1:57:00 Secular Koranism is not all the Muslims you hate. It has never been tried.
1:59:00 What does Jon mean when he says I do not "understand the straight and narrow path"?
2:00:00 You don't seem to be aware that a news blackout has been imposed on me.
2:01:00 Giving Erika a wrench to protect her from being timed out by Aaron is nothing to do with patriarchy.
2:01:00 You are still not getting it about Secular Koranism if you are still saying you must be Muslim to support Secular Koranism.
2:03:00 Theocratic Dictator Contest on 7 October 2019 mentioned at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJx73u41lcU At 1:59:00 I pointed out that I would definitely win if the Papal Conclave rules were used ie the winner would be chosen by the other contestants who could not vote for themselves. Jay is therefore not going to have the contest run on the Papal Conclave rules.
2:09:00 Jon points out that Church of Entropy is not really serious about her ideas as long as she gets to talk about them.
2:12:00 Who gives a shit about people who don't know what Brexit means? Is this level of ignorance now "normal" in degenerate Britain?
2:14:00 Jay: "Ignorance is a source of wisdom." This is the kind of shit Jay says. Damn right that kind of shit needs to go. Jay starts calling him drunk, Jon calls him a stupid fat fuck and a pathetic man. Aaron asks Jay why he worships his own stupidity. That is because he is a narcissist. He will worship himself, even if he is stupid. Westerners basically worship their own stupidity and degeneracy, which is why their civilisation is now a matriarchy going down the toilet.
2:22:00 Jay is apathetic because he hasn't got a proper religion capable of making him do the right thing. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5-7&version=NIV is all he ever quotes but it is mostly nonsense as you can see. The Catholic Church wanted William Tyndale dead for translating the Bible into English because they knew they could not explain nonsense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIRrs5bcFSQ&t=1119s
2:23:00 Con Opps represents effete apathy.
2:24:00 Con Opps seems to be saying that Jay is a kind of echo of the last person who spoke to him. Jon is disgusted by Jay. Jay starts shouting to drown out Jon who says he thinks Jay would rather record a murder than call the cops and wallows in ignorance when he approved of his friend who had no idea what Brexit is.
2:32:00 Jon Vance accuses Con Opps of having no principles.
2:34:00 Jon says he had hoped to discuss ideas rather than engage in personal drama. Jay accuses of Jon of starting with the personal drama. Aaron reminds Jay that it was he (Jay) who started calling Jon drunk after Jon accused him of moral apathy and wallowing in ignorance.
2:35:00 Jay pretends Jon wants him to talk about Brexit to the man who says he doesn't know what Brexit is about and who only wants to do his gardening, but Jon was not saying that at all. Jon was disgusted at Jay saying he wanted to be as ignorant as that man.
It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is only because they only know their own side of the question.
2:36:00 Con Opps say that that level of ignorance, of not even knowing what Brexit is, is not to described as wisdom.
2:37:00 Jay seems confused about the role of being a brother.
2:39:00 It is not safe for men to marry under the rules of no fault divorce but not even men who complain about feminism will propose the abolition of no fault divorce because they are already so cucked and unmarriageable the thought of marrying a woman actually triggers them.
2:42:00 Gay disco is a vacuum that Islam will move into, says Aaron.
2:45:00 Gay disco = the pill = fornication = bastardy = civil partnership = gay marriage = transgenderism
2:46:00 Con Opps is too effete to say he wants to change people's minds to effect political change.
2:49:00 Brutus the British and his hiring of a prostitute is mentioned as if that proved anything.
2:52:00 Jon's one party state
2:55:00 A one party state is about accountability, otherwise, the political parties will be passing the buck of blame round and round so fast it becomes a blur ....
3:00:00 Direct democracy
3:02:00 Nothing wrong with saying you are prepared to trust a principled elite to govern your one party state.
3:03:00 God is the policeman in your head
3:06:00 I join and am accused of being liberal. I talk to Dr Renee at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQY0qSZyF3E&t=468s
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
There is no need to literally believe in the Abrahamic God to enjoy the benefits of faith
All you have to do is consider the possibility that He might exist and then consider the possibility that He might help you if He approves of your actions.
Mine is a simple but robust apprehension of a deity that might have created the entire universe just to make us wonder at Him.
And even if He were entirely an idea conjured out of nothingness by mortal man, God is still greater than His Creation.
Mine is a simple but robust apprehension of a deity that might have created the entire universe just to make us wonder at Him.
And even if He were entirely an idea conjured out of nothingness by mortal man, God is still greater than His Creation.
Friday, 20 September 2019
The purpose of morality (which comes from religion) is to keep the group together
If you bother listening to this, you will see that the problem is that we have not defined basic terms such as morality.
It is not just a matter of the individual imparting minimal harm as Church of Entropy asserts at https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/2017/07/29/state-enforced-morality, but a matter of group survival. Sometimes, it is necessary and therefore moral to abandon your elders to the cold when they become old and weak, as the Inuit do, if you want to keep your way of life and function as a group distinct from others.
In other words, morality is for the purpose of preserving your group identity and following or not following its rules is evidence of the lengths to which you are prepared to go in order to do so ie make the sacrifices required by your religion eg marrying before having babies, staying with the spouse you are now disappointed, bored and irritated by for the sake of the children, keeping the Sabbath etc.
Jews, the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, were deprived of their homeland for 2000 years and still managed to get it back, demonstrating the success of Judaism.
Why might the Western gentile give up Christianity and adopt Islam? Because, properly advised, he would be able to see that Christianity has failed. We know Christianity has failed simply because the satanic laws emanating from the West that promote globohomo and transgenderism directly contradicts the scripture of the Abrahamic faiths.
All civilisations rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy. If President Trump really wants to make America great again, he would have to make America a patriarchy again.
Christianity has failed because it is based on an absurdity that the ancestors of the post-Christian Westerner was forced to believe in through state intimidation and persecution. Since Western governments lost the will to enforce the Blasphemy Act 1697, more and more Westerners found themselves lapsing into atheism and the degenerate sexual liberation that it inevitably leads to.
After the Americans separated the church from their state, it appears most unlikely that the US government would repeal the First Amendment in order to enforce belief in God on Americans.
It is also unlikely that the British would repeal the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 in order to let the full force of the Blasphemy Act 1697 resume its totalitarian control over the minds of Britons. Rather neatly, the Blasphemy Act itself was repealed in 1967 in a perfect transposition of numbers.
A quicker and easier way of reintroducing God to Westerners can be found through Secular Koranism while guaranteeing freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256
13:00 Theocracy is a big idea.
17:00 Christianity is kaput, democracy is dementia.
18:00 Being American
19:00 Feminism and Fornication
20:00 No fault divorce, affirmative action legislation
22:00 Curt Doolittle and my interview with him at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSmtH9ERvUg&t=4000s
23:00 Kavanaugh hearings in the US Supreme Court
25:00 quran.com/2/256 is the basis of the First Amendment
27:00 Secular Koranism http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2014/05/secular-koranism.html
28:00 Freedom of belief and free speech
30:00 Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?
Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
31:00 Valid and sound arguments
32:00 Calling liberalism theocracy confuses people. If the West had a theocracy based on promoting patriarchal moral values, Jews and gentiles would not be suffering from their identity crisis and promoting degenerate globohomo.
34:00 Another debate on Deism v Theism? Aztecs
35:00 Utilitarianism
37:00 Statecraft https://nationalinterest.org/feature/chinas-legalist-revival-15845?page=0%2C1
38:00 The National Interest
39:00 Defining the nation
40:00 Theocracy is a society that is governed by God's laws.
43:00 Our laws should reflect our political ideology.
45:00 Social cohesion and group solidarity
46:00 Morality is a system of rules designed to keep a group together and apart from others.
47:00 The Torah. Reinventing the wheel
48:00 Jews
49:00 AIPAC
50:00 A one party state would de-fang AIPAC.
55:00 Knowing what we are: tribe, nation or empire?
56:00 Religion. The French Revolution
57:00 Principles
59:00 https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/2017/07/29/state-enforced-morality/
1:02:00 Road safety under Secular Koranism
1:05:00 Morality may minimise harm but its purpose is to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
1:11:00 Stable and fair government
Morality is the individual imparting minimal harm.
It is not just a matter of the individual imparting minimal harm as Church of Entropy asserts at https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/2017/07/29/state-enforced-morality, but a matter of group survival. Sometimes, it is necessary and therefore moral to abandon your elders to the cold when they become old and weak, as the Inuit do, if you want to keep your way of life and function as a group distinct from others.
In other words, morality is for the purpose of preserving your group identity and following or not following its rules is evidence of the lengths to which you are prepared to go in order to do so ie make the sacrifices required by your religion eg marrying before having babies, staying with the spouse you are now disappointed, bored and irritated by for the sake of the children, keeping the Sabbath etc.
Jews, the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, were deprived of their homeland for 2000 years and still managed to get it back, demonstrating the success of Judaism.
Since we also know Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism, we also know that gentiles have a choice of two Abrahamic religions if they want to worship the Abrahamic God, obey His laws and worship the same supreme and eternal God the Jews do, which is clearly the source of their continuing existence and power.
Why might the Western gentile give up Christianity and adopt Islam? Because, properly advised, he would be able to see that Christianity has failed. We know Christianity has failed simply because the satanic laws emanating from the West that promote globohomo and transgenderism directly contradicts the scripture of the Abrahamic faiths.
All civilisations rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy. If President Trump really wants to make America great again, he would have to make America a patriarchy again.
Christianity has failed because it is based on an absurdity that the ancestors of the post-Christian Westerner was forced to believe in through state intimidation and persecution. Since Western governments lost the will to enforce the Blasphemy Act 1697, more and more Westerners found themselves lapsing into atheism and the degenerate sexual liberation that it inevitably leads to.
After the Americans separated the church from their state, it appears most unlikely that the US government would repeal the First Amendment in order to enforce belief in God on Americans.
It is also unlikely that the British would repeal the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 in order to let the full force of the Blasphemy Act 1697 resume its totalitarian control over the minds of Britons. Rather neatly, the Blasphemy Act itself was repealed in 1967 in a perfect transposition of numbers.
A quicker and easier way of reintroducing God to Westerners can be found through Secular Koranism while guaranteeing freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256
13:00 Theocracy is a big idea.
17:00 Christianity is kaput, democracy is dementia.
18:00 Being American
19:00 Feminism and Fornication
20:00 No fault divorce, affirmative action legislation
22:00 Curt Doolittle and my interview with him at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSmtH9ERvUg&t=4000s
23:00 Kavanaugh hearings in the US Supreme Court
25:00 quran.com/2/256 is the basis of the First Amendment
27:00 Secular Koranism http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2014/05/secular-koranism.html
28:00 Freedom of belief and free speech
30:00 Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?
Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
31:00 Valid and sound arguments
32:00 Calling liberalism theocracy confuses people. If the West had a theocracy based on promoting patriarchal moral values, Jews and gentiles would not be suffering from their identity crisis and promoting degenerate globohomo.
34:00 Another debate on Deism v Theism? Aztecs
35:00 Utilitarianism
37:00 Statecraft https://nationalinterest.org/feature/chinas-legalist-revival-15845?page=0%2C1
38:00 The National Interest
39:00 Defining the nation
40:00 Theocracy is a society that is governed by God's laws.
43:00 Our laws should reflect our political ideology.
45:00 Social cohesion and group solidarity
46:00 Morality is a system of rules designed to keep a group together and apart from others.
47:00 The Torah. Reinventing the wheel
48:00 Jews
49:00 AIPAC
50:00 A one party state would de-fang AIPAC.
55:00 Knowing what we are: tribe, nation or empire?
56:00 Religion. The French Revolution
57:00 Principles
59:00 https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/2017/07/29/state-enforced-morality/
1:02:00 Road safety under Secular Koranism
1:05:00 Morality may minimise harm but its purpose is to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
1:11:00 Stable and fair government
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Why antisemites should also celebrate Yom Kippur
2:00 Fiction and non-fiction
5:00 Otto von Bismarck
9:00 Adam and Eve
11:00 Orpheus https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nymphs_finding_the_Head_of_Orpheus.jpg
12:00 Moses
13:00 Monteverdi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3MSL3nq2vI
15:00 Infantry square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry_square
19:00 John Humphrys asks Tony Blair "Is the two party system fatally flawed anyway?" https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0008jd0
27:00 Neoliberalism, globalism, Jews and antisemitism
28:00 Conspiracy theories
29:00 Neo-paganism
30:00 The Western Wars of Religion
32:00 The Vedas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas
33:00 The Koran, The Talmud and the Noahide laws
34:00 Degeneracy
35:00 Redemption and the correction of error
36:00 The Koran is Zionist.
40:00 Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality
41:00 Rabbi Sacks
46:00 Conspiracy theories are really an expression of people's hatred of their government.
47:00 History, Herodotus, Thucydides
51:00 Monarchy is unviable and unsustainable.
52:00 King Solomon and his 300 wives and 700 concubines
52:30 One party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism
55:00 https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/09/fight-or-flight.html
56:00 Roger Scruton
57:00 Moses
1:02:00 quran.com/18/4
1:02:30 Answers to my questions on Christian idolatry and Shia sectarianism https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/09/answers-to-my-questions-on-christian.html
1:03:00 Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad
1:04:00 Israel should be a theocracy.
1:04:30 Islam = Judaism Lite. Secular Koranism = Islam Lite is in the Goldilocks Zone https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Goldilocks_zone
1:05:00 Secular Koranism and the First Amendment support each other.
1:06:00 Churchill the warmonger leading Britain into its Thucydides Trap
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Muslim woman attracted to the alt-right because of its antisemitism being economical with the truth
13:00 When was "Christianity in its original form" practised?
14:00 Telling you what the Koran says is "not playing God".
23:00 Demonstrate what?
24:00 I don't "scream about Islam", I promote Secular Koranism. http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2014/05/secular-koranism.html
26:00 I never called Amanda an apostate. She is lying.
28:00 Amanda saying of Dooovid on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeGAQ1853_0: "I wanted to burn his house down. "
Amanda is attracted to the alt-right because of its antisemitism.
39:00 Amanda says she doesn't trust herself to speak about Jews and Judaism because she knows it is hate speech.
50:00 Amanda says "Islam is closer to Judaism."
It is very interesting that Amanda did not mention http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=18&verse=4 at all.
Next time you speak to her, perhaps you would like to ask if she and I have discussed this verse. This is an excellent example of being economical with the truth.
Kashif Shahzada (previously interviewed by Pilleater/Francis Nally) answers my questions on Christian idolatry and Shia sectarianism
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Are Jews and Muslims doing what they are supposed to be doing for the gentile non-Muslim?
Prophets are givers of unwanted advice to nations, empires and entire civilisations and are sometimes imprisoned and executed for their efforts. Shall I aspire to be an prophetess or am I already one? If my success as a prophetess is uncertain, let there be no mistake that this is what I intend.
My message is simple: it is not too late to repent, even after 2000 years of idolatry.
The fact that God has not yet zapped the West after 2000 years of idolatry is evidence of His patience, but it is not inexhaustible.
It should have been obviously long ago that worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God is ipso facto idolatry, and idolatry has been specifically and explicitly forbidden by the Abrahamic God Christians claim to worship in His Commandments.
That Christians claim to worship the Abrahamic God while blatantly practising the idolatry He has forbidden is one of the infamous exhibitions of doublethink and pious hypocrisy.
If Jews are indeed light of the nations and Muslims indeed those who enjoin good and forbid evil, they would have issued their joint statement denouncing the idolatry of Christianity as soon as it became possible to do so without being burned at the stake.
Since the danger of this happening has receded through the centuries, the time for doing this is now ripe. There is therefore now no excuse for the cowardice of Jews and Muslims.
I have in mind Rabbi Sacks and Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad holding a press conference to this effect.
It only has to be pointed out that Christianity is less in conformity with the Noahide laws because of its idolatry than Islam (which more than satisfies its minimum moral standards because it does not fall foul of the Commandment against idolatry). When this is finally made clear and understood, the way to the right path will become clear.
My message is simple: it is not too late to repent, even after 2000 years of idolatry.
The fact that God has not yet zapped the West after 2000 years of idolatry is evidence of His patience, but it is not inexhaustible.
It should have been obviously long ago that worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God is ipso facto idolatry, and idolatry has been specifically and explicitly forbidden by the Abrahamic God Christians claim to worship in His Commandments.
That Christians claim to worship the Abrahamic God while blatantly practising the idolatry He has forbidden is one of the infamous exhibitions of doublethink and pious hypocrisy.
If Jews are indeed light of the nations and Muslims indeed those who enjoin good and forbid evil, they would have issued their joint statement denouncing the idolatry of Christianity as soon as it became possible to do so without being burned at the stake.
Since the danger of this happening has receded through the centuries, the time for doing this is now ripe. There is therefore now no excuse for the cowardice of Jews and Muslims.
I have in mind Rabbi Sacks and Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad holding a press conference to this effect.
It only has to be pointed out that Christianity is less in conformity with the Noahide laws because of its idolatry than Islam (which more than satisfies its minimum moral standards because it does not fall foul of the Commandment against idolatry). When this is finally made clear and understood, the way to the right path will become clear.
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Are there even ten honourable and influential men in the entire West?
Why did Abraham stop at ten in Genesis 18:32?
1. David Runciman - https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2018/06/western-democracy-falters-and-looks-to.html
2. John Mearsheimer - The Israel Lobby https://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/john-mearsheimer/the-israel-lobby
3. Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby https://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n09/letters
4. Daniel Bell - The China Model https://press.princeton.edu/titles/10418.html
5. Alan Dershowitz https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/alan-dershowitz-intersectionality-is-a-code-word-for-anti-semitism
6. Rabbi Sacks "The Noahide covenant is universal, with its seven basic moral commands. These are the minimal requirements of humanity as such, the foundations of any decent society." http://rabbisacks.org/universal-particular-mikketz-5779/
7. Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad https://islam4europeans.com/2018/03/21/julius-evola-traditionalist-school-abdal-hakim-murad/
8. Peter Lavelle https://akarlin.com/2010/08/interview-peter-lavelle/
9. John Laughland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Laughland
10. John Gray https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2019/03/brexit-has-left-british-political-class-trapped-its-own-history
11. Peter Hitchens https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-7318515/PETER-HITCHENS-police-bigger-threat-freedom-Putin.html
12. Steve Baker MP https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/05/18/steve-baker-determined-principled-leader-need-troubled-times/
13. Matthew Goodwin - National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7220895/PROFESSOR-MATTHEW-GOODWIN-Brexit-Partys-EU-protest-justified.html
14. Roger Scruton https://www.roger-scruton.com/articles/601-roger-scruton-is-a-friend-not-a-foe-of-islam-spectator-blog-april-19
15. Philip Davis MP https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/13/anti-feminist-tory-mp-philip-davies-elected-to-equalities-committee
16. John Baron MP http://www.politeia.co.uk/mosul-matters-a-wake-up-call-for-foreign-policy-by-john-baron-mp/
17. Frank Field MP https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/dec/08/government-debt-gilt-sales
18. David Goodhart - The Road to Somewhere https://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/mar/27/why-left-wrong-mass-immigration
19. Maurice Glasman https://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/dan-hodges/2011/07/blue-labour-maurice-glasman
20. General Wesley Clark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNt7s_Wed_4
21. Ollie Anisfeld https://radicalisedrabbi.blogspot.com/2019/04/how-does-judaism-view-christianity-islam.html
22. Lance Anisfeld https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-the-brexit-party-european-election-candidates-but-were-afraid-to-ask/22/05/
23. Tim Martin https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1147289/brexit-news-tim-martin-brexit-party-rally-wetherspoons-brexit
24. Ann Coulter (Honorary Man) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K5z7vwJg58
25. Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/rabbi-mizrachi-chief-rabbi-is-going-to-bring-a-holocaust-on-the-jews-in-england-1.481840
21. Paul Craig Roberts https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2019/05/15/trump-is-being-set-up-for-war-with-iran/
22. Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/28575/allah-is-a-zionist
Secular Koranism
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Why Secular Koranism is called Secular Koranism
It is called secular because Secular Koranism is a one-size fits all legal system that is intended to accommodate atheists to polytheists ie those in between.
You do not have to believe in God to see that marriage is eugenic and should therefore be supported on that ground alone, whether or not you believe in God.
If you want to preserve the quality of your people, society, nation and civilisation, then you must be prepared to make the sacrifices of marriage to do this.
What about those of you who are unmarriageable and are too old to be parents?
You could still be part of this project because even if you were gay or never wanted offspring or couldn't have them for a medical reason, because you could still agree that you were born of a man and a woman and that marriage is a child protection service.
You do not have to believe in God to see that marriage is eugenic and should therefore be supported on that ground alone, whether or not you believe in God.
If you want to preserve the quality of your people, society, nation and civilisation, then you must be prepared to make the sacrifices of marriage to do this.
What about those of you who are unmarriageable and are too old to be parents?
You could still be part of this project because even if you were gay or never wanted offspring or couldn't have them for a medical reason, because you could still agree that you were born of a man and a woman and that marriage is a child protection service.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
A most interesting theological discussion I had with a Jew from Jerusalem
5:00 The debate I had with Church of Entropy on whether God is personal or impersonal https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-debate-everyone-said-i-lost-with.html
7:00 The difference between valid and sound arguments
8:00 The omniscient God that knows our hearts and minds http://web.oru.edu/current_students/class_pages/grtheo/mmankins/drbyhmpg_files/GBIB766RabbLit/Chapter9Maimonides13Princ/index.html
9:00 Anthropomorphism
11:00 The role of the Holy Spirit
11:30 Holy Mary Mother of God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSdLG0sHv3g
13:00 Einstein's view of God
14:00 Church of Entropy arguing for an impersonal God talking about "the personality of God"
15:00 God does not break His own laws after creating a logical universe.
16:00 The New Testament does not even claim to be from a divine source. Was the Council of Nicea which cooked up the absurd doctrine of the Trinity that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God divine? Of course not.
19:00 Church of Entropy cannot be both a pantheist and a panentheist because of the law of the excluded middle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_excluded_middle
22:00 Church of Entropy talks illogically about the uncreated universe being created by God.
23:00 Church of Entropy deliberately complicates things to confuse people and blind them with science and her expertise so she always wins.
25:00 Church of Entropy and I both used utilitarian arguments ie that an impersonal/personal God would encourage more morality.
26:00 Pagan empires would also fight each other. Christians started two World Wars and if there is a WW3, Christians will have started it too.
28:00 Jews who already know about the dangers of idolatry should be harder on Christians about their idolatry.
30:00 Panpsychism
31:00 Why Jews are God's Chosen People http://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-bemidbar-love-as-law-law-as-love/
35:00 Kosher Jesus
36:00 Supersessionism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supersessionism
37:00 Allah is a Zionist. https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/28575/allah-is-a-zionist
38:00 Secular Koranism does not require Muslims to interpret it. An Israel consisting entirely of Jews could still interpret Secular Koranism without any assistance from Muslims.
41:00 A lower standard of theocracy is Secular Koranism. Secular Torahism would be far too harsh on Jews requiring Jews to stone each other to death for breaking the Sabbath or picking up sticks on the Sabbath.
44:00 The necessity of laws to enforce our morality. It is not enough to just occasionally tune in to God.
45:00 Laws can only at most discourage but never eradicate the undesired behaviour.
48:00 Gentiles in Israel at Sukkot.
50:00 Tacitus: "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous its laws."
Claire Khaw: "Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow."
53:00 Theocracy https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/679190/jewish/A-Lesson-from-the-Borders.htm
56:00 Jews, Christians and Muslims break their own rules. They should know about each other's religious principles and police each other's behaviour.
59:00 Israel needs to declare independence from America to fulfil its divine destiny.
1:00:00 Liberal democracy in Israel is undermining Judaism.
1:01:00 Democracy is about our politicians sharing the blame with us for our collective stupidity, ignorance, incompetence and corruption.
1:02:00 Judaism and Islam reject monarchy.
1:03:00 Measuring wisdom
1:04:00 The Hasmoneans and the separation of powers
1:05:00 Before Jews had Kings, they had Judges - when the judiciary was the quasi-priesthood of the Jews
1:07:00 King Solomon and his 300 wives and 700 concubines
1:08:00 Church of Entropy: "One law for me, and another for thee!"
1:09:00 Judaism treats its prophets as mortal sinful men which is not as stupid-making as regarding an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God or insisting that Muhammad was sinless.
1:12:00 Jews and Muslims should police each other's behaviour by studying each other's religious principles and calling each other out when they are seen to be breaking their own rules.
1:13:00 Doooovid claiming that Judaism was tolerance.
1:14:00 Doooovid does not justify his idolatry as Hare Krishna.
1:16:00 Jews have not been calling out Christians out on their idolatry. God is punishing Jews for their neglect of their duty to the gentile.
1:17:00 Christianity should be seen as the bridge between idolatry and monotheism. Don't go back to worshipping Odin/Wotan, Gandalf!
1:18:00 Jews have great difficulty accepting the reality of their Covenant with God and its burdens.
1:19:00 The best theological discussions I have had are with Jews and Muslims. Christians absolutely refuse to discuss their idolatry because they already know that a Sistine Chapel full of Catholic Cardinals could not successfully defend Christianity from the undeniable accusation of idolatry. Christians are more invested in the abomination of their idolatry than in the correct worship of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.
1:20:00 Melchy claims that Jews as God's Chosen People have been superseded by Christians who are God's People.
1:22:00 If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it is probably a duck. This is true of Christian idolatry. Ultimately, Christians worship themselves and their own idolatry. Aaron points out that they don't even cling to their idolatry because so many white gentiles are not Christian and actually actively reject it. The failure of Western civilisation is correlated to the failure of Western men to engage with their own religious principles.
1:23:00 The Doctrine of the Trinity is so unbelievable and absurd that Christians had to pass oppressive laws eg Blasphemy Act 1697 so they could burn each other at the stake for heresy if any of them denied the co-equal status of an executed revolutionary with the eternal and supreme Abrahamic God. Michael Servetus was a victim of John Calvin, an evil man who said it was OK for Christians to practise usury.
1:24:00 Western Christians don't know the history of the horrors of the totalitarian intolerance of Christianity.
1:25:00 The Post-Christian hate and fear Jews and Muslims while envying them their group solidarity but refusing to make sacrifices to achieve this because they think they are too cool for rules.
1:27:00 Comparing the Day of the Atonement with the stupidity of Christmas of borrowing money you don't have to buy things people don't want repeating the same mistake again and again and again while hating and fearing Jews and Muslims for having their more effective religions.
1:29:00 The Noahide laws
1:30:00 The Talmud
1:33:00 There is no need to executed gentiles guilty of idolatry.
1:34:00 The least rabbis in the diaspora can do is denounce gay marriage, transgenderism, sexual immorality and idolatry. God must be punishing Jews because they have been neglecting their duty to the gentile for 2000 years. This must be so because Christians have been guilty of idolatry for 2000 years.
1:35:00 I point out that the Torah does not forbid father/daughter sexual relations. https://thetorah.com/does-the-torah-prohibit-father-daughter-incest/
1:38:00 For Jews to be light unto the nations is to remind gentiles to keep to the Noahide laws.
1:39:00 It is now time for Israel to declare independence from America, the Great Satan. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2015/09/great-satan-150920072643884.html
1:41:00 Americans would be horrified if Israel became a theocracy.
1:42:00 America and Israel are analogous to husband and wife. Maybe it is time to get a divorce if Jews are to fulfil their divine destiny.
1:43:00 A great Israeli way of getting illegal immigrants to go home.
1:45:00 The West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human.
1:46:00 Satan is rebellion from God. To be satanic is to directly go against Biblical and Koranic principles.
1:48:00 The divinely defined borders of Israel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Israel
1:50:00 Losing your identity is like losing your memory after suffering from dementia.
1:51:00 Man shall not live on bread alone. https://biblehub.com/matthew/4-4.htm
1:55:00 I confirm my agnosticism.
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